blob: ca2bb6e0bf7e91582c7157ee81c295ead9098779 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_middle::mir::{self, BasicBlock, Location};
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use super::visitor::{ResultsVisitable, ResultsVisitor};
use super::{Analysis, Effect, EffectIndex, GenKillAnalysis, GenKillSet, SwitchIntTarget};
pub trait Direction {
fn is_forward() -> bool;
fn is_backward() -> bool {
/// Applies all effects between the given `EffectIndex`s.
/// `effects.start()` must precede or equal `effects.end()` in this direction.
fn apply_effects_in_range<A>(
analysis: &A,
state: &mut A::Domain,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
effects: RangeInclusive<EffectIndex>,
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>;
fn apply_effects_in_block<A>(
analysis: &A,
state: &mut A::Domain,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>;
fn gen_kill_effects_in_block<A>(
analysis: &A,
trans: &mut GenKillSet<A::Idx>,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
) where
A: GenKillAnalysis<'tcx>;
fn visit_results_in_block<F, R>(
state: &mut F,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &'mir mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
results: &R,
vis: &mut impl ResultsVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, FlowState = F>,
) where
R: ResultsVisitable<'tcx, FlowState = F>;
fn join_state_into_successors_of<A>(
analysis: &A,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
body: &mir::Body<'tcx>,
dead_unwinds: Option<&BitSet<BasicBlock>>,
exit_state: &mut A::Domain,
block: (BasicBlock, &'_ mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>),
propagate: impl FnMut(BasicBlock, &A::Domain),
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>;
/// Dataflow that runs from the exit of a block (the terminator), to its entry (the first statement).
pub struct Backward;
impl Direction for Backward {
fn is_forward() -> bool {
fn apply_effects_in_block<A>(
analysis: &A,
state: &mut A::Domain,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
let location = Location { block, statement_index: block_data.statements.len() };
analysis.apply_before_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
analysis.apply_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
for (statement_index, statement) in block_data.statements.iter().enumerate().rev() {
let location = Location { block, statement_index };
analysis.apply_before_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
fn gen_kill_effects_in_block<A>(
analysis: &A,
trans: &mut GenKillSet<A::Idx>,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
) where
A: GenKillAnalysis<'tcx>,
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
let location = Location { block, statement_index: block_data.statements.len() };
analysis.before_terminator_effect(trans, terminator, location);
analysis.terminator_effect(trans, terminator, location);
for (statement_index, statement) in block_data.statements.iter().enumerate().rev() {
let location = Location { block, statement_index };
analysis.before_statement_effect(trans, statement, location);
analysis.statement_effect(trans, statement, location);
fn apply_effects_in_range<A>(
analysis: &A,
state: &mut A::Domain,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
effects: RangeInclusive<EffectIndex>,
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
let (from, to) = (*effects.start(), *effects.end());
let terminator_index = block_data.statements.len();
assert!(from.statement_index <= terminator_index);
// Handle the statement (or terminator) at `from`.
let next_effect = match from.effect {
// If we need to apply the terminator effect in all or in part, do so now.
_ if from.statement_index == terminator_index => {
let location = Location { block, statement_index: from.statement_index };
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
if from.effect == Effect::Before {
analysis.apply_before_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
if to == Effect::Before.at_index(terminator_index) {
analysis.apply_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
if to == Effect::Primary.at_index(terminator_index) {
// If `from.statement_index` is `0`, we will have hit one of the earlier comparisons
// with `to`.
from.statement_index - 1
Effect::Primary => {
let location = Location { block, statement_index: from.statement_index };
let statement = &block_data.statements[from.statement_index];
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
if to == Effect::Primary.at_index(from.statement_index) {
from.statement_index - 1
Effect::Before => from.statement_index,
// Handle all statements between `first_unapplied_idx` and `to.statement_index`.
for statement_index in (to.statement_index..next_effect).rev().map(|i| i + 1) {
let location = Location { block, statement_index };
let statement = &block_data.statements[statement_index];
analysis.apply_before_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
// Handle the statement at `to`.
let location = Location { block, statement_index: to.statement_index };
let statement = &block_data.statements[to.statement_index];
analysis.apply_before_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
if to.effect == Effect::Before {
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
fn visit_results_in_block<F, R>(
state: &mut F,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &'mir mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
results: &R,
vis: &mut impl ResultsVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, FlowState = F>,
) where
R: ResultsVisitable<'tcx, FlowState = F>,
results.reset_to_block_entry(state, block);
vis.visit_block_end(&state, block_data, block);
// Terminator
let loc = Location { block, statement_index: block_data.statements.len() };
let term = block_data.terminator();
results.reconstruct_before_terminator_effect(state, term, loc);
vis.visit_terminator_before_primary_effect(state, term, loc);
results.reconstruct_terminator_effect(state, term, loc);
vis.visit_terminator_after_primary_effect(state, term, loc);
for (statement_index, stmt) in block_data.statements.iter().enumerate().rev() {
let loc = Location { block, statement_index };
results.reconstruct_before_statement_effect(state, stmt, loc);
vis.visit_statement_before_primary_effect(state, stmt, loc);
results.reconstruct_statement_effect(state, stmt, loc);
vis.visit_statement_after_primary_effect(state, stmt, loc);
vis.visit_block_start(state, block_data, block);
fn join_state_into_successors_of<A>(
analysis: &A,
_tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
body: &mir::Body<'tcx>,
dead_unwinds: Option<&BitSet<BasicBlock>>,
exit_state: &mut A::Domain,
(bb, _bb_data): (BasicBlock, &'_ mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>),
mut propagate: impl FnMut(BasicBlock, &A::Domain),
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
for pred in body.predecessors()[bb].iter().copied() {
match body[pred].terminator().kind {
// Apply terminator-specific edge effects.
