Auto merge of #59293 - Centril:rollup, r=Centril

Rollup of 11 pull requests

Successful merges:

 - #56348 (Add todo!() macro)
 - #57729 (extra testing of how NLL handles wildcard type `_`)
 - #57847 (dbg!() without parameters)
 - #58778 (Implement ExactSizeIterator for ToLowercase and ToUppercase)
 - #58812 (Clarify distinction between floor() and trunc())
 - #58939 (Fix a tiny error in documentation of std::pin.)
 - #59116 (Be more discerning on when to attempt suggesting a comma in a macro invocation)
 - #59252 (add self to mailmap)
 - #59275 (Replaced self-reflective explicit types with clearer `Self` or `Self::…` in stdlib docs)
 - #59280 (Stabilize refcell_map_split feature)
 - #59290 (Run branch cleanup after copy prop)

Failed merges:

r? @ghost