blob: 640877d3d55c3bca47d42082ce85f186180f70b6 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The data that we will serialize and deserialize.
use crate::dep_graph::DepNode;
use crate::ich::Fingerprint;
use rustc_index::vec::{Idx, IndexVec};
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
pub struct SerializedDepNodeIndex { .. }
/// Data for use when recompiling the **current crate**.
#[derive(Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Default)]
pub struct SerializedDepGraph {
/// The set of all DepNodes in the graph
pub nodes: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, DepNode>,
/// The set of all Fingerprints in the graph. Each Fingerprint corresponds to
/// the DepNode at the same index in the nodes vector.
pub fingerprints: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, Fingerprint>,
/// For each DepNode, stores the list of edges originating from that
/// DepNode. Encoded as a [start, end) pair indexing into edge_list_data,
/// which holds the actual DepNodeIndices of the target nodes.
pub edge_list_indices: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, (u32, u32)>,
/// A flattened list of all edge targets in the graph. Edge sources are
/// implicit in edge_list_indices.
pub edge_list_data: Vec<SerializedDepNodeIndex>,
impl SerializedDepGraph {
pub fn edge_targets_from(&self, source: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> &[SerializedDepNodeIndex] {
let targets = self.edge_list_indices[source];
&self.edge_list_data[targets.0 as usize..targets.1 as usize]