blob: 5e79a2fea9b735b7093e3e8b2dcb2aded39d28cf [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::borrow_check::nll::constraints::OutlivesConstraint;
use crate::borrow_check::nll::region_infer::RegionInferenceContext;
use crate::borrow_check::nll::type_check::Locations;
use crate::borrow_check::nll::universal_regions::DefiningTy;
use crate::borrow_check::nll::ConstraintDescription;
use crate::borrow_check::Upvar;
use crate::util::borrowck_errors;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::infer::error_reporting::nice_region_error::NiceRegionError;
use rustc::infer::InferCtxt;
use rustc::infer::NLLRegionVariableOrigin;
use rustc::mir::{ConstraintCategory, Local, Location, Body};
use rustc::ty::{self, RegionVid};
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use syntax::errors::Applicability;
use syntax::symbol::kw;
use syntax_pos::Span;
use syntax_pos::symbol::Symbol;
use self::outlives_suggestion::OutlivesSuggestionBuilder;
pub mod outlives_suggestion;
mod region_name;
mod var_name;
crate use self::region_name::{RegionName, RegionNameSource, RegionErrorNamingCtx};
impl ConstraintDescription for ConstraintCategory {
fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
// Must end with a space. Allows for empty names to be provided.
match self {
ConstraintCategory::Assignment => "assignment ",
ConstraintCategory::Return => "returning this value ",
ConstraintCategory::Yield => "yielding this value ",
ConstraintCategory::UseAsConst => "using this value as a constant ",
ConstraintCategory::UseAsStatic => "using this value as a static ",
ConstraintCategory::Cast => "cast ",
ConstraintCategory::CallArgument => "argument ",
ConstraintCategory::TypeAnnotation => "type annotation ",
ConstraintCategory::ClosureBounds => "closure body ",
ConstraintCategory::SizedBound => "proving this value is `Sized` ",
ConstraintCategory::CopyBound => "copying this value ",
ConstraintCategory::OpaqueType => "opaque type ",
| ConstraintCategory::BoringNoLocation
| ConstraintCategory::Internal => "",
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Trace {
/// Various pieces of state used when reporting borrow checker errors.
pub struct ErrorReportingCtx<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
/// The region inference context used for borrow chekcing this MIR body.
region_infcx: &'b RegionInferenceContext<'tcx>,
/// The inference context used for type checking.
infcx: &'b InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
/// The MIR def we are reporting errors on.
mir_def_id: DefId,
/// The MIR body we are reporting errors on (for convenience).
body: &'b Body<'tcx>,
/// User variable names for MIR locals (where applicable).
local_names: &'b IndexVec<Local, Option<Symbol>>,
/// Any upvars for the MIR body we have kept track of during borrow checking.
upvars: &'b [Upvar],
/// Information about the various region constraints involved in a borrow checker error.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ErrorConstraintInfo {
// fr: outlived_fr
fr: RegionVid,
fr_is_local: bool,
outlived_fr: RegionVid,
outlived_fr_is_local: bool,
// Category and span for best blame constraint
category: ConstraintCategory,
span: Span,
impl<'tcx> RegionInferenceContext<'tcx> {
/// Tries to find the best constraint to blame for the fact that
/// `R: from_region`, where `R` is some region that meets
/// `target_test`. This works by following the constraint graph,
/// creating a constraint path that forces `R` to outlive
/// `from_region`, and then finding the best choices within that
/// path to blame.
fn best_blame_constraint(
body: &Body<'tcx>,
from_region: RegionVid,
from_region_origin: NLLRegionVariableOrigin,
target_test: impl Fn(RegionVid) -> bool,
) -> (ConstraintCategory, bool, Span) {
debug!("best_blame_constraint(from_region={:?}, from_region_origin={:?})",
from_region, from_region_origin);
// Find all paths
let (path, target_region) =
self.find_constraint_paths_between_regions(from_region, target_test)
"best_blame_constraint: path={:#?}",
.map(|&c| format!(
"{:?} ({:?}: {:?})",
// Classify each of the constraints along the path.
