blob: c9493c679879eebf1d74d5f9f025d38314f0aefa [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::mir::interpret::Scalar;
use crate::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_ast::{InlineAsmOptions, InlineAsmTemplatePiece};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use super::{
AssertMessage, BasicBlock, InlineAsmOperand, Operand, Place, SourceInfo, Successors,
pub use rustc_ast::Mutability;
use rustc_macros::HashStable;
use rustc_span::Span;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter, Write};
use std::iter;
use std::slice;
pub use super::query::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable, PartialEq)]
pub struct SwitchTargets {
/// Possible values. The locations to branch to in each case
/// are found in the corresponding indices from the `targets` vector.
values: SmallVec<[u128; 1]>,
/// Possible branch sites. The last element of this vector is used
/// for the otherwise branch, so targets.len() == values.len() + 1
/// should hold.
// This invariant is quite non-obvious and also could be improved.
// One way to make this invariant is to have something like this instead:
// branches: Vec<(ConstInt, BasicBlock)>,
// otherwise: Option<BasicBlock> // exhaustive if None
// However we’ve decided to keep this as-is until we figure a case
// where some other approach seems to be strictly better than other.
targets: SmallVec<[BasicBlock; 2]>,
impl SwitchTargets {
/// Creates switch targets from an iterator of values and target blocks.
/// The iterator may be empty, in which case the `SwitchInt` instruction is equivalent to
/// `goto otherwise;`.
pub fn new(targets: impl Iterator<Item = (u128, BasicBlock)>, otherwise: BasicBlock) -> Self {
let (values, mut targets): (SmallVec<_>, SmallVec<_>) = targets.unzip();
Self { values: values.into(), targets }
/// Builds a switch targets definition that jumps to `then` if the tested value equals `value`,
/// and to `else_` if not.
pub fn static_if(value: u128, then: BasicBlock, else_: BasicBlock) -> Self {
Self { values: smallvec![value], targets: smallvec![then, else_] }
/// Returns the fallback target that is jumped to when none of the values match the operand.
pub fn otherwise(&self) -> BasicBlock {
/// Returns an iterator over the switch targets.
/// The iterator will yield tuples containing the value and corresponding target to jump to, not
/// including the `otherwise` fallback target.
/// Note that this may yield 0 elements. Only the `otherwise` branch is mandatory.
pub fn iter(&self) -> SwitchTargetsIter<'_> {
SwitchTargetsIter { inner: self.values.iter().zip(self.targets.iter()) }
/// Returns a slice with all possible jump targets (including the fallback target).
pub fn all_targets(&self) -> &[BasicBlock] {
pub fn all_targets_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [BasicBlock] {
&mut self.targets
pub struct SwitchTargetsIter<'a> {
inner: iter::Zip<slice::Iter<'a, u128>, slice::Iter<'a, BasicBlock>>,
impl<'a> Iterator for SwitchTargetsIter<'a> {
type Item = (u128, BasicBlock);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|(val, bb)| (*val, *bb))
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for SwitchTargetsIter<'a> {}
#[derive(Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable, PartialEq)]
pub enum TerminatorKind<'tcx> {
/// Block should have one successor in the graph; we jump there.
Goto { target: BasicBlock },
/// Operand evaluates to an integer; jump depending on its value
/// to one of the targets, and otherwise fallback to `otherwise`.
SwitchInt {
/// The discriminant value being tested.
discr: Operand<'tcx>,
/// The type of value being tested.
/// This is always the same as the type of `discr`.
/// FIXME: remove this redundant information. Currently, it is relied on by pretty-printing.
switch_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
targets: SwitchTargets,
/// Indicates that the landing pad is finished and unwinding should
/// continue. Emitted by `build::scope::diverge_cleanup`.
/// Indicates that the landing pad is finished and that the process
/// should abort. Used to prevent unwinding for foreign items.
/// Indicates a normal return. The return place should have
/// been filled in before this executes. This can occur multiple times
/// in different basic blocks.
/// Indicates a terminator that can never be reached.
/// Drop the `Place`.
Drop { place: Place<'tcx>, target: BasicBlock, unwind: Option<BasicBlock> },
/// Drop the `Place` and assign the new value over it. This ensures
/// that the assignment to `P` occurs *even if* the destructor for
/// place unwinds. Its semantics are best explained by the
/// elaboration:
/// ```
/// BB0 {
/// DropAndReplace(P <- V, goto BB1, unwind BB2)
/// }
/// ```
/// becomes
/// ```
/// BB0 {
/// Drop(P, goto BB1, unwind BB2)
/// }
/// BB1 {
/// // P is now uninitialized
/// P <- V
/// }
/// BB2 {
/// // P is now uninitialized -- its dtor panicked
/// P <- V
/// }
/// ```
/// Note that DropAndReplace is eliminated as part of the `ElaborateDrops` pass.
