blob: ea21592997bfeed95d67a69a5ac36ac2ebc4a481 [file] [log] [blame]
impl dyn A { //~ ERROR missing
struct S;
trait X { //~ ERROR missing
X() {}
fn xxx() { ### }
L = M;
Z = { 2 + 3 };
::Y ();
trait A { //~ ERROR missing
X() {}
trait B {
fn xxx() { ### } //~ ERROR expected
trait C { //~ ERROR missing `fn`, `type`, or `const` for associated-item declaration
L = M;
trait D { //~ ERROR missing `fn`, `type`, or `const` for associated-item declaration
Z = { 2 + 3 };
trait E {
::Y (); //~ ERROR expected one of
impl S {
pub hello_method(&self) { //~ ERROR missing
fn main() {
S.hello_method(); //~ no method named `hello_method` found for type `S` in the current scope