blob: 6824c73ab60a05f69ffa00f1813b6c709469890c [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::transform::MirPass;
use crate::util::pretty;
use crate::util::spanview::{self, SpanViewable};
use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::Fingerprint;
use rustc_data_structures::graph::dominators::Dominators;
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::hir;
use rustc_middle::hir::map::blocks::FnLikeNode;
use rustc_middle::ich::StableHashingContext;
use rustc_middle::mir;
use rustc_middle::mir::coverage::*;
use rustc_middle::mir::visit::Visitor;
use rustc_middle::mir::{
AggregateKind, BasicBlock, BasicBlockData, Coverage, CoverageInfo, FakeReadCause, Location,
Rvalue, SourceInfo, Statement, StatementKind, Terminator, TerminatorKind,
use rustc_middle::ty::query::Providers;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_span::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_span::source_map::original_sp;
use rustc_span::{BytePos, CharPos, Pos, SourceFile, Span, Symbol, SyntaxContext};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
const ID_SEPARATOR: &str = ",";
/// Inserts `StatementKind::Coverage` statements that either instrument the binary with injected
/// counters, via intrinsic `llvm.instrprof.increment`, and/or inject metadata used during codegen
/// to construct the coverage map.
pub struct InstrumentCoverage;
/// The `query` provider for `CoverageInfo`, requested by `codegen_coverage()` (to inject each
/// counter) and `FunctionCoverage::new()` (to extract the coverage map metadata from the MIR).
pub(crate) fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
providers.coverageinfo = |tcx, def_id| coverageinfo_from_mir(tcx, def_id);
/// The `num_counters` argument to `llvm.instrprof.increment` is the max counter_id + 1, or in
/// other words, the number of counter value references injected into the MIR (plus 1 for the
/// reserved `ZERO` counter, which uses counter ID `0` when included in an expression). Injected
/// counters have a counter ID from `1..num_counters-1`.
/// `num_expressions` is the number of counter expressions added to the MIR body.
/// Both `num_counters` and `num_expressions` are used to initialize new vectors, during backend
/// code generate, to lookup counters and expressions by simple u32 indexes.
/// MIR optimization may split and duplicate some BasicBlock sequences, or optimize out some code
/// including injected counters. (It is OK if some counters are optimized out, but those counters
/// are still included in the total `num_counters` or `num_expressions`.) Simply counting the
/// calls may not work; but computing the number of counters or expressions by adding `1` to the
/// highest ID (for a given instrumented function) is valid.
struct CoverageVisitor {
info: CoverageInfo,
impl Visitor<'_> for CoverageVisitor {
fn visit_coverage(&mut self, coverage: &Coverage, _location: Location) {
match coverage.kind {
CoverageKind::Counter { id, .. } => {
let counter_id = u32::from(id); = std::cmp::max(, counter_id + 1);
CoverageKind::Expression { id, .. } => {
let expression_index = u32::MAX - u32::from(id); =
std::cmp::max(, expression_index + 1);
_ => {}
fn coverageinfo_from_mir<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> CoverageInfo {
let mir_body = tcx.optimized_mir(def_id);
let mut coverage_visitor =
CoverageVisitor { info: CoverageInfo { num_counters: 0, num_expressions: 0 } };
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for InstrumentCoverage {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &mut mir::Body<'tcx>) {
// If the InstrumentCoverage pass is called on promoted MIRs, skip them.
// See:
if mir_body.source.promoted.is_some() {
"InstrumentCoverage skipped for {:?} (already promoted for Miri evaluation)",
let hir_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id_to_hir_id(mir_body.source.def_id().expect_local());
let is_fn_like = FnLikeNode::from_node(tcx.hir().get(hir_id)).is_some();
// Only instrument functions, methods, and closures (not constants since they are evaluated
// at compile time by Miri).
// FIXME(#73156): Handle source code coverage in const eval
if !is_fn_like {
"InstrumentCoverage skipped for {:?} (not an FnLikeNode)",
// FIXME(richkadel): By comparison, the MIR pass `ConstProp` includes associated constants,
// with functions, methods, and closures. I assume Miri is used for associated constants as
// well. If not, we may need to include them here too.
trace!("InstrumentCoverage starting for {:?}", mir_body.source.def_id());
Instrumentor::new(&, tcx, mir_body).inject_counters();
trace!("InstrumentCoverage starting for {:?}", mir_body.source.def_id());
/// A BasicCoverageBlock (BCB) represents the maximal-length sequence of CFG (MIR) BasicBlocks
/// without conditional branches.
/// The BCB allows coverage analysis to be performed on a simplified projection of the underlying
/// MIR CFG, without altering the original CFG. Note that running the MIR `SimplifyCfg` transform,
/// is not sufficient, and therefore not necessary, since the BCB-based CFG projection is a more
/// aggressive simplification. For example:
/// * The BCB CFG projection ignores (trims) branches not relevant to coverage, such as unwind-
/// related code that is injected by the Rust compiler but has no physical source code to
/// count. This also means a BasicBlock with a `Call` terminator can be merged into its
/// primary successor target block, in the same BCB.
/// * Some BasicBlock terminators support Rust-specific concerns--like borrow-checking--that are
/// not relevant to coverage analysis. `FalseUnwind`, for example, can be treated the same as
/// a `Goto`, and merged with its successor into the same BCB.
