blob: 758230e2b7dcb8c271ed90531de5fc9908ba5784 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Computations on places -- field projections, going from mir::Place, and writing
//! into a place.
//! All high-level functions to write to memory work on places as destinations.
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::hash::Hash;
use rustc::mir;
use rustc::mir::interpret::truncate;
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty};
use rustc::ty::layout::{self, Size, Align, LayoutOf, TyLayout, HasDataLayout, VariantIdx};
use rustc::ty::TypeFoldable;
use super::{
GlobalId, AllocId, Allocation, Scalar, InterpResult, Pointer, PointerArithmetic,
InterpretCx, Machine, AllocMap, AllocationExtra,
RawConst, Immediate, ImmTy, ScalarMaybeUndef, Operand, OpTy, MemoryKind, LocalValue
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MemPlace<Tag=(), Id=AllocId> {
/// A place may have an integral pointer for ZSTs, and since it might
/// be turned back into a reference before ever being dereferenced.
/// However, it may never be undef.
pub ptr: Scalar<Tag, Id>,
pub align: Align,
/// Metadata for unsized places. Interpretation is up to the type.
/// Must not be present for sized types, but can be missing for unsized types
/// (e.g., `extern type`).
pub meta: Option<Scalar<Tag, Id>>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Place<Tag=(), Id=AllocId> {
/// A place referring to a value allocated in the `Memory` system.
Ptr(MemPlace<Tag, Id>),
/// To support alloc-free locals, we are able to write directly to a local.
/// (Without that optimization, we'd just always be a `MemPlace`.)
Local {
frame: usize,
local: mir::Local,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag=()> {
place: Place<Tag>,
pub layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx, Tag> ::std::ops::Deref for PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag> {
type Target = Place<Tag>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Place<Tag> {
/// A MemPlace with its layout. Constructing it is only possible in this module.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag=()> {
mplace: MemPlace<Tag>,
pub layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx, Tag> ::std::ops::Deref for MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag> {
type Target = MemPlace<Tag>;
fn deref(&self) -> &MemPlace<Tag> {
impl<'tcx, Tag> From<MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>> for PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag> {
fn from(mplace: MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> Self {
PlaceTy {
place: Place::Ptr(mplace.mplace),
layout: mplace.layout
impl<Tag> MemPlace<Tag> {
/// Replace ptr tag, maintain vtable tag (if any)
pub fn replace_tag(self, new_tag: Tag) -> Self {
MemPlace {
ptr: self.ptr.erase_tag().with_tag(new_tag),
align: self.align,
meta: self.meta,
pub fn erase_tag(self) -> MemPlace {
MemPlace {
ptr: self.ptr.erase_tag(),
align: self.align,
pub fn from_scalar_ptr(ptr: Scalar<Tag>, align: Align) -> Self {
MemPlace {
meta: None,
/// Produces a Place that will error if attempted to be read from or written to
pub fn null(cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> Self {
Self::from_scalar_ptr(Scalar::ptr_null(cx), Align::from_bytes(1).unwrap())
pub fn from_ptr(ptr: Pointer<Tag>, align: Align) -> Self {
Self::from_scalar_ptr(ptr.into(), align)
pub fn to_scalar_ptr_align(self) -> (Scalar<Tag>, Align) {
(self.ptr, self.align)
/// metact the ptr part of the mplace
pub fn to_ptr(self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Tag>> {
// At this point, we forget about the alignment information --
// the place has been turned into a reference, and no matter where it came from,
// it now must be aligned.
/// Turn a mplace into a (thin or fat) pointer, as a reference, pointing to the same space.
