blob: 0303e44426141d4dd392299f190619f39469b7fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Regression test for
// This test ensures that the "Read more" link is only generated when
// there is actually more documentation to read after the short summary.
#![crate_name = "foo"]
pub trait MyFrom {
/// # Hello
/// ## Yolo
/// more!
fn try_from1();
/// a
/// b
/// c
fn try_from2();
/// a
/// b
/// c
fn try_from3();
pub struct NonZero;
// @has 'foo/struct.NonZero.html'
impl MyFrom for NonZero {
// @matches - '//*[@class="docblock"]' '^Hello Read more$'
fn try_from1() {}
// @matches - '//*[@class="docblock"]' '^a\sb\sc$'
fn try_from2() {}
// @matches - '//*[@class="docblock"]' '^a Read more$'
fn try_from3() {}