blob: a5107d304386f6b56b0caeaa1edfd4f9ce588982 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// compile-flags: -Z identify_regions -Z span_free_formats -Z emit-end-regions
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// A scenario with significant destruction code extents (which have
// suffix "dce" in current `-Z identify_regions` rendering).
fn main() {
// Since the second param to `D1` is may_dangle, it is legal for
// the region of that parameter to end before the drop code for D1
// is executed.
(D1(&S1("ex1"), &S1("dang1"))).0;
struct S1(&'static str);
struct D1<'a, 'b>(&'a S1, &'b S1);
// The `#[may_dangle]` means that references of type `&'b _` may be
// invalid during the execution of this destructor; i.e. in this case
// the destructor code is not allowed to read or write `*self.1`, while
// it can read/write `*self.0`.
unsafe impl<'a, #[may_dangle] 'b> Drop for D1<'a, 'b> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("D1({:?}, _)", self.0);
// Notes on the MIR output below:
// 1. The `EndRegion('13s)` is allowed to precede the `drop(_3)`
// solely because of the #[may_dangle] mentioned above.
// 2. Regarding the occurrence of `EndRegion('15ds)` *after* `StorageDead(_6)`
// (where we have borrows `&'15ds _6`): Eventually:
// i. this code should be rejected (by mir-borrowck), or
// ii. the MIR code generation should be changed so that the
// EndRegion('15ds)` precedes `StorageDead(_6)` in the
// control-flow. (Note: arielb1 views drop+storagedead as one
// unit, and does not see this option as a useful avenue to
// explore.), or
// iii. the presence of EndRegion should be made irrelevant by a
// transformation encoding the effects of rvalue-promotion.
// This may be the simplest and most-likely option; note in
// particular that `StorageDead(_6)` goes away below in
// rustc.main.QualifyAndPromoteConstants.after.mir
// START rustc.main.QualifyAndPromoteConstants.before.mir
// fn main() -> () {
// let mut _0: ();
// let mut _1: &'15ds S1;
// let mut _2: D1<'15ds, '13s>;
// let mut _3: &'15ds S1;
// let mut _4: &'15ds S1;
// let _5: S1;
// let mut _6: &'13s S1;
// let mut _7: &'13s S1;
// let _8: S1;
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_2);
// StorageLive(_3);
// StorageLive(_4);
// StorageLive(_5);
// _5 = S1::{{constructor}}(const "ex1",);
// _4 = &'15ds _5;
// _3 = &'15ds (*_4);
// StorageLive(_6);
// StorageLive(_7);
// StorageLive(_8);
// _8 = S1::{{constructor}}(const "dang1",);
// _7 = &'13s _8;
// _6 = &'13s (*_7);
// _2 = D1<'15ds, '13s>::{{constructor}}(move _3, move _6);
// EndRegion('13s);
// StorageDead(_6);
// StorageDead(_3);
// _1 = (_2.0: &'15ds S1);
// drop(_2) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb1];
// }
// bb1: {
// resume;
// }
// bb2: {
// StorageDead(_2);
// StorageDead(_7);
// StorageDead(_8);
// StorageDead(_4);
// StorageDead(_5);
// EndRegion('15ds);
// _0 = ();
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.main.QualifyAndPromoteConstants.before.mir
// START rustc.main.QualifyAndPromoteConstants.after.mir
// fn main() -> (){
// let mut _0: ();
// let mut _1: &'15ds S1;
// let mut _2: D1<'15ds, '13s>;
// let mut _3: &'15ds S1;
// let mut _4: &'15ds S1;
// let _5: S1;
// let mut _6: &'13s S1;
// let mut _7: &'13s S1;
// let _8: S1;
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_2);
// StorageLive(_3);
// StorageLive(_4);
// _4 = &'15ds (promoted[1]: S1);
// _3 = &'15ds (*_4);
// StorageLive(_6);
// StorageLive(_7);
// _7 = &'13s (promoted[0]: S1);
// _6 = &'13s (*_7);
// _2 = D1<'15ds, '13s>::{{constructor}}(move _3, move _6);
// EndRegion('13s);
// StorageDead(_6);
// StorageDead(_3);
// _1 = (_2.0: &'15ds S1);
// drop(_2) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb1];
// }
// bb1: {
// resume;
// }
// bb2: {
// StorageDead(_2);
// StorageDead(_7);
// StorageDead(_4);
// EndRegion('15ds);
// _0 = ();
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.main.QualifyAndPromoteConstants.after.mir