blob: 394512c57947455366e35103fbc590c4e96d5145 [file] [log] [blame]
// Running rustfix would cause the same suggestion to be applied multiple times, which results in
// invalid code.
trait Parent {
type Ty;
type Assoc: Child<Self::Ty>;
trait Child<T> {}
struct ChildWrapper<T>(T);
impl<A, T> Child<A> for ChildWrapper<T> where T: Child<A> {}
struct ParentWrapper<T>(T);
impl<A, T: Parent<Ty = A>> Parent for ParentWrapper<T> {
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `<T as Parent>::Assoc: Child<A>` is not satisfied
type Ty = A;
type Assoc = ChildWrapper<T::Assoc>;
//~^ ERROR the trait bound `<T as Parent>::Assoc: Child<A>` is not satisfied
//~| ERROR the trait bound `<T as Parent>::Assoc: Child<A>` is not satisfied
fn main() {}