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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
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// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use llvm::{self, ValueRef};
use rustc::middle::const_val::{ConstEvalErr, ConstVal, ErrKind};
use rustc_const_math::ConstInt::*;
use rustc_const_math::{ConstInt, ConstMathErr, MAX_F32_PLUS_HALF_ULP};
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::infer::TransNormalize;
use rustc::traits;
use rustc::mir;
use rustc::mir::tcx::PlaceTy;
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable};
use rustc::ty::layout::{self, LayoutOf, Size};
use rustc::ty::cast::{CastTy, IntTy};
use rustc::ty::subst::{Kind, Substs};
use rustc_apfloat::{ieee, Float, Status};
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{Idx, IndexVec};
use base;
use abi::{self, Abi};
use callee;
use builder::Builder;
use common::{self, CodegenCx, const_get_elt, val_ty};
use common::{C_array, C_bool, C_bytes, C_int, C_uint, C_uint_big, C_u32, C_u64};
use common::{C_null, C_struct, C_str_slice, C_undef, C_usize, C_vector, C_fat_ptr};
use common::const_to_opt_u128;
use consts;
use type_of::LayoutLlvmExt;
use type_::Type;
use value::Value;
use syntax_pos::Span;
use syntax::ast;
use std::fmt;
use std::ptr;
use super::operand::{OperandRef, OperandValue};
use super::FunctionCx;
/// A sized constant rvalue.
/// The LLVM type might not be the same for a single Rust type,
/// e.g. each enum variant would have its own LLVM struct type.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Const<'tcx> {
pub llval: ValueRef,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>
impl<'a, 'tcx> Const<'tcx> {
pub fn new(llval: ValueRef, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Const<'tcx> {
Const {
pub fn from_constint(cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>, ci: &ConstInt) -> Const<'tcx> {
let tcx = cx.tcx;
let (llval, ty) = match *ci {
I8(v) => (C_int(Type::i8(cx), v as i64), tcx.types.i8),
I16(v) => (C_int(Type::i16(cx), v as i64), tcx.types.i16),
I32(v) => (C_int(Type::i32(cx), v as i64), tcx.types.i32),
I64(v) => (C_int(Type::i64(cx), v as i64), tcx.types.i64),
I128(v) => (C_uint_big(Type::i128(cx), v as u128), tcx.types.i128),
Isize(v) => (C_int(Type::isize(cx), v.as_i64()), tcx.types.isize),
U8(v) => (C_uint(Type::i8(cx), v as u64), tcx.types.u8),
U16(v) => (C_uint(Type::i16(cx), v as u64), tcx.types.u16),
U32(v) => (C_uint(Type::i32(cx), v as u64), tcx.types.u32),
U64(v) => (C_uint(Type::i64(cx), v), tcx.types.u64),
U128(v) => (C_uint_big(Type::i128(cx), v), tcx.types.u128),
Usize(v) => (C_uint(Type::isize(cx), v.as_u64()), tcx.types.usize),
Const { llval: llval, ty: ty }
/// Translate ConstVal into a LLVM constant value.
pub fn from_constval(cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
cv: &ConstVal,
ty: Ty<'tcx>)
-> Const<'tcx> {
let llty = cx.layout_of(ty).llvm_type(cx);
let val = match *cv {
ConstVal::Float(v) => {
let bits = match v.ty {
ast::FloatTy::F32 => C_u32(cx, v.bits as u32),
ast::FloatTy::F64 => C_u64(cx, v.bits as u64)
consts::bitcast(bits, llty)
ConstVal::Bool(v) => C_bool(cx, v),
ConstVal::Integral(ref i) => return Const::from_constint(cx, i),
ConstVal::Str(ref v) => C_str_slice(cx, v.clone()),
ConstVal::ByteStr(v) => {
consts::addr_of(cx, C_bytes(cx,, cx.align_of(ty), "byte_str")
ConstVal::Char(c) => C_uint(Type::char(cx), c as u64),
ConstVal::Function(..) => C_undef(llty),
ConstVal::Variant(_) |
ConstVal::Aggregate(..) |
ConstVal::Unevaluated(..) => {
bug!("MIR must not use `{:?}` (aggregates are expanded to MIR rvalues)", cv)
Const::new(val, ty)
fn get_field(&self, cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>, i: usize) -> ValueRef {
let layout = cx.layout_of(self.ty);
let field = layout.field(cx, i);
if field.is_zst() {
return C_undef(field.immediate_llvm_type(cx));
let offset = layout.fields.offset(i);
match layout.abi {
layout::Abi::Scalar(_) |
layout::Abi::ScalarPair(..) |
layout::Abi::Vector { .. }
if offset.bytes() == 0 && field.size == layout.size => self.llval,
layout::Abi::ScalarPair(ref a, ref b) => {
if offset.bytes() == 0 {
assert_eq!(field.size, a.value.size(cx));
const_get_elt(self.llval, 0)
} else {
assert_eq!(offset, a.value.size(cx)
assert_eq!(field.size, b.value.size(cx));
const_get_elt(self.llval, 1)
_ => {
const_get_elt(self.llval, layout.llvm_field_index(i))
fn get_pair(&self, cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>) -> (ValueRef, ValueRef) {
(self.get_field(cx, 0), self.get_field(cx, 1))
fn get_fat_ptr(&self, cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>) -> (ValueRef, ValueRef) {
assert_eq!(abi::FAT_PTR_ADDR, 0);
assert_eq!(abi::FAT_PTR_EXTRA, 1);
fn as_place(&self) -> ConstPlace<'tcx> {
ConstPlace {
base: Base::Value(self.llval),
llextra: ptr::null_mut(),
ty: self.ty
pub fn to_operand(&self, cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>) -> OperandRef<'tcx> {
let layout = cx.layout_of(self.ty);
let llty = layout.immediate_llvm_type(cx);
let llvalty = val_ty(self.llval);
let val = if llty == llvalty && layout.is_llvm_scalar_pair() {
const_get_elt(self.llval, 0),
const_get_elt(self.llval, 1))
} else if llty == llvalty && layout.is_llvm_immediate() {
// If the types match, we can use the value directly.
