blob: 265d80ed8bc595543652228477b62dd016e26bdd [file] [log] [blame]
//! Code related to match expressions. These are sufficiently complex to
//! warrant their own module and submodules. :) This main module includes the
//! high-level algorithm, the submodules contain the details.
//! This also includes code for pattern bindings in `let` statements and
//! function parameters.
use crate::build::expr::as_place::{PlaceBase, PlaceBuilder};
use crate::build::scope::DropKind;
use crate::build::ForGuard::{self, OutsideGuard, RefWithinGuard};
use crate::build::{BlockAnd, BlockAndExtension, Builder};
use crate::build::{GuardFrame, GuardFrameLocal, LocalsForNode};
use rustc_data_structures::{
fx::{FxHashSet, FxIndexMap, FxIndexSet},
use rustc_hir::{BindingMode, ByRef};
use rustc_middle::middle::region;
use rustc_middle::mir::{self, *};
use rustc_middle::thir::{self, *};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation, Ty};
use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol;
use rustc_span::{BytePos, Pos, Span};
use rustc_target::abi::VariantIdx;
// helper functions, broken out by category:
mod simplify;
mod test;
mod util;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::mem;
/// Arguments to [`Builder::then_else_break_inner`] that are usually forwarded
/// to recursive invocations.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct ThenElseArgs {
/// Used as the temp scope for lowering `expr`. If absent (for match guards),
/// `self.local_scope()` is used.
temp_scope_override: Option<region::Scope>,
variable_source_info: SourceInfo,
/// Forwarded to [`Builder::lower_let_expr`] when lowering [`ExprKind::Let`].
/// When false (for match guards), `let` bindings won't be declared.
declare_let_bindings: bool,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
/// Lowers a condition in a way that ensures that variables bound in any let
/// expressions are definitely initialized in the if body.
/// If `declare_let_bindings` is false then variables created in `let`
/// expressions will not be declared. This is for if let guards on arms with
/// an or pattern, where the guard is lowered multiple times.
pub(crate) fn then_else_break(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
expr_id: ExprId,
temp_scope_override: Option<region::Scope>,
variable_source_info: SourceInfo,
declare_let_bindings: bool,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
ThenElseArgs { temp_scope_override, variable_source_info, declare_let_bindings },
fn then_else_break_inner(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock, // Block that the condition and branch will be lowered into
expr_id: ExprId, // Condition expression to lower
args: ThenElseArgs,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
let this = self;
let expr = &this.thir[expr_id];
let expr_span = expr.span;
match expr.kind {
ExprKind::LogicalOp { op: LogicalOp::And, lhs, rhs } => {
let lhs_then_block = unpack!(this.then_else_break_inner(block, lhs, args));
let rhs_then_block = unpack!(this.then_else_break_inner(lhs_then_block, rhs, args));
ExprKind::LogicalOp { op: LogicalOp::Or, lhs, rhs } => {
let local_scope = this.local_scope();
let (lhs_success_block, failure_block) =
this.in_if_then_scope(local_scope, expr_span, |this| {
ThenElseArgs { declare_let_bindings: true, ..args },
let rhs_success_block = unpack!(this.then_else_break_inner(
ThenElseArgs { declare_let_bindings: true, ..args },
// Make the LHS and RHS success arms converge to a common block.
// (We can't just make LHS goto RHS, because `rhs_success_block`
// might contain statements that we don't want on the LHS path.)
let success_block = this.cfg.start_new_block();
this.cfg.goto(lhs_success_block, args.variable_source_info, success_block);
this.cfg.goto(rhs_success_block, args.variable_source_info, success_block);
ExprKind::Unary { op: UnOp::Not, arg } => {
// Improve branch coverage instrumentation by noting conditions
// nested within one or more `!` expressions.