/// Each BCB with at least one computed `CoverageSpan` will have no more than one `Counter`.
/// In some cases, a BCB's execution count can be computed by `CounterExpression`. Additional
/// disjoint `CoverageSpan`s in a BCB can also be counted by `CounterExpression` (by adding `ZERO`
/// to the BCB's primary counter or expression).
/// Dominator/dominated relationships (which are fundamental to the coverage analysis algorithm)
/// between two BCBs can be computed using the `mir::Body` `dominators()` with any `BasicBlock`
/// member of each BCB. (For consistency, BCB's use the first `BasicBlock`, also referred to as the
/// `bcb_leader_bb`.)
/// The BCB CFG projection is critical to simplifying the coverage analysis by ensuring graph
/// path-based queries (`is_dominated_by()`, `predecessors`, `successors`, etc.) have branch
/// (control flow) significance.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct BasicCoverageBlock {
pub blocks: Vec<BasicBlock>,
impl BasicCoverageBlock {
pub fn leader_bb(&self) -> BasicBlock {
pub fn id(&self) -> String {
.map(|bb| bb.index().to_string())
struct BasicCoverageBlocks {
vec: IndexVec<BasicBlock, Option<BasicCoverageBlock>>,
impl BasicCoverageBlocks {
pub fn from_mir(mir_body: &mir::Body<'tcx>) -> Self {
let mut basic_coverage_blocks =
BasicCoverageBlocks { vec: IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, mir_body.basic_blocks().len()) };
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &BasicCoverageBlock> {
self.vec.iter().filter_map(|option| option.as_ref())
fn extract_from_mir(&mut self, mir_body: &mir::Body<'tcx>) {
// Traverse the CFG but ignore anything following an `unwind`
let cfg_without_unwind = ShortCircuitPreorder::new(mir_body, |term_kind| {
let mut successors = term_kind.successors();
match &term_kind {
// SwitchInt successors are never unwind, and all of them should be traversed.
// NOTE: TerminatorKind::FalseEdge targets from SwitchInt don't appear to be
// helpful in identifying unreachable code. I did test the theory, but the following
// changes were not beneficial. (I assumed that replacing some constants with
// non-deterministic variables might effect which blocks were targeted by a
// `FalseEdge` `imaginary_target`. It did not.)
// Also note that, if there is a way to identify BasicBlocks that are part of the
// MIR CFG, but not actually reachable, here are some other things to consider:
// Injecting unreachable code regions will probably require computing the set
// difference between the basic blocks found without filtering out unreachable
// blocks, and the basic blocks found with the filter; then computing the
// `CoverageSpans` without the filter; and then injecting `Counter`s or
// `CounterExpression`s for blocks that are not unreachable, or injecting
// `Unreachable` code regions otherwise. This seems straightforward, but not
// trivial.
// Alternatively, we might instead want to leave the unreachable blocks in
// (bypass the filter here), and inject the counters. This will result in counter
// values of zero (0) for unreachable code (and, notably, the code will be displayed
// with a red background by `llvm-cov show`).
// TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => {
// let some_imaginary_target = successors.clone().find_map(|&successor| {
// let term = mir_body.basic_blocks()[successor].terminator();
// if let TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { imaginary_target, .. } = term.kind {
// if mir_body.predecessors()[imaginary_target].len() == 1 {
// return Some(imaginary_target);
// }
// }
// None
// });
// if let Some(imaginary_target) = some_imaginary_target {
// box successors.filter(move |&&successor| successor != imaginary_target)
// } else {
// box successors
// }
// }
// Note this also required changing the closure signature for the
// `ShortCurcuitPreorder` to:
// F: Fn(&'tcx TerminatorKind<'tcx>) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &BasicBlock> + 'a>,
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => successors,
// For all other kinds, return only the first successor, if any, and ignore unwinds
_ =>[]),
// Walk the CFG using a Preorder traversal, which starts from `START_BLOCK` and follows
// each block terminator's `successors()`. Coverage spans must map to actual source code,
// so compiler generated blocks and paths can be ignored. To that end the CFG traversal
// intentionally omits unwind paths.
let mut blocks = Vec::new();
for (bb, data) in cfg_without_unwind {
if let Some(last) = blocks.last() {
let predecessors = &mir_body.predecessors()[bb];
if predecessors.len() > 1 || !predecessors.contains(last) {
// The `bb` has more than one _incoming_ edge, and should start its own
// `BasicCoverageBlock`. (Note, the `blocks` vector does not yet include `bb`;
// it contains a sequence of one or more sequential blocks with no intermediate
// branches in or out. Save these as a new `BasicCoverageBlock` before starting
// the new one.)
" because {}",
if predecessors.len() > 1 {
"predecessors.len() > 1".to_owned()
} else {
format!("bb {} is not in precessors: {:?}", bb.index(), predecessors)
let term = data.terminator();
match term.kind {
TerminatorKind::Return { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Abort
| TerminatorKind::Assert { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Yield { .. }
| TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => {
// The `bb` has more than one _outgoing_ edge, or exits the function. Save the
// current sequence of `blocks` gathered to this point, as a new
// `BasicCoverageBlock`.
debug!(" because term.kind = {:?}", term.kind);
// Note that this condition is based on `TerminatorKind`, even though it
// theoretically boils down to `successors().len() != 1`; that is, either zero
// (e.g., `Return`, `Abort`) or multiple successors (e.g., `SwitchInt`), but
// since the Coverage graph (the BCB CFG projection) ignores things like unwind
// branches (which exist in the `Terminator`s `successors()` list) checking the
// number of successors won't work.
TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Resume
| TerminatorKind::Unreachable
| TerminatorKind::Drop { .. }
| TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Call { .. }
| TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop
| TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. }
| TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. }
| TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => {}
if !blocks.is_empty() {
// process any remaining blocks into a final `BasicCoverageBlock`
debug!(" because the end of the CFG was reached while traversing");
fn add_basic_coverage_block(&mut self, blocks: Vec<BasicBlock>) {
let leader_bb = blocks[0];
let bcb = BasicCoverageBlock { blocks };
debug!("adding BCB: {:?}", bcb);
self.vec[leader_bb] = Some(bcb);
impl std::ops::Index<BasicBlock> for BasicCoverageBlocks {
type Output = BasicCoverageBlock;
fn index(&self, index: BasicBlock) -> &Self::Output {
self.vec[index].as_ref().expect("is_some if BasicBlock is a BasicCoverageBlock leader")
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum CoverageStatement {
Statement(BasicBlock, Span, usize),
Terminator(BasicBlock, Span),
impl CoverageStatement {
pub fn format(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &'a mir::Body<'tcx>) -> String {
match *self {
Self::Statement(bb, span, stmt_index) => {
let stmt = &mir_body.basic_blocks()[bb].statements[stmt_index];
"{}: @{}[{}]: {:?}",
spanview::source_range_no_file(tcx, &span),
Self::Terminator(bb, span) => {
let term = mir_body.basic_blocks()[bb].terminator();
"{}: @{}.{}: {:?}",
spanview::source_range_no_file(tcx, &span),
pub fn span(&self) -> &Span {
match self {
Self::Statement(_, span, _) | Self::Terminator(_, span) => span,
fn term_type(kind: &TerminatorKind<'tcx>) -> &'static str {
match kind {
TerminatorKind::Goto { .. } => "Goto",
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. } => "SwitchInt",
TerminatorKind::Resume => "Resume",
TerminatorKind::Abort => "Abort",
TerminatorKind::Return => "Return",
TerminatorKind::Unreachable => "Unreachable",
TerminatorKind::Drop { .. } => "Drop",
TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { .. } => "DropAndReplace",
TerminatorKind::Call { .. } => "Call",
TerminatorKind::Assert { .. } => "Assert",
TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } => "Yield",
TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop => "GeneratorDrop",
TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. } => "FalseEdge",
TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. } => "FalseUnwind",
TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => "InlineAsm",
/// A BCB is deconstructed into one or more `Span`s. Each `Span` maps to a `CoverageSpan` that
/// references the originating BCB and one or more MIR `Statement`s and/or `Terminator`s.
/// Initially, the `Span`s come from the `Statement`s and `Terminator`s, but subsequent
/// transforms can combine adjacent `Span`s and `CoverageSpan` from the same BCB, merging the
/// `CoverageStatement` vectors, and the `Span`s to cover the extent of the combined `Span`s.
/// Note: A `CoverageStatement` merged into another CoverageSpan may come from a `BasicBlock` that
/// is not part of the `CoverageSpan` bcb if the statement was included because it's `Span` matches
/// or is subsumed by the `Span` associated with this `CoverageSpan`, and it's `BasicBlock`
/// `is_dominated_by()` the `BasicBlock`s in this `CoverageSpan`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct CoverageSpan {
span: Span,
bcb_leader_bb: BasicBlock,
coverage_statements: Vec<CoverageStatement>,
is_closure: bool,
impl CoverageSpan {
pub fn for_statement(
statement: &Statement<'tcx>,
span: Span,
bcb: &BasicCoverageBlock,
bb: BasicBlock,
stmt_index: usize,
) -> Self {
let is_closure = match statement.kind {
StatementKind::Assign(box (
Rvalue::Aggregate(box AggregateKind::Closure(_, _), _),
)) => true,
_ => false,
Self {
bcb_leader_bb: bcb.leader_bb(),
coverage_statements: vec![CoverageStatement::Statement(bb, span, stmt_index)],
pub fn for_terminator(span: Span, bcb: &'a BasicCoverageBlock, bb: BasicBlock) -> Self {
Self {
bcb_leader_bb: bcb.leader_bb(),
coverage_statements: vec![CoverageStatement::Terminator(bb, span)],
is_closure: false,
pub fn merge_from(&mut self, mut other: CoverageSpan) {
self.span =;
if other.is_closure {
self.is_closure = true;
self.coverage_statements.append(&mut other.coverage_statements);
pub fn cutoff_statements_at(&mut self, cutoff_pos: BytePos) {
self.coverage_statements.retain(|covstmt| covstmt.span().hi() <= cutoff_pos);
if let Some(highest_covstmt) =
self.coverage_statements.iter().max_by_key(|covstmt| covstmt.span().hi())
self.span = self.span.with_hi(highest_covstmt.span().hi());
pub fn is_dominated_by(
other: &CoverageSpan,
dominators: &Dominators<BasicBlock>,
) -> bool {
dominators.is_dominated_by(self.bcb_leader_bb, other.bcb_leader_bb)
pub fn is_mergeable(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.is_in_same_bcb(other) && !(self.is_closure || other.is_closure)
pub fn is_in_same_bcb(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.bcb_leader_bb == other.bcb_leader_bb
struct Instrumentor<'a, 'tcx> {
pass_name: &'a str,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
mir_body: &'a mut mir::Body<'tcx>,
hir_body: &'tcx rustc_hir::Body<'tcx>,
dominators: Option<Dominators<BasicBlock>>,
basic_coverage_blocks: Option<BasicCoverageBlocks>,
function_source_hash: Option<u64>,
next_counter_id: u32,
num_expressions: u32,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Instrumentor<'a, 'tcx> {
fn new(pass_name: &'a str, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &'a mut mir::Body<'tcx>) -> Self {
let hir_body = hir_body(tcx, mir_body.source.def_id());
Self {
dominators: None,
basic_coverage_blocks: None,
function_source_hash: None,
next_counter_id: CounterValueReference::START.as_u32(),
num_expressions: 0,
/// Counter IDs start from one and go up.