} else {
// Otherwise, or if the value is not immediate, we create
// a constant LLVM global and cast its address if necessary.
let align = cx.align_of(self.ty);
let ptr = consts::addr_of(cx, self.llval, align, "const");
OperandValue::Ref(consts::ptrcast(ptr, layout.llvm_type(cx).ptr_to()),
OperandRef {
impl<'tcx> fmt::Debug for Const<'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Const({:?}: {:?})", Value(self.llval), self.ty)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Base {
/// A constant value without an unique address.
/// String literal base pointer (cast from array).
/// The address of a static.
/// An place as seen from a constant.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct ConstPlace<'tcx> {
base: Base,
llextra: ValueRef,
ty: Ty<'tcx>
impl<'tcx> ConstPlace<'tcx> {
fn to_const(&self, span: Span) -> Const<'tcx> {
match self.base {
Base::Value(val) => Const::new(val, self.ty),
Base::Str(ptr) => {
span_bug!(span, "loading from `str` ({:?}) in constant",
Base::Static(val) => {
span_bug!(span, "loading from `static` ({:?}) in constant",
pub fn len<'a>(&self, cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>) -> ValueRef {
match self.ty.sty {
ty::TyArray(_, n) => {
C_usize(cx, n.val.to_const_int().unwrap().to_u64().unwrap())
ty::TySlice(_) | ty::TyStr => {
assert!(self.llextra != ptr::null_mut());
_ => bug!("unexpected type `{}` in ConstPlace::len", self.ty)
/// Machinery for translating a constant's MIR to LLVM values.
/// FIXME(eddyb) use miri and lower its allocations to LLVM.
struct MirConstContext<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
cx: &'a CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
mir: &'a mir::Mir<'tcx>,
/// Type parameters for const fn and associated constants.
substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
/// Values of locals in a constant or const fn.
locals: IndexVec<mir::Local, Option<Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>>>>
fn add_err<'tcx, U, V>(failure: &mut Result<U, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>>,
value: &Result<V, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>>)
if let &Err(ref err) = value {
if failure.is_ok() {
*failure = Err(err.clone());
impl<'a, 'tcx> MirConstContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn new(cx: &'a CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
mir: &'a mir::Mir<'tcx>,
substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
args: IndexVec<mir::Local, Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>>>)
-> MirConstContext<'a, 'tcx> {
let mut context = MirConstContext {
locals: (0..mir.local_decls.len()).map(|_| None).collect(),
for (i, arg) in args.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Locals after local 0 are the function arguments
let index = mir::Local::new(i + 1);
context.locals[index] = Some(arg);
fn trans_def(cx: &'a CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
args: IndexVec<mir::Local, Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>>>)
-> Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>> {
let instance = ty::Instance::resolve(cx.tcx,
let mir = cx.tcx.instance_mir(instance.def);
MirConstContext::new(cx, &mir, instance.substs, args).trans()
fn monomorphize<T>(&self, value: &T) -> T
where T: TransNormalize<'tcx>
{, value)
fn trans(&mut self) -> Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>> {
let tcx =;
let mut bb = mir::START_BLOCK;
// Make sure to evaluate all statemenets to
// report as many errors as we possibly can.
let mut failure = Ok(());
loop {
let data = &self.mir[bb];
for statement in &data.statements {
let span = statement.source_info.span;
match statement.kind {
mir::StatementKind::Assign(ref dest, ref rvalue) => {
let ty = dest.ty(self.mir, tcx);
let ty = self.monomorphize(&ty).to_ty(tcx);
let value = self.const_rvalue(rvalue, ty, span);
add_err(&mut failure, &value);, value, span);
mir::StatementKind::StorageLive(_) |
mir::StatementKind::StorageDead(_) |
mir::StatementKind::Validate(..) |
mir::StatementKind::EndRegion(_) |
mir::StatementKind::Nop => {}
mir::StatementKind::InlineAsm { .. } |
mir::StatementKind::SetDiscriminant{ .. } => {
span_bug!(span, "{:?} should not appear in constants?", statement.kind);
let terminator = data.terminator();
let span = terminator.source_info.span;
bb = match terminator.kind {
mir::TerminatorKind::Drop { target, .. } | // No dropping.
