Rollup merge of #57689 - nnethercote:redo-hir-Stmt, r=petrochenkov

Redo `hir::Stmt`

A couple of changes that make things simpler and more consistent.

This should probably wait until after 1.32 lands to land, to avoid late breakage for tools.
diff --git a/ b/
index 65cdfe6..9924055 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,9 +19,16 @@
 As a reminder, all contributors are expected to follow our [Code of Conduct][coc].
+The [rustc-guide] is your friend! It describes how the compiler works and how
+to contribute to it in more detail than this document.
+If this is your first time contributing, the [walkthrough] chapter of the guide
+can give you a good example of how a typical contribution would go.
 ## Feature Requests
 [feature-requests]: #feature-requests
@@ -89,222 +96,14 @@
 ## The Build System
-[the-build-system]: #the-build-system
-Rust's build system allows you to bootstrap the compiler, run tests &
-benchmarks, generate documentation, install a fresh build of Rust, and more.
-It's your best friend when working on Rust, allowing you to compile & test
-your contributions before submission.
+For info on how to configure and build the compiler, please see [this
+chapter][rustcguidebuild] of the rustc-guide. This chapter contains info for
+contributions to the compiler and the standard library. It also lists some
+really useful commands to the build system (`./`), which could save you a
+lot of time.
-The build system lives in [the `src/bootstrap` directory][bootstrap] in the
-project root. Our build system is itself written in Rust and is based on Cargo
-to actually build all the compiler's crates. If you have questions on the build
-system internals, try asking in [`#rust-internals`][pound-rust-internals].
-### Configuration
-[configuration]: #configuration
-Before you can start building the compiler you need to configure the build for
-your system. In most cases, that will just mean using the defaults provided
-for Rust.
-To change configuration, you must copy the file `config.toml.example`
-to `config.toml` in the directory from which you will be running the build, and
-change the settings provided.
-There are large number of options provided in this config file that will alter the
-configuration used in the build process. Some options to note:
-#### `[llvm]`:
-- `assertions = true` = This enables LLVM assertions, which makes LLVM misuse cause an assertion failure instead of weird misbehavior. This also slows down the compiler's runtime by ~20%.
-- `ccache = true` - Use ccache when building llvm
-#### `[build]`:
-- `compiler-docs = true` - Build compiler documentation
-#### `[rust]`:
-- `debuginfo = true` - Build a compiler with debuginfo. Makes building rustc slower, but then you can use a debugger to debug `rustc`.
-- `debuginfo-lines = true` - An alternative to `debuginfo = true` that doesn't let you use a debugger, but doesn't make building rustc slower and still gives you line numbers in backtraces.
-- `debuginfo-tools = true` - Build the extended tools with debuginfo.
-- `debug-assertions = true` - Makes the log output of `debug!` work.
-- `optimize = false` - Disable optimizations to speed up compilation of stage1 rust, but makes the stage1 compiler x100 slower.
-For more options, the `config.toml` file contains commented out defaults, with
-descriptions of what each option will do.
-Note: Previously the `./configure` script was used to configure this
-project. It can still be used, but it's recommended to use a `config.toml`
-file. If you still have a `` file in your directory - from
-`./configure` - you may need to delete it for `config.toml` to work.
-### Building
-[building]: #building
-A default configuration requires around 3.5 GB of disk space, whereas building a debug configuration may require more than 30 GB.
-- [build dependencies](
-- `gdb` 6.2.0 minimum, 7.1 or later recommended for test builds
-The build system uses the `` script to control the build process. This script
-is used to build, test, and document various parts of the compiler. You can
-execute it as:
-python build
-On some systems you can also use the shorter version:
-./ build
-To learn more about the driver and top-level targets, you can execute:
-python --help
-The general format for the driver script is:
-python <command> [<directory>]
-Some example commands are `build`, `test`, and `doc`. These will build, test,
-and document the specified directory. The second argument, `<directory>`, is
-optional and defaults to working over the entire compiler. If specified,
-however, only that specific directory will be built. For example:
-# build the entire compiler
-python build
-# build all documentation
-python doc
-# run all test suites
-python test
-# build only the standard library
-python build src/libstd
-# test only one particular test suite
-python test src/test/rustdoc
-# build only the stage0 libcore library
-python build src/libcore --stage 0
-You can explore the build system through the various `--help` pages for each
-subcommand. For example to learn more about a command you can run:
-python build --help
-To learn about all possible rules you can execute, run:
-python build --help --verbose
-Note: Previously `./configure` and `make` were used to build this project.
-They are still available, but `` is the recommended build system.
-### Useful commands
-[useful-commands]: #useful-commands
-Some common invocations of `` are:
-- ` build --help` - show the help message and explain the subcommand
-- ` build src/libtest --stage 1` - build up to (and including) the first
-  stage. For most cases we don't need to build the stage2 compiler, so we can
-  save time by not building it. The stage1 compiler is a fully functioning
-  compiler and (probably) will be enough to determine if your change works as
-  expected.
-- ` build src/rustc --stage 1` - This will build just rustc, without libstd.
-  This is the fastest way to recompile after you changed only rustc source code.
-  Note however that the resulting rustc binary won't have a stdlib to link
-  against by default. You can build libstd once with ` build src/libstd`,
-  but it is only guaranteed to work if recompiled, so if there are any issues
-  recompile it.
-- ` test` - build the full compiler & run all tests (takes a while). This
-  is what gets run by the continuous integration system against your pull
-  request. You should run this before submitting to make sure your tests pass
-  & everything builds in the correct manner.
-- ` test src/libstd --stage 1` - test the standard library without
-  recompiling stage 2.
-- ` test src/test/run-pass --test-args TESTNAME` - Run a matching set of
-  tests.
-  - `TESTNAME` should be a substring of the tests to match against e.g. it could
-    be the fully qualified test name, or just a part of it.
-    `TESTNAME=collections::hash::map::test_map::test_capacity_not_less_than_len`
-    or `TESTNAME=test_capacity_not_less_than_len`.
-- ` test src/test/run-pass --stage 1 --test-args <substring-of-test-name>` -
-  Run a single rpass test with the stage1 compiler (this will be quicker than
-  running the command above as we only build the stage1 compiler, not the entire
-  thing).  You can also leave off the directory argument to run all stage1 test
-  types.
-- ` test src/libcore --stage 1` - Run stage1 tests in `libcore`.
-- ` test src/tools/tidy` - Check that the source code is in compliance with
-  Rust's style guidelines. There is no official document describing Rust's full
-  guidelines as of yet, but basic rules like 4 spaces for indentation and no
-  more than 99 characters in a single line should be kept in mind when writing
-  code.
-### Using your local build
-[using-local-build]: #using-local-build
-If you use Rustup to manage your rust install, it has a feature called ["custom
-toolchains"][toolchain-link] that you can use to access your newly-built compiler
-without having to install it to your system or user PATH. If you've run `python build`, then you can add your custom rustc to a new toolchain like this:
-rustup toolchain link <name> build/<host-triple>/stage2
-Where `<host-triple>` is the build triple for the host (the triple of your
-computer, by default), and `<name>` is the name for your custom toolchain. (If you
-added `--stage 1` to your build command, the compiler will be in the `stage1`
-folder instead.) You'll only need to do this once - it will automatically point
-to the latest build you've done.
-Once this is set up, you can use your custom toolchain just like any other. For
-example, if you've named your toolchain `local`, running `cargo +local build` will
-compile a project with your custom rustc, setting `rustup override set local` will
-override the toolchain for your current directory, and `cargo +local doc` will use
-your custom rustc and rustdoc to generate docs. (If you do this with a `--stage 1`
-build, you'll need to build rustdoc specially, since it's not normally built in
-stage 1. `python build --stage 1 src/libstd src/tools/rustdoc` will build
-rustdoc and libstd, which will allow rustdoc to be run with that toolchain.)
-### Out-of-tree builds
-[out-of-tree-builds]: #out-of-tree-builds
-Rust's `` script fully supports out-of-tree builds - it looks for
-the Rust source code from the directory `` was found in, but it
-reads the `config.toml` configuration file from the directory it's
-run in, and places all build artifacts within a subdirectory named `build`.
-This means that if you want to do an out-of-tree build, you can just do it:
-$ cd my/build/dir
-$ cp ~/my-config.toml config.toml # Or fill in config.toml otherwise
-$ path/to/rust/ build
-$ # This will use the Rust source code in `path/to/rust`, but build
-$ # artifacts will now be in ./build
-It's absolutely fine to have multiple build directories with different
-`config.toml` configurations using the same code.
 ## Pull Requests
 [pull-requests]: #pull-requests
@@ -320,26 +119,13 @@
 Please make pull requests against the `master` branch.
-Compiling all of `./ test` can take a while. When testing your pull request,
-consider using one of the more specialized `./` targets to cut down on the
-amount of time you have to wait. You need to have built the compiler at least
-once before running these will work, but that’s only one full build rather than
-one each time.
-    $ python test --stage 1
-is one such example, which builds just `rustc`, and then runs the tests. If
-you’re adding something to the standard library, try
-    $ python test src/libstd --stage 1
 Please make sure your pull request is in compliance with Rust's style
 guidelines by running
     $ python test src/tools/tidy
 Make this check before every pull request (and every new commit in a pull
-request) ; you can add [git hooks](
+request); you can add [git hooks](
 before every push to make sure you never forget to make this check.
 All pull requests are reviewed by another person. We have a bot,
@@ -532,6 +318,12 @@
 reference to `doc/reference.html`. The CSS might be messed up, but you can
 verify that the HTML is right.
+Additionally, contributions to the [rustc-guide] are always welcome. Contributions
+can be made directly at [the
+rust-lang/rustc-guide]( repo. The issue
+tracker in that repo is also a great way to find things that need doing. There
+are issues for beginners and advanced compiler devs alike!
 ## Issue Triage
 [issue-triage]: #issue-triage
@@ -627,7 +419,7 @@
 more seasoned developers, some useful places to look for information
-* The [rustc guide] contains information about how various parts of the compiler work
+* The [rustc guide] contains information about how various parts of the compiler work and how to contribute to the compiler
 * [Rust Forge][rustforge] contains additional documentation, including write-ups of how to achieve common tasks
 * The [Rust Internals forum][rif], a place to ask questions and
   discuss Rust's internals
diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index d3c6054..d4593c1 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@
 name = "minifier"
-version = "0.0.20"
+version = "0.0.26"
 source = "registry+"
 dependencies = [
  "macro-utils 0.1.2 (registry+",
@@ -2565,10 +2565,6 @@
-name = "rustc_platform_intrinsics"
-version = "0.0.0"
 name = "rustc_plugin"
 version = "0.0.0"
 dependencies = [
@@ -2678,7 +2674,6 @@
  "rustc 0.0.0",
  "rustc_data_structures 0.0.0",
  "rustc_errors 0.0.0",
- "rustc_platform_intrinsics 0.0.0",
  "rustc_target 0.0.0",
  "smallvec 0.6.7 (registry+",
  "syntax 0.0.0",
@@ -2697,7 +2692,7 @@
 name = "rustdoc"
 version = "0.0.0"
 dependencies = [
- "minifier 0.0.20 (registry+",
+ "minifier 0.0.26 (registry+",
  "parking_lot 0.6.4 (registry+",
  "pulldown-cmark 0.1.2 (registry+",
  "tempfile 3.0.5 (registry+",
@@ -3515,7 +3510,7 @@
 "checksum memchr 2.1.1 (registry+" = "0a3eb002f0535929f1199681417029ebea04aadc0c7a4224b46be99c7f5d6a16"
 "checksum memmap 0.6.2 (registry+" = "e2ffa2c986de11a9df78620c01eeaaf27d94d3ff02bf81bfcca953102dd0c6ff"
 "checksum memoffset 0.2.1 (registry+" = "0f9dc261e2b62d7a622bf416ea3c5245cdd5d9a7fcc428c0d06804dfce1775b3"
-"checksum minifier 0.0.20 (registry+" = "96c269bb45c39b333392b2b18ad71760b34ac65666591386b0e959ed58b3f474"
+"checksum minifier 0.0.26 (registry+" = "f299df45afd73332044ea9f717c816a84fc90c8b631409abf339ba93642a7985"
 "checksum miniz-sys 0.1.11 (registry+" = "0300eafb20369952951699b68243ab4334f4b10a88f411c221d444b36c40e649"
 "checksum miniz_oxide 0.2.0 (registry+" = "5ad30a47319c16cde58d0314f5d98202a80c9083b5f61178457403dfb14e509c"
 "checksum miniz_oxide_c_api 0.2.0 (registry+" = "28edaef377517fd9fe3e085c37d892ce7acd1fbeab9239c5a36eec352d8a8b7e"
diff --git a/ b/
index cb1f062..514e420 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,9 +13,13 @@
 [The Book]:
-## Building from Source
+## Installing from Source
 [building-from-source]: #building-from-source
+_Note: If you wish to contribute to the compiler, you should read
+[this chapter](
+of the rustc-guide instead._
 ### Building on *nix
 1. Make sure you have installed the dependencies:
diff --git a/config.toml.example b/config.toml.example
index 23943d3..24293fc 100644
--- a/config.toml.example
+++ b/config.toml.example
@@ -90,6 +90,11 @@
 # with clang-cl, so this is special in that it only compiles LLVM with clang-cl
 #clang-cl = '/path/to/clang-cl.exe'
+# Pass extra compiler and linker flags to the LLVM CMake build.
+#cflags = "-fextra-flag"
+#cxxflags = "-fextra-flag"
+#ldflags = "-Wl,extra-flag"
 # Use libc++ when building LLVM instead of libstdc++. This is the default on
 # platforms already use libc++ as the default C++ library, but this option
 # allows you to use libc++ even on platforms when it's not. You need to ensure
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/ b/src/bootstrap/
index 9421817..a2989f0 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/
+++ b/src/bootstrap/
@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@
     pub lldb_enabled: bool,
     pub llvm_tools_enabled: bool,
+    pub llvm_cflags: Option<String>,
+    pub llvm_cxxflags: Option<String>,
+    pub llvm_ldflags: Option<String>,
     pub llvm_use_libcxx: bool,
     // rust codegen options
@@ -254,6 +257,9 @@
     link_shared: Option<bool>,
     version_suffix: Option<String>,
     clang_cl: Option<String>,
+    cflags: Option<String>,
+    cxxflags: Option<String>,
+    ldflags: Option<String>,
     use_libcxx: Option<bool>,
@@ -516,6 +522,10 @@
             config.llvm_link_jobs = llvm.link_jobs;
             config.llvm_version_suffix = llvm.version_suffix.clone();
             config.llvm_clang_cl = llvm.clang_cl.clone();
+            config.llvm_cflags = llvm.cflags.clone();
+            config.llvm_cxxflags = llvm.cxxflags.clone();
+            config.llvm_ldflags = llvm.ldflags.clone();
             set(&mut config.llvm_use_libcxx, llvm.use_libcxx);
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/ b/src/bootstrap/
index b0c3c970..7b70236 100755
--- a/src/bootstrap/
+++ b/src/bootstrap/
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
 o("missing-tools", "dist.missing-tools", "allow failures when building tools")
 o("use-libcxx", "llvm.use_libcxx", "build LLVM with libc++")
+o("cflags", "llvm.cflags", "build LLVM with these extra compiler flags")
+o("cxxflags", "llvm.cxxflags", "build LLVM with these extra compiler flags")
+o("ldflags", "llvm.ldflags", "build LLVM with these extra linker flags")
 # Optimization and debugging options. These may be overridden by the release
 # channel, etc.
 o("optimize", "rust.optimize", "build optimized rust code")
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/ b/src/bootstrap/
index cb9c86d..f5bacd6 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/
+++ b/src/bootstrap/
@@ -358,7 +358,11 @@
-    cfg.define("CMAKE_C_FLAGS", builder.cflags(target, GitRepo::Llvm).join(" "));
+    let mut cflags = builder.cflags(target, GitRepo::Llvm).join(" ");
+    if let Some(ref s) = builder.config.llvm_cxxflags {
+        cflags.push_str(&format!(" {}", s));
+    }
+    cfg.define("CMAKE_C_FLAGS", cflags);
     let mut cxxflags = builder.cflags(target, GitRepo::Llvm).join(" ");
     if builder.config.llvm_static_stdcpp &&
         !target.contains("windows") &&
@@ -366,6 +370,9 @@
         cxxflags.push_str(" -static-libstdc++");
+    if let Some(ref s) = builder.config.llvm_cxxflags {
+        cxxflags.push_str(&format!(" {}", s));
+    }
     cfg.define("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS", cxxflags);
     if let Some(ar) = {
         if ar.is_absolute() {
@@ -383,6 +390,12 @@
+    if let Some(ref s) = builder.config.llvm_ldflags {
+        cfg.define("CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS", s);
+        cfg.define("CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS", s);
+        cfg.define("CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS", s);
+    }
     if env::var_os("SCCACHE_ERROR_LOG").is_some() {
         cfg.env("RUST_LOG", "sccache=warn");
diff --git a/src/doc/book b/src/doc/book
index 74d81d8..0e9061c 160000
--- a/src/doc/book
+++ b/src/doc/book
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 74d81d80052cb88925f0e73b12fbd0b73ab7b5a0
+Subproject commit 0e9061cbaf95adfb9f3ed36c6cef4c046f282e86
diff --git a/src/doc/reference b/src/doc/reference
index 60077ef..1c775a1 160000
--- a/src/doc/reference
+++ b/src/doc/reference
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 60077efda319c95a89fe39609803c5433567adbf
+Subproject commit 1c775a1dc5e29bc44b36604b510d6196d98077fa
diff --git a/src/doc/rustc/src/codegen-options/ b/src/doc/rustc/src/codegen-options/
index 94f2104..a616409 100644
--- a/src/doc/rustc/src/codegen-options/
+++ b/src/doc/rustc/src/codegen-options/
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 This flag lets you control the optimization level.
-* `0`: no optimizations
+* `0`: no optimizations, also turn on `cfg(debug_assertions)`.
 * `1`: basic optimizations
 * `2`: some optimizations
 * `3`: all optimizations
diff --git a/src/doc/rustc/src/ b/src/doc/rustc/src/
index 3a1cafe..25a5c97 100644
--- a/src/doc/rustc/src/
+++ b/src/doc/rustc/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 # Contributing to rustc
 We'd love to have your help improving `rustc`! To that end, we've written [a
-whole book]( on its
+whole book][rustc_guide] on its
 internals, how it works, and how to get started working on it. To learn
 more, you'll want to check that out.
+If you would like to contribute to _this_ book, you can find its source in the
+rustc source at [src/doc/rustc][rustc_book].
diff --git a/src/doc/rustdoc/src/ b/src/doc/rustdoc/src/
index 905b064..d3eb8cb 100644
--- a/src/doc/rustdoc/src/
+++ b/src/doc/rustdoc/src/
@@ -417,3 +417,15 @@
 (grouping of crate docs generated into the same output directory, like with `cargo doc`). Per-crate
 files like the search index will still load from the documentation root, but anything that gets
 renamed with `--resource-suffix` will load from the given path.
+### `--persist-doctests`: persist doctest executables after running
+Using this flag looks like this:
+$ rustdoc src/ --test -Z unstable-options --persist-doctests target/rustdoctest
+This flag allows you to keep doctest executables around after they're compiled or run.
+Usually, rustdoc will immediately discard a compiled doctest after it's been tested, but
+with this option, you can keep those binaries around for farther testing.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/aarch64.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/aarch64.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c8cda40..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/aarch64.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-    "platform": "aarch64_v",
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.aarch64.neon.",
-    "number_info": {
-        "signed": {
-            "kind": "s",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "s{bitwidth}" }
-        },
-        "unsigned": {
-            "kind": "u",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "u{bitwidth}" }
-        },
-        "float": {
-            "kind": "f",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "f{bitwidth}" }
-        }
-    },
-    "width_info": {
-        "64": { "width": "" },
-        "128": { "width": "q" }
-    },
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "hadd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}hadd.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rhadd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}rhadd.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qadd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}qadd.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "uqadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "suqadd.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "sqadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "usqadd.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "u(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "raddhn_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "raddhn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "0w"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "fmulx{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "fmulx.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "fma{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.fma.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qdmulh{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "sqdmulh.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrdmulh{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "sqrdmulh.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "mull_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}mull.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(16-64)",
-            "args": ["0n", "0n"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qdmull{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "sqdmull.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0n", "0n"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "hsub{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}hsub.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qsub{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}qsub.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rsubhn_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "rsubhn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "0w"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "abd{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}abd.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f(32-64)"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "max{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}max.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f(32-64)"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "min{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}min.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f(32-64)"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "maxnm{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxnm.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "minnm{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minnm.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "shl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}shl.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qshl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}qshl.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rshl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}rshl.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrshl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}qrshl.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qshrun_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "sqshrun.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrshrun_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "sqrshrun.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qshrn_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}qshrn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rshrn_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "rshrn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrshrn_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}qrshrn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "sri{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
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-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "sli{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
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-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "vqmovn_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}qxtn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "abs{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "abs.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "abs{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.fabs.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qabs{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "sqabs.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qneg{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "sqneg.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "clz{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.ctlz.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "cls{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "cls.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "cnt{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.ctpop.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "recpe{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}recpe.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["u32","f(32-64)"],
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "recps{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "frecps.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "sqrt{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.sqrt.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rsqrte{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}rsqrte.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["u32","f(32-64)"],
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rsqrts{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "frsqrts.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rbit{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "rbit.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "ld2{0[0].width}_{0[0].data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "ld2.{0[0].llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["[i(8-64);2]","[f(32-64);2]"],
-            "args": ["0.0SPc/0.0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "ld3{0[0].width}_{0[0].data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "ld3.{0[0].llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["[i(8-64);3]","[f(32-64);3]"],
-            "args": ["0.0SPc/0.0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "ld4{0[0].width}_{0[0].data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "ld4.{0[0].llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["[i(8-64);4]","[f(32-64);4]"],
-            "args": ["0.0SPc/0.0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "ld2{0[0].width}_dup_{0[0].data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "ld2.{0[0].llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["[i(8-64);2]","[f(32-64);2]"],
-            "args": ["0.0SPc"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "ld3{0[0].width}_dup_{0[0].data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "ld3.{0[0].llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["[i(8-64);3]","[f(32-64);3]"],
-            "args": ["0.0SPc"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "ld4{0[0].width}_dup_{0[0].data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "ld4.{0[0].llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["[i(8-64);4]","[f(32-64);4]"],
-            "args": ["0.0SPc"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "padd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "addp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "padd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "addp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i64","f64"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "paddl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}addlp.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(16-64)",
-            "args": ["0dn"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmax{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmax{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i64","f64"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmin{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmin{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i64","f64"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmaxnm{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxnmp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmaxnm{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxnmp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i64","f64"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pminnm{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minnmp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pminnm{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minnmp.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f64",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "addv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}addv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["I(8-32)","F32"],
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "addv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}addv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["I64","F64"],
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "addlv{1.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}addlv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "I(16-64)",
-            "args": ["0vdn"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "maxv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["I(8-32)","F32"],
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "maxv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "F64",
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "minv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["I(8-32)","F32"],
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "minv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "F64",
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "maxnmv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxnmv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "F32",
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "maxnmv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}maxnmv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "F64",
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "minnmv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minnmv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "F32",
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "minnmv{1.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "{0.kind}minnmv.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "F64",
-            "args": ["0v"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbl1{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbl1.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0x128", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbx1{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbx1.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0", "0x128", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbl2{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbl2.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0x128,0x128)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbx2{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbx2.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0x128,0x128)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbl3{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbl3.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0x128,0x128,0x128)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbx3{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbx3.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0", "(0x128,0x128,0x128)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbl4{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbl4.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0x128,0x128,0x128,0x128)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qtbx4{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "tbx4.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0", "(0x128,0x128,0x128,0x128)f", "0u"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/arm.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/arm.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d008320..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/arm.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-    "platform": "arm_v",
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.arm.neon.v",
-    "number_info": {
-        "signed": {
-            "kind": "s",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "s{bitwidth}" }
-        },
-        "unsigned": {
-            "kind": "u",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "u{bitwidth}" }
-        },
-        "float": {
-            "kind": "f",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "f{bitwidth}" }
-        }
-    },
-    "width_info": {
-        "64": { "width": "" },
-        "128": { "width": "q" }
-    },
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "hadd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "hadd{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rhadd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "rhadd{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qadd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "qadd{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "raddhn_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "raddhn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "0w"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "fma{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.fma.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qdmulh{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "sqdmulh.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrdmulh{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "sqrdmulh.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "mull_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "mull{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(16-64)",
-            "args": ["0n", "0n"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qdmull{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "sqdmull.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0n", "0n"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "hsub{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "hsub{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qsub{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "qsub{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rsubhn_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "rsubhn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "0w"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "abd{0.width}_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "abd{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "max{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
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-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "min{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "min{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "shl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "shl{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qshl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "qshl{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rshl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "rshl{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrshl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "qrshl{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qshrun_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "sqshrun.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrshrun_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "sqrshrun.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qshrn_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "qshrn{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rshrn_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "rshrn.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qrshrn_n_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "qrshrn{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "sri{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "vsri.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "sli{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "vsli.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "vqmovn_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "qxtn{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0w"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "abs{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "abs.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "abs{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.fabs.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qabs{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "sqabs.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "qneg{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "sqneg.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "clz{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.ctlz.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "cls{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "cls.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "cnt{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.ctpop.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "recpe{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "recpe.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["u32","f32"],
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "recps{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "frecps.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "sqrt{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.sqrt.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rsqrte{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "rsqrte.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["u32","f32"],
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "rsqrts{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64,128],
-            "llvm": "rsqrts.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "bsl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "bsl.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(8-64)",
-            "args": ["0u", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "padd{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "padd.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "paddl{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "paddl{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(16-64)",
-            "args": ["0dn"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "padal{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "padal{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}.{1.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "i(16-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0dn"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmax{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "pmax{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "pmin{0.width}_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "pmin{0.kind}.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": ["i(8-32)","f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbl1_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbl1",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbx1_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbx1",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbl2_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbl2",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0,0)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbx2_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbx2",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0,0)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbl3_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbl3",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0,0,0)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbx3_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbx3",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0", "(0,0,0)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbl4_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbl4",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["(0,0,0,0)f", "0u"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "tbx4_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [64],
-            "llvm": "tbx4",
-            "ret": "i8",
-            "args": ["0", "(0,0,0,0)f", "0u"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/ b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index fa97131..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division, print_function
-import json
-import argparse
-import sys
-import re
-import textwrap
-import itertools
-SPEC = re.compile(
-    r'^(?:(?P<void>V)|(?P<id>[iusfIUSF])(?:\((?P<start>\d+)-(?P<end>\d+)\)|'
-    r'(?P<width>\d+)(:?/(?P<llvm_width>\d+))?)'
-    r'|(?P<reference>\d+))(?P<index>\.\d+)?(?P<modifiers>[vShdnwusfDMCNW]*)(?P<force_width>x\d+)?'
-    r'(?:(?P<pointer>Pm|Pc)(?P<llvm_pointer>/.*)?|(?P<bitcast>->.*))?$'
-class PlatformInfo(object):
-    def __init__(self, json):
-        self._platform = json['platform']
-    def platform_prefix(self):
-        return self._platform
-class IntrinsicSet(object):
-    def __init__(self, platform, json):
-        self._llvm_prefix = json['llvm_prefix']
-        self._type_info = json['number_info']
-        self._intrinsics = json['intrinsics']
-        self._widths = json['width_info']
-        self._platform = platform
-        self._intrinsic_prefix = json['intrinsic_prefix']
-    def intrinsics(self):
-        for raw in self._intrinsics:
-            yield GenericIntrinsic(self,
-                                   raw['intrinsic'], raw['width'], raw['llvm'],
-                                   raw['ret'], raw['args'])
-    def platform(self):
-        return self._platform
-    def intrinsic_prefix(self):
-        return self._intrinsic_prefix
-    def llvm_prefix(self):
-        return self._llvm_prefix
-    def width_info(self, bitwidth):
-        return self._widths[str(bitwidth)]
-    def number_type_info(self, value):
-        data = self._type_info[value.__class__.__name__.lower()]
-        bitwidth = value.bitwidth()
-        def lookup(raw):
-            if not isinstance(raw, dict):
-                return raw
-            try:
-                return raw[str(bitwidth)]
-            except KeyError:
-                return raw['pattern'].format(bitwidth = bitwidth)
-        return PlatformTypeInfo(value.llvm_name(),
-                                {k: lookup(v) for k, v in data.items()})
-class PlatformTypeInfo(object):
-    def __init__(self, llvm_name, properties, elems = None):
-        if elems is None:
-   = properties
-            self.llvm_name = llvm_name
-        else:
-            assert properties is None and llvm_name is None
-   = {}
-            self.elems = elems
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<PlatformTypeInfo {}, {}>'.format(self.llvm_name,
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        return[name]
-    def __getitem__(self, idx):
-        return self.elems[idx]
-    def vectorize(self, length, width_info):
-        props =
-        props.update(width_info)
-        return PlatformTypeInfo('v{}{}'.format(length, self.llvm_name), props)
-    def pointer(self, llvm_elem):
-        name = self.llvm_name if llvm_elem is None else llvm_elem.llvm_name
-        return PlatformTypeInfo('p0{}'.format(name),
-BITWIDTH_POINTER = '<pointer>'
-class Type(object):
-    def __init__(self, bitwidth):
-        self._bitwidth = bitwidth
-    def bitwidth(self):
-        return self._bitwidth
-    def modify(self, spec, width, previous):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
-class Void(Type):
-    def __init__(self):
-        Type.__init__(self, 0)
-    @staticmethod
-    def compiler_ctor():
-        return '::VOID'
-    def compiler_ctor_ref(self):
-        return '&' + self.compiler_ctor()
-    @staticmethod
-    def rust_name():
-        return '()'
-    @staticmethod
-    def type_info(platform_info):
-        return None
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return isinstance(other, Void)
-class Number(Type):
-    def __init__(self, bitwidth):
-        Type.__init__(self, bitwidth)
-    def modify(self, spec, width, previous):
-        if spec == 'u':
-            return Unsigned(self.bitwidth())
-        elif spec == 's':
-            return Signed(self.bitwidth())
-        elif spec == 'f':
-            return Float(self.bitwidth())
-        elif spec == 'w':
-            return self.__class__(self.bitwidth() * 2)
-        elif spec == 'n':
-            return self.__class__(self.bitwidth() // 2)
-        elif spec == 'v':
-            return Vector(self, width // self.bitwidth())
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('unknown modification spec {}', spec)
-    def type_info(self, platform_info):
-        return platform_info.number_type_info(self)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        # print(self, other)
-        return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.bitwidth() == other.bitwidth()
-class Signed(Number):
-    def __init__(self, bitwidth, llvm_bitwidth = None):
-        Number.__init__(self, bitwidth)
-        self._llvm_bitwidth = llvm_bitwidth
-    def compiler_ctor(self):
-        if self._llvm_bitwidth is None:
-            return '::I{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
-        else:
-            return '::I{}_{}'.format(self.bitwidth(), self._llvm_bitwidth)
-    def compiler_ctor_ref(self):
-        return '&' + self.compiler_ctor()
-    def llvm_name(self):
-        bw = self._llvm_bitwidth or self.bitwidth()
-        return 'i{}'.format(bw)
-    def rust_name(self):
-        return 'i{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
-class Unsigned(Number):
-    def __init__(self, bitwidth, llvm_bitwidth = None):
-        Number.__init__(self, bitwidth)
-        self._llvm_bitwidth = llvm_bitwidth
-    def compiler_ctor(self):
-        if self._llvm_bitwidth is None:
-            return '::U{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
-        else:
-            return '::U{}_{}'.format(self.bitwidth(), self._llvm_bitwidth)
-    def compiler_ctor_ref(self):
-        return '&' + self.compiler_ctor()
-    def llvm_name(self):
-        bw = self._llvm_bitwidth or self.bitwidth()
-        return 'i{}'.format(bw)
-    def rust_name(self):
-        return 'u{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
-class Float(Number):
-    def __init__(self, bitwidth):
-        assert bitwidth in (32, 64)
-        Number.__init__(self, bitwidth)
-    def compiler_ctor(self):
-        return '::F{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
-    def compiler_ctor_ref(self):
-        return '&' + self.compiler_ctor()
-    def llvm_name(self):
-        return 'f{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
-    def rust_name(self):
-        return 'f{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
-class Vector(Type):
-    def __init__(self, elem, length, bitcast = None):
-        assert isinstance(elem, Type) and not isinstance(elem, Vector)
-        Type.__init__(self,
-                      elem.bitwidth() * length)
-        self._length = length
-        self._elem = elem
-        assert bitcast is None or (isinstance(bitcast, Vector) and
-                                   bitcast._bitcast is None and
-                                   bitcast._elem.bitwidth() == elem.bitwidth())
-        if bitcast is not None and bitcast._elem != elem:
-            self._bitcast = bitcast._elem
-        else:
-            self._bitcast = None
-    def modify(self, spec, width, previous):
-        if spec == 'S':
-            return self._elem
-        elif spec == 'h':
-            return Vector(self._elem, self._length // 2)
-        elif spec == 'd':
-            return Vector(self._elem, self._length * 2)
-        elif spec == 'N':
-            elem = self._elem.__class__(self._elem.bitwidth() // 2)
-            return Vector(elem, self._length * 2)
-        elif spec == 'W':
-            elem = self._elem.__class__(self._elem.bitwidth() * 2)
-            return Vector(elem, self._length // 2)
-        elif spec.startswith('x'):
-            new_bitwidth = int(spec[1:])
-            return Vector(self._elem, new_bitwidth // self._elem.bitwidth())
-        elif spec.startswith('->'):
-            bitcast_to = TypeSpec(spec[2:])
-            choices = list(bitcast_to.enumerate(width, previous))
-            assert len(choices) == 1
-            bitcast_to = choices[0]
-            return Vector(self._elem, self._length, bitcast_to)
-        else:
-            return Vector(self._elem.modify(spec, width, previous), self._length)
-    def compiler_ctor(self):
-        if self._bitcast is None:
-            return '{}x{}'.format(self._elem.compiler_ctor(),
-                                     self._length)
-        else:
-            return '{}x{}_{}'.format(self._elem.compiler_ctor(),
-                                     self._length,
-                                     self._bitcast.compiler_ctor()
-                                         .replace('::', ''))
-    def compiler_ctor_ref(self):
-        return '&' + self.compiler_ctor()
-    def rust_name(self):
-        return '{}x{}'.format(self._elem.rust_name(), self._length)
-    def type_info(self, platform_info):
-        elem_info = self._elem.type_info(platform_info)
-        return elem_info.vectorize(self._length,
-                                   platform_info.width_info(self.bitwidth()))
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return isinstance(other, Vector) and self._length == other._length and \
-            self._elem == other._elem and self._bitcast == other._bitcast
-class Pointer(Type):
-    def __init__(self, elem, llvm_elem, const):
-        self._elem = elem
-        self._llvm_elem = llvm_elem
-        self._const = const
-        Type.__init__(self, BITWIDTH_POINTER)
-    def modify(self, spec, width, previous):
-        if spec == 'D':
-            return self._elem
-        elif spec == 'M':
-            return Pointer(self._elem, self._llvm_elem, False)
-        elif spec == 'C':
-            return Pointer(self._elem, self._llvm_elem, True)
-        else:
-            return Pointer(self._elem.modify(spec, width, previous), self._llvm_elem, self._const)
-    def compiler_ctor(self):
-        if self._llvm_elem is None:
-            llvm_elem = 'None'
-        else:
-            llvm_elem = 'Some({})'.format(self._llvm_elem.compiler_ctor_ref())
-        return 'Type::Pointer({}, {}, {})'.format(self._elem.compiler_ctor_ref(),
-                                                  llvm_elem,
-                                                  'true' if self._const else 'false')
-    def compiler_ctor_ref(self):
-        return "{{ static PTR: Type = {}; &PTR }}".format(self.compiler_ctor())
-    def rust_name(self):
-        return '*{} {}'.format('const' if self._const else 'mut',
-                               self._elem.rust_name())
-    def type_info(self, platform_info):
-        if self._llvm_elem is None:
-            llvm_elem = None
-        else:
-            llvm_elem = self._llvm_elem.type_info(platform_info)
-        return self._elem.type_info(platform_info).pointer(llvm_elem)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return isinstance(other, Pointer) and self._const == other._const \
-            and self._elem == other._elem and self._llvm_elem == other._llvm_elem
-class Aggregate(Type):
-    def __init__(self, flatten, elems):
-        self._flatten = flatten
-        self._elems = elems
-        Type.__init__(self, sum(elem.bitwidth() for elem in elems))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<Aggregate {}>'.format(self._elems)
-    def modify(self, spec, width, previous):
-        if spec.startswith('.'):
-            num = int(spec[1:])
-            return self._elems[num]
-        else:
-            print(spec)
-            raise NotImplementedError()
-    def compiler_ctor(self):
-        parts = "{{ static PARTS: [&'static Type; {}] = [{}]; &PARTS }}"
-        elems = ', '.join(elem.compiler_ctor_ref() for elem in self._elems)
-        parts = parts.format(len(self._elems), elems)
-        return 'Type::Aggregate({}, {})'.format('true' if self._flatten else 'false',
-                                                parts)
-    def compiler_ctor_ref(self):
-        return "{{ static AGG: Type = {}; &AGG }}".format(self.compiler_ctor())
-    def rust_name(self):
-        return '({})'.format(', '.join(elem.rust_name() for elem in self._elems))
-    def type_info(self, platform_info):
-        return PlatformTypeInfo(None, None, [elem.type_info(platform_info) for elem in self._elems])
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return isinstance(other, Aggregate) and self._flatten == other._flatten and \
-            self._elems == other._elems
-TYPE_ID_LOOKUP = {'i': [Signed, Unsigned],
-                  's': [Signed],
-                  'u': [Unsigned],
-                  'f': [Float]}
-def ptrify(match, elem, width, previous):
-    ptr ='pointer')
-    if ptr is None:
-        return elem
-    else:
-        llvm_ptr ='llvm_pointer')
-        if llvm_ptr is None:
-            llvm_elem = None
-        else:
-            assert llvm_ptr.startswith('/')
-            options = list(TypeSpec(llvm_ptr[1:]).enumerate(width, previous))
-            assert len(options) == 1
-            llvm_elem = options[0]
-        assert ptr in ('Pc', 'Pm')
-        return Pointer(elem, llvm_elem, ptr == 'Pc')
-class TypeSpec(object):
-    def __init__(self, spec):
-        if not isinstance(spec, list):
-            spec = [spec]
-        self.spec = spec
-    def enumerate(self, width, previous):
-        for spec in self.spec:
-            match = SPEC.match(spec)
-            if match is not None:
-                id ='id')
-                reference ='reference')
-                modifiers = []
-                index ='index')
-                if index is not None:
-                    modifiers.append(index)
-                modifiers += list('modifiers') or '')
-                force ='force_width')
-                if force is not None:
-                    modifiers.append(force)
-                bitcast ='bitcast')
-                if bitcast is not None:
-                    modifiers.append(bitcast)
-                if'void') is not None:
-                    assert spec == 'V'
-                    yield Void()
-                elif id is not None:
-                    is_vector = id.islower()
-                    type_ctors = TYPE_ID_LOOKUP[id.lower()]
-                    start ='start')
-                    if start is not None:
-                        end ='end')
-                        llvm_width = None
-                    else:
-                        start = end ='width')
-                        llvm_width ='llvm_width')
-                    start = int(start)
-                    end = int(end)
-                    bitwidth = start
-                    while bitwidth <= end:
-                        for ctor in type_ctors:
-                            if llvm_width is not None:
-                                assert not is_vector
-                                llvm_width = int(llvm_width)
-                                assert llvm_width < bitwidth
-                                scalar = ctor(bitwidth, llvm_width)
-                            else:
-                                scalar = ctor(bitwidth)
-                            if is_vector:
-                                elem = Vector(scalar, width // bitwidth)
-                            else:
-                                assert bitcast is None
-                                elem = scalar
-                            for x in modifiers:
-                                elem = elem.modify(x, width, previous)
-                            yield ptrify(match, elem, width, previous)
-                        bitwidth *= 2
-                elif reference is not None:
-                    reference = int(reference)
-                    assert reference < len(previous), \
-                        'referring to argument {}, but only {} are known'.format(reference,
-                                                                                 len(previous))
-                    ret = previous[reference]
-                    for x in modifiers:
-                        ret = ret.modify(x, width, previous)
-                    yield ptrify(match, ret, width, previous)
-                else:
-                    assert False, 'matched `{}`, but didn\'t understand it?'.format(spec)
-            elif spec.startswith('('):
-                if spec.endswith(')'):
-                    true_spec = spec[1:-1]
-                    flatten = False
-                elif spec.endswith(')f'):
-                    true_spec = spec[1:-2]
-                    flatten = True
-                else:
-                    assert False, 'found unclosed aggregate `{}`'.format(spec)
-                for elems in itertools.product(*(TypeSpec(subspec).enumerate(width, previous)
-                                                 for subspec in true_spec.split(','))):
-                    yield Aggregate(flatten, elems)
-            elif spec.startswith('['):
-                if spec.endswith(']'):
-                    true_spec = spec[1:-1]
-                    flatten = False
-                elif spec.endswith(']f'):
-                    true_spec = spec[1:-2]
-                    flatten = True
-                else:
-                    assert False, 'found unclosed aggregate `{}`'.format(spec)
-                elem_spec, count = true_spec.split(';')
-                count = int(count)
-                for elem in TypeSpec(elem_spec).enumerate(width, previous):
-                    yield Aggregate(flatten, [elem] * count)
-            else:
-                assert False, 'Failed to parse `{}`'.format(spec)
-class GenericIntrinsic(object):
-    def __init__(self, platform, intrinsic, widths, llvm_name, ret, args):
-        self._platform = platform
-        self.intrinsic = intrinsic
-        self.widths = map(int, widths)
-        self.llvm_name = llvm_name
-        self.ret = TypeSpec(ret)
-        self.args = list(map(TypeSpec, args))
-    def monomorphise(self):
-        for width in self.widths:
-            # must be a power of two
-            assert width & (width - 1) == 0
-            def recur(processed, untouched):
-                if not untouched:
-                    ret = processed[0]
-                    args = processed[1:]
-                    yield MonomorphicIntrinsic(self._platform, self.intrinsic, width,
-                                               self.llvm_name,
-                                               ret, args)
-                else:
-                    raw_arg = untouched[0]
-                    rest = untouched[1:]
-                    for arg in raw_arg.enumerate(width, processed):
-                        for intr in recur(processed + [arg], rest):
-                            yield intr
-            for x in recur([], [self.ret] + self.args):
-                yield x
-class MonomorphicIntrinsic(object):
-    def __init__(self, platform, intrinsic, width, llvm_name, ret, args):
-        self._platform = platform
-        self._intrinsic = intrinsic
-        self._width = '' if width == 64 else 'q'
-        self._llvm_name = llvm_name
-        self._ret_raw = ret
-        self._ret = ret.type_info(platform)
-        self._args_raw = args
-        self._args = [arg.type_info(platform) for arg in args]
-    def llvm_name(self):
-        if self._llvm_name.startswith('!'):
-            return self._llvm_name[1:].format(self._ret, *self._args)
-        else:
-            return self._platform.llvm_prefix() + self._llvm_name.format(self._ret, *self._args)
-    def intrinsic_suffix(self):
-        return self._intrinsic.format(self._ret,
-                                      *self._args,
-                                      width = self._width)
-    def platform_prefix(self):
-        return self._platform.platform().platform_prefix()
-    def intrinsic_set_name(self):
-        return self._platform.intrinsic_prefix()
-    def intrinsic_name(self):
-        return self._platform.intrinsic_prefix() + self.intrinsic_suffix()
-    def compiler_args(self):
-        return ', '.join(arg.compiler_ctor_ref() for arg in self._args_raw)
-    def compiler_ret(self):
-        return self._ret_raw.compiler_ctor_ref()
-    def compiler_signature(self):
-        return '({}) -> {}'.format(self.compiler_args(), self.compiler_ret())
-    def intrinsic_signature(self):
-        names = 'xyzwabcdef'
-        return '({}) -> {}'.format(', '.join('{}: {}'.format(name, arg.rust_name())
-                                             for name, arg in zip(names, self._args_raw)),
-                                   self._ret_raw.rust_name())
-def parse_args():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-        description = 'Render an intrinsic definition JSON to various formats.',
-        epilog = textwrap.dedent('''\
-        Quick How-To:
-        There are two operating modes: single file and multiple files.
-        For example, ARM is specified as a single file. To generate the
-        compiler-definitions for ARM just pass the script the "arm.json" file:
-        python --format compiler-defs arm.json
-        The X86 architecture is specified as multiple files (for the different
-        instruction sets that x86 supports). To generate the compiler
-        definitions one needs to pass the script a "platform information file"
-        (with the -i flag) next to the files of the different instruction sets.
-        For example, to generate the X86 compiler-definitions for SSE4.2, just:
-        python --format compiler-defs -i x86/info.json sse42.json
-        And to generate the compiler-definitions for SSE4.1 and SSE4.2, just:
-        python --format compiler-defs -i x86/info.json sse41.json sse42.json
-        An intrinsic definition consists of a map with fields:
-        - intrinsic: pattern for the name(s) of the vendor's C intrinsic(s)
-        - llvm: pattern for the name(s) of the internal llvm intrinsic(s)
-        - width: a vector of vector bit-widths the pattern works with
-        - ret: type specifier for the return value
-        - arguments: vector of type specifiers for arguments
-        The width and types describe a range of possible intrinsics,
-        and these are fed back into the intrinsic and llvm patterns to
-        create the appropriate definitions.
-        ## Type specifier grammar
-        ```
-        type := core_type modifier* suffix?
-        core_type := void | vector | scalar | aggregate | reference
-        modifier := 'v' | 'h' | 'd' | 'n' | 'w' | 'u' | 's' |
-                     'x' number | '.' number
-        suffix := pointer | bitcast
-        pointer := 'Pm' llvm_pointer? | 'Pc' llvm_pointer?
-        llvm_pointer := '/' type
-        bitcast := '->' type
-        void := 'V'
-        vector := vector_elem width |
-        vector_elem := 'i' | 'u' | 's' | 'f'
-        scalar := scalar_type number llvm_width?
-        scalar_type := 'U' | 'S' | 'F'
-        llvm_width := '/' number
-        aggregate := '(' (type),* ')' 'f'? | '[' type ';' number ']' 'f'?
-        reference := number
-        width = number | '(' number '-' number ')'
-        number = [0-9]+
-        ```
-        ## Void
-        The `V` type corresponds to `void` in LLVM (`()` in
-        Rust). It's likely to only work in return position.
-        ## Vectors
-        The vector grammar is a pattern describing many possibilities
-        for arguments/return value. The `vector_elem` describes the
-        types of elements to use, and the `width` describes the (range
-        of) widths for those elements, which are then placed into a
-        vector with the `width` bitwidth. E.g. if an intrinsic has a
-        `width` that includes 128, and the return value is `i(8-32)`,
-        then some instantiation of that intrinsic will be `u8x16`,
-        `u32x4`, `i32x4`, etc.
-        ### Elements
-        - i: integer, both signed and unsigned
-        - u: unsigned integer
-        - s: signed integer
-        - f: float
-        ## Scalars
-        Similar to vectors, but these describe a single concrete type,
-        not a range. The number is the bitwidth. The optional
-        `llvm_width` is the bitwidth of the integer that should be
-        passed to LLVM (by truncating the Rust argument): this only
-        works with scalar integers and the LLVM width must be smaller
-        than the Rust width.
-        ### Types
-        - U: unsigned integer
-        - S: signed integer
-        - F: float
-        ## Aggregates
-        An aggregate is a collection of multiple types; a tuple in
-        Rust terms, or an unnamed struct in LLVM. The `f` modifiers
-        forces the tuple to be flattened in the LLVM
-        intrinsic. E.g. if `` takes `(F32,S32)`:
-        - no `f` corresponds to `declare ...{float, i32})`.
-        - having an `f` corresponds to `declare ..., i32)`.
-        The `[type;number]` form is a just shorter way to write
-        `(...)`, except avoids doing a cartesian product of generic
-        types, e.g. `[S32;2]` is the same as `(S32, S32)`, while
-        `[I32;2]` is describing just the two types `(S32,S32)` and
-        `(U32,U32)` (i.e. doesn't include `(S32,U32)`, `(U32,S32)` as
-        `(I32,I32)` would).
-        (Currently aggregates can not contain other aggregates.)
-        ## References
-        A reference uses the type of another argument, with possible
-        modifications. The number refers to the type to use, starting
-        with 0 == return value, 1 == first argument, 2 == second
-        argument, etc.
-        ## Affixes
-        The `modifier` and `suffix` adaptors change the precise
-        representation.
-        ### Modifiers
-        - 'v': put a scalar into a vector of the current width (u32 -> u32x4, when width == 128)
-        - 'S': get the scalar element of a vector (u32x4 -> u32)
-        - 'h': half the length of the vector (u32x4 -> u32x2)
-        - 'd': double the length of the vector (u32x2 -> u32x4)
-        - 'n': narrow the element of the vector (u32x4 -> u16x4)
-        - 'w': widen the element of the vector (u16x4 -> u32x4)
-        - 'N': half the length of the vector element (u32x4 -> u16x8)
-        - 'W': double the length of the vector element (u16x8 -> u32x4)
-        - 'u': force a number (vector or scalar) to be unsigned int (f32x4 -> u32x4)
-        - 's': force a number (vector or scalar) to be signed int (u32x4 -> i32x4)
-        - 'f': force a number (vector or scalar) to be float (u32x4 -> f32x4)
-        - 'x' number: force the type to be a vector of bitwidth `number`.
-        - '.' number: get the `number`th element of an aggregate
-        - 'D': dereference a pointer (*mut u32 -> u32)
-        - 'C': make a pointer const (*mut u32 -> *const u32)
-        - 'M': make a pointer mut (*const u32 -> *mut u32)
-        ### Pointers
-        Pointers can be created of any type by appending a `P*`
-        suffix. The `m` vs. `c` chooses mut vs. const. e.g. `S32Pm`
-        corresponds to `*mut i32`, and `i32Pc` corresponds (with width
-        128) to `*const i8x16`, `*const u32x4`, etc.
-        The type after the `/` (optional) represents the type used
-        internally to LLVM, e.g. `S32pm/S8` is exposed as `*mut i32`
-        in Rust, but is `i8*` in LLVM. (This defaults to the main
-        type).
-        ### Bitcast
-        The `'->' type` bitcast suffix will cause the value to be
-        bitcast to the right-hand type when calling the intrinsic,
-        e.g. `s32->f32` will expose the intrinsic as `i32x4` at the
-        Rust level, but will cast that vector to `f32x4` when calling
-        the LLVM intrinsic.
-        '''))
-    parser.add_argument('--format', choices=FORMATS, required=True,
-                        help = 'Output format.')
-    parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
-                        help = 'File to output to (default stdout).')
-    parser.add_argument('-i', '--info', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
-                        help = 'File containing platform specific information to merge into '
-                                'the input files\' header.')
-    parser.add_argument('in_', metavar="FILE", type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='+',
-                        help = 'JSON files to load')
-    return parser.parse_args()
-class ExternBlock(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    @staticmethod
-    def open(platform):
-        return 'extern "platform-intrinsic" {'
-    @staticmethod
-    def render(mono):
-        return '    fn {}{}{};'.format(mono.platform_prefix(),
-                                       mono.intrinsic_name(),
-                                       mono.intrinsic_signature())
-    @staticmethod
-    def close():
-        return '}'
-class CompilerDefs(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    @staticmethod
-    def open(platform):
-        return '''\
-// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-use {{Intrinsic, Type}};
-use IntrinsicDef::Named;
-pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {{
-    if !name.starts_with("{0}") {{ return None }}
-    Some(match &name["{0}".len()..] {{'''.format(platform.platform_prefix())
-    @staticmethod
-    def render(mono):
-        return '''\
-        "{}" => Intrinsic {{
-            inputs: {{ static INPUTS: [&'static Type; {}] = [{}]; &INPUTS }},
-            output: {},
-            definition: Named("{}")
-        }},'''.format(mono.intrinsic_set_name() + mono.intrinsic_suffix(),
-                      len(mono._args_raw),
-                      mono.compiler_args(),
-                      mono.compiler_ret(),
-                      mono.llvm_name())
-    @staticmethod
-    def close():
-        return '''\
-        _ => return None,
-    })
-    'extern-block': ExternBlock(),
-    'compiler-defs': CompilerDefs(),
-def main():
-    args = parse_args()
-    ins = args.in_
-    out = args.out
-    out_format = FORMATS[args.format]
-    info =
-    one_file_no_info = False
-    if len(ins) > 1 and info is None:
-        print('error: cannot have multiple inputs without an info header.', file=sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    elif info is None:
-        info = ins[0]
-        one_file_no_info = True
-    info_json = json.load(info)
-    platform = PlatformInfo(info_json)
-    print(, file=out)
-    for in_ in ins:
-        if one_file_no_info:
-            data = info_json
-        else:
-            data = json.load(in_)
-            data.update(info_json)
-        intrinsics = IntrinsicSet(platform, data)
-        for intr in intrinsics.intrinsics():
-            for mono in intr.monomorphise():
-                print(out_format.render(mono), file=out)
-    print(out_format.close(), file=out)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/hexagon/hvx_v60.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/hexagon/hvx_v60.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a1897e6..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/hexagon/hvx_v60.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1326 +0,0 @@
-    "platform": "Q6_",
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.hexagon.V6.",
-    "number_info": {
-        "signed": {
-            "kind": "s",
-            "data_type": { "8": "b", "16": "h", "32": "w" },
-            "data_type_plain": { "8": "b", "16": "h", "32": "w" }
-        },
-        "unsigned": {
-            "kind": "u",
-            "data_type": { "8": "ub", "16": "uh", "32": "uw" },
-            "data_type_plain": { "8": "b", "16": "h", "32": "w" }
-        },
-        "float": {
-            "kind": "f",
-            "data_type": { "8": "b", "16": "h", "32": "w" },
-            "data_type_plain": { "8": "b", "16": "h", "32": "w" }
-        }
-    },
-    "width_info": {
-        "64": { "width_b": "64", "width_suffix": "" },
-        "128": { "width_b": "128", "width_suffix": ".128B" },
-        "512": { "width_b": "64", "width_suffix": "" },
-        "1024": { "widthd_b": "64", "width_b": "128", "width_suffix": ".128B",  "widthd_suffix": "" },
-        "2048": { "widthd_b": "128", "widthd_suffix": ".128B" }
-    },
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "R_vextract{1.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "extractw{1.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "U32",
-            "args": ["u32", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_lo{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "lo{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32",
-            "args": ["0d"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_hi{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "hi{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32",
-            "args": ["0d"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_vsplat_R{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "lvsplat{1.data_type}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32",
-            "args": ["0S"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "Q_and_QQ{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "pred.and{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "Q_not_Q{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "pred.not{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "Q_or_QQ{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "pred.or{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "Q_xor_QQ{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [64, 128],
-            "llvm": "pred.xor{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V{0.data_type}_vabsdiff_V{1.data_type}V{2.data_type}{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vabsdiff{1.data_type}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V{0.data_type}_vabsdiff_V{1.data_type}V{2.data_type}{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vabsdiff{1.data_type}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0s", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V{0.data_type}_vabs_V{1.data_type}{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vabs{1.data_type}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V{0.data_type}_vabs_V{1.data_type}_sat{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vabs{1.data_type}.sat{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V{0.data_type}_vadd_V{1.data_type}V{2.data_type}{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vadd{0.data_type}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V{0.data_type}_vadd_V{1.data_type}V{2.data_type}_sat{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vadd{0.data_type}sat{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V{0.data_type}_vadd_V{1.data_type}V{2.data_type}_sat{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vadd{0.data_type}sat{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vadd_W{1.data_type}W{2.data_type}{0.widthd_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vadd{0.data_type}.dv{0.widthd_suffix}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)d",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vadd_W{1.data_type}W{2.data_type}_sat{0.widthd_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vadd{0.data_type}sat.dv{0.widthd_suffix}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)d",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vadd_W{1.data_type}W{2.data_type}_sat{0.widthd_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vadd{0.data_type}sat.dv{0.widthd_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u(8-16)d",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_valign_VVR{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "valignb{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_valign_VVI{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "valignbi{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_vlalign_VVR{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vlalignb{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_vlalign_VVI{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vlalignbi{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_vand_VV{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vand{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_vand_QR{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vandqrt{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["u32hhh", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_vandor_VQR{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vandqrt.acc{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["0", "u32hhh", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "Q_vand_VR{0.width_b}",
-            "width": [512, 1024],
-            "llvm": "vandvrt{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "u32hhh",
-            "args": ["u8", "U32"]
-        },
-        {
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-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vtmpyacc_W{1.data_type}W{2.data_type}Rb{0.widthd_b}",
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-        {
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-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vtmpyacc_W{1.data_type}W{2.data_type}Rb{0.widthd_b}",
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-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vtmpy_W{1.data_type}Rb{0.widthd_b}",
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-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vunpack_V{1.data_type}{0.widthd_b}",
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-            "ret": "i(16-32)d",
-            "args": ["0n"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vunpackoor_W{1.data_type}V{2.data_type}{0.widthd_b}",
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-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "W{0.data_type}_vtmpyacc_W{1.data_type}W{2.data_type}Rb{0.widthd_b}",
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-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "V_vxor_VV{0.width_b}",
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index 1beaaeb..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/nvptx/cuda.json
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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-        {
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--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/nvptx/info.json
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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-  "number_info": {
-    "signed": {}
-  },
-  "width_info": {}
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index 33d97f2..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/nvptx/sreg.json
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@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
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-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "block_dim_y",
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-        {
-            "intrinsic": "block_dim_z",
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-        },
-        {
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-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "block_idx_y",
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-        {
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--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/powerpc.json
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-        },
-        {
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-        },
-        {
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-            "args": ["0"]
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-        },
-        {
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index 1f41e2e..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/avx.json
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-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_addsub_{0.data_type}",
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-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_broadcast_{0.data_type}",
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-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_cvtpd_ps",
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-        {
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-        {
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-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_hsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "hsub.{0.data_type}.256",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_max_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "max.{0.data_type}.256",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_maskload_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "maskload.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": ["f(32-64)"],
-            "args": ["0SPc/S8", "0s->0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{3.width_mm}_maskstore_{3.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "maskstore.{3.data_type_short}{3.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["F(32-64)Pm/S8", "1Dsv->1Dv", "1Dv"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_min_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "min.{0.data_type}.256",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_movemask_ps",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_movemask_pd",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "movmsk.pd.256",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_permutevar_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vpermilvar.{0.data_type}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_rcp_ps",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["f32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_rsqrt_ps",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["f32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_storeu_{2.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["f(32-64)Pm/U8", "1D"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_storeu_si256",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "storeu.dq.256",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["u8Pm/U8", "1D"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_sqrt_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.sqrt.{0.llvm_name}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{1.width_mm}_testc_ps",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "{1.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f32", "f32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{1.width_mm}_testc_pd",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vtestc.pd{1.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f64", "f64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_testc_si256",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "ptestc.256",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["u64", "u64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{1.width_mm}_testnzc_ps",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "{1.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f32", "f32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{1.width_mm}_testnzc_pd",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vtestnzc.pd{1.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f64", "f64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_testnzc_si256",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "ptestnzc.256",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["u64", "u64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{1.width_mm}_testz_ps",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "{1.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f32", "f32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{1.width_mm}_testz_pd",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vtestz.pd{1.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f64", "f64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_testz_si256",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "ptestz.256",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["u64", "u64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_zeroall",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "vzeroall",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_zeroupper",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "vzeroupper",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": []
-        }
-    ]
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deleted file mode 100644
index dc055b5..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/avx2.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_mm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.avx2.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_abs_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pabs.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_adds_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "padd{0.kind_short}s.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "i(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_avg_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pavg.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "u(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_hadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "phadd.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_hadds_epi16",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "phadd.sw",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_hsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "phsub.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_hsubs_epi16",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "phsub.sw",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_madd_epi16",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pmadd.wd",
-            "ret": "s32",
-            "args": ["s16", "s16"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_maddubs_epi16",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pmadd.ub.sw",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_mask_i32gather_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "gather.d.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": ["s32", "f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0SPc/S8", "s32", "0s->0", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_mask_i32gather_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "gather.d.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": ["s64", "f64"],
-            "args": ["0", "0SPc/S8", "s32x128", "0s->0", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{3.width_mm}_mask_i64gather_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "gather.q.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": ["s32x128", "f32x128"],
-            "args": ["0", "0SPc/S8", "s64", "0s->0", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_mask_i64gather_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "gather.q.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": ["s64", "f64"],
-            "args": ["0", "0SPc/S8", "s64", "0s->0", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_maskload_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "maskload.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": ["s(32-64)"],
-            "args": ["0Pc/S8", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{2.width_mm}_maskstore_{2.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "maskstore.{2.data_type_short}{2.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["S(32-64)Pm/S8", "1Dv", "2"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_max_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pmax{0.kind}.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_min_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pmin{0.kind}.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "i(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_movemask_epi8",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pmovmskb",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_mpsadbw_epu8",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "mpsadbw",
-            "ret": "u16",
-            "args": ["u8", "u8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_mul_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pmul{0.data_type_short}.dq",
-            "ret": "i64",
-            "args": ["0dn", "0dn"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_mulhi_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pmulh{0.data_type_short}.w",
-            "ret": "i16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_mulhrs_epi16",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_pack{0.kind_short}s_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pack{0.kind}s{1.data_type_short}{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "i(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0hws", "0hws"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_permutevar8x32_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "perm{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": ["s32", "f32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0s"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_sad_epu8",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "u64",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_shuffle_epi8",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "pshuf.b",
-            "ret": "s8",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_sign_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "psign.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "256_subs_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [256],
-            "llvm": "psub{0.kind_short}s.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "i(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        }
-    ]
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index 24e2cbc..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/bmi.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_bmi",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.bmi.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_bextr_{0.bitwidth}",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "bextr.{0.bitwidth}",
-            "ret": "S(32-64)u",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        }
-    ]
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--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/bmi2.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_bmi2",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.bmi.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_bzhi_{0.bitwidth}",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "bzhi.{0.bitwidth}",
-            "ret": "S(32-64)u",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_pdep_{0.bitwidth}",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "pdep.{0.bitwidth}",
-            "ret": "S(32-64)u",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_pext_{0.bitwidth}",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "pext.{0.bitwidth}",
-            "ret": "S(32-64)u",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        }
-    ]
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index dcc26cd..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/fma.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_mm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.fma.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_fmadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vfmadd.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_fmaddsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vfmaddsub.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_fmsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vfmsub.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_fmsubadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vfmsubadd.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_fnmadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vfnmadd.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "{0.width_mm}_fnmsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128, 256],
-            "llvm": "vfnmsub.{0.data_type_short}{0.width_suffix}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "0"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/info.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/info.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e90b85..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/info.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-    "platform": "x86",
-    "number_info": {
-        "signed": {
-            "kind": "s",
-            "kind_short": "",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "epi{bitwidth}" },
-            "bitwidth": { "pattern": "{bitwidth}" },
-            "data_type_short": { "8": "b", "16": "w", "32": "d", "64": "q" }
-        },
-        "unsigned": {
-            "kind": "u",
-            "kind_short": "u",
-            "data_type": { "pattern": "epu{bitwidth}" },
-            "bitwidth": { "pattern": "{bitwidth}" },
-            "data_type_short": { "8": "b", "16": "w", "32": "d", "64": "q" }
-        },
-        "float": {
-            "kind": "f",
-            "data_type": { "32": "ps", "64": "pd" },
-            "bitwidth": { "pattern": "{bitwidth}" },
-            "data_type_short": { "32": "ps", "64": "pd" }
-        }
-    },
-    "width_info": {
-        "32":  { "width_mm": "32", "width_suffix": "" },
-        "64":  { "width_mm": "64", "width_suffix": "" },
-        "128": { "width_mm": "", "width_suffix": "" },
-        "256": { "width_mm": "256", "width_suffix": ".256" },
-        "512": { "width_mm": "512", "width_suffix": ".512" }
-    }
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index fa2feb4..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/rdrand.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_rdrand",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.rdrand.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "16_step",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "16",
-            "ret": "(U16,S32)",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "32_step",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "32",
-            "ret": "(U32,S32)",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "64_step",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "64",
-            "ret": "(U64,S32)",
-            "args": []
-        }
-    ]
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index 7be64b5..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/rdseed.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_rdseed",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.rdseed.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "16_step",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "16",
-            "ret": "(U16,S32)",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "32_step",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "32",
-            "ret": "(U32,S32)",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "64_step",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "64",
-            "ret": "(U64,S32)",
-            "args": []
-        }
-    ]
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index d8eef8a..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_mm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.sse.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_movemask_ps",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_max_ps",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_min_ps",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_rsqrt_ps",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_rcp_ps",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_sqrt_ps",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.sqrt.v4f32",
-            "ret": "f32",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_storeu_ps",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["F32Pm/S8", "f32"]
-        }
-    ]
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index 4d6317d..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse2.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
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-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.sse2.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_adds_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "padd{0.kind_short}s.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "i(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_avg_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pavg.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "u(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_lfence",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "lfence",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_madd_epi16",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmadd.wd",
-            "ret": "s32",
-            "args": ["s16", "s16"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_maskmoveu_si128",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "maskmov.dqu",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["u8", "u8", "U8Pm"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_max_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmax{0.kind}.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": ["s16", "u8"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_max_pd",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "max.pd",
-            "ret": "f64",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_mfence",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "fence",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_min_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmin{0.kind}.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": ["s16", "u8"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_min_pd",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "min.pd",
-            "ret": "f64",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_movemask_pd",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "movmsk.pd",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["f64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_movemask_epi8",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmovmskb.128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_mul_epu32",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmulu.dq",
-            "ret": "u64",
-            "args": ["0dn", "0dn"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_mulhi_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmulh{0.kind_short}.w",
-            "ret": "i16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_packs_{1.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "packss{1.data_type_short}{0.data_type_short}.128",
-            "ret": "s(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0hw", "0hw"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_packus_epi16",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "packuswb.128",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["s16", "s16"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_sad_epu8",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "u64",
-            "args": ["u8", "u8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_sfence",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "sfence",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": []
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_sqrt_pd",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "!llvm.sqrt.v2f64",
-            "ret": "f64",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_storeu_pd",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "storeu.pd",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["F64Pm/U8", "f64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_storeu_si128",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "storeu.dq",
-            "ret": "V",
-            "args": ["u8Pm/U8", "u8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_subs_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "psub{0.kind_short}s.{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": "i(8-16)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse3.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse3.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 119bf20..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse3.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_mm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.sse3.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_addsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "addsub.{0.data_type}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_hadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "hadd.{0.data_type}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_hsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "hsub.{0.data_type}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_lddqu_si128",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "ldu.dq",
-            "ret": "u8",
-            "args": ["0Pc/S8"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse41.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse41.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b499637..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse41.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_mm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.sse41.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_dp_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "dp{0.data_type}",
-            "ret": "f(32-64)",
-            "args": ["0", "0", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_max_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmax{0.kind}{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": ["s8", "u16", "i32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_min_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmin{0.kind}{0.data_type_short}",
-            "ret": ["s8", "u16", "i32"],
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_minpos_epu16",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "phminposuw",
-            "ret": "u16",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_mpsadbw_epu8",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "mpsadbw",
-            "ret": "u16",
-            "args": ["u8", "u8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_mul_epi32",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmuldq",
-            "ret": "s64",
-            "args": ["s32", "s32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_packus_epi32",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "packusdw",
-            "ret": "u16",
-            "args": ["s32", "s32"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_testc_si128",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "ptestc",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["u64", "u64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_testnzc_si128",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "ptestnzc",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["u64", "u64"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_testz_si128",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "ptestz",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["u64", "u64"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse42.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse42.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fdee9c8..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/sse42.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_mm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.sse42.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpestra",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpestria128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "S32", "s8", "S32", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpestrc",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpestric128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "S32", "s8", "S32", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpestri",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpestri128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "S32", "s8", "S32", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpestrm",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpestrm128",
-            "ret": "s8",
-            "args": ["s8", "S32", "s8", "S32", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpestro",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpestrio128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "S32", "s8", "S32", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpestrs",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpestris128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "S32", "s8", "S32", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpestrz",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpestriz128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "S32", "s8", "S32", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpistra",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpistria128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpistrc",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpistric128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpistri",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpistri128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpistrm",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpistrm128",
-            "ret": "s8",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpistro",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpistrio128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpistrs",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpistris128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8", "S32/8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_cmpistrz",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pcmpistriz128",
-            "ret": "S32",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8", "S32/8"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/ssse3.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/ssse3.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a56179..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/ssse3.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_mm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.ssse3.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_abs_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pabs.{0.data_type_short}.128",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_hadd_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "phadd.{0.data_type_short}.128",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_hadds_epi16",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "phadd.sw.128",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_hsub_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "phsub.{0.data_type_short}.128",
-            "ret": "s(16-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_hsubs_epi16",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "phsub.sw.128",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_maddubs_epi16",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pmadd.ub.sw.128",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["u8", "s8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_mulhrs_epi16",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "",
-            "ret": "s16",
-            "args": ["s16", "s16"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_shuffle_epi8",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "pshuf.b.128",
-            "ret": "s8",
-            "args": ["s8", "s8"]
-        },
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_sign_{0.data_type}",
-            "width": [128],
-            "llvm": "psign.{0.data_type_short}.128",
-            "ret": "s(8-32)",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/tbm.json b/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/tbm.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d1322cd6..0000000
--- a/src/etc/platform-intrinsics/x86/tbm.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-    "intrinsic_prefix": "_tbm",
-    "llvm_prefix": "llvm.x86.tbm.",
-    "intrinsics": [
-        {
-            "intrinsic": "_bextri_u{0.bitwidth}",
-            "width": ["0"],
-            "llvm": "bextri.u{0.bitwidth}",
-            "ret": "S(32-64)u",
-            "args": ["0", "0"]
-        }
-    ]
diff --git a/src/libcore/ b/src/libcore/
index 86f28a9..d43a5c1 100644
--- a/src/libcore/
+++ b/src/libcore/
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@
 /// For example, let's tweak our previous code a bit:
 /// ```
+/// // The derive implements <BookFormat> == <BookFormat> comparisons
+/// #[derive(PartialEq)]
 /// enum BookFormat {
 ///     Paperback,
 ///     Hardback,
@@ -102,31 +104,34 @@
 ///     format: BookFormat,
 /// }
+/// // Implement <Book> == <BookFormat> comparisons
 /// impl PartialEq<BookFormat> for Book {
 ///     fn eq(&self, other: &BookFormat) -> bool {
-///         match (&self.format, other) {
-///            (BookFormat::Paperback, BookFormat::Paperback) => true,
-///            (BookFormat::Hardback,  BookFormat::Hardback)  => true,
-///            (BookFormat::Ebook,     BookFormat::Ebook)     => true,
-///            (_, _) => false,
-///         }
+///         self.format == *other
+///     }
+/// }
+/// // Implement <BookFormat> == <Book> comparisons
+/// impl PartialEq<Book> for BookFormat {
+///     fn eq(&self, other: &Book) -> bool {
+///         *self == other.format
 ///     }
 /// }
 /// let b1 = Book { isbn: 3, format: BookFormat::Paperback };
 /// assert!(b1 == BookFormat::Paperback);
-/// assert!(b1 != BookFormat::Ebook);
+/// assert!(BookFormat::Ebook != b1);
 /// ```
 /// By changing `impl PartialEq for Book` to `impl PartialEq<BookFormat> for Book`,
-/// we've changed what type we can use on the right side of the `==` operator.