// (Skipped if branch coverage is not enabled.)
if let Some(branch_info) = this.coverage_branch_info.as_mut() {
branch_info.visit_unary_not(this.thir, expr_id);
let local_scope = this.local_scope();
let (success_block, failure_block) =
this.in_if_then_scope(local_scope, expr_span, |this| {
// Help out coverage instrumentation by injecting a dummy statement with
// the original condition's span (including `!`). This fixes #115468.
if this.tcx.sess.instrument_coverage() {
this.cfg.push_coverage_span_marker(block, this.source_info(expr_span));
ThenElseArgs { declare_let_bindings: true, ..args },
this.break_for_else(success_block, args.variable_source_info);
ExprKind::Scope { region_scope, lint_level, value } => {
let region_scope = (region_scope, this.source_info(expr_span));
this.in_scope(region_scope, lint_level, |this| {
this.then_else_break_inner(block, value, args)
ExprKind::Use { source } => this.then_else_break_inner(block, source, args),
ExprKind::Let { expr, ref pat } => this.lower_let_expr(
_ => {
let mut block = block;
let temp_scope = args.temp_scope_override.unwrap_or_else(|| this.local_scope());
let mutability = Mutability::Mut;
let place =
unpack!(block = this.as_temp(block, Some(temp_scope), expr_id, mutability));
let operand = Operand::Move(Place::from(place));
let then_block = this.cfg.start_new_block();
let else_block = this.cfg.start_new_block();
let term = TerminatorKind::if_(operand, then_block, else_block);
// Record branch coverage info for this condition.
// (Does nothing if branch coverage is not enabled.)
this.visit_coverage_branch_condition(expr_id, then_block, else_block);
let source_info = this.source_info(expr_span);
this.cfg.terminate(block, source_info, term);
this.break_for_else(else_block, source_info);
/// Generates MIR for a `match` expression.
/// The MIR that we generate for a match looks like this.
/// ```text
/// [ 0. Pre-match ]
/// |
/// [ 1. Evaluate Scrutinee (expression being matched on) ]
/// [ (PlaceMention of scrutinee) ]
/// |
/// [ 2. Decision tree -- check discriminants ] <--------+
/// | |
/// | (once a specific arm is chosen) |
/// | |
/// [pre_binding_block] [otherwise_block]
/// | |
/// [ 3. Create "guard bindings" for arm ] |
/// [ (create fake borrows) ] |
/// | |
/// [ 4. Execute guard code ] |
/// [ (read fake borrows) ] --(guard is false)-----------+
/// |
/// | (guard results in true)
/// |
/// [ 5. Create real bindings and execute arm ]
/// |
/// [ Exit match ]
/// ```
/// All of the different arms have been stacked on top of each other to
/// simplify the diagram. For an arm with no guard the blocks marked 3 and
/// 4 and the fake borrows are omitted.
/// We generate MIR in the following steps:
/// 1. Evaluate the scrutinee and add the PlaceMention of it ([Builder::lower_scrutinee]).
/// 2. Create the decision tree ([Builder::lower_match_tree]).
/// 3. Determine the fake borrows that are needed from the places that were
/// matched against and create the required temporaries for them
/// ([Builder::calculate_fake_borrows]).
/// 4. Create everything else: the guards and the arms ([Builder::lower_match_arms]).
/// ## False edges
/// We don't want to have the exact structure of the decision tree be visible through borrow
/// checking. Specifically we want borrowck to think that:
/// - at any point, any or none of the patterns and guards seen so far may have been tested;
/// - after the match, any of the patterns may have matched.
/// For example, all of these would fail to error if borrowck could see the real CFG (examples
/// taken from `tests/ui/nll/`):
/// ```ignore (too many errors, this is already in the test suite)
/// let x = String::new();
/// let _ = match true {
/// _ => {},
/// _ => drop(x),
/// };
/// // Borrowck must not know the second arm is never run.
/// drop(x); //~ ERROR use of moved value
/// let x;
/// # let y = true;
/// match y {
/// _ if { x = 2; true } => {},
/// // Borrowck must not know the guard is always run.
/// _ => drop(x), //~ ERROR used binding `x` is possibly-uninitialized
/// };
/// let x = String::new();
/// # let y = true;
/// match y {
/// false if { drop(x); true } => {},
/// // Borrowck must not know the guard is not run in the `true` case.
/// true => drop(x), //~ ERROR use of moved value: `x`
/// false => {},
/// };
/// # let mut y = (true, true);
/// let r = &mut y.1;
/// match y {
/// //~^ ERROR cannot use `y.1` because it was mutably borrowed
/// (false, true) => {}
/// // Borrowck must not know we don't test `y.1` when `y.0` is `true`.
/// (true, _) => drop(r),
/// (false, _) => {}
/// };
/// ```
/// We add false edges to act as if we were naively matching each arm in order. What we need is
/// a (fake) path from each candidate to the next, specifically from candidate C's pre-binding
/// block to next candidate D's pre-binding block. For maximum precision (needed for deref
/// patterns), we choose the earliest node on D's success path that doesn't also lead to C (to
/// avoid loops).
