| # |
| # This list is used by git-shortlog to aggregate contributions. It is |
| # necessary when either the author's full name is not always written |
| # the same way, and/or the same author contributes from different |
| # email addresses. |
| # |
| |
| Aaron Todd <github@opprobrio.us> |
| Ahmed Charles <ahmedcharles@gmail.com> <acharles@outlook.com> |
| Alex Lyon <arcterus@mail.com> <Arcterus@mail.com> |
| Alex Rønne Petersen <alex@lycus.org> |
| Andreas Gal <gal@mozilla.com> <andreas.gal@gmail.com> |
| Andrew Poelstra <asp11@sfu.ca> <apoelstra@wpsoftware.net> |
| Anton Löfgren <anton.lofgren@gmail.com> <alofgren@op5.com> |
| Ariel Ben-Yehuda <arielb1@mail.tau.ac.il> <ariel.byd@gmail.com> |
| Austin Seipp <mad.one@gmail.com> <as@hacks.yi.org> |
| Ben Alpert <ben@benalpert.com> <spicyjalapeno@gmail.com> |
| Benjamin Jackman <ben@jackman.biz> |
| Björn Steinbrink <bsteinbr@gmail.com> <B.Steinbrink@gmx.de> |
| blake2-ppc <ulrik.sverdrup@gmail.com> <blake2-ppc> |
| Boris Egorov <jightuse@gmail.com> <egorov@linux.com> |
| Brian Anderson <banderson@mozilla.com> <andersrb@gmail.com> |
| Brian Dawn <brian.t.dawn@gmail.com> |
| Carl-Anton Ingmarsson <mail@carlanton.se> <ca.ingmarsson@gmail.com> |
| Carol Willing <carolcode@willingconsulting.com> |
| Chris Pressey <cpressey@gmail.com> |
| Clark Gaebel <cg.wowus.cg@gmail.com> <cgaebel@mozilla.com> |
| David Klein <david.klein@baesystemsdetica.com> |
| David Manescu <david.manescu@gmail.com> <dman2626@uni.sydney.edu.au> |
| Damien Schoof <damien.schoof@gmail.com> |
| Derek Chiang <derekchiang93@gmail.com> Derek Chiang (Enchi Jiang) <derekchiang93@gmail.com> |
| Dylan Braithwaite <dylanbraithwaite1@gmail.com> <mail@dylanb.me> |
| Eduardo Bautista <me@eduardobautista.com> <mail@eduardobautista.com> |
| Eduardo Bautista <me@eduardobautista.com> <=> |
| Elliott Slaughter <elliottslaughter@gmail.com> <eslaughter@mozilla.com> |
| Elly Fong-Jones <elly@leptoquark.net> |
| Eric Holk <eric.holk@gmail.com> <eholk@mozilla.com> |
| Eric Holk <eric.holk@gmail.com> <eholk@cs.indiana.edu> |
| Eric Holmes <eric@ejholmes.net> |
| Eric Reed <ecreed@cs.washington.edu> <ereed@mozilla.com> |
| Erick Tryzelaar <erick.tryzelaar@gmail.com> <etryzelaar@iqt.org> |
| Evgeny Sologubov |
| Falco Hirschenberger <falco.hirschenberger@gmail.com> <hirschen@itwm.fhg.de> |
| Gareth Daniel Smith <garethdanielsmith@gmail.com> |
| Georges Dubus <georges.dubus@gmail.com> <georges.dubus@compiletoi.net> |
| Graham Fawcett <fawcett@uwindsor.ca> <graham.fawcett@gmail.com> |
| Graydon Hoare <graydon@mozilla.com> <graydon@pobox.com> |
| Heather <heather@cynede.net> <Heather@cynede.net> |
| Heather <heather@cynede.net> <Cynede@Gentoo.org> |
| Ilyong Cho <ilyoan@gmail.com> |
| J. J. Weber <jjweber@gmail.com> |
| Jakub Bukaj <jakub@jakub.cc> |
| Jakub Bukaj <jakub@jakub.cc> <jakubw@jakubw.net> |
| James Deng <cnjamesdeng@gmail.com> <cnJamesDeng@gmail.com> |
| James Miller <bladeon@gmail.com> <james@aatch.net> |
| Jason Orendorff <jorendorff@mozilla.com> <jason@mozmac-2.local> |
| Jason Orendorff <jorendorff@mozilla.com> <jason.orendorff@gmail.com> |