DropAndReplace {
place: Place<'tcx>,
value: Operand<'tcx>,
target: BasicBlock,
unwind: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// Block ends with a call of a function.
Call {
/// The function that’s being called.
func: Operand<'tcx>,
/// Arguments the function is called with.
/// These are owned by the callee, which is free to modify them.
/// This allows the memory occupied by "by-value" arguments to be
/// reused across function calls without duplicating the contents.
args: Vec<Operand<'tcx>>,
/// Destination for the return value. If some, the call is converging.
destination: Option<(Place<'tcx>, BasicBlock)>,
/// Cleanups to be done if the call unwinds.
cleanup: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// `true` if this is from a call in HIR rather than from an overloaded
/// operator. True for overloaded function call.
from_hir_call: bool,
/// This `Span` is the span of the function, without the dot and receiver
/// (e.g. `foo(a, b)` in `, b)`
fn_span: Span,
/// Jump to the target if the condition has the expected value,
/// otherwise panic with a message and a cleanup target.
Assert {
cond: Operand<'tcx>,
expected: bool,
msg: AssertMessage<'tcx>,
target: BasicBlock,
cleanup: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// A suspend point.
Yield {
/// The value to return.
value: Operand<'tcx>,
/// Where to resume to.
resume: BasicBlock,
/// The place to store the resume argument in.
resume_arg: Place<'tcx>,
/// Cleanup to be done if the generator is dropped at this suspend point.
drop: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// Indicates the end of the dropping of a generator.
/// A block where control flow only ever takes one real path, but borrowck
/// needs to be more conservative.
FalseEdge {
/// The target normal control flow will take.
real_target: BasicBlock,
/// A block control flow could conceptually jump to, but won't in
/// practice.
imaginary_target: BasicBlock,
/// A terminator for blocks that only take one path in reality, but where we
/// reserve the right to unwind in borrowck, even if it won't happen in practice.
/// This can arise in infinite loops with no function calls for example.
FalseUnwind {
/// The target normal control flow will take.
real_target: BasicBlock,
/// The imaginary cleanup block link. This particular path will never be taken
/// in practice, but in order to avoid fragility we want to always
/// consider it in borrowck. We don't want to accept programs which
/// pass borrowck only when `panic=abort` or some assertions are disabled
/// due to release vs. debug mode builds. This needs to be an `Option` because
/// of the `remove_noop_landing_pads` and `no_landing_pads` passes.
unwind: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// Block ends with an inline assembly block. This is a terminator since
/// inline assembly is allowed to diverge.
InlineAsm {
/// The template for the inline assembly, with placeholders.
template: &'tcx [InlineAsmTemplatePiece],
/// The operands for the inline assembly, as `Operand`s or `Place`s.
operands: Vec<InlineAsmOperand<'tcx>>,
/// Miscellaneous options for the inline assembly.
options: InlineAsmOptions,
/// Source spans for each line of the inline assembly code. These are
/// used to map assembler errors back to the line in the source code.
line_spans: &'tcx [Span],
/// Destination block after the inline assembly returns, unless it is
/// diverging (InlineAsmOptions::NORETURN).
