blob: 731945f5cbfbf0cd1638496afa139aae54d56da9 [file] [log] [blame]
use ast::HasAttrs;
use ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::mut_visit::MutVisitor;
use rustc_ast::visit::BoundKind;
use rustc_ast::{
self as ast, GenericArg, GenericBound, GenericParamKind, ItemKind, MetaItem,
TraitBoundModifiers, VariantData, WherePredicate,
use rustc_attr as attr;
use rustc_data_structures::flat_map_in_place::FlatMapInPlace;
use rustc_expand::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use rustc_span::symbol::{Ident, sym};
use rustc_span::{Span, Symbol};
use thin_vec::{ThinVec, thin_vec};
use crate::errors;
macro_rules! path {
($span:expr, $($part:ident)::*) => { vec![$(Ident::new(sym::$part, $span),)*] }
pub(crate) fn expand_deriving_smart_ptr(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
_mitem: &MetaItem,
item: &Annotatable,
push: &mut dyn FnMut(Annotatable),
_is_const: bool,
) {
item.visit_with(&mut DetectNonGenericPointeeAttr { cx });
let (name_ident, generics) = if let Annotatable::Item(aitem) = item
&& let ItemKind::Struct(struct_data, g) = &aitem.kind
let is_transparent = aitem.attrs.iter().any(|attr| {
attr::find_repr_attrs(cx.sess, attr)
.any(|r| matches!(r, attr::ReprTransparent))
if !is_transparent {
"`SmartPointer` can only be derived on `struct`s with `#[repr(transparent)]`",
if !matches!(
VariantData::Struct { fields, recovered: _ } | VariantData::Tuple(fields, _)
if !fields.is_empty())
"`SmartPointer` can only be derived on `struct`s with at least one field",
(aitem.ident, g)
} else {
"`SmartPointer` can only be derived on `struct`s with `#[repr(transparent)]`",
// Convert generic parameters (from the struct) into generic args.
let self_params: Vec<_> = generics
.map(|p| match p.kind {
GenericParamKind::Lifetime => GenericArg::Lifetime(cx.lifetime(p.span(), p.ident)),
GenericParamKind::Type { .. } => GenericArg::Type(cx.ty_ident(p.span(), p.ident)),
GenericParamKind::Const { .. } => GenericArg::Const(cx.const_ident(p.span(), p.ident)),
let type_params: Vec<_> = generics
.filter_map(|(idx, p)| {
if let GenericParamKind::Type { .. } = p.kind {
Some((idx, p.span(), p.attrs().iter().any(|attr| attr.has_name(sym::pointee))))
} else {
let pointee_param_idx = if type_params.is_empty() {
// `#[derive(SmartPointer)]` requires at least one generic type on the target `struct`
"`SmartPointer` can only be derived on `struct`s that are generic over at least one type",
} else if type_params.len() == 1 {
// Regardless of the only type param being designed as `#[pointee]` or not, we can just use it as such
} else {
let mut pointees = type_params
.filter_map(|&(idx, span, is_pointee)| is_pointee.then_some((idx, span)))
match (, {
(Some((idx, _span)), None) => idx,
(None, _) => {
"exactly one generic type parameter must be marked as #[pointee] to derive SmartPointer traits",
(Some((_, one)), Some((_, another))) => {
vec![one, another],
"only one type parameter can be marked as `#[pointee]` when deriving SmartPointer traits",
// Create the type of `self`.
let path = cx.path_all(span, false, vec![name_ident], self_params.clone());
let self_type = cx.ty_path(path);
// Declare helper function that adds implementation blocks.
// FIXME(dingxiangfei2009): Investigate the set of attributes on target struct to be propagated to impls
let attrs = thin_vec![cx.attr_word(sym::automatically_derived, span),];
let mut add_impl_block = |generics, trait_symbol, trait_args| {
let mut parts = path!(span, core::ops);
parts.push(Ident::new(trait_symbol, span));
let trait_path = cx.path_all(span, true, parts, trait_args);
let trait_ref = cx.trait_ref(trait_path);
let item = cx.item(
ast::ItemKind::Impl(Box::new(ast::Impl {
safety: ast::Safety::Default,
polarity: ast::ImplPolarity::Positive,
defaultness: ast::Defaultness::Final,
constness: ast::Const::No,
of_trait: Some(trait_ref),
self_ty: self_type.clone(),
items: ThinVec::new(),
// Create unsized `self`, that is, one where the `#[pointee]` type arg is replaced with `__S`. For
// example, instead of `MyType<'a, T>`, it will be `MyType<'a, __S>`.