| Jeremy Letang <letang.jeremy@gmail.com> |
| Jihyun Yu <jihyun@nclab.kaist.ac.kr> jihyun <jihyun@nablecomm.com> |
| Jihyun Yu <jihyun@nclab.kaist.ac.kr> <yjh0502@gmail.com> |
| John Clements <clements@racket-lang.org> <clements@brinckerhoff.org> |
| Jorge Aparicio <japaric@linux.com> <japaricious@gmail.com> |
| Jonathan Bailey <jbailey@mozilla.com> <jbailey@jbailey-20809.local> |
| Junyoung Cho <june0.cho@samsung.com> |
| Jyun-Yan You <jyyou.tw@gmail.com> <jyyou@cs.nctu.edu.tw> |
| Kang Seonghoon <kang.seonghoon@mearie.org> <public+git@mearie.org> |
| Keegan McAllister <kmcallister@mozilla.com> <mcallister.keegan@gmail.com> |
| Kyeongwoon Lee <kyeongwoon.lee@samsung.com> |
| Lee Wondong <wdlee91@gmail.com> |
| Lennart Kudling <github@kudling.de> |
| Lindsey Kuper <lindsey@composition.al> <lindsey@rockstargirl.org> |
| Lindsey Kuper <lindsey@composition.al> <lkuper@mozilla.com> |
| Luqman Aden <me@luqman.ca> <laden@mozilla.com> |
| Luqman Aden <me@luqman.ca> <laden@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> |
| Luke Metz <luke.metz@students.olin.edu> |
| Makoto Nakashima <makoto.nksm+github@gmail.com> <makoto.nksm@gmail.com> |
| Makoto Nakashima <makoto.nksm+github@gmail.com> gifnksm <makoto.nksm+github@gmail.com> |
| Margaret Meyerhofer <mmeyerho@andrew.cmu.edu> <mmeyerho@andrew> |
| Mark Sinclair <mark.edward.x@gmail.com> |
| Mark Sinclair <mark.edward.x@gmail.com> =Mark Sinclair <=125axel125@gmail.com> |
| Matt Brubeck <mbrubeck@limpet.net> <mbrubeck@cs.hmc.edu> |
| Matthew Auld <matthew.auld@intel.com> |
| Matthew McPherrin <matthew@mcpherrin.ca> <matt@mcpherrin.ca> |
| Matthijs Hofstra <thiezz@gmail.com> |
| Michael Williams <m.t.williams@live.com> |
| Michael Woerister <michaelwoerister@gmail> <michaelwoerister@gmail.com> |
| Michael Woerister <michaelwoerister@gmail> <michaelwoerister@posteo> |
| Neil Pankey <npankey@gmail.com> <neil@wire.im> |
| Philipp Brüschweiler <blei42@gmail.com> <blei42@gmail.com> |
| Philipp Brüschweiler <blei42@gmail.com> <bruphili@student.ethz.ch> |
| Pradeep Kumar <gohanpra@gmail.com> |
| Richard Diamond <wichard@vitalitystudios.com> <wichard@hahbee.co> |
| Rob Arnold <robarnold@cs.cmu.edu> |
| Robert Gawdzik <rgawdzik@hotmail.com> Robert Gawdzik ☢ <rgawdzik@hotmail.com> |
| Robert Millar <robert.millar@cantab.net> |
| Ryan Scheel <ryan.havvy@gmail.com> |
| Seonghyun Kim <sh8281.kim@samsung.com> |
| Simon Barber-Dueck <sbarberdueck@gmail.com> Simon BD <simon@server> |
| Simon Sapin <simon@exyr.org> <simon.sapin@exyr.org> |
| startling <tdixon51793@gmail.com> |
| Steven Fackler <sfackler@gmail.com> <sfackler@palantir.com> |
| Steven Stewart-Gallus <sstewartgallus00@langara.bc.ca> <sstewartgallus00@mylangara.bc.ca> |
| Tim Chevalier <chevalier@alum.wellesley.edu> <catamorphism@gmail.com> |
| Torsten Weber <TorstenWeber12@gmail.com> <torstenweber12@gmail.com> |
| William Ting <io@williamting.com> <william.h.ting@gmail.com> |
| Youngsoo Son <ysson83@gmail.com> <ysoo.son@samsung.com> |
| Zack Corr <zack@z0w0.me> <zackcorr95@gmail.com> |
| Zack Slayton <zack.slayton@gmail.com> |