blob: 33fac3edccd11f6297a2e5ffe1df4e447a112b60 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Write as _};
use std::sync::OnceLock;
use anyhow::{Context, anyhow};
use regex::Regex;
use crate::parser::{Parser, unescape_llvm_string_contents};
pub(crate) fn dump_covfun_mappings(
llvm_ir: &str,
function_names: &HashMap<u64, String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Extract function coverage entries from the LLVM IR assembly, and associate
// each entry with its (demangled) name.
let mut covfun_entries = llvm_ir
.map(|line_data| (function_names.get(&line_data.name_hash).map(String::as_str), line_data))
covfun_entries.sort_by(|a, b| {
// Sort entries primarily by name, to help make the order consistent
// across platforms and relatively insensitive to changes.
// (Sadly we can't use `sort_by_key` because we would need to return references.)
Ord::cmp(&a.0, &b.0)
.then_with(|| Ord::cmp(&a.1.is_used, &b.1.is_used))
.then_with(|| Ord::cmp(a.1.payload.as_slice(), b.1.payload.as_slice()))
for (name, line_data) in &covfun_entries {
let name = name.unwrap_or("(unknown)");
let unused = if line_data.is_used { "" } else { " (unused)" };
println!("Function name: {name}{unused}");
let payload: &[u8] = &line_data.payload;
println!("Raw bytes ({len}): 0x{payload:02x?}", len = payload.len());
let mut parser = Parser::new(payload);
let num_files = parser.read_uleb128_u32()?;
println!("Number of files: {num_files}");
for i in 0..num_files {
let global_file_id = parser.read_uleb128_u32()?;
println!("- file {i} => global file {global_file_id}");
let num_expressions = parser.read_uleb128_u32()?;
println!("Number of expressions: {num_expressions}");
let mut expression_resolver = ExpressionResolver::new();
for i in 0..num_expressions {
let lhs = parser.read_simple_term()?;
let rhs = parser.read_simple_term()?;
println!("- expression {i} operands: lhs = {lhs:?}, rhs = {rhs:?}");
expression_resolver.push_operands(lhs, rhs);
let mut max_counter = None;
for i in 0..num_files {
let num_mappings = parser.read_uleb128_u32()?;
println!("Number of file {i} mappings: {num_mappings}");
for _ in 0..num_mappings {
let (kind, region) = parser.read_mapping_kind_and_region()?;
println!("- {kind:?} at {region:?}");
kind.for_each_term(|term| {
if let CovTerm::Counter(n) = term {
max_counter = max_counter.max(Some(n));
match kind {
// Also print expression mappings in resolved form.
MappingKind::Code(term @ CovTerm::Expression { .. })
| MappingKind::Gap(term @ CovTerm::Expression { .. }) => {
println!(" = {}", expression_resolver.format_term(term));
// If the mapping is a branch region, print both of its arms
// in resolved form (even if they aren't expressions).
MappingKind::Branch { r#true, r#false }
| MappingKind::MCDCBranch { r#true, r#false, .. } => {
println!(" true = {}", expression_resolver.format_term(r#true));
println!(" false = {}", expression_resolver.format_term(r#false));
_ => (),
// Printing the highest counter ID seen in the functions mappings makes
// it easier to determine whether a change to coverage instrumentation
// has increased or decreased the number of physical counters needed.
// (It's possible for the generated code to have more counters that
// aren't used by any mappings, but that should hopefully be rare.)
println!("Highest counter ID seen: {}", match max_counter {
Some(id) => format!("c{id}"),
None => "(none)".to_owned(),
struct CovfunLineData {
name_hash: u64,
is_used: bool,
payload: Vec<u8>,
/// Checks a line of LLVM IR assembly to see if it contains an `__llvm_covfun`
/// entry, and if so extracts relevant data in a `CovfunLineData`.
fn covfun_line_data(line: &str) -> Option<CovfunLineData> {
let re = {
// We cheat a little bit and match variable names `@__covrec_[HASH]u`
// rather than the section name, because the section name is harder to
// extract and differs across Linux/Windows/macOS. We also extract the
// symbol name hash from the variable name rather than the data, since
// it's easier and both should match.
static RE: OnceLock<Regex> = OnceLock::new();
RE.get_or_init(|| {
r#"^@__covrec_(?<name_hash>[0-9A-Z]+)(?<is_used>u)? = .*\[[0-9]+ x i8\] c"(?<payload>[^"]*)".*$"#,
let captures = re.captures(line)?;
let name_hash = u64::from_str_radix(&captures["name_hash"], 16).unwrap();
let is_used ="is_used").is_some();
let payload = unescape_llvm_string_contents(&captures["payload"]);
Some(CovfunLineData { name_hash, is_used, payload })
// Extra parser methods only needed when parsing `covfun` payloads.
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
fn read_simple_term(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<CovTerm> {
let raw_term = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
CovTerm::decode(raw_term).context("decoding term")
fn read_mapping_kind_and_region(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<(MappingKind, MappingRegion)> {
let mut kind = self.read_raw_mapping_kind()?;
let mut region = self.read_raw_mapping_region()?;
const HIGH_BIT: u32 = 1u32 << 31;
if region.end_column & HIGH_BIT != 0 {
region.end_column &= !HIGH_BIT;
kind = match kind {
MappingKind::Code(term) => MappingKind::Gap(term),
// LLVM's coverage mapping reader will actually handle this
// case without complaint, but the result is almost certainly
// a meaningless implementation artifact.