let s_ty = cx.ty_ident(span, Ident::new(sym::__S, span));
let mut alt_self_params = self_params;
alt_self_params[pointee_param_idx] = GenericArg::Type(s_ty.clone());
let alt_self_type = cx.ty_path(cx.path_all(span, false, vec![name_ident], alt_self_params));
// # Add `Unsize<__S>` bound to `#[pointee]` at the generic parameter location
// Find the `#[pointee]` parameter and add an `Unsize<__S>` bound to it.
let mut impl_generics = generics.clone();
let pointee_ty_ident = generics.params[pointee_param_idx].ident;
let mut self_bounds;
let pointee = &mut impl_generics.params[pointee_param_idx];
self_bounds = pointee.bounds.clone();
if !contains_maybe_sized_bound(&self_bounds)
&& !contains_maybe_sized_bound_on_pointee(
"`derive(SmartPointer)` requires {} to be marked `?Sized`",
let arg = GenericArg::Type(s_ty.clone());
let unsize = cx.path_all(span, true, path!(span, core::marker::Unsize), vec![arg]);
pointee.bounds.push(cx.trait_bound(unsize, false));
// Drop `#[pointee]` attribute since it should not be recognized outside `derive(SmartPointer)`
pointee.attrs.retain(|attr| !attr.has_name(sym::pointee));
// # Rewrite generic parameter bounds
// For each bound `U: ..` in `struct<U: ..>`, make a new bound with `__S` in place of `#[pointee]`
// Example:
// ```
// struct<
// U: Trait<T>,
// #[pointee] T: Trait<T> + ?Sized,
// V: Trait<T>> ...
// ```
// ... generates this `impl` generic parameters
// ```
// impl<
// U: Trait<T> + Trait<__S>,
// T: Trait<T> + ?Sized + Unsize<__S>, // (**)
// __S: Trait<__S> + ?Sized, // (*)
// V: Trait<T> + Trait<__S>> ...
// ```
// The new bound marked with (*) has to be done separately.
// See next section
for (idx, (params, orig_params)) in
// Default type parameters are rejected for `impl` block.
// We should drop them now.
match &mut params.kind {
ast::GenericParamKind::Const { default, .. } => *default = None,
ast::GenericParamKind::Type { default } => *default = None,
ast::GenericParamKind::Lifetime => {}
// We CANNOT rewrite `#[pointee]` type parameter bounds.
// This has been set in stone. (**)
// So we skip over it.
// Otherwise, we push extra bounds involving `__S`.
if idx != pointee_param_idx {
for bound in &orig_params.bounds {
let mut bound = bound.clone();
let mut substitution = TypeSubstitution {
to_ty: &s_ty,
rewritten: false,
substitution.visit_param_bound(&mut bound, BoundKind::Bound);
if substitution.rewritten {
// We found use of `#[pointee]` somewhere,
// so we make a new bound using `__S` in place of `#[pointee]`
// # Insert `__S` type parameter
// We now insert `__S` with the missing bounds marked with (*) above.
// We should also write the bounds from `#[pointee]` to `__S` as required by `Unsize<__S>`.
let mut substitution =
TypeSubstitution { from_name:, to_ty: &s_ty, rewritten: false };
for bound in &mut self_bounds {
substitution.visit_param_bound(bound, BoundKind::Bound);
// # Rewrite `where` clauses
// Move on to `where` clauses.
// Example:
// ```
// struct MyPointer<#[pointee] T, ..>
// where
// U: Trait<V> + Trait<T>,
// Companion<T>: Trait<T>,
// T: Trait<T> + ?Sized,
// { .. }
// ```
// ... will have a impl prelude like so
// ```
// impl<..> ..
// where
// U: Trait<V> + Trait<T>,
// U: Trait<__S>,
// Companion<T>: Trait<T>,
// Companion<__S>: Trait<__S>,
// T: Trait<T> + ?Sized,
// __S: Trait<__S> + ?Sized,
// ```
// We should also write a few new `where` bounds from `#[pointee] T` to `__S`
// as well as any bound that indirectly involves the `#[pointee] T` type.
for bound in &generics.where_clause.predicates {
if let ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(bound) = bound {
let mut substitution = TypeSubstitution {
to_ty: &s_ty,
rewritten: false,
let mut predicate = ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ast::WhereBoundPredicate {
span: bound.span,
bound_generic_params: bound.bound_generic_params.clone(),
bounded_ty: bound.bounded_ty.clone(),
bounds: bound.bounds.clone(),
substitution.visit_where_predicate(&mut predicate);
if substitution.rewritten {
let extra_param = cx.typaram(span, Ident::new(sym::__S, span), self_bounds, None);
impl_generics.params.insert(pointee_param_idx + 1, extra_param);
// Add the impl blocks for `DispatchFromDyn` and `CoerceUnsized`.
