blob: 809514e8a1c9da2ecdebddeb3cbf309a61eb098a [file] [log] [blame]
error: generic parameters must not be used inside of non trivial constant values
--> $DIR/
LL | struct ArithArrayLen<const N: usize>([u32; 0 + N]);
| ^ non-trivial anonymous constants must not depend on the parameter `N`
= help: it is currently only allowed to use either `N` or `{ N }` as generic constants
error: generic parameters must not be used inside of non trivial constant values
--> $DIR/
LL | arr: [u8; CFG.arr_size],
| ^^^ non-trivial anonymous constants must not depend on the parameter `CFG`
= help: it is currently only allowed to use either `CFG` or `{ CFG }` as generic constants
error: `Config` is forbidden as the type of a const generic parameter
--> $DIR/
LL | struct B<const CFG: Config> {
| ^^^^^^
= note: the only supported types are integers, `bool` and `char`
= note: more complex types are supported with `#[feature(const_generics)]`
error: aborting due to 3 previous errors