/// This turns out to be easy to compute: that block is the `start_block` of the first call to
/// `match_candidates` where D is the first candidate in the list.
/// For example:
/// ```rust
/// # let (x, y) = (true, true);
/// match (x, y) {
/// (true, true) => 1,
/// (false, true) => 2,
/// (true, false) => 3,
/// _ => 4,
/// }
/// # ;
/// ```
/// In this example, the pre-binding block of arm 1 has a false edge to the block for result
/// `false` of the first test on `x`. The other arms have false edges to the pre-binding blocks
/// of the next arm.
/// On top of this, we also add a false edge from the otherwise_block of each guard to the
/// aforementioned start block of the next candidate, to ensure borrock doesn't rely on which
/// guards may have run.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, arms))]
pub(crate) fn match_expr(
&mut self,
destination: Place<'tcx>,
mut block: BasicBlock,
scrutinee_id: ExprId,
arms: &[ArmId],
span: Span,
scrutinee_span: Span,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
let scrutinee_place =
unpack!(block = self.lower_scrutinee(block, scrutinee_id, scrutinee_span));
let mut arm_candidates = self.create_match_candidates(&scrutinee_place, arms);
let match_has_guard = arm_candidates.iter().any(|(_, candidate)| candidate.has_guard);
let mut candidates =
arm_candidates.iter_mut().map(|(_, candidate)| candidate).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let match_start_span = span.shrink_to_lo().to(scrutinee_span);
let fake_borrow_temps = self.lower_match_tree(
&mut candidates,
/// Evaluate the scrutinee and add the PlaceMention for it.
fn lower_scrutinee(
&mut self,
mut block: BasicBlock,
scrutinee_id: ExprId,
scrutinee_span: Span,
) -> BlockAnd<PlaceBuilder<'tcx>> {
let scrutinee_place_builder = unpack!(block = self.as_place_builder(block, scrutinee_id));
if let Some(scrutinee_place) = scrutinee_place_builder.try_to_place(self) {
let source_info = self.source_info(scrutinee_span);
self.cfg.push_place_mention(block, source_info, scrutinee_place);
/// Create the initial `Candidate`s for a `match` expression.
fn create_match_candidates<'pat>(
&mut self,
scrutinee: &PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
arms: &'pat [ArmId],
) -> Vec<(&'pat Arm<'tcx>, Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>)>
'a: 'pat,
// Assemble a list of candidates: there is one candidate per pattern,
// which means there may be more than one candidate *per arm*.
.map(|arm| {
let arm = &self.thir[arm];
let arm_has_guard = arm.guard.is_some();
let arm_candidate =
Candidate::new(scrutinee.clone(), &arm.pattern, arm_has_guard, self);
(arm, arm_candidate)
/// Create the decision tree for the match expression, starting from `block`.
/// Modifies `candidates` to store the bindings and type ascriptions for
/// that candidate.
/// Returns the places that need fake borrows because we bind or test them.
fn lower_match_tree<'pat>(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
scrutinee_span: Span,
scrutinee_place_builder: &PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
match_start_span: Span,
match_has_guard: bool,
candidates: &mut [&mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>],
) -> Vec<(Place<'tcx>, Local)> {
// The set of places that we are creating fake borrows of. If there are
// no match guards then we don't need any fake borrows, so don't track
// them.
let fake_borrows = match_has_guard
.then(|| util::FakeBorrowCollector::collect_fake_borrows(self, candidates));
// See the doc comment on `match_candidates` for why we have an
// otherwise block. Match checking will ensure this is actually
// unreachable.
let otherwise_block = self.cfg.start_new_block();
// This will generate code to test scrutinee_place and
// branch to the appropriate arm block
self.match_candidates(match_start_span, scrutinee_span, block, otherwise_block, candidates);
let source_info = self.source_info(scrutinee_span);
// Matching on a `scrutinee_place` with an uninhabited type doesn't
// generate any memory reads by itself, and so if the place "expression"
// contains unsafe operations like raw pointer dereferences or union
// field projections, we wouldn't know to require an `unsafe` block
// around a `match` equivalent to `std::intrinsics::unreachable()`.
// See issue #47412 for this hole being discovered in the wild.
