blob: beaf12b1db04255bb05e936216c0cb35a9fffd8e [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::build::matches::ArmHasGuard;
use crate::build::ForGuard::OutsideGuard;
use crate::build::{BlockAnd, BlockAndExtension, BlockFrame, Builder};
use crate::thir::*;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_middle::mir::*;
use rustc_session::lint::builtin::UNSAFE_OP_IN_UNSAFE_FN;
use rustc_session::lint::Level;
use rustc_span::Span;
impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
crate fn ast_block(
&mut self,
destination: Place<'tcx>,
block: BasicBlock,
ast_block: &'tcx hir::Block<'tcx>,
source_info: SourceInfo,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
let Block {
} = self.hir.mirror(ast_block);
self.in_opt_scope(|de| (de, source_info)), move |this| {
this.in_scope((region_scope, source_info), LintLevel::Inherited, move |this| {
if targeted_by_break {
// This is a `break`-able block
let exit_block = this.cfg.start_new_block();
let block_exit =
this.in_breakable_scope(None, exit_block, destination, |this| {
this.ast_block_stmts(destination, block, span, stmts, expr, safety_mode)
this.cfg.goto(unpack!(block_exit), source_info, exit_block);
} else {
this.ast_block_stmts(destination, block, span, stmts, expr, safety_mode)
fn ast_block_stmts(
&mut self,
destination: Place<'tcx>,
mut block: BasicBlock,
span: Span,
stmts: Vec<StmtRef<'tcx>>,
expr: Option<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
safety_mode: BlockSafety,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
let this = self;
// This convoluted structure is to avoid using recursion as we walk down a list
// of statements. Basically, the structure we get back is something like:
// let x = <init> in {
// expr1;
// let y = <init> in {
// expr2;
// expr3;
// ...
// }
// }
// The let bindings are valid till the end of block so all we have to do is to pop all
// the let-scopes at the end.
// First we build all the statements in the block.
let mut let_scope_stack = Vec::with_capacity(8);
let outer_source_scope = this.source_scope;
let outer_push_unsafe_count = this.push_unsafe_count;
let outer_unpushed_unsafe = this.unpushed_unsafe;
this.update_source_scope_for_safety_mode(span, safety_mode);
let source_info = this.source_info(span);
for stmt in stmts {
let Stmt { kind, opt_destruction_scope } = this.hir.mirror(stmt);
match kind {
StmtKind::Expr { scope, expr } => {
this.block_context.push(BlockFrame::Statement { ignores_expr_result: true });
block = this.in_opt_scope(|de| (de, source_info)),
|this| {
let si = (scope, source_info);
this.in_scope(si, LintLevel::Inherited, |this| {
let expr = this.hir.mirror(expr);
this.stmt_expr(block, expr, Some(scope))
StmtKind::Let { remainder_scope, init_scope, pattern, initializer, lint_level } => {
let ignores_expr_result = matches!(*pattern.kind, PatKind::Wild);
this.block_context.push(BlockFrame::Statement { ignores_expr_result });
// Enter the remainder scope, i.e., the bindings' destruction scope.
this.push_scope((remainder_scope, source_info));
// Declare the bindings, which may create a source scope.
let remainder_span =
remainder_scope.span(this.hir.tcx(), &this.hir.region_scope_tree);
let visibility_scope =
Some(this.new_source_scope(remainder_span, LintLevel::Inherited, None));
// Evaluate the initializer, if present.
if let Some(init) = initializer {
let initializer_span = init.span();
block = this.in_opt_scope(|de| (de, source_info)),
|this| {
let scope = (init_scope, source_info);
this.in_scope(scope, lint_level, |this| {
Some((None, initializer_span)),
this.expr_into_pattern(block, pattern, init)
} else {
let scope = (init_scope, source_info);
unpack!(this.in_scope(scope, lint_level, |this| {
debug!("ast_block_stmts: pattern={:?}", pattern);
&mut |this, _, _, _, node, span, _, _| {
this.storage_live_binding(block, node, span, OutsideGuard, true);
this.schedule_drop_for_binding(node, span, OutsideGuard);
// Enter the visibility scope, after evaluating the initializer.
if let Some(source_scope) = visibility_scope {
this.source_scope = source_scope;
let popped = this.block_context.pop();
assert!(popped.map_or(false, |bf| bf.is_statement()));
// Then, the block may have an optional trailing expression which is a “return” value
// of the block, which is stored into `destination`.
let tcx = this.hir.tcx();
let destination_ty = destination.ty(&this.local_decls, tcx).ty;
if let Some(expr) = expr {
let tail_result_is_ignored =
destination_ty.is_unit() || this.block_context.currently_ignores_tail_results();
let span = match expr {
ExprRef::Thir(expr) => expr.span,
ExprRef::Mirror(ref expr) => expr.span,
this.block_context.push(BlockFrame::TailExpr { tail_result_is_ignored, span });
unpack!(block = this.into(destination, block, expr));
let popped = this.block_context.pop();
assert!(popped.map_or(false, |bf| bf.is_tail_expr()));
} else {
// If a block has no trailing expression, then it is given an implicit return type.
// This return type is usually `()`, unless the block is diverging, in which case the
// return type is `!`. For the unit type, we need to actually return the unit, but in
// the case of `!`, no return value is required, as the block will never return.
if destination_ty.is_unit() {
// We only want to assign an implicit `()` as the return value of the block if the
// block does not diverge. (Otherwise, we may try to assign a unit to a `!`-type.)
this.cfg.push_assign_unit(block, source_info, destination, this.hir.tcx());
// Finally, we pop all the let scopes before exiting out from the scope of block
// itself.
for scope in let_scope_stack.into_iter().rev() {
unpack!(block = this.pop_scope((scope, source_info), block));
// Restore the original source scope.
this.source_scope = outer_source_scope;
this.push_unsafe_count = outer_push_unsafe_count;
this.unpushed_unsafe = outer_unpushed_unsafe;
/// If we are changing the safety mode, create a new source scope
fn update_source_scope_for_safety_mode(&mut self, span: Span, safety_mode: BlockSafety) {
debug!("update_source_scope_for({:?}, {:?})", span, safety_mode);
let new_unsafety = match safety_mode {
BlockSafety::Safe => None,
BlockSafety::ExplicitUnsafe(hir_id) => {
assert_eq!(self.push_unsafe_count, 0);
match self.unpushed_unsafe {
Safety::Safe => {}
// no longer treat `unsafe fn`s as `unsafe` contexts (see RFC #2585)
if self.hir.tcx().lint_level_at_node(UNSAFE_OP_IN_UNSAFE_FN, hir_id).0
!= Level::Allow => {}
_ => return,
self.unpushed_unsafe = Safety::ExplicitUnsafe(hir_id);
BlockSafety::PushUnsafe => {
self.push_unsafe_count += 1;
BlockSafety::PopUnsafe => {
self.push_unsafe_count = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| span_bug!(span, "unsafe count underflow"));
if self.push_unsafe_count == 0 { Some(self.unpushed_unsafe) } else { None }
if let Some(unsafety) = new_unsafety {
self.source_scope = self.new_source_scope(span, LintLevel::Inherited, Some(unsafety));