destination: Option<BasicBlock>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, HashStable)]
pub struct Terminator<'tcx> {
pub source_info: SourceInfo,
pub kind: TerminatorKind<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx> Terminator<'tcx> {
pub fn successors(&self) -> Successors<'_> {
pub fn successors_mut(&mut self) -> SuccessorsMut<'_> {
pub fn unwind(&self) -> Option<&Option<BasicBlock>> {
pub fn unwind_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Option<BasicBlock>> {
impl<'tcx> TerminatorKind<'tcx> {
pub fn if_(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
cond: Operand<'tcx>,
t: BasicBlock,
f: BasicBlock,
) -> TerminatorKind<'tcx> {
TerminatorKind::SwitchInt {
discr: cond,
switch_ty: tcx.types.bool,
targets: SwitchTargets::static_if(0, f, t),
pub fn successors(&self) -> Successors<'_> {
use self::TerminatorKind::*;
match *self {
| Abort
| GeneratorDrop
| Return
| Unreachable
| Call { destination: None, cleanup: None, .. }
| InlineAsm { destination: None, .. } => None.into_iter().chain(&[]),
Goto { target: ref t }
| Call { destination: None, cleanup: Some(ref t), .. }
| Call { destination: Some((_, ref t)), cleanup: None, .. }
| Yield { resume: ref t, drop: None, .. }
| DropAndReplace { target: ref t, unwind: None, .. }
| Drop { target: ref t, unwind: None, .. }
| Assert { target: ref t, cleanup: None, .. }
| FalseUnwind { real_target: ref t, unwind: None }
| InlineAsm { destination: Some(ref t), .. } => Some(t).into_iter().chain(&[]),
Call { destination: Some((_, ref t)), cleanup: Some(ref u), .. }
| Yield { resume: ref t, drop: Some(ref u), .. }
| DropAndReplace { target: ref t, unwind: Some(ref u), .. }
| Drop { target: ref t, unwind: Some(ref u), .. }
| Assert { target: ref t, cleanup: Some(ref u), .. }
| FalseUnwind { real_target: ref t, unwind: Some(ref u) } => {
SwitchInt { ref targets, .. } => None.into_iter().chain(&targets.targets[..]),
FalseEdge { ref real_target, ref imaginary_target } => {
pub fn successors_mut(&mut self) -> SuccessorsMut<'_> {
use self::TerminatorKind::*;
match *self {
| Abort
| GeneratorDrop
| Return
| Unreachable
| Call { destination: None, cleanup: None, .. }
| InlineAsm { destination: None, .. } => None.into_iter().chain(&mut []),
Goto { target: ref mut t }
| Call { destination: None, cleanup: Some(ref mut t), .. }
| Call { destination: Some((_, ref mut t)), cleanup: None, .. }
| Yield { resume: ref mut t, drop: None, .. }
| DropAndReplace { target: ref mut t, unwind: None, .. }
| Drop { target: ref mut t, unwind: None, .. }
| Assert { target: ref mut t, cleanup: None, .. }
| FalseUnwind { real_target: ref mut t, unwind: None }
| InlineAsm { destination: Some(ref mut t), .. } => Some(t).into_iter().chain(&mut []),
Call { destination: Some((_, ref mut t)), cleanup: Some(ref mut u), .. }
| Yield { resume: ref mut t, drop: Some(ref mut u), .. }
| DropAndReplace { target: ref mut t, unwind: Some(ref mut u), .. }
| Drop { target: ref mut t, unwind: Some(ref mut u), .. }
| Assert { target: ref mut t, cleanup: Some(ref mut u), .. }
| FalseUnwind { real_target: ref mut t, unwind: Some(ref mut u) } => {
SwitchInt { ref mut targets, .. } => None.into_iter().chain(&mut targets.targets[..]),
FalseEdge { ref mut real_target, ref mut imaginary_target } => {
pub fn unwind(&self) -> Option<&Option<BasicBlock>> {
match *self {
TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Resume
| TerminatorKind::Abort
| TerminatorKind::Return
| TerminatorKind::Unreachable
| TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop
| TerminatorKind::Yield { .. }
| TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. }
| TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. }
| TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => None,
TerminatorKind::Call { cleanup: ref unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::Assert { cleanup: ref unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { ref unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::Drop { ref unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { ref unwind, .. } => Some(unwind),
pub fn unwind_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Option<BasicBlock>> {
match *self {
TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }
| TerminatorKind::Resume
| TerminatorKind::Abort
| TerminatorKind::Return
| TerminatorKind::Unreachable
| TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop
| TerminatorKind::Yield { .. }
| TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. }
| TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. }
| TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => None,
TerminatorKind::Call { cleanup: ref mut unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::Assert { cleanup: ref mut unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { ref mut unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::Drop { ref mut unwind, .. }
| TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { ref mut unwind, .. } => Some(unwind),
impl<'tcx> Debug for TerminatorKind<'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let successor_count = self.successors().count();
let labels = self.fmt_successor_labels();
assert_eq!(successor_count, labels.len());
match successor_count {
0 => Ok(()),
1 => write!(fmt, " -> {:?}", self.successors().next().unwrap()),
_ => {
write!(fmt, " -> [")?;
for (i, target) in self.successors().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
write!(fmt, ", ")?;
write!(fmt, "{}: {:?}", labels[i], target)?;
write!(fmt, "]")
impl<'tcx> TerminatorKind<'tcx> {
/// Writes the "head" part of the terminator; that is, its name and the data it uses to pick the
/// successor basic block, if any. The only information not included is the list of possible
/// successors, which may be rendered differently between the text and the graphviz format.