/// This is the inverse of `ref_to_mplace`.
pub fn to_ref(self) -> Immediate<Tag> {
match self.meta {
None => Immediate::Scalar(self.ptr.into()),
Some(meta) => Immediate::ScalarPair(self.ptr.into(), meta.into()),
pub fn offset(
offset: Size,
meta: Option<Scalar<Tag>>,
cx: &impl HasDataLayout,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Self> {
Ok(MemPlace {
ptr: self.ptr.ptr_offset(offset, cx)?,
align: self.align.restrict_for_offset(offset),
impl<'tcx, Tag> MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag> {
/// Produces a MemPlace that works for ZST but nothing else
pub fn dangling(layout: TyLayout<'tcx>, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> Self {
MPlaceTy {
mplace: MemPlace::from_scalar_ptr(
Scalar::from_uint(layout.align.abi.bytes(), cx.pointer_size()),
/// Replace ptr tag, maintain vtable tag (if any)
pub fn replace_tag(self, new_tag: Tag) -> Self {
MPlaceTy {
mplace: self.mplace.replace_tag(new_tag),
layout: self.layout,
pub fn offset(
offset: Size,
meta: Option<Scalar<Tag>>,
layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
cx: &impl HasDataLayout,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Self> {
Ok(MPlaceTy {
mplace: self.mplace.offset(offset, meta, cx)?,
fn from_aligned_ptr(ptr: Pointer<Tag>, layout: TyLayout<'tcx>) -> Self {
MPlaceTy { mplace: MemPlace::from_ptr(ptr, layout.align.abi), layout }
pub(super) fn len(self, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> InterpResult<'tcx, u64> {
if self.layout.is_unsized() {
// We need to consult `meta` metadata
match self.layout.ty.sty {
ty::Slice(..) | ty::Str =>
return self.mplace.meta.unwrap().to_usize(cx),
_ => bug!("len not supported on unsized type {:?}", self.layout.ty),
} else {
// Go through the layout. There are lots of types that support a length,
// e.g., SIMD types.
match self.layout.fields {
layout::FieldPlacement::Array { count, .. } => Ok(count),
_ => bug!("len not supported on sized type {:?}", self.layout.ty),
pub(super) fn vtable(self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Tag>> {
match self.layout.ty.sty {
ty::Dynamic(..) => self.mplace.meta.unwrap().to_ptr(),
_ => bug!("vtable not supported on type {:?}", self.layout.ty),
impl<'tcx, Tag: ::std::fmt::Debug + Copy> OpTy<'tcx, Tag> {
pub fn try_as_mplace(self) -> Result<MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>, Immediate<Tag>> {
match *self {
Operand::Indirect(mplace) => Ok(MPlaceTy { mplace, layout: self.layout }),
Operand::Immediate(imm) => Err(imm),
pub fn to_mem_place(self) -> MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag> {
impl<'tcx, Tag: ::std::fmt::Debug> Place<Tag> {
/// Produces a Place that will error if attempted to be read from or written to
pub fn null(cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> Self {
pub fn from_scalar_ptr(ptr: Scalar<Tag>, align: Align) -> Self {
Place::Ptr(MemPlace::from_scalar_ptr(ptr, align))
pub fn from_ptr(ptr: Pointer<Tag>, align: Align) -> Self {
Place::Ptr(MemPlace::from_ptr(ptr, align))
pub fn to_mem_place(self) -> MemPlace<Tag> {
match self {
Place::Ptr(mplace) => mplace,
_ => bug!("to_mem_place: expected Place::Ptr, got {:?}", self),
pub fn to_scalar_ptr_align(self) -> (Scalar<Tag>, Align) {
pub fn to_ptr(self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Tag>> {
impl<'tcx, Tag: ::std::fmt::Debug> PlaceTy<'tcx, Tag> {
pub fn to_mem_place(self) -> MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag> {
MPlaceTy { mplace:, layout: self.layout }
// separating the pointer tag for `impl Trait`, see
impl<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, Tag, M> InterpretCx<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M>
// FIXME: Working around
Tag: ::std::fmt::Debug + Copy + Eq + Hash + 'static,
M: Machine<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, PointerTag=Tag>,
// FIXME: Working around
M::MemoryMap: AllocMap<AllocId, (MemoryKind<M::MemoryKinds>, Allocation<Tag, M::AllocExtra>)>,
M::AllocExtra: AllocationExtra<Tag>,
/// Take a value, which represents a (thin or fat) reference, and make it a place.