-/// This lets us use it in the `assert!` statements at the bottom.
+/// we allow `BookFormat`s to be compared with `Book`s.
 /// You can also combine these implementations to let the `==` operator work with
 /// two different types:
 /// ```
+/// #[derive(PartialEq)]
 /// enum BookFormat {
 ///     Paperback,
 ///     Hardback,
@@ -140,12 +145,13 @@
 /// impl PartialEq<BookFormat> for Book {
 ///     fn eq(&self, other: &BookFormat) -> bool {
-///         match (&self.format, other) {
-///            (&BookFormat::Paperback, &BookFormat::Paperback) => true,
-///            (&BookFormat::Hardback,  &BookFormat::Hardback)  => true,
-///            (&BookFormat::Ebook,     &BookFormat::Ebook)     => true,
-///            (_, _) => false,
-///         }
+///         self.format == *other
+///     }
+/// }
+/// impl PartialEq<Book> for BookFormat {
+///     fn eq(&self, other: &Book) -> bool {
+///         *self == other.format
 ///     }
 /// }
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@
 /// let b2 = Book { isbn: 3, format: BookFormat::Ebook };
 /// assert!(b1 == BookFormat::Paperback);
-/// assert!(b1 != BookFormat::Ebook);
+/// assert!(BookFormat::Ebook != b1);
 /// assert!(b1 == b2);
 /// ```
diff --git a/src/libcore/ b/src/libcore/
index 0717a88..644380c 100644
--- a/src/libcore/
+++ b/src/libcore/
@@ -12,24 +12,27 @@
 /// and `*mut c_void` is equivalent to C's `void*`. That said, this is
 /// *not* the same as C's `void` return type, which is Rust's `()` type.
-/// Ideally, this type would be equivalent to [`!`], but currently it may
-/// be more ideal to use `c_void` for FFI purposes.
+/// To model pointers to opaque types in FFI, until `extern type` is
+/// stabilized, it is recommended to use a newtype wrapper around an empty
+/// byte array. See the [Nomicon] for details.
-/// [`!`]: ../../std/primitive.never.html
 /// [pointer]: ../../std/primitive.pointer.html
+/// [Nomicon]:
 // N.B., for LLVM to recognize the void pointer type and by extension
 //     functions like malloc(), we need to have it represented as i8* in
 //     LLVM bitcode. The enum used here ensures this and prevents misuse
-//     of the "raw" type by only having private variants.. We need two
+//     of the "raw" type by only having private variants. We need two
 //     variants, because the compiler complains about the repr attribute
-//     otherwise.
+//     otherwise and we need at least one variant as otherwise the enum
+//     would be uninhabited and at least dereferencing such pointers would
+//     be UB.
 #[stable(feature = "raw_os", since = "1.1.0")]
 pub enum c_void {
-    #[unstable(feature = "c_void_variant", reason = "should not have to exist",
+    #[unstable(feature = "c_void_variant", reason = "temporary implementation detail",
                issue = "0")]
     #[doc(hidden)] __variant1,
-    #[unstable(feature = "c_void_variant", reason = "should not have to exist",
+    #[unstable(feature = "c_void_variant", reason = "temporary implementation detail",
                issue = "0")]
     #[doc(hidden)] __variant2,
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 extern {
     type VaListImpl;
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 struct VaListImpl {
     stack: *mut (),
     gr_top: *mut (),
@@ -90,7 +93,7 @@
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 struct VaListImpl {
     gpr: u8,
     fpr: u8,
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 struct VaListImpl {
     gp_offset: i32,
     fp_offset: i32,
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 pub struct VaList<'a>(&'a mut VaListImpl);
@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@
     #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
                reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                          all supported platforms",
-               issue = "27745")]
+               issue = "44930")]
     pub trait VaArgSafe {}
@@ -150,7 +153,7 @@
             #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
                        reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                                  all supported platforms",
-                       issue = "27745")]
+                       issue = "44930")]
             impl sealed_trait::VaArgSafe for $t {}
@@ -163,12 +166,12 @@
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 impl<T> sealed_trait::VaArgSafe for *mut T {}
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 impl<T> sealed_trait::VaArgSafe for *const T {}
 impl<'a> VaList<'a> {
@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@
     #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
                reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                          all supported platforms",
-               issue = "27745")]
+               issue = "44930")]
     pub unsafe fn arg<T: sealed_trait::VaArgSafe>(&mut self) -> T {
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@
     #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
                reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                          all supported platforms",
-               issue = "27745")]
+               issue = "44930")]
     pub unsafe fn copy<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
             where F: for<'copy> FnOnce(VaList<'copy>) -> R {
         #[cfg(any(all(not(target_arch = "aarch64"), not(target_arch = "powerpc"),
diff --git a/src/libcore/fmt/ b/src/libcore/fmt/
index 214b5d3..5221d6f 100644
--- a/src/libcore/fmt/
+++ b/src/libcore/fmt/
@@ -211,9 +211,18 @@
-/// A struct to represent both where to emit formatting strings to and how they
-/// should be formatted. A mutable version of this is passed to all formatting
-/// traits.
+/// Configuration for formatting.
+/// A `Formatter` represents various options related to formatting. Users do not
+/// construct `Formatter`s directly; a mutable reference to one is passed to
+/// the `fmt` method of all formatting traits, like [`Debug`] and [`Display`].
+/// To interact with a `Formatter`, you'll call various methods to change the
+/// various options related to formatting. For examples, please see the
+/// documentation of the methods defined on `Formatter` below.
+/// [`Debug`]: trait.Debug.html
+/// [`Display`]: trait.Display.html
 #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
 pub struct Formatter<'a> {
diff --git a/src/libcore/ b/src/libcore/
index 9e57a4e..ad5a207 100644
--- a/src/libcore/
+++ b/src/libcore/
@@ -49,3 +49,26 @@
 pub unsafe fn unreachable_unchecked() -> ! {
+/// Save power or switch hyperthreads in a busy-wait spin-loop.
+/// This function is deliberately more primitive than
+/// [`std::thread::yield_now`](../../std/thread/fn.yield_now.html) and
+/// does not directly yield to the system's scheduler.
+/// In some cases it might be useful to use a combination of both functions.
+/// Careful benchmarking is advised.
+/// On some platforms this function may not do anything at all.
+#[unstable(feature = "renamed_spin_loop", issue = "55002")]
+pub fn spin_loop() {
+    #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
+    unsafe {
+        asm!("pause" ::: "memory" : "volatile");
+    }
+    #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
+    unsafe {
+        asm!("yield" ::: "memory" : "volatile");
+    }
diff --git a/src/libcore/ops/ b/src/libcore/ops/
index 4f55c68..6cfa367 100644
--- a/src/libcore/ops/
+++ b/src/libcore/ops/
@@ -51,6 +51,21 @@
 /// ```
 #[lang = "index"]
+    on(
+        _Self="&str",
+        note="you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+see chapter in The Book <>"
+    ),
+    on(
+        _Self="str",
+        note="you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+see chapter in The Book <>"
+    ),
+    on(
+        _Self="std::string::String",
+        note="you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+see chapter in The Book <>"
+    ),
     message="the type `{Self}` cannot be indexed by `{Idx}`",
     label="`{Self}` cannot be indexed by `{Idx}`",
@@ -141,6 +156,21 @@
 /// ```
 #[lang = "index_mut"]
+    on(
+        _Self="&str",
+        note="you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+see chapter in The Book <>"
+    ),
+    on(
+        _Self="str",
+        note="you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+see chapter in The Book <>"
+    ),
+    on(
+        _Self="std::string::String",
+        note="you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+see chapter in The Book <>"
+    ),
     message="the type `{Self}` cannot be mutably indexed by `{Idx}`",
     label="`{Self}` cannot be mutably indexed by `{Idx}`",
diff --git a/src/libcore/ b/src/libcore/
index 762e075..7c09a36 100644
--- a/src/libcore/
+++ b/src/libcore/
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
 use fmt;
 use marker::{Sized, Unpin};
+use cmp::{self, PartialEq, PartialOrd};
 use ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Receiver, CoerceUnsized, DispatchFromDyn};
 /// A pinned pointer.
@@ -112,16 +113,57 @@
 /// [`Unpin`]: ../../std/marker/trait.Unpin.html
 /// [`pin` module]: ../../std/pin/index.html
-// Note: the derives below are allowed because they all only use `&P`, so they
-// cannot move the value behind `pointer`.
+// Note: the derives below, and the explicit `PartialEq` and `PartialOrd`
+// implementations, are allowed because they all only use `&P`, so they cannot move
+// the value behind `pointer`.
 #[stable(feature = "pin", since = "1.33.0")]
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, Ord)]
 pub struct Pin<P> {
     pointer: P,
+#[stable(feature = "pin_partialeq_partialord_impl_applicability", since = "1.34.0")]
+impl<P, Q> PartialEq<Pin<Q>> for Pin<P>
+    P: PartialEq<Q>,
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Pin<Q>) -> bool {
+        self.pointer == other.pointer
+    }
+    fn ne(&self, other: &Pin<Q>) -> bool {
+        self.pointer != other.pointer
+    }
+#[stable(feature = "pin_partialeq_partialord_impl_applicability", since = "1.34.0")]
+impl<P, Q> PartialOrd<Pin<Q>> for Pin<P>
+    P: PartialOrd<Q>,
+    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Pin<Q>) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
+        self.pointer.partial_cmp(&other.pointer)
+    }
+    fn lt(&self, other: &Pin<Q>) -> bool {
+        self.pointer < other.pointer
+    }
+    fn le(&self, other: &Pin<Q>) -> bool {
+        self.pointer <= other.pointer
+    }
+    fn gt(&self, other: &Pin<Q>) -> bool {
+        self.pointer > other.pointer
+    }
+    fn ge(&self, other: &Pin<Q>) -> bool {
+        self.pointer >= other.pointer
+    }
 impl<P: Deref> Pin<P>
     P::Target: Unpin,
diff --git a/src/libcore/slice/ b/src/libcore/slice/
index 0f1bc41..312838a 100644
--- a/src/libcore/slice/
+++ b/src/libcore/slice/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr
+// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr.
 // Copyright 2015 Andrew Gallant, bluss and Nicolas Koch
 use cmp;
@@ -8,13 +7,13 @@
 const LO_U64: u64 = 0x0101010101010101;
 const HI_U64: u64 = 0x8080808080808080;
-// use truncation
+// Use truncation.
 const LO_USIZE: usize = LO_U64 as usize;
 const HI_USIZE: usize = HI_U64 as usize;
-/// Return `true` if `x` contains any zero byte.
+/// Returns whether `x` contains any zero byte.
-/// From *Matters Computational*, J. Arndt
+/// From *Matters Computational*, J. Arndt:
 /// "The idea is to subtract one from each of the bytes and then look for
 /// bytes where the borrow propagated all the way to the most significant
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@
     (b as usize) * (::usize::MAX / 255)
-/// Return the first index matching the byte `x` in `text`.
+/// Returns the first index matching the byte `x` in `text`.
 pub fn memchr(x: u8, text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
     // Scan for a single byte value by reading two `usize` words at a time.
@@ -77,18 +76,18 @@
-    // find the byte after the point the body loop stopped
+    // Find the byte after the point the body loop stopped.
     text[offset..].iter().position(|elt| *elt == x).map(|i| offset + i)
-/// Return the last index matching the byte `x` in `text`.
+/// Returns the last index matching the byte `x` in `text`.
 pub fn memrchr(x: u8, text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
     // Scan for a single byte value by reading two `usize` words at a time.
-    // Split `text` in three parts
-    // - unaligned tail, after the last word aligned address in text
-    // - body, scan by 2 words at a time
-    // - the first remaining bytes, < 2 word size
+    // Split `text` in three parts:
+    // - unaligned tail, after the last word aligned address in text,
+    // - body, scanned by 2 words at a time,
+    // - the first remaining bytes, < 2 word size.
     let len = text.len();
     let ptr = text.as_ptr();
     type Chunk = usize;
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@
         return Some(offset + index);
-    // search the body of the text, make sure we don't cross min_aligned_offset.
+    // Search the body of the text, make sure we don't cross min_aligned_offset.
     // offset is always aligned, so just testing `>` is sufficient and avoids possible
     // overflow.
     let repeated_x = repeat_byte(x);
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@
             let u = *(ptr.offset(offset as isize - 2 * chunk_bytes as isize) as *const Chunk);
             let v = *(ptr.offset(offset as isize - chunk_bytes as isize) as *const Chunk);
-            // break if there is a matching byte
+            // Break if there is a matching byte.
             let zu = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_x);
             let zv = contains_zero_byte(v ^ repeated_x);
             if zu || zv {
@@ -126,6 +125,6 @@
         offset -= 2 * chunk_bytes;
-    // find the byte before the point the body loop stopped
+    // Find the byte before the point the body loop stopped.
     text[..offset].iter().rposition(|elt| *elt == x)
diff --git a/src/libcore/sync/ b/src/libcore/sync/
index 99e6365..8992e51 100644
--- a/src/libcore/sync/
+++ b/src/libcore/sync/
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
 use cell::UnsafeCell;
 use fmt;
+use hint::spin_loop;
 /// Save power or switch hyperthreads in a busy-wait spin-loop.
 /// This function is deliberately more primitive than
@@ -96,15 +98,7 @@
 #[stable(feature = "spin_loop_hint", since = "1.24.0")]
 pub fn spin_loop_hint() {
-    #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
-    unsafe {
-        asm!("pause" ::: "memory" : "volatile");
-    }
-    #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
-    unsafe {
-        asm!("yield" ::: "memory" : "volatile");
-    }
+    spin_loop()
 /// A boolean type which can be safely shared between threads.
diff --git a/src/librustc/dep_graph/ b/src/librustc/dep_graph/
index 427fe51..4cfebaa 100644
--- a/src/librustc/dep_graph/
+++ b/src/librustc/dep_graph/
@@ -476,6 +476,9 @@
     [] CheckModLoops(DefId),
     [] CheckModUnstableApiUsage(DefId),
     [] CheckModItemTypes(DefId),
+    [] CheckModPrivacy(DefId),
+    [] CheckModIntrinsics(DefId),
+    [] CheckModLiveness(DefId),
     [] CollectModItemTypes(DefId),
     [] Reachability,
@@ -583,6 +586,7 @@
     [] CheckImplItemWellFormed(DefId),
     [] ReachableNonGenerics(CrateNum),
     [] NativeLibraries(CrateNum),
+    [] EntryFn(CrateNum),
     [] PluginRegistrarFn(CrateNum),
     [] ProcMacroDeclsStatic(CrateNum),
     [input] CrateDisambiguator(CrateNum),
@@ -630,6 +634,7 @@
     [input] Freevars(DefId),
     [input] MaybeUnusedTraitImport(DefId),
     [input] MaybeUnusedExternCrates,
+    [input] NamesImportedByGlobUse(DefId),
     [eval_always] StabilityIndex,
     [eval_always] AllTraits,
     [input] AllCrateNums,
diff --git a/src/librustc/dep_graph/ b/src/librustc/dep_graph/
index 501ef01..a9e80dd 100644
--- a/src/librustc/dep_graph/
+++ b/src/librustc/dep_graph/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
 use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{Idx, IndexVec};
 use smallvec::SmallVec;
-use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lrc, Lock};
+use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lrc, Lock, AtomicU32, Ordering};
 use std::env;
 use std::hash::Hash;
 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
     /// nodes and edges as well as all fingerprints of nodes that have them.
     previous: PreviousDepGraph,
-    colors: Lock<DepNodeColorMap>,
+    colors: DepNodeColorMap,
     /// When we load, there may be `.o` files, cached mir, or other such
     /// things available to us. If we find that they are not dirty, we
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
                 dep_node_debug: Default::default(),
                 current: Lock::new(CurrentDepGraph::new(prev_graph_node_count)),
                 previous: prev_graph,
-                colors: Lock::new(DepNodeColorMap::new(prev_graph_node_count)),
+                colors: DepNodeColorMap::new(prev_graph_node_count),
                 loaded_from_cache: Default::default(),
@@ -282,12 +282,11 @@
-                let mut colors = data.colors.borrow_mut();
-                debug_assert!(colors.get(prev_index).is_none(),
+                debug_assert!(data.colors.get(prev_index).is_none(),
                               "DepGraph::with_task() - Duplicate DepNodeColor \
                                insertion for {:?}", key);
-                colors.insert(prev_index, color);
+                data.colors.insert(prev_index, color);
             (result, dep_node_index)
@@ -502,7 +501,7 @@
     pub fn node_color(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option<DepNodeColor> {
         if let Some(ref data) = {
             if let Some(prev_index) = data.previous.node_to_index_opt(dep_node) {
-                return data.colors.borrow().get(prev_index)
+                return data.colors.get(prev_index)
             } else {
                 // This is a node that did not exist in the previous compilation
                 // session, so we consider it to be red.
@@ -513,56 +512,89 @@
-    pub fn try_mark_green<'tcx>(&self,
-                                tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
-                                dep_node: &DepNode)
-                                -> Option<DepNodeIndex> {
-        debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - BEGIN", dep_node);
-        let data =;
+    /// Try to read a node index for the node dep_node.
+    /// A node will have an index, when it's already been marked green, or when we can mark it
+    /// green. This function will mark the current task as a reader of the specified node, when
+    /// a node index can be found for that node.
+    pub fn try_mark_green_and_read(
+        &self,
+        tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>,
+        dep_node: &DepNode
+    ) -> Option<(SerializedDepNodeIndex, DepNodeIndex)> {
+        self.try_mark_green(tcx, dep_node).map(|(prev_index, dep_node_index)| {
+            debug_assert!(self.is_green(&dep_node));
+            self.read_index(dep_node_index);
+            (prev_index, dep_node_index)
+        })
+    }
-        #[cfg(not(parallel_queries))]
-        debug_assert!(!data.current.borrow().node_to_node_index.contains_key(dep_node));
+    pub fn try_mark_green(
+        &self,
+        tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>,
+        dep_node: &DepNode
+    ) -> Option<(SerializedDepNodeIndex, DepNodeIndex)> {
+        debug_assert!(!dep_node.kind.is_input());
-        if dep_node.kind.is_input() {
-            // We should only hit try_mark_green() for inputs that do not exist
-            // anymore in the current compilation session. Existing inputs are
-            // eagerly marked as either red/green before any queries are
-            // executed.
-            debug_assert!(dep_node.extract_def_id(tcx).is_none());
-            debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - DepNode is deleted input", dep_node);
-            return None;
-        }
+        // Return None if the dep graph is disabled
+        let data =;
-        let (prev_deps, prev_dep_node_index) = match data.previous.edges_from(dep_node) {
-            Some(prev) => {
+        // Return None if the dep node didn't exist in the previous session
+        let prev_index = data.previous.node_to_index_opt(dep_node)?;
+        match data.colors.get(prev_index) {
+            Some(DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index)) => Some((prev_index, dep_node_index)),
+            Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => None,
+            None => {
                 // This DepNode and the corresponding query invocation existed
                 // in the previous compilation session too, so we can try to
                 // mark it as green by recursively marking all of its
                 // dependencies green.
-                prev
+                self.try_mark_previous_green(
+                    tcx.global_tcx(),
+                    data,
+                    prev_index,
+                    &dep_node
+                ).map(|dep_node_index| {
+                    (prev_index, dep_node_index)
+                })
-            None => {
-                // This DepNode did not exist in the previous compilation session,
-                // so we cannot mark it as green.
-                debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - DepNode does not exist in \
-                        current compilation session anymore", dep_node);
-                return None
-            }
-        };
+        }
+    }
-        debug_assert!(data.colors.borrow().get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none());
+    /// Try to mark a dep-node which existed in the previous compilation session as green
+    fn try_mark_previous_green<'tcx>(
+        &self,
+        tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
+        data: &DepGraphData,
+        prev_dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
+        dep_node: &DepNode
+    ) -> Option<DepNodeIndex> {
+        debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - BEGIN", dep_node);
+        #[cfg(not(parallel_queries))]
+        {
+            debug_assert!(!data.current.borrow().node_to_node_index.contains_key(dep_node));
+            debug_assert!(data.colors.get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none());
+        }
+        // We never try to mark inputs as green
+        debug_assert!(!dep_node.kind.is_input());
+        debug_assert_eq!(data.previous.index_to_node(prev_dep_node_index), *dep_node);
+        let prev_deps = data.previous.edge_targets_from(prev_dep_node_index);
         let mut current_deps = SmallVec::new();
         for &dep_dep_node_index in prev_deps {
-            let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.borrow().get(dep_dep_node_index);
+            let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.get(dep_dep_node_index);
             match dep_dep_node_color {
                 Some(DepNodeColor::Green(node_index)) => {
                     // This dependency has been marked as green before, we are
                     // still fine and can continue with checking the other
                     // dependencies.
-                    debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- found dependency {:?} to \
+                    debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- found dependency {:?} to \
                             be immediately green",
@@ -573,7 +605,7 @@
                     // compared to the previous compilation session. We cannot
                     // mark the DepNode as green and also don't need to bother
                     // with checking any of the other dependencies.
-                    debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} was \
+                    debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} was \
                             immediately red",
@@ -585,12 +617,18 @@
                     // We don't know the state of this dependency. If it isn't
                     // an input node, let's try to mark it green recursively.
                     if !dep_dep_node.kind.is_input() {
-                         debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- state of dependency {:?} \
+                         debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- state of dependency {:?} \
                                  is unknown, trying to mark it green", dep_node,
-                        if let Some(node_index) = self.try_mark_green(tcx, dep_dep_node) {
-                            debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- managed to MARK \
+                        let node_index = self.try_mark_previous_green(
+                            tcx,
+                            data,
+                            dep_dep_node_index,
+                            dep_dep_node
+                        );
+                        if let Some(node_index) = node_index {
+                            debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- managed to MARK \
                                     dependency {:?} as green", dep_node, dep_dep_node);
@@ -600,7 +638,7 @@
                             DepKind::Hir |
                             DepKind::HirBody |
                             DepKind::CrateMetadata => {
-                                if dep_node.extract_def_id(tcx).is_none() {
+                                if dep_dep_node.extract_def_id(tcx).is_none() {
                                     // If the node does not exist anymore, we
                                     // just fail to mark green.
                                     return None
@@ -620,20 +658,20 @@
                     // We failed to mark it green, so we try to force the query.
-                    debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- trying to force \
+                    debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- trying to force \
                             dependency {:?}", dep_node, dep_dep_node);
                     if ::ty::query::force_from_dep_node(tcx, dep_dep_node) {
-                        let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.borrow().get(dep_dep_node_index);
+                        let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.get(dep_dep_node_index);
                         match dep_dep_node_color {
                             Some(DepNodeColor::Green(node_index)) => {
-                                debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- managed to \
+                                debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) --- managed to \
                                         FORCE dependency {:?} to green",
                                         dep_node, dep_dep_node);
                             Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => {
-                                debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - \
+                                debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - \
                                         dependency {:?} was red after forcing",
@@ -641,7 +679,7 @@
                             None => {
                                 if !tcx.sess.has_errors() {
-                                    bug!("try_mark_green() - Forcing the DepNode \
+                                    bug!("try_mark_previous_green() - Forcing the DepNode \
                                           should have set its color")
                                 } else {
                                     // If the query we just forced has resulted
@@ -653,7 +691,7 @@
                     } else {
                         // The DepNode could not be forced.
-                        debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} \
+                        debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} \
                                 could not be forced", dep_node, dep_dep_node);
                         return None
@@ -705,16 +743,15 @@
         // ... and finally storing a "Green" entry in the color map.
-        let mut colors = data.colors.borrow_mut();
         // Multiple threads can all write the same color here
-        debug_assert!(colors.get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none(),
-                      "DepGraph::try_mark_green() - Duplicate DepNodeColor \
+        debug_assert!(data.colors.get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none(),
+                      "DepGraph::try_mark_previous_green() - Duplicate DepNodeColor \
                       insertion for {:?}", dep_node);
-        colors.insert(prev_dep_node_index, DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index));
+        data.colors.insert(prev_dep_node_index, DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index));
-        debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - successfully marked as green", dep_node);
+        debug!("try_mark_previous_green({:?}) - END - successfully marked as green", dep_node);
@@ -735,9 +772,8 @@
     pub fn exec_cache_promotions<'a, 'tcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) {
         let green_nodes: Vec<DepNode> = {
             let data =;
-            let colors = data.colors.borrow();
-            colors.values.indices().filter_map(|prev_index| {
-                match colors.get(prev_index) {
+            data.colors.values.indices().filter_map(|prev_index| {
+                match data.colors.get(prev_index) {
                     Some(DepNodeColor::Green(_)) => {
                         let dep_node = data.previous.index_to_node(prev_index);
                         if dep_node.cache_on_disk(tcx) {
@@ -1035,7 +1071,7 @@
 // A data structure that stores Option<DepNodeColor> values as a contiguous
 // array, using one u32 per entry.
 struct DepNodeColorMap {
-    values: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, u32>,
+    values: IndexVec<SerializedDepNodeIndex, AtomicU32>,
 const COMPRESSED_NONE: u32 = 0;
@@ -1045,12 +1081,12 @@
 impl DepNodeColorMap {
     fn new(size: usize) -> DepNodeColorMap {
         DepNodeColorMap {
-            values: IndexVec::from_elem_n(COMPRESSED_NONE, size)
+            values: (0..size).map(|_| AtomicU32::new(COMPRESSED_NONE)).collect(),
     fn get(&self, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> Option<DepNodeColor> {
-        match self.values[index] {
+        match self.values[index].load(Ordering::Acquire) {
             COMPRESSED_NONE => None,
             COMPRESSED_RED => Some(DepNodeColor::Red),
             value => Some(DepNodeColor::Green(DepNodeIndex::from_u32(
@@ -1059,10 +1095,10 @@
-    fn insert(&mut self, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex, color: DepNodeColor) {
-        self.values[index] = match color {
+    fn insert(&self, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex, color: DepNodeColor) {
+        self.values[index].store(match color {
             DepNodeColor::Red => COMPRESSED_RED,
             DepNodeColor::Green(index) => index.as_u32() + COMPRESSED_FIRST_GREEN,
-        }
+        }, Ordering::Release)
diff --git a/src/librustc/dep_graph/ b/src/librustc/dep_graph/
index 76d2954..ea5350a 100644
--- a/src/librustc/dep_graph/
+++ b/src/librustc/dep_graph/
@@ -19,14 +19,11 @@
-    pub fn edges_from(&self,
-                      dep_node: &DepNode)
-                      -> Option<(&[SerializedDepNodeIndex], SerializedDepNodeIndex)> {
-        self.index
-            .get(dep_node)
-            .map(|&node_index| {
-                (, node_index)
-            })
+    pub fn edge_targets_from(
+        &self,
+        dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex
+    ) -> &[SerializedDepNodeIndex] {
diff --git a/src/librustc/ b/src/librustc/
index 4bc52e8..287a45a 100644
--- a/src/librustc/
+++ b/src/librustc/
@@ -1180,27 +1180,6 @@
-E0296: r##"
-This error indicates that the given recursion limit could not be parsed. Ensure
-that the value provided is a positive integer between quotes.
-Erroneous code example:
-fn main() {}
-And a working example:
-fn main() {}
 E0308: r##"
 This error occurs when the compiler was unable to infer the concrete type of a
 variable. It can occur for several cases, the most common of which is a
@@ -2093,20 +2072,6 @@
-E0702: r##"
-This error indicates that a `#[non_exhaustive]` attribute had a value. The
-`#[non_exhaustive]` should be empty.
-Examples of erroneous code:
-# #![feature(non_exhaustive)]
-struct Foo;
 E0718: r##"
 This error indicates that a `#[lang = ".."]` attribute was placed
 on the wrong type of item.
@@ -2138,6 +2103,7 @@
     E0280, // requirement is not satisfied
     E0284, // cannot resolve type
 //  E0285, // overflow evaluation builtin bounds
+//  E0296, // replaced with a generic attribute input check
 //  E0300, // unexpanded macro
 //  E0304, // expected signed integer constant
 //  E0305, // expected constant
@@ -2180,4 +2146,5 @@
     E0709, // multiple different lifetimes used in arguments of `async fn`
     E0710, // an unknown tool name found in scoped lint
     E0711, // a feature has been declared with conflicting stability attributes
+//  E0702, // replaced with a generic attribute input check
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/ b/src/librustc/hir/
index 9fa5f4a..df111b2 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/
@@ -142,15 +142,6 @@
-        if attr.meta_item_list().is_some() || attr.value_str().is_some() {
-            struct_span_err!(self.tcx.sess,
-                             attr.span,
-                             E0702,
-                             "attribute should be empty")
-                .span_label(item.span, "not empty")
-                .emit();
-        }
     /// Check if the `#[marker]` attribute on an `item` is valid.
@@ -165,12 +156,6 @@
-        if !attr.is_word() {
-            self.tcx.sess
-                .struct_span_err(attr.span, "attribute should be empty")
-                .emit();
-        }
     /// Check if the `#[repr]` attributes on `item` are valid.
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/ b/src/librustc/hir/
index a3eda80..592fb78 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/
@@ -35,11 +35,9 @@
 use syntax_pos::Span;
 use hir::*;
 use hir::def::Def;
-use hir::map::{self, Map};
+use hir::map::Map;
 use super::itemlikevisit::DeepVisitor;
-use std::cmp;
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
 pub enum FnKind<'a> {
     /// `#[xxx] pub async/const/extern "Abi" fn foo()`
@@ -1121,57 +1119,3 @@
     // the right thing to do, should content be added in the future,
     // would be to walk it.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
-pub struct IdRange {
-    pub min: NodeId,
-    pub max: NodeId,
-impl IdRange {
-    pub fn max() -> IdRange {
-        IdRange {
-            min: NodeId::MAX,
-            max: NodeId::from_u32(0),
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn empty(&self) -> bool {
-        self.min >= self.max
-    }
-    pub fn contains(&self, id: NodeId) -> bool {
-        id >= self.min && id < self.max
-    }
-    pub fn add(&mut self, id: NodeId) {
-        self.min = cmp::min(self.min, id);
-        self.max = cmp::max(self.max, NodeId::from_u32(id.as_u32() + 1));
-    }
-pub struct IdRangeComputingVisitor<'a, 'hir: 'a> {
-    result: IdRange,
-    map: &'a map::Map<'hir>,
-impl<'a, 'hir> IdRangeComputingVisitor<'a, 'hir> {
-    pub fn new(map: &'a map::Map<'hir>) -> IdRangeComputingVisitor<'a, 'hir> {
-        IdRangeComputingVisitor { result: IdRange::max(), map: map }
-    }
-    pub fn result(&self) -> IdRange {
-        self.result
-    }
-impl<'a, 'hir> Visitor<'hir> for IdRangeComputingVisitor<'a, 'hir> {
-    fn nested_visit_map<'this>(&'this mut self) -> NestedVisitorMap<'this, 'hir> {
-        NestedVisitorMap::OnlyBodies(&
-    }
-    fn visit_id(&mut self, id: NodeId) {
-        self.result.add(id);
-    }
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/ b/src/librustc/hir/
index 02e6630..2f7d8f0 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/
@@ -3775,7 +3775,7 @@
                 let ohs = P(self.lower_expr(ohs));
                 hir::ExprKind::Unary(op, ohs)
-            ExprKind::Lit(ref l) => hir::ExprKind::Lit(P((*l).clone())),
+            ExprKind::Lit(ref l) => hir::ExprKind::Lit((*l).clone()),
             ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, ref ty) => {
                 let expr = P(self.lower_expr(expr));
                 hir::ExprKind::Cast(expr, self.lower_ty(ty, ImplTraitContext::disallowed()))
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/map/ b/src/librustc/hir/map/
index bc0a64a..c9b4b2b 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/map/
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/map/
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@
         let def_data = match i.node {
             ItemKind::Impl(..) => DefPathData::Impl,
             ItemKind::Trait(..) => DefPathData::Trait(i.ident.as_interned_str()),
+            ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => DefPathData::TraitAlias(i.ident.as_interned_str()),
             ItemKind::Enum(..) | ItemKind::Struct(..) | ItemKind::Union(..) |
-            ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) | ItemKind::Existential(..) |
-            ItemKind::ExternCrate(..) | ItemKind::ForeignMod(..) | ItemKind::Ty(..) =>
-                DefPathData::TypeNs(i.ident.as_interned_str()),
+            ItemKind::Existential(..) | ItemKind::ExternCrate(..) | ItemKind::ForeignMod(..) |
+            ItemKind::Ty(..) => DefPathData::TypeNs(i.ident.as_interned_str()),
             ItemKind::Mod(..) if i.ident == keywords::Invalid.ident() => {
                 return visit::walk_item(self, i);
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/map/ b/src/librustc/hir/map/
index 6b707dd..1b74451 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/map/
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/map/
@@ -373,7 +373,9 @@
     /// GlobalMetaData identifies a piece of crate metadata that is global to
     /// a whole crate (as opposed to just one item). GlobalMetaData components
     /// are only supposed to show up right below the crate root.
-    GlobalMetaData(InternedString)
+    GlobalMetaData(InternedString),
+    /// A trait alias.
+    TraitAlias(InternedString),
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug,
@@ -615,6 +617,7 @@
         match *self {
             TypeNs(name) |
             Trait(name) |
+            TraitAlias(name) |
             AssocTypeInTrait(name) |
             AssocTypeInImpl(name) |
             AssocExistentialInImpl(name) |
@@ -642,6 +645,7 @@
         let s = match *self {
             TypeNs(name) |
             Trait(name) |
+            TraitAlias(name) |
             AssocTypeInTrait(name) |
             AssocTypeInImpl(name) |
             AssocExistentialInImpl(name) |
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/map/ b/src/librustc/hir/map/
index 869baef..d9ca37c 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/map/
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/map/
@@ -509,6 +509,21 @@
+    pub fn get_module(&self, module: DefId) -> (&'hir Mod, Span, NodeId)
+    {
+        let node_id = self.as_local_node_id(module).unwrap();
+        match self.find_entry(node_id).unwrap().node {
+            Node::Item(&Item {
+                span,
+                node: ItemKind::Mod(ref m),
+                ..
+            }) => (m, span, node_id),
+            Node::Crate => (&self.forest.krate.module, self.forest.krate.span, node_id),
+            _ => panic!("not a module")
+        }
+    }
     pub fn visit_item_likes_in_module<V>(&self, module: DefId, visitor: &mut V)
         where V: ItemLikeVisitor<'hir>
diff --git a/src/librustc/hir/ b/src/librustc/hir/
index 5660b87..65d9d5a 100644
--- a/src/librustc/hir/
+++ b/src/librustc/hir/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 pub use self::UnOp::*;
 pub use self::UnsafeSource::*;
+use errors::FatalError;
 use hir::def::Def;
 use hir::def_id::{DefId, DefIndex, LocalDefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX};
 use util::nodemap::{NodeMap, FxHashSet};
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
 use syntax::source_map::Spanned;
 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
 use syntax::ast::{self, CrateSugar, Ident, Name, NodeId, DUMMY_NODE_ID, AsmDialect};
-use syntax::ast::{Attribute, Lit, StrStyle, FloatTy, IntTy, UintTy};
+use syntax::ast::{Attribute, Label, Lit, StrStyle, FloatTy, IntTy, UintTy};
 use syntax::attr::InlineAttr;
 use syntax::ext::hygiene::SyntaxContext;
 use syntax::ptr::P;
@@ -143,17 +144,6 @@
 pub const DUMMY_ITEM_LOCAL_ID: ItemLocalId = ItemLocalId::MAX;
 #[derive(Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Copy)]
-pub struct Label {
-    pub ident: Ident,
-impl fmt::Debug for Label {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "label({:?})", self.ident)
-    }
-#[derive(Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Copy)]
 pub struct Lifetime {
     pub id: NodeId,
     pub span: Span,
@@ -1436,7 +1426,7 @@
     /// A unary operation (For example: `!x`, `*x`)
     Unary(UnOp, P<Expr>),
     /// A literal (For example: `1`, `"foo"`)
-    Lit(P<Lit>),
+    Lit(Lit),
     /// A cast (`foo as f64`)
     Cast(P<Expr>, P<Ty>),
     Type(P<Expr>, P<Ty>),
@@ -2036,6 +2026,20 @@
     pub hir_ref_id: HirId,
+impl TraitRef {
+    /// Get the `DefId` of the referenced trait. It _must_ actually be a trait or trait alias.
+    pub fn trait_def_id(&self) -> DefId {
+        match self.path.def {
+            Def::Trait(did) => did,
+            Def::TraitAlias(did) => did,
+            Def::Err => {
+                FatalError.raise();
+            }
+            _ => unreachable!(),
+        }
+    }
 #[derive(Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
 pub struct PolyTraitRef {
     /// The `'a` in `<'a> Foo<&'a T>`
diff --git a/src/librustc/ich/ b/src/librustc/ich/
index 9aa8e4c..1590676 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ich/
+++ b/src/librustc/ich/
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
-impl_stable_hash_for!(struct hir::Label {
+impl_stable_hash_for!(struct ast::Label {
diff --git a/src/librustc/ich/ b/src/librustc/ich/
index 70ec72d..de56718 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ich/
+++ b/src/librustc/ich/
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
             tokenstream::TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, ref tts) => {
                 span.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
                 std_hash::Hash::hash(&delim, hasher);
-                for sub_tt in {
+                for sub_tt in tts.trees() {
                     sub_tt.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
diff --git a/src/librustc/infer/lexical_region_resolve/ b/src/librustc/infer/lexical_region_resolve/
index 39ce8cc..545192a 100644
--- a/src/librustc/infer/lexical_region_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc/infer/lexical_region_resolve/
@@ -186,34 +186,39 @@
     fn expansion(&self, var_values: &mut LexicalRegionResolutions<'tcx>) {
-        self.iterate_until_fixed_point("Expansion", |constraint, origin| {
-            debug!("expansion: constraint={:?} origin={:?}", constraint, origin);
-            match *constraint {
+        self.iterate_until_fixed_point("Expansion", |constraint| {
+            debug!("expansion: constraint={:?}", constraint);
+            let (a_region, b_vid, b_data, retain) = match *constraint {
                 Constraint::RegSubVar(a_region, b_vid) => {
                     let b_data = var_values.value_mut(b_vid);
-                    (self.expand_node(a_region, b_vid, b_data), false)
+                    (a_region, b_vid, b_data, false)
                 Constraint::VarSubVar(a_vid, b_vid) => match *var_values.value(a_vid) {
-                    VarValue::ErrorValue => (false, false),
+                    VarValue::ErrorValue => return (false, false),
                     VarValue::Value(a_region) => {
-                        let b_node = var_values.value_mut(b_vid);
-                        let changed = self.expand_node(a_region, b_vid, b_node);
-                        let retain = match *b_node {
+                        let b_data = var_values.value_mut(b_vid);
+                        let retain = match *b_data {
                             VarValue::Value(ReStatic) | VarValue::ErrorValue => false,
                             _ => true
-                        (changed, retain)
+                        (a_region, b_vid, b_data, retain)
                 Constraint::RegSubReg(..) | Constraint::VarSubReg(..) => {
                     // These constraints are checked after expansion
                     // is done, in `collect_errors`.
-                    (false, false)
+                    return (false, false)
-            }
+            };
+            let changed = self.expand_node(a_region, b_vid, b_data);
+            (changed, retain)
+    // This function is very hot in some workloads. There's a single callsite
+    // so always inlining is ok even though it's large.
+    #[inline(always)]
     fn expand_node(
         a_region: Region<'tcx>,
@@ -722,18 +727,17 @@
     fn iterate_until_fixed_point<F>(&self, tag: &str, mut body: F)
-    where
-        F: FnMut(&Constraint<'tcx>, &SubregionOrigin<'tcx>) -> (bool, bool),
+        where F: FnMut(&Constraint<'tcx>) -> (bool, bool),
-        let mut constraints: SmallVec<[_; 16]> =;
+        let mut constraints: SmallVec<[_; 16]> =;
         let mut iteration = 0;
         let mut changed = true;
         while changed {
             changed = false;
             iteration += 1;
             debug!("---- {} Iteration {}{}", "#", tag, iteration);
-            constraints.retain(|(constraint, origin)| {
-                let (edge_changed, retain) = body(constraint, origin);
+            constraints.retain(|constraint| {
+                let (edge_changed, retain) = body(constraint);
                 if edge_changed {
                     debug!("Updated due to constraint {:?}", constraint);
                     changed = true;
diff --git a/src/librustc/lint/ b/src/librustc/lint/
index c428ff1..a0bd4f0 100644
--- a/src/librustc/lint/
+++ b/src/librustc/lint/
@@ -205,12 +205,6 @@
 declare_lint! {
-    pub BAD_REPR,
-    Warn,
-    "detects incorrect use of `repr` attribute"
-declare_lint! {
     pub DEPRECATED,
     "detects use of deprecated items",
@@ -359,6 +353,12 @@
         "detects the use of `?` as a macro separator"
+    declare_lint! {
+        Warn,
+        "ill-formed attribute inputs that were previously accepted and used in practice"
+    }
 declare_lint! {
@@ -368,6 +368,12 @@
     report_in_external_macro: true
+declare_lint! {
+    Warn,
+    "ambiguous associated items"
 /// Does nothing as a lint pass, but registers some `Lint`s
 /// that are used by other parts of the compiler.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
@@ -431,7 +437,9 @@
+            parser::ILL_FORMED_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT,
diff --git a/src/librustc/lint/ b/src/librustc/lint/
index fe11349..8b45a5a 100644
--- a/src/librustc/lint/
+++ b/src/librustc/lint/
@@ -204,8 +204,6 @@
             let mut metas = if let Some(metas) = meta.meta_item_list() {
             } else {
-                let mut err = bad_attr(meta.span);
-                err.emit();
diff --git a/src/librustc/lint/ b/src/librustc/lint/
index 3caa88d..e83ba74 100644
--- a/src/librustc/lint/
+++ b/src/librustc/lint/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 use hir::intravisit;
 use hir;
 use lint::builtin::BuiltinLintDiagnostics;
-use lint::builtin::parser::QUESTION_MARK_MACRO_SEP;
 use session::{Session, DiagnosticMessageId};
 use std::{hash, ptr};
 use syntax::ast;
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
     pub fn from_parser_lint_id(lint_id: BufferedEarlyLintId) -> &'static Self {
         match lint_id {
             BufferedEarlyLintId::QuestionMarkMacroSep => QUESTION_MARK_MACRO_SEP,
+            BufferedEarlyLintId::IllFormedAttributeInput => ILL_FORMED_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT,
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/ b/src/librustc/middle/
index 0c769c9..abbf0ae 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
         // Seed entry point
-        tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow().map(|(id, _, _)| id)
+        tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE).map(|(def_id, _)| tcx.hir().as_local_node_id(def_id).unwrap())
     // Seed implemented trait items
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/ b/src/librustc/middle/
index 6b593a1..218ca3b 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 use hir::map as hir_map;
-use hir::def_id::{CRATE_DEF_INDEX};
+use hir::def_id::{CrateNum, CRATE_DEF_INDEX, DefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
 use session::{config, Session};
 use session::config::EntryFnType;
 use syntax::ast::NodeId;
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 use syntax_pos::Span;
 use hir::{Item, ItemKind, ImplItem, TraitItem};
 use hir::itemlikevisit::ItemLikeVisitor;
+use ty::TyCtxt;
+use ty::query::Providers;
 struct EntryContext<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
     session: &'a Session,
@@ -45,36 +47,34 @@
-pub fn find_entry_point(session: &Session,
-                        hir_map: &hir_map::Map<'_>,
-                        crate_name: &str) {
-    let any_exe = session.crate_types.borrow().iter().any(|ty| {
+fn entry_fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>, cnum: CrateNum) -> Option<(DefId, EntryFnType)> {
+    assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
+    let any_exe = tcx.sess.crate_types.borrow().iter().any(|ty| {
         *ty == config::CrateType::Executable
     if !any_exe {
         // No need to find a main function
-        session.entry_fn.set(None);
-        return
+        return None;
     // If the user wants no main function at all, then stop here.
-    if attr::contains_name(&hir_map.krate().attrs, "no_main") {
-        session.entry_fn.set(None);
-        return
+    if attr::contains_name(&tcx.hir().krate().attrs, "no_main") {
+        return None;
     let mut ctxt = EntryContext {
-        session,
-        map: hir_map,
+        session: tcx.sess,
+        map: tcx.hir(),
         main_fn: None,
         attr_main_fn: None,
         start_fn: None,
         non_main_fns: Vec::new(),
-    hir_map.krate().visit_all_item_likes(&mut ctxt);
+    tcx.hir().krate().visit_all_item_likes(&mut ctxt);
-    configure_main(&mut ctxt, crate_name);
+    configure_main(tcx, &ctxt)
 // Beware, this is duplicated in `libsyntax/`, so make sure to keep
@@ -135,43 +135,58 @@
                     .span_label(item.span, "multiple `start` functions")
-        },
-        EntryPointType::None => ()
+        }
+        EntryPointType::None => (),
-fn configure_main(this: &mut EntryContext<'_, '_>, crate_name: &str) {
-    if let Some((node_id, span)) = this.start_fn {
-        this.session.entry_fn.set(Some((node_id, span, EntryFnType::Start)));
-    } else if let Some((node_id, span)) = this.attr_main_fn {
-        this.session.entry_fn.set(Some((node_id, span, EntryFnType::Main)));
-    } else if let Some((node_id, span)) = this.main_fn {
-        this.session.entry_fn.set(Some((node_id, span, EntryFnType::Main)));
+fn configure_main(
+    tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>,
+    visitor: &EntryContext<'_, '_>,
+) -> Option<(DefId, EntryFnType)> {
+    if let Some((node_id, _)) = visitor.start_fn {
+        Some((tcx.hir().local_def_id(node_id), EntryFnType::Start))
+    } else if let Some((node_id, _)) = visitor.attr_main_fn {
+        Some((tcx.hir().local_def_id(node_id), EntryFnType::Main))
+    } else if let Some((node_id, _)) = visitor.main_fn {
+        Some((tcx.hir().local_def_id(node_id), EntryFnType::Main))
     } else {
         // No main function
-        this.session.entry_fn.set(None);
-        let mut err = struct_err!(this.session, E0601,
-            "`main` function not found in crate `{}`", crate_name);
-        if !this.non_main_fns.is_empty() {
+        let mut err = struct_err!(tcx.sess, E0601,
+            "`main` function not found in crate `{}`", tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE));
+        if !visitor.non_main_fns.is_empty() {
             // There were some functions named 'main' though. Try to give the user a hint.
             err.note("the main function must be defined at the crate level \
                       but you have one or more functions named 'main' that are not \
                       defined at the crate level. Either move the definition or \
                       attach the `#[main]` attribute to override this behavior.");
-            for &(_, span) in &this.non_main_fns {
+            for &(_, span) in &visitor.non_main_fns {
                 err.span_note(span, "here is a function named 'main'");
-            this.session.abort_if_errors();
+            tcx.sess.abort_if_errors();
         } else {
-            if let Some(ref filename) = this.session.local_crate_source_file {
+            if let Some(ref filename) = tcx.sess.local_crate_source_file {
                 err.note(&format!("consider adding a `main` function to `{}`", filename.display()));
-            if this.session.teach(&err.get_code().unwrap()) {
+            if tcx.sess.teach(&err.get_code().unwrap()) {
                 err.note("If you don't know the basics of Rust, you can go look to the Rust Book \
                           to get started:");
+        None
+pub fn find_entry_point(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>) -> Option<(DefId, EntryFnType)> {
+    tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE)
+pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers<'_>) {
+    *providers = Providers {
+        entry_fn,
+        ..*providers
+    };
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/ b/src/librustc/middle/
index 1716daa..a0f7954 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 use hir::def_id::DefId;
 use ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
 use ty::layout::{LayoutError, Pointer, SizeSkeleton, VariantIdx};
+use ty::query::{Providers, queries};
 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi::RustIntrinsic;
 use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx;
@@ -10,10 +11,23 @@
 use hir;
 pub fn check_crate<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) {
-    let mut visitor = ItemVisitor {
-        tcx,
+    for &module in tcx.hir().krate().modules.keys() {
+        queries::check_mod_intrinsics::ensure(tcx, tcx.hir().local_def_id(module));
+    }
+fn check_mod_intrinsics<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>, module_def_id: DefId) {
+    tcx.hir().visit_item_likes_in_module(
+        module_def_id,
+        &mut ItemVisitor { tcx }.as_deep_visitor()
+    );
+pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers<'_>) {
+    *providers = Providers {
+        check_mod_intrinsics,
+        ..*providers
-    tcx.hir().krate().visit_all_item_likes(&mut visitor.as_deep_visitor());
 struct ItemVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/ b/src/librustc/middle/
index 1346424..220bec7 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
 use hir::def::*;
 use hir::Node;
 use ty::{self, TyCtxt};
+use ty::query::{Providers, queries};
 use lint;
 use errors::Applicability;
 use util::nodemap::{NodeMap, HirIdMap, HirIdSet};
@@ -114,8 +115,9 @@
 use syntax::symbol::keywords;
 use syntax_pos::Span;
-use hir::{Expr, HirId};
 use hir;
+use hir::{Expr, HirId};
+use hir::def_id::DefId;
 use hir::intravisit::{self, Visitor, FnKind, NestedVisitorMap};
 /// For use with `propagate_through_loop`.
@@ -179,11 +181,24 @@
     fn visit_arm(&mut self, a: &'tcx hir::Arm) { visit_arm(self, a); }
+fn check_mod_liveness<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>, module_def_id: DefId) {
+    tcx.hir().visit_item_likes_in_module(module_def_id, &mut IrMaps::new(tcx).as_deep_visitor());
 pub fn check_crate<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) {
-    tcx.hir().krate().visit_all_item_likes(&mut IrMaps::new(tcx).as_deep_visitor());
+    for &module in tcx.hir().krate().modules.keys() {
+        queries::check_mod_liveness::ensure(tcx, tcx.hir().local_def_id(module));
+    }
+pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers<'_>) {
+    *providers = Providers {
+        check_mod_liveness,
+        ..*providers
+    };
 impl fmt::Debug for LiveNode {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
         write!(f, "ln({})", self.get())
@@ -911,17 +926,8 @@
     fn compute(&mut self, body: &hir::Expr) -> LiveNode {
-        // if there is a `break` or `again` at the top level, then it's
-        // effectively a return---this only occurs in `for` loops,
-        // where the body is really a closure.
         debug!("compute: using id for body, {}",;
-        let exit_ln = self.s.exit_ln;
-        self.break_ln.insert(, exit_ln);
-        self.cont_ln.insert(, exit_ln);
         // the fallthrough exit is only for those cases where we do not
         // explicitly return:
         let s = self.s;
@@ -1009,19 +1015,10 @@
                 self.propagate_through_expr(&e, succ)
-            hir::ExprKind::Closure(.., blk_id, _, _) => {
+            hir::ExprKind::Closure(..) => {
                 debug!("{} is an ExprKind::Closure",
-                // The next-node for a break is the successor of the entire
-                // loop. The next-node for a continue is the top of this loop.
-                let node = self.live_node(expr.hir_id, expr.span);
-                let break_ln = succ;
-                let cont_ln = node;
-                self.break_ln.insert(blk_id.node_id, break_ln);
-                self.cont_ln.insert(blk_id.node_id, cont_ln);
                 // the construction of a closure itself is not important,
                 // but we have to consider the closed over variables.
                 let caps =||
@@ -1392,15 +1389,16 @@
         debug!("propagate_through_loop: using id for loop body {} {}",
-        let break_ln = succ;
-        let cont_ln = ln;
-        self.break_ln.insert(, break_ln);
-        self.cont_ln.insert(, cont_ln);
+        self.break_ln.insert(, succ);
         let cond_ln = match kind {
             LoopLoop => ln,
             WhileLoop(ref cond) => self.propagate_through_expr(&cond, ln),
+        self.cont_ln.insert(, cond_ln);
         let body_ln = self.propagate_through_block(body, cond_ln);
         // repeat until fixed point is reached:
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/ b/src/librustc/middle/
index ea83432..1eabd7f 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/
@@ -11,14 +11,11 @@
 use rustc_data_structures::sync::Once;
 pub fn update_limits(sess: &Session, krate: &ast::Crate) {
-    update_limit(sess, krate, &sess.recursion_limit, "recursion_limit",
-                 "recursion limit", 64);
-    update_limit(sess, krate, &sess.type_length_limit, "type_length_limit",
-                 "type length limit", 1048576);
+    update_limit(krate, &sess.recursion_limit, "recursion_limit", 64);
+    update_limit(krate, &sess.type_length_limit, "type_length_limit", 1048576);
-fn update_limit(sess: &Session, krate: &ast::Crate, limit: &Once<usize>,
-                name: &str, description: &str, default: usize) {
+fn update_limit(krate: &ast::Crate, limit: &Once<usize>, name: &str, default: usize) {
     for attr in &krate.attrs {
         if !attr.check_name(name) {
@@ -30,10 +27,6 @@
-        span_err!(sess, attr.span, E0296,
-                  "malformed {} attribute, expected #![{}=\"N\"]",
-                  description, name);
diff --git a/src/librustc/session/ b/src/librustc/session/
index 42adc6a..cdbef56 100644
--- a/src/librustc/session/
+++ b/src/librustc/session/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 use session::{early_error, early_warn, Session};
 use session::search_paths::SearchPath;
-use rustc_target::spec::{LinkerFlavor, PanicStrategy, RelroLevel};
+use rustc_target::spec::{LinkerFlavor, MergeFunctions, PanicStrategy, RelroLevel};
 use rustc_target::spec::{Target, TargetTriple};
 use lint;
 use middle::cstore;
@@ -649,15 +649,15 @@
-// The type of entry function, so
-// users can have their own entry
-// functions
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
+// The type of entry function, so users can have their own entry functions
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
 pub enum EntryFnType {
 #[derive(Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Clone, Ord, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
 pub enum CrateType {
@@ -808,13 +808,16 @@
         pub const parse_cross_lang_lto: Option<&str> =
             Some("either a boolean (`yes`, `no`, `on`, `off`, etc), \
                   or the path to the linker plugin");
+        pub const parse_merge_functions: Option<&str> =
+            Some("one of: `disabled`, `trampolines`, or `aliases`");
     mod $mod_set {
         use super::{$struct_name, Passes, Sanitizer, LtoCli, CrossLangLto};
-        use rustc_target::spec::{LinkerFlavor, PanicStrategy, RelroLevel};
+        use rustc_target::spec::{LinkerFlavor, MergeFunctions, PanicStrategy, RelroLevel};
         use std::path::PathBuf;
+        use std::str::FromStr;
             pub fn $opt(cg: &mut $struct_name, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
@@ -1046,6 +1049,14 @@
+        fn parse_merge_functions(slot: &mut Option<MergeFunctions>, v: Option<&str>) -> bool {
+            match v.and_then(|s| MergeFunctions::from_str(s).ok()) {
+                Some(mergefunc) => *slot = Some(mergefunc),
+                _ => return false,
+            }
+            true
+        }
 ) }
@@ -1342,10 +1353,15 @@
     unpretty: Option<String> = (None, parse_unpretty, [UNTRACKED],
         "Present the input source, unstable (and less-pretty) variants;
         valid types are any of the types for `--pretty`, as well as:
+        `expanded`, `expanded,identified`,
+        `expanded,hygiene` (with internal representations),
         `flowgraph=<nodeid>` (graphviz formatted flowgraph for node),
+        `flowgraph,unlabelled=<nodeid>` (unlabelled graphviz formatted flowgraph for node),
         `everybody_loops` (all function bodies replaced with `loop {}`),
-        `hir` (the HIR), `hir,identified`, or
-        `hir,typed` (HIR with types for each node)."),
+        `hir` (the HIR), `hir,identified`,
+        `hir,typed` (HIR with types for each node),
+        `hir-tree` (dump the raw HIR),
+        `mir` (the MIR), or `mir-cfg` (graphviz formatted MIR)"),
     run_dsymutil: Option<bool> = (None, parse_opt_bool, [TRACKED],
         "run `dsymutil` and delete intermediate object files"),
     ui_testing: bool = (false, parse_bool, [UNTRACKED],
@@ -1376,6 +1392,9 @@
           "whether to use the PLT when calling into shared libraries;
           only has effect for PIC code on systems with ELF binaries
           (default: PLT is disabled if full relro is enabled)"),
+    merge_functions: Option<MergeFunctions> = (None, parse_merge_functions, [TRACKED],
+        "control the operation of the MergeFunctions LLVM pass, taking
+         the same values as the target option of the same name"),
 pub fn default_lib_output() -> CrateType {
@@ -2394,7 +2413,7 @@
     use super::{CrateType, DebugInfo, ErrorOutputType, OptLevel, OutputTypes,
                 Passes, Sanitizer, LtoCli, CrossLangLto};
     use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
-    use rustc_target::spec::{PanicStrategy, RelroLevel, TargetTriple};
+    use rustc_target::spec::{MergeFunctions, PanicStrategy, RelroLevel, TargetTriple};
     use syntax::edition::Edition;
     pub trait DepTrackingHash {
@@ -2437,12 +2456,14 @@
     impl_dep_tracking_hash_via_hash!(Option<(String, u64)>);
+    impl_dep_tracking_hash_via_hash!(Option<MergeFunctions>);
+    impl_dep_tracking_hash_via_hash!(MergeFunctions);
@@ -2528,7 +2549,7 @@
     use std::iter::FromIterator;
     use std::path::PathBuf;
     use super::{Externs, OutputType, OutputTypes};
-    use rustc_target::spec::{PanicStrategy, RelroLevel};
+    use rustc_target::spec::{MergeFunctions, PanicStrategy, RelroLevel};
     use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
     use syntax::edition::{Edition, DEFAULT_EDITION};
     use syntax;
@@ -3183,6 +3204,10 @@
         opts = reference.clone();
         opts.debugging_opts.cross_lang_lto = CrossLangLto::LinkerPluginAuto;
         assert!(reference.dep_tracking_hash() != opts.dep_tracking_hash());
+        opts = reference.clone();
+        opts.debugging_opts.merge_functions = Some(MergeFunctions::Disabled);
+        assert!(reference.dep_tracking_hash() != opts.dep_tracking_hash());
diff --git a/src/librustc/session/ b/src/librustc/session/
index 7363b8b..cf00bf3 100644
--- a/src/librustc/session/
+++ b/src/librustc/session/
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@
     /// This is `None` if the host and target are the same.
     pub target_tlib_path: Option<SearchPath>,
     pub parse_sess: ParseSess,
-    /// For a library crate, this is always none
-    pub entry_fn: Once<Option<(NodeId, Span, config::EntryFnType)>>,
     pub sysroot: PathBuf,
     /// The name of the root source file of the crate, in the local file system.
     /// `None` means that there is no source file.
@@ -1173,8 +1171,6 @@
         parse_sess: p_s,
-        // For a library crate, this is always none
-        entry_fn: Once::new(),
diff --git a/src/librustc/traits/ b/src/librustc/traits/
index 4b188d2..3ec901f 100644
--- a/src/librustc/traits/
+++ b/src/librustc/traits/
@@ -157,10 +157,7 @@
                 note: None,
         } else {
-            return Err(parse_error(tcx, attr.span,
-                                   "`#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value",
-                                   "value required here",
-                                   Some(r#"eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`"#)));
+            return Err(ErrorReported);
         debug!("of_item({:?}/{:?}) = {:?}", trait_def_id, impl_def_id, result);
diff --git a/src/librustc/traits/ b/src/librustc/traits/
index 6db6fe3..9a0610f 100644
--- a/src/librustc/traits/
+++ b/src/librustc/traits/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lock;
 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
 use std::cmp;
-use std::fmt;
+use std::fmt::{self, Display};
 use std::iter;
 use std::rc::Rc;
 use util::nodemap::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
@@ -629,7 +629,8 @@
         obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
     ) -> Result<EvaluationResult, OverflowError> {
         self.evaluation_probe(|this| {
-            this.evaluate_predicate_recursively(TraitObligationStackList::empty(), obligation)
+            this.evaluate_predicate_recursively(TraitObligationStackList::empty(),
+                obligation.clone())
@@ -655,12 +656,12 @@
         predicates: I,
     ) -> Result<EvaluationResult, OverflowError>
-        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a PredicateObligation<'tcx>>,
+        I: IntoIterator<Item = PredicateObligation<'tcx>>,
         'tcx: 'a,
         let mut result = EvaluatedToOk;
         for obligation in predicates {
-            let eval = self.evaluate_predicate_recursively(stack, obligation)?;
+            let eval = self.evaluate_predicate_recursively(stack, obligation.clone())?;
                 "evaluate_predicate_recursively({:?}) = {:?}",
                 obligation, eval
@@ -679,9 +680,19 @@
     fn evaluate_predicate_recursively<'o>(
         &mut self,
         previous_stack: TraitObligationStackList<'o, 'tcx>,
-        obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
+        obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
     ) -> Result<EvaluationResult, OverflowError> {
-        debug!("evaluate_predicate_recursively({:?})", obligation);
+        debug!("evaluate_predicate_recursively(previous_stack={:?}, obligation={:?})",
+            previous_stack.head(), obligation);
+        // Previous_stack stores a TraitObligatiom, while 'obligation' is
+        // a PredicateObligation. These are distinct types, so we can't
+        // use any Option combinator method that would force them to be
+        // the same
+        match previous_stack.head() {
+            Some(h) => self.check_recursion_limit(&obligation, h.obligation)?,
+            None => self.check_recursion_limit(&obligation, &obligation)?
+        }
         match obligation.predicate {
             ty::Predicate::Trait(ref t) => {
@@ -695,8 +706,9 @@
                 match self.infcx
                     .subtype_predicate(&obligation.cause, obligation.param_env, p)
-                    Some(Ok(InferOk { obligations, .. })) => {
-                        self.evaluate_predicates_recursively(previous_stack, &obligations)
+                    Some(Ok(InferOk { mut obligations, .. })) => {
+                        self.add_depth(obligations.iter_mut(), obligation.recursion_depth);
+                        self.evaluate_predicates_recursively(previous_stack,obligations.into_iter())
                     Some(Err(_)) => Ok(EvaluatedToErr),
                     None => Ok(EvaluatedToAmbig),
@@ -710,8 +722,9 @@
             ) {
-                Some(obligations) => {
-                    self.evaluate_predicates_recursively(previous_stack, obligations.iter())
+                Some(mut obligations) => {
+                    self.add_depth(obligations.iter_mut(), obligation.recursion_depth);
+                    self.evaluate_predicates_recursively(previous_stack, obligations.into_iter())
                 None => Ok(EvaluatedToAmbig),
@@ -733,10 +746,11 @@
             ty::Predicate::Projection(ref data) => {
                 let project_obligation = obligation.with(data.clone());
                 match project::poly_project_and_unify_type(self, &project_obligation) {
-                    Ok(Some(subobligations)) => {
+                    Ok(Some(mut subobligations)) => {
+                        self.add_depth(subobligations.iter_mut(), obligation.recursion_depth);
                         let result = self.evaluate_predicates_recursively(
-                            subobligations.iter(),
+                            subobligations.into_iter(),
                         if let Some(key) =
                             ProjectionCacheKey::from_poly_projection_predicate(self, data)
@@ -1005,7 +1019,7 @@
             match this.confirm_candidate(stack.obligation, candidate) {
                 Ok(selection) => this.evaluate_predicates_recursively(
-                    selection.nested_obligations().iter(),
+                    selection.nested_obligations().into_iter()
                 Err(..) => Ok(EvaluatedToErr),
@@ -1080,6 +1094,45 @@
             .insert(trait_ref, WithDepNode::new(dep_node, result));
+    // For various reasons, it's possible for a subobligation
+    // to have a *lower* recursion_depth than the obligation used to create it.