// HACK(eddyb) Work around the above issue by adding a dummy inspection
// of `scrutinee_place`, specifically by applying `ReadForMatch`.
// NOTE: ReadForMatch also checks that the scrutinee is initialized.
// This is currently needed to not allow matching on an uninitialized,
// uninhabited value. If we get never patterns, those will check that
// the place is initialized, and so this read would only be used to
// check safety.
let cause_matched_place = FakeReadCause::ForMatchedPlace(None);
if let Some(scrutinee_place) = scrutinee_place_builder.try_to_place(self) {
self.cfg.terminate(otherwise_block, source_info, TerminatorKind::Unreachable);
// Link each leaf candidate to the `pre_binding_block` of the next one.
let mut previous_candidate: Option<&mut Candidate<'_, '_>> = None;
for candidate in candidates {
candidate.visit_leaves(|leaf_candidate| {
if let Some(ref mut prev) = previous_candidate {
prev.next_candidate_start_block = leaf_candidate.false_edge_start_block;
previous_candidate = Some(leaf_candidate);
if let Some(ref borrows) = fake_borrows {
self.calculate_fake_borrows(borrows, scrutinee_place_builder.base(), scrutinee_span)
} else {
/// Lower the bindings, guards and arm bodies of a `match` expression.
/// The decision tree should have already been created
/// (by [Builder::lower_match_tree]).
/// `outer_source_info` is the SourceInfo for the whole match.
fn lower_match_arms(
&mut self,
destination: Place<'tcx>,
scrutinee_place_builder: PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
scrutinee_span: Span,
arm_candidates: Vec<(&'_ Arm<'tcx>, Candidate<'_, 'tcx>)>,
outer_source_info: SourceInfo,
fake_borrow_temps: Vec<(Place<'tcx>, Local)>,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
let arm_end_blocks: Vec<_> = arm_candidates
.map(|(arm, candidate)| {
debug!("lowering arm {:?}\ncandidate = {:?}", arm, candidate);
let arm_source_info = self.source_info(arm.span);
let arm_scope = (arm.scope, arm_source_info);
let match_scope = self.local_scope();
self.in_scope(arm_scope, arm.lint_level, |this| {
let old_dedup_scope =
mem::replace(&mut this.fixed_temps_scope, Some(arm.scope));
// `try_to_place` may fail if it is unable to resolve the given
// `PlaceBuilder` inside a closure. In this case, we don't want to include
// a scrutinee place. `scrutinee_place_builder` will fail to be resolved
// if the only match arm is a wildcard (`_`).
// Example:
// ```
// let foo = (0, 1);
// let c = || {
// match foo { _ => () };
// };
// ```
let scrutinee_place = scrutinee_place_builder.try_to_place(this);
let opt_scrutinee_place =
scrutinee_place.as_ref().map(|place| (Some(place), scrutinee_span));
let scope = this.declare_bindings(
let arm_block = this.bind_pattern(
Some((arm, match_scope)),
this.fixed_temps_scope = old_dedup_scope;
if let Some(source_scope) = scope {
this.source_scope = source_scope;
this.expr_into_dest(destination, arm_block, arm.body)
// all the arm blocks will rejoin here
let end_block = self.cfg.start_new_block();
let end_brace = self.source_info(
outer_source_info.span.with_lo(outer_source_info.span.hi() - BytePos::from_usize(1)),
for arm_block in arm_end_blocks {
let block = &self.cfg.basic_blocks[arm_block.0];
let last_location = block.statements.last().map(|s| s.source_info);
self.cfg.goto(unpack!(arm_block), last_location.unwrap_or(end_brace), end_block);
self.source_scope = outer_source_info.scope;
/// Binds the variables and ascribes types for a given `match` arm or
/// `let` binding.
/// Also check if the guard matches, if it's provided.
/// `arm_scope` should be `Some` if and only if this is called for a
/// `match` arm.
fn bind_pattern(
&mut self,
outer_source_info: SourceInfo,
candidate: Candidate<'_, 'tcx>,
fake_borrow_temps: &[(Place<'tcx>, Local)],
scrutinee_span: Span,
arm_match_scope: Option<(&Arm<'tcx>, region::Scope)>,
storages_alive: bool,
) -> BasicBlock {
if candidate.subcandidates.is_empty() {
// Avoid generating another `BasicBlock` when we only have one
// candidate.
