blob: 6d1ad9db74435fca5d1afa81b57ff0283faea49d [file] [log] [blame]
#![stable(feature = "futures_api", since = "1.36.0")]
//! Asynchronous values.
use crate::{
ops::{Generator, GeneratorState},
task::{Context, Poll},
mod future;
mod into_future;
mod pending;
mod poll_fn;
mod ready;
#[stable(feature = "futures_api", since = "1.36.0")]
pub use self::future::Future;
#[unstable(feature = "into_future", issue = "67644")]
pub use into_future::IntoFuture;
#[unstable(feature = "future_readiness_fns", issue = "70921")]
pub use pending::{pending, Pending};
#[unstable(feature = "future_readiness_fns", issue = "70921")]
pub use ready::{ready, Ready};
#[unstable(feature = "future_poll_fn", issue = "72302")]
pub use poll_fn::{poll_fn, PollFn};
/// This type is needed because:
/// a) Generators cannot implement `for<'a, 'b> Generator<&'a mut Context<'b>>`, so we need to pass
/// a raw pointer (see
/// b) Raw pointers and `NonNull` aren't `Send` or `Sync`, so that would make every single future
/// non-Send/Sync as well, and we don't want that.
/// It also simplifies the HIR lowering of `.await`.
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ResumeTy(NonNull<Context<'static>>);
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
unsafe impl Send for ResumeTy {}
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
unsafe impl Sync for ResumeTy {}
/// Wrap a generator in a future.
/// This function returns a `GenFuture` underneath, but hides it in `impl Trait` to give
/// better error messages (`impl Future` rather than `GenFuture<[closure.....]>`).
// This is `const` to avoid extra errors after we recover from `const async fn`
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
pub const fn from_generator<T>(gen: T) -> impl Future<Output = T::Return>
T: Generator<ResumeTy, Yield = ()>,
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "gen_future"]
struct GenFuture<T: Generator<ResumeTy, Yield = ()>>(T);
// We rely on the fact that async/await futures are immovable in order to create
// self-referential borrows in the underlying generator.
impl<T: Generator<ResumeTy, Yield = ()>> !Unpin for GenFuture<T> {}
impl<T: Generator<ResumeTy, Yield = ()>> Future for GenFuture<T> {
type Output = T::Return;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// Safety: Safe because we're !Unpin + !Drop, and this is just a field projection.
let gen = unsafe { Pin::map_unchecked_mut(self, |s| &mut s.0) };
// Resume the generator, turning the `&mut Context` into a `NonNull` raw pointer. The
// `.await` lowering will safely cast that back to a `&mut Context`.
match gen.resume(ResumeTy(NonNull::from(cx).cast::<Context<'static>>())) {
GeneratorState::Yielded(()) => Poll::Pending,
GeneratorState::Complete(x) => Poll::Ready(x),
#[unstable(feature = "gen_future", issue = "50547")]
pub unsafe fn get_context<'a, 'b>(cx: ResumeTy) -> &'a mut Context<'b> {
// SAFETY: the caller must guarantee that `cx.0` is a valid pointer
// that fulfills all the requirements for a mutable reference.
unsafe { &mut *cx.0.as_ptr().cast() }