/// Alignment is just based on the type. This is the inverse of `MemPlace::to_ref()`.
/// This does NOT call the "deref" machine hook, so it does NOT count as a
/// deref as far as Stacked Borrows is concerned. Use `deref_operand` for that!
pub fn ref_to_mplace(
val: ImmTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
let pointee_type = val.layout.ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap().ty;
let layout = self.layout_of(pointee_type)?;
let mplace = MemPlace {
ptr: val.to_scalar_ptr()?,
// We could use the run-time alignment here. For now, we do not, because
// the point of tracking the alignment here is to make sure that the *static*
// alignment information emitted with the loads is correct. The run-time
// alignment can only be more restrictive.
align: layout.align.abi,
meta: val.to_meta()?,
Ok(MPlaceTy { mplace, layout })
// Take an operand, representing a pointer, and dereference it to a place -- that
// will always be a MemPlace. Lives in `` because it creates a place.
pub fn deref_operand(
src: OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
let val = self.read_immediate(src)?;
trace!("deref to {} on {:?}", val.layout.ty, *val);
/// Offset a pointer to project to a field. Unlike `place_field`, this is always
/// possible without allocating, so it can take `&self`. Also return the field's layout.
/// This supports both struct and array fields.
pub fn mplace_field(
base: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
field: u64,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
// Not using the layout method because we want to compute on u64
let offset = match base.layout.fields {
layout::FieldPlacement::Arbitrary { ref offsets, .. } =>
layout::FieldPlacement::Array { stride, .. } => {
let len = base.len(self)?;
assert!(field < len, "Tried to access element {} of array/slice with length {}",
field, len);
stride * field
layout::FieldPlacement::Union(count) => {
assert!(field < count as u64,
"Tried to access field {} of union with {} fields", field, count);
// Offset is always 0
// the only way conversion can fail if is this is an array (otherwise we already panicked
// above). In that case, all fields are equal.
let field_layout = base.layout.field(self, usize::try_from(field).unwrap_or(0))?;
// Offset may need adjustment for unsized fields.
let (meta, offset) = if field_layout.is_unsized() {
// Re-use parent metadata to determine dynamic field layout.
// With custom DSTS, this *will* execute user-defined code, but the same
// happens at run-time so that's okay.
let align = match self.size_and_align_of(base.meta, field_layout)? {
Some((_, align)) => align,
None if offset == Size::ZERO =>
// An extern type at offset 0, we fall back to its static alignment.
// FIXME: Once we have made decisions for how to handle size and alignment
// of `extern type`, this should be adapted. It is just a temporary hack
// to get some code to work that probably ought to work.
None =>
bug!("Cannot compute offset for extern type field at non-0 offset"),
(base.meta, offset.align_to(align))
} else {
// base.meta could be present; we might be accessing a sized field of an unsized
// struct.
(None, offset)
// We do not look at `base.layout.align` nor `field_layout.align`, unlike
// codegen -- mostly to see if we can get away with that
base.offset(offset, meta, field_layout, self)
// Iterates over all fields of an array. Much more efficient than doing the
// same by repeatedly calling `mplace_array`.
pub fn mplace_array_fields(
base: MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>,
) ->
InterpResult<'tcx, impl Iterator<Item=InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>>> + 'a>
let len = base.len(self)?; // also asserts that we have a type where this makes sense
let stride = match base.layout.fields {
layout::FieldPlacement::Array { stride, .. } => stride,
_ => bug!("mplace_array_fields: expected an array layout"),
let layout = base.layout.field(self, 0)?;
let dl = &self.tcx.data_layout;
Ok((0..len).map(move |i| base.offset(i * stride, None, layout, dl)))
pub fn mplace_subslice(
base: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
from: u64,
to: u64,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
let len = base.len(self)?; // also asserts that we have a type where this makes sense
assert!(from <= len - to);
// Not using layout method because that works with usize, and does not work with slices
// (that have count 0 in their layout).