let mut categorized_path: Vec<(ConstraintCategory, bool, Span)> = path.iter()
.map(|constraint| {
if constraint.category == ConstraintCategory::ClosureBounds {
self.retrieve_closure_constraint_info(body, &constraint)
} else {
(constraint.category, false, constraint.locations.span(body))
"best_blame_constraint: categorized_path={:#?}",
// To find the best span to cite, we first try to look for the
// final constraint that is interesting and where the `sup` is
// not unified with the ultimate target region. The reason
// for this is that we have a chain of constraints that lead
// from the source to the target region, something like:
// '0: '1 ('0 is the source)
// '1: '2
// '2: '3
// '3: '4
// '4: '5
// '5: '6 ('6 is the target)
// Some of those regions are unified with `'6` (in the same
// SCC). We want to screen those out. After that point, the
// "closest" constraint we have to the end is going to be the
// most likely to be the point where the value escapes -- but
// we still want to screen for an "interesting" point to
// highlight (e.g., a call site or something).
let target_scc = self.constraint_sccs.scc(target_region);
let mut range = 0..path.len();
// As noted above, when reporting an error, there is typically a chain of constraints
// leading from some "source" region which must outlive some "target" region.
// In most cases, we prefer to "blame" the constraints closer to the target --
// but there is one exception. When constraints arise from higher-ranked subtyping,
// we generally prefer to blame the source value,
// as the "target" in this case tends to be some type annotation that the user gave.
// Therefore, if we find that the region origin is some instantiation
// of a higher-ranked region, we start our search from the "source" point
// rather than the "target", and we also tweak a few other things.
// An example might be this bit of Rust code:
// ```rust
// let x: fn(&'static ()) = |_| {};
// let y: for<'a> fn(&'a ()) = x;
// ```
// In MIR, this will be converted into a combination of assignments and type ascriptions.
// In particular, the 'static is imposed through a type ascription:
// ```rust
// x = ...;
// AscribeUserType(x, fn(&'static ())
// y = x;
// ```
// We wind up ultimately with constraints like
// ```rust
// !a: 'temp1 // from the `y = x` statement
// 'temp1: 'temp2
// 'temp2: 'static // from the AscribeUserType
// ```
// and here we prefer to blame the source (the y = x statement).
let blame_source = match from_region_origin {
| NLLRegionVariableOrigin::Existential { from_forall: false } => {
| NLLRegionVariableOrigin::Existential { from_forall: true } => {
let find_region = |i: &usize| {
let constraint = path[*i];
let constraint_sup_scc = self.constraint_sccs.scc(constraint.sup);
if blame_source {
match categorized_path[*i].0 {
ConstraintCategory::OpaqueType | ConstraintCategory::Boring |
ConstraintCategory::BoringNoLocation | ConstraintCategory::Internal => false,
ConstraintCategory::TypeAnnotation | ConstraintCategory::Return |
ConstraintCategory::Yield => true,
_ => constraint_sup_scc != target_scc,
} else {
match categorized_path[*i].0 {
ConstraintCategory::OpaqueType | ConstraintCategory::Boring |
ConstraintCategory::BoringNoLocation | ConstraintCategory::Internal => false,
_ => true
let best_choice = if blame_source {
} else {
debug!("best_blame_constraint: best_choice={:?} blame_source={}",
best_choice, blame_source);
if let Some(i) = best_choice {
if let Some(next) = categorized_path.get(i + 1) {
if categorized_path[i].0 == ConstraintCategory::Return
&& next.0 == ConstraintCategory::OpaqueType
// The return expression is being influenced by the return type being
// impl Trait, point at the return type and not the return expr.
return *next;
return categorized_path[i];
// If that search fails, that is.. unusual. Maybe everything
// is in the same SCC or something. In that case, find what
// appears to be the most interesting point to report to the
// user via an even more ad-hoc guess.
categorized_path.sort_by(|p0, p1| p0.0.cmp(&p1.0));
debug!("`: sorted_path={:#?}", categorized_path);
/// Walks the graph of constraints (where `'a: 'b` is considered
/// an edge `'a -> 'b`) to find all paths from `from_region` to
/// `to_region`. The paths are accumulated into the vector
/// `results`. The paths are stored as a series of
/// `ConstraintIndex` values -- in other words, a list of *edges*.
