blob: 3be8c2f3ac732c8d9e71c2ef83cfcb1091bd21b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -O
// EMIT_MIR inst_combine_deref.simple_opt.InstCombine.diff
fn simple_opt() -> u64 {
let x = 5;
let y = &x;
let z = *y;
// EMIT_MIR inst_combine_deref.deep_opt.InstCombine.diff
fn deep_opt() -> (u64, u64, u64) {
let x1 = 1;
let x2 = 2;
let x3 = 3;
let y1 = &x1;
let y2 = &x2;
let y3 = &x3;
let z1 = *y1;
let z2 = *y2;
let z3 = *y3;
(z1, z2, z3)
struct S {
a: u64,
b: u64,
// EMIT_MIR inst_combine_deref.opt_struct.InstCombine.diff
fn opt_struct(s: S) -> u64 {
let a = &s.a;
let b = &s.b;
let x = *a;
*b + x
// EMIT_MIR inst_combine_deref.dont_opt.InstCombine.diff
// do not optimize a sequence looking like this:
// _1 = &_2;
// _1 = _3;
// _4 = *_1;
// as the _1 = _3 assignment makes it not legal to replace the last statement with _4 = _2
fn dont_opt() -> u64 {
let y = 5;
let _ref = &y;
let x = 5;
let mut _1 = &x;
_1 = _ref;
let _4 = *_1;
// EMIT_MIR inst_combine_deref.do_not_miscompile.InstCombine.diff
fn do_not_miscompile() {
let x = 42;
let a = 99;
let mut y = &x;
let z = &mut y;
*z = &a;
assert!(*y == 99);
fn main() {
opt_struct(S { a: 0, b: 1 });