blob: 73b23da5bcb66528d55385ef3179ca718852de42 [file] [log] [blame]
// This test documents that `type Out = Box<dyn Bar<Assoc: Copy>>;`
// is allowed and will correctly reject an opaque `type Out` which
// does not satisfy the bound `<TheType as Bar>::Assoc: Copy`.
// FIXME(rust-lang/lang): I think this behavior is logical if we want to allow
// `dyn Trait<Assoc: Bound>` but we should decide if we want that. // Centril
// Additionally, as reported in,
// we check that the spans for the error message are sane here.
fn main() {}
trait Bar {
type Assoc;
trait Thing {
type Out;
fn func() -> Self::Out;
struct AssocNoCopy;
impl Bar for AssocNoCopy {
type Assoc = String;
impl Thing for AssocNoCopy {
type Out = Box<dyn Bar<Assoc: Copy>>;
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `String: Copy` is not satisfied
//~| ERROR the trait bound `String: Copy` is not satisfied
fn func() -> Self::Out {