blob: 7de7b7e79be44faf85c4b75fe98ff73dd672e40b [file] [log] [blame]
#![deny(unreachable_patterns, overlapping_patterns)]
fn main() {
match 5 {
1 ..= 10 => { }
5 ..= 6 => { }
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match 5 {
3 ..= 6 => { }
4 ..= 6 => { }
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match 5 {
4 ..= 6 => { }
4 ..= 6 => { }
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match 'c' {
'A' ..= 'z' => {}
'a' ..= 'z' => {}
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match 1.0f64 {
0.01f64 ..= 6.5f64 => {}
//~^ WARNING floating-point types cannot be used in patterns
//~| WARNING floating-point types cannot be used in patterns
//~| WARNING floating-point types cannot be used in patterns
//~| WARNING this was previously accepted by the compiler
//~| WARNING this was previously accepted by the compiler
//~| WARNING this was previously accepted by the compiler
0.02f64 => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
//~^ WARNING floating-point types cannot be used in patterns
//~| WARNING this was previously accepted by the compiler
_ => {}