blob: c470d502a6548d31fcb298b9f4a022dee4598880 [file] [log] [blame]
use semver::Version;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
pub fn check(root: &Path, cargo: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
let cargo_list = Command::new(cargo).args(["install", "--list"]).stdout(Stdio::piped()).spawn();
let child = match cargo_list {
Ok(child) => child,
Err(e) => return tidy_error!(bad, "failed to run `cargo`: {}", e),
let cargo_list = child.wait_with_output().unwrap();
if cargo_list.status.success() {
let exe_list = String::from_utf8_lossy(&cargo_list.stdout);
let exe_list = exe_list.lines();
let mut installed: Option<Version> = None;
for line in exe_list {
let mut iter = line.split_whitespace();
if == Some("x") {
if let Some(version) = {
// Check this is the rust-lang/rust x tool installation since it should be
// installed at a path containing `src/tools/x`.
if let Some(path) = {
if path.contains(&"src/tools/x") {
let version = version.strip_prefix("v").unwrap();
installed = Some(Version::parse(version).unwrap());
} else {
// Unwrap the some if x is installed, otherwise return because it's fine if x isn't installed.
let installed = if let Some(i) = installed { i } else { return };
if let Some(expected) = get_x_wrapper_version(root, cargo) {
if installed < expected {
return println!(
"Current version of x is {installed}, but the latest version is {expected}\nConsider updating to the newer version of x by running `cargo install --path src/tools/x`"
} else {
return tidy_error!(
"Unable to parse the latest version of `x` at `src/tools/x/Cargo.toml`"
} else {
return tidy_error!(bad, "failed to check version of `x`: {}", cargo_list.status);
// Parse latest version out of `x` Cargo.toml
fn get_x_wrapper_version(root: &Path, cargo: &Path) -> Option<Version> {
let mut cmd = cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand::new();
let mut metadata = t!(cmd.exec());
metadata.packages.pop().map(|x| x.version)