let gen_args = vec![GenericArg::Type(alt_self_type)];
add_impl_block(impl_generics.clone(), sym::DispatchFromDyn, gen_args.clone());
add_impl_block(impl_generics.clone(), sym::CoerceUnsized, gen_args);
fn contains_maybe_sized_bound_on_pointee(predicates: &[WherePredicate], pointee: Symbol) -> bool {
for bound in predicates {
if let ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(bound) = bound
&& bound.bounded_ty.kind.is_simple_path().is_some_and(|name| name == pointee)
for bound in &bound.bounds {
if is_maybe_sized_bound(bound) {
return true;
fn is_maybe_sized_bound(bound: &GenericBound) -> bool {
if let GenericBound::Trait(trait_ref) = bound
&& let TraitBoundModifiers { polarity: ast::BoundPolarity::Maybe(_), .. } =
&& is_sized_marker(&trait_ref.trait_ref.path)
} else {
fn contains_maybe_sized_bound(bounds: &[GenericBound]) -> bool {
fn path_segment_is_exact_match(path_segments: &[ast::PathSegment], syms: &[Symbol]) -> bool {
path_segments.iter().zip(syms).all(|(segment, &symbol)| == symbol)
fn is_sized_marker(path: &ast::Path) -> bool {
const CORE_UNSIZE: [Symbol; 3] = [sym::core, sym::marker, sym::Sized];
const STD_UNSIZE: [Symbol; 3] = [sym::std, sym::marker, sym::Sized];
if path.segments.len() == 4 && path.is_global() {
path_segment_is_exact_match(&path.segments[1..], &CORE_UNSIZE)
|| path_segment_is_exact_match(&path.segments[1..], &STD_UNSIZE)
} else if path.segments.len() == 3 {
path_segment_is_exact_match(&path.segments, &CORE_UNSIZE)
|| path_segment_is_exact_match(&path.segments, &STD_UNSIZE)
} else {
*path == sym::Sized
struct TypeSubstitution<'a> {
from_name: Symbol,
to_ty: &'a ast::Ty,
rewritten: bool,
impl<'a> ast::mut_visit::MutVisitor for TypeSubstitution<'a> {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &mut P<ast::Ty>) {
if let Some(name) = ty.kind.is_simple_path()
&& name == self.from_name
**ty = self.to_ty.clone();
self.rewritten = true;
} else {
ast::mut_visit::walk_ty(self, ty);
fn visit_where_predicate(&mut self, where_predicate: &mut ast::WherePredicate) {
match where_predicate {
rustc_ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(bound) => {
.flat_map_in_place(|param| self.flat_map_generic_param(param));
self.visit_ty(&mut bound.bounded_ty);
for bound in &mut bound.bounds {
self.visit_param_bound(bound, BoundKind::Bound)
| rustc_ast::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(_) => {}
struct DetectNonGenericPointeeAttr<'a, 'b> {
cx: &'a ExtCtxt<'b>,
impl<'a, 'b> rustc_ast::visit::Visitor<'a> for DetectNonGenericPointeeAttr<'a, 'b> {
fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &'a rustc_ast::Attribute) -> Self::Result {
if attr.has_name(sym::pointee) { { span: attr.span });
fn visit_generic_param(&mut self, param: &'a rustc_ast::GenericParam) -> Self::Result {
let mut error_on_pointee = AlwaysErrorOnGenericParam { cx: };
match &param.kind {
GenericParamKind::Type { default } => {
// The `default` may end up containing a block expression.
// The problem is block expressions may define structs with generics.
// A user may attach a #[pointee] attribute to one of these generics
// We want to catch that. The simple solution is to just
// always raise a `NonGenericPointee` error when this happens.
// This solution does reject valid rust programs but,
// such a code would have to, in order:
// - Define a smart pointer struct.
// - Somewhere in this struct definition use a type with a const generic argument.
// - Calculate this const generic in a expression block.
// - Define a new smart pointer type in this block.
// - Have this smart pointer type have more than 1 generic type.
// In this case, the inner smart pointer derive would be complaining that it
// needs a pointer attribute. Meanwhile, the outer macro would be complaining
// that we attached a #[pointee] to a generic type argument while helpfully
// informing the user that #[pointee] can only be attached to generic pointer arguments
rustc_ast::visit::visit_opt!(error_on_pointee, visit_ty, default);
GenericParamKind::Const { .. } | GenericParamKind::Lifetime => {
rustc_ast::visit::walk_generic_param(&mut error_on_pointee, param);
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: &'a rustc_ast::Ty) -> Self::Result {
let mut error_on_pointee = AlwaysErrorOnGenericParam { cx: };
struct AlwaysErrorOnGenericParam<'a, 'b> {
cx: &'a ExtCtxt<'b>,
impl<'a, 'b> rustc_ast::visit::Visitor<'a> for AlwaysErrorOnGenericParam<'a, 'b> {
fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &'a rustc_ast::Attribute) -> Self::Result {
if attr.has_name(sym::pointee) { { span: attr.span });