_ => return Err(anyhow!("unexpected base kind for gap region: {kind:?}")),
Ok((kind, region))
fn read_raw_mapping_kind(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<MappingKind> {
let raw_mapping_kind = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
if let Some(term) = CovTerm::decode(raw_mapping_kind) {
return Ok(MappingKind::Code(term));
assert_eq!(raw_mapping_kind & 0b11, 0);
assert_ne!(raw_mapping_kind, 0);
let (high, is_expansion) = (raw_mapping_kind >> 3, raw_mapping_kind & 0b100 != 0);
if is_expansion {
} else {
match high {
0 => unreachable!("zero kind should have already been handled as a code mapping"),
2 => Ok(MappingKind::Skip),
4 => {
let r#true = self.read_simple_term()?;
let r#false = self.read_simple_term()?;
Ok(MappingKind::Branch { r#true, r#false })
5 => {
let bitmap_idx = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
let conditions_num = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
Ok(MappingKind::MCDCDecision { bitmap_idx, conditions_num })
6 => {
let r#true = self.read_simple_term()?;
let r#false = self.read_simple_term()?;
let condition_id = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
let true_next_id = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
let false_next_id = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
Ok(MappingKind::MCDCBranch {
_ => Err(anyhow!("unknown mapping kind: {raw_mapping_kind:#x}")),
fn read_raw_mapping_region(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<MappingRegion> {
let start_line_offset = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
let start_column = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
let end_line_offset = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
let end_column = self.read_uleb128_u32()?;
Ok(MappingRegion { start_line_offset, start_column, end_line_offset, end_column })
/// Enum that can hold a constant zero value, the ID of an physical coverage
/// counter, or the ID (and operation) of a coverage-counter expression.
/// Terms are used as the operands of coverage-counter expressions, as the arms
/// of branch mappings, and as the value of code/gap mappings.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum CovTerm {
Expression(u32, Op),
/// Operator (addition or subtraction) used by an expression.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum Op {
impl CovTerm {
pub(crate) fn decode(input: u32) -> Option<Self> {
let (high, tag) = (input >> 2, input & 0b11);
match tag {
0b00 if high == 0 => Some(Self::Zero),
0b01 => Some(Self::Counter(high)),
0b10 => Some(Self::Expression(high, Op::Sub)),
0b11 => Some(Self::Expression(high, Op::Add)),
// When reading expression operands or branch arms, the LLVM coverage
// mapping reader will always interpret a `0b00` tag as a zero
// term, even when the high bits are non-zero.
// We treat that case as failure instead, so that this code can be
// shared by the full mapping-kind reader as well.
_ => None,
enum MappingKind {
Expansion(#[allow(dead_code)] u32),
// Using raw identifiers here makes the dump output a little bit nicer
// (via the derived Debug), at the expense of making this tool's source
// code a little bit uglier.
Branch {
r#true: CovTerm,
r#false: CovTerm,
MCDCBranch {
r#true: CovTerm,
r#false: CovTerm,
// These attributes are printed in Debug but not used directly.
condition_id: u32,
true_next_id: u32,
false_next_id: u32,
MCDCDecision {
// These attributes are printed in Debug but not used directly.
bitmap_idx: u32,
conditions_num: u32,
impl MappingKind {
fn for_each_term(&self, mut callback: impl FnMut(CovTerm)) {
match *self {
Self::Code(term) => callback(term),
Self::Gap(term) => callback(term),
Self::Expansion(_id) => {}
Self::Skip => {}
Self::Branch { r#true, r#false } => {
Self::MCDCBranch {
condition_id: _,
true_next_id: _,
false_next_id: _,
} => {
Self::MCDCDecision { bitmap_idx: _, conditions_num: _ } => {}
struct MappingRegion {
/// Offset of this region's start line, relative to the *start line* of
/// the *previous mapping* (or 0). Line numbers are 1-based.
start_line_offset: u32,
/// This region's start column, absolute and 1-based.
start_column: u32,
/// Offset of this region's end line, relative to the *this mapping's*
/// start line. Line numbers are 1-based.
end_line_offset: u32,
/// This region's end column, absolute, 1-based, and exclusive.
/// If the highest bit is set, that bit is cleared and the associated
/// mapping becomes a gap region mapping.
end_column: u32,
impl Debug for MappingRegion {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"(prev + {}, {}) to (start + {}, {})",
self.start_line_offset, self.start_column, self.end_line_offset, self.end_column
/// Helper type that prints expressions in a "resolved" form, so that
/// developers reading the dump don't need to resolve expressions by hand.
struct ExpressionResolver {
operands: Vec<(CovTerm, CovTerm)>,
impl ExpressionResolver {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { operands: Vec::new() }
fn push_operands(&mut self, lhs: CovTerm, rhs: CovTerm) {
self.operands.push((lhs, rhs));
fn format_term(&self, term: CovTerm) -> String {
let mut output = String::new();
self.write_term(&mut output, term);
fn write_term(&self, output: &mut String, term: CovTerm) {
match term {
CovTerm::Zero => output.push_str("Zero"),
CovTerm::Counter(id) => write!(output, "c{id}").unwrap(),
CovTerm::Expression(id, op) => {
let (lhs, rhs) = self.operands[id as usize];
let op = match op {
Op::Sub => "-",
Op::Add => "+",
self.write_term(output, lhs);
write!(output, " {op} ").unwrap();
self.write_term(output, rhs);