let from_offset = match base.layout.fields {
layout::FieldPlacement::Array { stride, .. } =>
stride * from,
_ => bug!("Unexpected layout of index access: {:#?}", base.layout),
// Compute meta and new layout
let inner_len = len - to - from;
let (meta, ty) = match base.layout.ty.sty {
// It is not nice to match on the type, but that seems to be the only way to
// implement this.
ty::Array(inner, _) =>
(None, self.tcx.mk_array(inner, inner_len)),
ty::Slice(..) => {
let len = Scalar::from_uint(inner_len, self.pointer_size());
(Some(len), base.layout.ty)
_ =>
bug!("cannot subslice non-array type: `{:?}`", base.layout.ty),
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
base.offset(from_offset, meta, layout, self)
pub fn mplace_downcast(
base: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
variant: VariantIdx,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
// Downcasts only change the layout
Ok(MPlaceTy { layout: base.layout.for_variant(self, variant), ..base })
/// Project into an mplace
pub fn mplace_projection(
base: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
proj_elem: &mir::PlaceElem<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
use rustc::mir::ProjectionElem::*;
Ok(match *proj_elem {
Field(field, _) => self.mplace_field(base, field.index() as u64)?,
Downcast(_, variant) => self.mplace_downcast(base, variant)?,
Deref => self.deref_operand(base.into())?,
Index(local) => {
let layout = self.layout_of(self.tcx.types.usize)?;
let n = self.access_local(self.frame(), local, Some(layout))?;
let n = self.read_scalar(n)?;
let n = n.to_bits(self.tcx.data_layout.pointer_size)?;
self.mplace_field(base, u64::try_from(n).unwrap())?
ConstantIndex {
} => {
let n = base.len(self)?;
assert!(n >= min_length as u64);
let index = if from_end {
n - u64::from(offset)
} else {
self.mplace_field(base, index)?
Subslice { from, to } =>
self.mplace_subslice(base, u64::from(from), u64::from(to))?,
/// Gets the place of a field inside the place, and also the field's type.
/// Just a convenience function, but used quite a bit.
/// This is the only projection that might have a side-effect: We cannot project
/// into the field of a local `ScalarPair`, we have to first allocate it.
pub fn place_field(
&mut self,
base: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
field: u64,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
// FIXME: We could try to be smarter and avoid allocation for fields that span the
// entire place.
let mplace = self.force_allocation(base)?;
Ok(self.mplace_field(mplace, field)?.into())
pub fn place_downcast(
base: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
variant: VariantIdx,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
// Downcast just changes the layout
Ok(match {
Place::Ptr(mplace) =>
self.mplace_downcast(MPlaceTy { mplace, layout: base.layout }, variant)?.into(),
Place::Local { .. } => {
let layout = base.layout.for_variant(self, variant);
PlaceTy { layout, ..base }
/// Projects into a place.
pub fn place_projection(
&mut self,
base: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
proj_elem: &mir::ProjectionElem<mir::Local, Ty<'tcx>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
use rustc::mir::ProjectionElem::*;
Ok(match *proj_elem {
Field(field, _) => self.place_field(base, field.index() as u64)?,
Downcast(_, variant) => self.place_downcast(base, variant)?,
Deref => self.deref_operand(self.place_to_op(base)?)?.into(),
// For the other variants, we have to force an allocation.
// This matches `operand_projection`.