} else {
// It's helpful to avoid scheduling drops multiple times to save
// drop elaboration from having to clean up the extra drops.
// If we are in a `let` then we only schedule drops for the first
// candidate.
// If we're in a `match` arm then we could have a case like so:
// Ok(x) | Err(x) if return => { /* ... */ }
// In this case we don't want a drop of `x` scheduled when we
// return: it isn't bound by move until right before enter the arm.
// To handle this we instead unschedule it's drop after each time
// we lower the guard.
let target_block = self.cfg.start_new_block();
let mut schedule_drops = true;
let arm = arm_match_scope.unzip().0;
// We keep a stack of all of the bindings and type ascriptions
// from the parent candidates that we visit, that also need to
// be bound for each candidate.
&mut Vec::new(),
&mut |leaf_candidate, parent_data| {
if let Some(arm) = arm {
let binding_end = self.bind_and_guard_matched_candidate(
if arm.is_none() {
schedule_drops = false;
self.cfg.goto(binding_end, outer_source_info, target_block);
|inner_candidate, parent_data| {
|parent_data| {
pub(super) fn expr_into_pattern(
&mut self,
mut block: BasicBlock,
irrefutable_pat: &Pat<'tcx>,
initializer_id: ExprId,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
match irrefutable_pat.kind {
// Optimize the case of `let x = ...` to write directly into `x`
PatKind::Binding { mode: BindingMode(ByRef::No, _), var, subpattern: None, .. } => {
let place =
self.storage_live_binding(block, var, irrefutable_pat.span, OutsideGuard, true);
unpack!(block = self.expr_into_dest(place, block, initializer_id));
// Inject a fake read, see comments on `FakeReadCause::ForLet`.
let source_info = self.source_info(irrefutable_pat.span);
self.cfg.push_fake_read(block, source_info, FakeReadCause::ForLet(None), place);
self.schedule_drop_for_binding(var, irrefutable_pat.span, OutsideGuard);
// Optimize the case of `let x: T = ...` to write directly
// into `x` and then require that `T == typeof(x)`.
// Weirdly, this is needed to prevent the
// `` test case from crashing. That
// test works with uninitialized values in a rather
// dubious way, so it may be that the test is kind of
// broken.
PatKind::AscribeUserType {
box Pat {
PatKind::Binding {
mode: BindingMode(ByRef::No, _),
subpattern: None,
ascription: thir::Ascription { ref annotation, variance: _ },
} => {
let place =
self.storage_live_binding(block, var, irrefutable_pat.span, OutsideGuard, true);
unpack!(block = self.expr_into_dest(place, block, initializer_id));
// Inject a fake read, see comments on `FakeReadCause::ForLet`.
let pattern_source_info = self.source_info(irrefutable_pat.span);
let cause_let = FakeReadCause::ForLet(None);
self.cfg.push_fake_read(block, pattern_source_info, cause_let, place);
let ty_source_info = self.source_info(annotation.span);
let base = self.canonical_user_type_annotations.push(annotation.clone());
Statement {
source_info: ty_source_info,
kind: StatementKind::AscribeUserType(
Box::new((place, UserTypeProjection { base, projs: Vec::new() })),
// We always use invariant as the variance here. This is because the
// variance field from the ascription refers to the variance to use
// when applying the type to the value being matched, but this
// ascription applies rather to the type of the binding. e.g., in this
// example:
// ```
// let x: T = <expr>
// ```
// We are creating an ascription that defines the type of `x` to be
// exactly `T` (i.e., with invariance). The variance field, in
// contrast, is intended to be used to relate `T` to the type of
// `<expr>`.
self.schedule_drop_for_binding(var, irrefutable_pat.span, OutsideGuard);
_ => {
let initializer = &self.thir[initializer_id];
let place_builder =
unpack!(block = self.lower_scrutinee(block, initializer_id, initializer.span));
self.place_into_pattern(block, irrefutable_pat, place_builder, true)
pub(crate) fn place_into_pattern(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
irrefutable_pat: &Pat<'tcx>,
initializer: PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
set_match_place: bool,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
let mut candidate = Candidate::new(initializer.clone(), irrefutable_pat, false, self);
let fake_borrow_temps = self.lower_match_tree(
&mut [&mut candidate],
// For matches and function arguments, the place that is being matched
// can be set when creating the variables. But the place for
// let PATTERN = ... might not even exist until we do the assignment.
