blob: bbe77e7d0fb5c41f201782a8f72f760361df66c7 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Oneshot channels/ports
/// This is the initial flavor of channels/ports used for comm module. This is
/// an optimization for the one-use case of a channel. The major optimization of
/// this type is to have one and exactly one allocation when the chan/port pair
/// is created.
/// Another possible optimization would be to not use an Arc box because
/// in theory we know when the shared packet can be deallocated (no real need
/// for the atomic reference counting), but I was having trouble how to destroy
/// the data early in a drop of a Port.
/// # Implementation
/// Oneshots are implemented around one atomic usize variable. This variable
/// indicates both the state of the port/chan but also contains any threads
/// blocked on the port. All atomic operations happen on this one word.
/// In order to upgrade a oneshot channel, an upgrade is considered a disconnect
/// on behalf of the channel side of things (it can be mentally thought of as
/// consuming the port). This upgrade is then also stored in the shared packet.
/// The one caveat to consider is that when a port sees a disconnected channel
/// it must check for data because there is no "data plus upgrade" state.
pub use self::Failure::*;
use self::MyUpgrade::*;
pub use self::UpgradeResult::*;
use crate::cell::UnsafeCell;
use crate::ptr;
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use crate::sync::mpsc::blocking::{self, SignalToken};
use crate::sync::mpsc::Receiver;
use crate::time::Instant;
// Various states you can find a port in.
const EMPTY: usize = 0; // initial state: no data, no blocked receiver
const DATA: usize = 1; // data ready for receiver to take
const DISCONNECTED: usize = 2; // channel is disconnected OR upgraded
// Any other value represents a pointer to a SignalToken value. The
// protocol ensures that when the state moves *to* a pointer,
// ownership of the token is given to the packet, and when the state
// moves *from* a pointer, ownership of the token is transferred to
// whoever changed the state.
pub struct Packet<T> {
// Internal state of the chan/port pair (stores the blocked thread as well)
state: AtomicUsize,
// One-shot data slot location
data: UnsafeCell<Option<T>>,
// when used for the second time, a oneshot channel must be upgraded, and
// this contains the slot for the upgrade
upgrade: UnsafeCell<MyUpgrade<T>>,
pub enum Failure<T> {
pub enum UpgradeResult {
enum MyUpgrade<T> {
impl<T> Packet<T> {
pub fn new() -> Packet<T> {
Packet {
data: UnsafeCell::new(None),
upgrade: UnsafeCell::new(NothingSent),
state: AtomicUsize::new(EMPTY),
pub fn send(&self, t: T) -> Result<(), T> {
unsafe {
// Sanity check
match *self.upgrade.get() {
NothingSent => {}
_ => panic!("sending on a oneshot that's already sent on "),
ptr::write(, Some(t));
ptr::write(self.upgrade.get(), SendUsed);
match self.state.swap(DATA, Ordering::SeqCst) {
// Sent the data, no one was waiting
EMPTY => Ok(()),
// Couldn't send the data, the port hung up first. Return the data
// back up the stack.
self.state.swap(DISCONNECTED, Ordering::SeqCst);
ptr::write(self.upgrade.get(), NothingSent);
Err((&mut *
// Not possible, these are one-use channels
DATA => unreachable!(),
// There is a thread waiting on the other end. We leave the 'DATA'
// state inside so it'll pick it up on the other end.
ptr => {
// Just tests whether this channel has been sent on or not, this is only
// safe to use from the sender.
pub fn sent(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
match *self.upgrade.get() {
NothingSent => false,
_ => true,
pub fn recv(&self, deadline: Option<Instant>) -> Result<T, Failure<T>> {
// Attempt to not block the thread (it's a little expensive). If it looks
// like we're not empty, then immediately go through to `try_recv`.
if self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == EMPTY {
let (wait_token, signal_token) = blocking::tokens();
let ptr = unsafe { signal_token.cast_to_usize() };
// race with senders to enter the blocking state
if self.state.compare_and_swap(EMPTY, ptr, Ordering::SeqCst) == EMPTY {
if let Some(deadline) = deadline {
let timed_out = !wait_token.wait_max_until(deadline);
// Try to reset the state
if timed_out {
} else {
debug_assert!(self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst) != EMPTY);
} else {
// drop the signal token, since we never blocked
drop(unsafe { SignalToken::cast_from_usize(ptr) });
pub fn try_recv(&self) -> Result<T, Failure<T>> {
unsafe {
match self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
EMPTY => Err(Empty),
// We saw some data on the channel, but the channel can be used
// again to send us an upgrade. As a result, we need to re-insert
// into the channel that there's no data available (otherwise we'll
// just see DATA next time). This is done as a cmpxchg because if
// the state changes under our feet we'd rather just see that state
// change.