+    // Projection sub-obligations may be returned from the projection cache,
+    // which results in obligations with an 'old' recursion_depth.
+    // Additionally, methods like ty::wf::obligations and
+    // InferCtxt.subtype_predicate produce subobligations without
+    // taking in a 'parent' depth, causing the generated subobligations
+    // to have a recursion_depth of 0
+    //
+    // To ensure that obligation_depth never decreasees, we force all subobligations
+    // to have at least the depth of the original obligation.
+    fn add_depth<T: 'cx, I: Iterator<Item = &'cx mut Obligation<'tcx, T>>>(&self, it: I,
+                                                                           min_depth: usize) {
+        it.for_each(|o| o.recursion_depth = cmp::max(min_depth, o.recursion_depth) + 1);
+    }
+    // Check that the recursion limit has not been exceeded.
+    //
+    // The weird return type of this function allows it to be used with the 'try' (?)
+    // operator within certain functions
+    fn check_recursion_limit<T: Display + TypeFoldable<'tcx>, V: Display + TypeFoldable<'tcx>>(
+        &self,
+        obligation: &Obligation<'tcx, T>,
+        error_obligation: &Obligation<'tcx, V>
+    ) -> Result<(), OverflowError>  {
+        let recursion_limit = *self.infcx.tcx.sess.recursion_limit.get();
+        if obligation.recursion_depth >= recursion_limit {
+            match self.query_mode {
+                TraitQueryMode::Standard => {
+                    self.infcx().report_overflow_error(error_obligation, true);
+                }
+                TraitQueryMode::Canonical => {
+                    return Err(OverflowError);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
@@ -1096,17 +1149,8 @@
     ) -> SelectionResult<'tcx, SelectionCandidate<'tcx>> {
         // Watch out for overflow. This intentionally bypasses (and does
         // not update) the cache.
-        let recursion_limit = *self.infcx.tcx.sess.recursion_limit.get();
-        if stack.obligation.recursion_depth >= recursion_limit {
-            match self.query_mode {
-                TraitQueryMode::Standard => {
-                    self.infcx().report_overflow_error(&stack.obligation, true);
-                }
-                TraitQueryMode::Canonical => {
-                    return Err(Overflow);
-                }
-            }
-        }
+        self.check_recursion_limit(&stack.obligation, &stack.obligation)?;
         // Check the cache. Note that we freshen the trait-ref
         // separately rather than using `stack.fresh_trait_ref` --
@@ -1767,7 +1811,7 @@
         self.evaluation_probe(|this| {
             match this.match_where_clause_trait_ref(stack.obligation, where_clause_trait_ref) {
                 Ok(obligations) => {
-                    this.evaluate_predicates_recursively(stack.list(), obligations.iter())
+                    this.evaluate_predicates_recursively(stack.list(), obligations.into_iter())
                 Err(()) => Ok(EvaluatedToErr),
@@ -2154,7 +2198,7 @@
         let def_id = obligation.predicate.def_id();
-        if ty::is_trait_alias(self.tcx(), def_id) {
+        if self.tcx().is_trait_alias(def_id) {
@@ -3802,6 +3846,10 @@
     fn with(r: &'o TraitObligationStack<'o, 'tcx>) -> TraitObligationStackList<'o, 'tcx> {
         TraitObligationStackList { head: Some(r) }
+    fn head(&self) -> Option<&'o TraitObligationStack<'o, 'tcx>> {
+        self.head
+    }
 impl<'o, 'tcx> Iterator for TraitObligationStackList<'o, 'tcx> {
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/ b/src/librustc/ty/
index d69219e..e37eab6 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/
@@ -983,6 +983,9 @@
     maybe_unused_trait_imports: FxHashSet<DefId>,
     maybe_unused_extern_crates: Vec<(DefId, Span)>,
+    /// A map of glob use to a set of names it actually imports. Currently only
+    /// used in save-analysis.
+    glob_map: FxHashMap<DefId, FxHashSet<ast::Name>>,
     /// Extern prelude entries. The value is `true` if the entry was introduced
     /// via `extern crate` item and not `--extern` option or compiler built-in.
     pub extern_prelude: FxHashMap<ast::Name, bool>,
@@ -1232,6 +1235,9 @@
                     .map(|(id, sp)| (hir.local_def_id(id), sp))
+            glob_map: resolutions.glob_map.into_iter().map(|(id, names)| {
+                (hir.local_def_id(id), names)
+            }).collect(),
             extern_prelude: resolutions.extern_prelude,
             hir_map: hir,
@@ -2972,6 +2978,10 @@
         assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
+    providers.names_imported_by_glob_use = |tcx, id| {
+        assert_eq!(id.krate, LOCAL_CRATE);
+        Lrc::new(tcx.glob_map.get(&id).cloned().unwrap_or_default())
+    };
     providers.stability_index = |tcx, cnum| {
         assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/ b/src/librustc/ty/
index 417e140..9328de4 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/
@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@
             data @ DefPathData::Misc |
             data @ DefPathData::TypeNs(..) |
             data @ DefPathData::Trait(..) |
+            data @ DefPathData::TraitAlias(..) |
             data @ DefPathData::AssocTypeInTrait(..) |
             data @ DefPathData::AssocTypeInImpl(..) |
             data @ DefPathData::AssocExistentialInImpl(..) |
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/ b/src/librustc/ty/
index cfd9994..dd315cf 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 pub use self::IntVarValue::*;
 pub use self::fold::TypeFoldable;
-use hir::{map as hir_map, FreevarMap, TraitMap};
+use hir::{map as hir_map, FreevarMap, GlobMap, TraitMap};
 use hir::Node;
 use hir::def::{Def, CtorKind, ExportMap};
 use hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, LocalDefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX, LOCAL_CRATE};
@@ -115,16 +115,6 @@
 // Data types
-/// The complete set of all analyses described in this module. This is
-/// produced by the driver and fed to codegen and later passes.
-/// N.B., these contents are being migrated into queries using the
-/// *on-demand* infrastructure.
-pub struct CrateAnalysis {
-    pub glob_map: Option<hir::GlobMap>,
 pub struct Resolutions {
     pub freevars: FreevarMap,
@@ -132,6 +122,7 @@
     pub maybe_unused_trait_imports: NodeSet,
     pub maybe_unused_extern_crates: Vec<(NodeId, Span)>,
     pub export_map: ExportMap,
+    pub glob_map: GlobMap,
     /// Extern prelude entries. The value is `true` if the entry was introduced
     /// via `extern crate` item and not `--extern` option or compiler built-in.
     pub extern_prelude: FxHashMap<Name, bool>,
@@ -3179,18 +3170,6 @@
-/// Returns `true` if `def_id` is a trait alias.
-pub fn is_trait_alias(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
-    if let Some(node_id) = tcx.hir().as_local_node_id(def_id) {
-        if let Node::Item(item) = tcx.hir().get(node_id) {
-            if let hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) = item.node {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    false
 /// See `ParamEnv` struct definition for details.
 fn param_env<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
                        def_id: DefId)
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/query/ b/src/librustc/ty/query/
index ca5d1f6..ae41ca0 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/query/
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/query/
@@ -109,6 +109,33 @@
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::check_mod_privacy<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(
+        tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>,
+        key: DefId,
+    ) -> Cow<'static, str> {
+        format!("checking privacy in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx)).into()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::check_mod_intrinsics<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(
+        tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>,
+        key: DefId,
+    ) -> Cow<'static, str> {
+        format!("checking intrinsics in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx)).into()
+    }
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::check_mod_liveness<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(
+        tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>,
+        key: DefId,
+    ) -> Cow<'static, str> {
+        format!("checking liveness of variables in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx)).into()
+    }
 impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::collect_mod_item_types<'tcx> {
     fn describe(
         tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>,
@@ -629,6 +656,12 @@
+impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::entry_fn<'tcx> {
+    fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>, _: CrateNum) -> Cow<'static, str> {
+        "looking up the entry function of a crate".into()
+    }
 impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::plugin_registrar_fn<'tcx> {
     fn describe(_tcx: TyCtxt<'_, '_, '_>, _: CrateNum) -> Cow<'static, str> {
         "looking up the plugin registrar for a crate".into()
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/query/ b/src/librustc/ty/query/
index 39d76ce..10f3571 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/query/
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/query/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 use mir;
 use mir::interpret::GlobalId;
 use session::{CompileResult, CrateDisambiguator};
-use session::config::OutputFilenames;
+use session::config::{EntryFnType, OutputFilenames};
 use traits::{self, Vtable};
 use traits::query::{
     CanonicalPredicateGoal, CanonicalProjectionGoal,
@@ -264,6 +264,12 @@
         [] fn check_mod_item_types: CheckModItemTypes(DefId) -> (),
+        [] fn check_mod_privacy: CheckModPrivacy(DefId) -> (),
+        [] fn check_mod_intrinsics: CheckModIntrinsics(DefId) -> (),
+        [] fn check_mod_liveness: CheckModLiveness(DefId) -> (),
         [] fn collect_mod_item_types: CollectModItemTypes(DefId) -> (),
         /// Caches CoerceUnsized kinds for impls on custom types.
@@ -476,6 +482,9 @@
         [] fn foreign_modules: ForeignModules(CrateNum) -> Lrc<Vec<ForeignModule>>,
+        /// Identifies the entry-point (e.g. the `main` function) for a given
+        /// crate, returning `None` if there is no entry point (such as for library crates).
+        [] fn entry_fn: EntryFn(CrateNum) -> Option<(DefId, EntryFnType)>,
         [] fn plugin_registrar_fn: PluginRegistrarFn(CrateNum) -> Option<DefId>,
         [] fn proc_macro_decls_static: ProcMacroDeclsStatic(CrateNum) -> Option<DefId>,
         [] fn crate_disambiguator: CrateDisambiguator(CrateNum) -> CrateDisambiguator,
@@ -541,6 +550,8 @@
         [] fn maybe_unused_trait_import: MaybeUnusedTraitImport(DefId) -> bool,
         [] fn maybe_unused_extern_crates: maybe_unused_extern_crates_node(CrateNum)
             -> Lrc<Vec<(DefId, Span)>>,
+        [] fn names_imported_by_glob_use: NamesImportedByGlobUse(DefId)
+            -> Lrc<FxHashSet<ast::Name>>,
         [] fn stability_index: stability_index_node(CrateNum) -> Lrc<stability::Index<'tcx>>,
         [] fn all_crate_nums: all_crate_nums_node(CrateNum) -> Lrc<Vec<CrateNum>>,
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/query/ b/src/librustc/ty/query/
index 562cd75..1cc9bbd 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/query/
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/query/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //! that generate the actual methods on tcx which find and execute the
 //! provider, manage the caches, and so forth.
-use dep_graph::{DepNodeIndex, DepNode, DepKind, DepNodeColor};
+use dep_graph::{DepNodeIndex, DepNode, DepKind, SerializedDepNodeIndex};
 use errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
 use errors::Level;
 use errors::Diagnostic;
@@ -335,40 +335,6 @@
         eprintln!("end of query stack");
-    /// Try to read a node index for the node dep_node.
-    /// A node will have an index, when it's already been marked green, or when we can mark it
-    /// green. This function will mark the current task as a reader of the specified node, when
-    /// a node index can be found for that node.
-    pub(super) fn try_mark_green_and_read(self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option<DepNodeIndex> {
-        match self.dep_graph.node_color(dep_node) {
-            Some(DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index)) => {
-                self.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
-                Some(dep_node_index)
-            }
-            Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => {
-                None
-            }
-            None => {
-                // try_mark_green (called below) will panic when full incremental
-                // compilation is disabled. If that's the case, we can't try to mark nodes
-                // as green anyway, so we can safely return None here.
-                if !self.dep_graph.is_fully_enabled() {
-                    return None;
-                }
-                match self.dep_graph.try_mark_green(self.global_tcx(), &dep_node) {
-                    Some(dep_node_index) => {
-                        debug_assert!(self.dep_graph.is_green(&dep_node));
-                        self.dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
-                        Some(dep_node_index)
-                    }
-                    None => {
-                        None
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
     fn try_get_with<Q: QueryDescription<'gcx>>(
@@ -435,10 +401,13 @@
         if !dep_node.kind.is_input() {
-            if let Some(dep_node_index) = self.try_mark_green_and_read(&dep_node) {
+            if let Some((prev_dep_node_index,
+                         dep_node_index)) = self.dep_graph.try_mark_green_and_read(self,
+                                                                                   &dep_node) {
                 return Ok(self.load_from_disk_and_cache_in_memory::<Q>(
+                    prev_dep_node_index,
@@ -454,6 +423,7 @@
         key: Q::Key,
         job: JobOwner<'a, 'gcx, Q>,
+        prev_dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
         dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex,
         dep_node: &DepNode
     ) -> Q::Value
@@ -466,10 +436,7 @@
         // First we try to load the result from the on-disk cache
         let result = if Q::cache_on_disk(key.clone()) &&
                         self.sess.opts.debugging_opts.incremental_queries {
-            let prev_dep_node_index =
-                self.dep_graph.prev_dep_node_index_of(dep_node);
-            let result = Q::try_load_from_disk(self.global_tcx(),
-                                               prev_dep_node_index);
+            let result = Q::try_load_from_disk(self.global_tcx(), prev_dep_node_index);
             // We always expect to find a cached result for things that
             // can be forced from DepNode.
@@ -624,7 +591,7 @@
         // Ensuring an "input" or anonymous query makes no sense
-        if self.try_mark_green_and_read(&dep_node).is_none() {
+        if self.dep_graph.try_mark_green_and_read(self, &dep_node).is_none() {
             // A None return from `try_mark_green_and_read` means that this is either
             // a new dep node or that the dep node has already been marked red.
             // Either way, we can't call `` as we don't have the
@@ -1281,6 +1248,9 @@
         DepKind::CheckModLoops => { force!(check_mod_loops, def_id!()); }
         DepKind::CheckModUnstableApiUsage => { force!(check_mod_unstable_api_usage, def_id!()); }
         DepKind::CheckModItemTypes => { force!(check_mod_item_types, def_id!()); }
+        DepKind::CheckModPrivacy => { force!(check_mod_privacy, def_id!()); }
+        DepKind::CheckModIntrinsics => { force!(check_mod_intrinsics, def_id!()); }
+        DepKind::CheckModLiveness => { force!(check_mod_liveness, def_id!()); }
         DepKind::CollectModItemTypes => { force!(collect_mod_item_types, def_id!()); }
         DepKind::Reachability => { force!(reachable_set, LOCAL_CRATE); }
         DepKind::MirKeys => { force!(mir_keys, LOCAL_CRATE); }
@@ -1362,6 +1332,7 @@
         DepKind::CheckImplItemWellFormed => { force!(check_impl_item_well_formed, def_id!()); }
         DepKind::ReachableNonGenerics => { force!(reachable_non_generics, krate!()); }
         DepKind::NativeLibraries => { force!(native_libraries, krate!()); }
+        DepKind::EntryFn => { force!(entry_fn, krate!()); }
         DepKind::PluginRegistrarFn => { force!(plugin_registrar_fn, krate!()); }
         DepKind::ProcMacroDeclsStatic => { force!(proc_macro_decls_static, krate!()); }
         DepKind::CrateDisambiguator => { force!(crate_disambiguator, krate!()); }
@@ -1413,6 +1384,7 @@
         DepKind::MaybeUnusedTraitImport => {
             force!(maybe_unused_trait_import, def_id!());
+        DepKind::NamesImportedByGlobUse => { force!(names_imported_by_glob_use, def_id!()); }
         DepKind::MaybeUnusedExternCrates => { force!(maybe_unused_extern_crates, LOCAL_CRATE); }
         DepKind::StabilityIndex => { force!(stability_index, LOCAL_CRATE); }
         DepKind::AllTraits => { force!(all_traits, LOCAL_CRATE); }
diff --git a/src/librustc/ty/ b/src/librustc/ty/
index e989ef8..75fc0f7 100644
--- a/src/librustc/ty/
+++ b/src/librustc/ty/
@@ -526,6 +526,15 @@
+    /// True if `def_id` refers to a trait alias (i.e., `trait Foo = ...;`).
+    pub fn is_trait_alias(self, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
+        if let DefPathData::TraitAlias(_) = self.def_key(def_id) {
+            true
+        } else {
+            false
+        }
+    }
     /// True if this def-id refers to the implicit constructor for
     /// a tuple struct like `struct Foo(u32)`.
     pub fn is_struct_constructor(self, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
diff --git a/src/librustc/util/ b/src/librustc/util/
index 04e5718..51e9192 100644
--- a/src/librustc/util/
+++ b/src/librustc/util/
@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@
                     DefPathData::AssocTypeInImpl(_) |
                     DefPathData::AssocExistentialInImpl(_) |
                     DefPathData::Trait(_) |
+                    DefPathData::TraitAlias(_) |
                     DefPathData::Impl |
                     DefPathData::TypeNs(_) => {
diff --git a/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/ b/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/
index 66303ab..72963cb 100644
--- a/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/
+++ b/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
 use errors::{Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder, DiagnosticId};
 use rustc::hir;
-use rustc::hir::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
 use dataflow::{DataFlowContext, BitwiseOperator, DataFlowOperator, KillFrom};
@@ -157,12 +156,6 @@
     where F: FnOnce(&mut BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx>) -> &'c cfg::CFG
     // Check the body of fn items.
-    let tcx = this.tcx;
-    let id_range = {
-        let mut visitor = intravisit::IdRangeComputingVisitor::new(&tcx.hir());
-        visitor.visit_body(this.body);
-        visitor.result()
-    };
     let (all_loans, move_data) =
         gather_loans::gather_loans_in_fn(this, body_id);
@@ -184,7 +177,6 @@
-                             id_range,
     for (loan_idx, loan) in all_loans.iter().enumerate() {
         loan_dfcx.add_gen(loan.gen_scope.item_local_id(), loan_idx);
@@ -198,7 +190,6 @@
     let flowed_moves = move_data::FlowedMoveData::new(move_data,
-                                                      id_range,
     Some(AnalysisData { all_loans,
diff --git a/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/ b/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/
index c5bee87..56c9f92 100644
--- a/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/
+++ b/src/librustc_borrowck/borrowck/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 use std::usize;
 use syntax_pos::Span;
 use rustc::hir;
-use rustc::hir::intravisit::IdRange;
 pub struct MoveData<'tcx> {
@@ -559,7 +558,6 @@
     pub fn new(move_data: MoveData<'tcx>,
                bccx: &BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
                cfg: &cfg::CFG,
-               id_range: IdRange,
                body: &hir::Body)
                -> FlowedMoveData<'a, 'tcx> {
         let tcx = bccx.tcx;
@@ -570,7 +568,6 @@
-                                 id_range,
         let mut dfcx_assign =
@@ -578,7 +575,6 @@
-                                 id_range,
diff --git a/src/librustc_borrowck/ b/src/librustc_borrowck/
index 56e25bd..8cf6205 100644
--- a/src/librustc_borrowck/
+++ b/src/librustc_borrowck/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 use rustc::util::nodemap::FxHashMap;
 use rustc::hir;
-use rustc::hir::intravisit::{self, IdRange};
+use rustc::hir::intravisit;
 use rustc::hir::print as pprust;
@@ -230,16 +230,15 @@
                body: Option<&hir::Body>,
                cfg: &cfg::CFG,
                oper: O,
-               id_range: IdRange,
                bits_per_id: usize) -> DataFlowContext<'a, 'tcx, O> {
         let usize_bits = mem::size_of::<usize>() * 8;
         let words_per_id = (bits_per_id + usize_bits - 1) / usize_bits;
         let num_nodes = cfg.graph.all_nodes().len();
-        debug!("DataFlowContext::new(analysis_name: {}, id_range={:?}, \
+        debug!("DataFlowContext::new(analysis_name: {}, \
                                      bits_per_id={}, words_per_id={}) \
                                      num_nodes: {}",
-               analysis_name, id_range, bits_per_id, words_per_id,
+               analysis_name, bits_per_id, words_per_id,
         let entry = if oper.initial_value() { usize::MAX } else {0};
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/debuginfo/ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/debuginfo/
index 2eab626..b504aa5 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/debuginfo/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/debuginfo/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 use llvm::debuginfo::{DIFile, DIType, DIScope, DIBuilder, DISubprogram, DIArray, DIFlags,
 use rustc::hir::CodegenFnAttrFlags;
-use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, CrateNum};
+use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, CrateNum, LOCAL_CRATE};
 use rustc::ty::subst::{Substs, UnpackedKind};
 use abi::Abi;
@@ -290,9 +290,8 @@
         let mut flags = DIFlags::FlagPrototyped;
-        let local_id = self.tcx().hir().as_local_node_id(def_id);
-        if let Some((id, _, _)) = *self.sess().entry_fn.borrow() {
-            if local_id == Some(id) {
+        if let Some((id, _)) = self.tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE) {
+            if id == def_id {
                 flags |= DIFlags::FlagMainSubprogram;
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
index f5680b2..eeb6a64 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 use attributes;
-use intrinsics::{self, Intrinsic};
 use llvm;
 use llvm_util;
 use abi::{Abi, FnType, LlvmType, PassMode};
@@ -658,142 +657,7 @@
-            _ => {
-                let intr = match Intrinsic::find(&name) {
-                    Some(intr) => intr,
-                    None => bug!("unknown intrinsic '{}'", name),
-                };
-                fn one<T>(x: Vec<T>) -> T {
-                    assert_eq!(x.len(), 1);
-                    x.into_iter().next().unwrap()
-                }
-                fn ty_to_type<'ll>(
-                    cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, '_>,
-                     t: &intrinsics::Type
-                 ) -> Vec<&'ll Type> {
-                    use intrinsics::Type::*;
-                    match *t {
-                        Void => vec![cx.type_void()],
-                        Integer(_signed, _width, llvm_width) => {
-                            vec![cx.type_ix( llvm_width as u64)]
-                        }
-                        Float(x) => {
-                            match x {
-                                32 => vec![cx.type_f32()],
-                                64 => vec![cx.type_f64()],
-                                _ => bug!()
-                            }
-                        }
-                        Pointer(ref t, ref llvm_elem, _const) => {
-                            let t = llvm_elem.as_ref().unwrap_or(t);
-                            let elem = one(ty_to_type(cx, t));
-                            vec![cx.type_ptr_to(elem)]
-                        }
-                        Vector(ref t, ref llvm_elem, length) => {
-                            let t = llvm_elem.as_ref().unwrap_or(t);
-                            let elem = one(ty_to_type(cx, t));
-                            vec![cx.type_vector(elem, length as u64)]
-                        }
-                        Aggregate(false, ref contents) => {
-                            let elems = contents.iter()
-                                                .map(|t| one(ty_to_type(cx, t)))
-                                                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
-                            vec![cx.type_struct( &elems, false)]
-                        }
-                        Aggregate(true, ref contents) => {
-                            contents.iter()
-                                    .flat_map(|t| ty_to_type(cx, t))
-                                    .collect()
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // This allows an argument list like `foo, (bar, baz),
-                // qux` to be converted into `foo, bar, baz, qux`, integer
-                // arguments to be truncated as needed and pointers to be
-                // cast.
-                fn modify_as_needed<'ll, 'tcx>(
-                    bx: &mut Builder<'_, 'll, 'tcx>,
-                    t: &intrinsics::Type,
-                    arg: &OperandRef<'tcx, &'ll Value>,
-                ) -> Vec<&'ll Value> {
-                    match *t {
-                        intrinsics::Type::Aggregate(true, ref contents) => {
-                            // We found a tuple that needs squishing! So
-                            // run over the tuple and load each field.
-                            //
-                            // This assumes the type is "simple", i.e., no
-                            // destructors, and the contents are SIMD
-                            // etc.
-                            assert!(!bx.type_needs_drop(arg.layout.ty));
-                            let (ptr, align) = match arg.val {
-                                OperandValue::Ref(ptr, None, align) => (ptr, align),
-                                _ => bug!()
-                            };
-                            let arg = PlaceRef::new_sized(ptr, arg.layout, align);
-                            (0..contents.len()).map(|i| {
-                                let field = arg.project_field(bx, i);
-                                bx.load_operand(field).immediate()
-                            }).collect()
-                        }
-                        intrinsics::Type::Pointer(_, Some(ref llvm_elem), _) => {
-                            let llvm_elem = one(ty_to_type(bx, llvm_elem));
-                            vec![bx.pointercast(arg.immediate(), bx.type_ptr_to(llvm_elem))]
-                        }
-                        intrinsics::Type::Vector(_, Some(ref llvm_elem), length) => {
-                            let llvm_elem = one(ty_to_type(bx, llvm_elem));
-                            vec![
-                                bx.bitcast(arg.immediate(),
-                                bx.type_vector(llvm_elem, length as u64))
-                            ]
-                        }
-                        intrinsics::Type::Integer(_, width, llvm_width) if width != llvm_width => {
-                            // the LLVM intrinsic uses a smaller integer
-                            // size than the C intrinsic's signature, so
-                            // we have to trim it down here.
-                            vec![bx.trunc(arg.immediate(), bx.type_ix(llvm_width as u64))]
-                        }
-                        _ => vec![arg.immediate()],
-                    }
-                }
-                let inputs = intr.inputs.iter()
-                                        .flat_map(|t| ty_to_type(self, t))
-                                        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
-                let outputs = one(ty_to_type(self, &intr.output));
-                let llargs: Vec<_> = intr.inputs.iter().zip(args).flat_map(|(t, arg)| {
-                    modify_as_needed(self, t, arg)
-                }).collect();
-                assert_eq!(inputs.len(), llargs.len());
-                let val = match intr.definition {
-                    intrinsics::IntrinsicDef::Named(name) => {
-                        let f = self.declare_cfn(
-                            name,
-                            self.type_func(&inputs, outputs),
-                        );
-              , &llargs, None)
-                    }
-                };
-                match *intr.output {
-                    intrinsics::Type::Aggregate(flatten, ref elems) => {
-                        // the output is a tuple so we need to munge it properly
-                        assert!(!flatten);
-                        for i in 0..elems.len() {
-                            let dest = result.project_field(self, i);
-                            let val = self.extract_value(val, i as u64);
-                  , dest.llval, dest.align);
-                        }
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    _ => val,
-                }
-            }
+            _ => bug!("unknown intrinsic '{}'", name),
         if !fn_ty.ret.is_ignore() {
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
index 3205348..272f34b 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
 extern crate rustc_demangle;
 extern crate rustc_incremental;
 extern crate rustc_llvm;
-extern crate rustc_platform_intrinsics as intrinsics;
 extern crate rustc_codegen_utils;
 extern crate rustc_codegen_ssa;
 extern crate rustc_fs_util;
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
index ad9ebbc..dc70ebc 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_llvm/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 use llvm;
 use rustc::session::Session;
 use rustc::session::config::PrintRequest;
+use rustc_target::spec::MergeFunctions;
 use libc::c_int;
 use std::ffi::CString;
 use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
@@ -61,7 +62,14 @@
         if llvm::LLVMRustIsRustLLVM() {
-            add("-mergefunc-use-aliases");
+            match sess.opts.debugging_opts.merge_functions
+                  .unwrap_or( {
+                MergeFunctions::Disabled |
+                MergeFunctions::Trampolines => {}
+                MergeFunctions::Aliases => {
+                    add("-mergefunc-use-aliases");
+                }
+            }
         // HACK(eddyb) LLVM inserts `llvm.assume` calls to preserve align attributes
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/ b/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/
index bf69089..c372892 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
-    if tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow().is_some() {
+    if tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE).is_some() {
         let exported_symbol = ExportedSymbol::NoDefId(SymbolName::new("main"));
         symbols.push((exported_symbol, SymbolExportLevel::C));
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/ b/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/
index fb3e7ea..39bdc70 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/back/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 use rustc_data_structures::svh::Svh;
 use rustc_errors::{Handler, Level, DiagnosticBuilder, FatalError, DiagnosticId};
 use rustc_errors::emitter::{Emitter};
+use rustc_target::spec::MergeFunctions;
 use syntax::attr;
 use syntax::ext::hygiene::Mark;
 use syntax_pos::MultiSpan;
@@ -152,8 +153,24 @@
                             sess.opts.optimize == config::OptLevel::Aggressive &&
-        self.merge_functions = sess.opts.optimize == config::OptLevel::Default ||
-                               sess.opts.optimize == config::OptLevel::Aggressive;
+        // Some targets (namely, NVPTX) interact badly with the MergeFunctions
+        // pass. This is because MergeFunctions can generate new function calls
+        // which may interfere with the target calling convention; e.g. for the
+        // NVPTX target, PTX kernels should not call other PTX kernels.
+        // MergeFunctions can also be configured to generate aliases instead,
+        // but aliases are not supported by some backends (again, NVPTX).
+        // Therefore, allow targets to opt out of the MergeFunctions pass,
+        // but otherwise keep the pass enabled (at O2 and O3) since it can be
+        // useful for reducing code size.
+        self.merge_functions = match sess.opts.debugging_opts.merge_functions
+                                     .unwrap_or( {
+            MergeFunctions::Disabled => false,
+            MergeFunctions::Trampolines |
+            MergeFunctions::Aliases => {
+                sess.opts.optimize == config::OptLevel::Default ||
+                sess.opts.optimize == config::OptLevel::Aggressive
+            }
+        };
     pub fn bitcode_needed(&self) -> bool {
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/ b/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/
index b88ec07..38caacb 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_ssa/
@@ -441,10 +441,8 @@
 pub fn maybe_create_entry_wrapper<'a, 'tcx: 'a, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>>(
     cx: &'a Bx::CodegenCx
 ) {
-    let (main_def_id, span) = match *cx.sess().entry_fn.borrow() {
-        Some((id, span, _)) => {
-            (cx.tcx().hir().local_def_id(id), span)
-        }
+    let (main_def_id, span) = match cx.tcx().entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE) {
+        Some((def_id, _)) => { (def_id, cx.tcx().def_span(def_id)) },
         None => return,
@@ -458,7 +456,7 @@
     let main_llfn = cx.get_fn(instance);
-    let et = cx.sess().entry_fn.get().map(|e| e.2);
+    let et = cx.tcx().entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE).map(|e| e.1);
     match et {
         Some(EntryFnType::Main) => create_entry_fn::<Bx>(cx, span, main_llfn, main_def_id, true),
         Some(EntryFnType::Start) => create_entry_fn::<Bx>(cx, span, main_llfn, main_def_id, false),
diff --git a/src/librustc_codegen_utils/ b/src/librustc_codegen_utils/
index b59bca0..5f61852 100644
--- a/src/librustc_codegen_utils/
+++ b/src/librustc_codegen_utils/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #[macro_use] extern crate rustc_data_structures;
 use rustc::ty::TyCtxt;
+use rustc::hir::def_id::LOCAL_CRATE;
 pub mod link;
 pub mod codegen_backend;
@@ -42,11 +43,9 @@
 /// that actually test that compilation succeeds without
 /// reporting an error.
 pub fn check_for_rustc_errors_attr(tcx: TyCtxt) {
-    if let Some((id, span, _)) = *tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow() {
-        let main_def_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id(id);
-        if tcx.has_attr(main_def_id, "rustc_error") {
-            tcx.sess.span_fatal(span, "compilation successful");
+    if let Some((def_id, _)) = tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE) {
+        if tcx.has_attr(def_id, "rustc_error") {
+            tcx.sess.span_fatal(tcx.def_span(def_id), "compilation successful");
diff --git a/src/librustc_data_structures/ b/src/librustc_data_structures/
index f9f94f0..0253eef 100644
--- a/src/librustc_data_structures/
+++ b/src/librustc_data_structures/
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
         pub struct Atomic<T: Copy>(Cell<T>);
         impl<T: Copy> Atomic<T> {
+            #[inline]
             pub fn new(v: T) -> Self {
@@ -80,10 +81,12 @@
+            #[inline]
             pub fn load(&self, _: Ordering) -> T {
+            #[inline]
             pub fn store(&self, val: T, _: Ordering) {
@@ -118,6 +121,7 @@
         pub type AtomicUsize = Atomic<usize>;
         pub type AtomicBool = Atomic<bool>;
+        pub type AtomicU32 = Atomic<u32>;
         pub type AtomicU64 = Atomic<u64>;
         pub use self::serial_join as join;
@@ -223,7 +227,7 @@
         pub use parking_lot::MutexGuard as LockGuard;
         pub use parking_lot::MappedMutexGuard as MappedLockGuard;
-        pub use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, AtomicU64};
+        pub use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, AtomicU32, AtomicU64};
         pub use std::sync::Arc as Lrc;
         pub use std::sync::Weak as Weak;
diff --git a/src/librustc_driver/ b/src/librustc_driver/
index 3b7de37..d23d8b8 100644
--- a/src/librustc_driver/
+++ b/src/librustc_driver/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 use rustc_plugin as plugin;
 use rustc_plugin::registry::Registry;
 use rustc_privacy;
-use rustc_resolve::{MakeGlobMap, Resolver, ResolverArenas};
+use rustc_resolve::{Resolver, ResolverArenas};
 use rustc_traits;
 use rustc_typeck as typeck;
 use syntax::{self, ast, attr, diagnostics, visit};
@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@
         let ExpansionResult {
-            analysis,
             mut hir_forest,
         } = {
@@ -179,7 +178,6 @@
-                control.make_glob_map,
                 |expanded_crate| {
                     let mut state = CompileState::state_after_expand(
@@ -252,7 +250,6 @@
-                    &analysis,
@@ -278,12 +275,11 @@
-            analysis,
             &mut arenas,
-            |tcx, analysis, rx, result| {
+            |tcx, rx, result| {
                     // Eventually, we will want to track plugins.
                     tcx.dep_graph.with_ignore(|| {
@@ -294,7 +290,6 @@
-                            &analysis,
@@ -394,7 +389,6 @@
     // FIXME we probably want to group the below options together and offer a
     // better API, rather than this ad-hoc approach.
-    pub make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap,
     // Whether the compiler should keep the ast beyond parsing.
     pub keep_ast: bool,
     // -Zcontinue-parse-after-error
@@ -417,7 +411,6 @@
             after_hir_lowering: PhaseController::basic(),
             after_analysis: PhaseController::basic(),
             compilation_done: PhaseController::basic(),
-            make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap::No,
             keep_ast: false,
             continue_parse_after_error: false,
             provide: box |_| {},
@@ -530,7 +523,6 @@
     pub hir_crate: Option<&'a hir::Crate>,
     pub hir_map: Option<&'a hir_map::Map<'tcx>>,
     pub resolutions: Option<&'a Resolutions>,
-    pub analysis: Option<&'a ty::CrateAnalysis>,
     pub tcx: Option<TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>>,
@@ -550,7 +542,6 @@
             hir_crate: None,
             hir_map: None,
             resolutions: None,
-            analysis: None,
             tcx: None,
@@ -598,7 +589,6 @@
         out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
         cstore: &'tcx CStore,
         hir_map: &'a hir_map::Map<'tcx>,
-        analysis: &'a ty::CrateAnalysis,
         resolutions: &'a Resolutions,
         krate: &'a ast::Crate,
         hir_crate: &'a hir::Crate,
@@ -609,7 +599,6 @@
             crate_name: Some(crate_name),
             cstore: Some(cstore),
             hir_map: Some(hir_map),
-            analysis: Some(analysis),
             resolutions: Some(resolutions),
             expanded_crate: Some(krate),
             hir_crate: Some(hir_crate),
@@ -626,12 +615,10 @@
         out_file: &'a Option<PathBuf>,
         krate: Option<&'a ast::Crate>,
         hir_crate: &'a hir::Crate,
-        analysis: &'a ty::CrateAnalysis,
         tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
         crate_name: &'a str,
     ) -> Self {
         CompileState {
-            analysis: Some(analysis),
             tcx: Some(tcx),
             expanded_crate: krate,
             hir_crate: Some(hir_crate),
@@ -714,7 +701,6 @@
 pub struct ExpansionResult {
     pub expanded_crate: ast::Crate,
     pub defs: hir_map::Definitions,
-    pub analysis: ty::CrateAnalysis,
     pub resolutions: Resolutions,
     pub hir_forest: hir_map::Forest,
@@ -739,7 +725,6 @@
     registry: Option<Registry>,
     crate_name: &str,
     addl_plugins: Option<Vec<String>>,
-    make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap,
     after_expand: F,
 ) -> Result<ExpansionResult, CompileIncomplete>
@@ -759,7 +744,6 @@
-        make_glob_map,
         &mut crate_loader,
@@ -777,20 +761,13 @@
                 freevars: resolver.freevars,
                 export_map: resolver.export_map,
                 trait_map: resolver.trait_map,
+                glob_map: resolver.glob_map,
                 maybe_unused_trait_imports: resolver.maybe_unused_trait_imports,
                 maybe_unused_extern_crates: resolver.maybe_unused_extern_crates,
                 extern_prelude: resolver.extern_prelude.iter().map(|(ident, entry)| {
                     (, entry.introduced_by_item)
-            analysis: ty::CrateAnalysis {
-                glob_map: if resolver.make_glob_map {
-                    Some(resolver.glob_map)
-                } else {
-                    None
-                },
-            },
         Err(x) => Err(x),
@@ -805,7 +782,6 @@
     registry: Option<Registry>,
     crate_name: &str,
     addl_plugins: Option<Vec<String>>,
-    make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap,
     resolver_arenas: &'a ResolverArenas<'a>,
     crate_loader: &'a mut CrateLoader<'a>,
     after_expand: F,
@@ -937,7 +913,6 @@
-        make_glob_map,
@@ -1070,15 +1045,6 @@
-    // Add all buffered lints from the `ParseSess` to the `Session`.
-    sess.parse_sess.buffered_lints.with_lock(|buffered_lints| {
-        info!("{} parse sess buffered_lints", buffered_lints.len());
-        for BufferedEarlyLint{id, span, msg, lint_id} in buffered_lints.drain(..) {
-            let lint = lint::Lint::from_parser_lint_id(lint_id);
-            sess.buffer_lint(lint, id, span, &msg);
-        }
-    });
     // Done with macro expansion!
@@ -1114,6 +1080,15 @@
+    // Add all buffered lints from the `ParseSess` to the `Session`.
+    sess.parse_sess.buffered_lints.with_lock(|buffered_lints| {
+        info!("{} parse sess buffered_lints", buffered_lints.len());
+        for BufferedEarlyLint{id, span, msg, lint_id} in buffered_lints.drain(..) {
+            let lint = lint::Lint::from_parser_lint_id(lint_id);
+            sess.buffer_lint(lint, id, span, &msg);
+        }
+    });
     // Lower ast -> hir.
     // First, we need to collect the dep_graph.
     let dep_graph = match future_dep_graph {
@@ -1170,10 +1145,13 @@
+    middle::intrinsicck::provide(providers);
+    middle::liveness::provide(providers);
+    middle::entry::provide(providers);
@@ -1191,7 +1169,6 @@
     sess: &'tcx Session,
     cstore: &'tcx CStore,
     hir_map: hir_map::Map<'tcx>,
-    analysis: ty::CrateAnalysis,
     resolutions: Resolutions,
     arenas: &'tcx mut AllArenas<'tcx>,
     name: &str,
@@ -1201,7 +1178,6 @@
     F: for<'a> FnOnce(
         TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
-        ty::CrateAnalysis,
         mpsc::Receiver<Box<dyn Any + Send>>,
     ) -> R,
@@ -1210,10 +1186,6 @@
-    time(sess, "looking for entry point", || {
-        middle::entry::find_entry_point(sess, &hir_map, name)
-    });
     let mut local_providers = ty::query::Providers::default();
     default_provide(&mut local_providers);
     codegen_backend.provide(&mut local_providers);
@@ -1243,6 +1215,10 @@
             // tcx available.
             time(sess, "dep graph tcx init", || rustc_incremental::dep_graph_tcx_init(tcx));
+            time(sess, "looking for entry point", || {
+                middle::entry::find_entry_point(tcx)
+            });
             time(sess, "looking for plugin registrar", || {
@@ -1265,7 +1241,7 @@
             match typeck::check_crate(tcx) {
                 Ok(x) => x,
                 Err(x) => {
-                    f(tcx, analysis, rx, Err(x));
+                    f(tcx, rx, Err(x));
                     return Err(x);
@@ -1318,7 +1294,7 @@
             // lint warnings and so on -- kindck used to do this abort, but
             // kindck is gone now). -nmatsakis
             if sess.err_count() > 0 {
-                return Ok(f(tcx, analysis, rx, sess.compile_status()));
+                return Ok(f(tcx, rx, sess.compile_status()));
             time(sess, "death checking", || middle::dead::check_crate(tcx));
@@ -1329,7 +1305,7 @@
             time(sess, "lint checking", || lint::check_crate(tcx));
-            return Ok(f(tcx, analysis, rx, tcx.sess.compile_status()));
+            return Ok(f(tcx, rx, tcx.sess.compile_status()));
@@ -1530,13 +1506,7 @@
-                    None => {
-                        session
-                            .struct_span_err(a.span, "`crate_type` requires a value")
-                            .note("for example: `#![crate_type=\"lib\"]`")
-                            .emit();
-                        None
-                    }
+                    None => None
             } else {
diff --git a/src/librustc_driver/ b/src/librustc_driver/
index 889e1ec..c8a5bbe 100644
--- a/src/librustc_driver/
+++ b/src/librustc_driver/
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
 use driver::CompileController;
 use pretty::{PpMode, UserIdentifiedItem};
-use rustc_resolve as resolve;
 use rustc_save_analysis as save;
 use rustc_save_analysis::DumpHandler;
 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{self, Lrc, Ordering::SeqCst};
@@ -880,7 +879,6 @@
-                                                     state.analysis.unwrap(),
@@ -941,7 +939,6 @@
         time(state.session, "save analysis", || {
-                                state.analysis.unwrap(),
@@ -950,7 +947,6 @@
     control.after_analysis.run_callback_on_error = true;
-    control.make_glob_map = resolve::MakeGlobMap::Yes;
 impl RustcDefaultCalls {
diff --git a/src/librustc_driver/ b/src/librustc_driver/
index a9ec993..d980c5a 100644
--- a/src/librustc_driver/
+++ b/src/librustc_driver/
@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@
                 sess.fatal(&format!("argument to `unpretty` must be one of `normal`, \
                                      `expanded`, `flowgraph[,unlabelled]=<nodeid>`, \
                                      `identified`, `expanded,identified`, `everybody_loops`, \
-                                     `hir`, `hir,identified`, `hir,typed`, or `mir`; got {}",
+                                     `hir`, `hir,identified`, `hir,typed`, `hir-tree`, \
+                                     `mir` or `mir-cfg`; got {}",
             } else {
                 sess.fatal(&format!("argument to `pretty` must be one of `normal`, `expanded`, \
@@ -190,7 +191,6 @@
         sess: &'tcx Session,
         cstore: &'tcx CStore,
         hir_map: &hir_map::Map<'tcx>,
-        analysis: &ty::CrateAnalysis,
         resolutions: &Resolutions,
         output_filenames: &OutputFilenames,
         id: &str,
@@ -223,12 +223,11 @@
-                                                                 analysis.clone(),
                                                                  &mut arenas,
-                                                                 |tcx, _, _, _| {
+                                                                 |tcx, _, _| {
                     let empty_tables = ty::TypeckTables::empty(None);
                     let annotation = TypedAnnotation {
@@ -959,7 +958,6 @@
 pub fn print_after_hir_lowering<'tcx, 'a: 'tcx>(sess: &'a Session,
                                                 cstore: &'tcx CStore,
                                                 hir_map: &hir_map::Map<'tcx>,
-                                                analysis: &ty::CrateAnalysis,
                                                 resolutions: &Resolutions,
                                                 input: &Input,
                                                 krate: &ast::Crate,
@@ -972,7 +970,6 @@
-                            analysis,
@@ -1010,7 +1007,6 @@
-                                           analysis,
@@ -1033,7 +1029,6 @@
-                                           analysis,
@@ -1048,7 +1043,6 @@
-                                           analysis,
@@ -1081,7 +1075,6 @@
-                                           analysis,
@@ -1103,13 +1096,12 @@
 // In an ideal world, this would be a public function called by the driver after
-// analsysis is performed. However, we want to call `phase_3_run_analysis_passes`
+// analysis is performed. However, we want to call `phase_3_run_analysis_passes`
 // with a different callback than the standard driver, so that isn't easy.
 // Instead, we call that function ourselves.
 fn print_with_analysis<'tcx, 'a: 'tcx>(sess: &'a Session,
                                        cstore: &'a CStore,
                                        hir_map: &hir_map::Map<'tcx>,
-                                       analysis: &ty::CrateAnalysis,
                                        resolutions: &Resolutions,
                                        crate_name: &str,
                                        output_filenames: &OutputFilenames,
@@ -1134,12 +1126,11 @@
-                                                     analysis.clone(),
                                                      &mut arenas,
-                                                     |tcx, _, _, _| {
+                                                     |tcx, _, _| {
         match ppm {
             PpmMir | PpmMirCFG => {
                 if let Some(nodeid) = nodeid {
diff --git a/src/librustc_driver/ b/src/librustc_driver/
index 9c027f1..afcf086 100644
--- a/src/librustc_driver/
+++ b/src/librustc_driver/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{self, Lrc};
 use rustc_lint;
 use rustc_metadata::cstore::CStore;
-use rustc_resolve::MakeGlobMap;
 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
 use syntax;
 use syntax::ast;
@@ -134,7 +133,6 @@
-            MakeGlobMap::No,
             |_| Ok(()),
         ).expect("phase 2 aborted")
diff --git a/src/librustc_errors/ b/src/librustc_errors/
index 7449b2b..736cca6 100644
--- a/src/librustc_errors/
+++ b/src/librustc_errors/
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@
 /// it easy to declare such methods on the builder.
 macro_rules! forward {
     // Forward pattern for &self -> &Self
-    (pub fn $n:ident(&self, $($name:ident: $ty:ty),* $(,)*) -> &Self) => {
+    (
+        $(#[$attrs:meta])*
+        pub fn $n:ident(&self, $($name:ident: $ty:ty),* $(,)*) -> &Self
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$attrs])*
         pub fn $n(&self, $($name: $ty),*) -> &Self {
@@ -42,7 +46,11 @@
     // Forward pattern for &mut self -> &mut Self
-    (pub fn $n:ident(&mut self, $($name:ident: $ty:ty),* $(,)*) -> &mut Self) => {
+    (
+        $(#[$attrs:meta])*
+        pub fn $n:ident(&mut self, $($name:ident: $ty:ty),* $(,)*) -> &mut Self
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$attrs])*
         pub fn $n(&mut self, $($name: $ty),*) -> &mut Self {
@@ -52,10 +60,15 @@
     // Forward pattern for &mut self -> &mut Self, with S: Into<MultiSpan>
     // type parameter. No obvious way to make this more generic.
-    (pub fn $n:ident<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(
-                    &mut self,
-                    $($name:ident: $ty:ty),*
-                    $(,)*) -> &mut Self) => {
+    (
+        $(#[$attrs:meta])*
+        pub fn $n:ident<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(
+            &mut self,
+            $($name:ident: $ty:ty),*
+            $(,)*
+        ) -> &mut Self
+    ) => {
+        $(#[$attrs])*
         pub fn $n<S: Into<MultiSpan>>(&mut self, $($name: $ty),*) -> &mut Self {
@@ -177,34 +190,43 @@
                                                   msg: &str,
                                                   ) -> &mut Self);
-    #[deprecated(note = "Use `span_suggestion_short_with_applicability`")]
-    forward!(pub fn span_suggestion_short(
-                                      &mut self,
-                                      sp: Span,
-                                      msg: &str,
-                                      suggestion: String,
-                                      ) -> &mut Self);
+    forward!(
+        #[deprecated(note = "Use `span_suggestion_short_with_applicability`")]
+        pub fn span_suggestion_short(
+            &mut self,
+            sp: Span,
+            msg: &str,
+            suggestion: String,
+        ) -> &mut Self
+    );
-    #[deprecated(note = "Use `multipart_suggestion_with_applicability`")]
-    forward!(pub fn multipart_suggestion(
-        &mut self,
-        msg: &str,
-        suggestion: Vec<(Span, String)>,
-    ) -> &mut Self);
+    forward!(
+        #[deprecated(note = "Use `multipart_suggestion_with_applicability`")]
+        pub fn multipart_suggestion(
+            &mut self,
+            msg: &str,
+            suggestion: Vec<(Span, String)>,
+        ) -> &mut Self
+    );
-    #[deprecated(note = "Use `span_suggestion_with_applicability`")]
-    forward!(pub fn span_suggestion(&mut self,
-                                    sp: Span,
-                                    msg: &str,
-                                    suggestion: String,
-                                    ) -> &mut Self);
+    forward!(
+        #[deprecated(note = "Use `span_suggestion_with_applicability`")]
+        pub fn span_suggestion(
+            &mut self,
+            sp: Span,
+            msg: &str,
+            suggestion: String,
+        ) -> &mut Self
+    );
-    #[deprecated(note = "Use `span_suggestions_with_applicability`")]
-    forward!(pub fn span_suggestions(&mut self,
-                                     sp: Span,
-                                     msg: &str,
-                                     suggestions: Vec<String>,
-                                     ) -> &mut Self);
+    forward!(
+        #[deprecated(note = "Use `span_suggestions_with_applicability`")]
+        pub fn span_suggestions(&mut self,
+            sp: Span,
+            msg: &str,
+            suggestions: Vec<String>,
+        ) -> &mut Self
+    );
     pub fn multipart_suggestion_with_applicability(&mut self,
                                               msg: &str,
diff --git a/src/librustc_errors/ b/src/librustc_errors/
index a074441..3e25f98 100644
--- a/src/librustc_errors/
+++ b/src/librustc_errors/
@@ -135,10 +135,11 @@
             if let Some(line) = line_opt {
                 if let Some(lo) = line.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| i).nth(lo) {
                     let hi_opt = hi_opt.and_then(|hi| line.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| i).nth(hi));
-                    buf.push_str(match hi_opt {
-                        Some(hi) => &line[lo..hi],
-                        None => &line[lo..],
-                    });
+                    match hi_opt {
+                        Some(hi) if hi > lo => buf.push_str(&line[lo..hi]),
+                        Some(_) => (),
+                        None => buf.push_str(&line[lo..]),
+                    }
                 if let None = hi_opt {
diff --git a/src/librustc_lint/ b/src/librustc_lint/
index ddb397b..f6c381f 100644
--- a/src/librustc_lint/
+++ b/src/librustc_lint/
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 use syntax::attr;
 use syntax::source_map::Spanned;
 use syntax::edition::Edition;
-use syntax::feature_gate::{AttributeGate, AttributeType, Stability, deprecated_attributes};
+use syntax::feature_gate::{AttributeGate, AttributeTemplate, AttributeType};
+use syntax::feature_gate::{Stability, deprecated_attributes};
 use syntax_pos::{BytePos, Span, SyntaxContext};
 use syntax::symbol::keywords;
 use syntax::errors::{Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder};
@@ -689,86 +690,12 @@
-/// Checks for incorrect use of `repr` attributes.
-pub struct BadRepr;
-impl LintPass for BadRepr {
-    fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
-        lint_array!()
-    }
-impl EarlyLintPass for BadRepr {
-    fn check_attribute(&mut self, cx: &EarlyContext, attr: &ast::Attribute) {
-        if == "repr" {
-            let list = attr.meta_item_list();
-            let repr_str = |lit: &str| { format!("#[repr({})]", lit) };
-            // Emit warnings with `repr` either has a literal assignment (`#[repr = "C"]`) or
-            // no hints (``#[repr]`)
-            let has_hints = list.as_ref().map(|ref list| !list.is_empty()).unwrap_or(false);
-            if !has_hints {
-                let mut suggested = false;
-                let mut warn = if let Some(ref lit) = attr.value_str() {
-                    // avoid warning about empty `repr` on `#[repr = "foo"]`
-                    let mut warn = cx.struct_span_lint(
-                        BAD_REPR,
-                        attr.span,
-                        "`repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal",
-                    );
-                    match lit.to_string().as_ref() {
-                        | "C" | "packed" | "rust" | "transparent"
-                        | "u8" | "u16" | "u32" | "u64" | "u128" | "usize"
-                        | "i8" | "i16" | "i32" | "i64" | "i128" | "isize" => {
-                            // if the literal could have been a valid `repr` arg,
-                            // suggest the correct syntax
-                            warn.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
-                                attr.span,
-                                "give `repr` a hint",
-                                repr_str(&lit.as_str()),
-                                Applicability::MachineApplicable
-                            );
-                            suggested = true;
-                        }
-                        _ => {  // the literal wasn't a valid `repr` arg
-                            warn.span_label(attr.span, "needs a hint");
-                        }
-                    };
-                    warn
-                } else {
-                    let mut warn = cx.struct_span_lint(
-                        BAD_REPR,
-                        attr.span,
-                        "`repr` attribute must have a hint",
-                    );
-                    warn.span_label(attr.span, "needs a hint");
-                    warn
-                };
-                if !suggested {
-          !(
-                        "valid hints include `{}`, `{}`, `{}` and `{}`",
-                        repr_str("C"),
-                        repr_str("packed"),
-                        repr_str("rust"),
-                        repr_str("transparent"),
-                    ));
-                    warn.note("for more information, visit \
-                               <>");
-                }
-                warn.emit();
-            }
-        }
-    }
 /// Checks for use of attributes which have been deprecated.
 pub struct DeprecatedAttr {
     // This is not free to compute, so we want to keep it around, rather than
     // compute it for every attribute.
-    depr_attrs: Vec<&'static (&'static str, AttributeType, AttributeGate)>,
+    depr_attrs: Vec<&'static (&'static str, AttributeType, AttributeTemplate, AttributeGate)>,
 impl DeprecatedAttr {
@@ -787,7 +714,7 @@
 impl EarlyLintPass for DeprecatedAttr {
     fn check_attribute(&mut self, cx: &EarlyContext, attr: &ast::Attribute) {
-        for &&(n, _, ref g) in &self.depr_attrs {
+        for &&(n, _, _, ref g) in &self.depr_attrs {
             if == n {
                 if let &AttributeGate::Gated(Stability::Deprecated(link, suggestion),
                                              ref name,
@@ -1547,7 +1474,7 @@
                     _ => {},
                 TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, tts) => {
-                    self.check_tokens(cx,
+                    self.check_tokens(cx, tts)
diff --git a/src/librustc_lint/ b/src/librustc_lint/
index 0d05cc1..71c859d 100644
--- a/src/librustc_lint/
+++ b/src/librustc_lint/
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
 use rustc::session;
 use rustc::util;
@@ -114,7 +115,6 @@
-                       BadRepr,
@@ -336,6 +336,16 @@
             reference: "issue #52234 <>",
             edition: None,
+        FutureIncompatibleInfo {
+            id: LintId::of(ILL_FORMED_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT),
+            reference: "issue #57571 <>",
+            edition: None,
+        },
+        FutureIncompatibleInfo {
+            id: LintId::of(AMBIGUOUS_ASSOCIATED_ITEMS),
+            reference: "issue #57644 <>",
+            edition: None,
+        },
     // Register renamed and removed lints.
@@ -385,4 +395,6 @@
         "no longer a warning, #[no_mangle] functions always exported");
         "no longer a warning, #[no_mangle] statics always exported");
+    store.register_removed("bad_repr",
+        "replaced with a generic attribute input check");
diff --git a/src/librustc_lint/ b/src/librustc_lint/
index 587b28b..8a68f1b 100644
--- a/src/librustc_lint/
+++ b/src/librustc_lint/
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
     fn check_attribute(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, attr: &ast::Attribute) {
         debug!("checking attribute: {:?}", attr);
         // Note that check_name() marks the attribute as used if it matches.
-        for &(ref name, ty, _) in BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES {
+        for &(name, ty, ..) in BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES {
             match ty {
                 AttributeType::Whitelisted if attr.check_name(name) => {
                     debug!("{:?} is Whitelisted", name);
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
             cx.span_lint(UNUSED_ATTRIBUTES, attr.span, "unused attribute");
             // Is it a builtin attribute that must be used at the crate level?
             let known_crate = BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter()
-                .find(|&&(builtin, ty, _)| name == builtin && ty == AttributeType::CrateLevel)
+                .find(|&&(builtin, ty, ..)| name == builtin && ty == AttributeType::CrateLevel)
             // Has a plugin registered this attribute as one that must be used at
diff --git a/src/librustc_metadata/ b/src/librustc_metadata/
index dc8db5b..1f07e8f 100644
--- a/src/librustc_metadata/
+++ b/src/librustc_metadata/
@@ -418,6 +418,7 @@
             EntryKind::Mod(_) => Def::Mod(did),
             EntryKind::Variant(_) => Def::Variant(did),
             EntryKind::Trait(_) => Def::Trait(did),
+            EntryKind::TraitAlias(_) => Def::TraitAlias(did),
             EntryKind::Enum(..) => Def::Enum(did),
             EntryKind::MacroDef(_) => Def::Macro(did, MacroKind::Bang),
             EntryKind::ForeignType => Def::ForeignTy(did),
@@ -520,17 +521,26 @@
     pub fn get_trait_def(&self, item_id: DefIndex, sess: &Session) -> ty::TraitDef {
-        let data = match self.entry(item_id).kind {
-            EntryKind::Trait(data) => data.decode((self, sess)),
-            _ => bug!(),
-        };
-        ty::TraitDef::new(self.local_def_id(item_id),
-                          data.unsafety,
-                          data.paren_sugar,
-                          data.has_auto_impl,
-                          data.is_marker,
-                          self.def_path_table.def_path_hash(item_id))
+        match self.entry(item_id).kind {
+            EntryKind::Trait(data) => {
+                let data = data.decode((self, sess));
+                ty::TraitDef::new(self.local_def_id(item_id),
+                                  data.unsafety,
+                                  data.paren_sugar,
+                                  data.has_auto_impl,
+                                  data.is_marker,
+                                  self.def_path_table.def_path_hash(item_id))
+            },
+            EntryKind::TraitAlias(_) => {
+                ty::TraitDef::new(self.local_def_id(item_id),
+                                  hir::Unsafety::Normal,
+                                  false,
+                                  false,
+                                  false,
+                                  self.def_path_table.def_path_hash(item_id))
+            },
+            _ => bug!("def-index does not refer to trait or trait alias"),
+        }
     fn get_variant(&self,
@@ -615,10 +625,13 @@
                                 item_id: DefIndex,
                                 tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
                                 -> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {
-        match self.entry(item_id).kind {
-            EntryKind::Trait(data) => data.decode(self).super_predicates.decode((self, tcx)),
-            _ => bug!(),
-        }
+        let super_predicates = match self.entry(item_id).kind {
+            EntryKind::Trait(data) => data.decode(self).super_predicates,
+            EntryKind::TraitAlias(data) => data.decode(self).super_predicates,
+            _ => bug!("def-index does not refer to trait or trait alias"),
+        };
+        super_predicates.decode((self, tcx))
     pub fn get_generics(&self,
@@ -1014,7 +1027,8 @@
         def_key.parent.and_then(|parent_index| {
             match self.entry(parent_index).kind {
-                EntryKind::Trait(_) => Some(self.local_def_id(parent_index)),
+                EntryKind::Trait(_) |
+                EntryKind::TraitAlias(_) => Some(self.local_def_id(parent_index)),
                 _ => None,
diff --git a/src/librustc_metadata/ b/src/librustc_metadata/
index 2de1637..afb0218 100644
--- a/src/librustc_metadata/
+++ b/src/librustc_metadata/
@@ -1128,8 +1128,7 @@
-            hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) |
-            hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => {
+            hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) => {
                 let trait_def = tcx.trait_def(def_id);
                 let data = TraitData {
                     unsafety: trait_def.unsafety,
@@ -1141,6 +1140,13 @@
+            hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => {
+                let data = TraitAliasData {
+                    super_predicates: self.lazy(&tcx.super_predicates_of(def_id)),
+                };
+                EntryKind::TraitAlias(self.lazy(&data))
+            }
             hir::ItemKind::ExternCrate(_) |
             hir::ItemKind::Use(..) => bug!("cannot encode info for item {:?}", item),
@@ -1214,6 +1220,7 @@
                 hir::ItemKind::Impl(..) |
                 hir::ItemKind::Existential(..) |
                 hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) => Some(self.encode_generics(def_id)),
+                hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => Some(self.encode_generics(def_id)),
                 _ => None,
             predicates: match item.node {
@@ -1226,7 +1233,8 @@
                 hir::ItemKind::Union(..) |
                 hir::ItemKind::Impl(..) |
                 hir::ItemKind::Existential(..) |
-                hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) => Some(self.encode_predicates(def_id)),
+                hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) |
+                hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => Some(self.encode_predicates(def_id)),
                 _ => None,
@@ -1236,7 +1244,8 @@
             // hack. (No reason not to expand it in the future if
             // necessary.)
             predicates_defined_on: match item.node {
-                hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) => Some(self.encode_predicates_defined_on(def_id)),
+                hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) |
+                hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => Some(self.encode_predicates_defined_on(def_id)),
                 _ => None, // not *wrong* for other kinds of items, but not needed
diff --git a/src/librustc_metadata/ b/src/librustc_metadata/
index d35d649..1f00086 100644
--- a/src/librustc_metadata/
+++ b/src/librustc_metadata/
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
            !self.tcx.features().static_nobundle {
-                                           span.unwrap(),
+                                           span.unwrap_or_else(|| syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP),
                                            "kind=\"static-nobundle\" is feature gated");
diff --git a/src/librustc_metadata/ b/src/librustc_metadata/
index 25f499b..f3ff974 100644
--- a/src/librustc_metadata/
+++ b/src/librustc_metadata/
@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@
     AssociatedConst(AssociatedContainer, ConstQualif, Lazy<RenderedConst>),
+    TraitAlias(Lazy<TraitAliasData<'tcx>>),
 impl<'a, 'gcx> HashStable<StableHashingContext<'a>> for EntryKind<'gcx> {
@@ -370,6 +371,9 @@
             EntryKind::Trait(ref trait_data) => {
                 trait_data.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
+            EntryKind::TraitAlias(ref trait_alias_data) => {
+                trait_alias_data.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
+            }
             EntryKind::Impl(ref impl_data) => {
                 impl_data.hash_stable(hcx, hasher);
@@ -475,6 +479,15 @@
 #[derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
+pub struct TraitAliasData<'tcx> {
+    pub super_predicates: Lazy<ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>>,
+impl_stable_hash_for!(struct TraitAliasData<'tcx> {
+    super_predicates
+#[derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
 pub struct ImplData<'tcx> {
     pub polarity: hir::ImplPolarity,
     pub defaultness: hir::Defaultness,
diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/borrow_check/nll/region_infer/error_reporting/ b/src/librustc_mir/borrow_check/nll/region_infer/error_reporting/
index 77c8a89..2a858bd 100644
--- a/src/librustc_mir/borrow_check/nll/region_infer/error_reporting/
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/borrow_check/nll/region_infer/error_reporting/
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
     ) {
         let mut diag = infcx.tcx.sess.struct_span_err(
-            "unsatisfied lifetime constraints", // FIXME
+            "lifetime may not live long enough"
         let counter = &mut 1;
diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/ b/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/
index a6a8fe5..eb49547 100644
--- a/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@
 use rustc::hir::{self, CodegenFnAttrFlags};
 use rustc::hir::itemlikevisit::ItemLikeVisitor;
-use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
+use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
 use rustc::mir::interpret::{AllocId, ConstValue};
 use rustc::middle::lang_items::{ExchangeMallocFnLangItem, StartFnLangItem};
 use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
 use rustc::ty::{self, TypeFoldable, Ty, TyCtxt, GenericParamDefKind};
 use rustc::ty::adjustment::CustomCoerceUnsized;
-use rustc::session::config;
+use rustc::session::config::EntryFnType;
 use rustc::mir::{self, Location, Promoted};
 use rustc::mir::visit::Visitor as MirVisitor;
 use rustc::mir::mono::MonoItem;
@@ -321,9 +321,7 @@
     let mut roots = Vec::new();
-        let entry_fn = tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow().map(|(node_id, _, _)| {
-            tcx.hir().local_def_id(node_id)
-        });
+        let entry_fn = tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE);
         debug!("collect_roots: entry_fn = {:?}", entry_fn);
@@ -924,7 +922,7 @@
     tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
     mode: MonoItemCollectionMode,
     output: &'b mut Vec<MonoItem<'tcx>>,
-    entry_fn: Option<DefId>,
+    entry_fn: Option<(DefId, EntryFnType)>,
 impl<'b, 'a, 'v> ItemLikeVisitor<'v> for RootCollector<'b, 'a, 'v> {
@@ -1023,7 +1021,7 @@
             MonoItemCollectionMode::Lazy => {
-                self.entry_fn == Some(def_id) ||
+      |(id, _)| id) == Some(def_id) ||
                 self.tcx.is_reachable_non_generic(def_id) ||
@@ -1048,14 +1046,9 @@
     /// the return type of `main`. This is not needed when
     /// the user writes their own `start` manually.
     fn push_extra_entry_roots(&mut self) {
-        if self.tcx.sess.entry_fn.get().map(|e| e.2) != Some(config::EntryFnType::Main) {
-            return
-        }
-        let main_def_id = if let Some(def_id) = self.entry_fn {
-            def_id
-        } else {
-            return
+        let main_def_id = match self.entry_fn {
+            Some((def_id, EntryFnType::Main)) => def_id,
+            _ => return,
         let start_def_id = match self.tcx.lang_items().require(StartFnLangItem) {
diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/ b/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/
index 7014f53..c831cbd 100644
--- a/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/monomorphize/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 use monomorphize::Instance;
 use rustc::hir;
-use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
+use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
 use rustc::session::config::OptLevel;
 use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt, ClosureSubsts, GeneratorSubsts};
 use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@
         match *self.as_mono_item() {
             MonoItem::Fn(ref instance) => {
-                let entry_def_id =
-                    tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow().map(|(id, _, _)| tcx.hir().local_def_id(id));
+                let entry_def_id = tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE).map(|(id, _)| id);
                 // If this function isn't inlined or otherwise has explicit
                 // linkage, then we'll be creating a globally shared version.