// so we set it here instead.
if set_match_place {
let mut next = Some(&candidate);
while let Some(candidate_ref) = next.take() {
for binding in &candidate_ref.extra_data.bindings {
let local = self.var_local_id(binding.var_id, OutsideGuard);
// `try_to_place` may fail if it is unable to resolve the given
// `PlaceBuilder` inside a closure. In this case, we don't want to include
// a scrutinee place. `scrutinee_place_builder` will fail for destructured
// assignments. This is because a closure only captures the precise places
// that it will read and as a result a closure may not capture the entire
// tuple/struct and rather have individual places that will be read in the
// final MIR.
// Example:
// ```
// let foo = (0, 1);
// let c = || {
// let (v1, v2) = foo;
// };
// ```
if let Some(place) = initializer.try_to_place(self) {
let LocalInfo::User(BindingForm::Var(VarBindingForm {
opt_match_place: Some((ref mut match_place, _)),
})) = **self.local_decls[local].local_info.as_mut().assert_crate_local()
else {
bug!("Let binding to non-user variable.")
*match_place = Some(place);
// All of the subcandidates should bind the same locals, so we
// only visit the first one.
next = candidate_ref.subcandidates.get(0)
/// Declares the bindings of the given patterns and returns the visibility
/// scope for the bindings in these patterns, if such a scope had to be
/// created. NOTE: Declaring the bindings should always be done in their
/// drop scope.
#[instrument(skip(self), level = "debug")]
pub(crate) fn declare_bindings(
&mut self,
mut visibility_scope: Option<SourceScope>,
scope_span: Span,
pattern: &Pat<'tcx>,
guard: Option<ExprId>,
opt_match_place: Option<(Option<&Place<'tcx>>, Span)>,
) -> Option<SourceScope> {
&mut |this, name, mode, var, span, ty, user_ty| {
if visibility_scope.is_none() {
visibility_scope =
Some(this.new_source_scope(scope_span, LintLevel::Inherited));
let source_info = SourceInfo { span, scope: this.source_scope };
let visibility_scope = visibility_scope.unwrap();
ArmHasGuard(guard.is_some()),|(x, y)| (x.cloned(), y)),
if let Some(guard_expr) = guard {
self.declare_guard_bindings(guard_expr, scope_span, visibility_scope);
/// Declare bindings in a guard. This has to be done when declaring bindings
/// for an arm to ensure that or patterns only have one version of each
/// variable.
pub(crate) fn declare_guard_bindings(
&mut self,
guard_expr: ExprId,
scope_span: Span,
visibility_scope: Option<SourceScope>,
) {
match self.thir.exprs[guard_expr].kind {
ExprKind::Let { expr: _, pat: ref guard_pat } => {
// FIXME: pass a proper `opt_match_place`
self.declare_bindings(visibility_scope, scope_span, guard_pat, None, None);
ExprKind::Scope { value, .. } => {
self.declare_guard_bindings(value, scope_span, visibility_scope);
ExprKind::Use { source } => {
self.declare_guard_bindings(source, scope_span, visibility_scope);
ExprKind::LogicalOp { op: LogicalOp::And, lhs, rhs } => {
self.declare_guard_bindings(lhs, scope_span, visibility_scope);
self.declare_guard_bindings(rhs, scope_span, visibility_scope);
_ => {}
pub(crate) fn storage_live_binding(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
var: LocalVarId,
span: Span,
for_guard: ForGuard,
schedule_drop: bool,
) -> Place<'tcx> {
let local_id = self.var_local_id(var, for_guard);
let source_info = self.source_info(span);
self.cfg.push(block, Statement { source_info, kind: StatementKind::StorageLive(local_id) });
// Although there is almost always scope for given variable in corner cases
// like #92893 we might get variable with no scope.
if let Some(region_scope) = self.region_scope_tree.var_scope(var.0.local_id)
&& schedule_drop
self.schedule_drop(span, region_scope, local_id, DropKind::Storage);
pub(crate) fn schedule_drop_for_binding(
&mut self,
var: LocalVarId,
span: Span,
for_guard: ForGuard,
) {
let local_id = self.var_local_id(var, for_guard);
if let Some(region_scope) = self.region_scope_tree.var_scope(var.0.local_id) {
self.schedule_drop(span, region_scope, local_id, DropKind::Value);
/// Visit all of the primary bindings in a patterns, that is, visit the
/// leftmost occurrence of each variable bound in a pattern. A variable
/// will occur more than once in an or-pattern.