Subslice { .. } | ConstantIndex { .. } | Index(_) => {
let mplace = self.force_allocation(base)?;
self.mplace_projection(mplace, proj_elem)?.into()
/// Evaluate statics and promoteds to an `MPlace`. Used to share some code between
/// `eval_place` and `eval_place_to_op`.
pub(super) fn eval_static_to_mplace(
place_static: &mir::Static<'tcx>
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
use rustc::mir::StaticKind;
Ok(match place_static.kind {
StaticKind::Promoted(promoted) => {
let instance = self.frame().instance;
self.const_eval_raw(GlobalId {
promoted: Some(promoted),
StaticKind::Static(def_id) => {
let ty = place_static.ty;
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
let instance = ty::Instance::mono(*self.tcx, def_id);
let cid = GlobalId {
promoted: None
// Just create a lazy reference, so we can support recursive statics.
// tcx takes care of assigning every static one and only one unique AllocId.
// When the data here is ever actually used, memory will notice,
// and it knows how to deal with alloc_id that are present in the
// global table but not in its local memory: It calls back into tcx through
// a query, triggering the CTFE machinery to actually turn this lazy reference
// into a bunch of bytes. IOW, statics are evaluated with CTFE even when
// this InterpretCx uses another Machine (e.g., in miri). This is what we
// want! This way, computing statics works consistently between codegen
// and miri: They use the same query to eventually obtain a `ty::Const`
// and use that for further computation.
// Notice that statics have *two* AllocIds: the lazy one, and the resolved
// one. Here we make sure that the interpreted program never sees the
// resolved ID. Also see the doc comment of `Memory::get_static_alloc`.
let alloc_id = self.tcx.alloc_map.lock().create_static_alloc(cid.instance.def_id());
let ptr = self.tag_static_base_pointer(Pointer::from(alloc_id));
MPlaceTy::from_aligned_ptr(ptr, layout)
/// Computes a place. You should only use this if you intend to write into this
/// place; for reading, a more efficient alternative is `eval_place_for_read`.
pub fn eval_place(
&mut self,
mir_place: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
use rustc::mir::PlaceBase;
mir_place.iterate(|place_base, place_projection| {
let mut place = match place_base {
PlaceBase::Local(mir::RETURN_PLACE) => match self.frame().return_place {
Some(return_place) => {
// We use our layout to verify our assumption; caller will validate
// their layout on return.
PlaceTy {
place: *return_place,
layout: self
None => return err!(InvalidNullPointerUsage),
PlaceBase::Local(local) => PlaceTy {
// This works even for dead/uninitialized locals; we check further when writing
place: Place::Local {
frame: self.cur_frame(),
local: *local,
layout: self.layout_of_local(self.frame(), *local, None)?,
PlaceBase::Static(place_static) => self.eval_static_to_mplace(place_static)?.into(),
for proj in place_projection {
place = self.place_projection(place, &proj.elem)?
/// Write a scalar to a place
pub fn write_scalar(
&mut self,
val: impl Into<ScalarMaybeUndef<M::PointerTag>>,
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
self.write_immediate(Immediate::Scalar(val.into()), dest)
/// Write an immediate to a place
pub fn write_immediate(
&mut self,
src: Immediate<M::PointerTag>,
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
self.write_immediate_no_validate(src, dest)?;
if M::enforce_validity(self) {
// Data got changed, better make sure it matches the type!
self.validate_operand(self.place_to_op(dest)?, vec![], None, /*const_mode*/false)?;
/// Write an `Immediate` to memory.
pub fn write_immediate_to_mplace(
&mut self,
src: Immediate<M::PointerTag>,
dest: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
self.write_immediate_to_mplace_no_validate(src, dest)?;
if M::enforce_validity(self) {
// Data got changed, better make sure it matches the type!
self.validate_operand(dest.into(), vec![], None, /*const_mode*/ false)?;
/// Write an immediate to a place.
