blob: 02e634efec3e7198b4d2c1070c447f28f6cd358c [file] [log] [blame]
// revisions: full min
#![cfg_attr(full, feature(const_generics))]
#![cfg_attr(full, allow(incomplete_features))]
#![cfg_attr(min, feature(min_const_generics))]
struct PhantomU8<const X: u8>;
trait FxpStorage {
type SInt; // Add arithmetic traits as needed.
macro_rules! fxp_storage_impls {
($($($n:literal)|+ => $sint:ty),* $(,)?) => {
$($(impl FxpStorage for PhantomU8<$n> {
type SInt = $sint;
fxp_storage_impls! {
1 => i8,
2 => i16,
3 | 4 => i32,
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 => i64,
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 => i128,
type FxpStorageHelper<const INT_BITS: u8, const FRAC_BITS: u8> =
PhantomU8<{(INT_BITS + FRAC_BITS + 7) / 8}>;
//[min]~^ ERROR generic parameters must not be used inside of non trivial constant values
//[min]~| ERROR generic parameters must not be used inside of non trivial constant values
struct Fxp<const INT_BITS: u8, const FRAC_BITS: u8>
FxpStorageHelper<INT_BITS, FRAC_BITS>: FxpStorage,
//[full]~^ ERROR constant expression depends on a generic parameter
storage: <FxpStorageHelper<INT_BITS, FRAC_BITS> as FxpStorage>::SInt,
fn main() {
Fxp::<1, 15> { storage: 0i16 };
Fxp::<2, 15> { storage: 0i32 };