/// Returns: a series of constraints as well as the region `R`
/// that passed the target test.
fn find_constraint_paths_between_regions(
from_region: RegionVid,
target_test: impl Fn(RegionVid) -> bool,
) -> Option<(Vec<OutlivesConstraint>, RegionVid)> {
let mut context = IndexVec::from_elem(Trace::NotVisited, &self.definitions);
context[from_region] = Trace::StartRegion;
// Use a deque so that we do a breadth-first search. We will
// stop at the first match, which ought to be the shortest
// path (fewest constraints).
let mut deque = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(r) = deque.pop_front() {
"find_constraint_paths_between_regions: from_region={:?} r={:?} value={}",
// Check if we reached the region we were looking for. If so,
// we can reconstruct the path that led to it and return it.
if target_test(r) {
let mut result = vec![];
let mut p = r;
loop {
match context[p] {
Trace::NotVisited => {
bug!("found unvisited region {:?} on path to {:?}", p, r)
Trace::FromOutlivesConstraint(c) => {
p = c.sup;
Trace::StartRegion => {
return Some((result, r));
// Otherwise, walk over the outgoing constraints and
// enqueue any regions we find, keeping track of how we
// reached them.
// A constraint like `'r: 'x` can come from our constraint
// graph.
let fr_static = self.universal_regions.fr_static;
let outgoing_edges_from_graph = self.constraint_graph
.outgoing_edges(r, &self.constraints, fr_static);
// Always inline this closure because it can be hot.
let mut handle_constraint = #[inline(always)] |constraint: OutlivesConstraint| {
debug_assert_eq!(constraint.sup, r);
let sub_region = constraint.sub;
if let Trace::NotVisited = context[sub_region] {
context[sub_region] = Trace::FromOutlivesConstraint(constraint);
// This loop can be hot.
for constraint in outgoing_edges_from_graph {
// Member constraints can also give rise to `'r: 'x` edges that
// were not part of the graph initially, so watch out for those.
// (But they are extremely rare; this loop is very cold.)
for constraint in self.applied_member_constraints(r) {
let p_c = &self.member_constraints[constraint.member_constraint_index];
let constraint = OutlivesConstraint {
sup: r,
sub: constraint.min_choice,
locations: Locations::All(p_c.definition_span),
category: ConstraintCategory::OpaqueType,
/// Report an error because the universal region `fr` was required to outlive
/// `outlived_fr` but it is not known to do so. For example:
/// ```
/// fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a u32) -> &'b u32 { x }
/// ```
/// Here we would be invoked with `fr = 'a` and `outlived_fr = `'b`.
pub(super) fn report_error<'a>(
&'a self,
body: &Body<'tcx>,
local_names: &IndexVec<Local, Option<Symbol>>,
upvars: &[Upvar],
infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
mir_def_id: DefId,
fr: RegionVid,
fr_origin: NLLRegionVariableOrigin,
outlived_fr: RegionVid,
outlives_suggestion: &mut OutlivesSuggestionBuilder<'_>,
renctx: &mut RegionErrorNamingCtx,
) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
debug!("report_error(fr={:?}, outlived_fr={:?})", fr, outlived_fr);
let (category, _, span) = self.best_blame_constraint(body, fr, fr_origin, |r| {
self.provides_universal_region(r, fr, outlived_fr)
debug!("report_error: category={:?} {:?}", category, span);
// Check if we can use one of the "nice region errors".