/// If you use this you are responsible for validating that things got copied at the
/// right type.
fn write_immediate_no_validate(
&mut self,
src: Immediate<M::PointerTag>,
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
// This is a very common path, avoid some checks in release mode
assert!(!dest.layout.is_unsized(), "Cannot write unsized data");
match src {
Immediate::Scalar(ScalarMaybeUndef::Scalar(Scalar::Ptr(_))) =>
assert_eq!(self.pointer_size(), dest.layout.size,
"Size mismatch when writing pointer"),
Immediate::Scalar(ScalarMaybeUndef::Scalar(Scalar::Raw { size, .. })) =>
assert_eq!(Size::from_bytes(size.into()), dest.layout.size,
"Size mismatch when writing bits"),
Immediate::Scalar(ScalarMaybeUndef::Undef) => {}, // undef can have any size
Immediate::ScalarPair(_, _) => {
// FIXME: Can we check anything here?
trace!("write_immediate: {:?} <- {:?}: {}", *dest, src, dest.layout.ty);
// See if we can avoid an allocation. This is the counterpart to `try_read_immediate`,
// but not factored as a separate function.
let mplace = match {
Place::Local { frame, local } => {
match self.stack[frame].locals[local].access_mut()? {
Ok(local) => {
// Local can be updated in-place.
*local = LocalValue::Live(Operand::Immediate(src));
return Ok(());
Err(mplace) => {
// The local is in memory, go on below.
Place::Ptr(mplace) => mplace, // already referring to memory
let dest = MPlaceTy { mplace, layout: dest.layout };
// This is already in memory, write there.
self.write_immediate_to_mplace_no_validate(src, dest)
/// Write an immediate to memory.
/// If you use this you are responsible for validating that things got copied at the
/// right type.
fn write_immediate_to_mplace_no_validate(
&mut self,
value: Immediate<M::PointerTag>,
dest: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let (ptr, ptr_align) = dest.to_scalar_ptr_align();
// Note that it is really important that the type here is the right one, and matches the
// type things are read at. In case `src_val` is a `ScalarPair`, we don't do any magic here
// to handle padding properly, which is only correct if we never look at this data with the
// wrong type.
// Nothing to do for ZSTs, other than checking alignment
if dest.layout.is_zst() {
return self.memory.check_align(ptr, ptr_align);
// check for integer pointers before alignment to report better errors
let ptr = ptr.to_ptr()?;
self.memory.check_align(ptr.into(), ptr_align)?;
let tcx = &*self.tcx;
// FIXME: We should check that there are dest.layout.size many bytes available in
// memory. The code below is not sufficient, with enough padding it might not
// cover all the bytes!
match value {
Immediate::Scalar(scalar) => {
match dest.layout.abi {
layout::Abi::Scalar(_) => {}, // fine
_ => bug!("write_immediate_to_mplace: invalid Scalar layout: {:#?}",
tcx, ptr, scalar, dest.layout.size
Immediate::ScalarPair(a_val, b_val) => {
let (a, b) = match dest.layout.abi {
layout::Abi::ScalarPair(ref a, ref b) => (&a.value, &b.value),
_ => bug!("write_immediate_to_mplace: invalid ScalarPair layout: {:#?}",
let (a_size, b_size) = (a.size(self), b.size(self));
let b_offset = a_size.align_to(b.align(self).abi);
let b_align = ptr_align.restrict_for_offset(b_offset);
let b_ptr = ptr.offset(b_offset, self)?;
self.memory.check_align(b_ptr.into(), b_align)?;
// It is tempting to verify `b_offset` against `layout.fields.offset(1)`,
// but that does not work: We could be a newtype around a pair, then the
// fields do not match the `ScalarPair` components.
.write_scalar(tcx, ptr, a_val, a_size)?;
.write_scalar(tcx, b_ptr, b_val, b_size)
/// Copies the data from an operand to a place. This does not support transmuting!
/// Use `copy_op_transmute` if the layouts could disagree.
pub fn copy_op(
&mut self,
src: OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
self.copy_op_no_validate(src, dest)?;
if M::enforce_validity(self) {
// Data got changed, better make sure it matches the type!
self.validate_operand(self.place_to_op(dest)?, vec![], None, /*const_mode*/false)?;
/// Copies the data from an operand to a place. This does not support transmuting!
/// Use `copy_op_transmute` if the layouts could disagree.