// FIXME(ecstaticmorse): Avoid cloning the exit state unconditionally.
mir::TerminatorKind::Call {
destination: Some((return_place, dest)),
ref func,
ref args,
} if dest == bb => {
let mut tmp = exit_state.clone();
analysis.apply_call_return_effect(&mut tmp, pred, func, args, return_place);
propagate(pred, &tmp);
mir::TerminatorKind::Yield { resume, resume_arg, .. } if resume == bb => {
let mut tmp = exit_state.clone();
analysis.apply_yield_resume_effect(&mut tmp, resume, resume_arg);
propagate(pred, &tmp);
// Ignore dead unwinds.
mir::TerminatorKind::Call { cleanup: Some(unwind), .. }
| mir::TerminatorKind::Assert { cleanup: Some(unwind), .. }
| mir::TerminatorKind::Drop { unwind: Some(unwind), .. }
| mir::TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { unwind: Some(unwind), .. }
| mir::TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { unwind: Some(unwind), .. }
if unwind == bb =>
if dead_unwinds.map_or(true, |dead| !dead.contains(bb)) {
propagate(pred, exit_state);
_ => propagate(pred, exit_state),
/// Dataflow that runs from the entry of a block (the first statement), to its exit (terminator).
pub struct Forward;
impl Direction for Forward {
fn is_forward() -> bool {
fn apply_effects_in_block<A>(
analysis: &A,
state: &mut A::Domain,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
for (statement_index, statement) in block_data.statements.iter().enumerate() {
let location = Location { block, statement_index };
analysis.apply_before_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
let location = Location { block, statement_index: block_data.statements.len() };
analysis.apply_before_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
analysis.apply_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
fn gen_kill_effects_in_block<A>(
analysis: &A,
trans: &mut GenKillSet<A::Idx>,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
) where
A: GenKillAnalysis<'tcx>,
for (statement_index, statement) in block_data.statements.iter().enumerate() {
let location = Location { block, statement_index };
analysis.before_statement_effect(trans, statement, location);
analysis.statement_effect(trans, statement, location);
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
let location = Location { block, statement_index: block_data.statements.len() };
analysis.before_terminator_effect(trans, terminator, location);
analysis.terminator_effect(trans, terminator, location);
fn apply_effects_in_range<A>(
analysis: &A,
state: &mut A::Domain,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
effects: RangeInclusive<EffectIndex>,
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
let (from, to) = (*effects.start(), *effects.end());
let terminator_index = block_data.statements.len();
assert!(to.statement_index <= terminator_index);
// If we have applied the before affect of the statement or terminator at `from` but not its
// after effect, do so now and start the loop below from the next statement.
let first_unapplied_index = match from.effect {
Effect::Before => from.statement_index,
Effect::Primary if from.statement_index == terminator_index => {
debug_assert_eq!(from, to);
let location = Location { block, statement_index: terminator_index };
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
analysis.apply_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
Effect::Primary => {
let location = Location { block, statement_index: from.statement_index };
let statement = &block_data.statements[from.statement_index];
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
// If we only needed to apply the after effect of the statement at `idx`, we are done.
if from == to {
from.statement_index + 1
// Handle all statements between `from` and `to` whose effects must be applied in full.
for statement_index in {
let location = Location { block, statement_index };
let statement = &block_data.statements[statement_index];
analysis.apply_before_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
// Handle the statement or terminator at `to`.
