blob: a992364959e66734a537a6a2656e992e681790cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use libc::c_uint;
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TypeFoldable, UpvarSubsts};
use rustc::ty::layout::{TyLayout, HasTyCtxt};
use rustc::mir::{self, Mir};
use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
use rustc::session::config::DebugInfo;
use base;
use debuginfo::{self, VariableAccess, VariableKind, FunctionDebugContext};
use rustc_mir::monomorphize::Instance;
use rustc_target::abi::call::{FnType, PassMode};
use traits::*;
use syntax_pos::{DUMMY_SP, NO_EXPANSION, BytePos, Span};
use syntax::symbol::keywords;
use std::iter;
use rustc_data_structures::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::IndexVec;
use self::analyze::CleanupKind;
use self::place::PlaceRef;
use rustc::mir::traversal;
use self::operand::{OperandRef, OperandValue};
/// Master context for codegenning from MIR.
pub struct FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>> {
instance: Instance<'tcx>,
mir: &'a mir::Mir<'tcx>,
debug_context: FunctionDebugContext<Bx::DIScope>,
llfn: Bx::Value,
cx: &'a Bx::CodegenCx,
fn_ty: FnType<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>,
/// When unwinding is initiated, we have to store this personality
/// value somewhere so that we can load it and re-use it in the
/// resume instruction. The personality is (afaik) some kind of
/// value used for C++ unwinding, which must filter by type: we
/// don't really care about it very much. Anyway, this value
/// contains an alloca into which the personality is stored and
/// then later loaded when generating the DIVERGE_BLOCK.
personality_slot: Option<PlaceRef<'tcx, Bx::Value,>>,
/// A `Block` for each MIR `BasicBlock`
blocks: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Bx::BasicBlock>,
/// The funclet status of each basic block
cleanup_kinds: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, analyze::CleanupKind>,
/// When targeting MSVC, this stores the cleanup info for each funclet
/// BB. This is initialized as we compute the funclets' head block in RPO.
funclets: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<Bx::Funclet>>,
/// This stores the landing-pad block for a given BB, computed lazily on GNU
/// and eagerly on MSVC.
landing_pads: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<Bx::BasicBlock>>,
/// Cached unreachable block
unreachable_block: Option<Bx::BasicBlock>,
/// The location where each MIR arg/var/tmp/ret is stored. This is
/// usually an `PlaceRef` representing an alloca, but not always:
/// sometimes we can skip the alloca and just store the value
/// directly using an `OperandRef`, which makes for tighter LLVM
/// IR. The conditions for using an `OperandRef` are as follows:
/// - the type of the local must be judged "immediate" by `is_llvm_immediate`
/// - the operand must never be referenced indirectly
/// - we should not take its address using the `&` operator
/// - nor should it appear in a place path like `tmp.a`
/// - the operand must be defined by an rvalue that can generate immediate
/// values
/// Avoiding allocs can also be important for certain intrinsics,
/// notably `expect`.
locals: IndexVec<mir::Local, LocalRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>>,
/// Debug information for MIR scopes.
scopes: IndexVec<mir::SourceScope, debuginfo::MirDebugScope<Bx::DIScope>>,
/// If this function is being monomorphized, this contains the type substitutions used.
param_substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx> {
pub fn monomorphize<T>(&self, value: &T) -> T
where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>
pub fn set_debug_loc(
&mut self,
bx: &mut Bx,
source_info: mir::SourceInfo
) {
let (scope, span) = self.debug_loc(source_info);
bx.set_source_location(&self.debug_context, scope, span);
pub fn debug_loc(&self, source_info: mir::SourceInfo) -> (Option<Bx::DIScope>, Span) {
// Bail out if debug info emission is not enabled.
match self.debug_context {
FunctionDebugContext::DebugInfoDisabled |
FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo => {
return (self.scopes[source_info.scope].scope_metadata, source_info.span);
FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(_) =>{}
// In order to have a good line stepping behavior in debugger, we overwrite debug
// locations of macro expansions with that of the outermost expansion site
// (unless the crate is being compiled with `-Z debug-macros`).
if source_info.span.ctxt() == NO_EXPANSION || {
let scope = self.scope_metadata_for_loc(source_info.scope, source_info.span.lo());
(scope, source_info.span)
} else {
// Walk up the macro expansion chain until we reach a non-expanded span.
