blob: fb63520f0684a09e308204795896f1698729edc5 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
use crate::features::{CollectedFeatures, Features, Feature, Status};
pub const PATH_STR: &str = "doc/unstable-book";
pub const COMPILER_FLAGS_DIR: &str = "src/compiler-flags";
pub const LANG_FEATURES_DIR: &str = "src/language-features";
pub const LIB_FEATURES_DIR: &str = "src/library-features";
/// Builds the path to the Unstable Book source directory from the Rust 'src' directory.
pub fn unstable_book_path(base_src_path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
/// Builds the path to the directory where the features are documented within the Unstable Book
/// source directory.
pub fn unstable_book_lang_features_path(base_src_path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
/// Builds the path to the directory where the features are documented within the Unstable Book
/// source directory.
pub fn unstable_book_lib_features_path(base_src_path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
/// Tests whether `DirEntry` is a file.
fn dir_entry_is_file(dir_entry: &fs::DirEntry) -> bool {
.expect("could not determine file type of directory entry")
/// Retrieves names of all unstable features.
pub fn collect_unstable_feature_names(features: &Features) -> BTreeSet<String> {
.filter(|&(_, ref f)| f.level == Status::Unstable)
.map(|(name, _)| name.replace('_', "-"))
pub fn collect_unstable_book_section_file_names(dir: &Path) -> BTreeSet<String> {
.expect("could not read directory")
.map(|entry| entry.expect("could not read directory entry"))
.map(|entry| entry.path())
.filter(|path| path.extension().map(|e| e.to_str().unwrap()) == Some("md"))
.map(|path| path.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().into())
/// Retrieves file names of all library feature sections in the Unstable Book with:
/// * hyphens replaced by underscores,
/// * the markdown suffix ('.md') removed.
fn collect_unstable_book_lang_features_section_file_names(base_src_path: &Path)
-> BTreeSet<String> {
/// Retrieves file names of all language feature sections in the Unstable Book with:
/// * hyphens replaced by underscores,
/// * the markdown suffix ('.md') removed.
fn collect_unstable_book_lib_features_section_file_names(base_src_path: &Path) -> BTreeSet<String> {
pub fn check(path: &Path, features: CollectedFeatures, bad: &mut bool) {
let lang_features = features.lang;
let mut lib_features = features.lib.into_iter().filter(|&(ref name, _)| {
// This library feature is defined in the `compiler_builtins` crate, which
// has been moved out-of-tree. Now it can no longer be auto-discovered by
// `tidy`, because we need to filter out its (submodule) directory. Manually
// add it to the set of known library features so we can still generate docs.
lib_features.insert("compiler_builtins_lib".to_owned(), Feature {
level: Status::Unstable,
since: None,
has_gate_test: false,
tracking_issue: None,
// Library features
let unstable_lib_feature_names = collect_unstable_feature_names(&lib_features);
let unstable_book_lib_features_section_file_names =
// Language features
let unstable_lang_feature_names = collect_unstable_feature_names(&lang_features);
let unstable_book_lang_features_section_file_names =
// Check for Unstable Book sections that don't have a corresponding unstable feature
for feature_name in &unstable_book_lib_features_section_file_names -
&unstable_lib_feature_names {
if !unstable_lang_feature_names.contains(&feature_name) {
"The Unstable Book has a 'library feature' section '{}' which doesn't \
correspond to an unstable library feature",
// Check for Unstable Book sections that don't have a corresponding unstable feature.
for feature_name in &unstable_book_lang_features_section_file_names -
&unstable_lang_feature_names {
"The Unstable Book has a 'language feature' section '{}' which doesn't \
correspond to an unstable language feature",
// List unstable features that don't have Unstable Book sections.
// Remove the comment marker if you want the list printed.
println!("Lib features without unstable book sections:");
for feature_name in &unstable_lang_feature_names -
&unstable_book_lang_features_section_file_names {
println!(" * {} {:?}", feature_name, lib_features[&feature_name].tracking_issue);
println!("Lang features without unstable book sections:");
for feature_name in &unstable_lib_feature_names-
&unstable_book_lib_features_section_file_names {
println!(" * {} {:?}", feature_name, lang_features[&feature_name].tracking_issue);
// */