fn next_counter(&mut self) -> CounterValueReference {
assert!(self.next_counter_id < u32::MAX - self.num_expressions);
let next = self.next_counter_id;
self.next_counter_id += 1;
/// Expression IDs start from u32::MAX and go down because a CounterExpression can reference
/// (add or subtract counts) of both Counter regions and CounterExpression regions. The counter
/// expression operand IDs must be unique across both types.
fn next_expression(&mut self) -> InjectedExpressionIndex {
assert!(self.next_counter_id < u32::MAX - self.num_expressions);
let next = u32::MAX - self.num_expressions;
self.num_expressions += 1;
fn dominators(&self) -> &Dominators<BasicBlock> {
self.dominators.as_ref().expect("dominators must be initialized before calling")
fn basic_coverage_blocks(&self) -> &BasicCoverageBlocks {
.expect("basic_coverage_blocks must be initialized before calling")
fn function_source_hash(&mut self) -> u64 {
match self.function_source_hash {
Some(hash) => hash,
None => {
let hash = hash_mir_source(self.tcx, self.hir_body);
fn inject_counters(&mut self) {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let source_map = tcx.sess.source_map();
let def_id = self.mir_body.source.def_id();
let mir_body = &self.mir_body;
let body_span = self.body_span();
let source_file = source_map.lookup_source_file(body_span.lo());
let file_name = Symbol::intern(&;
debug!("instrumenting {:?}, span: {}", def_id, source_map.span_to_string(body_span));
let coverage_spans = self.coverage_spans();
let span_viewables = if pretty::dump_enabled(tcx, self.pass_name, def_id) {
} else {
// Inject a counter for each `CoverageSpan`. There can be multiple `CoverageSpan`s for a
// given BCB, but only one actual counter needs to be incremented per BCB. `bb_counters`
// maps each `bcb_leader_bb` to its `Counter`, when injected. Subsequent `CoverageSpan`s
// for a BCB that already has a `Counter` will inject a `CounterExpression` instead, and
// compute its value by adding `ZERO` to the BCB `Counter` value.
let mut bb_counters = IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, mir_body.basic_blocks().len());
for CoverageSpan { span, bcb_leader_bb: bb, .. } in coverage_spans {
if let Some(&counter_operand) = bb_counters[bb].as_ref() {
let expression =
self.make_expression(counter_operand, Op::Add, ExpressionOperandId::ZERO);
"Injecting counter expression {:?} at: {:?}:\n{}\n==========",
source_map.span_to_snippet(span).expect("Error getting source for span"),
self.inject_statement(file_name, &source_file, expression, span, bb);
} else {
let counter = self.make_counter();
"Injecting counter {:?} at: {:?}:\n{}\n==========",
source_map.span_to_snippet(span).expect("Error getting source for span"),
let counter_operand = counter.as_operand_id();
bb_counters[bb] = Some(counter_operand);
self.inject_statement(file_name, &source_file, counter, span, bb);
if let Some(span_viewables) = span_viewables {
let mut file = pretty::create_dump_file(
.expect("Unexpected error creating MIR spanview HTML file");
let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(def_id.krate);
let item_name = tcx.def_path(def_id).to_filename_friendly_no_crate();
let title = format!("{}.{} - Coverage Spans", crate_name, item_name);
spanview::write_document(tcx, def_id, span_viewables, &title, &mut file)
.expect("Unexpected IO error dumping coverage spans as HTML");
fn make_counter(&mut self) -> CoverageKind {
CoverageKind::Counter {
function_source_hash: self.function_source_hash(),
id: self.next_counter(),
fn make_expression(
&mut self,
lhs: ExpressionOperandId,
op: Op,
rhs: ExpressionOperandId,
) -> CoverageKind {
CoverageKind::Expression { id: self.next_expression(), lhs, op, rhs }
fn inject_statement(
&mut self,
file_name: Symbol,
source_file: &Lrc<SourceFile>,
coverage_kind: CoverageKind,
span: Span,
block: BasicBlock,
) {
let code_region = make_code_region(file_name, source_file, span);
debug!(" injecting statement {:?} covering {:?}", coverage_kind, code_region);
let data = &mut self.mir_body[block];
let source_info = data.terminator().source_info;
let statement = Statement {
kind: StatementKind::Coverage(box Coverage { kind: coverage_kind, code_region }),
/// Converts the computed `BasicCoverageBlock`s into `SpanViewable`s.