// We also stop at the function body level because no line stepping can occur
// at the level above that.
let mut span = source_info.span;
while span.ctxt() != NO_EXPANSION && span.ctxt() != self.mir.span.ctxt() {
if let Some(info) = span.ctxt().outer().expn_info() {
span = info.call_site;
} else {
let scope = self.scope_metadata_for_loc(source_info.scope, span.lo());
// Use span of the outermost expansion site, while keeping the original lexical scope.
(scope, span)
// DILocations inherit source file name from the parent DIScope. Due to macro expansions
// it may so happen that the current span belongs to a different file than the DIScope
// corresponding to span's containing source scope. If so, we need to create a DIScope
// "extension" into that file.
fn scope_metadata_for_loc(&self, scope_id: mir::SourceScope, pos: BytePos)
-> Option<Bx::DIScope> {
let scope_metadata = self.scopes[scope_id].scope_metadata;
if pos < self.scopes[scope_id].file_start_pos ||
pos >= self.scopes[scope_id].file_end_pos {
let sm =;
let defining_crate = self.debug_context.get_ref(DUMMY_SP).defining_crate;
} else {
enum LocalRef<'tcx, V> {
Place(PlaceRef<'tcx, V>),
/// `UnsizedPlace(p)`: `p` itself is a thin pointer (indirect place).
/// `*p` is the fat pointer that references the actual unsized place.
/// Every time it is initialized, we have to reallocate the place
/// and update the fat pointer. That's the reason why it is indirect.
UnsizedPlace(PlaceRef<'tcx, V>),
Operand(Option<OperandRef<'tcx, V>>),
impl<'tcx, V: CodegenObject> LocalRef<'tcx, V> {
fn new_operand<Cx: CodegenMethods<'tcx, Value = V>>(
cx: &Cx,
layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
) -> LocalRef<'tcx, V> {
if layout.is_zst() {
// Zero-size temporaries aren't always initialized, which
// doesn't matter because they don't contain data, but
// we need something in the operand.
LocalRef::Operand(Some(OperandRef::new_zst(cx, layout)))
} else {
pub fn codegen_mir<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>>(
cx: &'a Bx::CodegenCx,
llfn: Bx::Value,
mir: &'a Mir<'tcx>,
instance: Instance<'tcx>,
sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
) {
let fn_ty = cx.new_fn_type(sig, &[]);
debug!("fn_ty: {:?}", fn_ty);
let debug_context =
cx.create_function_debug_context(instance, sig, llfn, mir);
let mut bx = Bx::new_block(cx, llfn, "start");
if mir.basic_blocks().iter().any(|bb| bb.is_cleanup) {
let cleanup_kinds = analyze::cleanup_kinds(&mir);
// Allocate a `Block` for every basic block, except
// the start block, if nothing loops back to it.
let reentrant_start_block = !mir.predecessors_for(mir::START_BLOCK).is_empty();
let block_bxs: IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Bx::BasicBlock> =
mir.basic_blocks().indices().map(|bb| {
if bb == mir::START_BLOCK && !reentrant_start_block {
} else {
bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("{:?}", bb)).llbb()
// Compute debuginfo scopes from MIR scopes.
