blob: c9edc386959f8de76bad425cad46cb98e1f28785 [file] [log] [blame]
// assembly-output: ptx-linker
// compile-flags: --crate-type cdylib
// only-nvptx64
// aux-build:
extern crate breakpoint_panic_handler;
// aux-build:
extern crate non_inline_dependency as dep;
// Verify that no extra function declarations are present.
// CHECK-NOT: .func
// CHECK: .visible .entry top_kernel(
pub unsafe extern "ptx-kernel" fn top_kernel(a: *const u32, b: *mut u32) {
// CHECK: add.s32 %{{r[0-9]+}}, %{{r[0-9]+}}, 5;
*b = *a + 5;
// Verify that no extra function definitions are here.
// CHECK-NOT: .func
// CHECK-NOT: .entry