mir::TerminatorKind::Goto { target } => target,
mir::TerminatorKind::Return => {
return self.locals[mir::RETURN_PLACE].clone().unwrap_or_else(|| {
span_bug!(span, "no returned value in constant");
mir::TerminatorKind::Assert { ref cond, expected, ref msg, target, .. } => {
let cond = self.const_operand(cond, span)?;
let cond_bool = common::const_to_uint(cond.llval) != 0;
if cond_bool != expected {
let err = match *msg {
mir::AssertMessage::BoundsCheck { ref len, ref index } => {
let len = self.const_operand(len, span)?;
let index = self.const_operand(index, span)?;
ErrKind::IndexOutOfBounds {
len: common::const_to_uint(len.llval),
index: common::const_to_uint(index.llval)
mir::AssertMessage::Math(ref err) => {
mir::AssertMessage::GeneratorResumedAfterReturn |
mir::AssertMessage::GeneratorResumedAfterPanic =>
span_bug!(span, "{:?} should not appear in constants?", msg),
let err = ConstEvalErr { span: span, kind: err };, span, "expression");
failure = Err(err);
mir::TerminatorKind::Call { ref func, ref args, ref destination, .. } => {
let fn_ty = func.ty(self.mir, tcx);
let fn_ty = self.monomorphize(&fn_ty);
let (def_id, substs) = match fn_ty.sty {
ty::TyFnDef(def_id, substs) => (def_id, substs),
_ => span_bug!(span, "calling {:?} (of type {}) in constant",
func, fn_ty)
let mut arg_vals = IndexVec::with_capacity(args.len());
for arg in args {
let arg_val = self.const_operand(arg, span);
add_err(&mut failure, &arg_val);
if let Some((ref dest, target)) = *destination {
let result = if fn_ty.fn_sig(tcx).abi() == Abi::RustIntrinsic {
match &tcx.item_name(def_id)[..] {
"size_of" => {
let llval = C_usize(,;
Ok(Const::new(llval, tcx.types.usize))
"min_align_of" => {
let llval = C_usize(,;
Ok(Const::new(llval, tcx.types.usize))
_ => span_bug!(span, "{:?} in constant", terminator.kind)
} else if let Some((op, is_checked)) = self.is_binop_lang_item(def_id) {
assert_eq!(arg_vals.len(), 2);
let rhs = arg_vals.pop().unwrap()?;
let lhs = arg_vals.pop().unwrap()?;
if !is_checked {
let binop_ty = op.ty(tcx, lhs.ty, rhs.ty);
let (lhs, rhs) = (lhs.llval, rhs.llval);
Ok(Const::new(const_scalar_binop(op, lhs, rhs, binop_ty),
} else {
let ty = lhs.ty;
let val_ty = op.ty(tcx, lhs.ty, rhs.ty);
let binop_ty = tcx.intern_tup(&[val_ty, tcx.types.bool], false);
let (lhs, rhs) = (lhs.llval, rhs.llval);
match const_scalar_checked_binop(tcx, op, lhs, rhs, ty) {
Some((llval, of)) => {
Const::new(llval, val_ty),
Const::new(C_bool(, of), tcx.types.bool)
None => {
"{:?} got non-integer operands: {:?} and {:?}",
op, Value(lhs), Value(rhs));
} else {
MirConstContext::trans_def(, def_id, substs, arg_vals)
add_err(&mut failure, &result);, result, span);
} else {
span_bug!(span, "diverging {:?} in constant", terminator.kind);
_ => span_bug!(span, "{:?} in constant", terminator.kind)
fn is_binop_lang_item(&mut self, def_id: DefId) -> Option<(mir::BinOp, bool)> {
let tcx =;
let items = tcx.lang_items();
let def_id = Some(def_id);
if items.i128_add_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Add, false)) }
else if items.u128_add_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Add, false)) }
else if items.i128_sub_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Sub, false)) }
else if items.u128_sub_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Sub, false)) }
else if items.i128_mul_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Mul, false)) }
else if items.u128_mul_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Mul, false)) }
else if items.i128_div_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Div, false)) }
else if items.u128_div_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Div, false)) }
else if items.i128_rem_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Rem, false)) }
else if items.u128_rem_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Rem, false)) }
else if items.i128_shl_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shl, false)) }
else if items.u128_shl_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shl, false)) }
else if items.i128_shr_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shr, false)) }
else if items.u128_shr_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shr, false)) }
else if items.i128_addo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Add, true)) }
else if items.u128_addo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Add, true)) }
else if items.i128_subo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Sub, true)) }
else if items.u128_subo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Sub, true)) }
else if items.i128_mulo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Mul, true)) }
else if items.u128_mulo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Mul, true)) }
else if items.i128_shlo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shl, true)) }
else if items.u128_shlo_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shl, true)) }
else if items.i128_shro_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shr, true)) }
else if items.u128_shro_fn() == def_id { Some((mir::BinOp::Shr, true)) }
else { None }
