blob: 7e6f8eaaa30d2d194d867a18469e509ff65e29dc [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -C no-prepopulate-passes
#![crate_type = "lib"]
struct SomeUniqueName;
impl Drop for SomeUniqueName {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub fn possibly_unwinding() {
// CHECK-LABEL: @droppy
pub fn droppy() {
// Check that there are exactly 6 drop calls. The cleanups for the unwinding should be reused, so
// that's one new drop call per call to possibly_unwinding(), and finally 3 drop calls for the
// regular function exit. We used to have problems with quadratic growths of drop calls in such
// functions.
// CHECK-NOT: invoke{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK: call{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK: call{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK-NOT: call{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK: invoke{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK: call{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK: invoke{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK: call{{.*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// CHECK-NOT: {{(call|invoke).*}}drop{{.*}}SomeUniqueName
// The next line checks for the } that ends the function definition
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^[}]}}
let _s = SomeUniqueName;
let _s = SomeUniqueName;
let _s = SomeUniqueName;