                 if self.explicit_linkage(tcx).is_some() ||
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/Cargo.toml b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/Cargo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 92f37f9..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/Cargo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
-name = "rustc_platform_intrinsics"
-version = "0.0.0"
-name = "rustc_platform_intrinsics"
-path = ""
-crate-type = ["dylib"]
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 833a312..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3404 +0,0 @@
-// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-use {Intrinsic, Type};
-use IntrinsicDef::Named;
-pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {
-    if !name.starts_with("aarch64_v") { return None }
-    Some(match &name["aarch64_v".len()..] {
-        "hadd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hadd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hadd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hadd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hadd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "hadd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "haddq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "haddq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "haddq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "haddq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "haddq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "haddq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rhadd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rhadd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rhadd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rhadd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rhadd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rhadd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srhadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urhadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qadd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qadd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qadd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qadd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qadd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qadd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qadd_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qadd_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqadd.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqadd.v2i64")
-        },
-        "uqadd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "uqadd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "uqadd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "uqadd_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.suqadd.v2i64")
-        },
-        "sqadd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.usqadd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sqadd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.usqadd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sqadd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.usqadd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sqadd_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.usqadd.v2i64")
-        },
-        "raddhn_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "raddhn_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "raddhn_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "raddhn_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "raddhn_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "raddhn_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.raddhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "fmulx_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmulx.v2f32")
-        },
-        "fmulx_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmulx.v1f64")
-        },
-        "fmulxq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmulx.v4f32")
-        },
-        "fmulxq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmulx.v2f64")
-        },
-        "fma_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fma.v2f32")
-        },
-        "fma_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fma.v1f64")
-        },
-        "fmaq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fma.v4f32")
-        },
-        "fmaq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fma.v2f64")
-        },
-        "qdmulh_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulh.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qdmulh_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulh.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qdmulhq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulh.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qdmulhq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmulh.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qrdmulh_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrdmulh.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrdmulh_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrdmulh.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrdmulhq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrdmulh.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qrdmulhq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrdmulh.v4i32")
-        },
-        "mull_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smull.v8i16")
-        },
-        "mull_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umull.v8i16")
-        },
-        "mull_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smull.v4i32")
-        },
-        "mull_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umull.v4i32")
-        },
-        "mull_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smull.v2i64")
-        },
-        "mull_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umull.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qdmullq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmull.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qdmullq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqdmull.v4i32")
-        },
-        "hsub_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hsub_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hsub_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hsub_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hsub_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub.v2i32")
-        },
-        "hsub_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub.v2i32")
-        },
-        "hsubq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub.v16i8")
-        },
-        "hsubq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub.v16i8")
-        },
-        "hsubq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub.v8i16")
-        },
-        "hsubq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub.v8i16")
-        },
-        "hsubq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.shsub.v4i32")
-        },
-        "hsubq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uhsub.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qsub_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qsub_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qsub_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qsub_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qsub_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qsub_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qsub_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qsub_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqsub.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqsub.v2i64")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rsubhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "abd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "abd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "abd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "abd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abd_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fabd.v2f32")
-        },
-        "abd_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fabd.v1f64")
-        },
-        "abdq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "abdq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd.v16i8")
-        },
-        "abdq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "abdq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd.v8i16")
-        },
-        "abdq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sabd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "abdq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uabd.v4i32")
-        },
-        "abdq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fabd.v4f32")
-        },
-        "abdq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fabd.v2f64")
-        },
-        "max_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smax.v8i8")
-        },
-        "max_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umax.v8i8")
-        },
-        "max_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smax.v4i16")
-        },
-        "max_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umax.v4i16")
-        },
-        "max_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smax.v2i32")
-        },
-        "max_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umax.v2i32")
-        },
-        "max_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmax.v2f32")
-        },
-        "max_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmax.v1f64")
-        },
-        "maxq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smax.v16i8")
-        },
-        "maxq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umax.v16i8")
-        },
-        "maxq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smax.v8i16")
-        },
-        "maxq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umax.v8i16")
-        },
-        "maxq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smax.v4i32")
-        },
-        "maxq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umax.v4i32")
-        },
-        "maxq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmax.v4f32")
-        },
-        "maxq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmax.v2f64")
-        },
-        "min_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smin.v8i8")
-        },
-        "min_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umin.v8i8")
-        },
-        "min_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smin.v4i16")
-        },
-        "min_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umin.v4i16")
-        },
-        "min_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smin.v2i32")
-        },
-        "min_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umin.v2i32")
-        },
-        "min_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmin.v2f32")
-        },
-        "min_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmin.v1f64")
-        },
-        "minq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smin.v16i8")
-        },
-        "minq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umin.v16i8")
-        },
-        "minq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smin.v8i16")
-        },
-        "minq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umin.v8i16")
-        },
-        "minq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smin.v4i32")
-        },
-        "minq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umin.v4i32")
-        },
-        "minq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmin.v4f32")
-        },
-        "minq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmin.v2f64")
-        },
-        "maxnm_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnm.v2f32")
-        },
-        "maxnm_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnm.v1f64")
-        },
-        "maxnmq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnm.v4f32")
-        },
-        "maxnmq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnm.v2f64")
-        },
-        "minnm_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnm.v2f32")
-        },
-        "minnm_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnm.v1f64")
-        },
-        "minnmq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnm.v4f32")
-        },
-        "minnmq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnm.v2f64")
-        },
-        "shl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "shl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "shl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "shl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "shl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "shl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "shl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "shl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "shlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "shlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "shlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "shlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "shlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "shlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "shlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sshl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "shlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ushl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qshl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qshl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "rshl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "rshl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.srshl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urshl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qshrun_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrun.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshrun_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrun.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshrun_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrun.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshrun_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrun.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshrun_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrun.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshrun_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrun.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqrshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqrshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sri_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sri_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sri_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sri_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sri_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sri_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sri_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sri_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sriq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sriq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sriq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sriq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sriq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sriq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sriq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v2i64")
-        },
-        "sriq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsri.v2i64")
-        },
-        "sli_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sli_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sli_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sli_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sli_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sli_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sli_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sli_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sliq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sliq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sliq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sliq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sliq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sliq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sliq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v2i64")
-        },
-        "sliq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.vsli.v2i64")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqxtn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uqxtn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abs_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "abs_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "abs_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abs_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v1i64")
-        },
-        "absq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v16i8")
-        },
-        "absq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v8i16")
-        },
-        "absq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v4i32")
-        },
-        "absq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.abs.v2i64")
-        },
-        "abs_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fabs.v2f32")
-        },
-        "abs_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fabs.v1f64")
-        },
-        "absq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fabs.v4f32")
-        },
-        "absq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fabs.v2f64")
-        },
-        "qabs_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qabs_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qabs_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qabs_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qabsq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qabsq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qabsq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qabsq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqabs.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qneg_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qneg_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qneg_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qneg_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qnegq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qnegq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qnegq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qnegq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sqneg.v2i64")
-        },
-        "clz_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i8")
-        },
-        "clz_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i8")
-        },
-        "clz_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i16")
-        },
-        "clz_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i16")
-        },
-        "clz_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v2i32")
-        },
-        "clz_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v2i32")
-        },
-        "clzq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clzq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clzq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clzq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clzq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i32")
-        },
-        "clzq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i32")
-        },
-        "cls_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cls_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cls_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "cls_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "cls_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "cls_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "clsq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clsq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clsq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clsq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clsq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "clsq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.cls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "cnt_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cnt_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cntq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v16i8")
-        },
-        "cntq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v16i8")
-        },
-        "recpe_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urecpe.v2i32")
-        },
-        "recpe_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.v2f32")
-        },
-        "recpe_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.v1f64")
-        },
-        "recpeq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.urecpe.v4i32")
-        },
-        "recpeq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.v4f32")
-        },
-        "recpeq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecpe.v2f64")
-        },
-        "recps_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecps.v2f32")
-        },
-        "recps_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecps.v1f64")
-        },
-        "recpsq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecps.v4f32")
-        },
-        "recpsq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frecps.v2f64")
-        },
-        "sqrt_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v2f32")
-        },
-        "sqrt_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v1f64")
-        },
-        "sqrtq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v4f32")
-        },
-        "sqrtq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v2f64")
-        },
-        "rsqrte_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ursqrte.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rsqrte_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.v2f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrte_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.v1f64")
-        },
-        "rsqrteq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ursqrte.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rsqrteq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.v4f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrteq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrte.v2f64")
-        },
-        "rsqrts_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrts.v2f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrts_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrts.v1f64")
-        },
-        "rsqrtsq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrts.v4f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrtsq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.frsqrts.v2f64")
-        },
-        "rbit_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rbit.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rbit_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rbit.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rbitq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rbit.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rbitq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.rbit.v16i8")
-        },
-        "ld2_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, Some(&::I8x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i8.p0v8i8")
-        },
-        "ld2_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, Some(&::U8x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i8.p0v8i8")
-        },
-        "ld2_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, Some(&::I16x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i16.p0v4i16")
-        },
-        "ld2_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, Some(&::U16x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i16.p0v4i16")
-        },
-        "ld2_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i32.p0v2i32")
-        },
-        "ld2_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, Some(&::U32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i32.p0v2i32")
-        },
-        "ld2_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v1i64.p0v1i64")
-        },
-        "ld2_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, Some(&::U64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v1i64.p0v1i64")
-        },
-        "ld2_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::F32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2f32.p0v2f32")
-        },
-        "ld2_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::F64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v1f64.p0v1f64")
-        },
-        "ld2q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, Some(&::I8x16), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v16i8.p0v16i8")
-        },
-        "ld2q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, Some(&::U8x16), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v16i8.p0v16i8")
-        },
-        "ld2q_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, Some(&::I16x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i16.p0v8i16")
-        },
-        "ld2q_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, Some(&::U16x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i16.p0v8i16")
-        },
-        "ld2q_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i32.p0v4i32")
-        },
-        "ld2q_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, Some(&::U32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i32.p0v4i32")
-        },
-        "ld2q_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i64.p0v2i64")
-        },
-        "ld2q_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, Some(&::U64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i64.p0v2i64")
-        },
-        "ld2q_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::F32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4f32.p0v4f32")
-        },
-        "ld2q_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::F64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2f64.p0v2f64")
-        },
-        "ld3_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, Some(&::I8x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i8.p0v8i8")
-        },
-        "ld3_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, Some(&::U8x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i8.p0v8i8")
-        },
-        "ld3_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, Some(&::I16x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i16.p0v4i16")
-        },
-        "ld3_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, Some(&::U16x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i16.p0v4i16")
-        },
-        "ld3_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i32.p0v2i32")
-        },
-        "ld3_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, Some(&::U32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i32.p0v2i32")
-        },
-        "ld3_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v1i64.p0v1i64")
-        },
-        "ld3_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, Some(&::U64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v1i64.p0v1i64")
-        },
-        "ld3_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::F32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2f32.p0v2f32")
-        },
-        "ld3_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::F64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v1f64.p0v1f64")
-        },
-        "ld3q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, Some(&::I8x16), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v16i8.p0v16i8")
-        },
-        "ld3q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, Some(&::U8x16), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v16i8.p0v16i8")
-        },
-        "ld3q_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, Some(&::I16x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i16.p0v8i16")
-        },
-        "ld3q_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, Some(&::U16x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i16.p0v8i16")
-        },
-        "ld3q_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i32.p0v4i32")
-        },
-        "ld3q_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, Some(&::U32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i32.p0v4i32")
-        },
-        "ld3q_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i64.p0v2i64")
-        },
-        "ld3q_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, Some(&::U64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i64.p0v2i64")
-        },
-        "ld3q_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::F32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4f32.p0v4f32")
-        },
-        "ld3q_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::F64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2f64.p0v2f64")
-        },
-        "ld4_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, Some(&::I8x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i8.p0v8i8")
-        },
-        "ld4_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, Some(&::U8x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i8.p0v8i8")
-        },
-        "ld4_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, Some(&::I16x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4, &::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i16.p0v4i16")
-        },
-        "ld4_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, Some(&::U16x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4, &::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i16.p0v4i16")
-        },
-        "ld4_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2, &::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i32.p0v2i32")
-        },
-        "ld4_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, Some(&::U32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2, &::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i32.p0v2i32")
-        },
-        "ld4_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1, &::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v1i64.p0v1i64")
-        },
-        "ld4_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, Some(&::U64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1, &::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v1i64.p0v1i64")
-        },
-        "ld4_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::F32x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2, &::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2f32.p0v2f32")
-        },
-        "ld4_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::F64x1), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1, &::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v1f64.p0v1f64")
-        },
-        "ld4q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, Some(&::I8x16), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v16i8.p0v16i8")
-        },
-        "ld4q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, Some(&::U8x16), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v16i8.p0v16i8")
-        },
-        "ld4q_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, Some(&::I16x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i16.p0v8i16")
-        },
-        "ld4q_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, Some(&::U16x8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i16.p0v8i16")
-        },
-        "ld4q_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i32.p0v4i32")
-        },
-        "ld4q_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, Some(&::U32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4, &::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i32.p0v4i32")
-        },
-        "ld4q_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2, &::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i64.p0v2i64")
-        },
-        "ld4q_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, Some(&::U64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2, &::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i64.p0v2i64")
-        },
-        "ld4q_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::F32x4), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4f32.p0v4f32")
-        },
-        "ld4q_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::F64x2), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2f64.p0v2f64")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v1i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v1i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2f32.p0f32")
-        },
-        "ld2_dup_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v1f64.p0f64")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v16i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v16i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v8i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v4f32.p0f32")
-        },
-        "ld2q_dup_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld2.v2f64.p0f64")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v1i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v1i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2f32.p0f32")
-        },
-        "ld3_dup_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v1f64.p0f64")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v16i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v16i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v8i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v4f32.p0f32")
-        },
-        "ld3q_dup_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld3.v2f64.p0f64")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4, &::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4, &::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2, &::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2, &::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1, &::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v1i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1, &::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v1i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2, &::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2f32.p0f32")
-        },
-        "ld4_dup_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F64x1, &::F64x1, &::F64x1, &::F64x1]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v1f64.p0f64")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v16i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v16i8.p0i8")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U16, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v8i16.p0i16")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4, &::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4i32.p0i32")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2, &::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2, &::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2i64.p0i64")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v4f32.p0f32")
-        },
-        "ld4q_dup_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.ld4.v2f64.p0f64")
-        },
-        "padd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "padd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "padd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "padd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "padd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "padd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "padd_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v2f32")
-        },
-        "paddq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "paddq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "paddq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "paddq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "paddq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "paddq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "paddq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v4f32")
-        },
-        "paddq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "paddq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "paddq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.addp.v2f64")
-        },
-        "paddl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v4i16.v8i8")
-        },
-        "paddl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v4i16.v8i8")
-        },
-        "paddl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v2i32.v4i16")
-        },
-        "paddl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v2i32.v4i16")
-        },
-        "paddl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v1i64.v2i32")
-        },
-        "paddl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v1i64.v2i32")
-        },
-        "paddlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v8i16.v16i8")
-        },
-        "paddlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v8i16.v16i8")
-        },
-        "paddlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v4i32.v8i16")
-        },
-        "paddlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v4i32.v8i16")
-        },
-        "paddlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlp.v2i64.v4i32")
-        },
-        "paddlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlp.v2i64.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pmax_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmax_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmax_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmax_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmax_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmax_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmax_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxp.v2f32")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxp.v4f32")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "pmaxq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxp.v2f64")
-        },
-        "pmin_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmin_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmin_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmin_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmin_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmin_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmin_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminp.v2f32")
-        },
-        "pminq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pminq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pminq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pminq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pminq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pminq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pminq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminp.v4f32")
-        },
-        "pminq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "pminq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "pminq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminp.v2f64")
-        },
-        "pmaxnm_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxnmp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmaxnm_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxnmp.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmaxnm_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxnmp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmaxnm_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxnmp.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmaxnm_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxnmp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmaxnm_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxnmp.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmaxnm_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmp.v2f32")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxnmp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxnmp.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxnmp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxnmp.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxnmp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxnmp.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmp.v4f32")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxnmp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxnmp.v2i64")
-        },
-        "pmaxnmq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmp.v2f64")
-        },
-        "pminnm_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmp.v2f32")
-        },
-        "pminnmq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmp.v4f32")
-        },
-        "pminnmq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmp.v2f64")
-        },
-        "addv_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv.i8.v8i8")
-        },
-        "addv_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv.i8.v8i8")
-        },
-        "addv_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv.i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "addv_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv.i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "addv_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv.i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "addv_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv.i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "addv_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.faddv.f32.v2f32")
-        },
-        "addvq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv.i8.v16i8")
-        },
-        "addvq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv.i8.v16i8")
-        },
-        "addvq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv.i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "addvq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv.i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "addvq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv.i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "addvq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv.i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "addvq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.faddv.f32.v4f32")
-        },
-        "addvq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddv.i64.v2i64")
-        },
-        "addvq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddv.i64.v2i64")
-        },
-        "addvq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.faddv.f64.v2f64")
-        },
-        "addlv_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv.i16.v8i8")
-        },
-        "addlv_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv.i16.v8i8")
-        },
-        "addlv_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv.i32.v4i16")
-        },
-        "addlv_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv.i32.v4i16")
-        },
-        "addlv_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv.i64.v2i32")
-        },
-        "addlv_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv.i64.v2i32")
-        },
-        "addlvq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv.i16.v16i8")
-        },
-        "addlvq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv.i16.v16i8")
-        },
-        "addlvq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv.i32.v8i16")
-        },
-        "addlvq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv.i32.v8i16")
-        },
-        "addlvq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.saddlv.i64.v4i32")
-        },
-        "addlvq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uaddlv.i64.v4i32")
-        },
-        "maxv_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv.i8.v8i8")
-        },
-        "maxv_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv.i8.v8i8")
-        },
-        "maxv_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv.i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "maxv_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv.i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "maxv_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv.i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "maxv_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv.i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "maxv_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxv.f32.v2f32")
-        },
-        "maxvq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv.i8.v16i8")
-        },
-        "maxvq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv.i8.v16i8")
-        },
-        "maxvq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv.i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "maxvq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv.i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "maxvq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.smaxv.i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "maxvq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.umaxv.i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "maxvq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxv.f32.v4f32")
-        },
-        "maxvq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxv.f64.v2f64")
-        },
-        "minv_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv.i8.v8i8")
-        },
-        "minv_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv.i8.v8i8")
-        },
-        "minv_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv.i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "minv_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv.i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "minv_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv.i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "minv_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv.i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "minv_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminv.f32.v2f32")
-        },
-        "minvq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv.i8.v16i8")
-        },
-        "minvq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv.i8.v16i8")
-        },
-        "minvq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv.i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "minvq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv.i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "minvq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.sminv.i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "minvq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.uminv.i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "minvq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminv.f32.v4f32")
-        },
-        "minvq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminv.f64.v2f64")
-        },
-        "maxnmv_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmv.f32.v2f32")
-        },
-        "maxnmvq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmv.f32.v4f32")
-        },
-        "maxnmvq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fmaxnmv.f64.v2f64")
-        },
-        "minnmv_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmv.f32.v2f32")
-        },
-        "minnmvq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmv.f32.v4f32")
-        },
-        "minnmvq_f64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.fminnmv.f64.v2f64")
-        },
-        "qtbl1_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl1.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl1_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl1.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl1q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl1.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl1q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl1.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx1_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x16, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx1.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx1_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x16, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx1.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx1q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx1.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx1q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx1.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl2_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl2.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl2_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl2.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl2q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl2.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl2q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl2.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx2_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx2.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx2_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx2.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx2q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx2.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx2q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx2.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl3_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl3.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl3_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl3.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl3q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl3.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl3q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl3.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx3_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx3.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx3_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx3.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx3q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx3.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx3q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx3.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl4_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl4_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl4q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbl4q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx4_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx4.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx4_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx4.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx4q_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx4.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qtbx4q_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.aarch64.neon.tbx4.v16i8")
-        },
-        _ => return None,
-    })
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d19293..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2074 +0,0 @@
-// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-use {Intrinsic, Type};
-use IntrinsicDef::Named;
-pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {
-    if !name.starts_with("arm_v") { return None }
-    Some(match &name["arm_v".len()..] {
-        "hadd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhadds.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hadd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hadd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhadds.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hadd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hadd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhadds.v2i32")
-        },
-        "hadd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "haddq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhadds.v16i8")
-        },
-        "haddq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "haddq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhadds.v8i16")
-        },
-        "haddq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "haddq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhadds.v4i32")
-        },
-        "haddq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rhadd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rhadd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rhadd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rhadd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rhadd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rhadd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rhaddq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qadd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qadd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qadd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qadd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qadd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qadd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qadd_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qadd_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qaddq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqadds.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qaddq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu.v2i64")
-        },
-        "raddhn_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "raddhn_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "raddhn_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "raddhn_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "raddhn_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "raddhn_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "fma_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fma.v2f32")
-        },
-        "fmaq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fma.v4f32")
-        },
-        "qdmulh_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqdmulh.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qdmulh_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqdmulh.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qdmulhq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqdmulh.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qdmulhq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqdmulh.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qrdmulh_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqrdmulh.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrdmulh_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqrdmulh.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrdmulhq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqrdmulh.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qrdmulhq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqrdmulh.v4i32")
-        },
-        "mull_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmulls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "mull_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmullu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "mull_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmulls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "mull_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmullu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "mull_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmulls.v2i64")
-        },
-        "mull_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmullu.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qdmullq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqdmull.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qdmullq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqdmull.v4i32")
-        },
-        "hsub_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hsub_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "hsub_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hsub_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "hsub_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "hsub_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "hsubq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs.v16i8")
-        },
-        "hsubq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "hsubq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs.v8i16")
-        },
-        "hsubq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "hsubq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs.v4i32")
-        },
-        "hsubq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qsub_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qsub_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qsub_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qsub_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qsub_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qsub_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qsub_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qsub_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qsubq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qsubq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu.v2i64")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rsubhn_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabds.v8i8")
-        },
-        "abd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "abd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabds.v4i16")
-        },
-        "abd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "abd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabds.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abd_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdf.v2f32")
-        },
-        "abdq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabds.v16i8")
-        },
-        "abdq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "abdq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabds.v8i16")
-        },
-        "abdq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "abdq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabds.v4i32")
-        },
-        "abdq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "abdq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabdf.v4f32")
-        },
-        "max_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "max_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "max_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "max_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "max_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "max_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "max_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxf.v2f32")
-        },
-        "maxq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs.v16i8")
-        },
-        "maxq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "maxq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs.v8i16")
-        },
-        "maxq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "maxq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs.v4i32")
-        },
-        "maxq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "maxq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmaxf.v4f32")
-        },
-        "min_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmins.v8i8")
-        },
-        "min_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "min_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmins.v4i16")
-        },
-        "min_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "min_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmins.v2i32")
-        },
-        "min_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "min_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminf.v2f32")
-        },
-        "minq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmins.v16i8")
-        },
-        "minq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "minq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmins.v8i16")
-        },
-        "minq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "minq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vmins.v4i32")
-        },
-        "minq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "minq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vminf.v4f32")
-        },
-        "shl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "shl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "shl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "shl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "shl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "shl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "shl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v1i64")
-        },
-        "shl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v1i64")
-        },
-        "shlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "shlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "shlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "shlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "shlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "shlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "shlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshls.v2i64")
-        },
-        "shlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vshlu.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qshl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qshl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qshlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshls.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qshlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshlu.v2i64")
-        },
-        "rshl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v1i64")
-        },
-        "rshl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v1i64")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rshlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshls.v2i64")
-        },
-        "rshlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshlu.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qrshl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v1i64")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshls.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qrshlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshlu.v2i64")
-        },
-        "qshrun_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqshrun.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshrun_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqshrun.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshrun_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqshrun.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshrun_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqrshrun.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshrun_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqrshrun.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshrun_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqrshrun.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshrns.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshrnu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshrns.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshrnu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshrns.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qshrn_n_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqshrnu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshrn.v8i8")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshrn.v4i16")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rshrn_n_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrshrn.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshrns.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshrnu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshrns.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshrnu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshrns.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qrshrn_n_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqrshrnu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sri_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sri_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sri_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sri_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sri_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sri_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sri_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sri_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sriq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sriq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sriq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sriq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sriq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sriq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sriq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v2i64")
-        },
-        "sriq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsri.v2i64")
-        },
-        "sli_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sli_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v8i8")
-        },
-        "sli_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sli_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v4i16")
-        },
-        "sli_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sli_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v2i32")
-        },
-        "sli_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sli_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v1i64")
-        },
-        "sliq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sliq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v16i8")
-        },
-        "sliq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sliq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v8i16")
-        },
-        "sliq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sliq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v4i32")
-        },
-        "sliq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v2i64")
-        },
-        "sliq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vvsli.v2i64")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqxtns.v8i8")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqxtnu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqxtns.v4i16")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqxtnu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqxtns.v2i32")
-        },
-        "vqmovn_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vqxtnu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "abs_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "abs_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "abs_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "absq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabs.v16i8")
-        },
-        "absq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabs.v8i16")
-        },
-        "absq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vabs.v4i32")
-        },
-        "abs_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fabs.v2f32")
-        },
-        "absq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.fabs.v4f32")
-        },
-        "qabs_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqabs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qabs_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqabs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qabs_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqabs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qabsq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqabs.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qabsq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqabs.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qabsq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqabs.v4i32")
-        },
-        "qneg_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqneg.v8i8")
-        },
-        "qneg_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqneg.v4i16")
-        },
-        "qneg_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqneg.v2i32")
-        },
-        "qnegq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqneg.v16i8")
-        },
-        "qnegq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqneg.v8i16")
-        },
-        "qnegq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vsqneg.v4i32")
-        },
-        "clz_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i8")
-        },
-        "clz_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i8")
-        },
-        "clz_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i16")
-        },
-        "clz_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i16")
-        },
-        "clz_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v2i32")
-        },
-        "clz_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v2i32")
-        },
-        "clzq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clzq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clzq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clzq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clzq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i32")
-        },
-        "clzq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctlz.v4i32")
-        },
-        "cls_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cls_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cls_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "cls_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v4i16")
-        },
-        "cls_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "cls_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v2i32")
-        },
-        "clsq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clsq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v16i8")
-        },
-        "clsq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clsq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v8i16")
-        },
-        "clsq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "clsq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vcls.v4i32")
-        },
-        "cnt_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cnt_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v8i8")
-        },
-        "cntq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v16i8")
-        },
-        "cntq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ctpop.v16i8")
-        },
-        "recpe_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrecpe.v2i32")
-        },
-        "recpe_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrecpe.v2f32")
-        },
-        "recpeq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrecpe.v4i32")
-        },
-        "recpeq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrecpe.v4f32")
-        },
-        "recps_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vfrecps.v2f32")
-        },
-        "recpsq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vfrecps.v4f32")
-        },
-        "sqrt_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v2f32")
-        },
-        "sqrtq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v4f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrte_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrte.v2i32")
-        },
-        "rsqrte_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrte.v2f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrteq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrte.v4i32")
-        },
-        "rsqrteq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrte.v4f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrts_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrts.v2f32")
-        },
-        "rsqrtsq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrts.v4f32")
-        },
-        "bsl_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "bsl_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v8i8")
-        },
-        "bsl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "bsl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v4i16")
-        },
-        "bsl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "bsl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v2i32")
-        },
-        "bsl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::I64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "bsl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U64x1]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v1i64")
-        },
-        "bslq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "bslq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v16i8")
-        },
-        "bslq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "bslq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v8i16")
-        },
-        "bslq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "bslq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v4i32")
-        },
-        "bslq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "bslq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vbsl.v2i64")
-        },
-        "padd_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "padd_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadd.v8i8")
-        },
-        "padd_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "padd_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadd.v4i16")
-        },
-        "padd_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "padd_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadd.v2i32")
-        },
-        "padd_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadd.v2f32")
-        },
-        "paddl_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls.v4i16.v8i8")
-        },
-        "paddl_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu.v4i16.v8i8")
-        },
-        "paddl_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls.v2i32.v4i16")
-        },
-        "paddl_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu.v2i32.v4i16")
-        },
-        "paddl_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls.v1i64.v2i32")
-        },
-        "paddl_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu.v1i64.v2i32")
-        },
-        "paddlq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls.v8i16.v16i8")
-        },
-        "paddlq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu.v8i16.v16i8")
-        },
-        "paddlq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls.v4i32.v8i16")
-        },
-        "paddlq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu.v4i32.v8i16")
-        },
-        "paddlq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls.v2i64.v4i32")
-        },
-        "paddlq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu.v2i64.v4i32")
-        },
-        "padal_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadals.v4i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "padal_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu.v4i16.v4i16")
-        },
-        "padal_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadals.v2i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "padal_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu.v2i32.v2i32")
-        },
-        "padal_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x1, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadals.v1i64.v1i64")
-        },
-        "padal_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x1, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x1,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu.v1i64.v1i64")
-        },
-        "padalq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadals.v8i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "padalq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu.v8i16.v8i16")
-        },
-        "padalq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadals.v4i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "padalq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu.v4i32.v4i32")
-        },
-        "padalq_s64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I64x2, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadals.v2i64.v2i64")
-        },
-        "padalq_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu.v2i64.v2i64")
-        },
-        "pmax_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxs.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmax_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmax_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxs.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmax_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmax_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxs.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmax_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmax_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxf.v2f32")
-        },
-        "pmin_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmins.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmin_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminu.v8i8")
-        },
-        "pmin_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x4, &::I16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmins.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmin_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x4, &::U16x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminu.v4i16")
-        },
-        "pmin_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x2, &::I32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmins.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmin_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminu.v2i32")
-        },
-        "pmin_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x2, &::F32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminf.v2f32")
-        },
-        "pminq_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmins.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pminq_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminu.v16i8")
-        },
-        "pminq_s16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmins.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pminq_u16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminu.v8i16")
-        },
-        "pminq_s32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpmins.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pminq_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminu.v4i32")
-        },
-        "pminq_f32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vpminf.v4f32")
-        },
-        "tbl1_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl1")
-        },
-        "tbl1_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl1")
-        },
-        "tbx1_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx1")
-        },
-        "tbx1_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx1")
-        },
-        "tbl2_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2")
-        },
-        "tbl2_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2")
-        },
-        "tbx2_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx2")
-        },
-        "tbx2_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx2")
-        },
-        "tbl3_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl3")
-        },
-        "tbl3_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl3")
-        },
-        "tbx3_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx3")
-        },
-        "tbx3_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx3")
-        },
-        "tbl4_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl4")
-        },
-        "tbl4_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbl4")
-        },
-        "tbx4_s8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8, &::I8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx4")
-        },
-        "tbx4_u8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x8, { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(true, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8, &::U8x8]; &PARTS }); &AGG }, &::U8x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.arm.neon.vtbx4")
-        },
-        _ => return None,
-    })
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index fd0f3a4..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2924 +0,0 @@
-// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-use {Intrinsic, Type};
-use IntrinsicDef::Named;
-pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {
-    if !name.starts_with("Q6_") { return None }
-    Some(match &name["Q6_".len()..] {
-        "R_vextract64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.extractw")
-        },
-        "R_vextract128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.extractw.128B")
-        },
-        "V_lo64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.lo")
-        },
-        "V_lo128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.lo.128B")
-        },
-        "V_hi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.hi")
-        },
-        "V_hi128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.hi.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vsplat_R64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.lvsplatuw")
-        },
-        "V_vsplat_R128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.lvsplatuw.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_and_QQ64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.and")
-        },
-        "Q_and_QQ128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_not_Q64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.not")
-        },
-        "Q_not_Q128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.not.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_or_QQ64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.or")
-        },
-        "Q_or_QQ128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_xor_QQ64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_xor_QQ128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.pred.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vabsdiff_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffub")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vabsdiff_VuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffuh")
-        },
-        "Vub_vabsdiff_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vabsdiff_VuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vabsdiff_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffh")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vabsdiff_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffw")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vabsdiff_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vabsdiff_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsdiffw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vabs_Vh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vabs_Vw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vabs_Vh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vabs_Vw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vabs_Vh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsh.sat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vabs_Vw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsw.sat")
-        },
-        "Vh_vabs_Vh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsh.sat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vabs_Vw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vabsw.sat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vadd_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddb")
-        },
-        "Vh_vadd_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vadd_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddw")
-        },
-        "Vb_vadd_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vadd_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vadd_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vadd_VhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhsat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vadd_VwVw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwsat")
-        },
-        "Vh_vadd_VhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vadd_VwVw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vadd_VubVub_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddubsat")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vadd_VuhVuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vadduhsat")
-        },
-        "Vub_vadd_VubVub_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddubsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vadd_VuhVuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vadduhsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Wb_vadd_WbWb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddb.dv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vadd_WhWh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddh.dv")
-        },
-        "Ww_vadd_WwWw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddw.dv")
-        },
-        "Wb_vadd_WbWb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x256, &::I8x256]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddb.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vadd_WhWh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::I16x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddh.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vadd_WwWw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x64, &::I32x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddw.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vadd_WhWh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Ww_vadd_WwWw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vadd_WhWh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::I16x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vadd_WwWw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x64, &::I32x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wub_vadd_WubWub_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddubsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vadd_WuhWuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vadduhsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Wub_vadd_WubWub_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U8x256]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddubsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vadd_WuhWuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x128, &::U16x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vadduhsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "V_valign_VVR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.valignb")
-        },
-        "V_valign_VVR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.valignb.128B")
-        },
-        "V_valign_VVI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.valignbi")
-        },
-        "V_valign_VVI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.valignbi.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vlalign_VVR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlalignb")
-        },
-        "V_vlalign_VVR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlalignb.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vlalign_VVI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlalignbi")
-        },
-        "V_vlalign_VVI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlalignbi.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vand_VV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vand")
-        },
-        "V_vand_VV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vand.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vand_QR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandqrt")
-        },
-        "V_vand_QR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandqrt.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vandor_VQR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x64, &::U32x2, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandqrt.acc")
-        },
-        "V_vandor_VQR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x128, &::U32x4, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandqrt.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vand_VR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandvrt")
-        },
-        "Q_vand_VR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandvrt.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vandor_QVR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandvrt")
-        },
-        "Q_vandor_QVR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vandvrt.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasl_VhR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasl_VwR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasl_VhR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasl_VwR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasl_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslhv")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasl_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslwv")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasl_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslhv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasl_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslwv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vaslacc_VwVwR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vaslacc_VwVwR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaslw.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VhR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasr_VwR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VhR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasr_VwR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhv")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasr_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwv")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasr_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasracc_VwVwR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrw.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vasracc_VwVwR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrw.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VwVwR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VwVwR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vasr_VhVhR_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbsat")
-        },
-        "Vub_vasr_VhVhR_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbsat")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VwVwR_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhsat")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vasr_VwVwR_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhsat")
-        },
-        "Vb_vasr_VhVhR_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vasr_VhVhR_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VwVwR_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vasr_VwVwR_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vasr_VhVhR_rnd_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbrndsat")
-        },
-        "Vub_vasr_VhVhR_rnd_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbrndsat")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VwVwR_rnd_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhrndsat")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vasr_VwVwR_rnd_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhrndsat")
-        },
-        "Vb_vasr_VhVhR_rnd_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbrndsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vasr_VhVhR_rnd_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrhbrndsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vasr_VwVwR_rnd_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhrndsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vasr_VwVwR_rnd_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vasrwhrndsat.128B")
-        },
-        "V_equals_V64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vassign")
-        },
-        "V_equals_V128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vassign.128B")
-        },
-        "W_equals_W64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vassignp")
-        },
-        "W_equals_W128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vassignp.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vavg_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vavg_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vavg_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vavg_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vavg_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgub")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vavg_VuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavguh")
-        },
-        "Vub_vavg_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vavg_VuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavguh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vavg_VhVh_rnd64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrndh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vavg_VwVw_rnd64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrndw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vavg_VhVh_rnd128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrndh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vavg_VwVw_rnd128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrndw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vavg_VubVub_rnd64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrndub")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vavg_VuhVuh_rnd64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrnduh")
-        },
-        "Vub_vavg_VubVub_rnd128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrndub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vavg_VuhVuh_rnd128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vavgrnduh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vcl0_Vuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vcl0h")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vcl0_Vuw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vcl0w")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vcl0_Vuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vcl0h.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vcl0_Vuw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vcl0w.128B")
-        },
-        "W_vcombine_VV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine")
-        },
-        "W_vcombine_VV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vcombine.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vzero64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vd0")
-        },
-        "V_vzero128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vd0.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vdeal_Vb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealb")
-        },
-        "Vh_vdeal_Vh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealh")
-        },
-        "Vb_vdeal_Vb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vdeal_Vh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vdeale_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealb4w")
-        },
-        "Vb_vdeale_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealb4w.128B")
-        },
-        "W_vdeal_VVR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealvdd")
-        },
-        "W_vdeal_VVR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdealvdd.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vdelta_VV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdelta")
-        },
-        "V_vdelta_VV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdelta.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vdmpy_VubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus")
-        },
-        "Vh_vdmpy_VubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vdmpyacc_VhVubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x32, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus.acc")
-        },
-        "Vh_vdmpyacc_VhVubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vdmpy_WubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus.dv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vdmpy_WubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vdmpyacc_WhWubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus.dv.acc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vdmpyacc_WhWubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x128, &::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpybus.dv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vdmpy_WhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb.dv")
-        },
-        "Ww_vdmpy_WhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vdmpyacc_WwWhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb.dv.acc")
-        },
-        "Ww_vdmpyacc_WwWhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x64, &::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhb.dv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_WwRh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhisat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_WwRh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhisat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhRh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhRh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_WhRuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsuisat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_WhRuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsuisat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhRuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsusat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhRuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsusat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhvsat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpy_VhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhvsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwWwRh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhisat_acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwWwRh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhisat_acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vdsad_WuhRuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdsaduh")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vdsad_WuhRuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdsaduh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vdsadacc_WuwWuhRuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x32, &::U16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdsaduh.acc")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vdsadacc_WuwWuhRuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x64, &::U16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdsaduh.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhRh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsat_acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhRh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsat_acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwWhRuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsuisat_acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwWhRuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsuisat_acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhRuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsusat_acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhRuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhsusat_acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhvsat_acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vdmpyacc_VwVhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vdmpyhvsat_acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eq_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eq_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eq_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eq_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eq_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eq_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqand_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqand_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqand_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqand_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqand_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqand_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqor_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqor_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqor_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqor_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqor_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqor_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqxacc_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqxacc_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqxacc_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqxacc_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqb.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqxacc_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqh.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_eqxacc_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.veqw.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gt_VuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh.and")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtand_QVuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh.and.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh.or")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtor_QVuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh.or.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtb.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgth.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtw.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh.xor")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtub.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Q_vcmp_gtxacc_QVuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vgtuh.xor.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vinsert_VwR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vinsertwr")
-        },
-        "Vw_vinsert_VwR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vinsertwr.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vlsr_VuhR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrh")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vlsr_VuwR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrw")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vlsr_VuhR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vlsr_VuwR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vlsr_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrhv")
-        },
-        "Vw_vlsr_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrwv")
-        },
-        "Vh_vlsr_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrhv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vlsr_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlsrwv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vlut32_VbVbR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvvb")
-        },
-        "Vb_vlut32_VbVbR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvvb.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vlut16_VbVhR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x64, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvwh")
-        },
-        "Wh_vlut16_VbVhR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x128, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvwh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vlut32or_VbVbVbR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64, &::I8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvvb.oracc")
-        },
-        "Vb_vlut32or_VbVbVbR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128, &::I8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvvb.oracc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vlut16or_WhVbVhR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I16x64, &::I8x64, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvwh.oracc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vlut16or_WhVbVhR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 4] = [&::I16x128, &::I8x128, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vlutvwh.oracc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmax_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmax_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmax_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmax_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vmax_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxub")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vmax_VuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxuh")
-        },
-        "Vub_vmax_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vmax_VuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmaxuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmin_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmin_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmin_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmin_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vmin_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminub")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vmin_VuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminuh")
-        },
-        "Vub_vmin_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vmin_VuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vminuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpa_WubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpa_WubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpaacc_WhWubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus.acc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpaacc_WhWubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x128, &::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabus.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpa_WubWb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabusv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpa_WubWub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabuuv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpa_WubWb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::I8x256]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabusv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpa_WubWub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U8x256]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpabuuv.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpa_WhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpa_WhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpaacc_WwWhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb.acc")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpaacc_WwWhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x64, &::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpahb.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpy_VbVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybus")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpy_VhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhus")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpy_VbVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybus.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpy_VhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhus.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpyacc_WhVbVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybus.acc")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpyacc_WwVhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhus.acc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpyacc_WhVbVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x128, &::I8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybus.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpyacc_WwVhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x64, &::I16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhus.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpy_VubVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybusv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpy_VubVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybusv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpyacc_WhVubVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::U8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybusv.acc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpyacc_WhVubVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x128, &::U8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybusv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpy_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybv")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpy_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyubv")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpy_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhv")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpy_VuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpy_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpy_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyubv.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpy_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpy_VuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpyacc_WhVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybv.acc")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpyacc_WuhVubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x64, &::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyubv.acc")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpyacc_WwVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhv.acc")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpyacc_WuwVuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x32, &::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.acc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vmpyacc_WhVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x128, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpybv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpyacc_WuhVubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x128, &::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyubv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpyacc_WwVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x64, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpyacc_WuwVuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x64, &::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuhv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpye_VwVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyewuh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpye_VwVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyewuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpy_VhRh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyh")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpy_VuhRuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuh")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpy_VhRh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpy_VuhRuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpyacc_WwVhRh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhsat.acc")
-        },
-        "Ww_vmpyacc_WwVhRh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x64, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhsat.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpy_VhRh_s1_rnd_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhsrs")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpy_VhRh_s1_rnd_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhsrs.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpy_VhRh_s1_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhss")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpy_VhRh_s1_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhss.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpy_VhVh_s1_rnd_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhvsrs")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpy_VhVh_s1_rnd_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyhvsrs.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyieo_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyieoh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyieo_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyieoh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyieacc_VwVwVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewh.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyieacc_VwVwVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyieacc_VwVwVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewh.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyieacc_VwVwVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyie_VwVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyie_VwVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiewuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyi_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyih")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyi_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyih.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyiacc_VhVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyih.acc")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyiacc_VhVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyih.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyi_VhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyihb")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyi_VwRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwb")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyi_VhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyihb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyi_VwRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyiacc_VhVhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyihb.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyiacc_VwVwRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwb.acc")
-        },
-        "Vh_vmpyiacc_VhVhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyihb.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyiacc_VwVwRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwb.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyi_VwRh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyi_VwRh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyiacc_VwVwRh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwh.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyiacc_VwVwRh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwh.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyi_VwRub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwub")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyi_VwRub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyiacc_VwVwRub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwub.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyiacc_VwVwRub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiwub.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_rnd_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.rnd")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_rnd_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.rnd.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_rnd_sat_shift64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.rnd.sacc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_rnd_sat_shift128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.rnd.sacc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_sat_shift64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.sacc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyo_VwVh_s1_sat_shift128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyowh.sacc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyio_VwVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiowh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vmpyio_VwVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyiowh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpy_VubRub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyub")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpy_VubRub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyub.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpyacc_WuhVubRub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x64, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyub.acc")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpyacc_WuwVuhRuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x32, &::U16x32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuh.acc")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vmpyacc_WuhVubRub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x128, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyub.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vmpyacc_WuwVuhRuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x64, &::U16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmpyuh.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vmux_QVV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U32x16, &::U32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmux")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vmux_QVV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x32, &::U32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vmux.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vnavg_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavgh")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vnavg_VuhVuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavguh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vnavg_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavgw")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vnavg_VuwVuw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x16, &::U32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavguw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vnavg_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavgh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vnavg_VuhVuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavguh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vnavg_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavgw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vnavg_VuwVuw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x32, &::U32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavguw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vnavg_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavgub")
-        },
-        "Vub_vnavg_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnavgub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vnormamt_Vh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnormamth")
-        },
-        "Vw_vnormamt_Vw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnormamtw")
-        },
-        "Vh_vnormamt_Vh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnormamth.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vnormamt_Vw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnormamtw.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vnot_VV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnot")
-        },
-        "V_vnot_VV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vnot.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vor_VV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vor")
-        },
-        "V_vor_VV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vor.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vpacke_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackhe")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpacke_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwe")
-        },
-        "Vb_vpacke_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackhe.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpacke_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwe.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vpacko_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackho")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpacko_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwo")
-        },
-        "Vb_vpacko_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackho.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpacko_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwo.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vpack_VhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackhb.sat")
-        },
-        "Vub_vpack_VhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackhub.sat")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpack_VwVw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwh.sat")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vpack_VwVw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwuh.sat")
-        },
-        "Vb_vpack_VhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackhb.sat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vpack_VhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackhub.sat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpack_VwVw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwh.sat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vpack_VwVw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpackwuh.sat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpopcount_Vh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpopcounth")
-        },
-        "Vh_vpopcount_Vh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vpopcounth.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vrdelta_VV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrdelta")
-        },
-        "V_vrdelta_VV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrdelta.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpy_VubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybus")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpy_VubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybus.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpyacc_VwVubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybus.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpyacc_VwVubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybus.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vrmpy_WubRbI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusi")
-        },
-        "Ww_vrmpy_WubRbI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusi.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vrmpyacc_WwWubRbI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusi.acc")
-        },
-        "Ww_vrmpyacc_WwWubRbI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x64, &::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusi.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpy_VubVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusv")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpy_VubVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpyacc_VwVubVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::U8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusv.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpyacc_VwVubVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::U8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybusv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpy_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybv")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpy_VubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyubv")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpy_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpybv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpy_VubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyubv.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpyacc_VwVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x16, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpywv.acc")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpyacc_VuwVubVub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x16, &::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyuwv.acc")
-        },
-        "Vw_vrmpyacc_VwVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpywv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpyacc_VuwVubVub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x32, &::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyuwv.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpy_VubRub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyub")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpy_VubRub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpyacc_VuwVubRub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x16, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyub.acc")
-        },
-        "Vuw_vrmpyacc_VuwVubRub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x32, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyub.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrmpy_WubRubI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyubi")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrmpy_WubRubI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyubi.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrmpyacc_WuwWubRubI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x32, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyubi.acc")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrmpyacc_WuwWubRubI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x64, &::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrmpyubi.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vror_VR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vror")
-        },
-        "V_vror_VR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vror.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vround_VhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundhb")
-        },
-        "Vub_vround_VhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundhub")
-        },
-        "Vh_vround_VwVw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundwh")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vround_VwVw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundwuh")
-        },
-        "Vb_vround_VhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundhb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vround_VhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundhub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vround_VwVw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundwh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vround_VwVw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vroundwuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrsad_WubRubI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrsadubi")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrsad_WubRubI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrsadubi.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrsadacc_WuwWubRubI64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x32, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrsadubi.acc")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vrsadacc_WuwWubRubI128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x64, &::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vrsadubi.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vsat_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsathub")
-        },
-        "Vub_vsat_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsathub.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vsat_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsatwh")
-        },
-        "Vh_vsat_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsatwh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vsxt_Vb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb")
-        },
-        "Ww_vsxt_Vh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsh")
-        },
-        "Wh_vsxt_Vb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsb.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vsxt_Vh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vzxt_Vub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vzb")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vzxt_Vuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vzh")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vzxt_Vub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vzb.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vzxt_Vuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vzh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_condacc_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddbq")
-        },
-        "Vh_condacc_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhq")
-        },
-        "Vw_condacc_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwq")
-        },
-        "Vb_condacc_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddbq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_condacc_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_condacc_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_condacc_QnVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddbnq")
-        },
-        "Vh_condacc_QnVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhnq")
-        },
-        "Vw_condacc_QnVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwnq")
-        },
-        "Vb_condacc_QnVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddbnq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_condacc_QnVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddhnq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_condacc_QnVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vaddwnq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_condnac_QVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubbq")
-        },
-        "Vh_condnac_QVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhq")
-        },
-        "Vw_condnac_QVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwq")
-        },
-        "Vb_condnac_QVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubbq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_condnac_QVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_condnac_QVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_condnac_QnVbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubbnq")
-        },
-        "Vh_condnac_QnVhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhnq")
-        },
-        "Vw_condnac_QnVwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwnq")
-        },
-        "Vb_condnac_QnVbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubbnq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_condnac_QnVhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhnq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_condnac_QnVwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwnq.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuffe_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufeh")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuffe_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufeh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuffo_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufoh")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuffo_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufoh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuff_Vb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffb")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuff_Vh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffh")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuff_Vb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuff_Vh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuffe_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuffe_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffeb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuffo_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffob")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuffo_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffob.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuffoe_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffoeb")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuffoe_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffoeh")
-        },
-        "Vb_vshuffoe_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffoeb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vshuffoe_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshuffoeh.128B")
-        },
-        "W_vshuff_VVR64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufvvd")
-        },
-        "W_vshuff_VVR128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vshufvvd.128B")
-        },
-        "Vb_vsub_VbVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubb")
-        },
-        "Vh_vsub_VhVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubh")
-        },
-        "Vw_vsub_VwVw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubw")
-        },
-        "Vb_vsub_VbVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubb.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vsub_VhVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubh.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vsub_VwVw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubw.128B")
-        },
-        "Vh_vsub_VhVh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhsat")
-        },
-        "Vw_vsub_VwVw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x16, &::I32x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwsat")
-        },
-        "Vh_vsub_VhVh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vw_vsub_VwVw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vub_vsub_VubVub_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsububsat")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vsub_VuhVuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubuhsat")
-        },
-        "Vub_vsub_VubVub_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsububsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Vuh_vsub_VuhVuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubuhsat.128B")
-        },
-        "Wb_vsub_WbWb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubb.dv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vsub_WhWh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubh.dv")
-        },
-        "Ww_vsub_WwWw64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubw.dv")
-        },
-        "Wb_vsub_WbWb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x256, &::I8x256]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubb.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vsub_WhWh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::I16x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubh.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vsub_WwWw128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x64, &::I32x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubw.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vsub_WhWh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Ww_vsub_WwWw_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I32x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Wh_vsub_WhWh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::I16x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubhsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vsub_WwWw_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x64, &::I32x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubwsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wub_vsub_WubWub_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsububsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vsub_WuhWuh_sat64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubuhsat.dv")
-        },
-        "Wub_vsub_WubWub_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U8x256]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsububsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vsub_WuhWuh_sat128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x128, &::U16x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vsubuhsat.dv.128B")
-        },
-        "W_vswap_QVV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x2, &::U8x64, &::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vswap")
-        },
-        "W_vswap_QVV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U32x4, &::U8x128, &::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x256,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vswap.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpy_WbRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyb")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpy_WbRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyb.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpyacc_WhWbRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::I8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyb.acc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpyacc_WhWbRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x128, &::I8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyb.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpy_WubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpybus")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpy_WubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpybus.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpyacc_WhWubRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x64, &::U8x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpybus.acc")
-        },
-        "Wh_vtmpyacc_WhWubRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x128, &::U8x256, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpybus.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vtmpy_WhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyhb")
-        },
-        "Ww_vtmpy_WhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyhb.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vunpack_Vb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackb")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vunpack_Vub64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackub")
-        },
-        "Ww_vunpack_Vh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackh")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vunpack_Vuh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackuh")
-        },
-        "Wh_vunpack_Vb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackb.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuh_vunpack_Vub128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackub.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vunpack_Vh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wuw_vunpack_Vuh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackuh.128B")
-        },
-        "Wh_vunpackoor_WhVb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x64, &::I8x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackob")
-        },
-        "Ww_vunpackoor_WwVh64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackoh")
-        },
-        "Wh_vunpackoor_WhVb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x128, &::I8x128]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x128,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackob.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vunpackoor_WwVh128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x64, &::I16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vunpackoh.128B")
-        },
-        "Ww_vtmpyacc_WwWhRb64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x32, &::I16x64, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyhb.acc")
-        },
-        "Ww_vtmpyacc_WwWhRb128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x64, &::I16x128, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vtmpyhb.acc.128B")
-        },
-        "V_vxor_VV64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x32, &::U16x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vxor")
-        },
-        "V_vxor_VV128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x64, &::U16x64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.hexagon.V6.vxor.128B")
-        },
-        _ => return None,
-    })
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fbf168..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-pub struct Intrinsic {
-    pub inputs: &'static [&'static Type],
-    pub output: &'static Type,
-    pub definition: IntrinsicDef,
-#[derive(Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
-pub enum Type {
-    Void,
-    Integer(/* signed */ bool, u8, /* llvm width */ u8),
-    Float(u8),
-    Pointer(&'static Type, Option<&'static Type>, /* const */ bool),
-    Vector(&'static Type, Option<&'static Type>, u16),
-    Aggregate(bool, &'static [&'static Type]),
-pub enum IntrinsicDef {
-    Named(&'static str),
-static I8: Type = Type::Integer(true, 8, 8);
-static I16: Type = Type::Integer(true, 16, 16);
-static I32: Type = Type::Integer(true, 32, 32);
-static I64: Type = Type::Integer(true, 64, 64);
-static U8: Type = Type::Integer(false, 8, 8);
-static U16: Type = Type::Integer(false, 16, 16);
-static U32: Type = Type::Integer(false, 32, 32);
-static U64: Type = Type::Integer(false, 64, 64);
-static F32: Type = Type::Float(32);
-static F64: Type = Type::Float(64);
-static I32_8: Type = Type::Integer(true, 32, 8);
-static I8x8: Type = Type::Vector(&I8, None, 8);
-static U8x8: Type = Type::Vector(&U8, None, 8);
-static I8x16: Type = Type::Vector(&I8, None, 16);
-static U8x16: Type = Type::Vector(&U8, None, 16);
-static I8x32: Type = Type::Vector(&I8, None, 32);
-static U8x32: Type = Type::Vector(&U8, None, 32);
-static I8x64: Type = Type::Vector(&I8, None, 64);
-static U8x64: Type = Type::Vector(&U8, None, 64);
-static I8x128: Type = Type::Vector(&I8, None, 128);
-static U8x128: Type = Type::Vector(&U8, None, 128);
-static I8x256: Type = Type::Vector(&I8, None, 256);
-static U8x256: Type = Type::Vector(&U8, None, 256);
-static I16x4: Type = Type::Vector(&I16, None, 4);
-static U16x4: Type = Type::Vector(&U16, None, 4);
-static I16x8: Type = Type::Vector(&I16, None, 8);
-static U16x8: Type = Type::Vector(&U16, None, 8);
-static I16x16: Type = Type::Vector(&I16, None, 16);
-static U16x16: Type = Type::Vector(&U16, None, 16);
-static I16x32: Type = Type::Vector(&I16, None, 32);
-static U16x32: Type = Type::Vector(&U16, None, 32);
-static I16x64: Type = Type::Vector(&I16, None, 64);
-static U16x64: Type = Type::Vector(&U16, None, 64);
-static I16x128: Type = Type::Vector(&I16, None, 128);
-static U16x128: Type = Type::Vector(&U16, None, 128);
-static I32x2: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, None, 2);
-static U32x2: Type = Type::Vector(&U32, None, 2);
-static I32x4: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, None, 4);
-static U32x4: Type = Type::Vector(&U32, None, 4);
-static I32x8: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, None, 8);
-static U32x8: Type = Type::Vector(&U32, None, 8);
-static I32x16: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, None, 16);
-static U32x16: Type = Type::Vector(&U32, None, 16);
-static I32x32: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, None, 32);
-static U32x32: Type = Type::Vector(&U32, None, 32);
-static I32x64: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, None, 64);
-static U32x64: Type = Type::Vector(&U32, None, 64);
-static I64x1: Type = Type::Vector(&I64, None, 1);
-static U64x1: Type = Type::Vector(&U64, None, 1);
-static I64x2: Type = Type::Vector(&I64, None, 2);
-static U64x2: Type = Type::Vector(&U64, None, 2);
-static I64x4: Type = Type::Vector(&I64, None, 4);
-static U64x4: Type = Type::Vector(&U64, None, 4);
-static F32x2: Type = Type::Vector(&F32, None, 2);
-static F32x4: Type = Type::Vector(&F32, None, 4);
-static F32x8: Type = Type::Vector(&F32, None, 8);
-static F64x1: Type = Type::Vector(&F64, None, 1);
-static F64x2: Type = Type::Vector(&F64, None, 2);
-static F64x4: Type = Type::Vector(&F64, None, 4);
-static I32x4_F32: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, Some(&F32), 4);
-static I32x8_F32: Type = Type::Vector(&I32, Some(&F32), 8);
-static I64x2_F64: Type = Type::Vector(&I64, Some(&F64), 2);
-static I64x4_F64: Type = Type::Vector(&I64, Some(&F64), 4);
-static VOID: Type = Type::Void;
-mod x86;
-mod arm;
-mod aarch64;
-mod nvptx;
-mod hexagon;
-mod powerpc;
-impl Intrinsic {
-    pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {
-        if name.starts_with("x86_") {
-            x86::find(name)
-        } else if name.starts_with("arm_") {
-            arm::find(name)
-        } else if name.starts_with("aarch64_") {
-            aarch64::find(name)
-        } else if name.starts_with("nvptx_") {
-            nvptx::find(name)
-        } else if name.starts_with("Q6_") {
-            hexagon::find(name)
-        } else if name.starts_with("powerpc_") {
-            powerpc::find(name)
-        } else {
-            None
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4127846..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-use {Intrinsic, Type};
-use IntrinsicDef::Named;
-pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {
-    if !name.starts_with("nvptx") { return None }
-    Some(match &name["nvptx".len()..] {
-        "_syncthreads" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.cuda.syncthreads")
-        },
-        "_block_dim_x" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_block_dim_y" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_block_dim_z" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_block_idx_x" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_block_idx_y" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_block_idx_z" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_grid_dim_x" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_grid_dim_y" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_grid_dim_z" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_thread_idx_x" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_thread_idx_y" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_thread_idx_z" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        _ => return None,
-    })
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index d745090..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-use {Intrinsic, Type};
-use IntrinsicDef::Named;
-pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {
-    if !name.starts_with("powerpc") { return None }
-    Some(match &name["powerpc".len()..] {
-        "_vec_perm" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm")
-        },
-        "_vec_mradds" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmhraddshs")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpbfp")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpeqb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequb")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpeqh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequh")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpeqw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequw")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpgtub" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtub")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpgtuh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtuh")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpgtuw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtuw")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpgtsb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsb")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpgtsh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsh")
-        },
-        "_vec_cmpgtsw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsw")
-        },
-        "_vec_maxsb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxsb")
-        },
-        "_vec_maxub" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxub")
-        },
-        "_vec_maxsh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxsh")
-        },
-        "_vec_maxuh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxuh")
-        },
-        "_vec_maxsw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxsw")
-        },
-        "_vec_maxuw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxuw")
-        },
-        "_vec_minsb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vminsb")
-        },
-        "_vec_minub" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vminub")
-        },
-        "_vec_minsh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vminsh")
-        },
-        "_vec_minuh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vminuh")
-        },
-        "_vec_minsw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vminsw")
-        },
-        "_vec_minuw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vminuw")
-        },
-        "_vec_subsbs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsubsbs")
-        },
-        "_vec_sububs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsububs")
-        },
-        "_vec_subshs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsubshs")
-        },
-        "_vec_subuhs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsubuhs")
-        },
-        "_vec_subsws" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsubsws")
-        },
-        "_vec_subuws" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsubuws")
-        },
-        "_vec_subc" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsubcuw")
-        },
-        "_vec_addsbs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddsbs")
-        },
-        "_vec_addubs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddubs")
-        },
-        "_vec_addshs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddshs")
-        },
-        "_vec_adduhs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vadduhs")
-        },
-        "_vec_addsws" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddsws")
-        },
-        "_vec_adduws" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vadduws")
-        },
-        "_vec_addc" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddcuw")
-        },
-        "_vec_mulesb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulesb")
-        },
-        "_vec_muleub" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmuleub")
-        },
-        "_vec_mulesh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulesh")
-        },
-        "_vec_muleuh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmuleuh")
-        },
-        "_vec_mulosb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulosb")
-        },
-        "_vec_muloub" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmuloub")
-        },
-        "_vec_mulosh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulosh")
-        },
-        "_vec_mulouh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulouh")
-        },
-        "_vec_avgsb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgsb")
-        },
-        "_vec_avgub" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgub")
-        },
-        "_vec_avgsh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgsh")
-        },
-        "_vec_avguh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vavguh")
-        },
-        "_vec_avgsw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgsw")
-        },
-        "_vec_avguw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vavguw")
-        },
-        "_vec_packssh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkshss")
-        },
-        "_vec_packsuh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkuhus")
-        },
-        "_vec_packssw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkswss")
-        },
-        "_vec_packsuw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkuwus")
-        },
-        "_vec_packsush" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkshus")
-        },
-        "_vec_packsusw" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkswus")
-        },
-        "_vec_packpx" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkpx")
-        },
-        "_vec_unpacklsb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vupklsb")
-        },
-        "_vec_unpacklsh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vupklsh")
-        },
-        "_vec_unpackhsb" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vupkhsb")
-        },
-        "_vec_unpackhsh" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vupkhsh")
-        },
-        "_vec_madds" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmhaddshs")
-        },
-        "_vec_msumubm" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumubm")
-        },
-        "_vec_msumuhm" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumuhm")
-        },
-        "_vec_msummbm" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::U8x16, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsummbm")
-        },
-        "_vec_msumshm" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumshm")
-        },
-        "_vec_msumshs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumshs")
-        },
-        "_vec_msumuhs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumuhs")
-        },
-        "_vec_sum2s" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsum2sws")
-        },
-        "_vec_sum4sbs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsum4sbs")
-        },
-        "_vec_sum4ubs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsum4ubs")
-        },
-        "_vec_sum4shs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsum4shs")
-        },
-        "_vec_sums" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vsumsws")
-        },
-        "_vec_madd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaddfp")
-        },
-        "_vec_nmsub" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vnmsubfp")
-        },
-        "_vec_expte" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vexptefp")
-        },
-        "_vec_floor" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfim")
-        },
-        "_vec_ceil" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfip")
-        },
-        "_vec_round" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfin")
-        },
-        "_vec_trunc" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfiz")
-        },
-        "_vec_loge" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vlogefp")
-        },
-        "_vec_re" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vrefp")
-        },
-        "_vec_rsqrte" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.ppc.altivec.vrsqrtefp")
-        },
-        _ => return None,
-    })
diff --git a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ b/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1ba91..0000000
--- a/src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1369 +0,0 @@
-// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/
-// ignore-tidy-linelength
-use {Intrinsic, Type};
-use IntrinsicDef::Named;
-pub fn find(name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {
-    if !name.starts_with("x86") { return None }
-    Some(match &name["x86".len()..] {
-        "_mm256_abs_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pabs.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_abs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pabs.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_abs_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pabs.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_adds_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x32, &::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.padds.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_adds_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x32, &::U8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.paddus.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_adds_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.padds.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_adds_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x16, &::U16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.paddus.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_avg_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x32, &::U8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pavg.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_avg_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x16, &::U16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pavg.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hadd_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.phadd.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hadd_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.phadd.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hadds_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.phadd.sw")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hsub_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.phsub.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hsub_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.phsub.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hsubs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.phsub.sw")
-        },
-        "_mm256_madd_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmadd.wd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maddubs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x32, &::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmadd.ub.sw")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i32gather_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I32x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4, &::I32x4, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.d.d")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i32gather_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F32x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4, &::I32x4_F32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i32gather_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I32x8, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x8, &::I32x8, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.d.d.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i32gather_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F32x8, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x8, &::I32x8_F32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i32gather_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I64x2, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4, &::I64x2, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.d.q")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i32gather_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F64x2, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4, &::I64x2_F64, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.d.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i32gather_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I64x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4, &::I64x4, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.d.q.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i32gather_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F64x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4, &::I64x4_F64, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.d.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i64gather_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I32x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x2, &::I32x4, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.q.d")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i64gather_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F32x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x2, &::I32x4_F32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i64gather_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I32x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x4, &::I32x4, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.q.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i64gather_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F32x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x4, &::I32x4_F32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i64gather_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I64x2, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x2, &::I64x2, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.q.q")
-        },
-        "_mm_mask_i64gather_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F64x2, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x2, &::I64x2_F64, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.q.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i64gather_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I64x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x4, &::I64x4, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.q.q.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mask_i64gather_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::F64x4, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x4, &::I64x4_F64, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.gather.q.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskload_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32x4, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskload.d")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskload_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64x2, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskload.q")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskload_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32x8, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskload.d.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskload_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64x4, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskload.q.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskstore_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskstore.d")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskstore_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskstore.q")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskstore_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I32, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskstore.d.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskstore_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I64, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I64x4, &::I64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.maskstore.q.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x32, &::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmaxs.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x32, &::U8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmaxu.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmaxs.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x16, &::U16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmaxu.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmaxs.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_epu32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x8, &::U32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmaxu.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x32, &::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmins.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x32, &::U8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pminu.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmins.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x16, &::U16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pminu.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmins.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_epu32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x8, &::U32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pminu.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_movemask_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmovmskb")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mpsadbw_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x32, &::U8x32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.mpsadbw")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mul_epi64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmulq.dq")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mul_epu64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x8, &::U32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmulq.dq")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mulhi_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmulhw.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mulhi_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x16, &::U16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pmulhw.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_mulhrs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_packs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.packsswb")
-        },
-        "_mm256_packus_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.packuswb")
-        },
-        "_mm256_packs_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.packssdw")
-        },
-        "_mm256_packus_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.packusdw")
-        },
-        "_mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.permd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.permps")
-        },
-        "_mm256_sad_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x32, &::U8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_shuffle_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x32, &::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.pshuf.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_sign_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x32, &::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.psign.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_sign_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.psign.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_sign_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.psign.d")
-        },
-        "_mm256_subs_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x32, &::I8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.psubs.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_subs_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x32, &::U8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.psubus.b")
-        },
-        "_mm256_subs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x16, &::I16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.psubs.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_subs_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x16, &::U16x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx2.psubus.w")
-        },
-        "_mm256_addsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_addsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.addsub.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_blendv_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_blendv_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.blendv.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_broadcast_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_broadcast_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::I8, None, true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vbroadcastf128.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cmp_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::I8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cmp_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::I8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.cmp.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvtepi32_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.cvtdq2.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvtepi32_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvtpd_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.cvt.pd2dq.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvtpd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvtps_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.cvt.ps2dq.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvtps_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.cvt.ps2.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvttpd_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.cvtt.pd2dq.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_cvttps_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.cvtt.ps2dq.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_dp_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.hadd.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_hsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.hsub.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_max_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.max.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskload_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x4_F32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskload_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x2_F64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.maskload.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskload_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I32x8_F32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskload_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }, &::I64x4_F64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.maskload.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskstore_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I32x4_F32, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskstore_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I64x2_F64, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.maskstore.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskstore_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I32x8_F32, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_maskstore_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::I64x4_F64, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.maskstore.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_min_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.min.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_movemask_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_movemask_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.movmsk.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_permutevar_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_permutevar_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::I64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vpermilvar.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_permutevar_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::I32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_permutevar_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::I64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vpermilvar.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_rcp_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_rsqrt_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_storeu_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32x8, Some(&::U8), false); &PTR }, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_storeu_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64x4, Some(&::U8), false); &PTR }, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_storeu_si256" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8x32, Some(&::U8), false); &PTR }, &::U8x32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.storeu.dq.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_sqrt_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v8f32")
-        },
-        "_mm256_sqrt_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v4f64")
-        },
-        "_mm_testc_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testc_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_testc_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vtestc.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testc_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vtestc.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testc_si256" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x4, &::U64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.ptestc.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_testnzc_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testnzc_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_testnzc_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vtestnzc.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testnzc_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vtestnzc.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testnzc_si256" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x4, &::U64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.ptestnzc.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_testz_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testz_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_testz_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vtestz.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testz_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vtestz.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_testz_si256" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x4, &::U64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.ptestz.256")
-        },
-        "_mm256_zeroall" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vzeroall")
-        },
-        "_mm256_zeroupper" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.avx.vzeroupper")
-        },
-        "_bmi2_bzhi_32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.bzhi.32")
-        },
-        "_bmi2_bzhi_64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64, &::U64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.bzhi.64")
-        },
-        "_bmi2_pdep_32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.pdep.32")
-        },
-        "_bmi2_pdep_64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64, &::U64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.pdep.64")
-        },
-        "_bmi2_pext_32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.pext.32")
-        },
-        "_bmi2_pext_64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64, &::U64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.pext.64")
-        },
-        "_bmi_bextr_32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.bextr.32")
-        },
-        "_bmi_bextr_64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64, &::U64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.bmi.bextr.64")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmadd.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmaddsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmaddsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmaddsub.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmaddsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmaddsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmaddsub.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmsub.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmsubadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_fmsubadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmsubadd.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmsubadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fmsubadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfmsubadd.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_fnmadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_fnmadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fnmadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fnmadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfnmadd.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_mm_fnmsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_fnmsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fnmsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x8, &::F32x8, &::F32x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm256_fnmsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x4, &::F64x4, &::F64x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.fma.vfnmsub.pd.256")
-        },
-        "_rdrand16_step" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16, &::I32]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.rdrand.16")
-        },
-        "_rdrand32_step" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32, &::I32]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.rdrand.32")
-        },
-        "_rdrand64_step" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64, &::I32]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.rdrand.64")
-        },
-        "_rdseed16_step" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16, &::I32]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.rdseed.16")
-        },
-        "_rdseed32_step" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32, &::I32]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.rdseed.32")
-        },
-        "_rdseed64_step" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: { static AGG: Type = Type::Aggregate(false, { static PARTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64, &::I32]; &PARTS }); &AGG },
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.rdseed.64")
-        },
-        "_mm_adds_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.padds.b")
-        },
-        "_mm_adds_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.b")
-        },
-        "_mm_adds_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.padds.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_adds_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_avg_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pavg.b")
-        },
-        "_mm_avg_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pavg.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_lfence" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.lfence")
-        },
-        "_mm_madd_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmadd.wd")
-        },
-        "_mm_maskmoveu_si128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, { static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8, None, false); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.maskmov.dqu")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmaxs.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmaxu.b")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.max.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm_mfence" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.fence")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmins.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pminu.b")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.min.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm_movemask_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.movmsk.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm_movemask_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmovmskb.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_mul_epu32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmulu.dq")
-        },
-        "_mm_mulhi_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmulh.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_mulhi_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.pmulhu.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_packs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.packsswb.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_packs_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.packssdw.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_packus_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.packuswb.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_sad_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64x2,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_sfence" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 0] = []; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.sfence")
-        },
-        "_mm_sqrt_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v2f64")
-        },
-        "_mm_storeu_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F64, Some(&::U8), false); &PTR }, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.storeu.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm_storeu_si128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8x16, Some(&::U8), false); &PTR }, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.storeu.dq")
-        },
-        "_mm_subs_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.b")
-        },
-        "_mm_subs_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.b")
-        },
-        "_mm_subs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_subs_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.w")
-        },
-        "_mm_addsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_addsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse3.addsub.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm_hadd_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_hadd_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse3.hadd.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm_hsub_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_hsub_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse3.hsub.pd")
-        },
-        "_mm_lddqu_si128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::U8x16, Some(&::I8), true); &PTR }]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse3.ldu.dq")
-        },
-        "_mm_dp_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.dpps")
-        },
-        "_mm_dp_pd" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::F64x2, &::F64x2, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.dppd")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxsb")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxuw")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxsd")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_epu32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxud")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pminsb")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U16x8, &::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pminuw")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pminsd")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_epu32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32x4, &::U32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pminud")
-        },
-        "_mm_minpos_epu16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::U16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.phminposuw")
-        },
-        "_mm_mpsadbw_epu8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::U8x16, &::U8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.mpsadbw")
-        },
-        "_mm_mul_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I64x2,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.pmuldq")
-        },
-        "_mm_packus_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.packusdw")
-        },
-        "_mm_testc_si128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.ptestc")
-        },
-        "_mm_testnzc_si128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.ptestnzc")
-        },
-        "_mm_testz_si128" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64x2, &::U64x2]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse41.ptestz")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpestra" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I8x16, &::I32, &::I8x16, &::I32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestria128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpestrc" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I8x16, &::I32, &::I8x16, &::I32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestric128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpestri" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I8x16, &::I32, &::I8x16, &::I32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestri128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpestrm" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I8x16, &::I32, &::I8x16, &::I32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrm128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpestro" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I8x16, &::I32, &::I8x16, &::I32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrio128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpestrs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I8x16, &::I32, &::I8x16, &::I32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestris128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpestrz" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 5] = [&::I8x16, &::I32, &::I8x16, &::I32, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestriz128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpistra" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistria128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpistrc" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistric128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpistri" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistri128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpistrm" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrm128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpistro" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrio128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpistrs" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistris128")
-        },
-        "_mm_cmpistrz" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 3] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16, &::I32_8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistriz128")
-        },
-        "_mm_movemask_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_max_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_min_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::F32x4, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_rsqrt_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_rcp_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_sqrt_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::F32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.sqrt.v4f32")
-        },
-        "_mm_storeu_ps" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [{ static PTR: Type = Type::Pointer(&::F32, Some(&::I8), false); &PTR }, &::F32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::VOID,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_abs_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.b.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_abs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.w.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_abs_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 1] = [&::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.d.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_hadd_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.w.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_hadd_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.d.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_hadds_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.sw.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_hsub_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.w.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_hsub_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.d.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_hsubs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.sw.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_maddubs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.pmadd.ub.sw.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_mulhrs_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("")
-        },
-        "_mm_shuffle_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.pshuf.b.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_sign_epi8" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I8x16, &::I8x16]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I8x16,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.b.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_sign_epi16" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I16x8, &::I16x8]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I16x8,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.w.128")
-        },
-        "_mm_sign_epi32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::I32x4, &::I32x4]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::I32x4,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.d.128")
-        },
-        "_tbm_bextri_u32" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U32, &::U32]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U32,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.tbm.bextri.u32")
-        },
-        "_tbm_bextri_u64" => Intrinsic {
-            inputs: { static INPUTS: [&'static Type; 2] = [&::U64, &::U64]; &INPUTS },
-            output: &::U64,
-            definition: Named("llvm.x86.tbm.bextri.u64")
-        },
-        _ => return None,
-    })
diff --git a/src/librustc_plugin/ b/src/librustc_plugin/
index 9e7839e..39f5804 100644
--- a/src/librustc_plugin/
+++ b/src/librustc_plugin/
@@ -50,10 +50,7 @@
             let plugins = match attr.meta_item_list() {
                 Some(xs) => xs,
-                None => {
-                    call_malformed_plugin_attribute(sess, attr.span);
-                    continue;
-                }
+                None => continue,
             for plugin in plugins {
diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 4890369..dcbb9ff 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 extern crate syntax_pos;
 extern crate rustc_data_structures;
-use rustc::hir::{self, Node, PatKind};
+use rustc::hir::{self, Node, PatKind, AssociatedItemKind};
 use rustc::hir::def::Def;
 use rustc::hir::def_id::{CRATE_DEF_INDEX, LOCAL_CRATE, CrateNum, DefId};
 use rustc::hir::intravisit::{self, Visitor, NestedVisitorMap};
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
 use rustc::middle::privacy::{AccessLevel, AccessLevels};
 use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt, Ty, TraitRef, TypeFoldable, GenericParamDefKind};
 use rustc::ty::fold::TypeVisitor;
-use rustc::ty::query::Providers;
+use rustc::ty::query::{Providers, queries};
 use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
 use rustc::util::nodemap::NodeSet;
 use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
 use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
-use syntax::ast::{self, CRATE_NODE_ID, Ident};
+use syntax::ast::{self, DUMMY_NODE_ID, Ident};
 use syntax::attr;
 use syntax::symbol::keywords;
 use syntax_pos::Span;
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
                         let mut reach = self.reach(, item_level);
-                        if trait_item_ref.kind == hir::AssociatedItemKind::Type &&
+                        if trait_item_ref.kind == AssociatedItemKind::Type &&
                            !trait_item_ref.defaultness.has_value() {
                             // No type to visit.