/// Also, if you use this you are responsible for validating that things get copied at the
/// right type.
fn copy_op_no_validate(
&mut self,
src: OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
// We do NOT compare the types for equality, because well-typed code can
// actually "transmute" `&mut T` to `&T` in an assignment without a cast.
assert!(src.layout.details == dest.layout.details,
"Layout mismatch when copying!\nsrc: {:#?}\ndest: {:#?}", src, dest);
// Let us see if the layout is simple so we take a shortcut, avoid force_allocation.
let src = match self.try_read_immediate(src)? {
Ok(src_val) => {
assert!(!src.layout.is_unsized(), "cannot have unsized immediates");
// Yay, we got a value that we can write directly.
// FIXME: Add a check to make sure that if `src` is indirect,
// it does not overlap with `dest`.
return self.write_immediate_no_validate(src_val, dest);
Err(mplace) => mplace,
// Slow path, this does not fit into an immediate. Just memcpy.
trace!("copy_op: {:?} <- {:?}: {}", *dest, src, dest.layout.ty);
// This interprets `src.meta` with the `dest` local's layout, if an unsized local
// is being initialized!
let (dest, size) = self.force_allocation_maybe_sized(dest, src.meta)?;
let size = size.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"Cannot copy into already initialized unsized place");
assert_eq!(src.meta, dest.meta, "Can only copy between equally-sized instances");
src.ptr, src.align,
dest.ptr, dest.align,
/*nonoverlapping*/ true,
/// Copies the data from an operand to a place. The layouts may disagree, but they must
/// have the same size.
pub fn copy_op_transmute(
&mut self,
src: OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
if src.layout.details == dest.layout.details {
// Fast path: Just use normal `copy_op`
return self.copy_op(src, dest);
// We still require the sizes to match.
assert!(src.layout.size == dest.layout.size,
"Size mismatch when transmuting!\nsrc: {:#?}\ndest: {:#?}", src, dest);
// Unsized copies rely on interpreting `src.meta` with `dest.layout`, we want
// to avoid that here.
assert!(!src.layout.is_unsized() && !dest.layout.is_unsized(),
"Cannot transmute unsized data");
// The hard case is `ScalarPair`. `src` is already read from memory in this case,
// using `src.layout` to figure out which bytes to use for the 1st and 2nd field.
// We have to write them to `dest` at the offsets they were *read at*, which is
// not necessarily the same as the offsets in `dest.layout`!
// Hence we do the copy with the source layout on both sides. We also make sure to write
// into memory, because if `dest` is a local we would not even have a way to write
// at the `src` offsets; the fact that we came from a different layout would
// just be lost.
let dest = self.force_allocation(dest)?;
PlaceTy::from(MPlaceTy { mplace: *dest, layout: src.layout }),
if M::enforce_validity(self) {
// Data got changed, better make sure it matches the type!
self.validate_operand(dest.into(), vec![], None, /*const_mode*/false)?;
/// Ensures that a place is in memory, and returns where it is.
/// If the place currently refers to a local that doesn't yet have a matching allocation,
/// create such an allocation.
/// This is essentially `force_to_memplace`.
/// This supports unsized types and returns the computed size to avoid some
/// redundant computation when copying; use `force_allocation` for a simpler, sized-only
/// version.
pub fn force_allocation_maybe_sized(
&mut self,
place: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
meta: Option<Scalar<M::PointerTag>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>, Option<Size>)> {
let (mplace, size) = match {
Place::Local { frame, local } => {
match self.stack[frame].locals[local].access_mut()? {
Ok(local_val) => {
// We need to make an allocation.
// FIXME: Consider not doing anything for a ZST, and just returning
// a fake pointer? Are we even called for ZST?
// We cannot hold on to the reference `local_val` while allocating,
// but we can hold on to the value in there.
let old_val =
if let LocalValue::Live(Operand::Immediate(value)) = *local_val {
} else {
// We need the layout of the local. We can NOT use the layout we got,
// that might e.g., be an inner field of a struct with `Scalar` layout,
// that has different alignment than the outer field.