pub fn fmt_head<W: Write>(&self, fmt: &mut W) -> fmt::Result {
use self::TerminatorKind::*;
match self {
Goto { .. } => write!(fmt, "goto"),
SwitchInt { discr, .. } => write!(fmt, "switchInt({:?})", discr),
Return => write!(fmt, "return"),
GeneratorDrop => write!(fmt, "generator_drop"),
Resume => write!(fmt, "resume"),
Abort => write!(fmt, "abort"),
Yield { value, resume_arg, .. } => write!(fmt, "{:?} = yield({:?})", resume_arg, value),
Unreachable => write!(fmt, "unreachable"),
Drop { place, .. } => write!(fmt, "drop({:?})", place),
DropAndReplace { place, value, .. } => {
write!(fmt, "replace({:?} <- {:?})", place, value)
Call { func, args, destination, .. } => {
if let Some((destination, _)) = destination {
write!(fmt, "{:?} = ", destination)?;
write!(fmt, "{:?}(", func)?;
for (index, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
if index > 0 {
write!(fmt, ", ")?;
write!(fmt, "{:?}", arg)?;
write!(fmt, ")")
Assert { cond, expected, msg, .. } => {
write!(fmt, "assert(")?;
if !expected {
write!(fmt, "!")?;
write!(fmt, "{:?}, ", cond)?;
write!(fmt, ")")
FalseEdge { .. } => write!(fmt, "falseEdge"),
FalseUnwind { .. } => write!(fmt, "falseUnwind"),
InlineAsm { template, ref operands, options, .. } => {
write!(fmt, "asm!(\"{}\"", InlineAsmTemplatePiece::to_string(template))?;
for op in operands {
write!(fmt, ", ")?;
let print_late = |&late| if late { "late" } else { "" };
match op {
InlineAsmOperand::In { reg, value } => {
write!(fmt, "in({}) {:?}", reg, value)?;
InlineAsmOperand::Out { reg, late, place: Some(place) } => {
write!(fmt, "{}out({}) {:?}", print_late(late), reg, place)?;
InlineAsmOperand::Out { reg, late, place: None } => {
write!(fmt, "{}out({}) _", print_late(late), reg)?;
InlineAsmOperand::InOut {
out_place: Some(out_place),
} => {
"in{}out({}) {:?} => {:?}",
InlineAsmOperand::InOut { reg, late, in_value, out_place: None } => {
write!(fmt, "in{}out({}) {:?} => _", print_late(late), reg, in_value)?;
InlineAsmOperand::Const { value } => {
write!(fmt, "const {:?}", value)?;
InlineAsmOperand::SymFn { value } => {
write!(fmt, "sym_fn {:?}", value)?;
InlineAsmOperand::SymStatic { def_id } => {
write!(fmt, "sym_static {:?}", def_id)?;
write!(fmt, ", options({:?}))", options)
/// Returns the list of labels for the edges to the successor basic blocks.
pub fn fmt_successor_labels(&self) -> Vec<Cow<'static, str>> {
use self::TerminatorKind::*;
match *self {
Return | Resume | Abort | Unreachable | GeneratorDrop => vec![],
Goto { .. } => vec!["".into()],
SwitchInt { ref targets, switch_ty, .. } => ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
let param_env = ty::ParamEnv::empty();
let switch_ty = tcx.lift(switch_ty).unwrap();
let size = tcx.layout_of(param_env.and(switch_ty)).unwrap().size;
.map(|&u| {
ty::Const::from_scalar(tcx, Scalar::from_uint(u, size), switch_ty)
Call { destination: Some(_), cleanup: Some(_), .. } => {
vec!["return".into(), "unwind".into()]
Call { destination: Some(_), cleanup: None, .. } => vec!["return".into()],
Call { destination: None, cleanup: Some(_), .. } => vec!["unwind".into()],
Call { destination: None, cleanup: None, .. } => vec![],
Yield { drop: Some(_), .. } => vec!["resume".into(), "drop".into()],
Yield { drop: None, .. } => vec!["resume".into()],
DropAndReplace { unwind: None, .. } | Drop { unwind: None, .. } => {
DropAndReplace { unwind: Some(_), .. } | Drop { unwind: Some(_), .. } => {
vec!["return".into(), "unwind".into()]
Assert { cleanup: None, .. } => vec!["".into()],
Assert { .. } => vec!["success".into(), "unwind".into()],
FalseEdge { .. } => vec!["real".into(), "imaginary".into()],
FalseUnwind { unwind: Some(_), .. } => vec!["real".into(), "cleanup".into()],
FalseUnwind { unwind: None, .. } => vec!["real".into()],
InlineAsm { destination: Some(_), .. } => vec!["".into()],
InlineAsm { destination: None, .. } => vec![],