pub(super) fn visit_primary_bindings(
&mut self,
pattern: &Pat<'tcx>,
pattern_user_ty: UserTypeProjections,
f: &mut impl FnMut(
&mut Self,
) {
"visit_primary_bindings: pattern={:?} pattern_user_ty={:?}",
pattern, pattern_user_ty
match pattern.kind {
PatKind::Binding { name, mode, var, ty, ref subpattern, is_primary, .. } => {
if is_primary {
f(self, name, mode, var, pattern.span, ty, pattern_user_ty.clone());
if let Some(subpattern) = subpattern.as_ref() {
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, pattern_user_ty, f);
PatKind::Array { ref prefix, ref slice, ref suffix }
| PatKind::Slice { ref prefix, ref slice, ref suffix } => {
let from = u64::try_from(prefix.len()).unwrap();
let to = u64::try_from(suffix.len()).unwrap();
for subpattern in prefix.iter() {
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, pattern_user_ty.clone().index(), f);
for subpattern in slice {
pattern_user_ty.clone().subslice(from, to),
for subpattern in suffix.iter() {
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, pattern_user_ty.clone().index(), f);
PatKind::Constant { .. }
| PatKind::Range { .. }
| PatKind::Wild
| PatKind::Never
| PatKind::Error(_) => {}
PatKind::Deref { ref subpattern } => {
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, pattern_user_ty.deref(), f);
PatKind::DerefPattern { ref subpattern, .. } => {
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, UserTypeProjections::none(), f);
PatKind::AscribeUserType {
ref subpattern,
ascription: thir::Ascription { ref annotation, variance: _ },
} => {
// This corresponds to something like
// ```
// let A::<'a>(_): A<'static> = ...;
// ```
// Note that the variance doesn't apply here, as we are tracking the effect
// of `user_ty` on any bindings contained with subpattern.
let projection = UserTypeProjection {
base: self.canonical_user_type_annotations.push(annotation.clone()),
projs: Vec::new(),
let subpattern_user_ty =
pattern_user_ty.push_projection(&projection, annotation.span);
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, subpattern_user_ty, f)
PatKind::InlineConstant { ref subpattern, .. } => {
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, pattern_user_ty, f)
PatKind::Leaf { ref subpatterns } => {
for subpattern in subpatterns {
let subpattern_user_ty = pattern_user_ty.clone().leaf(subpattern.field);
debug!("visit_primary_bindings: subpattern_user_ty={:?}", subpattern_user_ty);
self.visit_primary_bindings(&subpattern.pattern, subpattern_user_ty, f);
PatKind::Variant { adt_def, args: _, variant_index, ref subpatterns } => {
for subpattern in subpatterns {
let subpattern_user_ty =
pattern_user_ty.clone().variant(adt_def, variant_index, subpattern.field);
self.visit_primary_bindings(&subpattern.pattern, subpattern_user_ty, f);
PatKind::Or { ref pats } => {
// In cases where we recover from errors the primary bindings
// may not all be in the leftmost subpattern. For example in
// `let (x | y) = ...`, the primary binding of `y` occurs in
// the right subpattern
for subpattern in pats.iter() {
self.visit_primary_bindings(subpattern, pattern_user_ty.clone(), f);
/// Data extracted from a pattern that doesn't affect which branch is taken. Collected during
/// pattern simplification and not mutated later.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct PatternExtraData<'tcx> {
/// [`Span`] of the original pattern.
span: Span,
/// Bindings that must be established.
bindings: Vec<Binding<'tcx>>,
/// Types that must be asserted.
ascriptions: Vec<Ascription<'tcx>>,
impl<'tcx> PatternExtraData<'tcx> {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.bindings.is_empty() && self.ascriptions.is_empty()
/// A pattern in a form suitable for generating code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct FlatPat<'pat, 'tcx> {
/// To match the pattern, all of these must be satisfied...
// Invariant: all the `MatchPair`s are recursively simplified.
