blob: 34fc4d76fa207d7cc572ef02c24ffcda40001993 [file] [log] [blame]
# We're in the process of evaluating GitHub Actions as a possible replacement
# for Azure Pipelines, and at the moment the configuration is duplicated
# between the two CI providers. Be sure to also change the configuration in
# src/ci/github-actions when changing this file.
# FIXME(linux): need to configure core dumps, enable them, and then dump
# backtraces on failure from all core dumps:
# - bash: sudo apt install gdb
# - bash: sudo sh -c 'echo "/checkout/obj/cores/core.%p.%E" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern'
# Check travis config for `gdb --batch` command to print all crash logs
# Configure our CI_JOB_NAME variable which log analyzers can use for the main
# step to see what's going on.
- bash: |
builder=$(echo $AGENT_JOBNAME | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CI_JOB_NAME]$builder"
displayName: Configure Job Name
# Disable automatic line ending conversion, which is enabled by default on
# Azure's Windows image. Having the conversion enabled caused regressions both
# in our test suite (it broke miri tests) and in the ecosystem, since we
# started shipping install scripts with CRLF endings instead of the old LF.
# Note that we do this a couple times during the build as the PATH and current
# user/directory change, e.g. when mingw is enabled.
- bash: git config --global core.autocrlf false
displayName: "Disable git automatic line ending conversion"
- checkout: self
fetchDepth: 2
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Setup environment
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Clean disk
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Decide whether to run this job
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Collect CPU-usage statistics in the background
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Show the current environment
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Install sccache
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Install clang
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Install wix
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Ensure the build happens on a partition with enough space
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: "Disable git automatic line ending conversion (on C:/)"
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Install msys2
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Install MinGW
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Install ninja
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Enable IPv6 on Docker
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
# Disable automatic line ending conversion (again). On Windows, when we're
# installing dependencies, something switches the git configuration directory or
# re-enables autocrlf. We've not tracked down the exact cause -- and there may
# be multiple -- but this should ensure submodules are checked out with the
# appropriate line endings.
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Disable git automatic line ending conversion
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Checkout submodules
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Verify line endings
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
# Ensure the `aws` CLI is installed so we can deploy later on, cache docker
# images, etc.
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
displayName: Install awscli
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
timeoutInMinutes: 600
condition: and(succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB))
displayName: Run build
- bash: src/ci/scripts/
displayName: Upload artifacts
# Adding a condition on DEPLOY=1 or DEPLOY_ALT=1 is not needed as all deploy
# builders *should* have the AWS credentials available. Still, explicitly
# adding the condition is helpful as this way CI will not silently skip
# deploying artifacts from a dist builder if the variables are misconfigured,
# erroring about invalid credentials instead.
condition: |
succeeded(), not(variables.SKIP_JOB),
eq(variables.DEPLOY, '1'), eq(variables.DEPLOY_ALT, '1')