blob: 8070e90f155df885251218a1731545c4e776b40e [file] [log] [blame]
# This script installs clang on the local machine. Note that we don't install
# clang on Linux since its compiler story is just so different. Each container
# has its own toolchain configured appropriately already.
set -euo pipefail
source "$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)/../"
# Update both macOS's and Windows's tarballs when bumping the version here.
if isMacOS; then
# If the job selects a specific Xcode version, use that instead of
# downloading our own version.
if [[ ${USE_XCODE_CLANG-0} -eq 1 ]]; then
bindir="$(xcode-select --print-path)/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin"
curl -f "${file}" | tar xJf -
ciCommandSetEnv CC "${bindir}/clang"
ciCommandSetEnv CXX "${bindir}/clang++"
# macOS 10.15 onwards doesn't have libraries in /usr/include anymore: those
# are now located deep into the filesystem, under Xcode's own files. The
# native clang is configured to use the correct path, but our custom one
# doesn't. This sets the SDKROOT environment variable to the SDK so that
# our own clang can figure out the correct include path on its own.
ciCommandSetEnv SDKROOT "$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)"
# Configure `AR` specifically so rustbuild doesn't try to infer it as
# `clang-ar` by accident.
ciCommandSetEnv AR "ar"
elif isWindows && [[ ${CUSTOM_MINGW-0} -ne 1 ]]; then
# If we're compiling for MSVC then we, like most other distribution builders,
# switch to clang as the compiler. This'll allow us eventually to enable LTO
# amongst LLVM and rustc. Note that we only do this on MSVC as I don't think
# clang has an output mode compatible with MinGW that we need. If it does we
# should switch to clang for MinGW as well!
# Note that the LLVM installer is an NSIS installer
# Original downloaded here came from:
# That installer was run through `wine ./installer.exe /S /NCRC` on Linux
# and then the resulting installation directory (found in
# `$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/LLVM`) was packaged up into a tarball.
# We've had issues otherwise that the installer will randomly hang, provide
# not a lot of useful information, pollute global state, etc. In general the
# tarball is just more confined and easier to deal with when working with
# various CI environments.
mkdir -p citools
cd citools
curl -f "${MIRRORS_BASE}/LLVM-${LLVM_VERSION}-win64.tar.gz" | tar xzf -
"${RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS} --set llvm.clang-cl=$(pwd)/clang-rust/bin/clang-cl.exe"