fn store(&mut self,
dest: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
value: Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>>,
span: Span) {
if let mir::Place::Local(index) = *dest {
self.locals[index] = Some(value);
} else {
span_bug!(span, "assignment to {:?} in constant", dest);
fn const_place(&self, place: &mir::Place<'tcx>, span: Span)
-> Result<ConstPlace<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>> {
let tcx =;
if let mir::Place::Local(index) = *place {
return self.locals[index].clone().unwrap_or_else(|| {
span_bug!(span, "{:?} not initialized", place)
}).map(|v| v.as_place());
let place = match *place {
mir::Place::Local(_) => bug!(), // handled above
mir::Place::Static(box mir::Static { def_id, ty }) => {
ConstPlace {
base: Base::Static(consts::get_static(, def_id)),
llextra: ptr::null_mut(),
ty: self.monomorphize(&ty),
mir::Place::Projection(ref projection) => {
let tr_base = self.const_place(&projection.base, span)?;
let projected_ty = PlaceTy::Ty { ty: tr_base.ty }
.projection_ty(tcx, &projection.elem);
let base = tr_base.to_const(span);
let projected_ty = self.monomorphize(&projected_ty).to_ty(tcx);
let has_metadata =;
let (projected, llextra) = match projection.elem {
mir::ProjectionElem::Deref => {
let (base, extra) = if !has_metadata {
(base.llval, ptr::null_mut())
} else {
if {
(Base::Static(base), extra)
} else if let ty::TyStr = projected_ty.sty {
(Base::Str(base), extra)
} else {
let v = base;
let v =, |&v| v);
let mut val = unsafe { llvm::LLVMGetInitializer(v) };
if val.is_null() {
span_bug!(span, "dereference of non-constant pointer `{:?}`",
let layout =;
if let layout::Abi::Scalar(ref scalar) = layout.abi {
let i1_type = Type::i1(;
if scalar.is_bool() && val_ty(val) != i1_type {
unsafe {
val = llvm::LLVMConstTrunc(val, i1_type.to_ref());
(Base::Value(val), extra)
mir::ProjectionElem::Field(ref field, _) => {
let llprojected = base.get_field(, field.index());
let llextra = if !has_metadata {
} else {
(Base::Value(llprojected), llextra)
mir::ProjectionElem::Index(index) => {
let index = &mir::Operand::Copy(mir::Place::Local(index));
let llindex = self.const_operand(index, span)?.llval;
let iv = if let Some(iv) = common::const_to_opt_u128(llindex, false) {
} else {
span_bug!(span, "index is not an integer-constant expression")
// Produce an undef instead of a LLVM assertion on OOB.
let len = common::const_to_uint(tr_base.len(;
let llelem = if iv < len as u128 {
const_get_elt(base.llval, iv as u64)
} else {
(Base::Value(llelem), ptr::null_mut())
_ => span_bug!(span, "{:?} in constant", projection.elem)
ConstPlace {
base: projected,
ty: projected_ty
fn const_operand(&self, operand: &mir::Operand<'tcx>, span: Span)
-> Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>> {
debug!("const_operand({:?} @ {:?})", operand, span);
let result = match *operand {
mir::Operand::Copy(ref place) |
mir::Operand::Move(ref place) => {
Ok(self.const_place(place, span)?.to_const(span))
mir::Operand::Constant(ref constant) => {
let ty = self.monomorphize(&constant.ty);
match constant.literal.clone() {
mir::Literal::Promoted { index } => {
let mir = &self.mir.promoted[index];
MirConstContext::new(, mir, self.substs, IndexVec::new()).trans()
mir::Literal::Value { value } => {
if let ConstVal::Unevaluated(def_id, substs) = value.val {
let substs = self.monomorphize(&substs);
MirConstContext::trans_def(, def_id, substs, IndexVec::new())
} else {
Ok(Const::from_constval(, &value.val, ty))
debug!("const_operand({:?} @ {:?}) = {:?}", operand, span,
fn const_array(&self, array_ty: Ty<'tcx>, fields: &[ValueRef])
-> Const<'tcx>
let elem_ty = array_ty.builtin_index().unwrap_or_else(|| {
bug!("bad array type {:?}", array_ty)
let llunitty =;
// If the array contains enums, an LLVM array won't work.
let val = if fields.iter().all(|&f| val_ty(f) == llunitty) {
C_array(llunitty, fields)
} else {
C_struct(, fields, false)
Const::new(val, array_ty)
fn const_rvalue(&self, rvalue: &mir::Rvalue<'tcx>,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span)
-> Result<Const<'tcx>, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>> {
let tcx =;
debug!("const_rvalue({:?}: {:?} @ {:?})", rvalue, dest_ty, span);
let val = match *rvalue {
mir::Rvalue::Use(ref operand) => self.const_operand(operand, span)?,
mir::Rvalue::Repeat(ref elem, count) => {
let elem = self.const_operand(elem, span)?;
let size = count.as_u64();
assert_eq!(size as usize as u64, size);
let fields = vec![elem.llval; size as usize];
self.const_array(dest_ty, &fields)
mir::Rvalue::Aggregate(box mir::AggregateKind::Array(_), ref operands) => {
// Make sure to evaluate all operands to
// report as many errors as we possibly can.
let mut fields = Vec::with_capacity(operands.len());
let mut failure = Ok(());
for operand in operands {
match self.const_operand(operand, span) {
Ok(val) => fields.push(val.llval),
Err(err) => if failure.is_ok() { failure = Err(err); }
self.const_array(dest_ty, &fields)
mir::Rvalue::Aggregate(ref kind, ref operands) => {
// Make sure to evaluate all operands to
// report as many errors as we possibly can.