if let (Some(f), Some(o)) = (self.to_error_region(fr), self.to_error_region(outlived_fr)) {
let tables = infcx.tcx.typeck_tables_of(mir_def_id);
let nice = NiceRegionError::new_from_span(infcx, span, o, f, Some(tables));
if let Some(diag) = nice.try_report_from_nll() {
return diag;
let (fr_is_local, outlived_fr_is_local): (bool, bool) = (
"report_error: fr_is_local={:?} outlived_fr_is_local={:?} category={:?}",
fr_is_local, outlived_fr_is_local, category
let errctx = ErrorReportingCtx {
region_infcx: self,
let errci = ErrorConstraintInfo {
fr, outlived_fr, fr_is_local, outlived_fr_is_local, category, span
match (category, fr_is_local, outlived_fr_is_local) {
(ConstraintCategory::Return, true, false) if self.is_closure_fn_mut(infcx, fr) => {
self.report_fnmut_error(&errctx, &errci, renctx)
(ConstraintCategory::Assignment, true, false)
| (ConstraintCategory::CallArgument, true, false) => {
let mut db = self.report_escaping_data_error(&errctx, &errci, renctx);
outlives_suggestion.intermediate_suggestion(&errctx, &errci, renctx, &mut db);
outlives_suggestion.collect_constraint(fr, outlived_fr);
_ => {
let mut db = self.report_general_error(&errctx, &errci, renctx);
outlives_suggestion.intermediate_suggestion(&errctx, &errci, renctx, &mut db);
outlives_suggestion.collect_constraint(fr, outlived_fr);
/// We have a constraint `fr1: fr2` that is not satisfied, where
/// `fr2` represents some universal region. Here, `r` is some
/// region where we know that `fr1: r` and this function has the
/// job of determining whether `r` is "to blame" for the fact that
/// `fr1: fr2` is required.
/// This is true under two conditions:
/// - `r == fr2`
/// - `fr2` is `'static` and `r` is some placeholder in a universe
/// that cannot be named by `fr1`; in that case, we will require
/// that `fr1: 'static` because it is the only way to `fr1: r` to
/// be satisfied. (See `add_incompatible_universe`.)
fn provides_universal_region(&self, r: RegionVid, fr1: RegionVid, fr2: RegionVid) -> bool {
"provides_universal_region(r={:?}, fr1={:?}, fr2={:?})",
r, fr1, fr2
let result = {
r == fr2 || {
fr2 == self.universal_regions.fr_static && self.cannot_name_placeholder(fr1, r)
debug!("provides_universal_region: result = {:?}", result);
/// Report a specialized error when `FnMut` closures return a reference to a captured variable.
/// This function expects `fr` to be local and `outlived_fr` to not be local.
/// ```text
/// error: captured variable cannot escape `FnMut` closure body
/// --> $DIR/
/// |
/// LL | || &mut v;
/// | -- ^^^^^^ creates a reference to a captured variable which escapes the closure body
/// | |
/// | inferred to be a `FnMut` closure
/// |
/// = note: `FnMut` closures only have access to their captured variables while they are
/// executing...
/// = note: ...therefore, returned references to captured variables will escape the closure
/// ```
fn report_fnmut_error(
errctx: &ErrorReportingCtx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
errci: &ErrorConstraintInfo,
renctx: &mut RegionErrorNamingCtx,
) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_> {
let ErrorConstraintInfo {
outlived_fr, span, ..
