blob: e40bb9724076354dfc36734dcfd90b0d0832b2d3 [file] [log] [blame]
//! # Lattice Variables
//! This file contains generic code for operating on inference variables
//! that are characterized by an upper- and lower-bound. The logic and
//! reasoning is explained in detail in the large comment in ``.
//! The code in here is defined quite generically so that it can be
//! applied both to type variables, which represent types being inferred,
//! and fn variables, which represent function types being inferred.
//! It may eventually be applied to their types as well, who knows.
//! In some cases, the functions are also generic with respect to the
//! operation on the lattice (GLB vs LUB).
//! Although all the functions are generic, we generally write the
//! comments in a way that is specific to type variables and the LUB
//! operation. It's just easier that way.
//! In general all of the functions are defined parametrically
//! over a `LatticeValue`, which is a value defined with respect to
//! a lattice.
use super::InferCtxt;
use super::type_variable::TypeVariableOrigin;
use crate::traits::ObligationCause;
use crate::ty::TyVar;
use crate::ty::{self, Ty};
use crate::ty::relate::{RelateResult, TypeRelation};
pub trait LatticeDir<'f, 'gcx: 'f+'tcx, 'tcx: 'f> : TypeRelation<'f, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
fn infcx(&self) -> &'f InferCtxt<'f, 'gcx, 'tcx>;
fn cause(&self) -> &ObligationCause<'tcx>;
// Relates the type `v` to `a` and `b` such that `v` represents
// the LUB/GLB of `a` and `b` as appropriate.
// Subtle hack: ordering *may* be significant here. This method
// relates `v` to `a` first, which may help us to avoid unnecessary
// type variable obligations. See caller for details.
fn relate_bound(&mut self, v: Ty<'tcx>, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ()>;
pub fn super_lattice_tys<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx, L>(this: &mut L,
a: Ty<'tcx>,
b: Ty<'tcx>)
-> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
where L: LatticeDir<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, 'gcx: 'a+'tcx, 'tcx: 'a
debug!("{}.lattice_tys({:?}, {:?})",
if a == b {
return Ok(a);
let infcx = this.infcx();
let a = infcx.type_variables.borrow_mut().replace_if_possible(a);
let b = infcx.type_variables.borrow_mut().replace_if_possible(b);
match (&a.sty, &b.sty) {
// If one side is known to be a variable and one is not,
// create a variable (`v`) to represent the LUB. Make sure to
// relate `v` to the non-type-variable first (by passing it
// first to `relate_bound`). Otherwise, we would produce a
// subtype obligation that must then be processed.
// Example: if the LHS is a type variable, and RHS is
// `Box<i32>`, then we current compare `v` to the RHS first,
// which will instantiate `v` with `Box<i32>`. Then when `v`
// is compared to the LHS, we instantiate LHS with `Box<i32>`.
// But if we did in reverse order, we would create a `v <:
// LHS` (or vice versa) constraint and then instantiate
// `v`. This would require further processing to achieve same
// end-result; in partiular, this screws up some of the logic
// in coercion, which expects LUB to figure out that the LHS
// is (e.g.) `Box<i32>`. A more obvious solution might be to
// iterate on the subtype obligations that are returned, but I
// think this suffices. -nmatsakis
(&ty::Infer(TyVar(..)), _) => {
let v = infcx.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin::LatticeVariable(this.cause().span));
this.relate_bound(v, b, a)?;
(_, &ty::Infer(TyVar(..))) => {
let v = infcx.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin::LatticeVariable(this.cause().span));
this.relate_bound(v, a, b)?;
_ => {
infcx.super_combine_tys(this, a, b)