let mut fields = Vec::with_capacity(operands.len());
let mut failure = Ok(());
for operand in operands {
match self.const_operand(operand, span) {
Ok(val) => fields.push(val),
Err(err) => if failure.is_ok() { failure = Err(err); }
trans_const_adt(, dest_ty, kind, &fields)
mir::Rvalue::Cast(ref kind, ref source, cast_ty) => {
let operand = self.const_operand(source, span)?;
let cast_ty = self.monomorphize(&cast_ty);
let val = match *kind {
mir::CastKind::ReifyFnPointer => {
match operand.ty.sty {
ty::TyFnDef(def_id, substs) => {
callee::resolve_and_get_fn(, def_id, substs)
_ => {
span_bug!(span, "{} cannot be reified to a fn ptr",
mir::CastKind::ClosureFnPointer => {
match operand.ty.sty {
ty::TyClosure(def_id, substs) => {
// Get the def_id for FnOnce::call_once
let fn_once = tcx.lang_items().fn_once_trait().unwrap();
let call_once = tcx
.find(|it| it.kind == ty::AssociatedKind::Method)
// Now create its substs [Closure, Tuple]
let input = substs.closure_sig(def_id, tcx).input(0);
let input = tcx.erase_late_bound_regions_and_normalize(&input);
let substs = tcx.mk_substs([operand.ty, input]
callee::resolve_and_get_fn(, call_once, substs)
_ => {
bug!("{} cannot be cast to a fn ptr", operand.ty)
mir::CastKind::UnsafeFnPointer => {
// this is a no-op at the LLVM level
mir::CastKind::Unsize => {
let pointee_ty = operand.ty.builtin_deref(true, ty::NoPreference)
.expect("consts: unsizing got non-pointer type").ty;
let (base, old_info) = if ! {
// Normally, the source is a thin pointer and we are
// adding extra info to make a fat pointer. The exception
// is when we are upcasting an existing object fat pointer
// to use a different vtable. In that case, we want to
// load out the original data pointer so we can repackage
// it.
let (base, extra) = operand.get_fat_ptr(;
(base, Some(extra))
} else {
(operand.llval, None)
let unsized_ty = cast_ty.builtin_deref(true, ty::NoPreference)
.expect("consts: unsizing got non-pointer target type").ty;
let ptr_ty =;
let base = consts::ptrcast(base, ptr_ty);
let info = base::unsized_info(, pointee_ty,
unsized_ty, old_info);
if old_info.is_none() {
let prev_const =
.insert(base, operand.llval);
assert!(prev_const.is_none() || prev_const == Some(operand.llval));
C_fat_ptr(, base, info)
mir::CastKind::Misc if => {
let r_t_in = CastTy::from_ty(operand.ty).expect("bad input type for cast");
let r_t_out = CastTy::from_ty(cast_ty).expect("bad output type for cast");
let cast_layout =;
let ll_t_out = cast_layout.immediate_llvm_type(;
let llval = operand.llval;
let mut signed = false;
let l =;
if let layout::Abi::Scalar(ref scalar) = l.abi {
if let layout::Int(_, true) = scalar.value {
signed = true;
unsafe {
match (r_t_in, r_t_out) {
(CastTy::Int(_), CastTy::Int(_)) => {
let s = signed as llvm::Bool;
llvm::LLVMConstIntCast(llval, ll_t_out.to_ref(), s)
(CastTy::Int(_), CastTy::Float) => {
cast_const_int_to_float(, llval, signed, ll_t_out)
(CastTy::Float, CastTy::Float) => {
llvm::LLVMConstFPCast(llval, ll_t_out.to_ref())
(CastTy::Float, CastTy::Int(IntTy::I)) => {
cast_const_float_to_int(, &operand,
true, ll_t_out, span)
(CastTy::Float, CastTy::Int(_)) => {
cast_const_float_to_int(, &operand,
false, ll_t_out, span)
(CastTy::Ptr(_), CastTy::Ptr(_)) |
(CastTy::FnPtr, CastTy::Ptr(_)) |
(CastTy::RPtr(_), CastTy::Ptr(_)) => {
consts::ptrcast(llval, ll_t_out)
(CastTy::Int(_), CastTy::Ptr(_)) => {
let s = signed as llvm::Bool;
let usize_llval = llvm::LLVMConstIntCast(llval,, s);
llvm::LLVMConstIntToPtr(usize_llval, ll_t_out.to_ref())
(CastTy::Ptr(_), CastTy::Int(_)) |
(CastTy::FnPtr, CastTy::Int(_)) => {
llvm::LLVMConstPtrToInt(llval, ll_t_out.to_ref())
_ => bug!("unsupported cast: {:?} to {:?}", operand.ty, cast_ty)
mir::CastKind::Misc => { // Casts from a fat-ptr.
let l =;
let cast =;
if l.is_llvm_scalar_pair() {
let (data_ptr, meta) = operand.get_fat_ptr(;
if cast.is_llvm_scalar_pair() {
let data_cast = consts::ptrcast(data_ptr,
cast.scalar_pair_element_llvm_type(, 0));
C_fat_ptr(, data_cast, meta)
} else { // cast to thin-ptr
// Cast of fat-ptr to thin-ptr is an extraction of data-ptr and
// pointer-cast of that pointer to desired pointer type.