// We also need to support unsized types, and hence cannot use `allocate`.
let local_layout = self.layout_of_local(&self.stack[frame], local, None)?;
let (size, align) = self.size_and_align_of(meta, local_layout)?
.expect("Cannot allocate for non-dyn-sized type");
let ptr = self.memory.allocate(size, align, MemoryKind::Stack);
let mplace = MemPlace { ptr: ptr.into(), align, meta };
if let Some(value) = old_val {
// Preserve old value.
// We don't have to validate as we can assume the local
// was already valid for its type.
let mplace = MPlaceTy { mplace, layout: local_layout };
self.write_immediate_to_mplace_no_validate(value, mplace)?;
// Now we can call `access_mut` again, asserting it goes well,
// and actually overwrite things.
*self.stack[frame].locals[local].access_mut().unwrap().unwrap() =
(mplace, Some(size))
Err(mplace) => (mplace, None), // this already was an indirect local
Place::Ptr(mplace) => (mplace, None)
// Return with the original layout, so that the caller can go on
Ok((MPlaceTy { mplace, layout: place.layout }, size))
pub fn force_allocation(
&mut self,
place: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
Ok(self.force_allocation_maybe_sized(place, None)?.0)
pub fn allocate(
&mut self,
layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
kind: MemoryKind<M::MemoryKinds>,
) -> MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag> {
let ptr = self.memory.allocate(layout.size, layout.align.abi, kind);
MPlaceTy::from_aligned_ptr(ptr, layout)
pub fn write_discriminant_index(
&mut self,
variant_index: VariantIdx,
dest: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
match dest.layout.variants {
layout::Variants::Single { index } => {
assert_eq!(index, variant_index);
layout::Variants::Multiple {
discr_kind: layout::DiscriminantKind::Tag,
ref discr,
} => {
let discr_val =
dest.layout.ty.discriminant_for_variant(*self.tcx, variant_index).unwrap().val;
// raw discriminants for enums are isize or bigger during
// their computation, but the in-memory tag is the smallest possible
// representation
let size = discr.value.size(self);
let discr_val = truncate(discr_val, size);
let discr_dest = self.place_field(dest, discr_index as u64)?;
self.write_scalar(Scalar::from_uint(discr_val, size), discr_dest)?;
layout::Variants::Multiple {
discr_kind: layout::DiscriminantKind::Niche {
ref niche_variants,
} => {
variant_index.as_usize() < dest.layout.ty.ty_adt_def().unwrap().variants.len(),
if variant_index != dataful_variant {
let niche_dest =
self.place_field(dest, discr_index as u64)?;
let niche_value = variant_index.as_u32() - niche_variants.start().as_u32();
let niche_value = (niche_value as u128)
Scalar::from_uint(niche_value, niche_dest.layout.size),
pub fn raw_const_to_mplace(
raw: RawConst<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>> {
// This must be an allocation in `tcx`
let ptr = self.tag_static_base_pointer(Pointer::from(raw.alloc_id));
let layout = self.layout_of(raw.ty)?;
Ok(MPlaceTy::from_aligned_ptr(ptr, layout))
/// Turn a place with a `dyn Trait` type into a place with the actual dynamic type.
/// Also return some more information so drop doesn't have to run the same code twice.
pub(super) fn unpack_dyn_trait(&self, mplace: MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>)
-> InterpResult<'tcx, (ty::Instance<'tcx>, MPlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>)> {
let vtable = mplace.vtable()?; // also sanity checks the type
let (instance, ty) = self.read_drop_type_from_vtable(vtable)?;
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
// More sanity checks
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let (size, align) = self.read_size_and_align_from_vtable(vtable)?;
assert_eq!(size, layout.size);
// only ABI alignment is preserved
assert_eq!(align, layout.align.abi);
let mplace = MPlaceTy {
mplace: MemPlace { meta: None, ..*mplace },
Ok((instance, mplace))