Auto merge of #58541 - kennytm:fix-publish-toolstate-py-again, r=oli-obk further fix the runtime errors

The regex was missing a `,`, causing `relevant_pr_match` to become None and set the PR number to -1 and assigned the new issue to `@<unknown user>`. This causes the 422 error when creating the issue due to invalid assignee and unable to leave the tool-is-broken comment since PR -1 does not exist.

The default user names are now also changed to @ghost to prevent the 422 error in case anything goes wrong again.
diff --git a/src/tools/ b/src/tools/
index ef17d6f..abcf14d 100755
--- a/src/tools/
+++ b/src/tools/
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
     # assume that PR authors are also owners of the repo where the branch lives
     relevant_pr_match =
-        'Auto merge of #([0-9]+) - ([^:]+):[^,]+ r=([^\s]+)',
+        r'Auto merge of #([0-9]+) - ([^:]+):[^,]+, r=(\S+)',
     if relevant_pr_match:
@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@
         pr_reviewer =
         number = '-1'
-        relevant_pr_user = '<unknown user>'
+        relevant_pr_user = 'ghost'
         relevant_pr_number = '<unknown PR>'
         relevant_pr_url = '<unknown>'
-        pr_reviewer = '<unknown reviewer>'
+        pr_reviewer = 'ghost'
     message = update_latest(