let location = Location { block, statement_index: to.statement_index };
if to.statement_index == terminator_index {
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
analysis.apply_before_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
if to.effect == Effect::Primary {
analysis.apply_terminator_effect(state, terminator, location);
} else {
let statement = &block_data.statements[to.statement_index];
analysis.apply_before_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
if to.effect == Effect::Primary {
analysis.apply_statement_effect(state, statement, location);
fn visit_results_in_block<F, R>(
state: &mut F,
block: BasicBlock,
block_data: &'mir mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>,
results: &R,
vis: &mut impl ResultsVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, FlowState = F>,
) where
R: ResultsVisitable<'tcx, FlowState = F>,
results.reset_to_block_entry(state, block);
vis.visit_block_start(state, block_data, block);
for (statement_index, stmt) in block_data.statements.iter().enumerate() {
let loc = Location { block, statement_index };
results.reconstruct_before_statement_effect(state, stmt, loc);
vis.visit_statement_before_primary_effect(state, stmt, loc);
results.reconstruct_statement_effect(state, stmt, loc);
vis.visit_statement_after_primary_effect(state, stmt, loc);
let loc = Location { block, statement_index: block_data.statements.len() };
let term = block_data.terminator();
results.reconstruct_before_terminator_effect(state, term, loc);
vis.visit_terminator_before_primary_effect(state, term, loc);
results.reconstruct_terminator_effect(state, term, loc);
vis.visit_terminator_after_primary_effect(state, term, loc);
vis.visit_block_end(state, block_data, block);
fn join_state_into_successors_of<A>(
analysis: &A,
_tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
_body: &mir::Body<'tcx>,
dead_unwinds: Option<&BitSet<BasicBlock>>,
exit_state: &mut A::Domain,
(bb, bb_data): (BasicBlock, &'_ mir::BasicBlockData<'tcx>),
mut propagate: impl FnMut(BasicBlock, &A::Domain),
) where
A: Analysis<'tcx>,
use mir::TerminatorKind::*;
match bb_data.terminator().kind {
Return | Resume | Abort | GeneratorDrop | Unreachable => {}
Goto { target } => propagate(target, exit_state),
Assert { target, cleanup: unwind, expected: _, msg: _, cond: _ }
| Drop { target, unwind, place: _ }
| DropAndReplace { target, unwind, value: _, place: _ }
| FalseUnwind { real_target: target, unwind } => {
if let Some(unwind) = unwind {
if dead_unwinds.map_or(true, |dead| !dead.contains(bb)) {
propagate(unwind, exit_state);
propagate(target, exit_state);
FalseEdge { real_target, imaginary_target } => {
propagate(real_target, exit_state);
propagate(imaginary_target, exit_state);
Yield { resume: target, drop, resume_arg, value: _ } => {
if let Some(drop) = drop {
propagate(drop, exit_state);
analysis.apply_yield_resume_effect(exit_state, target, resume_arg);
propagate(target, exit_state);
Call { cleanup, destination, ref func, ref args, from_hir_call: _, fn_span: _ } => {
if let Some(unwind) = cleanup {
if dead_unwinds.map_or(true, |dead| !dead.contains(bb)) {
propagate(unwind, exit_state);
if let Some((dest_place, target)) = destination {
// N.B.: This must be done *last*, otherwise the unwind path will see the call
// return effect.
analysis.apply_call_return_effect(exit_state, bb, func, args, dest_place);
propagate(target, exit_state);
InlineAsm { template: _, operands: _, options: _, line_spans: _, destination } => {
if let Some(target) = destination {
propagate(target, exit_state);
SwitchInt { ref targets, ref values, ref discr, switch_ty: _ } => {
let mut applier = SwitchIntEdgeEffectApplier {
targets: targets.as_ref(),
values: values.as_ref(),
effects_applied: false,
analysis.apply_switch_int_edge_effects(bb, discr, &mut applier);
let SwitchIntEdgeEffectApplier {
exit_state, mut propagate, effects_applied, ..
} = applier;
if !effects_applied {
for &target in targets.iter() {
propagate(target, exit_state);
struct SwitchIntEdgeEffectApplier<'a, D, F> {
exit_state: &'a mut D,
values: &'a [u128],
targets: &'a [BasicBlock],
propagate: F,
effects_applied: bool,
impl<D, F> super::SwitchIntEdgeEffects<D> for SwitchIntEdgeEffectApplier<'_, D, F>
D: Clone,
F: FnMut(BasicBlock, &D),
fn apply(&mut self, mut apply_edge_effect: impl FnMut(&mut D, SwitchIntTarget)) {
let mut tmp = None;
for (&value, &target) in self.values.iter().zip(self.targets.iter()) {
let tmp = opt_clone_from_or_clone(&mut tmp, self.exit_state);
apply_edge_effect(tmp, SwitchIntTarget { value: Some(value), target });
(self.propagate)(target, tmp);
// Once we get to the final, "otherwise" branch, there is no need to preserve `exit_state`,
// so pass it directly to `apply_edge_effect` to save a clone of the dataflow state.
let otherwise = self.targets.last().copied().unwrap();
apply_edge_effect(self.exit_state, SwitchIntTarget { value: None, target: otherwise });
(self.propagate)(otherwise, self.exit_state);
self.effects_applied = true;
/// An analogue of `Option::get_or_insert_with` that stores a clone of `val` into `opt`, but uses
/// the more efficient `clone_from` if `opt` was `Some`.
/// Returns a mutable reference to the new clone that resides in `opt`.
// FIXME: Figure out how to express this using `Option::clone_from`, or maybe lift it into the
// standard library?
fn opt_clone_from_or_clone<T: Clone>(opt: &'a mut Option<T>, val: &T) -> &'a mut T {
if opt.is_some() {
let ret = opt.as_mut().unwrap();
} else {
*opt = Some(val.clone());