blob: 440ea0a38e6b902c440ce7ce2a32d24d3da42a04 [file] [log] [blame]
error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn foo() -> impl Future + Send {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ future created by async block is not `Send`
LL | / async move {
LL | | match client.status() {
LL | | 200 => {
LL | | let _x = get().await;
... |
LL | | }
LL | | }
| |_____- this returned value is of type `impl Future`
= help: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `(dyn Any + Send + 'static)`
note: future is not `Send` as this value is used across an await
--> $DIR/
LL | match client.status() {
| ------ has type `&Client` which is not `Send`
LL | 200 => {
LL | let _x = get().await;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ await occurs here, with `client` maybe used later
LL | }
| - `client` is later dropped here
help: consider moving this into a `let` binding to create a shorter lived borrow
--> $DIR/
LL | match client.status() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the return type of a function must have a statically known size
error: aborting due to previous error