                         } else {
@@ -782,6 +782,11 @@
+    fn visit_mod(&mut self, _m: &'tcx hir::Mod, _s: Span, _n: ast::NodeId) {
+        // Don't visit nested modules, since we run a separate visitor walk
+        // for each module in `privacy_access_levels`
+    }
     fn visit_nested_body(&mut self, body: hir::BodyId) {
         let orig_tables = mem::replace(&mut self.tables, self.tcx.body_tables(body));
         let body = self.tcx.hir().body(body);
@@ -917,6 +922,11 @@
+    fn visit_mod(&mut self, _m: &'tcx hir::Mod, _s: Span, _n: ast::NodeId) {
+        // Don't visit nested modules, since we run a separate visitor walk
+        // for each module in `privacy_access_levels`
+    }
     fn visit_nested_body(&mut self, body: hir::BodyId) {
         let orig_tables = mem::replace(&mut self.tables, self.tcx.body_tables(body));
         let orig_in_body = mem::replace(&mut self.in_body, true);
@@ -1333,11 +1343,11 @@
                         if self.item_is_public(&, &impl_item_ref.vis) {
                             let impl_item = self.tcx.hir().impl_item(;
                             match impl_item_ref.kind {
-                                hir::AssociatedItemKind::Const => {
+                                AssociatedItemKind::Const => {
                                     found_pub_static = true;
                                     intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item);
-                                hir::AssociatedItemKind::Method { has_self: false } => {
+                                AssociatedItemKind::Method { has_self: false } => {
                                     found_pub_static = true;
                                     intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item);
@@ -1558,6 +1568,24 @@
             in_assoc_ty: false,
+    fn check_trait_or_impl_item(&self, node_id: ast::NodeId, assoc_item_kind: AssociatedItemKind,
+                                defaultness: hir::Defaultness, vis: ty::Visibility) {
+        let mut check = self.check(node_id, vis);
+        let (check_ty, is_assoc_ty) = match assoc_item_kind {
+            AssociatedItemKind::Const | AssociatedItemKind::Method { .. } => (true, false),
+            AssociatedItemKind::Type => (defaultness.has_value(), true),
+            // `ty()` for existential types is the underlying type,
+            // it's not a part of interface, so we skip it.
+            AssociatedItemKind::Existential => (false, true),
+        };
+        check.in_assoc_ty = is_assoc_ty;
+        check.generics().predicates();
+        if check_ty {
+            check.ty();
+        }
+    }
 impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
@@ -1592,16 +1620,8 @@
                 self.check(, item_visibility).generics().predicates();
                 for trait_item_ref in trait_item_refs {
-                    let mut check = self.check(, item_visibility);
-                    check.in_assoc_ty = trait_item_ref.kind == hir::AssociatedItemKind::Type;
-                    check.generics().predicates();
-                    if trait_item_ref.kind == hir::AssociatedItemKind::Type &&
-                       !trait_item_ref.defaultness.has_value() {
-                        // No type to visit.
-                    } else {
-                        check.ty();
-                    }
+                    self.check_trait_or_impl_item(, trait_item_ref.kind,
+                                                  trait_item_ref.defaultness, item_visibility);
             hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => {
@@ -1647,9 +1667,8 @@
                     } else {
-                    let mut check = self.check(, impl_item_vis);
-                    check.in_assoc_ty = impl_item_ref.kind == hir::AssociatedItemKind::Type;
-                    check.generics().predicates().ty();
+                    self.check_trait_or_impl_item(, impl_item_ref.kind,
+                                                  impl_item_ref.defaultness, impl_item_vis);
@@ -1659,6 +1678,7 @@
 pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
     *providers = Providers {
+        check_mod_privacy,
@@ -1667,34 +1687,43 @@
-fn privacy_access_levels<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
-                                   krate: CrateNum)
-                                   -> Lrc<AccessLevels> {
-    assert_eq!(krate, LOCAL_CRATE);
-    let krate = tcx.hir().krate();
+fn check_mod_privacy<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>, module_def_id: DefId) {
     let empty_tables = ty::TypeckTables::empty(None);
     // Check privacy of names not checked in previous compilation stages.
     let mut visitor = NamePrivacyVisitor {
         tables: &empty_tables,
-        current_item: CRATE_NODE_ID,
+        current_item: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
         empty_tables: &empty_tables,
-    intravisit::walk_crate(&mut visitor, krate);
+    let (module, span, node_id) = tcx.hir().get_module(module_def_id);
+    intravisit::walk_mod(&mut visitor, module, node_id);
     // Check privacy of explicitly written types and traits as well as
     // inferred types of expressions and patterns.
     let mut visitor = TypePrivacyVisitor {
         tables: &empty_tables,
-        current_item: DefId::local(CRATE_DEF_INDEX),
+        current_item: module_def_id,
         in_body: false,
-        span: krate.span,
+        span,
         empty_tables: &empty_tables,
-    intravisit::walk_crate(&mut visitor, krate);
+    intravisit::walk_mod(&mut visitor, module, node_id);
+fn privacy_access_levels<'tcx>(
+    tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
+    krate: CrateNum,
+) -> Lrc<AccessLevels> {
+    assert_eq!(krate, LOCAL_CRATE);
+    let krate = tcx.hir().krate();
+    for &module in krate.modules.keys() {
+        queries::check_mod_privacy::ensure(tcx, tcx.hir().local_def_id(module));
+    }
     // Build up a set of all exported items in the AST. This is a set of all
     // items which are reachable from external crates based on visibility.
diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index a452bbf..35616cc 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 use std::ptr;
 use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
+use errors::Applicability;
 use syntax::ast::{Name, Ident};
 use syntax::attr;
@@ -345,7 +347,12 @@
                 let module = if orig_name.is_none() && == {
                         .struct_span_err(item.span, "`extern crate self;` requires renaming")
-                        .span_suggestion(item.span, "try", "extern crate self as name;".into())
+                        .span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                            item.span,
+                            "try",
+                            "extern crate self as name;".into(),
+                            Applicability::HasPlaceholders,
+                        )
                 } else if orig_name == Some( {
@@ -673,6 +680,9 @@
+            Def::TraitAlias(..) => {
+                self.define(parent, ident, TypeNS, (def, vis, DUMMY_SP, expansion));
+            }
             Def::Struct(..) | Def::Union(..) => {
                 self.define(parent, ident, TypeNS, (def, vis, DUMMY_SP, expansion));
diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index a25009c..1cd4404 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -1546,9 +1546,7 @@
     extern_module_map: FxHashMap<(DefId, bool /* MacrosOnly? */), Module<'a>>,
     binding_parent_modules: FxHashMap<PtrKey<'a, NameBinding<'a>>, Module<'a>>,
-    pub make_glob_map: bool,
-    /// Maps imports to the names of items actually imported (this actually maps
-    /// all imports, but only glob imports are actually interesting).
+    /// Maps glob imports to the names of items actually imported.
     pub glob_map: GlobMap,
     used_imports: FxHashSet<(NodeId, Namespace)>,
@@ -1795,7 +1793,6 @@
                cstore: &'a CStore,
                krate: &Crate,
                crate_name: &str,
-               make_glob_map: MakeGlobMap,
                crate_loader: &'a mut CrateLoader<'a>,
                arenas: &'a ResolverArenas<'a>)
                -> Resolver<'a> {
@@ -1879,7 +1876,6 @@
             extern_module_map: FxHashMap::default(),
             binding_parent_modules: FxHashMap::default(),
-            make_glob_map: make_glob_map == MakeGlobMap::Yes,
             glob_map: Default::default(),
             used_imports: FxHashSet::default(),
@@ -1989,14 +1985,15 @@
             self.used_imports.insert((, ns));
-            self.add_to_glob_map(, ident);
+            self.add_to_glob_map(&directive, ident);
             self.record_use(ident, ns, binding, false);
-    fn add_to_glob_map(&mut self, id: NodeId, ident: Ident) {
-        if self.make_glob_map {
-            self.glob_map.entry(id).or_default().insert(;
+    #[inline]
+    fn add_to_glob_map(&mut self, directive: &ImportDirective<'_>, ident: Ident) {
+        if directive.is_glob() {
+            self.glob_map.entry(;
@@ -3321,7 +3318,12 @@
             if let Some(def) = def {
                 match (def, source) {
                     (Def::Macro(..), _) => {
-                        err.span_label(span, format!("did you mean `{}!(...)`?", path_str));
+                        err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                            span,
+                            "use `!` to invoke the macro",
+                            format!("{}!", path_str),
+                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
+                        );
                         return (err, candidates);
                     (Def::TyAlias(..), PathSource::Trait(_)) => {
@@ -3333,13 +3335,22 @@
                     (Def::Mod(..), PathSource::Expr(Some(parent))) => match parent.node {
                         ExprKind::Field(_, ident) => {
-                            err.span_label(parent.span, format!("did you mean `{}::{}`?",
-                                                                 path_str, ident));
+                            err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                                parent.span,
+                                "use the path separator to refer to an item",
+                                format!("{}::{}", path_str, ident),
+                                Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
+                            );
                             return (err, candidates);
                         ExprKind::MethodCall(ref segment, ..) => {
-                            err.span_label(parent.span, format!("did you mean `{}::{}(...)`?",
-                                                                 path_str, segment.ident));
+                            let span = parent.span.with_hi(segment.ident.span.hi());
+                            err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                                span,
+                                "use the path separator to refer to an item",
+                                format!("{}::{}", path_str, segment.ident),
+                                Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
+                            );
                             return (err, candidates);
                         _ => {}
@@ -3390,6 +3401,29 @@
                                 Ok(ref snippet) if snippet == "{" => true,
                                 _ => false,
+                            // In case this could be a struct literal that needs to be surrounded
+                            // by parenthesis, find the appropriate span.
+                            let mut i = 0;
+                            let mut closing_brace = None;
+                            loop {
+                                sp = sm.next_point(sp);
+                                match sm.span_to_snippet(sp) {
+                                    Ok(ref snippet) => {
+                                        if snippet == "}" {
+                                            let sp =;
+                                            if let Ok(snippet) = sm.span_to_snippet(sp) {
+                                                closing_brace = Some((sp, snippet));
+                                            }
+                                            break;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    _ => break,
+                                }
+                                i += 1;
+                                if i > 100 { // The bigger the span the more likely we're
+                                    break;   // incorrect. Bound it to 100 chars long.
+                                }
+                            }
                             match source {
                                 PathSource::Expr(Some(parent)) => {
                                     match parent.node {
@@ -3416,11 +3450,20 @@
                                 PathSource::Expr(None) if followed_by_brace == true => {
-                                    err.span_label(
-                                        span,
-                                        format!("did you mean `({} {{ /* fields */ }})`?",
-                                                path_str),
-                                    );
+                                    if let Some((sp, snippet)) = closing_brace {
+                                        err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                                            sp,
+                                            "surround the struct literal with parenthesis",
+                                            format!("({})", snippet),
+                                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
+                                        );
+                                    } else {
+                                        err.span_label(
+                                            span,
+                                            format!("did you mean `({} {{ /* fields */ }})`?",
+                                                    path_str),
+                                        );
+                                    }
                                     return (err, candidates);
                                 _ => {
@@ -4598,7 +4641,7 @@
                 let import_id = match binding.kind {
                     NameBindingKind::Import { directive, .. } => {
-                        self.add_to_glob_map(, trait_name);
+                        self.add_to_glob_map(&directive, trait_name);
                     _ => None,
@@ -4823,8 +4866,13 @@
                 } else if ident.span.rust_2018() {
                     let msg = "relative paths are not supported in visibilities on 2018 edition";
                     self.session.struct_span_err(ident.span, msg)
-                                .span_suggestion(path.span, "try", format!("crate::{}", path))
-                                .emit();
+                        .span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                            path.span,
+                            "try",
+                            format!("crate::{}", path),
+                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
+                        )
+                        .emit();
                     return ty::Visibility::Public;
                 } else {
                     let ctxt = ident.span.ctxt();
@@ -5305,12 +5353,6 @@
-#[derive(PartialEq,Copy, Clone)]
-pub enum MakeGlobMap {
-    Yes,
-    No,
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
 enum CrateLint {
     /// Do not issue the lint
diff --git a/src/librustc_save_analysis/ b/src/librustc_save_analysis/
index 0c9e443..995df38 100644
--- a/src/librustc_save_analysis/
+++ b/src/librustc_save_analysis/
@@ -1238,13 +1238,9 @@
                 // Make a comma-separated list of names of imported modules.
-                let glob_map = &self.save_ctxt.analysis.glob_map;
-                let glob_map = glob_map.as_ref().unwrap();
-                let names = if glob_map.contains_key(&id) {
-                    glob_map.get(&id).unwrap().iter().map(|n| n.to_string()).collect()
-                } else {
-                    Vec::new()
-                };
+                let def_id = self.tcx.hir().local_def_id(id);
+                let names = self.tcx.names_imported_by_glob_use(def_id);
+                let names: Vec<_> = names.iter().map(|n| n.to_string()).collect();
                 // Otherwise it's a span with wrong macro expansion info, which
                 // we don't want to track anyway, since it's probably macro-internal `use`
diff --git a/src/librustc_save_analysis/ b/src/librustc_save_analysis/
index 132bd4f..73eb5de 100644
--- a/src/librustc_save_analysis/
+++ b/src/librustc_save_analysis/
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
     tcx: TyCtxt<'l, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
     tables: &'l ty::TypeckTables<'tcx>,
     access_levels: &'l AccessLevels,
-    analysis: &'l ty::CrateAnalysis,
     span_utils: SpanUtils<'tcx>,
     config: Config,
     impl_counter: Cell<u32>,
@@ -1120,15 +1119,12 @@
 pub fn process_crate<'l, 'tcx, H: SaveHandler>(
     tcx: TyCtxt<'l, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
     krate: &ast::Crate,
-    analysis: &'l ty::CrateAnalysis,
     cratename: &str,
     input: &'l Input,
     config: Option<Config>,
     mut handler: H,
 ) {
     tcx.dep_graph.with_ignore(|| {
-        assert!(analysis.glob_map.is_some());
         info!("Dumping crate {}", cratename);
         // Privacy checking requires and is done after type checking; use a
@@ -1141,7 +1137,6 @@
         let save_ctxt = SaveContext {
             tables: &ty::TypeckTables::empty(None),
-            analysis,
             access_levels: &access_levels,
             span_utils: SpanUtils::new(&tcx.sess),
             config: find_config(config),
diff --git a/src/librustc_target/spec/ b/src/librustc_target/spec/
index f42b0a1..3a21ca1 100644
--- a/src/librustc_target/spec/
+++ b/src/librustc_target/spec/
@@ -217,6 +217,46 @@
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Hash, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
+pub enum MergeFunctions {
+    Disabled,
+    Trampolines,
+    Aliases
+impl MergeFunctions {
+    pub fn desc(&self) -> &str {
+        match *self {
+            MergeFunctions::Disabled => "disabled",
+            MergeFunctions::Trampolines => "trampolines",
+            MergeFunctions::Aliases => "aliases",
+        }
+    }
+impl FromStr for MergeFunctions {
+    type Err = ();
+    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<MergeFunctions, ()> {
+        match s {
+            "disabled" => Ok(MergeFunctions::Disabled),
+            "trampolines" => Ok(MergeFunctions::Trampolines),
+            "aliases" => Ok(MergeFunctions::Aliases),
+            _ => Err(()),
+        }
+    }
+impl ToJson for MergeFunctions {
+    fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
+        match *self {
+            MergeFunctions::Disabled => "disabled".to_json(),
+            MergeFunctions::Trampolines => "trampolines".to_json(),
+            MergeFunctions::Aliases => "aliases".to_json(),
+        }
+    }
 pub type LinkArgs = BTreeMap<LinkerFlavor, Vec<String>>;
 pub type TargetResult = Result<Target, String>;
@@ -690,7 +730,15 @@
     /// If set, have the linker export exactly these symbols, instead of using
     /// the usual logic to figure this out from the crate itself.
-    pub override_export_symbols: Option<Vec<String>>
+    pub override_export_symbols: Option<Vec<String>>,
+    /// Determines how or whether the MergeFunctions LLVM pass should run for
+    /// this target. Either "disabled", "trampolines", or "aliases".
+    /// The MergeFunctions pass is generally useful, but some targets may need
+    /// to opt out. The default is "aliases".
+    ///
+    /// Workaround for:
+    pub merge_functions: MergeFunctions
 impl Default for TargetOptions {
@@ -773,6 +821,7 @@
             requires_uwtable: false,
             simd_types_indirect: true,
             override_export_symbols: None,
+            merge_functions: MergeFunctions::Aliases,
@@ -875,6 +924,19 @@
                     .map(|o| o.as_u64()
                          .map(|s| base.options.$key_name = Some(s)));
             } );
+            ($key_name:ident, MergeFunctions) => ( {
+                let name = (stringify!($key_name)).replace("_", "-");
+                obj.find(&name[..]).and_then(|o| o.as_string().and_then(|s| {
+                    match s.parse::<MergeFunctions>() {
+                        Ok(mergefunc) => base.options.$key_name = mergefunc,
+                        _ => return Some(Err(format!("'{}' is not a valid value for \
+                                                      merge-functions. Use 'disabled', \
+                                                      'trampolines', or 'aliases'.",
+                                                      s))),
+                    }
+                    Some(Ok(()))
+                })).unwrap_or(Ok(()))
+            } );
             ($key_name:ident, PanicStrategy) => ( {
                 let name = (stringify!($key_name)).replace("_", "-");
                 obj.find(&name[..]).and_then(|o| o.as_string().and_then(|s| {
@@ -1064,6 +1126,7 @@
         key!(requires_uwtable, bool);
         key!(simd_types_indirect, bool);
         key!(override_export_symbols, opt_list);
+        key!(merge_functions, MergeFunctions)?;
         if let Some(array) = obj.find("abi-blacklist").and_then(Json::as_array) {
             for name in array.iter().filter_map(|abi| abi.as_string()) {
@@ -1275,6 +1338,7 @@
+        target_option_val!(merge_functions);
         if default.abi_blacklist != self.options.abi_blacklist {
             d.insert("abi-blacklist".to_string(), self.options.abi_blacklist.iter()
diff --git a/src/librustc_traits/lowering/ b/src/librustc_traits/lowering/
index 5502a1d..9bdef30 100644
--- a/src/librustc_traits/lowering/
+++ b/src/librustc_traits/lowering/
@@ -158,7 +158,8 @@
     def_id: DefId,
 ) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
     match tcx.def_key(def_id) {
-        DefPathData::Trait(_) => program_clauses_for_trait(tcx, def_id),
+        DefPathData::Trait(_) |
+        DefPathData::TraitAlias(_) => program_clauses_for_trait(tcx, def_id),
         DefPathData::Impl => program_clauses_for_impl(tcx, def_id),
         DefPathData::AssocTypeInImpl(..) => program_clauses_for_associated_type_value(tcx, def_id),
         DefPathData::AssocTypeInTrait(..) => program_clauses_for_associated_type_def(tcx, def_id),
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/Cargo.toml b/src/librustc_typeck/Cargo.toml
index 87f11b0..68b28a6 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/Cargo.toml
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/Cargo.toml
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 rustc = { path = "../librustc" }
 rustc_data_structures = { path = "../librustc_data_structures" }
 rustc_errors = { path = "../librustc_errors" }
-rustc_platform_intrinsics = { path = "../librustc_platform_intrinsics" }
 rustc_target = { path = "../librustc_target" }
 smallvec = { version = "0.6.7", features = ["union", "may_dangle"] }
 syntax = { path = "../libsyntax" }
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/ b/src/librustc_typeck/
index 8e5eaa1..e89506a 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //! The main routine here is `ast_ty_to_ty()`; each use is parameterized by an
 //! instance of `AstConv`.
-use errors::{Applicability, FatalError, DiagnosticId};
+use errors::{Applicability, DiagnosticId};
 use hir::{self, GenericArg, GenericArgs};
 use hir::def::Def;
 use hir::def_id::DefId;
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 use lint;
 use middle::resolve_lifetime as rl;
 use namespace::Namespace;
+use rustc::lint::builtin::AMBIGUOUS_ASSOCIATED_ITEMS;
 use rustc::traits;
 use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt, ToPredicate, TypeFoldable};
 use rustc::ty::{GenericParamDef, GenericParamDefKind};
@@ -689,27 +690,13 @@
-        let trait_def_id = self.trait_def_id(trait_ref);
-                                        trait_def_id,
+                                        trait_ref.trait_def_id(),
-    /// Get the `DefId` of the given trait ref. It _must_ actually be a trait.
-    fn trait_def_id(&self, trait_ref: &hir::TraitRef) -> DefId {
-        let path = &trait_ref.path;
-        match path.def {
-            Def::Trait(trait_def_id) => trait_def_id,
-            Def::TraitAlias(alias_def_id) => alias_def_id,
-            Def::Err => {
-                FatalError.raise();
-            }
-            _ => unreachable!(),
-        }
-    }
-    /// The given trait ref must actually be a trait.
+    /// The given trait-ref must actually be a trait.
     pub(super) fn instantiate_poly_trait_ref_inner(&self,
         trait_ref: &hir::TraitRef,
         self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
@@ -717,7 +704,7 @@
         speculative: bool)
         -> (ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>, Option<Vec<Span>>)
-        let trait_def_id = self.trait_def_id(trait_ref);
+        let trait_def_id = trait_ref.trait_def_id();
         debug!("instantiate_poly_trait_ref({:?}, def_id={:?})", trait_ref, trait_def_id);
@@ -1278,29 +1265,50 @@
     // Create a type from a path to an associated type.
-    // For a path `A::B::C::D`, `ty` and `ty_path_def` are the type and def for `A::B::C`
+    // For a path `A::B::C::D`, `qself_ty` and `qself_def` are the type and def for `A::B::C`
     // and item_segment is the path segment for `D`. We return a type and a def for
     // the whole path.
-    // Will fail except for `T::A` and `Self::A`; i.e., if `ty`/`ty_path_def` are not a type
+    // Will fail except for `T::A` and `Self::A`; i.e., if `qself_ty`/`qself_def` are not a type
     // parameter or `Self`.
-    pub fn associated_path_def_to_ty(&self,
-                                     ref_id: ast::NodeId,
-                                     span: Span,
-                                     ty: Ty<'tcx>,
-                                     ty_path_def: Def,
-                                     item_segment: &hir::PathSegment)
-                                     -> (Ty<'tcx>, Def)
-    {
+    pub fn associated_path_to_ty(
+        &self,
+        ref_id: ast::NodeId,
+        span: Span,
+        qself_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
+        qself_def: Def,
+        assoc_segment: &hir::PathSegment,
+        permit_variants: bool,
+    ) -> (Ty<'tcx>, Def) {
         let tcx = self.tcx();
-        let assoc_name = item_segment.ident;
+        let assoc_ident = assoc_segment.ident;
-        debug!("associated_path_def_to_ty: {:?}::{}", ty, assoc_name);
+        debug!("associated_path_to_ty: {:?}::{}", qself_ty, assoc_ident);
-        self.prohibit_generics(slice::from_ref(item_segment));
+        self.prohibit_generics(slice::from_ref(assoc_segment));
+        // Check if we have an enum variant.
+        let mut variant_resolution = None;
+        if let ty::Adt(adt_def, _) = qself_ty.sty {
+            if adt_def.is_enum() {
+                let variant_def = adt_def.variants.iter().find(|vd| {
+                    tcx.hygienic_eq(assoc_ident, vd.ident, adt_def.did)
+                });
+                if let Some(variant_def) = variant_def {
+                    let def = Def::Variant(variant_def.did);
+                    if permit_variants {
+                        check_type_alias_enum_variants_enabled(tcx, span);
+                        tcx.check_stability(variant_def.did, Some(ref_id), span);
+                        return (qself_ty, def);
+                    } else {
+                        variant_resolution = Some(def);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
         // Find the type of the associated item, and the trait where the associated
         // item is declared.
-        let bound = match (&ty.sty, ty_path_def) {
+        let bound = match (&qself_ty.sty, qself_def) {
             (_, Def::SelfTy(Some(_), Some(impl_def_id))) => {
                 // `Self` in an impl of a trait -- we have a concrete self type and a
                 // trait reference.
@@ -1313,77 +1321,61 @@
                 let candidates = traits::supertraits(tcx, ty::Binder::bind(trait_ref))
-                    .filter(|r| self.trait_defines_associated_type_named(r.def_id(), assoc_name));
+                    .filter(|r| self.trait_defines_associated_type_named(r.def_id(), assoc_ident));
-                match self.one_bound_for_assoc_type(candidates, "Self", assoc_name, span) {
+                match self.one_bound_for_assoc_type(candidates, "Self", assoc_ident, span) {
                     Ok(bound) => bound,
                     Err(ErrorReported) => return (tcx.types.err, Def::Err),
             (&ty::Param(_), Def::SelfTy(Some(param_did), None)) |
             (&ty::Param(_), Def::TyParam(param_did)) => {
-                match self.find_bound_for_assoc_item(param_did, assoc_name, span) {
+                match self.find_bound_for_assoc_item(param_did, assoc_ident, span) {
                     Ok(bound) => bound,
                     Err(ErrorReported) => return (tcx.types.err, Def::Err),
-            (&ty::Adt(adt_def, _substs), Def::Enum(_did)) => {
-                let ty_str = ty.to_string();
-                // Incorrect enum variant.
-                let mut err = tcx.sess.struct_span_err(
-                    span,
-                    &format!("no variant `{}` on enum `{}`", &assoc_name.as_str(), ty_str),
-                );
-                // Check if it was a typo.
-                let input = adt_def.variants.iter().map(|variant| &;
-                if let Some(suggested_name) = find_best_match_for_name(
-                    input,
-                    &assoc_name.as_str(),
-                    None,
-                ) {
-                    err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
-                        span,
-                        "did you mean",
-                        format!("{}::{}", ty_str, suggested_name.to_string()),
-                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
-                    );
-                } else {
-                    err.span_label(span, "unknown variant");
-                }
-                err.emit();
-                return (tcx.types.err, Def::Err);
-            }
             _ => {
-                // Check if we have an enum variant.
-                match ty.sty {
-                    ty::Adt(adt_def, _) if adt_def.is_enum() => {
-                        let variant_def = adt_def.variants.iter().find(|vd| {
-                            tcx.hygienic_eq(assoc_name, vd.ident, adt_def.did)
-                        });
-                        if let Some(variant_def) = variant_def {
-                            check_type_alias_enum_variants_enabled(tcx, span);
-                            let def = Def::Variant(variant_def.did);
-                            tcx.check_stability(def.def_id(), Some(ref_id), span);
-                            return (ty, def);
-                        }
-                    },
-                    _ => (),
-                }
-                // Don't print `TyErr` to the user.
-                if !ty.references_error() {
+                if variant_resolution.is_some() {
+                    // Variant in type position
+                    let msg = format!("expected type, found variant `{}`", assoc_ident);
+                    tcx.sess.span_err(span, &msg);
+                } else if qself_ty.is_enum() {
+                    // Report as incorrect enum variant rather than ambiguous type.
+                    let mut err = tcx.sess.struct_span_err(
+                        span,
+                        &format!("no variant `{}` on enum `{}`", &assoc_ident.as_str(), qself_ty),
+                    );
+                    // Check if it was a typo.
+                    let adt_def = qself_ty.ty_adt_def().expect("enum is not an ADT");
+                    if let Some(suggested_name) = find_best_match_for_name(
+                        adt_def.variants.iter().map(|variant| &,
+                        &assoc_ident.as_str(),
+                        None,
+                    ) {
+                        err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                            span,
+                            "did you mean",
+                            format!("{}::{}", qself_ty, suggested_name),
+                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
+                        );
+                    } else {
+                        err.span_label(span, "unknown variant");
+                    }
+                    err.emit();
+                } else if !qself_ty.references_error() {
+                    // Don't print `TyErr` to the user.
-                                                          &ty.to_string(),
+                                                          &qself_ty.to_string(),
-                                                          &assoc_name.as_str());
+                                                          &assoc_ident.as_str());
                 return (tcx.types.err, Def::Err);
         let trait_did = bound.def_id();
-        let (assoc_ident, def_scope) = tcx.adjust_ident(assoc_name, trait_did, ref_id);
+        let (assoc_ident, def_scope) = tcx.adjust_ident(assoc_ident, trait_did, ref_id);
         let item = tcx.associated_items(trait_did).find(|i| {
             Namespace::from(i.kind) == Namespace::Type &&
                 i.ident.modern() == assoc_ident
@@ -1394,11 +1386,35 @@
         let def = Def::AssociatedTy(item.def_id);
         if !item.vis.is_accessible_from(def_scope, tcx) {
-            let msg = format!("{} `{}` is private", def.kind_name(), assoc_name);
+            let msg = format!("{} `{}` is private", def.kind_name(), assoc_ident);
             tcx.sess.span_err(span, &msg);
         tcx.check_stability(item.def_id, Some(ref_id), span);
+        if let Some(variant_def) = variant_resolution {
+            let mut err = tcx.struct_span_lint_node(
+                ref_id,
+                span,
+                "ambiguous associated item",
+            );
+            let mut could_refer_to = |def: Def, also| {
+                let note_msg = format!("`{}` could{} refer to {} defined here",
+                                       assoc_ident, also, def.kind_name());
+                err.span_note(tcx.def_span(def.def_id()), &note_msg);
+            };
+            could_refer_to(variant_def, "");
+            could_refer_to(def, " also");
+            err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                span,
+                "use fully-qualified syntax",
+                format!("<{} as {}>::{}", qself_ty, "Trait", assoc_ident),
+                Applicability::HasPlaceholders,
+            ).emit();
+        }
         (ty, def)
@@ -1773,7 +1789,7 @@
                 } else {
-                self.associated_path_def_to_ty(, ast_ty.span, ty, def, segment).0
+                self.associated_path_to_ty(, ast_ty.span, ty, def, segment, false).0
             hir::TyKind::Array(ref ty, ref length) => {
                 let length_def_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id(;
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/check/ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/
index 1767af4..47f258e 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/check/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 use check::{FnCtxt, Expectation, Diverges, Needs};
 use check::coercion::CoerceMany;
+use errors::Applicability;
 use rustc::hir::{self, PatKind};
 use rustc::hir::def::{Def, CtorKind};
 use rustc::hir::pat_util::EnumerateAndAdjustIterator;
@@ -989,7 +990,13 @@
                     let suggested_name =
                         find_best_match_for_name(input, &ident.as_str(), None);
                     if let Some(suggested_name) = suggested_name {
-                        err.span_suggestion(*span, "did you mean", suggested_name.to_string());
+                        err.span_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                            *span,
+                            "did you mean",
+                            suggested_name.to_string(),
+                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
+                        );
                         // we don't want to throw `E0027` in case we have thrown `E0026` for them
                         unmentioned_fields.retain(|&x| x.as_str() != suggested_name.as_str());
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/check/ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/
index 9f323b9..143715d 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/check/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
 //! Type-checking for the rust-intrinsic and platform-intrinsic
 //! intrinsics that the compiler exposes.
-use intrinsics;
 use rustc::traits::{ObligationCause, ObligationCauseCode};
 use rustc::ty::{self, TyCtxt, Ty};
 use rustc::ty::subst::Subst;
-use rustc::util::nodemap::FxHashMap;
 use require_same_types;
 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
-use syntax::ast;
 use syntax::symbol::Symbol;
-use syntax_pos::Span;
 use rustc::hir;
@@ -402,8 +398,6 @@
         tcx.mk_ty_param(n, name)
-    let def_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id(;
-    let i_n_tps = tcx.generics_of(def_id).own_counts().types;
     let name = it.ident.as_str();
     let (n_tps, inputs, output) = match &*name {
@@ -461,159 +455,12 @@
         _ => {
-            match intrinsics::Intrinsic::find(&name) {
-                Some(intr) => {
-                    // this function is a platform specific intrinsic
-                    if i_n_tps != 0 {
-                        span_err!(tcx.sess, it.span, E0440,
-                                  "platform-specific intrinsic has wrong number of type \
-                                   parameters: found {}, expected 0",
-                                  i_n_tps);
-                        return
-                    }
-                    let mut structural_to_nomimal = FxHashMap::default();
-                    let sig = tcx.fn_sig(def_id);
-                    let sig = sig.no_bound_vars().unwrap();
-                    if intr.inputs.len() != sig.inputs().len() {
-                        span_err!(tcx.sess, it.span, E0444,
-                                  "platform-specific intrinsic has invalid number of \
-                                   arguments: found {}, expected {}",
-                                  sig.inputs().len(), intr.inputs.len());
-                        return
-                    }
-                    let input_pairs = intr.inputs.iter().zip(sig.inputs());
-                    for (i, (expected_arg, arg)) in input_pairs.enumerate() {
-                        match_intrinsic_type_to_type(tcx, &format!("argument {}", i + 1), it.span,
-                                                     &mut structural_to_nomimal, expected_arg, arg);
-                    }
-                    match_intrinsic_type_to_type(tcx, "return value", it.span,
-                                                 &mut structural_to_nomimal,
-                                                 &intr.output, sig.output());
-                    return
-                }
-                None => {
-                    span_err!(tcx.sess, it.span, E0441,
-                              "unrecognized platform-specific intrinsic function: `{}`", name);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
+            let msg = format!("unrecognized platform-specific intrinsic function: `{}`", name);
+            tcx.sess.span_err(it.span, &msg);
+            return;
     equate_intrinsic_type(tcx, it, n_tps, Abi::PlatformIntrinsic, hir::Unsafety::Unsafe,
                           inputs, output)
-// walk the expected type and the actual type in lock step, checking they're
-// the same, in a kinda-structural way, i.e., `Vector`s have to be simd structs with
-// exactly the right element type
-fn match_intrinsic_type_to_type<'a, 'tcx>(
-        tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
-        position: &str,
-        span: Span,
-        structural_to_nominal: &mut FxHashMap<&'a intrinsics::Type, Ty<'tcx>>,
-        expected: &'a intrinsics::Type, t: Ty<'tcx>)
-    use intrinsics::Type::*;
-    let simple_error = |real: &str, expected: &str| {
-        span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0442,
-                  "intrinsic {} has wrong type: found {}, expected {}",
-                  position, real, expected)
-    };
-    match *expected {
-        Void => match t.sty {
-            ty::Tuple(ref v) if v.is_empty() => {},
-            _ => simple_error(&format!("`{}`", t), "()"),
-        },
-        // (The width we pass to LLVM doesn't concern the type checker.)
-        Integer(signed, bits, _llvm_width) => match (signed, bits, &t.sty) {
-            (true,  8,  &ty::Int(ast::IntTy::I8)) |
-            (false, 8,  &ty::Uint(ast::UintTy::U8)) |
-            (true,  16, &ty::Int(ast::IntTy::I16)) |
-            (false, 16, &ty::Uint(ast::UintTy::U16)) |
-            (true,  32, &ty::Int(ast::IntTy::I32)) |
-            (false, 32, &ty::Uint(ast::UintTy::U32)) |
-            (true,  64, &ty::Int(ast::IntTy::I64)) |
-            (false, 64, &ty::Uint(ast::UintTy::U64)) |
-            (true,  128, &ty::Int(ast::IntTy::I128)) |
-            (false, 128, &ty::Uint(ast::UintTy::U128)) => {},
-            _ => simple_error(&format!("`{}`", t),
-                              &format!("`{}{n}`",
-                                       if signed {"i"} else {"u"},
-                                       n = bits)),
-        },
-        Float(bits) => match (bits, &t.sty) {
-            (32, &ty::Float(ast::FloatTy::F32)) |
-            (64, &ty::Float(ast::FloatTy::F64)) => {},
-            _ => simple_error(&format!("`{}`", t),
-                              &format!("`f{n}`", n = bits)),
-        },
-        Pointer(ref inner_expected, ref _llvm_type, const_) => {
-            match t.sty {
-                ty::RawPtr(ty::TypeAndMut { ty, mutbl }) => {
-                    if (mutbl == hir::MutImmutable) != const_ {
-                        simple_error(&format!("`{}`", t),
-                                     if const_ {"const pointer"} else {"mut pointer"})
-                    }
-                    match_intrinsic_type_to_type(tcx, position, span, structural_to_nominal,
-                                                 inner_expected, ty)
-                }
-                _ => simple_error(&format!("`{}`", t), "raw pointer"),
-            }
-        }
-        Vector(ref inner_expected, ref _llvm_type, len) => {
-            if !t.is_simd() {
-                simple_error(&format!("non-simd type `{}`", t), "simd type");
-                return;
-            }
-            let t_len = t.simd_size(tcx);
-            if len as usize != t_len {
-                simple_error(&format!("vector with length {}", t_len),
-                             &format!("length {}", len));
-                return;
-            }
-            let t_ty = t.simd_type(tcx);
-            {
-                // check that a given structural type always has the same an intrinsic definition
-                let previous = structural_to_nominal.entry(expected).or_insert(t);
-                if *previous != t {
-                    // this gets its own error code because it is non-trivial
-                    span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0443,
-                              "intrinsic {} has wrong type: found `{}`, expected `{}` which \
-                               was used for this vector type previously in this signature",
-                              position,
-                              t,
-                              *previous);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            match_intrinsic_type_to_type(tcx,
-                                         position,
-                                         span,
-                                         structural_to_nominal,
-                                         inner_expected,
-                                         t_ty)
-        }
-        Aggregate(_flatten, ref expected_contents) => {
-            match t.sty {
-                ty::Tuple(contents) => {
-                    if contents.len() != expected_contents.len() {
-                        simple_error(&format!("tuple with length {}", contents.len()),
-                                     &format!("tuple with length {}", expected_contents.len()));
-                        return
-                    }
-                    for (e, c) in expected_contents.iter().zip(contents) {
-                        match_intrinsic_type_to_type(tcx, position, span, structural_to_nominal,
-                                                     e, c)
-                    }
-                }
-                _ => simple_error(&format!("`{}`", t),
-                                  "tuple"),
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/check/method/ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/method/
index 02687df..e71dc01 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/check/method/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/method/
@@ -408,45 +408,36 @@
         let tcx = self.tcx;
-        let mode = probe::Mode::Path;
-        match self.probe_for_name(span, mode, method_name, IsSuggestion(false),
-                                  self_ty, expr_id, ProbeScope::TraitsInScope) {
-            Ok(pick) => {
-                debug!("resolve_ufcs: pick={:?}", pick);
-                if let Some(import_id) = pick.import_id {
-                    let import_def_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id(import_id);
-                    debug!("resolve_ufcs: used_trait_import: {:?}", import_def_id);
-                    Lrc::get_mut(&mut self.tables.borrow_mut().used_trait_imports)
-                                                .unwrap().insert(import_def_id);
+        // Check if we have an enum variant.
+        if let ty::Adt(adt_def, _) = self_ty.sty {
+            if adt_def.is_enum() {
+                let variant_def = adt_def.variants.iter().find(|vd| {
+                    tcx.hygienic_eq(method_name, vd.ident, adt_def.did)
+                });
+                if let Some(variant_def) = variant_def {
+                    check_type_alias_enum_variants_enabled(tcx, span);
+                    let def = Def::VariantCtor(variant_def.did, variant_def.ctor_kind);
+                    tcx.check_stability(def.def_id(), Some(expr_id), span);
+                    return Ok(def);
-                let def = pick.item.def();
-                debug!("resolve_ufcs: def={:?}", def);
-                tcx.check_stability(def.def_id(), Some(expr_id), span);
-                Ok(def)
-            }
-            Err(err) => {
-                // Check if we have an enum variant.
-                match self_ty.sty {
-                    ty::Adt(adt_def, _) if adt_def.is_enum() => {
-                        let variant_def = adt_def.variants.iter().find(|vd| {
-                            tcx.hygienic_eq(method_name, vd.ident, adt_def.did)
-                        });
-                        if let Some(variant_def) = variant_def {
-                            check_type_alias_enum_variants_enabled(tcx, span);
-                            let def = Def::VariantCtor(variant_def.did, variant_def.ctor_kind);
-                            tcx.check_stability(def.def_id(), Some(expr_id), span);
-                            return Ok(def);
-                        }
-                    },
-                    _ => (),
-                }
-                Err(err)
+        let pick = self.probe_for_name(span, probe::Mode::Path, method_name, IsSuggestion(false),
+                                       self_ty, expr_id, ProbeScope::TraitsInScope)?;
+        debug!("resolve_ufcs: pick={:?}", pick);
+        if let Some(import_id) = pick.import_id {
+            let import_def_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id(import_id);
+            debug!("resolve_ufcs: used_trait_import: {:?}", import_def_id);
+            Lrc::get_mut(&mut self.tables.borrow_mut().used_trait_imports)
+                .unwrap().insert(import_def_id);
+        }
+        let def = pick.item.def();
+        debug!("resolve_ufcs: def={:?}", def);
+        tcx.check_stability(def.def_id(), Some(expr_id), span);
+        Ok(def)
     /// Find item with name `item_name` defined in impl/trait `def_id`
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/check/ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/
index daade27..4957a12 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/check/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/check/
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@
 use std::slice;
 use require_c_abi_if_variadic;
-use session::{CompileIncomplete, config, Session};
+use session::{CompileIncomplete, Session};
+use session::config::EntryFnType;
 use TypeAndSubsts;
 use lint;
 use util::captures::Captures;
@@ -1163,19 +1164,18 @@
     // Check that the main return type implements the termination trait.
     if let Some(term_id) = fcx.tcx.lang_items().termination() {
-        if let Some((id, _, entry_type)) = *fcx.tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow() {
-            if id == fn_id {
-                if let config::EntryFnType::Main = entry_type {
-                    let substs = fcx.tcx.mk_substs_trait(declared_ret_ty, &[]);
-                    let trait_ref = ty::TraitRef::new(term_id, substs);
-                    let return_ty_span = decl.output.span();
-                    let cause = traits::ObligationCause::new(
-                        return_ty_span, fn_id, ObligationCauseCode::MainFunctionType);
+        if let Some((def_id, EntryFnType::Main)) = fcx.tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE) {
+            let main_id = fcx.tcx.hir().as_local_node_id(def_id).unwrap();
+            if main_id == fn_id {
+                let substs = fcx.tcx.mk_substs_trait(declared_ret_ty, &[]);
+                let trait_ref = ty::TraitRef::new(term_id, substs);
+                let return_ty_span = decl.output.span();
+                let cause = traits::ObligationCause::new(
+                    return_ty_span, fn_id, ObligationCauseCode::MainFunctionType);
-                    inherited.register_predicate(
-                        traits::Obligation::new(
-                            cause, param_env, trait_ref.to_predicate()));
-                }
+                inherited.register_predicate(
+                    traits::Obligation::new(
+                        cause, param_env, trait_ref.to_predicate()));
@@ -4724,8 +4724,8 @@
                 } else {
-                let (ty, def) = AstConv::associated_path_def_to_ty(self, node_id, path_span,
-                                                                   ty, def, segment);
+                let (ty, def) = AstConv::associated_path_to_ty(self, node_id, path_span,
+                                                               ty, def, segment, true);
                 // Write back the new resolution.
                 let hir_id = self.tcx.hir().node_to_hir_id(node_id);
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/ b/src/librustc_typeck/
index 67e3d12..93f14a2 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@
     // In the case of trait aliases, however, we include all bounds in the where clause,
     // so e.g., `trait Foo = where u32: PartialEq<Self>` would include `u32: PartialEq<Self>`
     // as one of its "superpredicates".
-    let is_trait_alias = ty::is_trait_alias(tcx, trait_def_id);
+    let is_trait_alias = tcx.is_trait_alias(trait_def_id);
     let superbounds2 = icx.type_parameter_bounds_in_generics(
         generics,, self_param_ty, OnlySelfBounds(!is_trait_alias));
@@ -2144,12 +2144,7 @@
 ) {
     let list = match attr.meta_item_list() {
         Some(list) => list,
-        None => {
-            let msg = "#[target_feature] attribute must be of the form \
-                       #[target_feature(..)]";
-            tcx.sess.span_err(attr.span, &msg);
-            return;
-        }
+        None => return,
     let rust_features = tcx.features();
     for item in list {
@@ -2347,14 +2342,6 @@
                 codegen_fn_attrs.export_name = Some(s);
-            } else {
-                struct_span_err!(
-                    tcx.sess,
-                    attr.span,
-                    E0558,
-                    "`export_name` attribute has invalid format"
-                ).span_label(attr.span, "did you mean #[export_name=\"*\"]?")
-                 .emit();
         } else if attr.check_name("target_feature") {
             if tcx.fn_sig(id).unsafety() == Unsafety::Normal {
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/ b/src/librustc_typeck/
index 387dabe..c0a8dd8 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
 For a somewhat artificial example:
 struct Foo;
@@ -526,9 +526,9 @@
 fn main() {
     let foo = Foo;
-    let ref_foo = &&Foo;
+    let ref_foo = &&&&&Foo;
-    // error, reached the recursion limit while auto-dereferencing `&&Foo`
+    // error, reached the recursion limit while auto-dereferencing `&&&&&Foo`;
@@ -3369,180 +3369,6 @@
-E0440: r##"
-A platform-specific intrinsic function has the wrong number of type
-parameters. Erroneous code example:
-struct f64x2(f64, f64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_pd<T>(x: f64x2) -> i32;
-    // error: platform-specific intrinsic has wrong number of type
-    //        parameters
-Please refer to the function declaration to see if it corresponds
-with yours. Example:
-struct f64x2(f64, f64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_pd(x: f64x2) -> i32;
-E0441: r##"
-An unknown platform-specific intrinsic function was used. Erroneous
-code example:
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_ep16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8;
-    // error: unrecognized platform-specific intrinsic function
-Please verify that the function name wasn't misspelled, and ensure
-that it is declared in the rust source code (in the file
-src/librustc_platform_intrinsics/ Example:
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8; // ok!
-E0442: r##"
-Intrinsic argument(s) and/or return value have the wrong type.
-Erroneous code example:
-struct i8x16(i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8,
-             i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8);
-struct i32x4(i32, i32, i32, i32);
-struct i64x2(i64, i64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-    // error: intrinsic arguments/return value have wrong type
-To fix this error, please refer to the function declaration to give
-it the awaited types. Example:
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8; // ok!
-E0443: r##"
-Intrinsic argument(s) and/or return value have the wrong type.
-Erroneous code example:
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-struct i64x8(i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i64x8;
-    // error: intrinsic argument/return value has wrong type
-To fix this error, please refer to the function declaration to give
-it the awaited types. Example:
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8; // ok!
-E0444: r##"
-A platform-specific intrinsic function has wrong number of arguments.
-Erroneous code example:
-struct f64x2(f64, f64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_pd(x: f64x2, y: f64x2, z: f64x2) -> i32;
-    // error: platform-specific intrinsic has invalid number of arguments
-Please refer to the function declaration to see if it corresponds
-with yours. Example:
-struct f64x2(f64, f64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_pd(x: f64x2) -> i32; // ok!
 E0516: r##"
 The `typeof` keyword is currently reserved but unimplemented.
 Erroneous code example:
@@ -3785,29 +3611,6 @@
-E0558: r##"
-The `export_name` attribute was malformed.
-Erroneous code example:
-```ignore (error-emitted-at-codegen-which-cannot-be-handled-by-compile_fail)
-#[export_name] // error: `export_name` attribute has invalid format
-pub fn something() {}
-fn main() {}
-The `export_name` attribute expects a string in order to determine the name of
-the exported symbol. Example:
-#[export_name = "some_function"] // ok!
-pub fn something() {}
-fn main() {}
 E0559: r##"
 An unknown field was specified into an enum's structure variant.
@@ -4896,6 +4699,7 @@
 //  E0372, // coherence not object safe
     E0377, // the trait `CoerceUnsized` may only be implemented for a coercion
            // between structures with the same definition
+//  E0558, // replaced with a generic attribute input check
     E0533, // `{}` does not name a unit variant, unit struct or a constant
 //  E0563, // cannot determine a type for this `impl Trait`: {} // removed in 6383de15
     E0564, // only named lifetimes are allowed in `impl Trait`,
diff --git a/src/librustc_typeck/ b/src/librustc_typeck/
index c55a125..6c1c49b 100644
--- a/src/librustc_typeck/
+++ b/src/librustc_typeck/
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
 extern crate arena;
 #[macro_use] extern crate rustc;
-extern crate rustc_platform_intrinsics as intrinsics;
 extern crate rustc_data_structures;
 extern crate rustc_errors as errors;
 extern crate rustc_target;
@@ -104,23 +103,22 @@
 mod outlives;
 mod variance;
-use hir::Node;
 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
-use rustc::hir;
+use rustc::hir::{self, Node};
+use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
 use rustc::infer::InferOk;
 use rustc::lint;
 use rustc::middle;
 use rustc::session;
-use rustc::session::config::nightly_options;
+use rustc::session::CompileIncomplete;
+use rustc::session::config::{EntryFnType, nightly_options};
 use rustc::traits::{ObligationCause, ObligationCauseCode, TraitEngine, TraitEngineExt};
 use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
 use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
 use rustc::ty::query::Providers;
 use rustc::util;
 use rustc::util::profiling::ProfileCategory;
-use session::{CompileIncomplete, config};
 use syntax_pos::Span;
-use syntax::ast;
 use util::common::time;
 use std::iter;
@@ -185,10 +183,9 @@
-fn check_main_fn_ty<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
-                              main_id: ast::NodeId,
-                              main_span: Span) {
-    let main_def_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id(main_id);
+fn check_main_fn_ty<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, main_def_id: DefId) {
+    let main_id = tcx.hir().as_local_node_id(main_def_id).unwrap();
+    let main_span = tcx.def_span(main_def_id);
     let main_t = tcx.type_of(main_def_id);
     match main_t.sty {
         ty::FnDef(..) => {
@@ -251,10 +248,9 @@
-fn check_start_fn_ty<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
-                               start_id: ast::NodeId,
-                               start_span: Span) {
-    let start_def_id = tcx.hir().local_def_id(start_id);
+fn check_start_fn_ty<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, start_def_id: DefId) {
+    let start_id = tcx.hir().as_local_node_id(start_def_id).unwrap();
+    let start_span = tcx.def_span(start_def_id);
     let start_t = tcx.type_of(start_def_id);
     match start_t.sty {
         ty::FnDef(..) => {
@@ -310,11 +306,10 @@
 fn check_for_entry_fn<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) {
-    if let Some((id, sp, entry_type)) = *tcx.sess.entry_fn.borrow() {
-        match entry_type {
-            config::EntryFnType::Main => check_main_fn_ty(tcx, id, sp),
-            config::EntryFnType::Start => check_start_fn_ty(tcx, id, sp),
-        }
+    match tcx.entry_fn(LOCAL_CRATE) {
+        Some((def_id, EntryFnType::Main)) => check_main_fn_ty(tcx, def_id),
+        Some((def_id, EntryFnType::Start)) => check_start_fn_ty(tcx, def_id),
+        _ => {}
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/Cargo.toml b/src/librustdoc/Cargo.toml
index 8bac007..4b42188 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/Cargo.toml
+++ b/src/librustdoc/Cargo.toml
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
 pulldown-cmark = { version = "0.1.2", default-features = false }
-minifier = "0.0.20"
+minifier = "0.0.26"
 tempfile = "3"
 parking_lot = "0.6.4"
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/ b/src/librustdoc/
index d991368..635d071 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/
+++ b/src/librustdoc/
@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
     pub should_test: bool,
     /// List of arguments to pass to the test harness, if running tests.
     pub test_args: Vec<String>,
+    /// Optional path to persist the doctest executables to, defaults to a
+    /// temporary directory if not set.
+    pub persist_doctests: Option<PathBuf>,
     // Options that affect the documentation process
@@ -121,6 +124,7 @@
             .field("lint_cap", &self.lint_cap)
             .field("should_test", &self.should_test)
             .field("test_args", &self.test_args)
+            .field("persist_doctests", &self.persist_doctests)
             .field("default_passes", &self.default_passes)
             .field("manual_passes", &self.manual_passes)
             .field("display_warnings", &self.display_warnings)
@@ -431,6 +435,7 @@
         let enable_index_page = matches.opt_present("enable-index-page") || index_page.is_some();
         let static_root_path = matches.opt_str("static-root-path");
         let generate_search_filter = !matches.opt_present("disable-per-crate-search");
+        let persist_doctests = matches.opt_str("persist-doctests").map(PathBuf::from);
         let (lint_opts, describe_lints, lint_cap) = get_cmd_lint_options(matches, error_format);
@@ -456,6 +461,7 @@
+            persist_doctests,
             render_options: RenderOptions {
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/ b/src/librustdoc/
index 8bb0dc9..7069f04 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/
+++ b/src/librustdoc/
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@
     /// The stack of module NodeIds up till this point
     pub crate_name: Option<String>,
     pub cstore: Rc<CStore>,
-    // Note that external items for which `doc(hidden)` applies to are shown as
-    // non-reachable while local items aren't. This is because we're reusing
-    // the access levels from crateanalysis.
     /// Later on moved into `html::render::CACHE_KEY`
     pub renderinfo: RefCell<RenderInfo>,
     /// Later on moved through `clean::Crate` into `html::render::CACHE_KEY`
@@ -451,7 +448,6 @@
-                                                        resolve::MakeGlobMap::No,
                                                         &mut crate_loader,
                                                         |_| Ok(()));
@@ -469,15 +465,13 @@
             freevars: resolver.freevars.clone(),
             export_map: resolver.export_map.clone(),
             trait_map: resolver.trait_map.clone(),
+            glob_map: resolver.glob_map.clone(),
             maybe_unused_trait_imports: resolver.maybe_unused_trait_imports.clone(),
             maybe_unused_extern_crates: resolver.maybe_unused_extern_crates.clone(),
             extern_prelude: resolver.extern_prelude.iter().map(|(ident, entry)| {
                 (, entry.introduced_by_item)
-        let analysis = ty::CrateAnalysis {
-            glob_map: if resolver.make_glob_map { Some(resolver.glob_map.clone()) } else { None },
-        };
         let mut arenas = AllArenas::new();
         let hir_map = hir_map::map_crate(&sess, &*cstore, &mut hir_forest, &defs);
@@ -493,12 +487,11 @@
-                                                        analysis,
                                                         &mut arenas,
-                                                        |tcx, _, _, result| {
+                                                        |tcx, _, result| {
             if result.is_err() {
                 sess.fatal("Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc");
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/ b/src/librustdoc/html/
index 31e06cb..ad1659b 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
     // Note that external items for which `doc(hidden)` applies to are shown as
     // non-reachable while local items aren't. This is because we're reusing
-    // the access levels from crateanalysis.
+    // the access levels from the privacy check pass.
     pub access_levels: AccessLevels<DefId>,
     /// The version of the crate being documented, if given from the `--crate-version` flag.
@@ -741,8 +741,8 @@
     let mut crate_data = BTreeMap::new();
     crate_data.insert("doc".to_owned(), Json::String(crate_doc));
-    crate_data.insert("items".to_owned(), Json::Array(crate_items));
-    crate_data.insert("paths".to_owned(), Json::Array(crate_paths));
+    crate_data.insert("i".to_owned(), Json::Array(crate_items));
+    crate_data.insert("p".to_owned(), Json::Array(crate_paths));
     // Collect the index into a string
     format!("searchIndex[{}] = {};",
@@ -914,12 +914,44 @@
-    fn collect(path: &Path, krate: &str, key: &str) -> io::Result<(Vec<String>, Vec<String>)> {
+    fn collect(
+        path: &Path,
+        krate: &str,
+        key: &str,
+        for_search_index: bool,
+    ) -> io::Result<(Vec<String>, Vec<String>, Vec<String>)> {
+        use minifier::js;
         let mut ret = Vec::new();
         let mut krates = Vec::new();
+        let mut variables = Vec::new();
+        let mut krate = krate.to_owned();
         if path.exists() {
             for line in BufReader::new(File::open(path)?).lines() {
                 let line = line?;
+                if for_search_index && line.starts_with("var r_") {
+                    variables.push(line.clone());
+                    // We need to check if the crate name has been put into a variable as well.
+                    let tokens = js::simple_minify(&line).apply(js::clean_tokens);
+                    let mut pos = 0;
+                    while pos < tokens.len() {
+                        if let Some((var_pos, Some(value_pos))) =
+                                js::get_variable_name_and_value_positions(&tokens, pos) {
+                            if let Some(s) = tokens.0[value_pos].get_string() {
+                                if &s[1..s.len() - 1] == krate {
+                                    if let Some(var) = tokens[var_pos].get_other() {
+                                        krate = var.to_owned();
+                                        break
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        pos += 1;
+                    }
+                    continue;
+                }
                 if !line.starts_with(key) {
@@ -933,7 +965,7 @@
                                                  .unwrap_or_else(|| String::new()));
-        Ok((ret, krates))
+        Ok((ret, krates, variables))
     fn show_item(item: &IndexItem, krate: &str) -> String {
@@ -948,7 +980,7 @@
     let dst = cx.dst.join("aliases.js");
-        let (mut all_aliases, _) = try_err!(collect(&dst, &, "ALIASES"), &dst);
+        let (mut all_aliases, _, _) = try_err!(collect(&dst, &, "ALIASES", false), &dst);
         let mut w = try_err!(File::create(&dst), &dst);
         let mut output = String::with_capacity(100);
         for (alias, items) in &cache.aliases {
@@ -1035,34 +1067,38 @@
         let dst = cx.dst.join("source-files.js");
-        let (mut all_sources, _krates) = try_err!(collect(&dst, &, "sourcesIndex"), &dst);
+        let (mut all_sources, _krates, _) = try_err!(collect(&dst, &, "sourcesIndex",
+                                                             false),
+                                                     &dst);
         all_sources.push(format!("sourcesIndex[\"{}\"] = {};",
         let mut w = try_err!(File::create(&dst), &dst);
         try_err!(writeln!(&mut w,
-                          "var N = null;var sourcesIndex = {{}};\n{}",
+                          "var N = null;var sourcesIndex = {{}};\n{}\ncreateSourceSidebar();",
     // Update the search index
     let dst = cx.dst.join("search-index.js");
-    let (mut all_indexes, mut krates) = try_err!(collect(&dst, &, "searchIndex"), &dst);
+    let (mut all_indexes, mut krates, variables) = try_err!(collect(&dst,
+                                                                    &,
+                                                                    "searchIndex",
+                                                                    true), &dst);
     // Sort the indexes by crate so the file will be generated identically even
     // with rustdoc running in parallel.
     let mut w = try_err!(File::create(&dst), &dst);
-    try_err!(writeln!(&mut w, "var N = null;var searchIndex = {{}};"), &dst);
-    for index in &all_indexes {
-        try_err!(write_minify_replacer(&mut w, &*index, options.enable_minification,
-                                       &[(minifier::js::Keyword::Null, "N")]),
-                 &dst);
-    }
-    try_err!(writeln!(&mut w, "initSearch(searchIndex);addSearchOptions(searchIndex);"), &dst);
+    try_err!(writeln!(&mut w, "var N=null,E=\"\",T=\"t\",U=\"u\",searchIndex={{}};"), &dst);
+    try_err!(write_minify_replacer(&mut w,
+                                   &format!("{}\n{}", variables.join(""), all_indexes.join("\n")),
+                                   options.enable_minification),
+             &dst);
+    try_err!(write!(&mut w, "initSearch(searchIndex);addSearchOptions(searchIndex);"), &dst);
     if options.enable_index_page {
         if let Some(index_page) = options.index_page.clone() {
@@ -1161,8 +1197,9 @@
                             remote_path[remote_path.len() - 1]));
-        let (mut all_implementors, _) = try_err!(collect(&mydst, &, "implementors"),
-                                                 &mydst);
+        let (mut all_implementors, _, _) = try_err!(collect(&mydst, &, "implementors",
+                                                            false),
+                                                    &mydst);
         // Sort the implementors by crate so the file will be generated
         // identically even with rustdoc running in parallel.
@@ -1216,14 +1253,50 @@
-fn write_minify_replacer<W: Write>(dst: &mut W,
-                                   contents: &str,
-                                   enable_minification: bool,
-                                   keywords_to_replace: &[(minifier::js::Keyword, &str)])
-                                   -> io::Result<()> {
+fn write_minify_replacer<W: Write>(
+    dst: &mut W,
+    contents: &str,
+    enable_minification: bool,
+) -> io::Result<()> {
+    use minifier::js::{Keyword, ReservedChar, Token};
     if enable_minification {
         writeln!(dst, "{}",
-                 minifier::js::minify_and_replace_keywords(contents, keywords_to_replace))
+                 minifier::js::simple_minify(contents)
+                              .apply(|f| {
+                                  // We keep backlines.
