blob: c4daedefd8e6d20c34dc088108eb613678a0c2d5 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Platform-independent platform abstraction
//! This is the platform-independent portion of the standard library's
//! platform abstraction layer, whereas `std::sys` is the
//! platform-specific portion.
//! The relationship between `std::sys_common`, `std::sys` and the
//! rest of `std` is complex, with dependencies going in all
//! directions: `std` depending on `sys_common`, `sys_common`
//! depending on `sys`, and `sys` depending on `sys_common` and `std`.
//! Ideally `sys_common` would be split into two and the dependencies
//! between them all would form a dag, facilitating the extraction of
//! `std::sys` from the standard library.
use crate::sync::Once;
use crate::sys;
macro_rules! rtabort {
($($t:tt)*) => (crate::sys_common::util::abort(format_args!($($t)*)))
macro_rules! rtassert {
($e:expr) => (if !$e {
rtabort!(concat!("assertion failed: ", stringify!($e)));
#[allow(unused_macros)] // not used on all platforms
macro_rules! rtunwrap {
($ok:ident, $e:expr) => (match $e {
$ok(v) => v,
ref err => {
let err = err.as_ref().map(|_|()); // map Ok/Some which might not be Debug
rtabort!(concat!("unwrap failed: ", stringify!($e), " = {:?}"), err)
pub mod alloc;
pub mod at_exit_imp;
#[cfg(feature = "backtrace")]
pub mod backtrace;
pub mod condvar;
pub mod io;
pub mod mutex;
#[cfg(any(rustdoc, // see `mod os`, docs are generated for multiple platforms
target_os = "redox",
target_os = "cloudabi",
target_arch = "wasm32",
all(target_vendor = "fortanix", target_env = "sgx")))]
pub mod os_str_bytes;
pub mod poison;
pub mod remutex;
pub mod rwlock;
pub mod thread;
pub mod thread_info;
pub mod thread_local;
pub mod util;
pub mod wtf8;
pub mod bytestring;
pub mod process;
pub mod fs;
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(any(target_os = "cloudabi",
target_os = "l4re",
target_os = "redox",
all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")),
all(target_vendor = "fortanix", target_env = "sgx")))] {
pub use crate::sys::net;
} else {
pub mod net;
// common error constructors
/// A trait for viewing representations from std types
pub trait AsInner<Inner: ?Sized> {
fn as_inner(&self) -> &Inner;
/// A trait for viewing representations from std types
pub trait AsInnerMut<Inner: ?Sized> {
fn as_inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Inner;
/// A trait for extracting representations from std types
pub trait IntoInner<Inner> {
fn into_inner(self) -> Inner;
/// A trait for creating std types from internal representations
pub trait FromInner<Inner> {
fn from_inner(inner: Inner) -> Self;
/// Enqueues a procedure to run when the main thread exits.
/// Currently these closures are only run once the main *Rust* thread exits.
/// Once the `at_exit` handlers begin running, more may be enqueued, but not
/// infinitely so. Eventually a handler registration will be forced to fail.
/// Returns `Ok` if the handler was successfully registered, meaning that the
/// closure will be run once the main thread exits. Returns `Err` to indicate
/// that the closure could not be registered, meaning that it is not scheduled
/// to be run.
pub fn at_exit<F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static>(f: F) -> Result<(), ()> {
if at_exit_imp::push(Box::new(f)) {Ok(())} else {Err(())}
/// One-time runtime cleanup.
pub fn cleanup() {
static CLEANUP: Once = Once::new();
CLEANUP.call_once(|| unsafe {
// Computes (value*numer)/denom without overflow, as long as both
// (numer*denom) and the overall result fit into i64 (which is the case
// for our time conversions).
#[allow(dead_code)] // not used on all platforms
pub fn mul_div_u64(value: u64, numer: u64, denom: u64) -> u64 {
let q = value / denom;
let r = value % denom;
// Decompose value as (value/denom*denom + value%denom),
// substitute into (value*numer)/denom and simplify.
// r < denom, so (denom*numer) is the upper bound of (r*numer)
q * numer + r * numer / denom
fn test_muldiv() {
assert_eq!(mul_div_u64( 1_000_000_000_001, 1_000_000_000, 1_000_000),