fn span_viewables(&self, coverage_spans: &Vec<CoverageSpan>) -> Vec<SpanViewable> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let mir_body = &self.mir_body;
let mut span_viewables = Vec::new();
for coverage_span in coverage_spans {
let bcb = self.bcb_from_coverage_span(coverage_span);
let CoverageSpan { span, bcb_leader_bb: bb, coverage_statements, .. } = coverage_span;
let id =;
let mut sorted_coverage_statements = coverage_statements.clone();
sorted_coverage_statements.sort_unstable_by_key(|covstmt| match *covstmt {
CoverageStatement::Statement(bb, _, index) => (bb, index),
CoverageStatement::Terminator(bb, _) => (bb, usize::MAX),
let tooltip = sorted_coverage_statements
.map(|covstmt| covstmt.format(tcx, mir_body))
span_viewables.push(SpanViewable { bb: *bb, span: *span, id, tooltip });
fn bcb_from_coverage_span(&self, coverage_span: &CoverageSpan) -> &BasicCoverageBlock {
fn body_span(&self) -> Span {
// Generate a set of `CoverageSpan`s from the filtered set of `Statement`s and `Terminator`s of
// the `BasicBlock`(s) in the given `BasicCoverageBlock`. One `CoverageSpan` is generated for
// each `Statement` and `Terminator`. (Note that subsequent stages of coverage analysis will
// merge some `CoverageSpan`s, at which point a `CoverageSpan` may represent multiple
// `Statement`s and/or `Terminator`s.)
fn extract_spans(&self, bcb: &'a BasicCoverageBlock) -> Vec<CoverageSpan> {
let body_span = self.body_span();
let mir_basic_blocks = self.mir_body.basic_blocks();
.map(|bbref| {
let bb = *bbref;
let data = &mir_basic_blocks[bb];
.filter_map(move |(index, statement)| {
filtered_statement_span(statement, body_span).map(|span| {
CoverageSpan::for_statement(statement, span, bcb, bb, index)
filtered_terminator_span(data.terminator(), body_span)
.map(|span| CoverageSpan::for_terminator(span, bcb, bb)),
/// Generate a minimal set of `CoverageSpan`s, each representing a contiguous code region to be
/// counted.
/// The basic steps are:
/// 1. Extract an initial set of spans from the `Statement`s and `Terminator`s of each
/// `BasicCoverageBlock`.
/// 2. Sort the spans by span.lo() (starting position). Spans that start at the same position
/// are sorted with longer spans before shorter spans; and equal spans are sorted
/// (deterministically) based on "dominator" relationship (if any).
/// 3. Traverse the spans in sorted order to identify spans that can be dropped (for instance,
/// if another span or spans are already counting the same code region), or should be merged
/// into a broader combined span (because it represents a contiguous, non-branching, and
/// uninterrupted region of source code).
/// Closures are exposed in their enclosing functions as `Assign` `Rvalue`s, and since
/// closures have their own MIR, their `Span` in their enclosing function should be left
/// "uncovered".
/// Note the resulting vector of `CoverageSpan`s does may not be fully sorted (and does not need
/// to be).
fn coverage_spans(&self) -> Vec<CoverageSpan> {
let mut initial_spans =
Vec::<CoverageSpan>::with_capacity(self.mir_body.basic_blocks().len() * 2);
for bcb in self.basic_coverage_blocks().iter() {
for coverage_span in self.extract_spans(bcb) {
if initial_spans.is_empty() {
// This can happen if, for example, the function is unreachable (contains only a
// `BasicBlock`(s) with an `Unreachable` terminator).
return initial_spans;
initial_spans.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| {
if a.span.lo() == b.span.lo() {
if a.span.hi() == b.span.hi() {
if a.is_in_same_bcb(b) {
} else {
// Sort equal spans by dominator relationship, in reverse order (so
// dominators always come after the dominated equal spans). When later
// comparing two spans in order, the first will either dominate the second,
// or they will have no dominator relationship.
self.dominators().rank_partial_cmp(b.bcb_leader_bb, a.bcb_leader_bb)
} else {
// Sort hi() in reverse order so shorter spans are attempted after longer spans.
// This guarantees that, if a `prev` span overlaps, and is not equal to, a `curr`
// span, the prev span either extends further left of the curr span, or they
// start at the same position and the prev span extends further right of the end
// of the curr span.