let llcast_ty = cast.immediate_llvm_type(;
consts::ptrcast(data_ptr, llcast_ty)
} else {
bug!("Unexpected non-fat-pointer operand")
Const::new(val, cast_ty)
mir::Rvalue::Ref(_, bk, ref place) => {
let tr_place = self.const_place(place, span)?;
let ty = tr_place.ty;
let ref_ty = tcx.mk_ref(tcx.types.re_erased,
ty::TypeAndMut { ty: ty, mutbl: bk.to_mutbl_lossy() });
let base = match tr_place.base {
Base::Value(llval) => {
// FIXME: may be wrong for &*(&simd_vec as &fmt::Debug)
let align = if {
} else {
if bk == mir::BorrowKind::Mut {
consts::addr_of_mut(, llval, align, "ref_mut")
} else {
consts::addr_of(, llval, align, "ref")
Base::Str(llval) |
Base::Static(llval) => llval
let ptr = if {
} else {
C_fat_ptr(, base, tr_place.llextra)
Const::new(ptr, ref_ty)
mir::Rvalue::Len(ref place) => {
let tr_place = self.const_place(place, span)?;
Const::new(tr_place.len(, tcx.types.usize)
mir::Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let lhs = self.const_operand(lhs, span)?;
let rhs = self.const_operand(rhs, span)?;
let ty = lhs.ty;
let binop_ty = op.ty(tcx, lhs.ty, rhs.ty);
let (lhs, rhs) = (lhs.llval, rhs.llval);
Const::new(const_scalar_binop(op, lhs, rhs, ty), binop_ty)
mir::Rvalue::CheckedBinaryOp(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
let lhs = self.const_operand(lhs, span)?;
let rhs = self.const_operand(rhs, span)?;
let ty = lhs.ty;
let val_ty = op.ty(tcx, lhs.ty, rhs.ty);
let binop_ty = tcx.intern_tup(&[val_ty, tcx.types.bool], false);
let (lhs, rhs) = (lhs.llval, rhs.llval);
match const_scalar_checked_binop(tcx, op, lhs, rhs, ty) {
Some((llval, of)) => {
trans_const_adt(, binop_ty, &mir::AggregateKind::Tuple, &[
Const::new(llval, val_ty),
Const::new(C_bool(, of), tcx.types.bool)
None => {
span_bug!(span, "{:?} got non-integer operands: {:?} and {:?}",
rvalue, Value(lhs), Value(rhs));
mir::Rvalue::UnaryOp(op, ref operand) => {
let operand = self.const_operand(operand, span)?;
let lloperand = operand.llval;
let llval = match op {
mir::UnOp::Not => {
unsafe {
mir::UnOp::Neg => {
let is_float = operand.ty.is_fp();
unsafe {
if is_float {
} else {
Const::new(llval, operand.ty)
mir::Rvalue::NullaryOp(mir::NullOp::SizeOf, ty) => {
let llval = C_usize(,;
Const::new(llval, tcx.types.usize)
_ => span_bug!(span, "{:?} in constant", rvalue)
debug!("const_rvalue({:?}: {:?} @ {:?}) = {:?}", rvalue, dest_ty, span, val);
fn to_const_int(value: ValueRef, t: Ty, tcx: TyCtxt) -> Option<ConstInt> {
match t.sty {
ty::TyInt(int_type) => const_to_opt_u128(value, true)
.and_then(|input| ConstInt::new_signed(input as i128, int_type,,
ty::TyUint(uint_type) => const_to_opt_u128(value, false)
.and_then(|input| ConstInt::new_unsigned(input, uint_type,,
_ => None
pub fn const_scalar_binop(op: mir::BinOp,
lhs: ValueRef,
rhs: ValueRef,
input_ty: Ty) -> ValueRef {
let is_float = input_ty.is_fp();
let signed = input_ty.is_signed();
unsafe {
match op {
mir::BinOp::Add if is_float => llvm::LLVMConstFAdd(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Add => llvm::LLVMConstAdd(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Sub if is_float => llvm::LLVMConstFSub(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Sub => llvm::LLVMConstSub(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Mul if is_float => llvm::LLVMConstFMul(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Mul => llvm::LLVMConstMul(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Div if is_float => llvm::LLVMConstFDiv(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Div if signed => llvm::LLVMConstSDiv(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Div => llvm::LLVMConstUDiv(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Rem if is_float => llvm::LLVMConstFRem(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Rem if signed => llvm::LLVMConstSRem(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Rem => llvm::LLVMConstURem(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::BitXor => llvm::LLVMConstXor(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::BitAnd => llvm::LLVMConstAnd(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::BitOr => llvm::LLVMConstOr(lhs, rhs),
mir::BinOp::Shl => {
let rhs = base::cast_shift_const_rhs(op.to_hir_binop(), lhs, rhs);
llvm::LLVMConstShl(lhs, rhs)
mir::BinOp::Shr => {
let rhs = base::cast_shift_const_rhs(op.to_hir_binop(), lhs, rhs);
if signed { llvm::LLVMConstAShr(lhs, rhs) }
else { llvm::LLVMConstLShr(lhs, rhs) }
mir::BinOp::Eq | mir::BinOp::Ne |
mir::BinOp::Lt | mir::BinOp::Le |
mir::BinOp::Gt | mir::BinOp::Ge => {
if is_float {
let cmp = base::bin_op_to_fcmp_predicate(op.to_hir_binop());
llvm::LLVMConstFCmp(cmp, lhs, rhs)
} else {
let cmp = base::bin_op_to_icmp_predicate(op.to_hir_binop(),
llvm::LLVMConstICmp(cmp, lhs, rhs)
mir::BinOp::Offset => unreachable!("BinOp::Offset in const-eval!")