+                                  minifier::js::clean_tokens_except(f, |c| {
+                                      c.get_char() != Some(ReservedChar::Backline)
+                                  })
+                              })
+                              .apply(|f| {
+                                  minifier::js::replace_token_with(f, |t| {
+                                      match *t {
+                                          Token::Keyword(Keyword::Null) => Some(Token::Other("N")),
+                                          Token::String(s) => {
+                                              let s = &s[1..s.len() -1]; // The quotes are included
+                                              if s.is_empty() {
+                                                  Some(Token::Other("E"))
+                                              } else if s == "t" {
+                                                  Some(Token::Other("T"))
+                                              } else if s == "u" {
+                                                  Some(Token::Other("U"))
+                                              } else {
+                                                  None
+                                              }
+                                          }
+                                          _ => None,
+                                      }
+                                  })
+                              })
+                              .apply(|f| {
+                                  // We add a backline after the newly created variables.
+                                  minifier::js::aggregate_strings_with_separation(
+                                      f,
+                                      Token::Char(ReservedChar::Backline),
+                                  )
+                              })
+                              .to_string())
     } else {
         writeln!(dst, "{}", contents)
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/main.js b/src/librustdoc/html/static/main.js
index ceadbd5..82604cc 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/main.js
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/main.js
@@ -1555,10 +1555,10 @@
                 //              (String) description,
                 //              (Number | null) the parent path index to `paths`]
                 //              (Object | null) the type of the function (if any)
-                var items = rawSearchIndex[crate].items;
+                var items = rawSearchIndex[crate].i;
                 // an array of [(Number) item type,
                 //              (String) name]
-                var paths = rawSearchIndex[crate].paths;
+                var paths = rawSearchIndex[crate].p;
                 // convert `paths` into an object form
                 var len = paths.length;
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/rustdoc.css b/src/librustdoc/html/static/rustdoc.css
index 8a8b7ad..3676549 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/rustdoc.css
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/rustdoc.css
@@ -391,10 +391,6 @@
 	display: block;
 }, code {
-	z-index: -5;
 .invisible {
 	width: 100%;
 	display: inline-block;
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/source-script.js b/src/librustdoc/html/static/source-script.js
index 0affe1c..c5d6fa1 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/source-script.js
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/source-script.js
@@ -137,5 +137,3 @@
     main.insertBefore(sidebar, main.firstChild);
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/dark.css b/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/dark.css
index 1390be7..52a3096 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/dark.css
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/dark.css
@@ -82,12 +82,6 @@
 	border-bottom-color: #ddd;
-:target { background: #494a3d; }
-:target > .in-band {
-	background: #494a3d;
 .content .method .where,
 .content .fn .where,
 .content .where.fmt-newline {
@@ -252,7 +246,7 @@
 	color: #999;
-:target > code {
+:target > code, :target > .in-band {
 	background-color: #494a3d;
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/light.css b/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/light.css
index 2b04dd2..d20fea6 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/light.css
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/themes/light.css
@@ -84,12 +84,6 @@
 	border-bottom-color: #ddd;
-:target { background: #FDFFD3; }
-:target > .in-band {
-	background: #FDFFD3;
 .content .method .where,
 .content .fn .where,
 .content .where.fmt-newline {
@@ -247,7 +241,7 @@
 	color: #999;
-:target > code {
+:target > code, :target > .in-band {
 	background: #FDFFD3;
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/ b/src/librustdoc/
index 1b6d7e8..4bbc01d 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/
+++ b/src/librustdoc/
@@ -341,6 +341,12 @@
                       "disables generating the crate selector on the search box")
+        unstable("persist-doctests", |o| {
+             o.optopt("",
+                       "persist-doctests",
+                       "Directory to persist doctest executables into",
+                       "PATH")
+        }),
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/ b/src/librustdoc/
index da56194..65a96e9 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/
+++ b/src/librustdoc/
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
                                        options.libs, options.codegen_options, options.externs,
                                        true, opts, options.maybe_sysroot, None,
-                                       options.linker, options.edition);
+                                       options.linker, options.edition, options.persist_doctests);
     let codes = ErrorCodes::from(UnstableFeatures::from_environment().is_nightly_build());
     let res = find_testable_code(&input_str, &mut collector, codes);
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/ b/src/librustdoc/
index 1f19fa2..0b9fbc8 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/
+++ b/src/librustdoc/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 use rustc_driver::driver::phase_2_configure_and_expand;
 use rustc_metadata::cstore::CStore;
 use rustc_metadata::dynamic_lib::DynamicLibrary;
-use rustc_resolve::MakeGlobMap;
 use rustc::hir;
 use rustc::hir::intravisit;
 use rustc::session::{self, CompileIncomplete, config};
@@ -100,7 +99,6 @@
-                MakeGlobMap::No,
                 |_| Ok(()),
             ).expect("phase_2_configure_and_expand aborted in rustdoc!")
@@ -122,7 +120,8 @@
-            options.edition
+            options.edition,
+            options.persist_doctests,
@@ -186,7 +185,8 @@
             cg: CodegenOptions, externs: Externs,
             should_panic: bool, no_run: bool, as_test_harness: bool,
             compile_fail: bool, mut error_codes: Vec<String>, opts: &TestOptions,
-            maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>, linker: Option<PathBuf>, edition: Edition) {
+            maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>, linker: Option<PathBuf>, edition: Edition,
+            persist_doctests: Option<PathBuf>) {
     // The test harness wants its own `main` and top-level functions, so
     // never wrap the test in `fn main() { ... }`.
     let (test, line_offset) = make_test(test, Some(cratename), as_test_harness, opts);
@@ -251,6 +251,20 @@
     let old = io::set_panic(Some(box Sink(data.clone())));
     let _bomb = Bomb(data.clone(), old.unwrap_or(box io::stdout()));
+    enum DirState {
+        Temp(tempfile::TempDir),
+        Perm(PathBuf),
+    }
+    impl DirState {
+        fn path(&self) -> &std::path::Path {
+            match self {
+                DirState::Temp(t) => t.path(),
+                DirState::Perm(p) => p.as_path(),
+            }
+        }
+    }
     let (libdir, outdir, compile_result) = driver::spawn_thread_pool(sessopts, |sessopts| {
         let source_map = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(sessopts.file_path_mapping()));
         let emitter = errors::emitter::EmitterWriter::new(box Sink(data.clone()),
@@ -269,7 +283,26 @@
         rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
         let outdir = Mutex::new(
-            TempFileBuilder::new().prefix("rustdoctest").tempdir().expect("rustdoc needs a tempdir")
+            if let Some(mut path) = persist_doctests {
+                path.push(format!("{}_{}",
+                    filename
+                        .to_string()
+                        .rsplit('/')
+                        .next()
+                        .unwrap()
+                        .replace(".", "_"),
+                        line)
+                );
+                std::fs::create_dir_all(&path)
+                    .expect("Couldn't create directory for doctest executables");
+                DirState::Perm(path)
+            } else {
+                DirState::Temp(TempFileBuilder::new()
+                                .prefix("rustdoctest")
+                                .tempdir()
+                                .expect("rustdoc needs a tempdir"))
+            }
         let libdir = sess.target_filesearch(PathKind::All).get_lib_path();
         let mut control = driver::CompileController::basic();
@@ -631,13 +664,15 @@
     filename: Option<PathBuf>,
     linker: Option<PathBuf>,
     edition: Edition,
+    persist_doctests: Option<PathBuf>,
 impl Collector {
     pub fn new(cratename: String, cfgs: Vec<String>, libs: Vec<SearchPath>, cg: CodegenOptions,
                externs: Externs, use_headers: bool, opts: TestOptions,
                maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>, source_map: Option<Lrc<SourceMap>>,
-               filename: Option<PathBuf>, linker: Option<PathBuf>, edition: Edition) -> Collector {
+               filename: Option<PathBuf>, linker: Option<PathBuf>, edition: Edition,
+               persist_doctests: Option<PathBuf>) -> Collector {
         Collector {
             tests: Vec::new(),
             names: Vec::new(),
@@ -654,6 +689,7 @@
+            persist_doctests,
@@ -697,6 +733,8 @@
         let maybe_sysroot = self.maybe_sysroot.clone();
         let linker = self.linker.clone();
         let edition = config.edition.unwrap_or(self.edition);
+        let persist_doctests = self.persist_doctests.clone();
         debug!("Creating test {}: {}", name, test);
         self.tests.push(testing::TestDescAndFn {
             desc: testing::TestDesc {
@@ -729,7 +767,8 @@
-                                 edition)
+                                 edition,
+                                 persist_doctests)
                 } {
                     Ok(()) => (),
diff --git a/src/libserialize/ b/src/libserialize/
index 3c289596..362b457 100644
--- a/src/libserialize/
+++ b/src/libserialize/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Rust JSON serialization library
+// Rust JSON serialization library.
 // Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
diff --git a/src/libstd/ffi/ b/src/libstd/ffi/
index 62081e7..7a38f0e 100644
--- a/src/libstd/ffi/
+++ b/src/libstd/ffi/
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 #[unstable(feature = "c_variadic",
            reason = "the `c_variadic` feature has not been properly tested on \
                      all supported platforms",
-           issue = "27745")]
+           issue = "44930")]
 pub use core::ffi::VaList;
 mod c_str;
diff --git a/src/libstd/ b/src/libstd/
index 119b3f7..3538816 100644
--- a/src/libstd/
+++ b/src/libstd/
@@ -1121,7 +1121,9 @@
     /// writing.
     /// This operation does **not** modify the filesystem. To modify the
-    /// filesystem use the `fs::set_permissions` function.
+    /// filesystem use the [`fs::set_permissions`] function.
+    ///
+    /// [`fs::set_permissions`]: fn.set_permissions.html
     /// # Examples
@@ -1639,10 +1641,15 @@
 /// The `dst` path will be a symbolic link pointing to the `src` path.
 /// On Windows, this will be a file symlink, not a directory symlink;
-/// for this reason, the platform-specific `std::os::unix::fs::symlink`
-/// and `std::os::windows::fs::{symlink_file, symlink_dir}` should be
+/// for this reason, the platform-specific [`std::os::unix::fs::symlink`]
+/// and [`std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file`] or [`symlink_dir`] should be
 /// used instead to make the intent explicit.
+/// [`std::os::unix::fs::symlink`]: ../os/unix/fs/fn.symlink.html
+/// [`std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file`]: ../os/windows/fs/fn.symlink_file.html
+/// [`symlink_dir`]: ../os/windows/fs/fn.symlink_dir.html
 /// # Examples
 /// ```no_run
@@ -1795,7 +1802,7 @@
 /// * If any directory in the path specified by `path`
 /// does not already exist and it could not be created otherwise. The specific
 /// error conditions for when a directory is being created (after it is
-/// determined to not exist) are outlined by `fs::create_dir`.
+/// determined to not exist) are outlined by [`fs::create_dir`].
 /// Notable exception is made for situations where any of the directories
 /// specified in the `path` could not be created as it was being created concurrently.
@@ -1803,6 +1810,8 @@
 /// concurrently from multiple threads or processes is guaranteed not to fail
 /// due to a race condition with itself.
+/// [`fs::create_dir`]: fn.create_dir.html
 /// # Examples
 /// ```no_run
@@ -1868,7 +1877,10 @@
 /// # Errors
-/// See `file::remove_file` and `fs::remove_dir`.
+/// See [`fs::remove_file`] and [`fs::remove_dir`].
+/// [`fs::remove_file`]:  fn.remove_file.html
+/// [`fs::remove_dir`]: fn.remove_dir.html
 /// # Examples
diff --git a/src/libstd/ b/src/libstd/
index 41f1ac8..83db3f3 100644
--- a/src/libstd/
+++ b/src/libstd/
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@
diff --git a/src/libstd/ b/src/libstd/
index b43a299..9f44c67 100644
--- a/src/libstd/
+++ b/src/libstd/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr
+// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr.
 // Copyright 2015 Andrew Gallant, bluss and Nicolas Koch
 /// A safe interface to `memchr`.
diff --git a/src/libstd/prelude/ b/src/libstd/prelude/
index ec8318f..bf689ba 100644
--- a/src/libstd/prelude/
+++ b/src/libstd/prelude/
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
 //! The current version of the prelude (version 1) lives in
 //! [`std::prelude::v1`], and re-exports the following.
-//! * [`std::marker`]::{[`Copy`], [`Send`], [`Sized`], [`Sync`]}. The marker
-//!   traits indicate fundamental properties of types.
+//! * [`std::marker`]::{[`Copy`], [`Send`], [`Sized`], [`Sync`], [`Unpin`]}. The
+//!   marker traits indicate fundamental properties of types.
 //! * [`std::ops`]::{[`Drop`], [`Fn`], [`FnMut`], [`FnOnce`]}. Various
 //!   operations for both destructors and overloading `()`.
 //! * [`std::mem`]::[`drop`][`mem::drop`], a convenience function for explicitly
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
 //! [`Sync`]: ../marker/trait.Sync.html
 //! [`ToOwned`]: ../borrow/trait.ToOwned.html
 //! [`ToString`]: ../string/trait.ToString.html
+//! [`Unpin`]: ../marker/trait.Unpin.html
 //! [`Vec`]: ../vec/struct.Vec.html
 //! [`Clone::clone`]: ../clone/trait.Clone.html#tymethod.clone
 //! [`mem::drop`]: ../mem/fn.drop.html
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys/cloudabi/abi/ b/src/libstd/sys/cloudabi/abi/
index aac1804..0bf8c2d 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys/cloudabi/abi/
+++ b/src/libstd/sys/cloudabi/abi/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nuxi ( and contributors.
+// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nuxi <> and contributors.
 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys/redox/ b/src/libstd/sys/redox/
index 409d3a7..d2bfcce 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys/redox/
+++ b/src/libstd/sys/redox/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr
+// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr.
 // Copyright 2015 Andrew Gallant, bluss and Nicolas Koch
 pub use core::slice::memchr::{memchr, memrchr};
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys/unix/ b/src/libstd/sys/unix/
index 05bfecd..ec04a22 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys/unix/
+++ b/src/libstd/sys/unix/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr
+// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr.
 // Copyright 2015 Andrew Gallant, bluss and Nicolas Koch
 pub fn memchr(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
diff --git a/src/libstd/sys/windows/ b/src/libstd/sys/windows/
index 87b1aa2..b9e5bcc 100644
--- a/src/libstd/sys/windows/
+++ b/src/libstd/sys/windows/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr
+// Original implementation taken from rust-memchr.
 // Copyright 2015 Andrew Gallant, bluss and Nicolas Koch
-// Fallback memchr is fastest on windows
+// Fallback memchr is fastest on Windows.
 pub use core::slice::memchr::{memchr, memrchr};
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index 99ab9fb..bbcaaac 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 use source_map::{dummy_spanned, respan, Spanned};
 use symbol::{keywords, Symbol};
 use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
-use tokenstream::{ThinTokenStream, TokenStream};
+use tokenstream::TokenStream;
 use ThinVec;
 use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@
 pub struct Mac_ {
     pub path: Path,
     pub delim: MacDelimiter,
-    pub tts: ThinTokenStream,
+    pub tts: TokenStream,
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
@@ -1228,13 +1228,13 @@
 impl Mac_ {
     pub fn stream(&self) -> TokenStream {
+        self.tts.clone()
 #[derive(Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable, Debug)]
 pub struct MacroDef {
-    pub tokens: ThinTokenStream,
+    pub tokens: TokenStream,
     pub legacy: bool,
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/attr/ b/src/libsyntax/attr/
index 98585dc..15e4804 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/attr/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/attr/
@@ -436,9 +436,6 @@
                 _ => unreachable!()
-        } else {
-            span_err!(diagnostic, attr.span(), E0548, "incorrect stability attribute type");
-            continue
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/attr/ b/src/libsyntax/attr/
index d03563f..f6d7590 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/attr/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/attr/
@@ -481,28 +481,33 @@
         // FIXME: Share code with `parse_path`.
         let ident = match {
-            Some(TokenTree::Token(span, Token::Ident(ident, _))) => {
-                if let Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::ModSep)) = tokens.peek() {
-                    let mut segments = vec![PathSegment::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span))];
-          ;
-                    loop {
-                        if let Some(TokenTree::Token(span,
-                                                     Token::Ident(ident, _))) = {
-                            segments.push(PathSegment::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span)));
-                        } else {
-                            return None;
-                        }
-                        if let Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::ModSep)) = tokens.peek() {
-                  ;
-                        } else {
-                            break;
-                        }
+            Some(TokenTree::Token(span, token @ Token::Ident(..))) |
+            Some(TokenTree::Token(span, token @ Token::ModSep)) => 'arm: {
+                let mut segments = if let Token::Ident(ident, _) = token {
+                    if let Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::ModSep)) = tokens.peek() {
+              ;
+                        vec![PathSegment::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span))]
+                    } else {
+                        break 'arm Path::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span));
-                    let span = span.with_hi(segments.last().unwrap().ident.span.hi());
-                    Path { span, segments }
                 } else {
-                    Path::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span))
+                    vec![PathSegment::path_root(span)]
+                };
+                loop {
+                    if let Some(TokenTree::Token(span,
+                                                    Token::Ident(ident, _))) = {
+                        segments.push(PathSegment::from_ident(ident.with_span_pos(span)));
+                    } else {
+                        return None;
+                    }
+                    if let Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::ModSep)) = tokens.peek() {
+              ;
+                    } else {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                let span = span.with_hi(segments.last().unwrap().ident.span.hi());
+                Path { span, segments }
             Some(TokenTree::Token(_, Token::Interpolated(ref nt))) => match nt.0 {
                 token::Nonterminal::NtIdent(ident, _) => Path::from_ident(ident),
@@ -565,7 +570,7 @@
             Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim, ref tts)) if delim == token::Paren => {
+                tts.clone()
             _ => return Some(MetaItemKind::Word),
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index a987f53..50e0056 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -166,12 +166,9 @@
-            let meta_item = if let Some(meta_item) = attr.meta() {
-                meta_item
-            } else {
-                // Not a well-formed meta-item. Why? We don't know.
-                return error(attr.span, "`cfg` is not a well-formed meta-item",
-                                        "#[cfg(/* predicate */)]");
+            let meta_item = match attr.parse_meta(self.sess) {
+                Ok(meta_item) => meta_item,
+                Err(mut err) => { err.emit(); return true; }
             let nested_meta_items = if let Some(nested_meta_items) = meta_item.meta_item_list() {
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index 548bf8b..2c367f1 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@
     E0545, // incorrect 'issue'
     E0546, // missing 'feature'
     E0547, // missing 'issue'
-    E0548, // incorrect stability attribute type
+//  E0548, // replaced with a generic attribute input check
     E0549, // rustc_deprecated attribute must be paired with either stable or unstable attribute
     E0550, // multiple deprecated attributes
     E0551, // incorrect meta item
     E0553, // multiple rustc_const_unstable attributes
-    E0555, // malformed feature attribute, expected #![feature(...)]
+//  E0555, // replaced with a generic attribute input check
     E0556, // malformed feature, expected just one word
     E0584, // file for module `..` found at both .. and ..
     E0629, // missing 'feature' (rustc_const_unstable)
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index 204e076..cf9671a 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 pub enum BufferedEarlyLintId {
     /// Usage of `?` as a macro separator is deprecated.
+    IllFormedAttributeInput,
 /// Stores buffered lint info which can later be passed to `librustc`.
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ext/ b/src/libsyntax/ext/
index d5a51bc..7ef09ce 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/ext/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/ext/
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
         if attr.path != "derive" {
             return true;
+        if !attr.is_meta_item_list() {
+            cx.span_err(attr.span,
+                        "attribute must be of the form `#[derive(Trait1, Trait2, ...)]`");
+            return false;
+        }
         match attr.parse_list(cx.parse_sess,
                               |parser| parser.parse_path_allowing_meta(PathStyle::Mod)) {
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ext/ b/src/libsyntax/ext/
index c312414..c01e7f5 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/ext/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/ext/
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@
         TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, ref tts) => {
             let mut stmts = statements_mk_tt(cx, &TokenTree::open_tt(, delim), false);
-            stmts.extend(statements_mk_tts(cx,;
+            stmts.extend(statements_mk_tts(cx, tts.clone()));
             stmts.extend(statements_mk_tt(cx, &TokenTree::close_tt(span.close, delim), false));
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ext/tt/ b/src/libsyntax/ext/tt/
index 24202ca..9a129e7 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/ext/tt/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/ext/tt/
@@ -435,7 +435,8 @@
                     match *seq_tt {
                         TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(_, _, id) => == "vis",
                         TokenTree::Sequence(_, ref sub_seq) =>
-                            sub_seq.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore,
+                            sub_seq.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore
+                            || sub_seq.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrOne,
                         _ => false,
                 }) {
@@ -543,7 +544,10 @@
                         // Reverse scan: Sequence comes before `first`.
-                        if subfirst.maybe_empty || seq_rep.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore {
+                        if subfirst.maybe_empty
+                           || seq_rep.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore
+                           || seq_rep.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrOne
+                        {
                             // If sequence is potentially empty, then
                             // union them (preserving first emptiness).
                             first.add_all(&TokenSet { maybe_empty: true, ..subfirst });
@@ -591,8 +595,10 @@
-                            if subfirst.maybe_empty ||
-                               seq_rep.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore {
+                            if subfirst.maybe_empty
+                               || seq_rep.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore
+                               || seq_rep.op == quoted::KleeneOp::ZeroOrOne
+                            {
                                 // continue scanning for more first
                                 // tokens, but also make sure we
                                 // restore empty-tracking state
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index ed278e8..9b54e8f 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
 use ast::{self, NodeId, PatKind, RangeEnd};
 use attr;
+use early_buffered_lints::BufferedEarlyLintId;
 use source_map::Spanned;
 use edition::{ALL_EDITIONS, Edition};
 use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
@@ -715,6 +716,47 @@
+/// A template that the attribute input must match.
+/// Only top-level shape (`#[attr]` vs `#[attr(...)]` vs `#[attr = ...]`) is considered now.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct AttributeTemplate {
+    word: bool,
+    list: Option<&'static str>,
+    name_value_str: Option<&'static str>,
+impl AttributeTemplate {
+    /// Check that the given meta-item is compatible with this template.
+    fn compatible(&self, meta_item_kind: &ast::MetaItemKind) -> bool {
+        match meta_item_kind {
+            ast::MetaItemKind::Word => self.word,
+            ast::MetaItemKind::List(..) => self.list.is_some(),
+            ast::MetaItemKind::NameValue(lit) if lit.node.is_str() => self.name_value_str.is_some(),
+            ast::MetaItemKind::NameValue(..) => false,
+        }
+    }
+/// A convenience macro for constructing attribute templates.
+/// E.g. `template!(Word, List: "description")` means that the attribute
+/// supports forms `#[attr]` and `#[attr(description)]`.
+macro_rules! template {
+    (Word) => { template!(@ true, None, None) };
+    (List: $descr: expr) => { template!(@ false, Some($descr), None) };
+    (NameValueStr: $descr: expr) => { template!(@ false, None, Some($descr)) };
+    (Word, List: $descr: expr) => { template!(@ true, Some($descr), None) };
+    (Word, NameValueStr: $descr: expr) => { template!(@ true, None, Some($descr)) };
+    (List: $descr1: expr, NameValueStr: $descr2: expr) => {
+        template!(@ false, Some($descr1), Some($descr2))
+    };
+    (Word, List: $descr1: expr, NameValueStr: $descr2: expr) => {
+        template!(@ true, Some($descr1), Some($descr2))
+    };
+    (@ $word: expr, $list: expr, $name_value_str: expr) => { AttributeTemplate {
+        word: $word, list: $list, name_value_str: $name_value_str
+    } };
 impl AttributeGate {
     fn is_deprecated(&self) -> bool {
         match *self {
@@ -752,225 +794,241 @@
-pub fn deprecated_attributes() -> Vec<&'static (&'static str, AttributeType, AttributeGate)> {
-    BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter().filter(|a| a.2.is_deprecated()).collect()
+pub fn deprecated_attributes() -> Vec<&'static (&'static str, AttributeType,
+                                                AttributeTemplate, AttributeGate)> {
+    BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter().filter(|(.., gate)| gate.is_deprecated()).collect()
 pub fn is_builtin_attr_name(name: ast::Name) -> bool {
-    BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter().any(|&(builtin_name, _, _)| name == builtin_name)
+    BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter().any(|&(builtin_name, ..)| name == builtin_name)
 pub fn is_builtin_attr(attr: &ast::Attribute) -> bool {
-    BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter().any(|&(builtin_name, _, _)| attr.path == builtin_name)
+    BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter().any(|&(builtin_name, ..)| attr.path == builtin_name)
 // Attributes that have a special meaning to rustc or rustdoc
-pub const BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES: &[(&str, AttributeType, AttributeGate)] = &[
+pub const BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES: &[(&str, AttributeType, AttributeTemplate, AttributeGate)] = &[
     // Normal attributes
-    ("warn", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("allow", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("forbid", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("deny", Normal, Ungated),
+    ("warn", Normal, template!(List: r#"lint1, lint2, ..., /*opt*/ reason = "...""#), Ungated),
+    ("allow", Normal, template!(List: r#"lint1, lint2, ..., /*opt*/ reason = "...""#), Ungated),
+    ("forbid", Normal, template!(List: r#"lint1, lint2, ..., /*opt*/ reason = "...""#), Ungated),
+    ("deny", Normal, template!(List: r#"lint1, lint2, ..., /*opt*/ reason = "...""#), Ungated),
-    ("macro_use", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("macro_export", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("plugin_registrar", Normal, Ungated),
+    ("macro_use", Normal, template!(Word, List: "name1, name2, ..."), Ungated),
+    ("macro_export", Normal, template!(Word, List: "local_inner_macros"), Ungated),
+    ("plugin_registrar", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
-    ("cfg", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("cfg_attr", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("main", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("start", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("repr", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("path", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("abi", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("automatically_derived", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("no_mangle", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("no_link", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("derive", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("should_panic", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("ignore", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("no_implicit_prelude", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("reexport_test_harness_main", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("link_args", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("cfg", Normal, template!(List: "predicate"), Ungated),
+    ("cfg_attr", Normal, template!(List: "predicate, attr1, attr2, ..."), Ungated),
+    ("main", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("start", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("repr", Normal, template!(List: "C, packed, ..."), Ungated),
+    ("path", Normal, template!(NameValueStr: "file"), Ungated),
+    ("automatically_derived", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("no_mangle", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("no_link", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("derive", Normal, template!(List: "Trait1, Trait2, ..."), Ungated),
+    ("should_panic", Normal, template!(Word, List: r#"expected = "reason"#, NameValueStr: "reason"),
+                                Ungated),
+    ("ignore", Normal, template!(Word, NameValueStr: "reason"), Ungated),
+    ("no_implicit_prelude", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("reexport_test_harness_main", Normal, template!(NameValueStr: "name"), Ungated),
+    ("link_args", Normal, template!(NameValueStr: "args"), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                 "the `link_args` attribute is experimental and not \
                                  portable across platforms, it is recommended to \
                                  use `#[link(name = \"foo\")] instead",
-    ("macro_escape", Normal, Ungated),
+    ("macro_escape", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
     // RFC #1445.
-    ("structural_match", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("structural_match", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                             "the semantics of constant patterns is \
                                              not yet settled",
     // RFC #2008
-    ("non_exhaustive", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("non_exhaustive", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                           "non exhaustive is an experimental feature",
     // RFC #1268
-    ("marker", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("marker", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                              "marker traits is an experimental feature",
-    ("plugin", CrateLevel, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("plugin", CrateLevel, template!(List: "name|name(args)"), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                  "compiler plugins are experimental \
                                   and possibly buggy",
-    ("no_std", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("no_core", CrateLevel, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("no_std", CrateLevel, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("no_core", CrateLevel, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                   "no_core is experimental",
-    ("lang", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("lang", Normal, template!(NameValueStr: "name"), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                            "language items are subject to change",
-    ("linkage", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("linkage", Whitelisted, template!(NameValueStr: "external|internal|..."),
+                                   Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                    "the `linkage` attribute is experimental \
                                     and not portable across platforms",
-    ("thread_local", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("thread_local", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                         "`#[thread_local]` is an experimental feature, and does \
                                          not currently handle destructors.",
-    ("rustc_on_unimplemented", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_on_unimplemented", Normal, template!(List:
+                          r#"/*opt*/ message = "...", /*opt*/ label = "...", /*opt*/ note = "...""#,
+                          NameValueStr: "message"),
+                                             Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                              "the `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` attribute \
                                               is an experimental feature",
-    ("rustc_const_unstable", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_const_unstable", Normal, template!(List: r#"feature = "name""#),
+                                             Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                              "the `#[rustc_const_unstable]` attribute \
                                               is an internal feature",
-    ("global_allocator", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("default_lib_allocator", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("global_allocator", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("default_lib_allocator", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                             "the `#[default_lib_allocator]` \
                                              attribute is an experimental feature",
-    ("needs_allocator", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("needs_allocator", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                       "the `#[needs_allocator]` \
                                        attribute is an experimental \
-    ("panic_runtime", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("panic_runtime", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                          "the `#[panic_runtime]` attribute is \
                                           an experimental feature",
-    ("needs_panic_runtime", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("needs_panic_runtime", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                "the `#[needs_panic_runtime]` \
                                                 attribute is an experimental \
-    ("rustc_outlives", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_outlives", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                      "the `#[rustc_outlives]` attribute \
                                       is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                       and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_variance", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_variance", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                      "the `#[rustc_variance]` attribute \
                                       is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                       and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_regions", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_regions", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                     "the `#[rustc_regions]` attribute \
                                      is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                      and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_error", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_error", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                        "the `#[rustc_error]` attribute \
                                         is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                         and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_dump_user_substs", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_dump_user_substs", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                        "this attribute \
                                         is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                         and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_if_this_changed", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_if_this_changed", Whitelisted, template!(Word, List: "DepNode"),
+                                                 Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                  "the `#[rustc_if_this_changed]` attribute \
                                                   is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                                   and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_then_this_would_need", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_then_this_would_need", Whitelisted, template!(List: "DepNode"),
+                                                      Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                       "the `#[rustc_if_this_changed]` attribute \
                                                        is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                                        and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_dirty", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_dirty", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"cfg = "...", /*opt*/ label = "...",
+                                                    /*opt*/ except = "...""#),
+                                       Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                        "the `#[rustc_dirty]` attribute \
                                         is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                         and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_clean", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_clean", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"cfg = "...", /*opt*/ label = "...",
+                                                    /*opt*/ except = "...""#),
+                                       Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                        "the `#[rustc_clean]` attribute \
                                         is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                         and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_partition_reused", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_partition_reused", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"cfg = "...", module = "...""#),
+                                                  Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                   "this attribute \
                                                    is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                                    and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_partition_codegened", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_partition_codegened", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"cfg = "...", module = "...""#),
+                                                      Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                       "this attribute \
                                                        is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                                        and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_expected_cgu_reuse", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_expected_cgu_reuse", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"cfg = "...", module = "...",
+                                                              kind = "...""#),
+                                                    Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                     "this attribute \
                                                      is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                                      and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_synthetic", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_synthetic", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                       "this attribute \
                                                        is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                                        and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_symbol_name", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_symbol_name", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                              "internal rustc attributes will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_item_path", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_item_path", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                            "internal rustc attributes will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_mir", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_mir", Whitelisted, template!(List: "arg1, arg2, ..."), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                      "the `#[rustc_mir]` attribute \
                                       is just used for rustc unit tests \
                                       and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_inherit_overflow_checks", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_inherit_overflow_checks", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                          "the `#[rustc_inherit_overflow_checks]` \
                                                           attribute is just used to control \
@@ -979,41 +1037,35 @@
                                                           across crates and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_dump_program_clauses", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_dump_program_clauses", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                      "the `#[rustc_dump_program_clauses]` \
                                                       attribute is just used for rustc unit \
                                                       tests and will never be stable",
-    ("rustc_test_marker", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_test_marker", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                      "the `#[rustc_test_marker]` attribute \
                                       is used internally to track tests",
-    ("rustc_transparent_macro", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_transparent_macro", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                    "used internally for testing macro hygiene",
-    // RFC #2094
-    ("nll", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
-                               "nll",
-                               "Non lexical lifetimes",
-                               cfg_fn!(nll))),
-    ("compiler_builtins", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("compiler_builtins", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                              "the `#[compiler_builtins]` attribute is used to \
                                               identify the `compiler_builtins` crate which \
                                               contains compiler-rt intrinsics and will never be \
-    ("sanitizer_runtime", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("sanitizer_runtime", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                              "the `#[sanitizer_runtime]` attribute is used to \
                                               identify crates that contain the runtime of a \
                                               sanitizer and will never be stable",
-    ("profiler_runtime", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("profiler_runtime", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                              "the `#[profiler_runtime]` attribute is used to \
                                               identify the `profiler_builtins` crate which \
@@ -1021,55 +1073,58 @@
-    ("allow_internal_unstable", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("allow_internal_unstable", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
-    ("allow_internal_unsafe", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("allow_internal_unsafe", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
-    ("fundamental", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("fundamental", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                        "the `#[fundamental]` attribute \
                                         is an experimental feature",
-    ("proc_macro_derive", Normal, Ungated),
+    ("proc_macro_derive", Normal, template!(List: "TraitName, \
+                                                   /*opt*/ attributes(name1, name2, ...)"),
+                                       Ungated),
-    ("rustc_copy_clone_marker", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_copy_clone_marker", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                    "internal implementation detail",
     // FIXME: #14408 whitelist docs since rustdoc looks at them
-    ("doc", Whitelisted, Ungated),
+    ("doc", Whitelisted, template!(List: "hidden|inline|...", NameValueStr: "string"), Ungated),
     // FIXME: #14406 these are processed in codegen, which happens after the
     // lint pass
-    ("cold", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("naked", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("cold", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("naked", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                  "the `#[naked]` attribute \
                                   is an experimental feature",
-    ("target_feature", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("export_name", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("inline", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("link", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("link_name", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("link_section", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("no_builtins", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("no_mangle", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("no_debug", Whitelisted, Gated(
+    ("target_feature", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"enable = "name""#), Ungated),
+    ("export_name", Whitelisted, template!(NameValueStr: "name"), Ungated),
+    ("inline", Whitelisted, template!(Word, List: "always|never"), Ungated),
+    ("link", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"name = "...", /*opt*/ kind = "dylib|static|...",
+                                             /*opt*/ cfg = "...""#), Ungated),
+    ("link_name", Whitelisted, template!(NameValueStr: "name"), Ungated),
+    ("link_section", Whitelisted, template!(NameValueStr: "name"), Ungated),
+    ("no_builtins", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("no_mangle", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("no_debug", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(
         Stability::Deprecated("", None),
         "the `#[no_debug]` attribute was an experimental feature that has been \
          deprecated due to lack of demand",
-    ("omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                        "the `#[omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section]` \
                                                         attribute is just used for the Rust test \
@@ -1077,6 +1132,7 @@
+     template!(Word),
                                  Some("replace this attribute with `#[may_dangle]`")),
@@ -1085,93 +1141,91 @@
+     template!(Word),
            "may_dangle has unstable semantics and may be removed in the future",
-    ("unwind", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("unwind", Whitelisted, template!(List: "allowed"), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                   "#[unwind] is experimental",
-    ("used", Whitelisted, Ungated),
+    ("used", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Ungated),
     // used in resolve
-    ("prelude_import", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("prelude_import", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                           "`#[prelude_import]` is for use by rustc only",
     // FIXME: #14407 these are only looked at on-demand so we can't
     // guarantee they'll have already been checked
-    ("rustc_deprecated", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("must_use", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("stable", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("unstable", Whitelisted, Ungated),
-    ("deprecated", Normal, Ungated),
+    ("rustc_deprecated", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"since = "version", reason = "...""#),
+                                        Ungated),
+    ("must_use", Whitelisted, template!(Word, NameValueStr: "reason"), Ungated),
+    ("stable", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"feature = "name", since = "version""#), Ungated),
+    ("unstable", Whitelisted, template!(List: r#"feature = "name", reason = "...", issue = "N""#),
+                                        Ungated),
+    ("deprecated", Normal, template!(Word, List: r#"/*opt*/ since = "version",
+                                                    /*opt*/ note = "reason"#,
+                                                    NameValueStr: "reason"), Ungated),
-    ("rustc_paren_sugar", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_paren_sugar", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                         "unboxed_closures are still evolving",
-    ("windows_subsystem", Whitelisted, Ungated),
+    ("windows_subsystem", Whitelisted, template!(NameValueStr: "windows|console"), Ungated),
-    ("proc_macro_attribute", Normal, Ungated),
-    ("proc_macro", Normal, Ungated),
+    ("proc_macro_attribute", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("proc_macro", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
-    ("rustc_proc_macro_decls", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_proc_macro_decls", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                              "used internally by rustc",
-    ("allow_fail", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("allow_fail", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                  "allow_fail attribute is currently unstable",
-    ("rustc_std_internal_symbol", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_std_internal_symbol", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                      "this is an internal attribute that will \
                                       never be stable",
     // whitelists "identity-like" conversion methods to suggest on type mismatch
-    ("rustc_conversion_suggestion", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_conversion_suggestion", Whitelisted, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                                        "this is an internal attribute that will \
                                                         never be stable",
-    ("rustc_args_required_const", Whitelisted, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("rustc_args_required_const", Whitelisted, template!(List: "N"), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                                  "never will be stable",
-    // RFC #2093
-    ("infer_static_outlives_requirements", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
-                                   "infer_static_outlives_requirements",
-                                   "infer 'static lifetime requirements",
-                                   cfg_fn!(infer_static_outlives_requirements))),
     // RFC 2070
-    ("panic_handler", Normal, Ungated),
+    ("panic_handler", Normal, template!(Word), Ungated),
-    ("alloc_error_handler", Normal, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("alloc_error_handler", Normal, template!(Word), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
                            "#[alloc_error_handler] is an unstable feature",
     // Crate level attributes
-    ("crate_name", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("crate_type", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("crate_id", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("feature", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("no_start", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("no_main", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("no_builtins", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("recursion_limit", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("type_length_limit", CrateLevel, Ungated),
-    ("test_runner", CrateLevel, Gated(Stability::Unstable,
+    ("crate_name", CrateLevel, template!(NameValueStr: "name"), Ungated),
+    ("crate_type", CrateLevel, template!(NameValueStr: "bin|lib|..."), Ungated),
+    ("crate_id", CrateLevel, template!(NameValueStr: "ignored"), Ungated),
+    ("feature", CrateLevel, template!(List: "name1, name1, ..."), Ungated),
+    ("no_start", CrateLevel, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("no_main", CrateLevel, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("no_builtins", CrateLevel, template!(Word), Ungated),
+    ("recursion_limit", CrateLevel, template!(NameValueStr: "N"), Ungated),
+    ("type_length_limit", CrateLevel, template!(NameValueStr: "N"), Ungated),
+    ("test_runner", CrateLevel, template!(List: "path"), Gated(Stability::Unstable,
@@ -1247,7 +1301,7 @@
     fn check_attribute(&self, attr: &ast::Attribute, is_macro: bool) {
         debug!("check_attribute(attr = {:?})", attr);
         let name =;
-        for &(n, ty, ref gateage) in BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES {
+        for &(n, ty, _template, ref gateage) in BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES {
             if name == n {
                 if let Gated(_, name, desc, ref has_feature) = *gateage {
                     gate_feature_fn!(self, has_feature, attr.span, name, desc, GateStrength::Hard);
@@ -1482,6 +1536,52 @@
             Abi::System => {}
+    fn check_builtin_attribute(&mut self, attr: &ast::Attribute, name: &str,
+                               template: AttributeTemplate) {
+        // Some special attributes like `cfg` must be checked
+        // before the generic check, so we skip them here.
+        let should_skip = |name| name == "cfg";
+        // Some of previously accepted forms were used in practice,
+        // report them as warnings for now.
+        let should_warn = |name| name == "doc" || name == "ignore" ||
+                                 name == "inline" || name == "link";
+        match attr.parse_meta(self.context.parse_sess) {
+            Ok(meta) => if !should_skip(name) && !template.compatible(&meta.node) {
+                let mut msg = "attribute must be of the form ".to_owned();
+                let mut first = true;
+                if template.word {
+                    first = false;
+                    msg.push_str(&format!("`#[{}{}]`", name, ""));
+                }
+                if let Some(descr) = template.list {
+                    if !first {
+                        msg.push_str(" or ");
+                    }
+                    first = false;
+                    msg.push_str(&format!("`#[{}({})]`", name, descr));
+                }
+                if let Some(descr) = template.name_value_str {
+                    if !first {
+                        msg.push_str(" or ");
+                    }
+                    msg.push_str(&format!("`#[{} = \"{}\"]`", name, descr));
+                }
+                if should_warn(name) {
+                    self.context.parse_sess.buffer_lint(
+                        BufferedEarlyLintId::IllFormedAttributeInput,
+                        meta.span,
+                        ast::CRATE_NODE_ID,
+                        &msg,
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    self.context.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_err(meta.span, &msg);
+                }
+            }
+            Err(mut err) => err.emit(),
+        }
+    }
 impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for PostExpansionVisitor<'a> {
@@ -1517,12 +1617,15 @@
-        if !self.context.features.unrestricted_attribute_tokens {
-            // Unfortunately, `parse_meta` cannot be called speculatively
-            // because it can report errors by itself, so we have to call it
-            // only if the feature is disabled.
-            if let Err(mut err) = attr.parse_meta(self.context.parse_sess) {
-      "try enabling `#![feature(unrestricted_attribute_tokens)]`").emit()
+        match BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES.iter().find(|(name, ..)| attr.path == name) {
+            Some(&(name, _, template, _)) => self.check_builtin_attribute(attr, name, template),
+            None => if !self.context.features.unrestricted_attribute_tokens {
+                // Unfortunately, `parse_meta` cannot be called speculatively
+                // because it can report errors by itself, so we have to call it
+                // only if the feature is disabled.
+                if let Err(mut err) = attr.parse_meta(self.context.parse_sess) {
+          "try enabling `#![feature(unrestricted_attribute_tokens)]`").emit()
+                }
@@ -1926,11 +2029,7 @@
         let list = match attr.meta_item_list() {
             Some(list) => list,
-            None => {
-                span_err!(span_handler, attr.span, E0555,
-                          "malformed feature attribute, expected #![feature(...)]");
-                continue
-            }
+            None => continue,
         for mi in list {
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index 8ac1038..a4c3b38 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
         TokenTree::Delimited(span, delim, tts) => TokenTree::Delimited(
             DelimSpan::from_pair(fld.new_span(, fld.new_span(span.close)),
-            fld.fold_tts(,
+            fld.fold_tts(tts).into(),
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index ea0fe71..cf11ac5 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 //! The format of the JSON output should be considered *unstable*. For now the
 //! structs at the end of this file (Diagnostic*) specify the error format.
-// FIXME spec the JSON output properly.
+// FIXME: spec the JSON output properly.
 use source_map::{SourceMap, FilePathMapping};
 use syntax_pos::{self, MacroBacktrace, Span, SpanLabel, MultiSpan};
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index ea943e1..df22dac 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/parse/ b/src/libsyntax/parse/
index ea20553..ddb350f 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/parse/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/parse/
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@
                 if == "macro_rules"
                 && == "zip" => {
-                    let tts = &<Vec<_>>();
+                    let tts = &macro_tts.trees().collect::<Vec<_>>();
                     match (tts.len(), tts.get(0), tts.get(1), tts.get(2)) {
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@
                             Some(&TokenTree::Delimited(_, second_delim, ref second_tts)),
                         if macro_delim == token::Paren => {
-                            let tts = &<Vec<_>>();
+                            let tts = &first_tts.trees().collect::<Vec<_>>();
                             match (tts.len(), tts.get(0), tts.get(1)) {
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
                                 if first_delim == token::Paren && == "a" => {},
                                 _ => panic!("value 3: {:?} {:?}", first_delim, first_tts),
-                            let tts = &<Vec<_>>();
+                            let tts = &second_tts.trees().collect::<Vec<_>>();
                             match (tts.len(), tts.get(0), tts.get(1)) {
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/parse/ b/src/libsyntax/parse/
index 823c786..7e15b231 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/parse/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/parse/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 use ptr::P;
 use parse::PResult;
 use ThinVec;
-use tokenstream::{self, DelimSpan, ThinTokenStream, TokenTree, TokenStream};
+use tokenstream::{self, DelimSpan, TokenTree, TokenStream, TreeAndJoint};
 use symbol::{Symbol, keywords};
 use std::borrow::Cow;
@@ -280,17 +280,17 @@
 /// on the parser.
 enum LastToken {
-    Collecting(Vec<TokenStream>),
-    Was(Option<TokenStream>),
+    Collecting(Vec<TreeAndJoint>),
+    Was(Option<TreeAndJoint>),
 impl TokenCursorFrame {
-    fn new(sp: DelimSpan, delim: DelimToken, tts: &ThinTokenStream) -> Self {
+    fn new(sp: DelimSpan, delim: DelimToken, tts: &TokenStream) -> Self {
         TokenCursorFrame {
             delim: delim,
             span: sp,
             open_delim: delim == token::NoDelim,
-            tree_cursor:,
+            tree_cursor: tts.clone().into_trees(),
             close_delim: delim == token::NoDelim,
             last_token: LastToken::Was(None),
@@ -2330,7 +2330,7 @@
-    fn expect_delimited_token_tree(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (MacDelimiter, ThinTokenStream)> {
+    fn expect_delimited_token_tree(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (MacDelimiter, TokenStream)> {
         let delim = match self.token {
             token::OpenDelim(delim) => delim,
             _ => {
@@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@
             token::Brace => MacDelimiter::Brace,
             token::NoDelim => self.bug("unexpected no delimiter"),
-        Ok((delim,
+        Ok((delim, tts.into()))
     /// At the bottom (top?) of the precedence hierarchy,
@@ -4063,12 +4063,13 @@
         if let Some(mut err) = delayed_err {
             if let Some(etc_span) = etc_span {
-                err.multipart_suggestion(
+                err.multipart_suggestion_with_applicability(
                     "move the `..` to the end of the field list",
                         (etc_span, String::new()),
                         (self.span, format!("{}.. }}", if ate_comma { "" } else { ", " })),
+                    Applicability::MachineApplicable,
@@ -4641,7 +4642,7 @@
                 let ident = self.parse_ident()?;
                 let tokens = if self.check(&token::OpenDelim(token::Brace)) {
                     match self.parse_token_tree() {
-                        TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, tts) =>,
+                        TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, tts) => tts,
                         _ => unreachable!(),
                 } else if self.check(&token::OpenDelim(token::Paren)) {
@@ -5234,22 +5235,13 @@
                     kind: ast::GenericParamKind::Lifetime,
                 if let Some(sp) = seen_ty_param {
-                    let param_span = self.prev_span;
-                    let ate_comma =;
-                    let remove_sp = if ate_comma {
-                        param_span.until(self.span)
-                    } else {
-                        last_comma_span.unwrap_or(param_span).to(param_span)
-                    };
-                    bad_lifetime_pos.push(param_span);
-                    if let Ok(snippet) = self.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(param_span) {
+                    let remove_sp = last_comma_span.unwrap_or(self.prev_span).to(self.prev_span);
+                    bad_lifetime_pos.push(self.prev_span);
+                    if let Ok(snippet) = self.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(self.prev_span) {
                         suggestions.push((remove_sp, String::new()));
-                        suggestions.push((sp.shrink_to_lo(), format!("{}, ", snippet)));
-                    }
-                    if ate_comma {
-                        last_comma_span = Some(self.prev_span);
-                        continue
+                        suggestions.push((
+                            sp.shrink_to_lo(),
+                            format!("{}, ", snippet)));
             } else if self.check_ident() {
@@ -6913,7 +6905,11 @@
             let mut err = self.struct_span_err(fixed_name_sp, error_msg);
             err.span_label(fixed_name_sp, "dash-separated idents are not valid");
-            err.multipart_suggestion(suggestion_msg, replacement);
+            err.multipart_suggestion_with_applicability(
+                suggestion_msg,
+                replacement,
+                Applicability::MachineApplicable,
+            );
@@ -7766,7 +7762,7 @@
             &mut self.token_cursor.stack[prev].last_token
-        // Pull our the toekns that we've collected from the call to `f` above
+        // Pull out the tokens that we've collected from the call to `f` above.
         let mut collected_tokens = match *last_token {
             LastToken::Collecting(ref mut v) => mem::replace(v, Vec::new()),
             LastToken::Was(_) => panic!("our vector went away?"),
@@ -7785,10 +7781,9 @@
         // call. In that case we need to record all the tokens we collected in
         // our parent list as well. To do that we push a clone of our stream
         // onto the previous list.
-        let stream = collected_tokens.into_iter().collect::<TokenStream>();
         match prev_collecting {
             Some(mut list) => {
-                list.push(stream.clone());
+                list.extend(collected_tokens.iter().cloned());
                 *last_token = LastToken::Collecting(list);
@@ -7797,7 +7792,7 @@
-        Ok((ret?, stream))
+        Ok((ret?, TokenStream::new(collected_tokens)))
     pub fn parse_item(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Option<P<Item>>> {
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/print/ b/src/libsyntax/print/
index 2ad3d3a..c535940 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/print/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/print/
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@
             TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim, tts) => {
-                self.print_tts(;
+                self.print_tts(tts)?;
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index 884c4fd..b352486 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -428,14 +428,11 @@
 fn get_test_runner(sd: &errors::Handler, krate: &ast::Crate) -> Option<ast::Path> {
     let test_attr = attr::find_by_name(&krate.attrs, "test_runner")?;
-    if let Some(meta_list) = test_attr.meta_item_list() {
+    test_attr.meta_item_list().map(|meta_list| {
         if meta_list.len() != 1 {
                 "#![test_runner(..)] accepts exactly 1 argument").raise()
-        Some(meta_list[0].word().as_ref().unwrap().ident.clone())
-    } else {
-        sd.span_fatal(test_attr.span(),
-            "test_runner must be of the form #[test_runner(..)]").raise()
-    }
+        meta_list[0].word().as_ref().unwrap().ident.clone()
+    })
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index fb72ef9..f5d2d6f 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     /// A single token
     Token(Span, token::Token),
     /// A delimited sequence of token trees
-    Delimited(DelimSpan, DelimToken, ThinTokenStream),
+    Delimited(DelimSpan, DelimToken, TokenStream),
 impl TokenTree {
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@
             (&TokenTree::Token(_, ref tk), &TokenTree::Token(_, ref tk2)) => tk == tk2,
             (&TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim, ref tts),
              &TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim2, ref tts2)) => {
-                delim == delim2 &&
+                delim == delim2 && tts.eq_unspanned(&tts2)
             (_, _) => false,
@@ -81,8 +80,7 @@
             (&TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim, ref tts),
              &TokenTree::Delimited(_, delim2, ref tts2)) => {
-                delim == delim2 &&
+                delim == delim2 && tts.probably_equal_for_proc_macro(&tts2)
             (_, _) => false,
@@ -113,7 +111,7 @@
     pub fn joint(self) -> TokenStream {
-        TokenStream::Tree(self, Joint)
+        TokenStream::new(vec![(self, Joint)])
     /// Returns the opening delimiter as a token tree.
@@ -143,18 +141,19 @@
 /// The goal is for procedural macros to work with `TokenStream`s and `TokenTree`s
 /// instead of a representation of the abstract syntax tree.
 /// Today's `TokenTree`s can still contain AST via `Token::Interpolated` for back-compat.
+/// The use of `Option` is an optimization that avoids the need for an
+/// allocation when the stream is empty. However, it is not guaranteed that an
+/// empty stream is represented with `None`; it may be represented as a `Some`
+/// around an empty `Vec`.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum TokenStream {
-    Empty,
-    Tree(TokenTree, IsJoint),
-    Stream(Lrc<Vec<TreeAndJoint>>),
+pub struct TokenStream(Option<Lrc<Vec<TreeAndJoint>>>);
 pub type TreeAndJoint = (TokenTree, IsJoint);
 // `TokenStream` is used a lot. Make sure it doesn't unintentionally get bigger.
 #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
-static_assert!(MEM_SIZE_OF_TOKEN_STREAM: mem::size_of::<TokenStream>() == 32);
+static_assert!(MEM_SIZE_OF_TOKEN_STREAM: mem::size_of::<TokenStream>() == 8);
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
 pub enum IsJoint {
@@ -169,7 +168,7 @@
     /// separating the two arguments with a comma for diagnostic suggestions.
     pub(crate) fn add_comma(&self) -> Option<(TokenStream, Span)> {
         // Used to suggest if a user writes `foo!(a b);`
-        if let TokenStream::Stream(ref stream) = self {
+        if let Some(ref stream) = self.0 {
             let mut suggestion = None;
             let mut iter = stream.iter().enumerate().peekable();
             while let Some((pos, ts)) = {
@@ -201,7 +200,7 @@
 impl From<TokenTree> for TokenStream {
     fn from(tree: TokenTree) -> TokenStream {
-        TokenStream::Tree(tree, NonJoint)
+        TokenStream::new(vec![(tree, NonJoint)])
@@ -233,7 +232,7 @@
 impl TokenStream {
     pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
-        if let TokenStream::Stream(ref slice) = self {
+        if let Some(ref slice) = self.0 {
         } else {
@@ -241,13 +240,13 @@
     pub fn empty() -> TokenStream {
-        TokenStream::Empty
+        TokenStream(None)
     pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
-        match self {
-            TokenStream::Empty => true,
-            _ => false,
+        match self.0 {
+            None => true,
+            Some(ref stream) => stream.is_empty(),
@@ -258,10 +257,9 @@
             _ => {
                 let mut vec = vec![];
                 for stream in streams {
-                    match stream {
-                        TokenStream::Empty => {},
-                        TokenStream::Tree(tree, is_joint) => vec.push((tree, is_joint)),
-                        TokenStream::Stream(stream2) => vec.extend(stream2.iter().cloned()),
+                    match stream.0 {
+                        None => {},
+                        Some(stream2) => vec.extend(stream2.iter().cloned()),
@@ -269,22 +267,16 @@
-    pub fn new(mut streams: Vec<TreeAndJoint>) -> TokenStream {
+    pub fn new(streams: Vec<TreeAndJoint>) -> TokenStream {
         match streams.len() {
-            0 => TokenStream::empty(),
-            1 => {
-                let (tree, is_joint) = streams.pop().unwrap();
-                TokenStream::Tree(tree, is_joint)
-            }
-            _ => TokenStream::Stream(Lrc::new(streams)),
+            0 => TokenStream(None),
+            _ => TokenStream(Some(Lrc::new(streams))),
     pub fn append_to_tree_and_joint_vec(self, vec: &mut Vec<TreeAndJoint>) {
-        match self {
-            TokenStream::Empty => {}
-            TokenStream::Tree(tree, is_joint) => vec.push((tree, is_joint)),
-            TokenStream::Stream(stream) => vec.extend(stream.iter().cloned()),
+        if let Some(stream) = self.0 {
+            vec.extend(stream.iter().cloned());
@@ -349,51 +341,36 @@
     pub fn map_enumerated<F: FnMut(usize, TokenTree) -> TokenTree>(self, mut f: F) -> TokenStream {
-        match self {
-            TokenStream::Empty => TokenStream::Empty,
-            TokenStream::Tree(tree, is_joint) => TokenStream::Tree(f(0, tree), is_joint),
-            TokenStream::Stream(stream) => TokenStream::Stream(Lrc::new(
+        TokenStream(|stream| {
+            Lrc::new(
                     .map(|(i, (tree, is_joint))| (f(i, tree.clone()), *is_joint))
-                    .collect()
-            )),
-        }
+                    .collect())
+        }))
     pub fn map<F: FnMut(TokenTree) -> TokenTree>(self, mut f: F) -> TokenStream {
-        match self {
-            TokenStream::Empty => TokenStream::Empty,
-            TokenStream::Tree(tree, is_joint) => TokenStream::Tree(f(tree), is_joint),
-            TokenStream::Stream(stream) => TokenStream::Stream(Lrc::new(
+        TokenStream(|stream| {
+            Lrc::new(
                     .map(|(tree, is_joint)| (f(tree.clone()), *is_joint))
-                    .collect()
-            )),
-        }
+                    .collect())
+        }))
-    fn first_tree_and_joint(&self) -> Option<(TokenTree, IsJoint)> {
-        match self {
-            TokenStream::Empty => None,
-            TokenStream::Tree(ref tree, is_joint) => Some((tree.clone(), *is_joint)),
-            TokenStream::Stream(ref stream) => Some(stream.first().unwrap().clone())
-        }
+    fn first_tree_and_joint(&self) -> Option<TreeAndJoint> {
+        self.0.as_ref().map(|stream| {
+            stream.first().unwrap().clone()
+        })
     fn last_tree_if_joint(&self) -> Option<TokenTree> {
-        match self {
-            TokenStream::Empty => None,
-            TokenStream::Tree(ref tree, is_joint) => {
-                if *is_joint == Joint {
-                    Some(tree.clone())
-                } else {
-                    None
-                }
-            }
-            TokenStream::Stream(ref stream) => {
+        match self.0 {
+            None => None,
+            Some(ref stream) => {
                 if let (tree, Joint) = stream.last().unwrap() {
                 } else {
@@ -422,7 +399,7 @@
                     let glued_span =;
                     let glued_tt = TokenTree::Token(glued_span, glued_tok);
-                    let glued_tokenstream = TokenStream::Tree(glued_tt, is_joint);
+                    let glued_tokenstream = TokenStream::new(vec![(glued_tt, is_joint)]);
@@ -437,23 +414,21 @@
     fn push_all_but_last_tree(&mut self, stream: &TokenStream) {
-        if let TokenStream::Stream(ref streams) = stream {
+        if let Some(ref streams) = stream.0 {
             let len = streams.len();
             match len {
                 1 => {}
-                2 => self.0.push(TokenStream::Tree(streams[0].0.clone(), streams[0].1)),
-                _ => self.0.push(TokenStream::Stream(Lrc::new(streams[0 .. len - 1].to_vec()))),
+                _ => self.0.push(TokenStream(Some(Lrc::new(streams[0 .. len - 1].to_vec())))),
     fn push_all_but_first_tree(&mut self, stream: &TokenStream) {
-        if let TokenStream::Stream(ref streams) = stream {
+        if let Some(ref streams) = stream.0 {
             let len = streams.len();
             match len {
                 1 => {}
-                2 => self.0.push(TokenStream::Tree(streams[1].0.clone(), streams[1].1)),
-                _ => self.0.push(TokenStream::Stream(Lrc::new(streams[1 .. len].to_vec()))),
+                _ => self.0.push(TokenStream(Some(Lrc::new(streams[1 .. len].to_vec())))),
@@ -479,17 +454,9 @@
     pub fn next_with_joint(&mut self) -> Option<TreeAndJoint> {
-        match {
-            TokenStream::Empty => None,
-            TokenStream::Tree(ref tree, ref is_joint) => {
-                if self.index == 0 {
-                    self.index = 1;
-                    Some((tree.clone(), *is_joint))
-                } else {
-                    None
-                }
-            }
-            TokenStream::Stream(ref stream) => {
+        match {
+            None => None,
+            Some(ref stream) => {
                 if self.index < stream.len() {
                     self.index += 1;
                     Some(stream[self.index - 1].clone())
@@ -505,63 +472,19 @@
         let index = self.index;
-        let stream = mem::replace(&mut, TokenStream::Empty);
+        let stream = mem::replace(&mut, TokenStream(None));
         *self = TokenStream::from_streams(vec![stream, new_stream]).into_trees();
         self.index = index;
     pub fn look_ahead(&self, n: usize) -> Option<TokenTree> {
-        match {
-            TokenStream::Empty => None,
-            TokenStream::Tree(ref tree, _) => {
-                if n == 0 && self.index == 0 {
-                    Some(tree.clone())
-                } else {
-                    None
-                }
-            }
-            TokenStream::Stream(ref stream) =>
-                stream[self.index ..].get(n).map(|(tree, _)| tree.clone()),
+        match {
+            None => None,
+            Some(ref stream) => stream[self.index ..].get(n).map(|(tree, _)| tree.clone()),
-/// The `TokenStream` type is large enough to represent a single `TokenTree` without allocation.
-/// `ThinTokenStream` is smaller, but needs to allocate to represent a single `TokenTree`.
-/// We must use `ThinTokenStream` in `TokenTree::Delimited` to avoid infinite size due to recursion.
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct ThinTokenStream(Option<Lrc<Vec<TreeAndJoint>>>);
-impl ThinTokenStream {
-    pub fn stream(&self) -> TokenStream {
-        self.clone().into()
-    }
-impl From<TokenStream> for ThinTokenStream {
-    fn from(stream: TokenStream) -> ThinTokenStream {
-        ThinTokenStream(match stream {
-            TokenStream::Empty => None,
-            TokenStream::Tree(tree, is_joint) => Some(Lrc::new(vec![(tree, is_joint)])),
-            TokenStream::Stream(stream) => Some(stream),
-        })
-    }
-impl From<ThinTokenStream> for TokenStream {
-    fn from(stream: ThinTokenStream) -> TokenStream {
-    }
-impl Eq for ThinTokenStream {}
-impl PartialEq<ThinTokenStream> for ThinTokenStream {
-    fn eq(&self, other: &ThinTokenStream) -> bool {
-        TokenStream::from(self.clone()) == TokenStream::from(other.clone())
-    }
 impl fmt::Display for TokenStream {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
@@ -580,18 +503,6 @@
-impl Encodable for ThinTokenStream {
-    fn encode<E: Encoder>(&self, encoder: &mut E) -> Result<(), E::Error> {
-        TokenStream::from(self.clone()).encode(encoder)
-    }
-impl Decodable for ThinTokenStream {
-    fn decode<D: Decoder>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<ThinTokenStream, D::Error> {
-        TokenStream::decode(decoder).map(Into::into)
-    }
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
 pub struct DelimSpan {
     pub open: Span,
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index 156546b..8cbd47c 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@
 pub fn walk_tt<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(visitor: &mut V, tt: TokenTree) {
     match tt {
         TokenTree::Token(_, tok) => visitor.visit_token(tok),
-        TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, tts) => visitor.visit_tts(,
+        TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, tts) => visitor.visit_tts(tts),
diff --git a/src/libsyntax_ext/ b/src/libsyntax_ext/
index 38f7ca5..1d27271 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax_ext/
+++ b/src/libsyntax_ext/
@@ -105,12 +105,7 @@
         // `#[proc_macro_derive(Foo, attributes(A, ..))]`
         let list = match attr.meta_item_list() {
             Some(list) => list,
-            None => {
-                self.handler.span_err(attr.span(),
-                                      "attribute must be of form: \
-                                       #[proc_macro_derive(TraitName)]");
-                return
-            }
+            None => return,
         if list.len() != 1 && list.len() != 2 {
@@ -182,13 +177,7 @@
-    fn collect_attr_proc_macro(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item, attr: &'a ast::Attribute) {
-        if !attr.is_word() {
-            self.handler.span_err(attr.span, "`#[proc_macro_attribute]` attribute \
-                does not take any arguments");
-            return;
-        }
+    fn collect_attr_proc_macro(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item) {
         if self.in_root && item.vis.node.is_pub() {
             self.attr_macros.push(ProcMacroDef {
                 span: item.span,
@@ -205,13 +194,7 @@
-    fn collect_bang_proc_macro(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item, attr: &'a ast::Attribute) {
-        if !attr.is_word() {
-            self.handler.span_err(attr.span, "`#[proc_macro]` attribute \
-                does not take any arguments");
-            return;
-        }
+    fn collect_bang_proc_macro(&mut self, item: &'a ast::Item) {
         if self.in_root && item.vis.node.is_pub() {
             self.bang_macros.push(ProcMacroDef {
                 span: item.span,
@@ -308,9 +291,9 @@
         if attr.check_name("proc_macro_derive") {
             self.collect_custom_derive(item, attr);
         } else if attr.check_name("proc_macro_attribute") {
-            self.collect_attr_proc_macro(item, attr);
+            self.collect_attr_proc_macro(item);
         } else if attr.check_name("proc_macro") {
-            self.collect_bang_proc_macro(item, attr);
+            self.collect_bang_proc_macro(item);
         let prev_in_root = mem::replace(&mut self.in_root, false);
diff --git a/src/libsyntax_ext/ b/src/libsyntax_ext/
index 158cbc7..7de9b93 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax_ext/
+++ b/src/libsyntax_ext/
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
         let tree = tokenstream::TokenTree::Token(span, token);
-        TokenStream::Tree(tree, if joint { Joint } else { NonJoint })
+        TokenStream::new(vec![(tree, if joint { Joint } else { NonJoint })])
diff --git a/src/libsyntax_ext/ b/src/libsyntax_ext/
index a19d045..11c734b 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax_ext/
+++ b/src/libsyntax_ext/
@@ -214,20 +214,8 @@
     match attr::find_by_name(&i.attrs, "should_panic") {
         Some(attr) => {
             let ref sd = cx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic;
-            if attr.is_value_str() {
-                sd.struct_span_warn(
-                    attr.span(),
-                    "attribute must be of the form: \
-                     `#[should_panic]` or \
-                     `#[should_panic(expected = \"error message\")]`"
-                ).note("Errors in this attribute were erroneously allowed \
-                        and will become a hard error in a future release.")
-                .emit();
-                return ShouldPanic::Yes(None);
-            }
             match attr.meta_item_list() {
-                // Handle #[should_panic]
-                None => ShouldPanic::Yes(None),
                 // Handle #[should_panic(expected = "foo")]
                 Some(list) => {
                     let msg = list.iter()
@@ -247,6 +235,8 @@
+                // Handle #[should_panic] and #[should_panic = "expected"]
+                None => ShouldPanic::Yes(attr.value_str())
         None => ShouldPanic::No,
diff --git a/src/libterm/terminfo/ b/src/libterm/terminfo/
index d48e189..a9e2626 100644
--- a/src/libterm/terminfo/
+++ b/src/libterm/terminfo/
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-#[ignore(reason = "buildbots don't have ncurses installed and I can't mock everything I need")]
+#[ignore = "buildbots don't have ncurses installed and I can't mock everything I need"]
 fn test_get_dbpath_for_term() {
     // woefully inadequate test coverage
     // note: current tests won't work with non-standard terminfo hierarchies (e.g., macOS's)
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail-fulldeps/auxiliary/ b/src/test/compile-fail-fulldeps/auxiliary/
index efef4ab..bca1d7a 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail-fulldeps/auxiliary/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail-fulldeps/auxiliary/
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
 // force-host
diff --git a/src/test/incremental/ b/src/test/incremental/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b27b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/incremental/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// revisions:rpass1 rpass2 rpass3
+// See issue #57692.
+fn main() {
+    #[cfg(rpass1)]
+    {
+        static map: u64 = 0;
+    }
+    #[cfg(not(rpass1))]
+    {
+        static MAP: u64 = 0;
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/simd/ b/src/test/run-pass/simd/
deleted file mode 100644
index afba298..0000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/simd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// run-pass
-// Test that removed LLVM SIMD intrinsics continue
-// to work via the "AutoUpgrade" mechanism.
