blob: 951181c8900ce1efb184457c1b3e2abf3dc2db89 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Name resolution for lifetimes: type declarations.
use crate::hir::def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId};
use crate::hir::{GenericParam, ItemLocalId};
use crate::hir::{GenericParamKind, LifetimeParamKind};
use crate::ty;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use rustc_macros::HashStable;
/// The origin of a named lifetime definition.
/// This is used to prevent the usage of in-band lifetimes in `Fn`/`fn` syntax.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug, HashStable)]
pub enum LifetimeDefOrigin {
// Explicit binders like `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a u8)` or elided like `impl Foo<&u32>`
// In-band declarations like `fn foo(x: &'a u8)`
// Some kind of erroneous origin
impl LifetimeDefOrigin {
pub fn from_param(param: &GenericParam<'_>) -> Self {
match param.kind {
GenericParamKind::Lifetime { kind } => match kind {
LifetimeParamKind::InBand => LifetimeDefOrigin::InBand,
LifetimeParamKind::Explicit => LifetimeDefOrigin::ExplicitOrElided,
LifetimeParamKind::Elided => LifetimeDefOrigin::ExplicitOrElided,
LifetimeParamKind::Error => LifetimeDefOrigin::Error,
_ => bug!("expected a lifetime param"),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug, HashStable)]
pub enum Region {
EarlyBound(/* index */ u32, /* lifetime decl */ DefId, LifetimeDefOrigin),
LateBound(ty::DebruijnIndex, /* lifetime decl */ DefId, LifetimeDefOrigin),
LateBoundAnon(ty::DebruijnIndex, /* anon index */ u32),
Free(DefId, /* lifetime decl */ DefId),
/// A set containing, at most, one known element.
/// If two distinct values are inserted into a set, then it
/// becomes `Many`, which can be used to detect ambiguities.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug, HashStable)]
pub enum Set1<T> {
impl<T: PartialEq> Set1<T> {
pub fn insert(&mut self, value: T) {
*self = match self {
Set1::Empty => Set1::One(value),
Set1::One(old) if *old == value => return,
_ => Set1::Many,
pub type ObjectLifetimeDefault = Set1<Region>;
/// Maps the id of each lifetime reference to the lifetime decl
/// that it corresponds to.
#[derive(Default, HashStable)]
pub struct ResolveLifetimes {
/// Maps from every use of a named (not anonymous) lifetime to a
/// `Region` describing how that region is bound
pub defs: FxHashMap<LocalDefId, FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Region>>,
/// Set of lifetime def ids that are late-bound; a region can
/// be late-bound if (a) it does NOT appear in a where-clause and
/// (b) it DOES appear in the arguments.
pub late_bound: FxHashMap<LocalDefId, FxHashSet<ItemLocalId>>,
/// For each type and trait definition, maps type parameters
/// to the trait object lifetime defaults computed from them.
pub object_lifetime_defaults:
FxHashMap<LocalDefId, FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Vec<ObjectLifetimeDefault>>>,