DATA => {
self.state.compare_and_swap(DATA, EMPTY, Ordering::SeqCst);
match (&mut * {
Some(data) => Ok(data),
None => unreachable!(),
// There's no guarantee that we receive before an upgrade happens,
// and an upgrade flags the channel as disconnected, so when we see
// this we first need to check if there's data available and *then*
// we go through and process the upgrade.
DISCONNECTED => match (&mut * {
Some(data) => Ok(data),
None => match ptr::replace(self.upgrade.get(), SendUsed) {
SendUsed | NothingSent => Err(Disconnected),
GoUp(upgrade) => Err(Upgraded(upgrade)),
// We are the sole receiver; there cannot be a blocking
// receiver already.
_ => unreachable!(),
// Returns whether the upgrade was completed. If the upgrade wasn't
// completed, then the port couldn't get sent to the other half (it will
// never receive it).
pub fn upgrade(&self, up: Receiver<T>) -> UpgradeResult {
unsafe {
let prev = match *self.upgrade.get() {
NothingSent => NothingSent,
SendUsed => SendUsed,
_ => panic!("upgrading again"),
ptr::write(self.upgrade.get(), GoUp(up));
match self.state.swap(DISCONNECTED, Ordering::SeqCst) {
// If the channel is empty or has data on it, then we're good to go.
// Senders will check the data before the upgrade (in case we
// plastered over the DATA state).
DATA | EMPTY => UpSuccess,
// If the other end is already disconnected, then we failed the
// upgrade. Be sure to trash the port we were given.
ptr::replace(self.upgrade.get(), prev);
// If someone's waiting, we gotta wake them up
ptr => UpWoke(SignalToken::cast_from_usize(ptr)),
pub fn drop_chan(&self) {
match self.state.swap(DISCONNECTED, Ordering::SeqCst) {
// If someone's waiting, we gotta wake them up
ptr => unsafe {
pub fn drop_port(&self) {
match self.state.swap(DISCONNECTED, Ordering::SeqCst) {
// An empty channel has nothing to do, and a remotely disconnected
// channel also has nothing to do b/c we're about to run the drop
// glue
// There's data on the channel, so make sure we destroy it promptly.
// This is why not using an arc is a little difficult (need the box
// to stay valid while we take the data).
DATA => unsafe {
(&mut *;
// We're the only ones that can block on this port
_ => unreachable!(),
// select implementation
// Remove a previous selecting thread from this port. This ensures that the
// blocked thread will no longer be visible to any other threads.
// The return value indicates whether there's data on this port.
pub fn abort_selection(&self) -> Result<bool, Receiver<T>> {
let state = match self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
// Each of these states means that no further activity will happen
// with regard to abortion selection
s @ EMPTY | s @ DATA | s @ DISCONNECTED => s,
// If we've got a blocked thread, then use an atomic to gain ownership
// of it (may fail)
ptr => self.state.compare_and_swap(ptr, EMPTY, Ordering::SeqCst),
// Now that we've got ownership of our state, figure out what to do
// about it.
match state {
EMPTY => unreachable!(),
// our thread used for select was stolen
DATA => Ok(true),
// If the other end has hung up, then we have complete ownership
// of the port. First, check if there was data waiting for us. This
// is possible if the other end sent something and then hung up.
// We then need to check to see if there was an upgrade requested,
// and if so, the upgraded port needs to have its selection aborted.
DISCONNECTED => unsafe {
if (* {
} else {
match ptr::replace(self.upgrade.get(), SendUsed) {
GoUp(port) => Err(port),
_ => Ok(true),
// We woke ourselves up from select.
ptr => unsafe {
impl<T> Drop for Packet<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
assert_eq!(self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst), DISCONNECTED);