-#![feature(cfg_target_feature, repr_simd)]
-#![feature(platform_intrinsics, stmt_expr_attributes)]
-#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-fn main() {
-    #[cfg(target_feature = "sse2")] unsafe {
-        extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-            fn x86_mm_min_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8;
-        }
-        assert_eq!(x86_mm_min_epi16(i16x8(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
-                                    i16x8(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)),
-                                    i16x8(0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0));
-    };
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/ b/src/test/run-pass/
index 6d0c5c1..7ce7e29 100644
--- a/src/test/run-pass/
+++ b/src/test/run-pass/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 // compile-flags: -Z borrowck=compare
-#![recursion_limit = "128"]
+#![recursion_limit = "256"]
 use std::cell::Cell;
 use std::mem::swap;
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/ b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/
index 910c993..b74eba3 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
 #![deny(missing_docs)] //~ ERROR
 pub struct Foo; //~ ERROR
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-crate.stderr b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-crate.stderr
index 7f0590e..1cfd609 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-crate.stderr
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-crate.stderr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 error: missing documentation for crate
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | / #![deny(missing_docs)] //~ ERROR
 LL | |
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
    | |_______________^
 note: lint level defined here
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #![deny(missing_docs)] //~ ERROR
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: missing documentation for a struct
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | pub struct Foo; //~ ERROR
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/ b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/
index a12fe17..b1c1253 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
 //! foo
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-macro.stderr b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-macro.stderr
index 686a450..b87e60d 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-macro.stderr
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/deny-missing-docs-macro.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 error: missing documentation for macro
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | macro_rules! foo { //~ ERROR
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 note: lint level defined here
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #![deny(missing_docs)]
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/failed-doctest-output.stdout b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/failed-doctest-output.stdout
index 9fd46e9..8af05e9 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc-ui/failed-doctest-output.stdout
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc-ui/failed-doctest-output.stdout
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 3 | no
   | ^^ not found in this scope
-thread '$DIR/ - OtherStruct (line 17)' panicked at 'couldn't compile the test', src/librustdoc/
+thread '$DIR/ - OtherStruct (line 17)' panicked at 'couldn't compile the test', src/librustdoc/
 note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
 ---- $DIR/ - SomeStruct (line 11) stdout ----
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 thread 'main' panicked at 'oh no', $DIR/
 note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
-', src/librustdoc/
+', src/librustdoc/
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/auxiliary/ b/src/test/rustdoc/auxiliary/
index c265ae4..eff47e8 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/auxiliary/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/auxiliary/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 //! This crate exports a macro `enum_from_primitive!` that wraps an
 //! `enum` declaration and automatically adds an implementation of
 //! `num::FromPrimitive` (reexported here), to allow conversion from
@@ -52,7 +51,6 @@
 //! }
 //! ```
 pub mod num_traits {
     pub trait FromPrimitive: Sized {
         fn from_i64(n: i64) -> Option<Self>;
@@ -207,4 +205,3 @@
         enum_from_primitive_impl! { $name, $( $( $variant )+ )+ }
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/ b/src/test/rustdoc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb30a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// This shouldn't cause a stack overflow when rustdoc is run
+use std::ops::Deref;
+use std::ops::DerefMut;
+pub trait SimpleTrait {
+    type SimpleT;
+impl<Inner: SimpleTrait, Outer: Deref<Target = Inner>> SimpleTrait for Outer {
+    type SimpleT = Inner::SimpleT;
+pub trait AnotherTrait {
+    type AnotherT;
+impl<T, Simple: SimpleTrait<SimpleT = Vec<T>>> AnotherTrait for Simple {
+    type AnotherT = T;
+pub struct Unrelated<Inner, UnrelatedT: DerefMut<Target = Vec<Inner>>>(UnrelatedT);
+impl<Inner, UnrelatedT: DerefMut<Target = Vec<Inner>>> Deref for Unrelated<Inner, UnrelatedT> {
+    type Target = Vec<Inner>;
+    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+        &self.0
+    }
+pub fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/rustdoc/ b/src/test/rustdoc/
index e49ce9e..c694d14 100644
--- a/src/test/rustdoc/
+++ b/src/test/rustdoc/
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
 #![crate_name = "foo"]
 // compile-flags: -Z unstable-options --disable-per-crate-search
diff --git a/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/ b/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/
index c7e1b44..c5aa903 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/
+++ b/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
 macro_rules! generate_s10 {
     ($expr: expr) => {
-        #[cfg(feature = $expr)] //~ ERROR `cfg` is not a well-formed meta-item
+        #[cfg(feature = $expr)]
+        //~^ ERROR expected unsuffixed literal or identifier, found concat!("nonexistent")
         struct S10;
diff --git a/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/cfg-attr-syntax-validation.stderr b/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/cfg-attr-syntax-validation.stderr
index da06a81..bcf13ea 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/cfg-attr-syntax-validation.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/conditional-compilation/cfg-attr-syntax-validation.stderr
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
 LL | #[cfg(a = b"hi")]  //~ ERROR literal in `cfg` predicate value must be a string
    |           ^^^^^ help: consider removing the prefix: `"hi"`
-error: `cfg` is not a well-formed meta-item
-  --> $DIR/
+error: expected unsuffixed literal or identifier, found concat!("nonexistent")
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |         #[cfg(feature = $expr)] //~ ERROR `cfg` is not a well-formed meta-item
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: expected syntax is: `#[cfg(/* predicate */)]`
+LL |         #[cfg(feature = $expr)]
+   |               ^^^^^^^
 LL | generate_s10!(concat!("nonexistent"));
    | -------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
diff --git a/src/test/ui/derives/ b/src/test/ui/derives/
index 98da6d2..8824841 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/derives/
+++ b/src/test/ui/derives/
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
-// run-pass
-#[derive]   //~ WARNING empty trait list in `derive`
-struct Foo;
+// compile-pass
 #[derive()] //~ WARNING empty trait list in `derive`
 struct Bar;
diff --git a/src/test/ui/derives/deriving-meta-empty-trait-list.stderr b/src/test/ui/derives/deriving-meta-empty-trait-list.stderr
index dbc2387..191bb78 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/derives/deriving-meta-empty-trait-list.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/derives/deriving-meta-empty-trait-list.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
 warning: empty trait list in `derive`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[derive]   //~ WARNING empty trait list in `derive`
-   | ^^^^^^^^^
-warning: empty trait list in `derive`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[derive()] //~ WARNING empty trait list in `derive`
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/src/test/ui/did_you_mean/recursion_limit.stderr b/src/test/ui/did_you_mean/recursion_limit.stderr
index 08947fd..0738c3f 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/did_you_mean/recursion_limit.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/did_you_mean/recursion_limit.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `K: std::marker::Send`
+error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `J: std::marker::Send`
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     is_send::<A>(); //~ ERROR overflow evaluating the requirement
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: consider adding a `#![recursion_limit="20"]` attribute to your crate
-   = note: required because it appears within the type `J`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `I`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `H`
    = note: required because it appears within the type `G`
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
index a3ade92..b525575 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 struct Foo;
 impl Foo {
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 fn main() {
     let foo = Foo;
-    let ref_foo = &&Foo;
+    let ref_foo = &&&&&Foo;;
     //~^ ERROR E0055
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0055.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0055.stderr
index cd2bd92..d06566f 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0055.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0055.stderr
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 LL |;
    |             ^^^ deref recursion limit reached
-   = help: consider adding a `#![recursion_limit="4"]` attribute to your crate
+   = help: consider adding a `#![recursion_limit="10"]` attribute to your crate
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e80624..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-//~^ ERROR E0232
-trait Bar {}
-fn main() {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0232.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0232.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e9155b..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0232.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-error[E0232]: `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value required here
-   |
-   = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0232`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0275.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0275.stderr
index 817b482..f2b0f39 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0275.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0275.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: std::marker::Sized`
+error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: Foo`
   --> $DIR/
 LL | impl<T> Foo for T where Bar<T>: Foo {} //~ ERROR E0275
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: consider adding a `#![recursion_limit="128"]` attribute to your crate
-   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<Bar<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a8657..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#![recursion_limit] //~ ERROR E0296
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0296.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0296.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e9f7e..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0296.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0296]: malformed recursion limit attribute, expected #![recursion_limit="N"]
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![recursion_limit] //~ ERROR E0296
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0296`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0423.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0423.stderr
index c422a1e..d0deb8c 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0423.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0423.stderr
@@ -29,19 +29,25 @@
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     if let S { x: _x, y: 2 } = S { x: 1, y: 2 } { println!("Ok"); }
-   |                                ^ did you mean `(S { /* fields */ })`?
+   |                                ^---------------
+   |                                |
+   |                                help: surround the struct literal with parenthesis: `(S { x: 1, y: 2 })`
 error[E0423]: expected value, found struct `T`
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     if T {} == T {} { println!("Ok"); }
-   |        ^ did you mean `(T { /* fields */ })`?
+   |        ^---
+   |        |
+   |        help: surround the struct literal with parenthesis: `(T {})`
 error[E0423]: expected value, found struct `std::ops::Range`
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     for _ in std::ops::Range { start: 0, end: 10 } {}
-   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ did you mean `(std::ops::Range { /* fields */ })`?
+   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----------------------
+   |              |
+   |              help: surround the struct literal with parenthesis: `(std::ops::Range { start: 0, end: 10 })`
 error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac47f5..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-struct f64x2(f64, f64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_pd<T>(x: f64x2) -> i32; //~ ERROR E0440
-fn main () {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0440.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0440.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index e153fb0..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0440.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0440]: platform-specific intrinsic has wrong number of type parameters: found 1, expected 0
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_movemask_pd<T>(x: f64x2) -> i32; //~ ERROR E0440
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0440`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90bdbe9..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_ep16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8; //~ ERROR E0441
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0441.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0441.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 73eddb2..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0441.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0441]: unrecognized platform-specific intrinsic function: `x86_mm_adds_ep16`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_ep16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8; //~ ERROR E0441
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0441`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index a6eb596..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-struct i8x16(i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8,
-             i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8);
-struct i32x4(i32, i32, i32, i32);
-struct i64x2(i64, i64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-    //~^ ERROR E0442
-    //~| ERROR E0442
-    //~| ERROR E0442
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0442.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0442.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 017d461..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0442.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type: found vector with length 16, expected length 8
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type: found vector with length 4, expected length 8
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic return value has wrong type: found vector with length 2, expected length 8
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0442`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4940f1d..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-struct i64x8(i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i64x8; //~ ERROR E0443
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0443.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0443.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c2e641..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0443.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0443]: intrinsic return value has wrong type: found `i64x8`, expected `i16x8` which was used for this vector type previously in this signature
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i64x8; //~ ERROR E0443
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0443`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d73339..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-struct f64x2(f64, f64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_pd(x: f64x2, y: f64x2, z: f64x2) -> i32; //~ ERROR E0444
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0444.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0444.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a894f7..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0444.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0444]: platform-specific intrinsic has invalid number of arguments: found 3, expected 1
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_movemask_pd(x: f64x2, y: f64x2, z: f64x2) -> i32; //~ ERROR E0444
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0444`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/ b/src/test/ui/error-codes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 26d16f6..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-//~^ ERROR E0558
-pub fn something() {}
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0558.stderr b/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0558.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 95bd9a1..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/error-codes/E0558.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0558]: `export_name` attribute has invalid format
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[export_name]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ did you mean #[export_name="*"]?
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0558`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92844f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+//~ ERROR kind="static-nobundle" is feature gated
+// Test the behavior of rustc when non-existent library is statically linked
+// compile-flags: -l static-nobundle=nonexistent
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/feature-gate-static-nobundle-2.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/feature-gate-static-nobundle-2.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..419c219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/feature-gate-static-nobundle-2.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+error[E0658]: kind="static-nobundle" is feature gated (see issue #37403)
+   |
+   = help: add #![feature(static_nobundle)] to the crate attributes to enable
+error: aborting due to previous error
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0658`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index 051bfbe..b1a8cba 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -30,75 +30,71 @@
 // inputs are handled by each, and (2.) to ease searching for related
 // occurrences in the source text.
-// skip-codegen
 #![warn(unused_attributes, unknown_lints)]
-#![warn                        (x5400)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5400`
-#![allow                       (x5300)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5300`
-#![forbid                      (x5200)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5200`
-#![deny                        (x5100)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5100`
+#![warn(x5400)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5400`
+#![allow(x5300)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5300`
+#![forbid(x5200)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5200`
+#![deny(x5100)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5100`
 #![macro_use] // (allowed if no argument; see
-#![macro_export               = "4800"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![plugin_registrar           = "4700"] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![macro_export] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![plugin_registrar] //~ WARN unused attribute
 // skipping testing of cfg
 // skipping testing of cfg_attr
-#![main                      = "x4400"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![start                     = "x4300"] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![main] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![start] //~ WARN unused attribute
 // see for crate-level; but non crate-level is below at "4200"
 // see for crate-level; but non crate-level is below at "4100"
-#![repr                       = "3900"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
-//~| WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-#![path                       = "3800"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![abi                        = "3700"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![automatically_derived      = "3600"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![no_mangle                  = "3500"]
-#![no_link                    = "3400"] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![path = "3800"] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![automatically_derived] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![no_link] //~ WARN unused attribute
 // see
-#![should_panic               = "3200"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![ignore                     = "3100"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![no_implicit_prelude        = "3000"]
+#![should_panic] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![ignore] //~ WARN unused attribute
 #![reexport_test_harness_main = "2900"]
 // see
 // see for crate-level; but non crate-level is below at "2700"
 // (cannot easily test gating of crate-level #[no_std]; but non crate-level is below at "2600")
-#![proc_macro_derive          = "2500"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-#![doc                        = "2400"]
-#![cold                       = "2300"]
-#![export_name                = "2200"]
+#![proc_macro_derive()] //~ WARN unused attribute
+#![doc = "2400"]
+#![export_name = "2200"]
 // see
-#![link                       = "2000"]
-#![link_name                  = "1900"]
-#![link_section               = "1800"]
-#![no_builtins                = "1700"] // Yikes, dupe'd on BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES list (see "0300")
-#![no_mangle                  = "1600"] // Yikes, dupe'd on BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES list (see "3500")
+#![link_name = "1900"]
+#![link_section = "1800"]
+#![no_builtins] // Yikes, dupe'd on BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES list (see "0300")
+#![no_mangle] // Yikes, dupe'd on BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES list (see "3500")
 // see
-#![must_use                   = "1400"]
 // see
 // see
 // see
-#![windows_subsystem          = "1000"]
+#![windows_subsystem = "1000"]
-#![crate_name                 = "0900"]
-#![crate_type                 = "bin"] // cannot pass "0800" here
+#![crate_name = "0900"]
+#![crate_type = "bin"] // cannot pass "0800" here
 // For #![crate_id], see issue #43142. (I cannot bear to enshrine current behavior in a test)
 // FIXME(#44232) we should warn that this isn't used.
-#![feature                    ( rust1)]
 // For #![no_start], see issue #43144. (I cannot bear to enshrine current behavior in a test)
 // (cannot easily gating state of crate-level #[no_main]; but non crate-level is below at "0400")
-#![no_builtins                = "0300"]
-#![recursion_limit            = "0200"]
-#![type_length_limit          = "0100"]
+#![recursion_limit = "0200"]
+#![type_length_limit = "0100"]
@@ -195,84 +191,84 @@
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[macro_export = "4800"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod macro_export {
-    mod inner { #![macro_export="4800"] }
+    mod inner { #![macro_export] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[macro_export = "4800"] fn f() { }
+    #[macro_export] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[macro_export = "4800"] struct S;
+    #[macro_export] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[macro_export = "4800"] type T = S;
+    #[macro_export] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[macro_export = "4800"] impl S { }
+    #[macro_export] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[plugin_registrar = "4700"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod plugin_registrar {
-    mod inner { #![plugin_registrar="4700"] }
+    mod inner { #![plugin_registrar] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     // for `fn f()` case, see
-    #[plugin_registrar = "4700"] struct S;
+    #[plugin_registrar] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[plugin_registrar = "4700"] type T = S;
+    #[plugin_registrar] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[plugin_registrar = "4700"] impl S { }
+    #[plugin_registrar] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[main = "4400"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod main {
-    mod inner { #![main="4300"] }
+    mod inner { #![main] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     // for `fn f()` case, see
-    #[main = "4400"] struct S;
+    #[main] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[main = "4400"] type T = S;
+    #[main] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[main = "4400"] impl S { }
+    #[main] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[start = "4300"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod start {
-    mod inner { #![start="4300"] }
+    mod inner { #![start] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     // for `fn f()` case, see
-    #[start = "4300"] struct S;
+    #[start] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[start = "4300"] type T = S;
+    #[start] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[start = "4300"] impl S { }
+    #[start] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
 // At time of unit test authorship, if compiling without `--test` then
 // non-crate-level #[test] attributes seem to be ignored.
-#[test = "4200"]
-mod test { mod inner { #![test="4200"] }
+mod test { mod inner { #![test] }
     fn f() { }
@@ -286,41 +282,31 @@
 // At time of unit test authorship, if compiling without `--test` then
 // non-crate-level #[bench] attributes seem to be ignored.
-#[bench = "4100"]
 mod bench {
-    mod inner { #![bench="4100"] }
+    mod inner { #![bench] }
-    #[bench = "4100"]
+    #[bench]
     struct S;
-    #[bench = "4100"]
+    #[bench]
     type T = S;
-    #[bench = "4100"]
+    #[bench]
     impl S { }
-#[repr = "3900"]
-//~^ WARN unused attribute
-//~| WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
 mod repr {
-    mod inner { #![repr="3900"] }
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    //~| WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
+    mod inner { #![repr()] }
-    #[repr = "3900"] fn f() { }
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    //~| WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
+    #[repr()] fn f() { }
     struct S;
-    #[repr = "3900"] type T = S;
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    //~| WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
+    #[repr()] type T = S;
-    #[repr = "3900"] impl S { }
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    //~| WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
+    #[repr()] impl S { }
 #[path = "3800"]
@@ -340,130 +326,111 @@
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[abi = "3700"]
-//~^ WARN unused attribute
-mod abi {
-    mod inner { #![abi="3700"] }
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[abi = "3700"] fn f() { }
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[abi = "3700"] struct S;
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[abi = "3700"] type T = S;
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[abi = "3700"] impl S { }
-    //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[automatically_derived = "3600"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod automatically_derived {
-    mod inner { #![automatically_derived="3600"] }
+    mod inner { #![automatically_derived] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[automatically_derived = "3600"] fn f() { }
+    #[automatically_derived] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[automatically_derived = "3600"] struct S;
+    #[automatically_derived] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[automatically_derived = "3600"] type T = S;
+    #[automatically_derived] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[automatically_derived = "3600"] impl S { }
+    #[automatically_derived] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[no_mangle = "3500"]
 mod no_mangle {
-    mod inner { #![no_mangle="3500"] }
+    mod inner { #![no_mangle] }
-    #[no_mangle = "3500"] fn f() { }
+    #[no_mangle] fn f() { }
-    #[no_mangle = "3500"] struct S;
+    #[no_mangle] struct S;
-    #[no_mangle = "3500"] type T = S;
+    #[no_mangle] type T = S;
-    #[no_mangle = "3500"] impl S { }
+    #[no_mangle] impl S { }
-#[no_link = "3400"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod no_link {
-    mod inner { #![no_link="3400"] }
+    mod inner { #![no_link] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_link = "3400"] fn f() { }
+    #[no_link] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_link = "3400"] struct S;
+    #[no_link] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_link = "3400"]type T = S;
+    #[no_link]type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_link = "3400"] impl S { }
+    #[no_link] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[should_panic = "3200"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod should_panic {
-    mod inner { #![should_panic="3200"] }
+    mod inner { #![should_panic] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[should_panic = "3200"] fn f() { }
+    #[should_panic] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[should_panic = "3200"] struct S;
+    #[should_panic] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[should_panic = "3200"] type T = S;
+    #[should_panic] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[should_panic = "3200"] impl S { }
+    #[should_panic] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[ignore = "3100"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod ignore {
-    mod inner { #![ignore="3100"] }
+    mod inner { #![ignore] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[ignore = "3100"] fn f() { }
+    #[ignore] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[ignore = "3100"] struct S;
+    #[ignore] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[ignore = "3100"] type T = S;
+    #[ignore] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[ignore = "3100"] impl S { }
+    #[ignore] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 mod no_implicit_prelude {
-    mod inner { #![no_implicit_prelude="3000"] }
+    mod inner { #![no_implicit_prelude] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] fn f() { }
+    #[no_implicit_prelude] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] struct S;
+    #[no_implicit_prelude] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] type T = S;
+    #[no_implicit_prelude] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-    #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] impl S { }
+    #[no_implicit_prelude] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
@@ -506,27 +473,27 @@
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
-#[no_std = "2600"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
 mod no_std {
-    mod inner { #![no_std="2600"] }
+    mod inner { #![no_std] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-    #[no_std = "2600"] fn f() { }
+    #[no_std] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-    #[no_std = "2600"] struct S;
+    #[no_std] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-    #[no_std = "2600"] type T = S;
+    #[no_std] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-    #[no_std = "2600"] impl S { }
+    #[no_std] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
@@ -548,17 +515,17 @@
     #[doc = "2400"] impl S { }
-#[cold = "2300"]
 mod cold {
-    mod inner { #![cold="2300"] }
+    mod inner { #![cold] }
-    #[cold = "2300"] fn f() { }
+    #[cold] fn f() { }
-    #[cold = "2300"] struct S;
+    #[cold] struct S;
-    #[cold = "2300"] type T = S;
+    #[cold] type T = S;
-    #[cold = "2300"] impl S { }
+    #[cold] impl S { }
 #[export_name = "2200"]
@@ -579,17 +546,17 @@
 // out that we allow them at non-crate-level (though I do not know
 // whether they have the same effect here as at crate-level).
-#[link = "2000"]
 mod link {
-    mod inner { #![link="2000"] }
+    mod inner { #![link()] }
-    #[link = "2000"] fn f() { }
+    #[link()] fn f() { }
-    #[link = "2000"] struct S;
+    #[link()] struct S;
-    #[link = "2000"] type T = S;
+    #[link()] type T = S;
-    #[link = "2000"] impl S { }
+    #[link()] impl S { }
 #[link_name = "1900"]
@@ -620,30 +587,30 @@
 struct StructForDeprecated;
-#[deprecated = "1500"]
 mod deprecated {
-    mod inner { #![deprecated="1500"] }
+    mod inner { #![deprecated] }
-    #[deprecated = "1500"] fn f() { }
+    #[deprecated] fn f() { }
-    #[deprecated = "1500"] struct S1;
+    #[deprecated] struct S1;
-    #[deprecated = "1500"] type T = super::StructForDeprecated;
+    #[deprecated] type T = super::StructForDeprecated;
-    #[deprecated = "1500"] impl super::StructForDeprecated { }
+    #[deprecated] impl super::StructForDeprecated { }
-#[must_use = "1400"]
 mod must_use {
-    mod inner { #![must_use="1400"] }
+    mod inner { #![must_use] }
-    #[must_use = "1400"] fn f() { }
+    #[must_use] fn f() { }
-    #[must_use = "1400"] struct S;
+    #[must_use] struct S;
-    #[must_use = "1400"] type T = S;
+    #[must_use] type T = S;
-    #[must_use = "1400"] impl S { }
+    #[must_use] impl S { }
 #[windows_subsystem = "1000"]
@@ -737,42 +704,42 @@
-#[no_main = "0400"]
 //~^ WARN unused attribute
 //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
 mod no_main_1 {
-    mod inner { #![no_main="0400"] }
+    mod inner { #![no_main] }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-    #[no_main = "0400"] fn f() { }
+    #[no_main] fn f() { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-    #[no_main = "0400"] struct S;
+    #[no_main] struct S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-    #[no_main = "0400"] type T = S;
+    #[no_main] type T = S;
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-    #[no_main = "0400"] impl S { }
+    #[no_main] impl S { }
     //~^ WARN unused attribute
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-#[no_builtins = "0300"]
 mod no_builtins {
-    mod inner { #![no_builtins="0200"] }
+    mod inner { #![no_builtins] }
-    #[no_builtins = "0300"] fn f() { }
+    #[no_builtins] fn f() { }
-    #[no_builtins = "0300"] struct S;
+    #[no_builtins] struct S;
-    #[no_builtins = "0300"] type T = S;
+    #[no_builtins] type T = S;
-    #[no_builtins = "0300"] impl S { }
+    #[no_builtins] impl S { }
@@ -825,12 +792,4 @@
     //~| WARN crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute
-fn main() {
-    println!("Hello World");
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-builtin-attrs.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-builtin-attrs.stderr
index cb3e9bd..4d15ccb 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-builtin-attrs.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-builtin-attrs.stderr
@@ -1,1307 +1,1180 @@
 warning: unknown lint: `x5400`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![warn                        (x5400)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5400`
-   |                                 ^^^^^
+LL | #![warn(x5400)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5400`
+   |         ^^^^^
 note: lint level defined here
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #![warn(unused_attributes, unknown_lints)]
    |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5300`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![allow                       (x5300)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5300`
-   |                                 ^^^^^
+LL | #![allow(x5300)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5300`
+   |          ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5200`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![forbid                      (x5200)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5200`
-   |                                 ^^^^^
+LL | #![forbid(x5200)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5200`
+   |           ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5100`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![deny                        (x5100)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5100`
-   |                                 ^^^^^
+LL | #![deny(x5100)] //~ WARN unknown lint: `x5100`
+   |         ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5400`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[warn(x5400)]
    |        ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5400`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![warn(x5400)] }
    |                         ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5400`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[warn(x5400)] fn f() { }
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5400`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[warn(x5400)] struct S;
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5400`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[warn(x5400)] type T = S;
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5400`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[warn(x5400)] impl S { }
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5300`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[allow(x5300)]
    |         ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5300`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![allow(x5300)] }
    |                          ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5300`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[allow(x5300)] fn f() { }
    |             ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5300`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[allow(x5300)] struct S;
    |             ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5300`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[allow(x5300)] type T = S;
    |             ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5300`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[allow(x5300)] impl S { }
    |             ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5200`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[forbid(x5200)]
    |          ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5200`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![forbid(x5200)] }
    |                           ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5200`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[forbid(x5200)] fn f() { }
    |              ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5200`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[forbid(x5200)] struct S;
    |              ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5200`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[forbid(x5200)] type T = S;
    |              ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5200`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[forbid(x5200)] impl S { }
    |              ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5100`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[deny(x5100)]
    |        ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5100`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![deny(x5100)] }
    |                         ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5100`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[deny(x5100)] fn f() { }
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5100`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[deny(x5100)] struct S;
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5100`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[deny(x5100)] type T = S;
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: unknown lint: `x5100`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[deny(x5100)] impl S { }
    |            ^^^^^
 warning: macro_escape is a deprecated synonym for macro_use
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[macro_escape]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: macro_escape is a deprecated synonym for macro_use
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![macro_escape] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: consider an outer attribute, #[macro_use] mod ...
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     mod inner { #![repr="3900"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = note: #[warn(bad_repr)] on by default
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[repr = "3900"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[repr = "3900"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[repr = "3900"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[repr = "3900"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![repr                       = "3900"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_use] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 note: lint level defined here
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #![warn(unused_attributes, unknown_lints)]
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_use] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_use] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_use] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![macro_export="4800"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[macro_export = "4800"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[macro_export = "4800"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[macro_export = "4800"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[macro_export = "4800"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[macro_export = "4800"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     mod inner { #![plugin_registrar="4700"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[plugin_registrar = "4700"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[plugin_registrar = "4700"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[plugin_registrar = "4700"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[plugin_registrar = "4700"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     mod inner { #![main="4300"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[main = "4400"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[main = "4400"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[main = "4400"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[main = "4400"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     mod inner { #![start="4300"] }
+LL |     mod inner { #![macro_export] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[start = "4300"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[macro_export] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[start = "4300"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[macro_export] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[start = "4300"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[macro_export] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[start = "4300"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[macro_export] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![repr="3900"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[macro_export]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[repr = "3900"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![plugin_registrar] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[repr = "3900"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[plugin_registrar] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[repr = "3900"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[plugin_registrar] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[repr = "3900"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[plugin_registrar] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[plugin_registrar]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     mod inner { #![main] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[main] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[main] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[main] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[main]
+   | ^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     mod inner { #![start] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[start] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[start] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[start] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[start]
+   | ^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[path = "3800"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[path = "3800"]  struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[path = "3800"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[path = "3800"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![abi="3700"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![automatically_derived] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[abi = "3700"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[abi = "3700"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[abi = "3700"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[abi = "3700"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[abi = "3700"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     mod inner { #![automatically_derived="3600"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[automatically_derived = "3600"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[automatically_derived = "3600"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[automatically_derived = "3600"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[automatically_derived = "3600"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[automatically_derived = "3600"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     mod inner { #![no_link="3400"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[no_link = "3400"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[no_link = "3400"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[no_link = "3400"]type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[no_link = "3400"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[no_link = "3400"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     mod inner { #![should_panic="3200"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[should_panic = "3200"] fn f() { }
+LL |     #[automatically_derived] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[should_panic = "3200"] struct S;
+LL |     #[automatically_derived] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[should_panic = "3200"] type T = S;
+LL |     #[automatically_derived] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[should_panic = "3200"] impl S { }
+LL |     #[automatically_derived] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[should_panic = "3200"]
+LL | #[automatically_derived]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![ignore="3100"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![no_link] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[ignore = "3100"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_link] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[ignore = "3100"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_link] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[ignore = "3100"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_link]type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[ignore = "3100"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_link] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[ignore = "3100"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[no_link]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![no_implicit_prelude="3000"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![should_panic] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[should_panic] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[should_panic] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[should_panic] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[should_panic] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[no_implicit_prelude = "3000"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[should_panic]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     mod inner { #![ignore] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[ignore] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[ignore] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[ignore] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[ignore] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[ignore]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     mod inner { #![no_implicit_prelude] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[no_implicit_prelude] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[no_implicit_prelude]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![reexport_test_harness_main="2900"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[reexport_test_harness_main = "2900"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[reexport_test_harness_main = "2900"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[reexport_test_harness_main = "2900"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[reexport_test_harness_main = "2900"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[reexport_test_harness_main = "2900"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_escape] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_escape] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_escape] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[macro_escape] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![no_std="2600"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![no_std] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![no_std="2600"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![no_std] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_std = "2600"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_std] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[no_std = "2600"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[no_std]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[no_std = "2600"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[no_std]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![crate_name="0900"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![crate_name="0900"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_name = "0900"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[crate_name = "0900"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[crate_name = "0900"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![crate_type="0800"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![crate_type="0800"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[crate_type = "0800"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[crate_type = "0800"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[crate_type = "0800"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![feature(x0600)] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![feature(x0600)] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[feature(x0600)] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[feature(x0600)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[feature(x0600)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![no_main="0400"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![no_main] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![no_main="0400"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![no_main] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[no_main = "0400"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[no_main] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[no_main = "0400"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[no_main]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[no_main = "0400"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[no_main]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![recursion_limit="0200"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![recursion_limit="0200"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[recursion_limit="0200"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[recursion_limit="0200"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[recursion_limit="0200"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![type_length_limit="0100"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be in the root module
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     mod inner { #![type_length_limit="0100"] }
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] fn f() { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] struct S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] type T = S;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[type_length_limit="0100"] impl S { }
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[type_length_limit="0100"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: crate-level attribute should be an inner attribute: add an exclamation mark: #![foo]
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[type_length_limit="0100"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![macro_export               = "4800"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![macro_export] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![plugin_registrar           = "4700"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![plugin_registrar] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![main                      = "x4400"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![main] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![start                     = "x4300"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![start] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #![repr()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![repr                       = "3900"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![path = "3800"] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+warning: unused attribute
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #![automatically_derived] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![path                       = "3800"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![abi                        = "3700"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![no_link] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![automatically_derived      = "3600"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![should_panic] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![no_link                    = "3400"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![ignore] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^
 warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #![should_panic               = "3200"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![ignore                     = "3100"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: unused attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![proc_macro_derive          = "2500"] //~ WARN unused attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![proc_macro_derive()] //~ WARN unused attribute
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: invalid windows subsystem `1000`, only `windows` and `console` are allowed
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index 32f30ce..360d570 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -7,15 +7,7 @@
 // compile-pass
 // skip-codegen
-#![deprecated           = "1100"]
-// Since we expect for the mix of attributes used here to compile
-// successfully, and we are just testing for the expected warnings of
-// various (mis)uses of attributes, we use the `rustc_error` attribute
-// on the `fn main()`.
-fn main() {
-    println!("Hello World");
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index 7c17cd1..bb9e6d4 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -6,23 +6,25 @@
 // Crate-level is accepted, though it is almost certainly unused?
-#![inline                     = "2100"]
-#[inline = "2100"]
 //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure
 mod inline {
-    mod inner { #![inline="2100"] }
+    mod inner { #![inline] }
     //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure
     #[inline = "2100"] fn f() { }
+    //~^ WARN attribute must be of the form
+    //~| WARN this was previously accepted
-    #[inline = "2100"] struct S;
+    #[inline] struct S;
     //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure
-    #[inline = "2100"] type T = S;
+    #[inline] type T = S;
     //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure
-    #[inline = "2100"] impl S { }
+    #[inline] impl S { }
     //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-inline.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-inline.stderr
index 7eb0b5c..71e8f11 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-inline.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-inline.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
+warning: attribute must be of the form `#[inline]` or `#[inline(always|never)]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[inline = "2100"] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: #[warn(ill_formed_attribute_input)] on by default
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #57571 <>
 error[E0518]: attribute should be applied to function or closure
   --> $DIR/
-LL |   #[inline = "2100"]
-   |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |   #[inline]
+   |   ^^^^^^^^^
 LL |   //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure
 LL | / mod inline {
-LL | |     mod inner { #![inline="2100"] }
+LL | |     mod inner { #![inline] }
 LL | |     //~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to function or closure
 LL | |
 ...  |
@@ -16,26 +26,26 @@
 error[E0518]: attribute should be applied to function or closure
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![inline="2100"] }
-   |     ------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- not a function or closure
+LL |     mod inner { #![inline] }
+   |     ------------^^^^^^^^^^-- not a function or closure
 error[E0518]: attribute should be applied to function or closure
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[inline = "2100"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --------- not a function or closure
+LL |     #[inline] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^ --------- not a function or closure
 error[E0518]: attribute should be applied to function or closure
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[inline = "2100"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ----------- not a function or closure
+LL |     #[inline] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^ ----------- not a function or closure
 error[E0518]: attribute should be applied to function or closure
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[inline = "2100"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---------- not a function or closure
+LL |     #[inline] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^ ---------- not a function or closure
 error: aborting due to 5 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index bb54c00..725f2e0 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -3,21 +3,23 @@
 // corresponds to cases where the attribute is currently unused, so we
 // get that warning; see
-#![macro_use                  = "4900"] //~ ERROR arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
+//~^ ERROR arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
-#[macro_use = "2700"]
 //~^ ERROR arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
 mod macro_escape {
-    mod inner { #![macro_use="2700"] }
+    mod inner { #![macro_use(my_macro)] }
     //~^ ERROR arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
-    #[macro_use = "2700"] fn f() { }
     #[macro_use = "2700"] struct S;
+    //~^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
-    #[macro_use = "2700"] type T = S;
+    #[macro_use] fn f() { }
-    #[macro_use = "2700"] impl S { }
+    #[macro_use] type T = S;
+    #[macro_use] impl S { }
 fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-macro_use.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-macro_use.stderr
index fb0e3b4..8074528 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-macro_use.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-macro_use.stderr
@@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
 error: arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![macro_use                  = "4900"] //~ ERROR arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![macro_use(my_macro)]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[macro_use = "2700"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[macro_use(my_macro)]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: arguments to macro_use are not allowed here
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![macro_use="2700"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![macro_use(my_macro)] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[macro_use]` or `#[macro_use(name1, name2, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[macro_use = "2700"] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index e2d0c26..a94ffd6 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -7,27 +7,27 @@
 // signal errors, making it incompatible with the "warnings only"
 // nature of
-#[proc_macro_derive = "2500"]
 //~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
 mod proc_macro_derive1 {
-    mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive="2500"] }
+    mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive()] }
     // (no error issued here if there was one on outer module)
 mod proc_macro_derive2 {
-    mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive="2500"] }
+    mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive()] }
     //~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
-    #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] fn f() { }
+    #[proc_macro_derive()] fn f() { }
     //~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute is only usable with crates of the `proc-macro`
-    #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] struct S;
+    #[proc_macro_derive()] struct S;
     //~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
-    #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] type T = S;
+    #[proc_macro_derive()] type T = S;
     //~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
-    #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] impl S { }
+    #[proc_macro_derive()] impl S { }
     //~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-proc_macro_derive.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-proc_macro_derive.stderr
index aa841c3..e202b47 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-proc_macro_derive.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-proc_macro_derive.stderr
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
 error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[proc_macro_derive()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive="2500"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive()] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute is only usable with crates of the `proc-macro` crate type
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[proc_macro_derive()] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[proc_macro_derive()] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[proc_macro_derive()] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[proc_macro_derive()] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 6 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index b2fd6a7..60873f9 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@
 // this test incompatible with the "warnings only" nature of
-#![rustc_deprecated           = "1500"]
 //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-#[rustc_deprecated = "1500"]
 //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
 mod rustc_deprecated {
-    mod inner { #![rustc_deprecated="1500"] }
+    mod inner { #![rustc_deprecated()] }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] fn f() { }
+    #[rustc_deprecated()] fn f() { }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] struct S;
+    #[rustc_deprecated()] struct S;
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] type T = S;
+    #[rustc_deprecated()] type T = S;
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] impl S { }
+    #[rustc_deprecated()] impl S { }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-rustc_deprecated.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-rustc_deprecated.stderr
index af056bc1..4eead36 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-rustc_deprecated.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-rustc_deprecated.stderr
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![rustc_deprecated           = "1500"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![rustc_deprecated()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[rustc_deprecated()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![rustc_deprecated="1500"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![rustc_deprecated()] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[rustc_deprecated()] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[rustc_deprecated()] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[rustc_deprecated()] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[rustc_deprecated = "1500"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[rustc_deprecated()] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index 7d9501a..e3ac274 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@
 // this test incompatible with the "warnings only" nature of
-#![stable                     = "1300"]
 //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-#[stable = "1300"]
 //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
 mod stable {
-    mod inner { #![stable="1300"] }
+    mod inner { #![stable()] }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[stable = "1300"] fn f() { }
+    #[stable()] fn f() { }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[stable = "1300"] struct S;
+    #[stable()] struct S;
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[stable = "1300"] type T = S;
+    #[stable()] type T = S;
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[stable = "1300"] impl S { }
+    #[stable()] impl S { }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-stable.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-stable.stderr
index 56066e8..03410ea 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-stable.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-stable.stderr
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![stable                     = "1300"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![stable()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[stable = "1300"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[stable()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![stable="1300"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![stable()] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[stable = "1300"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[stable()] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[stable = "1300"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[stable()] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[stable = "1300"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[stable()] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[stable = "1300"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[stable()] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
index 8be55f0..8d519c3 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@
 // this test incompatible with the "warnings only" nature of
-#![unstable                   = "1200"]
 //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-#[unstable = "1200"]
 //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
 mod unstable {
-    mod inner { #![unstable="1200"] }
+    mod inner { #![unstable()] }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[unstable = "1200"] fn f() { }
+    #[unstable()] fn f() { }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[unstable = "1200"] struct S;
+    #[unstable()] struct S;
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[unstable = "1200"] type T = S;
+    #[unstable()] type T = S;
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
-    #[unstable = "1200"] impl S { }
+    #[unstable()] impl S { }
     //~^ ERROR stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-unstable.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-unstable.stderr
index ee8b9d4..5952b38 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-unstable.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gate/issue-43106-gating-of-unstable.stderr
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![unstable                   = "1200"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #![unstable()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[unstable = "1200"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[unstable()]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     mod inner { #![unstable="1200"] }
-   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     mod inner { #![unstable()] }
+   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[unstable = "1200"] fn f() { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[unstable()] fn f() { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[unstable = "1200"] struct S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[unstable()] struct S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[unstable = "1200"] type T = S;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[unstable()] type T = S;
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[unstable = "1200"] impl S { }
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[unstable()] impl S { }
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/
index 8997c18..c7d3304 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
 enum Foo {
     Baz { i: i32 },
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-type_alias_enum_variants.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-type_alias_enum_variants.stderr
index cba643e..43535af 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-type_alias_enum_variants.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-type_alias_enum_variants.stderr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 error: enum variants on type aliases are experimental
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let t = Alias::Bar(0);
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
    = help: add `#![feature(type_alias_enum_variants)]` to the crate attributes to enable
 error: enum variants on type aliases are experimental
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let t = Alias::Baz { i: 0 };
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
    = help: add `#![feature(type_alias_enum_variants)]` to the crate attributes to enable
 error: enum variants on type aliases are experimental
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         Alias::Bar(_i) => {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
    = help: add `#![feature(type_alias_enum_variants)]` to the crate attributes to enable
 error: enum variants on type aliases are experimental
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |         Alias::Baz { i: _i } => {}
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/ b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/
index 6dda2c5..e0cb9c8 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     fn extern_fn();
 // CHECK-NOT: Function Attrs: nounwind
 // CHECK: declare void @unwinding_extern_fn
-    #[unwind] //~ ERROR #[unwind] is experimental
+    #[unwind(allowed)] //~ ERROR #[unwind] is experimental
     fn unwinding_extern_fn();
diff --git a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-unwind-attributes.stderr b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-unwind-attributes.stderr
index e558712..918d40d 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-unwind-attributes.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/feature-gates/feature-gate-unwind-attributes.stderr
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 error[E0658]: #[unwind] is experimental
   --> $DIR/
-LL |     #[unwind] //~ ERROR #[unwind] is experimental
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^
+LL |     #[unwind(allowed)] //~ ERROR #[unwind] is experimental
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: add #![feature(unwind_attributes)] to the crate attributes to enable
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
index 0782fe4..fb4cc94 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 //~^^^ ERROR: malformed feature
 //~^^^ ERROR: malformed feature
-#![feature] //~ ERROR: malformed feature
-#![feature = "foo"] //~ ERROR: malformed feature
+#![feature] //~ ERROR: attribute must be of the form
+#![feature = "foo"] //~ ERROR: attribute must be of the form
 #![feature(test_removed_feature)] //~ ERROR: feature has been removed
diff --git a/src/test/ui/gated-bad-feature.stderr b/src/test/ui/gated-bad-feature.stderr
index a8c35dd..141c516 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/gated-bad-feature.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/gated-bad-feature.stderr
@@ -10,25 +10,25 @@
 LL |     foo = "baz"
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0555]: malformed feature attribute, expected #![feature(...)]
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![feature] //~ ERROR: malformed feature
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0555]: malformed feature attribute, expected #![feature(...)]
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![feature = "foo"] //~ ERROR: malformed feature
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0557]: feature has been removed
   --> $DIR/
 LL | #![feature(test_removed_feature)] //~ ERROR: feature has been removed
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[feature(name1, name1, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #![feature] //~ ERROR: attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[feature(name1, name1, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #![feature = "foo"] //~ ERROR: attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 5 previous errors
-Some errors occurred: E0555, E0556, E0557.
-For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0555`.
+Some errors occurred: E0556, E0557.
+For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0556`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
index 18ef457..71c8fd5 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-// error-pattern: Option
-// normalize-stderr-test "<\[u32; \d+\]>" -> "<[u32; N]>"
-// FIXME: work properly with higher limits
+// normalize-stderr-test "std::option::Option<\[u32; \d+\]>" -> "TYPE"
+// normalize-stderr-test "\[u32; \d+\]" -> "TYPE"
 #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
 fn main() {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/huge-enum.stderr b/src/test/ui/huge-enum.stderr
index b7cf255..67cae3d 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/huge-enum.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/huge-enum.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: the type `std::option::Option<[u32; N]>` is too big for the current architecture
+error: the type `TYPE` is too big for the current architecture
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/imports/ b/src/test/ui/imports/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90b74eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/imports/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// edition:2018
+mod core {
+    use core; //~ ERROR `core` is ambiguous
+    use crate::*;
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/imports/issue-57539.stderr b/src/test/ui/imports/issue-57539.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f745fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/imports/issue-57539.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+error[E0659]: `core` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     use core; //~ ERROR `core` is ambiguous
+   |         ^^^^ ambiguous name
+   |
+   = note: `core` could refer to a built-in extern crate
+   = help: use `::core` to refer to this extern crate unambiguously
+note: `core` could also refer to the module imported here
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     use crate::*;
+   |         ^^^^^^^^
+   = help: use `self::core` to refer to this module unambiguously
+error: aborting due to previous error
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7823e7d..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Test number of arguments in platform-specific intrinsic function
-// This is the error E0444
-#![feature(repr_simd, platform_intrinsics)]
-struct f64x2(f64, f64);
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_pd(x: f64x2, y: f64x2, z: f64x2) -> i32; //~ platform-specific intrinsic
-pub fn main() {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/intrinsic-invalid-number-of-arguments.stderr b/src/test/ui/intrinsic-invalid-number-of-arguments.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index e2874d5..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/intrinsic-invalid-number-of-arguments.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0444]: platform-specific intrinsic has invalid number of arguments: found 3, expected 1
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_movemask_pd(x: f64x2, y: f64x2, z: f64x2) -> i32; //~ platform-specific intrinsic
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0444`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
index eae4fad..8157ccd 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // regression test for issue 16974
-#![crate_type(lib)]  //~ ERROR `crate_type` requires a value
+#![crate_type(lib)]  //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 fn my_lib_fn() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/invalid_crate_type_syntax.stderr b/src/test/ui/invalid_crate_type_syntax.stderr
index 8494f71..8d6948b 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/invalid_crate_type_syntax.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/invalid_crate_type_syntax.stderr
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-error: `crate_type` requires a value
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[crate_type = "bin|lib|..."]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![crate_type(lib)]  //~ ERROR `crate_type` requires a value
+LL | #![crate_type(lib)]  //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-   |
-   = note: for example: `#![crate_type="lib"]`
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..937bce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Regression test for Issue #53787: Fix ICE when creating a label in inline assembler with macros.
+macro_rules! fake_jump {
+    ($id:expr) => {
+        unsafe {
+            asm!(
+            "
+            jmp $0
+            lea eax, [ebx]
+            xor eax, 0xDEADBEEF
+            retn
+            $0:
+            "::"0"($id)::"volatile", "intel");
+        }
+    };
+fn main() {
+    fake_jump!("FirstFunc"); //~ ERROR invalid value for constraint in inline assembly
+    println!("Hello, world!");
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issue-53787-inline-assembler-macro.stderr b/src/test/ui/issue-53787-inline-assembler-macro.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69f380b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/issue-53787-inline-assembler-macro.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+error[E0669]: invalid value for constraint in inline assembly
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     fake_jump!("FirstFunc"); //~ ERROR invalid value for constraint in inline assembly
+   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to previous error
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0669`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-20413.stderr b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-20413.stderr
index 20e5758..1c353fe 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-20413.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-20413.stderr
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
    = help: consider removing `T` or using a marker such as `std::marker::PhantomData`
-error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: std::marker::Sized`
+error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: Foo`
   --> $DIR/
 LL | / impl<T> Foo for T where NoData<T>: Foo {
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
    | |_^
    = help: consider adding a `#![recursion_limit="128"]` attribute to your crate
-   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Foo` for `NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<NoData<T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/ b/src/test/ui/issues/
index b2a2035..74667d7 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
     let _y = "123";
     //~^^ ERROR attribute should not be applied to a statement
-    //~| WARN `repr` attribute must have a hint
+    //~| ERROR attribute must be of the form
     fn foo() {}
@@ -35,5 +34,5 @@
     let _z = #[repr] 1;
     //~^ ERROR attribute should not be applied to an expression
-    //~| WARN `repr` attribute must have a hint
+    //~| ERROR attribute must be of the form
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-43988.stderr b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-43988.stderr
index 811816d..6fe41a3 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-43988.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-43988.stderr
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-warning: `repr` attribute must have a hint
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[repr(C, packed, ...)]`
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[repr]
-   |     ^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = note: #[warn(bad_repr)] on by default
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
+   |     ^^^^^^^
-warning: `repr` attribute must have a hint
-  --> $DIR/
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[repr(C, packed, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let _z = #[repr] 1;
-   |              ^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
+   |              ^^^^^^^
 error[E0518]: attribute should be applied to function or closure
   --> $DIR/
@@ -60,7 +53,7 @@
    |     --------------- not a struct, enum or union
 error[E0518]: attribute should be applied to function or closure
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[inline(ABC)]
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -68,12 +61,12 @@
    |     ----- not a function or closure
 error[E0517]: attribute should not be applied to an expression
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let _z = #[repr] 1;
    |              ^^^^^^^ - not defining a struct, enum or union
-error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
+error: aborting due to 9 previous errors
 Some errors occurred: E0517, E0518.
 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0517`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/ b/src/test/ui/issues/
index 526a683..616fd09 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/
@@ -1,37 +1,59 @@
+// Tests that repetition matchers cannot match the empty token tree (since that would be
+// ambiguous).
+// edition:2018
 macro_rules! foo {
     ( $()* ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
     ( $()+ ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( $()? ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
     ( $(),* ) => {}; // PASS
     ( $(),+ ) => {}; // PASS
+    // `?` cannot have a separator...
     ( [$()*] ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
     ( [$()+] ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( [$()?] ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
     ( [$(),*] ) => {}; // PASS
     ( [$(),+] ) => {}; // PASS
+    // `?` cannot have a separator...
     ( $($()* $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )* ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
     ( $($()* $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )+ ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( $($()* $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )? ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( $($()? $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )* ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( $($()? $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )+ ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( $($()? $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )? ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
     ( $(a     $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )* ) => {}; // PASS
     ( $($(a)+ $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )+ ) => {}; // PASS
+    ( $($(a)+ $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )? ) => {}; // PASS
+    ( $(a     $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )* ) => {}; // PASS
+    ( $($(a)+ $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )+ ) => {}; // PASS
+    ( $($(a)+ $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )? ) => {}; // PASS
     ( $(a $()+)* ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
     ( $(a $()*)+ ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( $(a $()+)? ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+    ( $(a $()?)+ ) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
 // --- Original Issue --- //
 macro_rules! make_vec {
@@ -43,11 +65,10 @@
     let _ = make_vec![a 1, a 2, a 3];
 // --- Minified Issue --- //
 macro_rules! m {
-    ( $()* ) => {}
+    ( $()* ) => {};
     //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-5067.stderr b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-5067.stderr
index 433b7c8..7ffc607 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-5067.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-5067.stderr
@@ -1,62 +1,110 @@
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( $()* ) => {};
    |        ^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( $()+ ) => {};
    |        ^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( $()? ) => {};
+   |        ^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( [$()*] ) => {};
    |         ^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( [$()+] ) => {};
    |         ^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( [$()?] ) => {};
+   |         ^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( $($()* $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )* ) => {};
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( $($()* $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )+ ) => {};
    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( $($()* $(),* $(a)* $(a),* )? ) => {};
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( $($()? $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )* ) => {};
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( $($()? $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )+ ) => {};
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( $($()? $(),* $(a)? $(a),* )? ) => {};
+   |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( $(a $()+)* ) => {};
    |            ^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     ( $(a $()*)+ ) => {};
    |            ^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( $(a $()+)? ) => {};
+   |            ^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ( $(a $()?)+ ) => {};
+   |            ^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     (a $e1:expr $($(, a $e2:expr)*)*) => ([$e1 $($(, $e2)*)*]);
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: repetition matches empty token tree
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL |     ( $()* ) => {}
+LL |     ( $()* ) => {};
    |        ^^
-error: aborting due to 10 previous errors
+error: aborting due to 18 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/ b/src/test/ui/issues/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f3996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// run-pass
+mod alpha {
+    pub trait A {}
+    pub trait C = A;
+use alpha::C;
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/ b/src/test/ui/issues/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebeb3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Regression test for #57597.
+// Make sure that nested matchers work correctly rather than causing an infinite loop or crash.
+// edition:2018
+macro_rules! foo1 {
+    ($($($i:ident)?)+) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo2 {
+    ($($($i:ident)?)*) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo3 {
+    ($($($i:ident)?)?) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo4 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)?)?)?) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo5 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)*)?)?) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo6 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)?)*)?) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo7 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)?)?)*) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo8 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)*)*)?) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo9 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)?)*)*) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo10 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)?)*)+) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo11 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)+)?)*) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+macro_rules! foo12 {
+    ($($($($i:ident)+)*)?) => {};
+    //~^ ERROR repetition matches empty token tree
+fn main() {
+    foo1!();
+    foo2!();
+    foo3!();
+    foo4!();
+    foo5!();
+    foo6!();
+    foo7!();
+    foo8!();
+    foo9!();
+    foo10!();
+    foo11!();
+    foo12!();
diff --git a/src/test/ui/issues/issue-57597.stderr b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-57597.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a02ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/issues/issue-57597.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($i:ident)?)+) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($i:ident)?)*) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($i:ident)?)?) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)?)?)?) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)*)?)?) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)?)*)?) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)?)?)*) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)*)*)?) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)?)*)*) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)?)*)+) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)+)?)*) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: repetition matches empty token tree
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     ($($($($i:ident)+)*)?) => {};
+   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to 12 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b905d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+fn first<T, 'a, 'b>() {}
+//~^ ERROR lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
+fn second<'a, T, 'b>() {}
+//~^ ERROR lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
+fn third<T, U, 'a>() {}
+//~^ ERROR lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
+fn fourth<'a, T, 'b, U, 'c, V>() {}
+//~^ ERROR lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
diff --git a/src/test/ui/lifetime-before-type-params.stderr b/src/test/ui/lifetime-before-type-params.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac8dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/lifetime-before-type-params.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+error: lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | fn first<T, 'a, 'b>() {}
+   |             ^^  ^^
+help: move the lifetime parameter prior to the first type parameter
+   |
+LL | fn first<'a, 'b, T>() {}
+   |          ^^^ ^^^ --
+error: lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | fn second<'a, T, 'b>() {}
+   |                  ^^
+help: move the lifetime parameter prior to the first type parameter
+   |
+LL | fn second<'a, 'b, T>() {}
+   |               ^^^ --
+error: lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | fn third<T, U, 'a>() {}
+   |                ^^
+help: move the lifetime parameter prior to the first type parameter
+   |
+LL | fn third<'a, T, U>() {}
+   |          ^^^    --
+error: lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | fn fourth<'a, T, 'b, U, 'c, V>() {}
+   |                  ^^     ^^
+help: move the lifetime parameter prior to the first type parameter
+   |
+LL | fn fourth<'a, 'b, 'c, T, U, V>() {}
+   |               ^^^ ^^^ -- --
+error[E0601]: `main` function not found in crate `lifetime_before_type_params`
+   |
+   = note: consider adding a `main` function to `$DIR/`
+error: aborting due to 5 previous errors
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0601`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/lint/ b/src/test/ui/lint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d18965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// ignore-tidy-linelength
+trait Foo {}
+impl Foo for dyn Send {}
+impl Foo for dyn Send + Send {}
+//~^ ERROR conflicting implementations
+//~| hard error
+impl Foo for dyn Send + Sync {}
+impl Foo for dyn Sync + Send {}
+//~^ ERROR conflicting implementations
+//~| hard error
+impl Foo for dyn Send + Sync + Send {}
+//~^ ERROR conflicting implementations
+//~| hard error
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/lint/lint-incoherent-auto-trait-objects.stderr b/src/test/ui/lint/lint-incoherent-auto-trait-objects.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..928c92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/lint/lint-incoherent-auto-trait-objects.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+error: conflicting implementations of trait `Foo` for type `(dyn std::marker::Send + 'static)`: (E0119)
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | impl Foo for dyn Send {}
+   | --------------------- first implementation here
+LL | 
+LL | impl Foo for dyn Send + Send {}
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation for `(dyn std::marker::Send + 'static)`
+   |
+   = note: #[deny(order_dependent_trait_objects)] on by default
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #56484 <>
+error: conflicting implementations of trait `Foo` for type `(dyn std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static)`: (E0119)
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | impl Foo for dyn Send + Sync {}
+   | ---------------------------- first implementation here
+LL | 
+LL | impl Foo for dyn Sync + Send {}
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation for `(dyn std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static)`
+   |
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #56484 <>
+error: conflicting implementations of trait `Foo` for type `(dyn std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static)`: (E0119)
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | impl Foo for dyn Sync + Send {}
+   | ---------------------------- first implementation here
+LL | impl Foo for dyn Send + Sync + Send {}
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation for `(dyn std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static)`
+   |
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #56484 <>
+error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/lint/ b/src/test/ui/lint/
index e923249..c97a432 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/lint/
+++ b/src/test/ui/lint/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#![deny = "foo"] //~ ERROR malformed lint attribute
+#![deny = "foo"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 #![allow(bar = "baz")] //~ ERROR malformed lint attribute
 fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/lint/lint-malformed.stderr b/src/test/ui/lint/lint-malformed.stderr
index 554b025..98a7cec 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/lint/lint-malformed.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/lint/lint-malformed.stderr
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 error[E0452]: malformed lint attribute
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #![deny = "foo"] //~ ERROR malformed lint attribute
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0452]: malformed lint attribute
   --> $DIR/
 LL | #![allow(bar = "baz")] //~ ERROR malformed lint attribute
    |          ^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[deny(lint1, lint2, ..., /*opt*/ reason = "...")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #![deny = "foo"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
 For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0452`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/liveness/ b/src/test/ui/liveness/
index 7d420af..004663c 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/liveness/
+++ b/src/test/ui/liveness/
@@ -27,4 +27,13 @@
     x = 4; //~ ERROR: value assigned to `x` is never read
+// #22630
+fn f6() {
+    let mut done = false;
+    while !done {
+        done = true; // no error
+        continue;
+    }
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/macros/ b/src/test/ui/macros/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d23be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/macros/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#[derive(::Absolute)] //~ ERROR failed to resolve
+struct S;
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/macros/meta-item-absolute-path.stderr b/src/test/ui/macros/meta-item-absolute-path.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b0a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/macros/meta-item-absolute-path.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+error[E0433]: failed to resolve: maybe a missing `extern crate Absolute;`?
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[derive(::Absolute)] //~ ERROR failed to resolve
+   |            ^^^^^^^^ maybe a missing `extern crate Absolute;`?
+error: aborting due to previous error
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0433`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
index 2c8ebc4..74d2210 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/malformed/
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 struct Test3;
-//~^ WARNING empty trait list
+//~^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 struct Test4;
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-derive-entry.stderr b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-derive-entry.stderr
index b347422..f546f74 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-derive-entry.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-derive-entry.stderr
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 LL | #[derive()]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: empty trait list in `derive`
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[derive(Trait1, Trait2, ...)]`
   --> $DIR/
 LL | #[derive]
    | ^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
+error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
index c5a251d..16e7a95 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/malformed/
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#![plugin] //~ ERROR malformed plugin attribute
+#![plugin] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-1.stderr b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-1.stderr
index 4124fd6..f42e66e 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-1.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-1.stderr
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-error[E0498]: malformed plugin attribute
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[plugin(name|name(args))]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![plugin] //~ ERROR malformed plugin attribute
+LL | #![plugin] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0498`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
index 96a3138..70a1d7f 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/malformed/
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#![plugin="bleh"] //~ ERROR malformed plugin attribute
+#![plugin="bleh"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-2.stderr b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-2.stderr
index 308db46..923cbc1 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-2.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-plugin-2.stderr
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-error[E0498]: malformed plugin attribute
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[plugin(name|name(args))]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![plugin="bleh"] //~ ERROR malformed plugin attribute
+LL | #![plugin="bleh"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0498`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c9924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// compile-pass
+#[doc] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+#[ignore()] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+#[inline = ""] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+#[link] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+#[link = ""] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-regressions.stderr b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-regressions.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b2bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-regressions.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+warning: attribute must be of the form `#[doc(hidden|inline|...)]` or `#[doc = "string"]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[doc] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^
+   |
+   = note: #[warn(ill_formed_attribute_input)] on by default
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #57571 <>
+warning: attribute must be of the form `#[ignore]` or `#[ignore = "reason"]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[ignore()] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #57571 <>
+warning: attribute must be of the form `#[inline]` or `#[inline(always|never)]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[inline = ""] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #57571 <>
+warning: attribute must be of the form `#[link(name = "...", /*opt*/ kind = "dylib|static|...",
+                                             /*opt*/ cfg = "...")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[link] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #57571 <>
+warning: attribute must be of the form `#[link(name = "...", /*opt*/ kind = "dylib|static|...",
+                                             /*opt*/ cfg = "...")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[link = ""] //~ WARN attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #57571 <>
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f91c6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#[cfg_attr] //~ ERROR expected `(`, found `<eof>`
+struct S1;
+#[cfg_attr = ""] //~ ERROR expected `(`, found `=`
+struct S2;
+#[derive] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+struct S3;
+#[derive = ""] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+struct S4;
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-special-attrs.stderr b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-special-attrs.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1653aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/malformed/malformed-special-attrs.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+error: expected `(`, found `<eof>`
+error: expected `(`, found `=`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[cfg_attr] //~ ERROR expected `(`, found `<eof>`
+   | - expected `(`
+LL | #[cfg_attr = ""] //~ ERROR expected `(`, found `=`
+   |            ^ unexpected token
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[derive(Trait1, Trait2, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[derive] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[derive(Trait1, Trait2, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[derive = ""] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/ b/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/
index 4756bb1..ea356d5 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/
+++ b/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
 trait Marker1 {}
-//~^^ ERROR attribute should be empty
+//~^^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 trait Marker2 {}
-//~^^ ERROR attribute should be empty
+//~^^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 #[marker(key = value)]
 trait Marker3 {}
-//~^^ ERROR attribute should be empty
+//~^^ ERROR expected unsuffixed literal or identifier, found value
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/marker-attribute-with-values.stderr b/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/marker-attribute-with-values.stderr
index e7c1e90..c683b39 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/marker-attribute-with-values.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/marker_trait_attr/marker-attribute-with-values.stderr
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-error: attribute should be empty
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[marker]`
   --> $DIR/
 LL | #[marker(always)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: attribute should be empty
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[marker]`
   --> $DIR/
 LL | #[marker("never")]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: attribute should be empty
-  --> $DIR/
+error: expected unsuffixed literal or identifier, found value
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[marker(key = value)]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   |          ^^^
 error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/escape-argument-callee.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/escape-argument-callee.stderr
index 66f8791..8e40707 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/escape-argument-callee.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/escape-argument-callee.stderr
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
                for<'r, 's, 't0> extern "rust-call" fn((&ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed(crate0:DefIndex(0:0), 'r)) mut &ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed(crate0:DefIndex(0:0), 's)) i32, &ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed(crate0:DefIndex(0:0), 't0)) i32))
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |         let mut closure = expect_sig(|p, y| *p = y);
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-fail-no-postdom.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-fail-no-postdom.stderr
index 5594271..55e4573 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-fail-no-postdom.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-fail-no-postdom.stderr
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
    = note: late-bound region is '_#5r
    = note: late-bound region is '_#6r
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |         |_outlives1, _outlives2, _outlives3, x, y| {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
index 7296bba..1c409a1 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
@@ -41,10 +41,9 @@
 fn supply<'a, 'b>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>) {
     establish_relationships(&cell_a, &cell_b, |_outlives1, _outlives2, x, y| {
         // Only works if 'x: 'y:
         demand_y(x, y, x.get())
-        //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-ref.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-ref.stderr
index a827b85..5863b9b 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-ref.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-ref.stderr
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
 LL |       establish_relationships(&cell_a, &cell_b, |_outlives1, _outlives2, x, y| {
    |  _______________________________________________^
-LL | |
 LL | |         // Only works if 'x: 'y:
 LL | |         demand_y(x, y, x.get())
-LL | |         //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL | |         //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 LL | |     });
    | |_____^
@@ -24,17 +23,17 @@
 LL | / fn supply<'a, 'b>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>) {
 LL | |     establish_relationships(&cell_a, &cell_b, |_outlives1, _outlives2, x, y| {
-LL | |
 LL | |         // Only works if 'x: 'y:
-...  |
+LL | |         demand_y(x, y, x.get())
+LL | |         //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 LL | |     });
 LL | | }
    | |_^
    = note: defining type: DefId(0/0:6 ~ propagate_approximated_ref[317d]::supply[0]) with substs []
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
-  --> $DIR/
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | fn supply<'a, 'b>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>) {
    |           --  -- lifetime `'b` defined here
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
index eb6159c..233a5dc 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
@@ -34,10 +34,9 @@
 fn test<'a, 'b>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>) {
     establish_relationships(cell_a, cell_b, |outlives1, outlives2, x, y| {
         // Only works if 'x: 'y:
         demand_y(outlives1, outlives2, x.get())
-        //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-val.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-val.stderr
index 1f9d1d7..b6d9d85 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-val.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-approximated-val.stderr
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
 LL |       establish_relationships(cell_a, cell_b, |outlives1, outlives2, x, y| {
    |  _____________________________________________^
-LL | |
 LL | |         // Only works if 'x: 'y:
 LL | |         demand_y(outlives1, outlives2, x.get())
-LL | |         //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL | |         //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 LL | |     });
    | |_____^
@@ -24,17 +23,17 @@
 LL | / fn test<'a, 'b>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>) {
 LL | |     establish_relationships(cell_a, cell_b, |outlives1, outlives2, x, y| {
-LL | |
 LL | |         // Only works if 'x: 'y:
-...  |
+LL | |         demand_y(outlives1, outlives2, x.get())
+LL | |         //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 LL | |     });
 LL | | }
    | |_^
    = note: defining type: DefId(0/0:6 ~ propagate_approximated_val[317d]::test[0]) with substs []
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
-  --> $DIR/
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | fn test<'a, 'b>(cell_a: Cell<&'a u32>, cell_b: Cell<&'b u32>) {
    |         --  -- lifetime `'b` defined here
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-no-bounds.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-no-bounds.stderr
index 1a8988f..93eb93b 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-no-bounds.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-no-bounds.stderr
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
    = note: late-bound region is '_#2r
    = note: late-bound region is '_#3r
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     establish_relationships(&cell_a, &cell_b, |_outlives, x, y| {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-wrong-bounds.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-wrong-bounds.stderr
index d0492bd..c7809de 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-wrong-bounds.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/propagate-fail-to-approximate-longer-wrong-bounds.stderr
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
    = note: late-bound region is '_#3r
    = note: late-bound region is '_#4r
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     establish_relationships(&cell_a, &cell_b, |_outlives1, _outlives2, x, y| {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr-named-does-not-outlive-static.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr-named-does-not-outlive-static.stderr
index 0bc0592..d0a24a2 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr-named-does-not-outlive-static.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr-named-does-not-outlive-static.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
index 1be27ae..4d864c6 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a u32, y: &'b u32) -> &'b u32 {
-        //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
-fn main() { }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr1-does-not-outlive-ebr2.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr1-does-not-outlive-ebr2.stderr
index 2332332..6dc98a9 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr1-does-not-outlive-ebr2.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/region-lbr1-does-not-outlive-ebr2.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a u32, y: &'b u32) -> &'b u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/return-wrong-bound-region.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/return-wrong-bound-region.stderr
index 26243f9..4a035d0 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/return-wrong-bound-region.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/closure-requirements/return-wrong-bound-region.stderr
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
                for<'r, 's> extern "rust-call" fn((&ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed(crate0:DefIndex(0:0), 'r)) i32, &ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed(crate0:DefIndex(0:0), 's)) i32)) -> &ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BrNamed(crate0:DefIndex(0:0), 'r)) i32
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     expect_sig(|a, b| b); // ought to return `a`
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-48238.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-48238.stderr
index 913effa..7cb5eb7 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-48238.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-48238.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     move || use_val(&orig); //~ ERROR
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-50716.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-50716.stderr
index fa893df..229bb17 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-50716.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-50716.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a, T: 'static>(s: Box<<&'a T as A>::X>)
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index 8428e55..795f4f4 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
-trait Bazinga { }
-impl<F> Bazinga for F { }
+trait Bazinga {}
+impl<F> Bazinga for F {}
 fn produce1<'a>(data: &'a u32) -> impl Bazinga + 'a {
     let x = move || {
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 fn produce3<'a, 'b: 'a>(data: &'a mut Vec<&'a u32>, value: &'b u32) -> impl Bazinga + 'a {
     let x = move || {
         let value: &'a u32 = value;
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@
         let value: &'a u32 = value;
-    x   //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    x //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
-fn main() { }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52113.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52113.stderr
index 873612d..ceae161 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52113.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52113.stderr
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
-  --> $DIR/
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | fn produce_err<'a, 'b: 'a>(data: &'b mut Vec<&'b u32>, value: &'a u32) -> impl Bazinga + 'b {
    |                --  -- lifetime `'b` defined here
    |                |
    |                lifetime `'a` defined here
-LL |     x   //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |     x //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |     ^ returning this value requires that `'a` must outlive `'b`
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index d8251cb..150e67f 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 struct Bar<'b> {
-    z: &'b u32
+    z: &'b u32,
 impl Foo<'_, '_> {
     fn take_bar(&mut self, b: Bar<'_>) {
         self.y = b.z
-        //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
-fn main() { }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52742.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52742.stderr
index f733702..6b25296 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52742.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-52742.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     fn take_bar(&mut self, b: Bar<'_>) {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index 4a83c33..deb1034 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 impl Foo<'_> {
     fn new(bar: &mut Bar) -> Self {
-        Foo { bar } //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        Foo { bar } //~ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55394.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55394.stderr
index a4c5160..bcdd782 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55394.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55394.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     fn new(bar: &mut Bar) -> Self {
    |                 -            ---- return type is Foo<'2>
    |                 |
    |                 let's call the lifetime of this reference `'1`
-LL |         Foo { bar } //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |         Foo { bar } //~ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^ returning this value requires that `'1` must outlive `'2`
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55401.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55401.stderr
index 9e50db7..952b544 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55401.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/issue-55401.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn static_to_a_to_static_through_ref_in_tuple<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index 5298e84..0619ff3 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 fn bar<'a, 'b>() -> fn(&'a u32, &'b u32) -> &'a u32 {
     let g: fn(_, _) -> _ = |_x, y| y;
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_closure.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_closure.stderr
index b883533..e14cb07 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_closure.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_closure.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn bar<'a, 'b>() -> fn(&'a u32, &'b u32) -> &'a u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index b0ad8e3..be12e31 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     // as part of checking the `ReifyFnPointer`.
     let f: fn(_) -> _ = foo;
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_reify.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_reify.stderr
index 2585486..4e8eec3 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_reify.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_reify.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn bar<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index 29fbf46..9df9c05 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     // in `g`. These are related via the `UnsafeFnPointer` cast.
     let g: unsafe fn(_) -> _ = f;
     unsafe { g(input) }
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsafe_fn.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsafe_fn.stderr
index e7b945a..5295985 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsafe_fn.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsafe_fn.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn bar<'a>(input: &'a u32, f: fn(&'a u32) -> &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index e98d5e1..d15c4e4 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 fn bar<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static dyn Debug {
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsize.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsize.stderr
index 189bb2d..364d6c1 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsize.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/mir_check_cast_unsize.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn bar<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static dyn Debug {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-closure.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-closure.stderr
index f2bfdae..e8283d1 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-closure.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-closure.stderr
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
    = help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `T: ReFree(DefId(0/0:8 ~ projection_one_region_closure[317d]::no_relationships_late[0]), BrNamed(crate0:DefIndex(1:16), 'a))`...