let scopes = cx.create_mir_scopes(mir, &debug_context);
let (landing_pads, funclets) = create_funclets(mir, &mut bx, &cleanup_kinds, &block_bxs);
let mut fx = FunctionCx {
personality_slot: None,
blocks: block_bxs,
unreachable_block: None,
locals: IndexVec::new(),
param_substs: {
let memory_locals = analyze::non_ssa_locals(&fx);
// Allocate variable and temp allocas
fx.locals = {
let args = arg_local_refs(&mut bx, &fx, &fx.scopes, &memory_locals);
let mut allocate_local = |local| {
let decl = &mir.local_decls[local];
let layout = bx.layout_of(fx.monomorphize(&decl.ty));
if let Some(name) = {
// User variable
let debug_scope = fx.scopes[decl.visibility_scope];
let dbg = debug_scope.is_valid() &&
bx.sess().opts.debuginfo == DebugInfo::Full;
if !memory_locals.contains(local) && !dbg {
debug!("alloc: {:?} ({}) -> operand", local, name);
return LocalRef::new_operand(, layout);
debug!("alloc: {:?} ({}) -> place", local, name);
if layout.is_unsized() {
let indirect_place =
PlaceRef::alloca_unsized_indirect(&mut bx, layout, &name.as_str());
// FIXME: add an appropriate debuginfo
} else {
let place = PlaceRef::alloca(&mut bx, layout, &name.as_str());
if dbg {
let (scope, span) = fx.debug_loc(mir::SourceInfo {
span: decl.source_info.span,
scope: decl.visibility_scope,
bx.declare_local(&fx.debug_context, name, layout.ty, scope.unwrap(),
VariableAccess::DirectVariable { alloca: place.llval },
VariableKind::LocalVariable, span);
} else {
// Temporary or return place
if local == mir::RETURN_PLACE && fx.fn_ty.ret.is_indirect() {
debug!("alloc: {:?} (return place) -> place", local);
let llretptr =, 0);
LocalRef::Place(PlaceRef::new_sized(llretptr, layout, layout.align.abi))
} else if memory_locals.contains(local) {
debug!("alloc: {:?} -> place", local);
if layout.is_unsized() {
let indirect_place = PlaceRef::alloca_unsized_indirect(
&mut bx,
&format!("{:?}", local),
} else {
LocalRef::Place(PlaceRef::alloca(&mut bx, layout, &format!("{:?}", local)))
} else {
// If this is an immediate local, we do not create an
// alloca in advance. Instead we wait until we see the
// definition and update the operand there.
debug!("alloc: {:?} -> operand", local);
LocalRef::new_operand(, layout)
let retptr = allocate_local(mir::RETURN_PLACE);
// Branch to the START block, if it's not the entry block.
if reentrant_start_block {[mir::START_BLOCK]);
// Up until here, IR instructions for this function have explicitly not been annotated with
// source code location, so we don't step into call setup code. From here on, source location
// emitting should be enabled.
let rpo = traversal::reverse_postorder(&mir);
let mut visited = BitSet::new_empty(mir.basic_blocks().len());
// Codegen the body of each block using reverse postorder
for (bb, _) in rpo {
// Remove blocks that haven't been visited, or have no
// predecessors.
for bb in mir.basic_blocks().indices() {
// Unreachable block
if !visited.contains(bb.index()) {
debug!("codegen_mir: block {:?} was not visited", bb);
unsafe {
fn create_funclets<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>>(
mir: &'a Mir<'tcx>,
bx: &mut Bx,
cleanup_kinds: &IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, CleanupKind>,
block_bxs: &IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Bx::BasicBlock>)
-> (IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<Bx::BasicBlock>>,
IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, Option<Bx::Funclet>>)
block_bxs.iter_enumerated().zip(cleanup_kinds).map(|((bb, &llbb), cleanup_kind)| {
match *cleanup_kind {
CleanupKind::Funclet if base::wants_msvc_seh(bx.sess()) => {}
_ => return (None, None)
let funclet;
let ret_llbb;
match mir[bb].terminator.as_ref().map(|t| &t.kind) {
// This is a basic block that we're aborting the program for,
// notably in an `extern` function. These basic blocks are inserted
// so that we assert that `extern` functions do indeed not panic,
// and if they do we abort the process.
// On MSVC these are tricky though (where we're doing funclets). If
// we were to do a cleanuppad (like below) the normal functions like
// `longjmp` would trigger the abort logic, terminating the
// program. Instead we insert the equivalent of `catch(...)` for C++
// which magically doesn't trigger when `longjmp` files over this
// frame.
