blob: 0f9b2ff5ab81ef798d8ba1041639c80848ae4185 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::transform::MirPass;
use rustc_middle::mir::*;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
pub struct MatchBranchSimplification;
/// If a source block is found that switches between two blocks that are exactly
/// the same modulo const bool assignments (e.g., one assigns true another false
/// to the same place), merge a target block statements into the source block,
/// using Eq / Ne comparison with switch value where const bools value differ.
/// For example:
/// ```rust
/// bb0: {
/// switchInt(move _3) -> [42_isize: bb1, otherwise: bb2];
/// }
/// bb1: {
/// _2 = const true;
/// goto -> bb3;
/// }
/// bb2: {
/// _2 = const false;
/// goto -> bb3;
/// }
/// ```
/// into:
/// ```rust
/// bb0: {
/// _2 = Eq(move _3, const 42_isize);
/// goto -> bb3;
/// }
/// ```
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for MatchBranchSimplification {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
// FIXME: This optimization can result in unsoundness, because it introduces
// additional uses of a place holding the discriminant value without ensuring that
// it is valid to do so.
if !tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.unsound_mir_opts {
let param_env = tcx.param_env(body.source.def_id());
let bbs = body.basic_blocks_mut();
'outer: for bb_idx in bbs.indices() {
let (discr, val, switch_ty, first, second) = match bbs[bb_idx].terminator().kind {
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt {
discr: Operand::Copy(ref place) | Operand::Move(ref place),
ref targets,
} if targets.iter().len() == 1 => {
let (value, target) = targets.iter().next().unwrap();
if target == targets.otherwise() {
(place, value, switch_ty, target, targets.otherwise())
// Only optimize switch int statements
_ => continue,
// Check that destinations are identical, and if not, then don't optimize this block
if &bbs[first].terminator().kind != &bbs[second].terminator().kind {
// Check that blocks are assignments of consts to the same place or same statement,
// and match up 1-1, if not don't optimize this block.
let first_stmts = &bbs[first].statements;
let scnd_stmts = &bbs[second].statements;
if first_stmts.len() != scnd_stmts.len() {
for (f, s) in first_stmts.iter().zip(scnd_stmts.iter()) {
match (&f.kind, &s.kind) {
// If two statements are exactly the same, we can optimize.
(f_s, s_s) if f_s == s_s => {}
// If two statements are const bool assignments to the same place, we can optimize.
StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs_f, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(f_c)))),
StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs_s, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(s_c)))),
) if lhs_f == lhs_s
&& f_c.literal.ty.is_bool()
&& s_c.literal.ty.is_bool()
&& f_c.literal.try_eval_bool(tcx, param_env).is_some()
&& s_c.literal.try_eval_bool(tcx, param_env).is_some() => {}
// Otherwise we cannot optimize. Try another block.
_ => continue 'outer,
// Take ownership of items now that we know we can optimize.
let discr = discr.clone();
// We already checked that first and second are different blocks,
// and bb_idx has a different terminator from both of them.
let (from, first, second) = bbs.pick3_mut(bb_idx, first, second);
let new_stmts = first.statements.iter().zip(second.statements.iter()).map(|(f, s)| {
match (&f.kind, &s.kind) {
(f_s, s_s) if f_s == s_s => (*f).clone(),
StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(f_c)))),
StatementKind::Assign(box (_, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(s_c)))),
) => {
// From earlier loop we know that we are dealing with bool constants only:
let f_b = f_c.literal.try_eval_bool(tcx, param_env).unwrap();
let s_b = s_c.literal.try_eval_bool(tcx, param_env).unwrap();
if f_b == s_b {
// Same value in both blocks. Use statement as is.
} else {
// Different value between blocks. Make value conditional on switch condition.
let size = tcx.layout_of(param_env.and(switch_ty)).unwrap().size;
let const_cmp = Operand::const_from_scalar(
crate::interpret::Scalar::from_uint(val, size),
let op = if f_b { BinOp::Eq } else { BinOp::Ne };
let rhs = Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, Operand::Copy(discr.clone()), const_cmp);
Statement {
source_info: f.source_info,
kind: StatementKind::Assign(box (*lhs, rhs)),
_ => unreachable!(),
from.terminator_mut().kind = first.terminator().kind.clone();