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn no_relationships_late<'a, 'b, T>(cell: Cell<&'a ()>, t: T)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
    = help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `T: ReEarlyBound(0, 'a)`...
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn no_relationships_early<'a, 'b, T>(cell: Cell<&'a ()>, t: T)
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr
index fc59100..78a8c80 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-one-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn no_relationships_late<'a, 'b, T>(cell: Cell<&'a ()>, t: T)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn no_relationships_early<'a, 'b, T>(cell: Cell<&'a ()>, t: T)
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/ b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/
index 25877e6..20edfb3 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
     T: Anything<'b, 'b>,
     with_signature(cell, t, |cell, t| require(cell, t));
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-two-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-two-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr
index c2b54b6..d8725dc 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-two-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/ty-outlives/projection-two-region-trait-bound-closure.stderr
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 LL | |     T: Anything<'b, 'b>,
 LL | | {
 LL | |     with_signature(cell, t, |cell, t| require(cell, t));
-LL | |     //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL | |     //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 LL | | }
    | |_^
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn two_regions<'a, 'b, T>(cell: Cell<&'a ()>, t: T)
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/type-alias-free-regions.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/type-alias-free-regions.stderr
index 6b3bb60..bcd141b 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/type-alias-free-regions.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/type-alias-free-regions.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | impl<'a> FromBox<'a> for C<'a> {
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 LL |         C { f: b } //~ ERROR
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^ returning this value requires that `'1` must outlive `'a`
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | impl<'a> FromTuple<'a> for C<'a> {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
index 9dc84aa..cafdd92 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@
 fn foo<'a>() {
     // Here `x` is free in the closure sig:
     |x: &'a i32| -> &'static i32 {
-        return x; //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        return x; //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn foo1() {
     // Here `x` is bound in the closure sig:
     |x: &i32| -> &'static i32 {
-        return x; //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        return x; //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn bar<'a>() {
     // Here `x` is free in the closure sig:
     |x: &'a i32, b: fn(&'static i32)| {
-        b(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        b(x); //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@
-fn main() { }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/closure-substs.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/closure-substs.stderr
index ffc6e5a..a46ab61 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/closure-substs.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/closure-substs.stderr
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a>() {
    |        -- lifetime `'a` defined here
-LL |         return x; //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |         return x; //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |                ^ returning this value requires that `'a` must outlive `'static`
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     |x: &i32| -> &'static i32 {
    |         - let's call the lifetime of this reference `'1`
-LL |         return x; //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |         return x; //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |                ^ returning this value requires that `'1` must outlive `'static`
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn bar<'a>() {
    |        -- lifetime `'a` defined here
-LL |         b(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |         b(x); //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |         ^^^^ argument requires that `'a` must outlive `'static`
 error[E0521]: borrowed data escapes outside of closure
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-inherent-1.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-inherent-1.stderr
index 94fbe01..541a711 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-inherent-1.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-inherent-1.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a>(_: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-normalize.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-normalize.stderr
index 7aeb276..5b97c12 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-normalize.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-normalize.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a>(_: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-1.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-1.stderr
index fee9abc..10e48b5 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-1.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-1.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a>(_: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-2.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-2.stderr
index 047aad9..5bfa32e 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-2.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-2.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>>() -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-3.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-3.stderr
index b373ceb..a1e60db 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-3.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/constant-in-expr-trait-item-3.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>>() -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
index 042ad02..e1de67a 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 fn test<'a>() {
-    let _:fn(&()) = |_:&'a ()| {}; //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    let _:fn(&()) = |_:&'a ()| {}; //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/issue-54124.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/issue-54124.stderr
index 5b5afaee..b1c2411 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/issue-54124.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/issue-54124.stderr
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn test<'a>() {
    |         -- lifetime `'a` defined here
-LL |     let _:fn(&()) = |_:&'a ()| {}; //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |     let _:fn(&()) = |_:&'a ()| {}; //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |                      ^ - let's call the lifetime of this reference `'1`
    |                      |
    |                      requires that `'1` must outlive `'a`
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn test<'a>() {
    |         -- lifetime `'a` defined here
-LL |     let _:fn(&()) = |_:&'a ()| {}; //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |     let _:fn(&()) = |_:&'a ()| {}; //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |                      ^ requires that `'a` must outlive `'static`
 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
index 51d9adc..e0af2e6 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 // after normalization.
 trait Foo { type Out; }
 impl Foo for () { type Out = &'static u32; }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/normalization.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/normalization.stderr
index b059d5a..71bf850 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/normalization.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/normalization.stderr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 error[E0597]: `a` does not live long enough
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     let b: <() as Foo>::Out = &a; //~ ERROR
    |            ----------------   ^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/patterns.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/patterns.stderr
index b0c554e..476578e 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/patterns.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/patterns.stderr
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 LL | }
    | - `x` dropped here while still borrowed
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn static_to_a_to_static_through_variable<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 LL |     y //~ ERROR
    |     ^ returning this value requires that `'a` must outlive `'static`
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn static_to_a_to_static_through_tuple<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 LL |     y //~ ERROR
    |     ^ returning this value requires that `'a` must outlive `'static`
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn static_to_a_to_static_through_struct<'a>(_x: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 LL |     y //~ ERROR
    |     ^ returning this value requires that `'a` must outlive `'static`
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn a_to_static_then_static<'a>(x: &'a u32) -> &'static u32 {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
index da9ef8c..d8caf46 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 pub fn foo<'a, 'b>(u: &'b ()) -> &'a () {
-    Foo::xmute(u) //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    Foo::xmute(u) //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/wf-self-type.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/wf-self-type.stderr
index 401fe2a..00500c8 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/wf-self-type.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/user-annotations/wf-self-type.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | pub fn foo<'a, 'b>(u: &'b ()) -> &'a () {
    |            --  -- lifetime `'b` defined here
    |            |
    |            lifetime `'a` defined here
-LL |     Foo::xmute(u) //~ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+LL |     Foo::xmute(u) //~ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ returning this value requires that `'b` must outlive `'a`
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index 256ec60..0d35c09 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 fn bar<'a, 'b>(x: &'a u32, y: &'b u32) -> (&'a u32, &'b u32) {
     foo(x, y)
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_functions.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_functions.stderr
index 4419a19..f3b65ec 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_functions.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_functions.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn bar<'a, 'b>(x: &'a u32, y: &'b u32) -> (&'a u32, &'b u32) {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/ b/src/test/ui/nll/
index 1b02f26..8bc6b2e 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 fn bar<'a, 'b>(x: Cell<&'a u32>, y: Cell<&'b u32>) {
     Foo { x, y };
-    //~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+    //~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_structs.stderr b/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_structs.stderr
index 8704b0dc..e0feb40 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_structs.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/nll/where_clauses_in_structs.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn bar<'a, 'b>(x: Cell<&'a u32>, y: Cell<&'b u32>) {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
index 43efdac..392c6fd 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // regression test for issue 11256
-#![crate_type]  //~ ERROR `crate_type` requires a value
+#![crate_type]  //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 fn main() {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/no_crate_type.stderr b/src/test/ui/no_crate_type.stderr
index 9d691f3..6b76ab6 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/no_crate_type.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/no_crate_type.stderr
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-error: `crate_type` requires a value
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[crate_type = "bin|lib|..."]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![crate_type]  //~ ERROR `crate_type` requires a value
+LL | #![crate_type]  //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-   |
-   = note: for example: `#![crate_type="lib"]`
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/ b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/
index e5e921c..6843c4b 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/
+++ b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
     fn my_from_iter<T: Iterator<Item=A>>(iterator: T) -> Self;
-#[rustc_on_unimplemented] //~ ERROR `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value
+//~^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 trait BadAnnotation1
diff --git a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/bad-annotation.stderr b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/bad-annotation.stderr
index 70f6932..31b626e 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/bad-annotation.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/bad-annotation.stderr
@@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
-error[E0232]: `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(/*opt*/ message = "...", /*opt*/ label = "...", /*opt*/ note = "...")]` or `#[rustc_on_unimplemented = "message"]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented] //~ ERROR `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value required here
-   |
-   = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
+LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0230]: there is no parameter `C` on trait `BadAnnotation2`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented = "Unimplemented trait error on `{Self}` with params `<{A},{B},{C}>`"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0231]: only named substitution parameters are allowed
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented = "Unimplemented trait error on `{Self}` with params `<{A},{B},{}>`"]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0232]: this attribute must have a valid value
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented(lorem="")]
    |                          ^^^^^^^^ expected value here
@@ -27,7 +25,7 @@
    = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
 error[E0232]: this attribute must have a valid value
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented(lorem(ipsum(dolor)))]
    |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected value here
@@ -35,7 +33,7 @@
    = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
 error[E0232]: this attribute must have a valid value
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="x", message="y")]
    |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected value here
@@ -43,7 +41,7 @@
    = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
 error[E0232]: this attribute must have a valid value
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="x", on(desugared, message="y"))]
    |                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected value here
@@ -51,13 +49,13 @@
    = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
 error[E0232]: empty `on`-clause in `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented(on(), message="y")]
    |                          ^^^^ empty on-clause here
 error[E0232]: this attribute must have a valid value
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented(on="x", message="y")]
    |                          ^^^^^^ expected value here
@@ -65,7 +63,7 @@
    = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
 error[E0232]: this attribute must have a valid value
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[rustc_on_unimplemented(on(desugared, on(desugared, message="x")), message="y")]
    |                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected value here
diff --git a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/ b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/
index a4e2a17..d8717f3 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/
+++ b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-#[rustc_on_unimplemented( //~ ERROR `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value
     message="the message"
     label="the label" //~ ERROR expected one of `)` or `,`, found `label`
diff --git a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/expected-comma-found-token.stderr b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/expected-comma-found-token.stderr
index aa1b520..1e0808e 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/expected-comma-found-token.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/on-unimplemented/expected-comma-found-token.stderr
@@ -6,17 +6,5 @@
 LL |     label="the label" //~ ERROR expected one of `)` or `,`, found `label`
    |     ^^^^^ unexpected token
-error[E0232]: `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | / #[rustc_on_unimplemented( //~ ERROR `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]` requires a value
-LL | |     message="the message"
-LL | |     label="the label" //~ ERROR expected one of `)` or `,`, found `label`
-LL | | )]
-   | |__^ value required here
-   |
-   = note: eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`
+error: aborting due to previous error
-error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0232`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/parser/ b/src/test/ui/parser/
index 041f30c..91a4abb 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/parser/
+++ b/src/test/ui/parser/
@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
 fn main() {}
-#![lang(foo)] //~ ERROR an inner attribute is not permitted in this context
+#![lang = "foo"] //~ ERROR an inner attribute is not permitted in this context
+                 //~| ERROR definition of an unknown language item: `foo`
 fn foo() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/parser/attr.stderr b/src/test/ui/parser/attr.stderr
index 44714dc..8151bd7 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/parser/attr.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/parser/attr.stderr
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
 error: an inner attribute is not permitted in this context
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #![lang(foo)] //~ ERROR an inner attribute is not permitted in this context
+LL | #![lang = "foo"] //~ ERROR an inner attribute is not permitted in this context
    |   ^
    = note: inner attributes, like `#![no_std]`, annotate the item enclosing them, and are usually found at the beginning of source files. Outer attributes, like `#[test]`, annotate the item following them.
-error: aborting due to previous error
+error[E0522]: definition of an unknown language item: `foo`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #![lang = "foo"] //~ ERROR an inner attribute is not permitted in this context
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ definition of unknown language item `foo`
+error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0522`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5759a10e..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_movemask_ps() -> i32; //~ERROR found 0, expected 1
-fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/platform-intrinsic-params.stderr b/src/test/ui/platform-intrinsic-params.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 17671ce..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/platform-intrinsic-params.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-error[E0444]: platform-specific intrinsic has invalid number of arguments: found 0, expected 1
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_movemask_ps() -> i32; //~ERROR found 0, expected 1
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to previous error
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0444`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/privacy/ b/src/test/ui/privacy/
index c6e86ed..81d2395 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/privacy/
+++ b/src/test/ui/privacy/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Private types and traits are not allowed in interfaces of associated types.
 // This test also ensures that the checks are performed even inside private modules.
+#![feature(associated_type_defaults, existential_type)]
 mod m {
     struct Priv;
@@ -23,10 +23,17 @@
         type Alias4 = Priv;
         //~^ ERROR private type `m::Priv` in public interface
+        type Exist;
+        fn infer_exist() -> Self::Exist;
     impl PubTr for u8 {
         type Alias1 = Priv;
         //~^ ERROR private type `m::Priv` in public interface
+        existential type Exist: PrivTr;
+        //~^ ERROR private trait `m::PrivTr` in public interface
+        fn infer_exist() -> Self::Exist { Priv }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/privacy/private-in-public-assoc-ty.stderr b/src/test/ui/privacy/private-in-public-assoc-ty.stderr
index 6740277..0e5dab1 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/privacy/private-in-public-assoc-ty.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/privacy/private-in-public-assoc-ty.stderr
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 LL | |         //~| WARN this was previously accepted
 LL | |         //~| WARN private type `m::Priv` in public interface
 ...  |
-LL | |         //~^ ERROR private type `m::Priv` in public interface
+LL | |         fn infer_exist() -> Self::Exist;
 LL | |     }
    | |_____^
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 LL | |         //~| WARN this was previously accepted
 LL | |         //~| WARN private type `m::Priv` in public interface
 ...  |
-LL | |         //~^ ERROR private type `m::Priv` in public interface
+LL | |         fn infer_exist() -> Self::Exist;
 LL | |     }
    | |_____^
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't leak private type
 error[E0446]: private type `m::Priv` in public interface
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     struct Priv;
    |     - `m::Priv` declared as private
@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@
 LL |         type Alias1 = Priv;
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't leak private type
-error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
+error[E0445]: private trait `m::PrivTr` in public interface
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     trait PrivTr {}
+   |     - `m::PrivTr` declared as private
+LL |         existential type Exist: PrivTr;
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't leak private trait
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0446`.
+error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
+Some errors occurred: E0445, E0446.
+For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0445`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/privacy/ b/src/test/ui/privacy/
index 95658f4..61c6130 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/privacy/
+++ b/src/test/ui/privacy/
@@ -12,4 +12,14 @@
+pub trait Trait {
+    type Pub: Default;
+    fn method() -> Self::Pub;
+impl Trait for u8 {
+    existential type Pub: Default;
+    fn method() -> Self::Pub { Priv }
 fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/ b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/
index 736030f..a0b982d 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/
+++ b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 extern crate proc_macro;
-//~^ ERROR: attribute must be of form: #[proc_macro_derive(TraitName)]
+//~^ ERROR: attribute must be of the form
 pub fn foo1(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
 #[proc_macro_derive = "foo"]
-//~^ ERROR: attribute must be of form: #[proc_macro_derive(TraitName)]
+//~^ ERROR: attribute must be of the form
 pub fn foo2(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/attribute.stderr b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/attribute.stderr
index a8fecd2..231eb1f 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/attribute.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/attribute.stderr
@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
-error: attribute must be of form: #[proc_macro_derive(TraitName)]
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[proc_macro_derive]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: attribute must be of form: #[proc_macro_derive(TraitName)]
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[proc_macro_derive = "foo"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: must only be one word
   --> $DIR/
@@ -46,5 +34,17 @@
 LL | #[proc_macro_derive(l, attributes(m), n)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro_derive(TraitName, /*opt*/ attributes(name1, name2, ...))]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[proc_macro_derive]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro_derive(TraitName, /*opt*/ attributes(name1, name2, ...))]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #[proc_macro_derive = "foo"]
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 8 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/ b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/
index 22ebc77..c5ec492 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/
+++ b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@
 use proc_macro::TokenStream;
-#[proc_macro = "test"] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+#[proc_macro = "test"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 pub fn a(a: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { a }
-#[proc_macro()] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+#[proc_macro()] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 pub fn c(a: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { a }
-#[proc_macro(x)] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+#[proc_macro(x)] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 pub fn d(a: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { a }
-#[proc_macro_attribute = "test"] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+#[proc_macro_attribute = "test"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 pub fn e(_: TokenStream, a: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { a }
-#[proc_macro_attribute()] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+#[proc_macro_attribute()] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 pub fn g(_: TokenStream, a: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { a }
-#[proc_macro_attribute(x)] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+#[proc_macro_attribute(x)] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 pub fn h(_: TokenStream, a: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { a }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/invalid-attributes.stderr b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/invalid-attributes.stderr
index 31c42bc..06a7ef2 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/proc-macro/invalid-attributes.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/proc-macro/invalid-attributes.stderr
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-error: `#[proc_macro]` attribute does not take any arguments
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[proc_macro = "test"] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+LL | #[proc_macro = "test"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: `#[proc_macro]` attribute does not take any arguments
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[proc_macro()] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+LL | #[proc_macro()] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: `#[proc_macro]` attribute does not take any arguments
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[proc_macro(x)] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+LL | #[proc_macro(x)] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: `#[proc_macro_attribute]` attribute does not take any arguments
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro_attribute]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[proc_macro_attribute = "test"] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+LL | #[proc_macro_attribute = "test"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: `#[proc_macro_attribute]` attribute does not take any arguments
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro_attribute]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[proc_macro_attribute()] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+LL | #[proc_macro_attribute()] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: `#[proc_macro_attribute]` attribute does not take any arguments
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[proc_macro_attribute]`
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[proc_macro_attribute(x)] //~ ERROR: does not take any arguments
+LL | #[proc_macro_attribute(x)] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 6 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/regions/regions-static-bound.nll.stderr b/src/test/ui/regions/regions-static-bound.nll.stderr
index f667afd..d6cec03 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/regions/regions-static-bound.nll.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/regions/regions-static-bound.nll.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+error: lifetime may not live long enough
   --> $DIR/
 LL | fn static_id_wrong_way<'a>(t: &'a ()) -> &'static () where 'static: 'a {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/regions/ b/src/test/ui/regions/
index 3ee5187..c1a15e5 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/regions/
+++ b/src/test/ui/regions/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     where 'a: 'b, 'b: 'static { t }
 fn static_id_wrong_way<'a>(t: &'a ()) -> &'static () where 'static: 'a {
     t //[ll]~ ERROR E0312
-        //[nll]~^ ERROR unsatisfied lifetime constraints
+        //[nll]~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
 fn error(u: &(), v: &()) {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
index a35252c41..9d84474 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-// compile-pass
-//^ WARN `repr` attribute must have a hint
+//~^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 struct _A {}
 #[repr = "B"]
-//^ WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
+//~^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 struct _B {}
 #[repr = "C"]
-//^ WARN `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
+//~^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 struct _C {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/repr.stderr b/src/test/ui/repr.stderr
index 503d47c..7ebfe08 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/repr.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/repr.stderr
@@ -1,25 +1,20 @@
-warning: `repr` attribute must have a hint
-  --> $DIR/
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[repr(C, packed, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[repr]
-   | ^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = note: #[warn(bad_repr)] on by default
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
+   | ^^^^^^^
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[repr(C, packed, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[repr = "B"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ needs a hint
-   |
-   = help: valid hints include `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(packed)]`, `#[repr(rust)]` and `#[repr(transparent)]`
-   = note: for more information, visit <>
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-warning: `repr` attribute isn't configurable with a literal
-  --> $DIR/
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[repr(C, packed, ...)]`
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[repr = "C"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: give `repr` a hint: `#[repr(C)]`
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/resolve/resolve-hint-macro.stderr b/src/test/ui/resolve/resolve-hint-macro.stderr
index 4f6d0f6..ebe3c36 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/resolve/resolve-hint-macro.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/resolve/resolve-hint-macro.stderr
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     assert(true);
-   |     ^^^^^^ did you mean `assert!(...)`?
+   |     ^^^^^^ help: use `!` to invoke the macro: `assert!`
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/resolve/suggest-path-instead-of-mod-dot-item.stderr b/src/test/ui/resolve/suggest-path-instead-of-mod-dot-item.stderr
index 8a9426b..b7b158c 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/resolve/suggest-path-instead-of-mod-dot-item.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/resolve/suggest-path-instead-of-mod-dot-item.stderr
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
 LL |     a.I
    |     ^--
    |     |
-   |     did you mean `a::I`?
+   |     help: use the path separator to refer to an item: `a::I`
 error[E0423]: expected value, found module `a`
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     a.g()
-   |     ^----
+   |     ^--
    |     |
-   |     did you mean `a::g(...)`?
+   |     help: use the path separator to refer to an item: `a::g`
 error[E0423]: expected value, found module `a`
   --> $DIR/
@@ -20,16 +20,21 @@
 LL |     a.b.J
    |     ^--
    |     |
-   |     did you mean `a::b`?
+   |     help: use the path separator to refer to an item: `a::b`
 error[E0423]: expected value, found module `a::b`
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     a::b.J
-   |     ^^^---
-   |     |  |
-   |     |  help: a constant with a similar name exists: `I`
-   |     did you mean `a::b::J`?
+   |     ^^^^
+help: a constant with a similar name exists
+   |
+LL |     a::I.J
+   |        ^
+help: use the path separator to refer to an item
+   |
+LL |     a::b::J
+   |
 error[E0423]: expected value, found module `a`
   --> $DIR/
@@ -37,7 +42,7 @@
 LL |     a.b.f();
    |     ^--
    |     |
-   |     did you mean `a::b`?
+   |     help: use the path separator to refer to an item: `a::b`
 error[E0423]: expected value, found module `a::b`
   --> $DIR/
@@ -51,10 +56,15 @@
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     a::b.f()
-   |     ^^^-----
-   |     |  |
-   |     |  help: a constant with a similar name exists: `I`
-   |     did you mean `a::b::f(...)`?
+   |     ^^^^
+help: a constant with a similar name exists
+   |
+LL |     a::I.f()
+   |        ^
+help: use the path separator to refer to an item
+   |
+LL |     a::b::f()
+   |     ^^^^^^^
 error[E0423]: expected value, found module `a::b`
   --> $DIR/
diff --git a/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/ b/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/
index 27db489..3375210 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/
+++ b/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-//~^ ERROR attribute should be empty [E0702]
+//~^ ERROR attribute must be of the form
 struct Foo;
diff --git a/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/invalid-attribute.stderr b/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/invalid-attribute.stderr
index c069999..1d055fe 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/invalid-attribute.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive/invalid-attribute.stderr
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
-error[E0702]: attribute should be empty
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[non_exhaustive]`
   --> $DIR/
 LL | #[non_exhaustive(anything)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-LL | //~^ ERROR attribute should be empty [E0702]
-LL | struct Foo;
-   | ----------- not empty
 error[E0701]: attribute can only be applied to a struct or enum
   --> $DIR/
@@ -30,5 +27,4 @@
 error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
-Some errors occurred: E0701, E0702.
-For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0701`.
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0701`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/ b/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7405678..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#![feature(repr_simd, platform_intrinsics)]
-struct i16x8(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-struct u16x8(u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16);
-struct i8x16(i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8,
-             i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8, i8);
-struct i32x4(i32, i32, i32, i32);
-struct f32x4(f32, f32, f32, f32);
-struct i64x2(i64, i64);
-// correct signatures work well
-mod right {
-    use {i16x8, u16x8};
-    extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-        fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8;
-        fn x86_mm_adds_epu16(x: u16x8, y: u16x8) -> u16x8;
-    }
-// but incorrect ones don't.
-mod signedness {
-    use {i16x8, u16x8};
-    // signedness matters
-    extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-        fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: u16x8, y: u16x8) -> u16x8;
-        //~^ ERROR intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type
-        //~^^ ERROR intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type
-        //~^^^ ERROR intrinsic return value has wrong type
-        fn x86_mm_adds_epu16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8;
-        //~^ ERROR intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type
-        //~^^ ERROR intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type
-        //~^^^ ERROR intrinsic return value has wrong type
-    }
-// as do lengths
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-    //~^ ERROR intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type
-    //~^^ ERROR intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type
-    //~^^^ ERROR intrinsic return value has wrong type
-// and so does int vs. float:
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_max_ps(x: i32x4, y: i32x4) -> i32x4;
-    //~^ ERROR intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type
-    //~^^ ERROR intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type
-    //~^^^ ERROR intrinsic return value has wrong type
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/simd-intrinsic-declaration-type.stderr b/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/simd-intrinsic-declaration-type.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 22df5e4..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/simd-intrinsic-declaration-type.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type: found vector with length 16, expected length 8
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type: found vector with length 4, expected length 8
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic return value has wrong type: found vector with length 2, expected length 8
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: i8x16, y: i32x4) -> i64x2;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type: found `i32`, expected `f32`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_max_ps(x: i32x4, y: i32x4) -> i32x4;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type: found `i32`, expected `f32`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_max_ps(x: i32x4, y: i32x4) -> i32x4;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic return value has wrong type: found `i32`, expected `f32`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_max_ps(x: i32x4, y: i32x4) -> i32x4;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type: found `u16`, expected `i16`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: u16x8, y: u16x8) -> u16x8;
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type: found `u16`, expected `i16`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: u16x8, y: u16x8) -> u16x8;
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic return value has wrong type: found `u16`, expected `i16`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: u16x8, y: u16x8) -> u16x8;
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 1 has wrong type: found `i16`, expected `u16`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         fn x86_mm_adds_epu16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8;
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type: found `i16`, expected `u16`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         fn x86_mm_adds_epu16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8;
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0442]: intrinsic return value has wrong type: found `i16`, expected `u16`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |         fn x86_mm_adds_epu16(x: i16x8, y: i16x8) -> i16x8;
-   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to 12 previous errors
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0442`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/ b/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/
deleted file mode 100644
index f38ef2e..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#![feature(repr_simd, platform_intrinsics)]
-struct A(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-struct B(i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16, i16);
-// each intrinsic definition has to use the same nominal type for any
-// vector structure throughout that declaration (i.e., every instance
-// of i16x8 in each `fn ...;` needs to be either A or B)
-extern "platform-intrinsic" {
-    fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: A, y: A) -> B;
-    //~^ ERROR intrinsic return value has wrong type: found `B`, expected `A`
-    fn x86_mm_subs_epi16(x: A, y: B) -> A;
-    //~^ ERROR intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type: found `B`, expected `A`
-    // ok:
-    fn x86_mm_max_epi16(x: B, y: B) -> B;
-    fn x86_mm_min_epi16(x: A, y: A) -> A;
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/simd-intrinsic-single-nominal-type.stderr b/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/simd-intrinsic-single-nominal-type.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 2754dd1..0000000
--- a/src/test/ui/simd-intrinsic/simd-intrinsic-single-nominal-type.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-error[E0443]: intrinsic return value has wrong type: found `B`, expected `A` which was used for this vector type previously in this signature
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_adds_epi16(x: A, y: A) -> B;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0443]: intrinsic argument 2 has wrong type: found `B`, expected `A` which was used for this vector type previously in this signature
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     fn x86_mm_subs_epi16(x: A, y: B) -> A;
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
-For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0443`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
index 3c4d629..1f0a7a8 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // compile-flags:-Zforce-unstable-if-unmarked
-#[unstable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-#[stable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-#[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+#[unstable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+#[stable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+#[rustc_deprecated()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
 fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged-force-unstable.stderr b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged-force-unstable.stderr
index 2b8fb86..cd8ea92 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged-force-unstable.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged-force-unstable.stderr
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[unstable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[unstable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[stable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-   | ^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[stable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[rustc_deprecated()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
index 3b22385..fc2c2b5 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#[unstable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-#[stable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-#[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+#[unstable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+#[stable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+#[rustc_deprecated()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
 fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged.stderr b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged.stderr
index ad437dd..67f6ef8 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-non-staged.stderr
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[unstable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[unstable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[stable] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-   | ^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[stable()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
   --> $DIR/
-LL | #[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+LL | #[rustc_deprecated()] //~ ERROR: stability attributes may not be used
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd54bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Various checks that stability attributes are used correctly, per RFC 507
+#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+mod bogus_attribute_types_2 {
+    #[unstable] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+    fn f1() { }
+    #[unstable = "b"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+    fn f2() { }
+    #[stable] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+    fn f3() { }
+    #[stable = "a"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+    fn f4() { }
+    #[stable(feature = "a", since = "b")]
+    #[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+    fn f5() { }
+    #[stable(feature = "a", since = "b")]
+    #[rustc_deprecated = "a"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+    fn f6() { }
+fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-sanity-4.stderr b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-sanity-4.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4efe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-sanity-4.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[unstable(feature = "name", reason = "...", issue = "N")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[unstable] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[unstable(feature = "name", reason = "...", issue = "N")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[unstable = "b"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[stable(feature = "name", since = "version")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[stable] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[stable(feature = "name", since = "version")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[stable = "a"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[rustc_deprecated(since = "version", reason = "...")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[rustc_deprecated(since = "version", reason = "...")]`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     #[rustc_deprecated = "a"] //~ ERROR attribute must be of the form
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to 6 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
index cb10df9..aebdb3b 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/
@@ -21,28 +21,6 @@
     fn f6() { }
-mod bogus_attribute_types_2 {
-    #[unstable] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-    fn f1() { }
-    #[unstable = "b"] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-    fn f2() { }
-    #[stable] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-    fn f3() { }
-    #[stable = "a"] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-    fn f4() { }
-    #[stable(feature = "a", since = "b")]
-    #[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-    fn f5() { }
-    #[stable(feature = "a", since = "b")]
-    #[rustc_deprecated = "a"] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-    fn f6() { }
 mod missing_feature_names {
     #[unstable(issue = "0")] //~ ERROR missing 'feature' [E0546]
     fn f1() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-sanity.stderr b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-sanity.stderr
index 14c0728..74c1bbf 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-sanity.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/stability-attribute/stability-attribute-sanity.stderr
@@ -28,115 +28,79 @@
 LL |     #[stable(feature(b), since = "a")] //~ ERROR incorrect meta item [E0539]
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0548]: incorrect stability attribute type
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[unstable] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0548]: incorrect stability attribute type
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[unstable = "b"] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0548]: incorrect stability attribute type
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[stable] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0548]: incorrect stability attribute type
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[stable = "a"] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0548]: incorrect stability attribute type
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[rustc_deprecated] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error[E0548]: incorrect stability attribute type
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL |     #[rustc_deprecated = "a"] //~ ERROR incorrect stability attribute type [E0548]
-   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0546]: missing 'feature'
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[unstable(issue = "0")] //~ ERROR missing 'feature' [E0546]
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0547]: missing 'issue'
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[unstable(feature = "b")] //~ ERROR missing 'issue' [E0547]
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0546]: missing 'feature'
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[stable(since = "a")] //~ ERROR missing 'feature' [E0546]
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0542]: missing 'since'
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[stable(feature = "a")] //~ ERROR missing 'since' [E0542]
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0542]: missing 'since'
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL |     #[rustc_deprecated(reason = "a")] //~ ERROR missing 'since' [E0542]
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0544]: multiple stability levels
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[stable(feature = "a", since = "b")] //~ ERROR multiple stability levels [E0544]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0544]: multiple stability levels
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[unstable(feature = "b", issue = "0")] //~ ERROR multiple stability levels [E0544]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0544]: multiple stability levels
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[stable(feature = "a", since = "b")] //~ ERROR multiple stability levels [E0544]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0540]: multiple rustc_deprecated attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | pub const fn multiple4() { } //~ ERROR multiple rustc_deprecated attributes [E0540]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0553]: multiple rustc_const_unstable attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | pub const fn multiple4() { } //~ ERROR multiple rustc_deprecated attributes [E0540]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error: Invalid stability or deprecation version found
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | pub const fn multiple4() { } //~ ERROR multiple rustc_deprecated attributes [E0540]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 error[E0549]: rustc_deprecated attribute must be paired with either stable or unstable attribute
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | fn deprecated_without_unstable_or_stable() { }
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-error: aborting due to 23 previous errors
+error: aborting due to 17 previous errors
-Some errors occurred: E0539, E0540, E0541, E0542, E0544, E0546, E0547, E0548, E0549...
+Some errors occurred: E0539, E0540, E0541, E0542, E0544, E0546, E0547, E0549, E0553.
 For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0539`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/str/str-idx.stderr b/src/test/ui/str/str-idx.stderr
index 108096d..71b1747 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/str/str-idx.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/str/str-idx.stderr
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
    |                 ^^^^ `str` cannot be indexed by `{integer}`
    = help: the trait `std::ops::Index<{integer}>` is not implemented for `str`
+   = note: you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+           see chapter in The Book <>
 error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/str/str-mut-idx.stderr b/src/test/ui/str/str-mut-idx.stderr
index a0c7c2c..a1212c5 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/str/str-mut-idx.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/str/str-mut-idx.stderr
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
    |     ^^^^^^^^^ `str` cannot be mutably indexed by `usize`
    = help: the trait `std::ops::IndexMut<usize>` is not implemented for `str`
+   = note: you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
+           see chapter in The Book <>
 error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
index a311b65..bd2d662 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-#[path = 1usize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1u8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1u16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1u32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1u64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1isize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1i8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1i16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1i32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1i64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1.0f32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-#[path = 1.0f64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1usize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1u8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1u16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1u32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1u64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1isize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1i8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1i16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1i32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1i64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1.0f32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+#[my_attr = 1.0f64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
 fn main() { }
diff --git a/src/test/ui/suffixed-literal-meta.stderr b/src/test/ui/suffixed-literal-meta.stderr
index 2f3ad8a..265aa78 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/suffixed-literal-meta.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/suffixed-literal-meta.stderr
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1usize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1usize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1u8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1u8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1u16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1u16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1u32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1u32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1u64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1u64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1isize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1isize] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1i8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1i8] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1i16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1i16] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1i32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1i32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1i64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1i64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1.0f32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1.0f32] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
 error: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
-LL | #[path = 1.0f64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
-   |          ^^^^^^
+LL | #[my_attr = 1.0f64] //~ ERROR: suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes
+   |             ^^^^^^
    = help: instead of using a suffixed literal (1u8, 1.0f32, etc.), use an unsuffixed version (1, 1.0, etc.).
diff --git a/src/test/ui/suggestions/suggest-move-lifetimes.stderr b/src/test/ui/suggestions/suggest-move-lifetimes.stderr
index 72a2cbe..b36e927 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/suggestions/suggest-move-lifetimes.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/suggestions/suggest-move-lifetimes.stderr
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 help: move the lifetime parameter prior to the first type parameter
 LL | struct B<'a, T, U> { //~ ERROR lifetime parameters must be declared
-   |          ^^^   --
+   |          ^^^ --
 error: lifetime parameters must be declared prior to type parameters
   --> $DIR/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 help: move the lifetime parameter prior to the first type parameter
 LL | struct D<'a, 'b, 'c, T, U, V> { //~ ERROR lifetime parameters must be declared
-   |          ^^^ ^^^ ^^^      ---
+   |          ^^^ ^^^ ^^^    -- --
 error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/target-feature-wrong.stderr b/src/test/ui/target-feature-wrong.stderr
index 2eeaa10..236f5c4 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/target-feature-wrong.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/target-feature-wrong.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-error: #[target_feature] attribute must be of the form #[target_feature(..)]
+error: attribute must be of the form `#[target_feature(enable = "name")]`
   --> $DIR/
 LL | #[target_feature = "+sse2"]
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
index 1b5afda..f936dd5 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-// run-pass
+// compile-pass
 // compile-flags: --test
 #[should_panic = "foo"]
-//~^ WARN: attribute must be of the form:
 fn test1() {
diff --git a/src/test/ui/test-should-panic-attr.stderr b/src/test/ui/test-should-panic-attr.stderr
index 0f25477..4b032eb 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/test-should-panic-attr.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/test-should-panic-attr.stderr
@@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
-warning: attribute must be of the form: `#[should_panic]` or `#[should_panic(expected = "error message")]`
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-LL | #[should_panic = "foo"]
-   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-   |
-   = note: Errors in this attribute were erroneously allowed and will become a hard error in a future release.
 warning: argument must be of the form: `expected = "error message"`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[should_panic(expected)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -15,7 +7,7 @@
    = note: Errors in this attribute were erroneously allowed and will become a hard error in a future release.
 warning: argument must be of the form: `expected = "error message"`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[should_panic(expect)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -23,7 +15,7 @@
    = note: Errors in this attribute were erroneously allowed and will become a hard error in a future release.
 warning: argument must be of the form: `expected = "error message"`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[should_panic(expected(foo, bar))]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@@ -31,7 +23,7 @@
    = note: Errors in this attribute were erroneously allowed and will become a hard error in a future release.
 warning: argument must be of the form: `expected = "error message"`
-  --> $DIR/
+  --> $DIR/
 LL | #[should_panic(expected = "foo", bar)]
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/src/test/ui/thread-local-mutation.nll.stderr b/src/test/ui/thread-local-mutation.nll.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a3664b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/thread-local-mutation.nll.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+error[E0594]: cannot assign to immutable static item `S`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     S = "after"; //~ ERROR cannot assign to immutable
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot assign
+error: aborting due to previous error
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0594`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e738225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Regression test for #54901: immutable thread locals could be mutated. See:
+static S: &str = "before";
+fn set_s() {
+    S = "after"; //~ ERROR cannot assign to immutable
+fn main() {
+    println!("{}", S);
+    set_s();
+    println!("{}", S);
diff --git a/src/test/ui/thread-local-mutation.stderr b/src/test/ui/thread-local-mutation.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf29852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/thread-local-mutation.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+error[E0594]: cannot assign to immutable thread-local static item
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     S = "after"; //~ ERROR cannot assign to immutable
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to previous error
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0594`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/traits/auxiliary/ b/src/test/ui/traits/auxiliary/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e56b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/traits/auxiliary/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+pub trait SendSync = Send + Sync;
diff --git a/src/test/ui/traits/ b/src/test/ui/traits/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259fc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/traits/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+extern crate trait_alias;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use trait_alias::SendSync;
+fn use_alias<T: SendSync>() {}
+fn main() {
+    use_alias::<u32>();
+    use_alias::<Rc<u32>>();
+    //~^ ERROR `std::rc::Rc<u32>` cannot be sent between threads safely [E0277]
+    //~^^ ERROR `std::rc::Rc<u32>` cannot be shared between threads safely [E0277]
diff --git a/src/test/ui/traits/trait-alias-cross-crate.stderr b/src/test/ui/traits/trait-alias-cross-crate.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..972d213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/traits/trait-alias-cross-crate.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+error[E0277]: `std::rc::Rc<u32>` cannot be sent between threads safely
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     use_alias::<Rc<u32>>();
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `std::rc::Rc<u32>` cannot be sent between threads safely
+   |
+   = help: the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `std::rc::Rc<u32>`
+note: required by `use_alias`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | fn use_alias<T: SendSync>() {}
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error[E0277]: `std::rc::Rc<u32>` cannot be shared between threads safely
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     use_alias::<Rc<u32>>();
+   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `std::rc::Rc<u32>` cannot be shared between threads safely
+   |
+   = help: the trait `std::marker::Sync` is not implemented for `std::rc::Rc<u32>`
+note: required by `use_alias`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | fn use_alias<T: SendSync>() {}
+   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/try-block/try-block-in-edition2015.stderr b/src/test/ui/try-block/try-block-in-edition2015.stderr
index 6365008..a7b8106 100644
--- a/src/test/ui/try-block/try-block-in-edition2015.stderr
+++ b/src/test/ui/try-block/try-block-in-edition2015.stderr
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   --> $DIR/
 LL |     let try_result: Option<_> = try {
-   |                                 ^^^ did you mean `try!(...)`?
+   |                                 ^^^ help: use `!` to invoke the macro: `try!`
 error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295f8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+enum E {
+    V(u8)
+impl E {
+    fn V() {}
+fn main() {
+    <E>::V(); //~ ERROR this function takes 1 parameter but 0 parameters were supplied
diff --git a/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority-2.stderr b/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority-2.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ec96e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority-2.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+error[E0061]: this function takes 1 parameter but 0 parameters were supplied
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     V(u8)
+   |     ----- defined here
+LL |     <E>::V(); //~ ERROR this function takes 1 parameter but 0 parameters were supplied
+   |     ^^^^^^^^ expected 1 parameter
+error: aborting due to previous error
+For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0061`.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33f9655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+enum E {
+    V
+fn check() -> <E>::V {}
+//~^ ERROR expected type, found variant `V`
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority-3.stderr b/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority-3.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b345154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority-3.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+error: expected type, found variant `V`
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | fn check() -> <E>::V {}
+   |               ^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/test/ui/ b/src/test/ui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db1da2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+enum E {
+    V
+trait Tr {
+    type V;
+    fn f() -> Self::V;
+impl Tr for E {
+    type V = u8;
+    fn f() -> Self::V { 0 }
+    //~^ ERROR ambiguous associated item
+    //~| WARN this was previously accepted
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority.stderr b/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf7dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/type-alias-enum-variants-priority.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+error: ambiguous associated item
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     fn f() -> Self::V { 0 }
+   |               ^^^^^^^ help: use fully-qualified syntax: `<E as Trait>::V`
+   |
+note: lint level defined here
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL | #![deny(ambiguous_associated_items)]
+   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
+   = note: for more information, see issue #57644 <>
+note: `V` could refer to variant defined here
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     V
+   |     ^
+note: `V` could also refer to associated type defined here
+  --> $DIR/
+   |
+LL |     type V;
+   |     ^^^^^^^
+error: aborting due to previous error
diff --git a/src/tools/build-manifest/src/ b/src/tools/build-manifest/src/
index 8c1baa5..4ca285b 100644
--- a/src/tools/build-manifest/src/
+++ b/src/tools/build-manifest/src/
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
+    "x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx",
diff --git a/src/tools/rls b/src/tools/rls
index 1a6361b..ae0d89a 160000
--- a/src/tools/rls
+++ b/src/tools/rls
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 1a6361bd399a9466deba9b42ff2ff2ae365c5d0e
+Subproject commit ae0d89a08d091ba1563b571739768a09d4cd3d69
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 7a5495b..610d1d8 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 //! by accident.
 //! In the past we've accidentally checked in test binaries and such which add a
-//! huge amount of bloat to the git history, so it's good to just ensure we
-//! don't do that again :)
+//! huge amount of bloat to the Git history, so it's good to just ensure we
+//! don't do that again.
 use std::path::Path;
-// All files are executable on Windows, so just check on Unix
+// All files are executable on Windows, so just check on Unix.
 pub fn check(_path: &Path, _bad: &mut bool) {}
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 3369d82..26ced7f 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     for entry in t!(path.read_dir(), path).map(|e| t!(e)) {
-        // Look for `Cargo.toml` with a sibling `src/` or ``
+        // Look for `Cargo.toml` with a sibling `src/` or ``.
         if entry.file_name().to_str() == Some("Cargo.toml") {
             if path.join("src/").is_file() {
                 verify(&entry.path(), &path.join("src/"), bad)
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
-// Verify that the dependencies in Cargo.toml at `tomlfile` are sync'd with the
-// `extern crate` annotations in the at `libfile`.
+/// Verifies that the dependencies in Cargo.toml at `tomlfile` are synced with
+/// the `extern crate` annotations in the at `libfile`.
 fn verify(tomlfile: &Path, libfile: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
     let toml = t!(fs::read_to_string(&tomlfile));
     let librs = t!(fs::read_to_string(&libfile));
@@ -37,14 +37,16 @@
-    // "Poor man's TOML parser", just assume we use one syntax for now
+    // "Poor man's TOML parser" -- just assume we use one syntax for now.
     // We just look for:
-    //      [dependencies]
-    //      name = ...
-    //      name2 = ...
-    //      name3 = ...
+    // ````
+    // [dependencies]
+    // name = ...
+    // name2 = ...
+    // name3 = ...
+    // ```
     // If we encounter a line starting with `[` then we assume it's the end of
     // the dependency section and bail out.
@@ -63,14 +65,14 @@
-        // Don't worry about depending on core/std but not saying `extern crate
-        // core/std`, that's intentional.
+        // Don't worry about depending on core/std while not writing `extern crate
+        // core/std` -- that's intentional.
         if krate == "core" || krate == "std" {
-        // This is intentional, this dependency just makes the crate available
-        // for others later on. Cover cases
+        // This is intentional -- this dependency just makes the crate available
+        // for others later on.
         let whitelisted = krate.starts_with("panic");
         if toml.contains("name = \"std\"") && whitelisted {
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 7f0f0c6..f1bfb6e 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//! Check license of third-party deps by inspecting vendor
+//! Checks the licenses of third-party dependencies by inspecting vendors.
 use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet, HashMap};
 use std::fs;
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 /// These are exceptions to Rust's permissive licensing policy, and
 /// should be considered bugs. Exceptions are only allowed in Rust
 /// tooling. It is _crucial_ that no exception crates be dependencies
-/// of the Rust runtime (std / test).
+/// of the Rust runtime (std/test).
 const EXCEPTIONS: &[&str] = &[
     "mdbook",             // MPL2, mdbook
     "openssl",            // BSD+advertising clause, cargo, mdbook
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
     "colored",            // MPL-2.0, rustfmt
     "ordslice",           // Apache-2.0, rls
     "cloudabi",           // BSD-2-Clause, (rls -> crossbeam-channel 0.2 -> rand 0.5)
-    "ryu",                // Apache-2.0, rls/cargo/... (b/c of serde)
+    "ryu",                // Apache-2.0, rls/cargo/... (because of serde)
     "bytesize",           // Apache-2.0, cargo
     "im-rc",              // MPL-2.0+, cargo
     "adler32",            // BSD-3-Clause AND Zlib, cargo dep that isn't used
-    "fortanix-sgx-abi",   // MPL-2.0+, libstd but only for sgx target
+    "fortanix-sgx-abi",   // MPL-2.0+, libstd but only for `sgx` target
 /// Which crates to check against the whitelist?
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
-// Some types for Serde to deserialize the output of `cargo metadata` to...
+// Some types for Serde to deserialize the output of `cargo metadata` to.
 struct Output {
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@
     dependencies: Vec<String>,
-/// A unique identifier for a crate
+/// A unique identifier for a crate.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
-struct Crate<'a>(&'a str); // (name,)
+struct Crate<'a>(&'a str); // (name)
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
 struct CrateVersion<'a>(&'a str, &'a str); // (name, version)
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 impl<'a> CrateVersion<'a> {
-    /// Returns the struct and whether or not the dep is in-tree
+    /// Returns the struct and whether or not the dependency is in-tree.
     pub fn from_str(s: &'a str) -> (Self, bool) {
         let mut parts = s.split(' ');
         let name =;
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 /// Specifically, this checks that the license is correct.
 pub fn check(path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
-    // Check licences
+    // Check licences.
     let path = path.join("../vendor");
     assert!(path.exists(), "vendor directory missing");
     let mut saw_dir = false;
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
         saw_dir = true;
         let dir = t!(dir);
-        // skip our exceptions
+        // Skip our exceptions.
         let is_exception = EXCEPTIONS.iter().any(|exception| {
@@ -240,18 +240,18 @@
     assert!(saw_dir, "no vendored source");
-/// Checks the dependency of WHITELIST_CRATES at the given path. Changes `bad` to `true` if a check
-/// failed.
+/// Checks the dependency of `WHITELIST_CRATES` at the given path. Changes `bad` to `true` if a
+/// check failed.
-/// Specifically, this checks that the dependencies are on the WHITELIST.
+/// Specifically, this checks that the dependencies are on the `WHITELIST`.
 pub fn check_whitelist(path: &Path, cargo: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
-    // Get dependencies from cargo metadata
+    // Get dependencies from Cargo metadata.
     let resolve = get_deps(path, cargo);
-    // Get the whitelist into a convenient form
+    // Get the whitelist in a convenient form.
     let whitelist: HashSet<_> = WHITELIST.iter().cloned().collect();
-    // Check dependencies
+    // Check dependencies.
     let mut visited = BTreeSet::new();
     let mut unapproved = BTreeSet::new();
     for &krate in WHITELIST_CRATES.iter() {
@@ -308,9 +308,9 @@
-/// Get the dependencies of the crate at the given path using `cargo metadata`.
+/// Gets the dependencies of the crate at the given path using `cargo metadata`.
 fn get_deps(path: &Path, cargo: &Path) -> Resolve {
-    // Run `cargo metadata` to get the set of dependencies
+    // Run `cargo metadata` to get the set of dependencies.
     let output = Command::new(cargo)
@@ -335,25 +335,25 @@
     krate: CrateVersion<'a>,
     must_be_on_whitelist: bool,
 ) -> BTreeSet<Crate<'a>> {
-    // Will contain bad deps
+    // This will contain bad deps.
     let mut unapproved = BTreeSet::new();
-    // Check if we have already visited this crate
+    // Check if we have already visited this crate.
     if visited.contains(&krate) {
         return unapproved;
-    // If this path is in-tree, we don't require it to be on the whitelist
+    // If this path is in-tree, we don't require it to be on the whitelist.
     if must_be_on_whitelist {
-        // If this dependency is not on the WHITELIST, add to bad set
+        // If this dependency is not on `WHITELIST`, add to bad set.
         if !whitelist.contains(&krate.into()) {
-    // Do a DFS in the crate graph (it's a DAG, so we know we have no cycles!)
+    // Do a DFS in the crate graph (it's a DAG, so we know we have no cycles!).
     let to_check = resolve
@@ -372,9 +372,10 @@
 fn check_crate_duplicate(resolve: &Resolve, bad: &mut bool) {
     const FORBIDDEN_TO_HAVE_DUPLICATES: &[&str] = &[
-        // These two crates take quite a long time to build, let's not let two
-        // versions of them accidentally sneak into our dependency graph to
-        // ensure we keep our CI times under control
+        // These two crates take quite a long time to build, so don't allow two versions of them
+        // to accidentally sneak into our dependency graph, in order to ensure we keep our CI times
+        // under control.
         // "cargo", // FIXME(#53005)
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 212b1a4..76ebc9b 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
         t!(t!(File::open(file)).read_to_string(&mut contents));
-        // In the register_long_diagnostics! macro, entries look like this:
+        // In the `register_long_diagnostics!` macro, entries look like this:
+        // ```
         // EXXXX: r##"
         // <Long diagnostic message>
         // "##,
+        // ```
         // and these long messages often have error codes themselves inside
         // them, but we don't want to report duplicates in these cases. This
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 8b5021e..52e263d 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
-// ! Check for external package sources. Allow only vendorable packages.
+//! Check for external package sources. Allow only vendorable packages.
 use std::fs;
 use std::path::Path;
-/// List of whitelisted sources for packages
+/// List of whitelisted sources for packages.
 const WHITELISTED_SOURCES: &[&str] = &[
-/// check for external package sources
+/// Checks for external package sources.
 pub fn check(path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
-    // Cargo.lock of rust (tidy runs inside src/)
+    // `Cargo.lock` of rust (tidy runs inside `src/`).
     let path = path.join("../Cargo.lock");
-    // open and read the whole file
+    // Open and read the whole file.
     let cargo_lock = t!(fs::read_to_string(&path));
-    // process each line
+    // Process each line.
     for line in cargo_lock.lines() {
-        // consider only source entries
+        // Consider only source entries.
         if ! line.starts_with("source = ") {
-        // extract source value
+        // Extract source value.
         let source = line.splitn(2, '=').nth(1).unwrap().trim();
-        // ensure source is whitelisted
+        // Ensure source is whitelisted.
         if !WHITELISTED_SOURCES.contains(&&*source) {
             println!("invalid source: {}", source);
             *bad = true;
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 2435a0c..16f2e3b 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-//! Tidy check to ensure that unstable features are all in order
+//! Tidy check to ensure that unstable features are all in order.
 //! This check will ensure properties like:
-//! * All stability attributes look reasonably well formed
-//! * The set of library features is disjoint from the set of language features
-//! * Library features have at most one stability level
-//! * Library features have at most one `since` value
-//! * All unstable lang features have tests to ensure they are actually unstable
+//! * All stability attributes look reasonably well formed.
+//! * The set of library features is disjoint from the set of language features.
+//! * Library features have at most one stability level.
+//! * Library features have at most one `since` value.
+//! * All unstable lang features have tests to ensure they are actually unstable.
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::fmt;
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
 pub fn collect_lang_features(base_src_path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) -> Features {
     let contents = t!(fs::read_to_string(base_src_path.join("libsyntax/")));
-    // we allow rustc-internal features to omit a tracking issue.
-    // these features must be marked with `// rustc internal` in its own group.
+    // We allow rustc-internal features to omit a tracking issue.
+    // These features must be marked with a `// rustc internal` in its own group.
     let mut next_feature_is_rustc_internal = false;
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
             becoming_feature = None;
             if line.contains("rustc_const_unstable(") {
-                // const fn features are handled specially
+                // `const fn` features are handled specially.
                 let feature_name = match find_attr_val(line, "feature") {
                     Some(name) => name,
                     None => err!("malformed stability attribute"),
@@ -337,9 +337,8 @@
                     since: "None".to_owned(),
                     has_gate_test: false,
                     // FIXME(#57563): #57563 is now used as a common tracking issue,
-                    // although we would like to have specific tracking
-                    // issues for each `rustc_const_unstable` in the
-                    // future.
+                    // although we would like to have specific tracking issues for each
+                    // `rustc_const_unstable` in the future.
                     tracking_issue: Some(57563),
                 mf(Ok((feature_name, feature)), file, i + 1);
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 58220c4..a103325 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//! Library used by tidy and other tools
+//! Library used by tidy and other tools.
 //! This library contains the tidy lints and exposes it
 //! to be used by tools.
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index e705e2d..81b7b2a 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//! Tidy checks source code in this repository
+//! Tidy checks source code in this repository.
 //! This program runs all of the various tidy checks for style, cleanliness,
 //! etc. This is run by default on `make check` and as part of the auto
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index a34712d..ce5e15a 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//! Tidy check to enforce rules about platform-specific code in std
+//! Tidy check to enforce rules about platform-specific code in std.
 //! This is intended to maintain existing standards of code
 //! organization in hopes that the standard library will continue to
@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
 //! Following are the basic rules, though there are currently
 //! exceptions:
-//! - core may not have platform-specific code
-//! - libpanic_abort may have platform-specific code
-//! - libpanic_unwind may have platform-specific code
-//! - libunwind may have platform-specific code
-//! - other crates in the std facade may not
-//! - std may have platform-specific code in the following places
-//!   - sys/unix/
-//!   - sys/windows/
-//!   - os/
+//! - core may not have platform-specific code.
+//! - libpanic_abort may have platform-specific code.
+//! - libpanic_unwind may have platform-specific code.
+//! - libunwind may have platform-specific code.
+//! - other crates in the std facade may not.
+//! - std may have platform-specific code in the following places:
+//!   - `sys/unix/`
+//!   - `sys/windows/`
+//!   - `os/`
 //! `std/sys_common` should _not_ contain platform-specific code.
 //! Finally, because std contains tests with platform-specific
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 use std::path::Path;
 use std::iter::Iterator;
-// Paths that may contain platform-specific code
+// Paths that may contain platform-specific code.
 const EXCEPTION_PATHS: &[&str] = &[
     // std crates
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
-    "src/libterm", // Not sure how to make this crate portable, but test needs it
-    "src/libtest", // Probably should defer to unstable std::sys APIs
+    "src/libterm", // Not sure how to make this crate portable, but test crate needs it.
+    "src/libtest", // Probably should defer to unstable `std::sys` APIs.
-    // std testing crates, ok for now at least
+    // std testing crates, okay for now at least
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 pub fn check(path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
     let mut contents = String::new();
-    // Sanity check that the complex parsing here works
+    // Sanity check that the complex parsing here works.
     let mut saw_target_arch = false;
     let mut saw_cfg_bang = false;
     super::walk(path, &mut super::filter_dirs, &mut |file| {
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
     // For now it's ok to have platform-specific code after 'mod tests'.
     let mod_tests_idx = find_test_mod(contents);
     let contents = &contents[..mod_tests_idx];
-    // Pull out all "cfg(...)" and "cfg!(...)" strings
+    // Pull out all `cfg(...)` and `cfg!(...)` strings.
     let cfgs = parse_cfgs(contents);
     let mut line_numbers: Option<Vec<usize>> = None;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
     for (idx, cfg) in cfgs {
-        // Sanity check that the parsing here works
+        // Sanity check that the parsing here works.
         if !*saw_target_arch && cfg.contains("target_arch") { *saw_target_arch = true }
         if !*saw_cfg_bang && cfg.contains("cfg!") { *saw_cfg_bang = true }
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 fn find_test_mod(contents: &str) -> usize {
     if let Some(mod_tests_idx) = contents.find("mod tests") {
-        // Also capture a previous line indicating "mod tests" in cfg-ed out
+        // Also capture a previous line indicating that "mod tests" is cfg'd out.
         let prev_newline_idx = contents[..mod_tests_idx].rfind('\n').unwrap_or(mod_tests_idx);
         let prev_newline_idx = contents[..prev_newline_idx].rfind('\n');
         if let Some(nl) = prev_newline_idx {
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
     let candidate_cfgs = contents.match_indices("cfg");
     let candidate_cfg_idxs =|(i, _)| i);
     // This is puling out the indexes of all "cfg" strings
-    // that appear to be tokens succeeded by a paren.
+    // that appear to be tokens followed by a parenthesis.
     let cfgs = candidate_cfg_idxs.filter(|i| {
         let pre_idx = i.saturating_sub(*i);
         let succeeds_non_ident = !contents.as_bytes().get(pre_idx)
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index 42e803b..df54afe 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 //! Example checks are:
-//! * No lines over 100 characters
-//! * No tabs
-//! * No trailing whitespace
-//! * No CR characters
-//! * No `TODO` or `XXX` directives
-//! * No unexplained ` ```ignore ` or ` ```rust,ignore ` doc tests
+//! * No lines over 100 characters.
+//! * No tabs.
+//! * No trailing whitespace.
+//! * No CR characters.
+//! * No `TODO` or `XXX` directives.
+//! * No unexplained ` ```ignore ` or ` ```rust,ignore ` doc tests.
 //! A number of these checks can be opted-out of with various directives like
 //! `// ignore-tidy-linelength`.
@@ -34,15 +34,17 @@
 when executed when assertions are disabled.
 Use llvm::report_fatal_error for increased robustness.";
-/// Parser states for line_is_url.
+/// Parser states for `line_is_url`.
-                EXP_LINK_LABEL_OR_URL,
-                EXP_URL,
-                EXP_END }
+enum LIUState {
+    EXP_URL,
+    EXP_END,
-/// True if LINE appears to be a line comment containing an URL,
+/// Returns whether `line` appears to be a line comment containing an URL,
 /// possibly with a Markdown link label in front, and nothing else.
 /// The Markdown link label, if present, may not contain whitespace.
 /// Lines of this form are allowed to be overlength, because Markdown
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@
     state == EXP_END
-/// True if LINE is allowed to be longer than the normal limit.
+/// Returns whether `line` is allowed to be longer than the normal limit.
 /// Currently there is only one exception, for long URLs, but more
 /// may be added in the future.
 fn long_line_is_ok(line: &str) -> bool {
@@ -109,6 +111,7 @@
         let skip_tab = contents.contains("ignore-tidy-tab");
         let skip_length = contents.contains("ignore-tidy-linelength");
         let skip_end_whitespace = contents.contains("ignore-tidy-end-whitespace");
+        let skip_copyright = contents.contains("ignore-tidy-copyright");
         let mut trailing_new_lines = 0;
         for (i, line) in contents.split('\n').enumerate() {
             let mut err = |msg: &str| {
@@ -118,13 +121,13 @@
                 && !long_line_is_ok(line) {
                     err(&format!("line longer than {} chars", COLS));
-            if line.contains('\t') && !skip_tab {
+            if !skip_tab && line.contains('\t') {
                 err("tab character");
             if !skip_end_whitespace && (line.ends_with(' ') || line.ends_with('\t')) {
                 err("trailing whitespace");
-            if line.contains('\r') && !skip_cr {
+            if !skip_cr && line.contains('\r') {
                 err("CR character");
             if filename != "" {
@@ -135,6 +138,13 @@
                     err("XXX is deprecated; use FIXME")
+            if !skip_copyright && (line.starts_with("// Copyright") ||
+                                   line.starts_with("# Copyright") ||
+                                   line.starts_with("Copyright"))
+                               && (line.contains("Rust Developers") ||
+                                   line.contains("Rust Project Developers")) {
+                err("copyright notices attributed to the Rust Project Developers are deprecated");
+            }
             if line.ends_with("```ignore") || line.ends_with("```rust,ignore") {
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index fa71980..b572b52 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -10,14 +10,16 @@
         &mut |file_path| {
             if let Some(ext) = file_path.extension() {
                 if ext == "stderr" || ext == "stdout" {
-                    // Test output filenames have the format:
+                    // Test output filenames have one of the formats:
+                    // ```
                     // $testname.stderr
                     // $testname.$mode.stderr
                     // $testname.$revision.stderr
                     // $testname.$revision.$mode.stderr
+                    // ```
                     // For now, just make sure that there is a corresponding
-                    // $ file.
+                    // `$` file.
                     let testname = file_path
diff --git a/src/tools/tidy/src/ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
index c09a049..bd3b1f0 100644
--- a/src/tools/tidy/src/
+++ b/src/tools/tidy/src/
@@ -11,22 +11,24 @@
 pub const LIB_FEATURES_DIR: &str = "library-features";
-/// Build the path to the Unstable Book source directory from the Rust 'src' directory
+/// Builds the path to the Unstable Book source directory from the Rust 'src' directory.
 pub fn unstable_book_path(base_src_path: &path::Path) -> path::PathBuf {
-/// Directory where the features are documented within the Unstable Book source directory
+/// Builds the path to the directory where the features are documented within the Unstable Book
+/// source directory.
 pub fn unstable_book_lang_features_path(base_src_path: &path::Path) -> path::PathBuf {
-/// Directory where the features are documented within the Unstable Book source directory
+/// Builds the path to the directory where the features are documented within the Unstable Book
+/// source directory.
 pub fn unstable_book_lib_features_path(base_src_path: &path::Path) -> path::PathBuf {
-/// Test to determine if DirEntry is a file
+/// Tests whether `DirEntry` is a file.
 fn dir_entry_is_file(dir_entry: &fs::DirEntry) -> bool {
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@
-/// Retrieve names of all unstable features
+/// Retrieves names of all unstable features.
 pub fn collect_unstable_feature_names(features: &Features) -> BTreeSet<String> {
@@ -56,24 +58,23 @@
 /// Retrieve file names of all library feature sections in the Unstable Book with:
-/// * hyphens replaced by underscores
-/// * the markdown suffix ('.md') removed
+/// * hyphens replaced by underscores,
+/// * the markdown suffix ('.md') removed.
 fn collect_unstable_book_lang_features_section_file_names(base_src_path: &path::Path)
                                                           -> BTreeSet<String> {
-/// Retrieve file names of all language feature sections in the Unstable Book with:
+/// Retrieves file names of all language feature sections in the Unstable Book with:
-/// * hyphens replaced by underscores
-/// * the markdown suffix ('.md') removed
+/// * hyphens replaced by underscores,
+/// * the markdown suffix ('.md') removed.
 fn collect_unstable_book_lib_features_section_file_names(base_src_path: &path::Path)
                                                          -> BTreeSet<String> {
 pub fn check(path: &path::Path, bad: &mut bool) {
     // Library features
     let lang_features = collect_lang_features(path, bad);
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
     let unstable_book_lang_features_section_file_names =
-    // Check for Unstable Book sections that don't have a corresponding unstable feature
+    // Check for Unstable Book sections that don't have a corresponding unstable feature.
     for feature_name in &unstable_book_lang_features_section_file_names -
                         &unstable_lang_feature_names {
@@ -109,8 +110,8 @@
-    // List unstable features that don't have Unstable Book sections
-    // Remove the comment marker if you want the list printed
+    // List unstable features that don't have Unstable Book sections.
+    // Remove the comment marker if you want the list printed.
     println!("Lib features without unstable book sections:");
     for feature_name in &unstable_lang_feature_names -