blob: 286894c82b7e2bfe5bdb8d48521ebd2dac8d7021 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::dep_graph::SerializedDepNodeIndex;
use crate::dep_graph::DepNode;
use crate::hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId};
use crate::ty::TyCtxt;
use crate::ty::query::queries;
use crate::ty::query::{Query, QueryName};
use crate::ty::query::QueryCache;
use crate::ty::query::plumbing::CycleError;
use crate::util::profiling::ProfileCategory;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lock;
use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::Fingerprint;
use crate::ich::StableHashingContext;
// Query configuration and description traits.
// FIXME(eddyb) false positive, the lifetime parameter is used for `Key`/`Value`.
pub trait QueryConfig<'tcx> {
const NAME: QueryName;
const CATEGORY: ProfileCategory;
type Key: Eq + Hash + Clone + Debug;
type Value: Clone;
pub(crate) trait QueryAccessors<'tcx>: QueryConfig<'tcx> {
fn query(key: Self::Key) -> Query<'tcx>;
// Don't use this method to access query results, instead use the methods on TyCtxt
fn query_cache<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, '_>) -> &'a Lock<QueryCache<'tcx, Self>>;
fn to_dep_node(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, '_>, key: &Self::Key) -> DepNode;
// Don't use this method to compute query results, instead use the methods on TyCtxt
fn compute(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, '_>, key: Self::Key) -> Self::Value;
fn hash_result(
hcx: &mut StableHashingContext<'_>,
result: &Self::Value
) -> Option<Fingerprint>;
fn handle_cycle_error(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, '_>, error: CycleError<'tcx>) -> Self::Value;
pub(crate) trait QueryDescription<'tcx>: QueryAccessors<'tcx> {
fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>, key: Self::Key) -> Cow<'static, str>;
fn cache_on_disk(_: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>, _: Self::Key) -> bool {
fn try_load_from_disk(_: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
_: SerializedDepNodeIndex)
-> Option<Self::Value> {
bug!("QueryDescription::load_from_disk() called for an unsupported query.")
impl<'tcx, M: QueryAccessors<'tcx, Key=DefId>> QueryDescription<'tcx> for M {
default fn describe(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>, def_id: DefId) -> Cow<'static, str> {
if !tcx.sess.verbose() {
format!("processing `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(def_id)).into()
} else {
let name = unsafe { ::std::intrinsics::type_name::<M>() };
format!("processing {:?} with query `{}`", def_id, name).into()
impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::analysis<'tcx> {
fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>, _: CrateNum) -> Cow<'static, str> {
"running analysis passes on this crate".into()
macro_rules! impl_disk_cacheable_query(
($query_name:ident, |$tcx:tt, $key:tt| $cond:expr) => {
impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::$query_name<'tcx> {
fn cache_on_disk($tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>, $key: Self::Key) -> bool {
fn try_load_from_disk<'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
id: SerializedDepNodeIndex)
-> Option<Self::Value> {
tcx.queries.on_disk_cache.try_load_query_result(tcx, id)
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(mir_borrowck, |tcx, def_id| {
def_id.is_local() && tcx.is_closure(def_id)
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(unsafety_check_result, |_, def_id| def_id.is_local());
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(borrowck, |_, def_id| def_id.is_local());
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(check_match, |_, def_id| def_id.is_local());
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(predicates_of, |_, def_id| def_id.is_local());
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(used_trait_imports, |_, def_id| def_id.is_local());
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(codegen_fn_attrs, |_, _| true);
impl_disk_cacheable_query!(specialization_graph_of, |_, _| true);