} else {
let refinery = CoverageSpanRefinery::from_sorted_spans(initial_spans, self.dominators());
struct CoverageSpanRefinery<'a> {
sorted_spans_iter: std::vec::IntoIter<CoverageSpan>,
dominators: &'a Dominators<BasicBlock>,
some_curr: Option<CoverageSpan>,
curr_original_span: Span,
some_prev: Option<CoverageSpan>,
prev_original_span: Span,
pending_dups: Vec<CoverageSpan>,
refined_spans: Vec<CoverageSpan>,
impl<'a> CoverageSpanRefinery<'a> {
fn from_sorted_spans(
sorted_spans: Vec<CoverageSpan>,
dominators: &'a Dominators<BasicBlock>,
) -> Self {
let refined_spans = Vec::with_capacity(sorted_spans.len());
let mut sorted_spans_iter = sorted_spans.into_iter();
let prev ="at least one span");
let prev_original_span = prev.span;
Self {
some_curr: None,
curr_original_span: Span::with_root_ctxt(BytePos(0), BytePos(0)),
some_prev: Some(prev),
pending_dups: Vec::new(),
/// Iterate through the sorted `CoverageSpan`s, and return the refined list of merged and
/// de-duplicated `CoverageSpan`s.
fn to_refined_spans(mut self) -> Vec<CoverageSpan> {
while self.next_coverage_span() {
if self.curr().is_mergeable(self.prev()) {
debug!(" same bcb (and neither is a closure), merge with prev={:?}", self.prev());
let prev = self.take_prev();
// Note that curr.span may now differ from curr_original_span
} else if self.prev_ends_before_curr() {
" different bcbs and disjoint spans, so keep curr for next iter, and add \
let prev = self.take_prev();
} else if self.prev().is_closure {
// drop any equal or overlapping span (`curr`) and keep `prev` to test again in the
// next iter
" curr overlaps a closure (prev). Drop curr and keep prev for next iter. \
} else if self.curr().is_closure {
} else if self.prev_original_span == self.curr().span {
} else {
debug!(" AT END, adding last prev={:?}", self.prev());
let pending_dups = self.pending_dups.split_off(0);
for dup in pending_dups.into_iter() {
debug!(" ...adding at least one pending dup={:?}", dup);
let prev = self.take_prev();
// FIXME(richkadel): Replace some counters with expressions if they can be calculated based
// on branching. (For example, one branch of a SwitchInt can be computed from the counter
// for the CoverageSpan just prior to the SwitchInt minus the sum of the counters of all
// other branches).
fn add_refined_span(&mut self, coverage_span: CoverageSpan) {
/// Remove `CoverageSpan`s derived from closures, originally added to ensure the coverage
/// regions for the current function leave room for the closure's own coverage regions
/// (injected separately, from the closure's own MIR).
fn to_refined_spans_without_closures(mut self) -> Vec<CoverageSpan> {
self.refined_spans.retain(|covspan| !covspan.is_closure);
fn curr(&self) -> &CoverageSpan {
.unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("invalid attempt to unwrap a None some_curr"))
fn curr_mut(&mut self) -> &mut CoverageSpan {
.unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("invalid attempt to unwrap a None some_curr"))
fn prev(&self) -> &CoverageSpan {
.unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("invalid attempt to unwrap a None some_prev"))
fn prev_mut(&mut self) -> &mut CoverageSpan {
.unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("invalid attempt to unwrap a None some_prev"))
fn take_prev(&mut self) -> CoverageSpan {
self.some_prev.take().unwrap_or_else(|| bug!("invalid attempt to unwrap a None some_prev"))
/// If there are `pending_dups` but `prev` is not a matching dup (`prev.span` doesn't match the
/// `pending_dups` spans), then one of the following two things happened during the previous
/// iteration:
/// * the `span` of prev was modified (by `curr_mut().merge_from(prev)`); or
/// * the `span` of prev advanced past the end of the span of pending_dups
/// (`prev().span.hi() <= curr().span.lo()`)
/// In either case, no more spans will match the span of `pending_dups`, so
/// add the `pending_dups` if they don't overlap `curr`, and clear the list.
fn check_pending_dups(&mut self) {
if let Some(dup) = self.pending_dups.last() {
if dup.span != self.prev().span {
" SAME spans, but pending_dups are NOT THE SAME, so BCBs matched on \
previous iteration, or prev started a new disjoint span"
if dup.span.hi() <= self.curr().span.lo() {
let pending_dups = self.pending_dups.split_off(0);
for dup in pending_dups.into_iter() {
debug!(" ...adding at least one pending={:?}", dup);
} else {
/// Advance `prev` to `curr` (if any), and `curr` to the next `CoverageSpan` in sorted order.
fn next_coverage_span(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(curr) = self.some_curr.take() {
self.some_prev = Some(curr);
self.prev_original_span = self.curr_original_span;
while let Some(curr) = {
debug!("FOR curr={:?}", curr);
if self.prev_starts_after_next(&curr) {
" prev.span starts after curr.span, so curr will be dropped (skipping past \
closure?); prev={:?}",
} else {
// Save a copy of the original span for `curr` in case the `CoverageSpan` is changed
// by `self.curr_mut().merge_from(prev)`.
self.curr_original_span = curr.span;
return true;
/// If called, then the next call to `next_coverage_span()` will *not* update `prev` with the
/// `curr` coverage span.
fn discard_curr(&mut self) {
self.some_curr = None;
/// Returns true if the curr span should be skipped because prev has already advanced beyond the
/// end of curr. This can only happen if a prior iteration updated `prev` to skip past a region
/// of code, such as skipping past a closure.
