blob: f0f72f5d27f7675d22555be033b3926cd869121e [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that we are NOT able to establish that `<T as
// MyTrait<'a>>::Output: 'a` outlives `'a` here -- we have only one
// recourse, which is to prove that `T: 'a` and `'a: 'a`, but we don't
// know that `T: 'a`.
trait MyTrait<'a> {
type Output;
fn foo<'a, T>() -> &'a ()
T: MyTrait<'a>,
bar::<T::Output>() //~ ERROR the parameter type `T` may not live long enough
fn bar<'a, T>() -> &'a ()
T: 'a,
fn main() {}