blob: afb2b3df716ebda7e0b2828b9518dcfcbae60a06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Having a cycle in assoc. type defaults is okay...
trait Tr {
type A = Self::B;
type B = Self::A;
impl Tr for () {}
impl Tr for u8 {
type A = u8;
impl Tr for u16 {
type B = ();
impl Tr for u32 {
type A = ();
type B = u8;
// ...but not in an impl that redefines one of the types.
impl Tr for bool {
type A = Box<Self::B>;
//~^ ERROR type mismatch resolving `<bool as Tr>::B == _`
// (the error is shown twice for some reason)
impl Tr for usize {
type B = &'static Self::A;
//~^ ERROR type mismatch resolving `<usize as Tr>::A == _`
fn main() {
// We don't check that the types project correctly because the cycle errors stop compilation
// before `main` is type-checked.
// `` does this.