fn prev_starts_after_next(&self, next_curr: &CoverageSpan) -> bool {
self.prev().span.lo() > next_curr.span.lo()
/// Returns true if the curr span starts past the end of the prev span, which means they don't
/// overlap, so we now know the prev can be added to the refined coverage spans.
fn prev_ends_before_curr(&self) -> bool {
self.prev().span.hi() <= self.curr().span.lo()
/// If `prev`s span extends left of the closure (`curr`), carve out the closure's
/// span from `prev`'s span. (The closure's coverage counters will be injected when
/// processing the closure's own MIR.) Add the portion of the span to the left of the
/// closure; and if the span extends to the right of the closure, update `prev` to
/// that portion of the span. For any `pending_dups`, repeat the same process.
fn carve_out_span_for_closure(&mut self) {
let curr_span = self.curr().span;
let left_cutoff = curr_span.lo();
let right_cutoff = curr_span.hi();
let has_pre_closure_span = self.prev().span.lo() < right_cutoff;
let has_post_closure_span = self.prev().span.hi() > right_cutoff;
let mut pending_dups = self.pending_dups.split_off(0);
if has_pre_closure_span {
let mut pre_closure = self.prev().clone();
pre_closure.span = pre_closure.span.with_hi(left_cutoff);
debug!(" prev overlaps a closure. Adding span for pre_closure={:?}", pre_closure);
if !pending_dups.is_empty() {
for mut dup in pending_dups.iter().cloned() {
dup.span = dup.span.with_hi(left_cutoff);
debug!(" ...and at least one pre_closure dup={:?}", dup);
if has_post_closure_span {
// Update prev.span to start after the closure (and discard curr)
self.prev_mut().span = self.prev().span.with_lo(right_cutoff);
self.prev_original_span = self.prev().span;
for dup in pending_dups.iter_mut() {
dup.span = dup.span.with_lo(right_cutoff);
self.pending_dups.append(&mut pending_dups);
self.discard_curr(); // since self.prev() was already updated
} else {
/// When two `CoverageSpan`s have the same `Span`, dominated spans can be discarded; but if
/// neither `CoverageSpan` dominates the other, both (or possibly more than two) are held,
/// until their disposition is determined. In this latter case, the `prev` dup is moved into
/// `pending_dups` so the new `curr` dup can be moved to `prev` for the next iteration.
fn hold_pending_dups_unless_dominated(&mut self) {
// equal coverage spans are ordered by dominators before dominated (if any)
debug_assert!(!self.prev().is_dominated_by(self.curr(), self.dominators));
if self.curr().is_dominated_by(&self.prev(), self.dominators) {
// If one span dominates the other, assocate the span with the dominator only.
// For example:
// match somenum {
// x if x < 1 => { ... }
// }...
// The span for the first `x` is referenced by both the pattern block (every
// time it is evaluated) and the arm code (only when matched). The counter
// will be applied only to the dominator block.
// The dominator's (`prev`) execution count may be higher than the dominated
// block's execution count, so drop `curr`.
" different bcbs but SAME spans, and prev dominates curr. Drop curr and \
keep prev for next iter. prev={:?}",
} else {
// Save `prev` in `pending_dups`. (`curr` will become `prev` in the next iteration.)
// If the `curr` CoverageSpan is later discarded, `pending_dups` can be discarded as
// well; but if `curr` is added to refined_spans, the `pending_dups` will also be added.
" different bcbs but SAME spans, and neither dominates, so keep curr for \
next iter, and, pending upcoming spans (unless overlapping) add prev={:?}",
let prev = self.take_prev();
/// `curr` overlaps `prev`. If `prev`s span extends left of `curr`s span, keep _only_
/// statements that end before `curr.lo()` (if any), and add the portion of the
/// combined span for those statements. Any other statements have overlapping spans
/// that can be ignored because `curr` and/or other upcoming statements/spans inside
/// the overlap area will produce their own counters. This disambiguation process
/// avoids injecting multiple counters for overlapping spans, and the potential for
/// double-counting.
fn cutoff_prev_at_overlapping_curr(&mut self) {
" different bcbs, overlapping spans, so ignore/drop pending and only add prev \
if it has statements that end before curr={:?}",
if self.pending_dups.is_empty() {
let curr_span = self.curr().span;
if self.prev().coverage_statements.is_empty() {
debug!(" ... no non-overlapping statements to add");
} else {
debug!(" ... adding modified prev={:?}", self.prev());
let prev = self.take_prev();
} else {
// with `pending_dups`, `prev` cannot have any statements that don't overlap
fn filtered_statement_span(statement: &'a Statement<'tcx>, body_span: Span) -> Option<Span> {
match statement.kind {
// These statements have spans that are often outside the scope of the executed source code
// for their parent `BasicBlock`.
| StatementKind::StorageDead(_)
// Coverage should not be encountered, but don't inject coverage coverage
| StatementKind::Coverage(_)
// Ignore `Nop`s
| StatementKind::Nop => None,
// FIXME(richkadel): Look into a possible issue assigning the span to a
// FakeReadCause::ForGuardBinding, in this example:
// match somenum {
// x if x < 1 => { ... }
// }...
// The BasicBlock within the match arm code included one of these statements, but the span
// for it covered the `1` in this source. The actual statements have nothing to do with that
// source span:
// FakeRead(ForGuardBinding, _4);
// where `_4` is:
// _4 = &_1; (at the span for the first `x`)
// and `_1` is the `Place` for `somenum`.
