blob: a769e48d2ca80bc8350cfeaf459663eaacd28d7a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Errors emitted by typeck.
use rustc_macros::SessionDiagnostic;
use rustc_span::{symbol::Ident, Span, Symbol};
#[error = "E0062"]
pub struct FieldMultiplySpecifiedInInitializer {
#[message = "field `{ident}` specified more than once"]
#[label = "used more than once"]
pub span: Span,
#[label = "first use of `{ident}`"]
pub prev_span: Span,
pub ident: Ident,
#[error = "E0092"]
pub struct UnrecognizedAtomicOperation<'a> {
#[message = "unrecognized atomic operation function: `{op}`"]
#[label = "unrecognized atomic operation"]
pub span: Span,
pub op: &'a str,
#[error = "E0094"]
pub struct WrongNumberOfTypeArgumentsToInstrinsic {
#[message = "intrinsic has wrong number of type \
parameters: found {found}, expected {expected}"]
#[label = "expected {expected} type parameter"]
pub span: Span,
pub found: usize,
pub expected: usize,
#[error = "E0093"]
pub struct UnrecognizedIntrinsicFunction {
#[message = "unrecognized intrinsic function: `{name}`"]
#[label = "unrecognized intrinsic"]
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
#[error = "E0195"]
pub struct LifetimesOrBoundsMismatchOnTrait {
#[message = "lifetime parameters or bounds on {item_kind} `{ident}` do not match the trait declaration"]
#[label = "lifetimes do not match {item_kind} in trait"]
pub span: Span,
#[label = "lifetimes in impl do not match this {item_kind} in trait"]
pub generics_span: Option<Span>,
pub item_kind: &'static str,
pub ident: Ident,
#[error = "E0120"]
pub struct DropImplOnWrongItem {
#[message = "the `Drop` trait may only be implemented for structs, enums, and unions"]
#[label = "must be a struct, enum, or union"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0124"]
pub struct FieldAlreadyDeclared {
pub field_name: Ident,
#[message = "field `{field_name}` is already declared"]
#[label = "field already declared"]
pub span: Span,
#[label = "`{field_name}` first declared here"]
pub prev_span: Span,
#[error = "E0184"]
pub struct CopyImplOnTypeWithDtor {
#[message = "the trait `Copy` may not be implemented for this type; the \
type has a destructor"]
#[label = "Copy not allowed on types with destructors"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0202"]
pub struct AssocTypeOnInherentImpl {
#[message = "associated types are not yet supported in inherent impls (see #8995)"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0203"]
pub struct MultipleRelaxedDefaultBounds {
#[message = "type parameter has more than one relaxed default bound, only one is supported"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0206"]
pub struct CopyImplOnNonAdt {
#[message = "the trait `Copy` may not be implemented for this type"]
#[label = "type is not a structure or enumeration"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0224"]
pub struct TraitObjectDeclaredWithNoTraits {
#[message = "at least one trait is required for an object type"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0227"]
pub struct AmbiguousLifetimeBound {
#[message = "ambiguous lifetime bound, explicit lifetime bound required"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0229"]
pub struct AssocTypeBindingNotAllowed {
#[message = "associated type bindings are not allowed here"]
#[label = "associated type not allowed here"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0439"]
pub struct SimdShuffleMissingLength {
#[message = "invalid `simd_shuffle`, needs length: `{name}`"]
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
#[error = "E0436"]
pub struct FunctionalRecordUpdateOnNonStruct {
#[message = "functional record update syntax requires a struct"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0516"]
pub struct TypeofReservedKeywordUsed {
#[message = "`typeof` is a reserved keyword but unimplemented"]
#[label = "reserved keyword"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0572"]
pub struct ReturnStmtOutsideOfFnBody {
#[message = "return statement outside of function body"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0627"]
pub struct YieldExprOutsideOfGenerator {
#[message = "yield expression outside of generator literal"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0639"]
pub struct StructExprNonExhaustive {
#[message = "cannot create non-exhaustive {what} using struct expression"]
pub span: Span,
pub what: &'static str,
#[error = "E0699"]
pub struct MethodCallOnUnknownType {
#[message = "the type of this value must be known to call a method on a raw pointer on it"]
pub span: Span,
#[error = "E0719"]
pub struct ValueOfAssociatedStructAlreadySpecified {
#[message = "the value of the associated type `{item_name}` (from trait `{def_path}`) is already specified"]
#[label = "re-bound here"]
pub span: Span,
#[label = "`{item_name}` bound here first"]
pub prev_span: Span,
pub item_name: Ident,
pub def_path: String,
#[error = "E0745"]
pub struct AddressOfTemporaryTaken {
#[message = "cannot take address of a temporary"]
#[label = "temporary value"]
pub span: Span,