blob: 78427a6360a9f7c6546745a4f1b0a646799b6fbb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ignore-tidy-linelength
# This is a small script that we use on CI to collect CPU usage statistics of
# our builders. By seeing graphs of CPU usage over time we hope to correlate
# that with possible improvements to Rust's own build system, ideally diagnosing
# that either builders are always fully using their CPU resources or they're
# idle for long stretches of time.
# This script is relatively simple, but it's platform specific. Each platform
# (OSX/Windows/Linux) has a different way of calculating the current state of
# CPU at a point in time. We then compare two captured states to determine the
# percentage of time spent in one state versus another. The state capturing is
# all platform-specific but the loop at the bottom is the cross platform part
# that executes everywhere.
# # Viewing statistics
# All builders will upload their CPU statistics as CSV files to our S3 buckets.
# These URLS look like:
# https://$$commit/cpu-$builder.csv
# for example
# Each CSV file has two columns. The first is the timestamp of the measurement
# and the second column is the % of idle cpu time in that time slice. Ideally
# the second column is always zero.
# Once you've downloaded a file there's various ways to plot it and visualize
# it. For command line usage you can use a script like so:
# set timefmt '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
# set xdata time
# set ylabel "Idle CPU %"
# set xlabel "Time"
# set datafile sep ','
# set term png
# set output "printme.png"
# set grid
# builder = "i686-apple"
# plot "cpu-".builder.".csv" using 1:2 with lines title builder
# Executed as `gnuplot < ./foo.plot` it will generate a graph called
# `printme.png` which you can then open up. If you know how to improve this
# script or the viewing process that would be much appreciated :) (or even if
# you know how to automate it!)
import datetime
import sys
import time
if sys.platform == 'linux2':
class State:
def __init__(self):
with open('/proc/stat', 'r') as file:
data = file.readline().split()
if data[0] != 'cpu':
raise Exception('did not start with "cpu"')
self.user = int(data[1])
self.nice = int(data[2])
self.system = int(data[3])
self.idle = int(data[4])
self.iowait = int(data[5])
self.irq = int(data[6])
self.softirq = int(data[7])
self.steal = int(data[8])
self.guest = int(data[9])
self.guest_nice = int(data[10])
def idle_since(self, prev):
user = self.user - prev.user
nice = self.nice - prev.nice
system = self.system - prev.system
idle = self.idle - prev.idle
iowait = self.iowait - prev.iowait
irq = self.irq - prev.irq
softirq = self.softirq - prev.softirq
steal = self.steal - prev.steal
guest = self.guest - prev.guest
guest_nice = self.guest_nice - prev.guest_nice
total = user + nice + system + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal + guest + guest_nice
return float(idle) / float(total) * 100
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD
from ctypes import Structure, windll, WinError, GetLastError, byref
class FILETIME(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("dwLowDateTime", DWORD),
("dwHighDateTime", DWORD),
class State:
def __init__(self):
idle, kernel, user = FILETIME(), FILETIME(), FILETIME()
success = windll.kernel32.GetSystemTimes(
assert success, WinError(GetLastError())[1]
self.idle = (idle.dwHighDateTime << 32) | idle.dwLowDateTime
self.kernel = (kernel.dwHighDateTime << 32) | kernel.dwLowDateTime
self.user = (user.dwHighDateTime << 32) | user.dwLowDateTime
def idle_since(self, prev):
idle = self.idle - prev.idle
user = self.user - prev.user
kernel = self.kernel - prev.kernel
return float(idle) / float(user + kernel) * 100
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
from ctypes import *
libc = cdll.LoadLibrary('/usr/lib/libc.dylib')
c_int_p = POINTER(c_int)
class State:
def __init__(self):
num_cpus_u = c_uint(0)
cpu_info = c_int_p()
cpu_info_cnt = c_int(0)
err = libc.host_processor_info(
assert err == 0
self.user = 0
self.system = 0
self.idle = 0
self.nice = 0
cur = 0
while cur < cpu_info_cnt.value:
self.user += cpu_info[cur + CPU_STATE_USER]
self.system += cpu_info[cur + CPU_STATE_SYSTEM]
self.idle += cpu_info[cur + CPU_STATE_IDLE]
self.nice += cpu_info[cur + CPU_STATE_NICE]
cur += num_cpus_u.value
def idle_since(self, prev):
user = self.user - prev.user
system = self.system - prev.system
idle = self.idle - prev.idle
nice = self.nice - prev.nice
return float(idle) / float(user + system + idle + nice) * 100.0
print('unknown platform', sys.platform)
cur_state = State();
while True:
next_state = State();
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
idle = next_state.idle_since(cur_state)
print("%s,%s" % (now, idle))
cur_state = next_state