pub fn const_scalar_checked_binop<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
op: mir::BinOp,
lllhs: ValueRef,
llrhs: ValueRef,
input_ty: Ty<'tcx>)
-> Option<(ValueRef, bool)> {
if let (Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) = (to_const_int(lllhs, input_ty, tcx),
to_const_int(llrhs, input_ty, tcx)) {
let result = match op {
mir::BinOp::Add => lhs + rhs,
mir::BinOp::Sub => lhs - rhs,
mir::BinOp::Mul => lhs * rhs,
mir::BinOp::Shl => lhs << rhs,
mir::BinOp::Shr => lhs >> rhs,
_ => {
bug!("Operator `{:?}` is not a checkable operator", op)
let of = match result {
Ok(_) => false,
Err(ConstMathErr::Overflow(_)) |
Err(ConstMathErr::ShiftNegative) => true,
Err(err) => {
bug!("Operator `{:?}` on `{:?}` and `{:?}` errored: {}",
op, lhs, rhs, err.description());
Some((const_scalar_binop(op, lllhs, llrhs, input_ty), of))
} else {
unsafe fn cast_const_float_to_int(cx: &CodegenCx,
operand: &Const,
signed: bool,
int_ty: Type,
span: Span) -> ValueRef {
let llval = operand.llval;
let float_bits = match operand.ty.sty {
ty::TyFloat(fty) => fty.bit_width(),
_ => bug!("cast_const_float_to_int: operand not a float"),
// Note: this breaks if llval is a complex constant expression rather than a simple constant.
// One way that might happen would be if addresses could be turned into integers in constant
// expressions, but that doesn't appear to be possible?
// In any case, an ICE is better than producing undef.
let llval_bits = consts::bitcast(llval, Type::ix(cx, float_bits as u64));
let bits = const_to_opt_u128(llval_bits, false).unwrap_or_else(|| {
panic!("could not get bits of constant float {:?}",
let int_width = int_ty.int_width() as usize;
// Try to convert, but report an error for overflow and NaN. This matches HIR const eval.
let cast_result = match float_bits {
32 if signed => ieee::Single::from_bits(bits).to_i128(int_width).map(|v| v as u128),
64 if signed => ieee::Double::from_bits(bits).to_i128(int_width).map(|v| v as u128),
32 => ieee::Single::from_bits(bits).to_u128(int_width),
64 => ieee::Double::from_bits(bits).to_u128(int_width),
n => bug!("unsupported float width {}", n),
if cast_result.status.contains(Status::INVALID_OP) {
let err = ConstEvalErr { span: span, kind: ErrKind::CannotCast };, span, "expression");
C_uint_big(int_ty, cast_result.value)
unsafe fn cast_const_int_to_float(cx: &CodegenCx,
llval: ValueRef,
signed: bool,
float_ty: Type) -> ValueRef {
// Note: this breaks if llval is a complex constant expression rather than a simple constant.
// One way that might happen would be if addresses could be turned into integers in constant
// expressions, but that doesn't appear to be possible?
// In any case, an ICE is better than producing undef.
let value = const_to_opt_u128(llval, signed).unwrap_or_else(|| {
panic!("could not get z128 value of constant integer {:?}",
if signed {
llvm::LLVMConstSIToFP(llval, float_ty.to_ref())
} else if float_ty.float_width() == 32 && value >= MAX_F32_PLUS_HALF_ULP {
// We're casting to f32 and the value is > f32::MAX + 0.5 ULP -> round up to infinity.
let infinity_bits = C_u32(cx, ieee::Single::INFINITY.to_bits() as u32);
consts::bitcast(infinity_bits, float_ty)
} else {
llvm::LLVMConstUIToFP(llval, float_ty.to_ref())
impl<'a, 'tcx> FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx> {
pub fn trans_constant(&mut self,
bx: &Builder<'a, 'tcx>,
constant: &mir::Constant<'tcx>)
-> Const<'tcx>
debug!("trans_constant({:?})", constant);
let ty = self.monomorphize(&constant.ty);
let result = match constant.literal.clone() {
mir::Literal::Promoted { index } => {
let mir = &self.mir.promoted[index];
MirConstContext::new(, mir, self.param_substs, IndexVec::new()).trans()
mir::Literal::Value { value } => {
if let ConstVal::Unevaluated(def_id, substs) = value.val {
let substs = self.monomorphize(&substs);
MirConstContext::trans_def(, def_id, substs, IndexVec::new())
} else {
Ok(Const::from_constval(, &value.val, ty))
let result = result.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
// We've errored, so we don't have to produce working code.
let llty =;
Const::new(C_undef(llty), ty)
debug!("trans_constant({:?}) = {:?}", constant, result);
pub fn trans_static_initializer<'a, 'tcx>(
cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId)
-> Result<ValueRef, ConstEvalErr<'tcx>>
MirConstContext::trans_def(cx, def_id, Substs::empty(), IndexVec::new())
.map(|c| c.llval)
/// Construct a constant value, suitable for initializing a
/// GlobalVariable, given a case and constant values for its fields.
/// Note that this may have a different LLVM type (and different
/// alignment!) from the representation's `type_of`, so it needs a
/// pointer cast before use.
/// The LLVM type system does not directly support unions, and only
/// pointers can be bitcast, so a constant (and, by extension, the
/// GlobalVariable initialized by it) will have a type that can vary
/// depending on which case of an enum it is.
/// To understand the alignment situation, consider `enum E { V64(u64),
/// V32(u32, u32) }` on Windows. The type has 8-byte alignment to
/// accommodate the u64, but `V32(x, y)` would have LLVM type `{i32,
/// i32, i32}`, which is 4-byte aligned.