} = errci;
let mut diag = errctx
.struct_span_err(*span, "captured variable cannot escape `FnMut` closure body");
// We should check if the return type of this closure is in fact a closure - in that
// case, we can special case the error further.
let return_type_is_closure = self.universal_regions.unnormalized_output_ty.is_closure();
let message = if return_type_is_closure {
"returns a closure that contains a reference to a captured variable, which then \
escapes the closure body"
} else {
"returns a reference to a captured variable which escapes the closure body"
diag.span_label(*span, message);
match self.give_region_a_name(errctx, renctx, *outlived_fr).unwrap().source {
| RegionNameSource::NamedFreeRegion(fr_span)
| RegionNameSource::SynthesizedFreeEnvRegion(fr_span, _)
| RegionNameSource::CannotMatchHirTy(fr_span, _)
| RegionNameSource::MatchedHirTy(fr_span)
| RegionNameSource::MatchedAdtAndSegment(fr_span)
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromUpvar(fr_span, _)
| RegionNameSource::AnonRegionFromOutput(fr_span, _, _) => {
diag.span_label(fr_span, "inferred to be a `FnMut` closure");
_ => {}
"`FnMut` closures only have access to their captured variables while they are \
diag.note("...therefore, they cannot allow references to captured variables to escape");
/// Reports a error specifically for when data is escaping a closure.
/// ```text
/// error: borrowed data escapes outside of function
/// --> $DIR/
/// |
/// LL | fn test2<'a>(x: &'a Box<Fn()+'a>) {
/// | - `x` is a reference that is only valid in the function body
/// LL | // but ref_obj will not, so warn.
/// LL | ref_obj(x)
/// | ^^^^^^^^^^ `x` escapes the function body here
/// ```
fn report_escaping_data_error(
errctx: &ErrorReportingCtx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
errci: &ErrorConstraintInfo,
renctx: &mut RegionErrorNamingCtx,
) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_> {
let ErrorReportingCtx {
infcx, body, upvars, local_names, ..
} = errctx;
let ErrorConstraintInfo {
span, category, ..
} = errci;
let fr_name_and_span =
self.get_var_name_and_span_for_region(infcx.tcx, body, local_names, upvars,;
let outlived_fr_name_and_span = self.get_var_name_and_span_for_region(
let escapes_from = match self.universal_regions.defining_ty {
DefiningTy::Closure(..) => "closure",
DefiningTy::Generator(..) => "generator",
DefiningTy::FnDef(..) => "function",
DefiningTy::Const(..) => "const",
// Revert to the normal error in these cases.
// Assignments aren't "escapes" in function items.
if (fr_name_and_span.is_none() && outlived_fr_name_and_span.is_none())
|| (*category == ConstraintCategory::Assignment && escapes_from == "function")
|| escapes_from == "const"
return self.report_general_error(
&ErrorConstraintInfo {
fr_is_local: true,
outlived_fr_is_local: false,
.. *errci
let mut diag = borrowck_errors::borrowed_data_escapes_closure(
if let Some((Some(outlived_fr_name), outlived_fr_span)) = outlived_fr_name_and_span {
"`{}` is declared here, outside of the {} body",
outlived_fr_name, escapes_from
if let Some((Some(fr_name), fr_span)) = fr_name_and_span {
"`{}` is a reference that is only valid in the {} body",
fr_name, escapes_from
format!("`{}` escapes the {} body here", fr_name, escapes_from),
/// Reports a region inference error for the general case with named/synthesized lifetimes to
/// explain what is happening.
/// ```text
/// error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
/// --> $DIR/
/// |
/// LL | fn mk_add_bad1<'a,'b>(x: &'a ast<'a>, y: &'b ast<'b>) -> ast<'a> {
/// | -- -- lifetime `'b` defined here
/// | |
/// | lifetime `'a` defined here
/// LL | ast::add(x, y)
/// | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function was supposed to return data with lifetime `'a` but it
/// | is returning data with lifetime `'b`
/// ```
fn report_general_error(
errctx: &ErrorReportingCtx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
errci: &ErrorConstraintInfo,
renctx: &mut RegionErrorNamingCtx,
) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_> {
let ErrorReportingCtx {
infcx, mir_def_id, ..
