blob: e8043563c73595be92859a1fc704d85e11067ff6 [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-compare-mode-nll
// revisions: ast mir
//[mir]compile-flags: -Z borrowck=compare
struct TrieMapIterator<'a> {
node: &'a usize
fn main() {
let a = 5;
let _iter = TrieMapIterator{node: &a};
_iter.node = & //[ast]~ ERROR cannot assign to field `_iter.node` of immutable binding
//[mir]~^ ERROR cannot assign to field `_iter.node` of immutable binding (Ast)
// MIR doesn't generate an error because the code isn't reachable. This is OK
// because the test is here to check that the compiler doesn't ICE (cf. #5500).