// Lots more discussion can be found on #48251 but this codegen is
// modeled after clang's for:
// try {
// foo();
// } catch (...) {
// bar();
// }
Some(&mir::TerminatorKind::Abort) => {
let mut cs_bx = bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("cs_funclet{:?}", bb));
let mut cp_bx = bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("cp_funclet{:?}", bb));
ret_llbb = cs_bx.llbb();
let cs = cs_bx.catch_switch(None, None, 1);
cs_bx.add_handler(cs, cp_bx.llbb());
// The "null" here is actually a RTTI type descriptor for the
// C++ personality function, but `catch (...)` has no type so
// it's null. The 64 here is actually a bitfield which
// represents that this is a catch-all block.
let null = bx.const_null(bx.type_i8p());
let sixty_four = bx.const_i32(64);
funclet = cp_bx.catch_pad(cs, &[null, sixty_four, null]);;
_ => {
let mut cleanup_bx = bx.build_sibling_block(&format!("funclet_{:?}", bb));
ret_llbb = cleanup_bx.llbb();
funclet = cleanup_bx.cleanup_pad(None, &[]);;
(Some(ret_llbb), Some(funclet))
/// Produce, for each argument, a `Value` pointing at the
/// argument's value. As arguments are places, these are always
/// indirect.
fn arg_local_refs<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>>(
bx: &mut Bx,
fx: &FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx>,
scopes: &IndexVec<
memory_locals: &BitSet<mir::Local>,
) -> Vec<LocalRef<'tcx, Bx::Value>> {
let mir = fx.mir;
let tcx =;
let mut idx = 0;
let mut llarg_idx = fx.fn_ty.ret.is_indirect() as usize;
// Get the argument scope, if it exists and if we need it.
let arg_scope = scopes[mir::OUTERMOST_SOURCE_SCOPE];
let arg_scope = if bx.sess().opts.debuginfo == DebugInfo::Full {
} else {
mir.args_iter().enumerate().map(|(arg_index, local)| {
let arg_decl = &mir.local_decls[local];
let name = if let Some(name) = {
} else {
format!("arg{}", arg_index)
if Some(local) == mir.spread_arg {
// This argument (e.g. the last argument in the "rust-call" ABI)
// is a tuple that was spread at the ABI level and now we have
// to reconstruct it into a tuple local variable, from multiple
// individual LLVM function arguments.
let arg_ty = fx.monomorphize(&arg_decl.ty);
let tupled_arg_tys = match arg_ty.sty {
ty::Tuple(ref tys) => tys,
_ => bug!("spread argument isn't a tuple?!")
let place = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, bx.layout_of(arg_ty), &name);
for i in 0..tupled_arg_tys.len() {
let arg = &fx.fn_ty.args[idx];
idx += 1;
if arg.pad.is_some() {
llarg_idx += 1;
let pr_field = place.project_field(bx, i);
bx.store_fn_arg(arg, &mut llarg_idx, pr_field);
// Now that we have one alloca that contains the aggregate value,
// we can create one debuginfo entry for the argument.|scope| {
let variable_access = VariableAccess::DirectVariable {
alloca: place.llval
arg_ty, scope,
VariableKind::ArgumentVariable(arg_index + 1),
return LocalRef::Place(place);
let arg = &fx.fn_ty.args[idx];
idx += 1;
if arg.pad.is_some() {
llarg_idx += 1;
if arg_scope.is_none() && !memory_locals.contains(local) {
// We don't have to cast or keep the argument in the alloca.
// FIXME(eddyb): We should figure out how to use llvm.dbg.value instead
// of putting everything in allocas just so we can use llvm.dbg.declare.
let local = |op| LocalRef::Operand(Some(op));
match arg.mode {
PassMode::Ignore => {
return local(OperandRef::new_zst(, arg.layout));
PassMode::Direct(_) => {
let llarg = bx.get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
bx.set_value_name(llarg, &name);
llarg_idx += 1;
return local(
OperandRef::from_immediate_or_packed_pair(bx, llarg, arg.layout));
PassMode::Pair(..) => {
let a = bx.get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
bx.set_value_name(a, &(name.clone() + ".0"));
llarg_idx += 1;
let b = bx.get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
bx.set_value_name(b, &(name + ".1"));
llarg_idx += 1;
return local(OperandRef {
val: OperandValue::Pair(a, b),
layout: arg.layout
_ => {}
let place = if arg.is_sized_indirect() {
// Don't copy an indirect argument to an alloca, the caller
// already put it in a temporary alloca and gave it up.