} = errctx;
let ErrorConstraintInfo {
fr, fr_is_local, outlived_fr, outlived_fr_is_local, span, category, ..
} = errci;
let mut diag = infcx.tcx.sess.struct_span_err(
"lifetime may not live long enough"
let mir_def_name = if infcx.tcx.is_closure(*mir_def_id) {
} else {
let fr_name = self.give_region_a_name(errctx, renctx, *fr).unwrap();
fr_name.highlight_region_name(&mut diag);
let outlived_fr_name = self.give_region_a_name(errctx, renctx, *outlived_fr).unwrap();
outlived_fr_name.highlight_region_name(&mut diag);
match (category, outlived_fr_is_local, fr_is_local) {
(ConstraintCategory::Return, true, _) => {
"{} was supposed to return data with lifetime `{}` but it is returning \
data with lifetime `{}`",
mir_def_name, outlived_fr_name, fr_name
_ => {
"{}requires that `{}` must outlive `{}`",
self.add_static_impl_trait_suggestion(infcx, &mut diag, *fr, fr_name, *outlived_fr);
/// Adds a suggestion to errors where a `impl Trait` is returned.
/// ```text
/// help: to allow this `impl Trait` to capture borrowed data with lifetime `'1`, add `'_` as
/// a constraint
/// |
/// LL | fn iter_values_anon(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=u32> + 'a {
/// | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/// ```
fn add_static_impl_trait_suggestion(
infcx: &InferCtxt<'_, 'tcx>,
diag: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>,
fr: RegionVid,
// We need to pass `fr_name` - computing it again will label it twice.
fr_name: RegionName,
outlived_fr: RegionVid,
) {
if let (Some(f), Some(ty::RegionKind::ReStatic)) =
(self.to_error_region(fr), self.to_error_region(outlived_fr))
if let Some((ty::TyS {
kind: ty::Opaque(did, substs),
}, _)) = infcx
.map(|r| r.def_id)
.map(|id| infcx.tcx.return_type_impl_trait(id))
// Check whether or not the impl trait return type is intended to capture
// data with the static lifetime.
// eg. check for `impl Trait + 'static` instead of `impl Trait`.
let has_static_predicate = {
let predicates_of = infcx.tcx.predicates_of(*did);
let bounds = predicates_of.instantiate(infcx.tcx, substs);
let mut found = false;
for predicate in bounds.predicates {
if let ty::Predicate::TypeOutlives(binder) = predicate {
if let ty::OutlivesPredicate(_, ty::RegionKind::ReStatic) =
found = true;
"add_static_impl_trait_suggestion: has_static_predicate={:?}",
let static_str = kw::StaticLifetime;
// If there is a static predicate, then the only sensible suggestion is to replace
// fr with `'static`.
if has_static_predicate {!(
"consider replacing `{}` with `{}`",
fr_name, static_str,
} else {
// Otherwise, we should suggest adding a constraint on the return type.
let span = infcx.tcx.def_span(*did);
if let Ok(snippet) = infcx.tcx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(span) {
let suggestable_fr_name = if fr_name.was_named() {
} else {
"to allow this `impl Trait` to capture borrowed data with lifetime \
`{}`, add `{}` as a constraint",
fr_name, suggestable_fr_name,
format!("{} + {}", snippet, suggestable_fr_name),
crate fn free_region_constraint_info(
body: &Body<'tcx>,
local_names: &IndexVec<Local, Option<Symbol>>,
upvars: &[Upvar],
mir_def_id: DefId,
infcx: &InferCtxt<'_, 'tcx>,
borrow_region: RegionVid,
outlived_region: RegionVid,
) -> (ConstraintCategory, bool, Span, Option<RegionName>) {
let (category, from_closure, span) = self.best_blame_constraint(
|r| self.provides_universal_region(r, borrow_region, outlived_region)
let mut renctx = RegionErrorNamingCtx::new();
let errctx = ErrorReportingCtx {
infcx, body, local_names, upvars, mir_def_id,
region_infcx: self,
let outlived_fr_name = self.give_region_a_name(&errctx, &mut renctx, outlived_region);
(category, from_closure, span, outlived_fr_name)
// Finds some region R such that `fr1: R` and `R` is live at
// `elem`.