// The arm code BasicBlock already has its own assignment for `x` itself, `_3 = 1`, and I've
// decided it's reasonable for that span (even though outside the arm code) to be part of
// the counted coverage of the arm code execution, but I can't justify including the literal
// `1` in the arm code. I'm pretty sure that, if the `FakeRead(ForGuardBinding)` has a
// purpose in codegen, it's probably in the right BasicBlock, but if so, the `Statement`s
// `source_info.span` can't be right.
// Consider correcting the span assignment, assuming there is a better solution, and see if
// the following pattern can be removed here:
StatementKind::FakeRead(cause, _) if cause == FakeReadCause::ForGuardBinding => None,
// Retain spans from all other statements
StatementKind::FakeRead(_, _) // Not including `ForGuardBinding`
| StatementKind::Assign(_)
| StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { .. }
| StatementKind::LlvmInlineAsm(_)
| StatementKind::Retag(_, _)
| StatementKind::AscribeUserType(_, _) => {
Some(source_info_span(&statement.source_info, body_span))
fn filtered_terminator_span(terminator: &'a Terminator<'tcx>, body_span: Span) -> Option<Span> {
match terminator.kind {
// These terminators have spans that don't positively contribute to computing a reasonable
// span of actually executed source code. (For example, SwitchInt terminators extracted from
// an `if condition { block }` has a span that includes the executed block, if true,
// but for coverage, the code region executed, up to *and* through the SwitchInt,
// actually stops before the if's block.)
TerminatorKind::Unreachable // Unreachable blocks are not connected to the CFG
| TerminatorKind::Assert { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Drop { .. }
| TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { .. }
| TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }
// For `FalseEdge`, only the `real` branch is taken, so it is similar to a `Goto`.
| TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. } => None,
// Retain spans from all other terminators
| TerminatorKind::Abort
| TerminatorKind::Return
| TerminatorKind::Call { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Yield { .. }
| TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop
| TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. }
| TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => {
Some(source_info_span(&terminator.source_info, body_span))
fn source_info_span(source_info: &SourceInfo, body_span: Span) -> Span {
let span = original_sp(source_info.span, body_span).with_ctxt(SyntaxContext::root());
if body_span.contains(span) { span } else { body_span }
/// Convert the Span into its file name, start line and column, and end line and column
fn make_code_region(file_name: Symbol, source_file: &Lrc<SourceFile>, span: Span) -> CodeRegion {
let (start_line, mut start_col) = source_file.lookup_file_pos(span.lo());
let (end_line, end_col) = if span.hi() == span.lo() {
let (end_line, mut end_col) = (start_line, start_col);
// Extend an empty span by one character so the region will be counted.
let CharPos(char_pos) = start_col;
if char_pos > 0 {
start_col = CharPos(char_pos - 1);
} else {
end_col = CharPos(char_pos + 1);
(end_line, end_col)
} else {
CodeRegion {
start_line: start_line as u32,
start_col: start_col.to_u32() + 1,
end_line: end_line as u32,
end_col: end_col.to_u32() + 1,
fn hir_body<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: DefId) -> &'tcx rustc_hir::Body<'tcx> {
let hir_node = tcx.hir().get_if_local(def_id).expect("expected DefId is local");
let fn_body_id = hir::map::associated_body(hir_node).expect("HIR node is a function with body");
fn hash_mir_source<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, hir_body: &'tcx rustc_hir::Body<'tcx>) -> u64 {
let mut hcx = tcx.create_no_span_stable_hashing_context();
hash(&mut hcx, &hir_body.value).to_smaller_hash()
fn hash(
hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'tcx>,
node: &impl HashStable<StableHashingContext<'tcx>>,
) -> Fingerprint {
let mut stable_hasher = StableHasher::new();
node.hash_stable(hcx, &mut stable_hasher);
pub struct ShortCircuitPreorder<
F: Fn(&'tcx TerminatorKind<'tcx>) -> mir::Successors<'tcx>,
> {
body: &'a mir::Body<'tcx>,
visited: BitSet<BasicBlock>,
worklist: Vec<BasicBlock>,
filtered_successors: F,
impl<'a, 'tcx, F: Fn(&'tcx TerminatorKind<'tcx>) -> mir::Successors<'tcx>>
ShortCircuitPreorder<'a, 'tcx, F>
pub fn new(
body: &'a mir::Body<'tcx>,
filtered_successors: F,
) -> ShortCircuitPreorder<'a, 'tcx, F> {
let worklist = vec![mir::START_BLOCK];
ShortCircuitPreorder {
visited: BitSet::new_empty(body.basic_blocks().len()),
impl<'a: 'tcx, 'tcx, F: Fn(&'tcx TerminatorKind<'tcx>) -> mir::Successors<'tcx>> Iterator
for ShortCircuitPreorder<'a, 'tcx, F>
type Item = (BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>)> {
while let Some(idx) = self.worklist.pop() {
if !self.visited.insert(idx) {
let data = &self.body[idx];
if let Some(ref term) = data.terminator {
return Some((idx, data));
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let size = self.body.basic_blocks().len() - self.visited.count();
(size, Some(size))