// FIXME: lifetimes
let llarg = bx.get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
bx.set_value_name(llarg, &name);
llarg_idx += 1;
PlaceRef::new_sized(llarg, arg.layout, arg.layout.align.abi)
} else if arg.is_unsized_indirect() {
// As the storage for the indirect argument lives during
// the whole function call, we just copy the fat pointer.
let llarg = bx.get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
llarg_idx += 1;
let llextra = bx.get_param(bx.llfn(), llarg_idx as c_uint);
llarg_idx += 1;
let indirect_operand = OperandValue::Pair(llarg, llextra);
let tmp = PlaceRef::alloca_unsized_indirect(bx, arg.layout, &name);, tmp);
} else {
let tmp = PlaceRef::alloca(bx, arg.layout, &name);
bx.store_fn_arg(arg, &mut llarg_idx, tmp);
};|scope| {
// Is this a regular argument?
if arg_index > 0 || mir.upvar_decls.is_empty() {
// The Rust ABI passes indirect variables using a pointer and a manual copy, so we
// need to insert a deref here, but the C ABI uses a pointer and a copy using the
// byval attribute, for which LLVM always does the deref itself,
// so we must not add it.
let variable_access = VariableAccess::DirectVariable {
alloca: place.llval
VariableKind::ArgumentVariable(arg_index + 1),
// Or is it the closure environment?
let (closure_layout, env_ref) = match arg.layout.ty.sty {
ty::RawPtr(ty::TypeAndMut { ty, .. }) |
ty::Ref(_, ty, _) => (bx.layout_of(ty), true),
_ => (arg.layout, false)
let (def_id, upvar_substs) = match closure_layout.ty.sty {
ty::Closure(def_id, substs) => (def_id, UpvarSubsts::Closure(substs)),
ty::Generator(def_id, substs, _) => (def_id, UpvarSubsts::Generator(substs)),
_ => bug!("upvar_decls with non-closure arg0 type `{}`", closure_layout.ty)
let upvar_tys = upvar_substs.upvar_tys(def_id, tcx);
// Store the pointer to closure data in an alloca for debuginfo
// because that's what the llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic expects.
// FIXME(eddyb) this shouldn't be necessary but SROA seems to
// mishandle DW_OP_plus not preceded by DW_OP_deref, i.e. it
// doesn't actually strip the offset when splitting the closure
// environment into its components so it ends up out of bounds.
// (cuviper) It seems to be fine without the alloca on LLVM 6 and later.
let env_alloca = !env_ref && bx.closure_env_needs_indirect_debuginfo();
let env_ptr = if env_alloca {
let scratch = PlaceRef::alloca(bx,
"__debuginfo_env_ptr");, scratch.llval, scratch.align);
} else {
for (i, (decl, ty)) in mir.upvar_decls.iter().zip(upvar_tys).enumerate() {
let byte_offset_of_var_in_env = closure_layout.fields.offset(i).bytes();
let ops = bx.debuginfo_upvar_decls_ops_sequence(byte_offset_of_var_in_env);
// The environment and the capture can each be indirect.
// FIXME(eddyb) see above why we sometimes have to keep
// a pointer in an alloca for debuginfo atm.
let mut ops = if env_ref || env_alloca { &ops[..] } else { &ops[1..] };
let ty = if let (true, &ty::Ref(_, ty, _)) = (decl.by_ref, &ty.sty) {
} else {
ops = &ops[..ops.len() - 1];
let variable_access = VariableAccess::IndirectVariable {
alloca: env_ptr,
address_operations: &ops
if arg.is_unsized_indirect() {
} else {
mod analyze;
mod block;
pub mod constant;
pub mod place;
pub mod operand;
mod rvalue;
mod statement;