crate fn find_sub_region_live_at(
fr1: RegionVid,
elem: Location,
) -> RegionVid {
debug!("find_sub_region_live_at(fr1={:?}, elem={:?})", fr1, elem);
self.find_constraint_paths_between_regions(fr1, |r| {
// First look for some `r` such that `fr1: r` and `r` is live at `elem`
"find_sub_region_live_at: liveness_constraints for {:?} are {:?}",
self.liveness_constraints.contains(r, elem)
}).or_else(|| {
// If we fail to find that, we may find some `r` such that
// `fr1: r` and `r` is a placeholder from some universe
// `fr1` cannot name. This would force `fr1` to be
// `'static`.
self.find_constraint_paths_between_regions(fr1, |r| {
self.cannot_name_placeholder(fr1, r)
.or_else(|| {
// If we fail to find THAT, it may be that `fr1` is a
// placeholder that cannot "fit" into its SCC. In that
// case, there should be some `r` where `fr1: r`, both
// `fr1` and `r` are in the same SCC, and `fr1` is a
// placeholder that `r` cannot name. We can blame that
// edge.
self.find_constraint_paths_between_regions(fr1, |r| {
self.constraint_sccs.scc(fr1) == self.constraint_sccs.scc(r)
&& self.cannot_name_placeholder(r, fr1)
.map(|(_path, r)| r)
// Finds a good span to blame for the fact that `fr1` outlives `fr2`.
crate fn find_outlives_blame_span(
body: &Body<'tcx>,
fr1: RegionVid,
fr1_origin: NLLRegionVariableOrigin,
fr2: RegionVid,
) -> (ConstraintCategory, Span) {
let (category, _, span) = self.best_blame_constraint(
|r| self.provides_universal_region(r, fr1, fr2),
(category, span)
fn retrieve_closure_constraint_info(
body: &Body<'tcx>,
constraint: &OutlivesConstraint,
) -> (ConstraintCategory, bool, Span) {
let loc = match constraint.locations {
Locations::All(span) => return (constraint.category, false, span),
Locations::Single(loc) => loc,
let opt_span_category =
self.closure_bounds_mapping[&loc].get(&(constraint.sup, constraint.sub));
.map(|&(category, span)| (category, true, span))
.unwrap_or((constraint.category, false, body.source_info(loc).span))
/// Returns `true` if a closure is inferred to be an `FnMut` closure.
crate fn is_closure_fn_mut(&self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'_, 'tcx>, fr: RegionVid) -> bool {
if let Some(ty::ReFree(free_region)) = self.to_error_region(fr) {
if let ty::BoundRegion::BrEnv = free_region.bound_region {
if let DefiningTy::Closure(def_id, substs) = self.universal_regions.defining_ty {
let closure_kind_ty = substs.as_closure().kind_ty(def_id, infcx.tcx);
return Some(ty::ClosureKind::FnMut) == closure_kind_ty.to_opt_closure_kind();
/// If `r2` represents a placeholder region, then this returns
/// `true` if `r1` cannot name that placeholder in its
/// value; otherwise, returns `false`.
fn cannot_name_placeholder(&self, r1: RegionVid, r2: RegionVid) -> bool {
debug!("cannot_name_value_of(r1={:?}, r2={:?})", r1, r2);
match self.definitions[r2].origin {
NLLRegionVariableOrigin::Placeholder(placeholder) => {
let universe1 = self.definitions[r1].universe;
"cannot_name_value_of: universe1={:?} placeholder={:?}",
universe1, placeholder
NLLRegionVariableOrigin::FreeRegion | NLLRegionVariableOrigin::Existential { .. } => {