/// Currently the returned value has the same size as the type, but
/// this could be changed in the future to avoid allocating unnecessary
/// space after values of shorter-than-maximum cases.
fn trans_const_adt<'a, 'tcx>(
cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
t: Ty<'tcx>,
kind: &mir::AggregateKind,
vals: &[Const<'tcx>]
) -> Const<'tcx> {
let l = cx.layout_of(t);
let variant_index = match *kind {
mir::AggregateKind::Adt(_, index, _, _) => index,
_ => 0,
if let layout::Abi::Uninhabited = l.abi {
return Const::new(C_undef(l.llvm_type(cx)), t);
match l.variants {
layout::Variants::Single { index } => {
assert_eq!(variant_index, index);
if let layout::FieldPlacement::Union(_) = l.fields {
assert_eq!(variant_index, 0);
assert_eq!(vals.len(), 1);
let (field_size, field_align) = cx.size_and_align_of(vals[0].ty);
let contents = [
padding(cx, l.size - field_size)
let packed = l.align.abi() < field_align.abi();
Const::new(C_struct(cx, &contents, packed), t)
} else {
if let layout::Abi::Vector { .. } = l.abi {
if let layout::FieldPlacement::Array { .. } = l.fields {
return Const::new(C_vector(&vals.iter().map(|x| x.llval)
.collect::<Vec<_>>()), t);
build_const_struct(cx, l, vals, None)
layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } => {
let discr = match *kind {
mir::AggregateKind::Adt(adt_def, _, _, _) => {
adt_def.discriminant_for_variant(cx.tcx, variant_index)
.to_u128_unchecked() as u64
_ => 0,
let discr_field = l.field(cx, 0);
let discr = C_int(discr_field.llvm_type(cx), discr as i64);
if let layout::Abi::Scalar(_) = l.abi {
Const::new(discr, t)
} else {
let discr = Const::new(discr, discr_field.ty);
build_const_struct(cx, l.for_variant(cx, variant_index), vals, Some(discr))
layout::Variants::NicheFilling {
ref niche_variants,
} => {
if variant_index == dataful_variant {
build_const_struct(cx, l.for_variant(cx, dataful_variant), vals, None)
} else {
let niche = l.field(cx, 0);
let niche_llty = niche.llvm_type(cx);
let niche_value = ((variant_index - niche_variants.start) as u128)
// FIXME(eddyb) Check the actual primitive type here.
let niche_llval = if niche_value == 0 {
// HACK(eddyb) Using `C_null` as it works on all types.
} else {
C_uint_big(niche_llty, niche_value)
build_const_struct(cx, l, &[Const::new(niche_llval, niche.ty)], None)
/// Building structs is a little complicated, because we might need to
/// insert padding if a field's value is less aligned than its type.
/// Continuing the example from `trans_const_adt`, a value of type `(u32,
/// E)` should have the `E` at offset 8, but if that field's
/// initializer is 4-byte aligned then simply translating the tuple as
/// a two-element struct will locate it at offset 4, and accesses to it
/// will read the wrong memory.
fn build_const_struct<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CodegenCx<'a, 'tcx>,
layout: layout::TyLayout<'tcx>,
vals: &[Const<'tcx>],
discr: Option<Const<'tcx>>)
-> Const<'tcx> {
assert_eq!(vals.len(), layout.fields.count());
match layout.abi {
layout::Abi::Scalar(_) |
layout::Abi::ScalarPair(..) |
layout::Abi::Vector { .. } if discr.is_none() => {
let mut non_zst_fields = vals.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, f)| {
(f, layout.fields.offset(i))
}).filter(|&(f, _)| !cx.layout_of(f.ty).is_zst());
match (, {
(Some((x, offset)), None) if offset.bytes() == 0 => {
return Const::new(x.llval, layout.ty);
(Some((a, a_offset)), Some((b, _))) if a_offset.bytes() == 0 => {
return Const::new(C_struct(cx, &[a.llval, b.llval], false), layout.ty);
(Some((a, _)), Some((b, b_offset))) if b_offset.bytes() == 0 => {
return Const::new(C_struct(cx, &[b.llval, a.llval], false), layout.ty);
_ => {}
_ => {}
// offset of current value
let mut packed = false;
let mut offset = Size::from_bytes(0);
let mut cfields = Vec::new();
cfields.reserve(discr.is_some() as usize + 1 + layout.fields.count() * 2);
if let Some(discr) = discr {
let (field_size, field_align) = cx.size_and_align_of(discr.ty);
packed |= layout.align.abi() < field_align.abi();
offset = field_size;
let parts = layout.fields.index_by_increasing_offset().map(|i| {
(vals[i], layout.fields.offset(i))
for (val, target_offset) in parts {
let (field_size, field_align) = cx.size_and_align_of(val.ty);
packed |= layout.align.abi() < field_align.abi();
cfields.push(padding(cx, target_offset - offset));
offset = target_offset + field_size;
// Pad to the size of the whole type, not e.g. the variant.
cfields.push(padding(cx, cx.size_of(layout.ty) - offset));
Const::new(C_struct(cx, &cfields, packed), layout.ty)
fn padding(cx: &CodegenCx, size: Size) -> ValueRef {
C_undef(Type::array(&Type::i8(cx), size.bytes()))