// Invariant: or-patterns must be sorted to the end.
match_pairs: Vec<MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx>>,
extra_data: PatternExtraData<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx, 'pat> FlatPat<'pat, 'tcx> {
fn new(
place: PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
pattern: &'pat Pat<'tcx>,
cx: &mut Builder<'_, 'tcx>,
) -> Self {
let mut flat_pat = FlatPat {
match_pairs: vec![MatchPair::new(place, pattern, cx)],
extra_data: PatternExtraData {
span: pattern.span,
bindings: Vec::new(),
ascriptions: Vec::new(),
cx.simplify_match_pairs(&mut flat_pat.match_pairs, &mut flat_pat.extra_data);
struct Candidate<'pat, 'tcx> {
/// For the candidate to match, all of these must be satisfied...
// Invariant: all the `MatchPair`s are recursively simplified.
// Invariant: or-patterns must be sorted at the end.
match_pairs: Vec<MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx>>,
/// ...and if this is non-empty, one of these subcandidates also has to match...
subcandidates: Vec<Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>>,
/// ...and the guard must be evaluated if there is one.
has_guard: bool,
/// If the guard is `false` then branch to `otherwise_block`.
otherwise_block: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// If the candidate matches, bindings and ascriptions must be established.
extra_data: PatternExtraData<'tcx>,
/// If we filled `self.subcandidate`, we store here the span of the or-pattern they came from.
// Invariant: it is `None` iff `subcandidates.is_empty()`.
or_span: Option<Span>,
/// The block before the `bindings` have been established.
pre_binding_block: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// The earliest block that has only candidates >= this one as descendents. Used for false
/// edges, see the doc for [`Builder::match_expr`].
false_edge_start_block: Option<BasicBlock>,
/// The `false_edge_start_block` of the next candidate.
next_candidate_start_block: Option<BasicBlock>,
impl<'tcx, 'pat> Candidate<'pat, 'tcx> {
fn new(
place: PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
pattern: &'pat Pat<'tcx>,
has_guard: bool,
cx: &mut Builder<'_, 'tcx>,
) -> Self {
Self::from_flat_pat(FlatPat::new(place, pattern, cx), has_guard)
fn from_flat_pat(flat_pat: FlatPat<'pat, 'tcx>, has_guard: bool) -> Self {
Candidate {
match_pairs: flat_pat.match_pairs,
extra_data: flat_pat.extra_data,
subcandidates: Vec::new(),
or_span: None,
otherwise_block: None,
pre_binding_block: None,
false_edge_start_block: None,
next_candidate_start_block: None,
/// Visit the leaf candidates (those with no subcandidates) contained in
/// this candidate.
fn visit_leaves<'a>(&'a mut self, mut visit_leaf: impl FnMut(&'a mut Self)) {
&mut (),
&mut move |c, _| visit_leaf(c),
move |c, _| c.subcandidates.iter_mut(),
|_| {},
/// A depth-first traversal of the `Candidate` and all of its recursive
/// subcandidates.
fn traverse_candidate<'pat, 'tcx: 'pat, C, T, I>(
candidate: C,
context: &mut T,
visit_leaf: &mut impl FnMut(C, &mut T),
get_children: impl Copy + Fn(C, &mut T) -> I,
complete_children: impl Copy + Fn(&mut T),
) where
C: Borrow<Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>>,
I: Iterator<Item = C>,
if candidate.borrow().subcandidates.is_empty() {
visit_leaf(candidate, context)
} else {
for child in get_children(candidate, context) {
traverse_candidate(child, context, visit_leaf, get_children, complete_children);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Binding<'tcx> {
span: Span,
source: Place<'tcx>,
var_id: LocalVarId,
binding_mode: BindingMode,
/// Indicates that the type of `source` must be a subtype of the
/// user-given type `user_ty`; this is basically a no-op but can
/// influence region inference.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Ascription<'tcx> {
source: Place<'tcx>,
annotation: CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation<'tcx>,
variance: ty::Variance,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum TestCase<'pat, 'tcx> {
Irrefutable { binding: Option<Binding<'tcx>>, ascription: Option<Ascription<'tcx>> },
Variant { adt_def: ty::AdtDef<'tcx>, variant_index: VariantIdx },
Constant { value: mir::Const<'tcx> },
Range(&'pat PatRange<'tcx>),
Slice { len: usize, variable_length: bool },
Deref { temp: Place<'tcx>, mutability: Mutability },
Or { pats: Box<[FlatPat<'pat, 'tcx>]> },
impl<'pat, 'tcx> TestCase<'pat, 'tcx> {
fn as_range(&self) -> Option<&'pat PatRange<'tcx>> {
if let Self::Range(v) = self { Some(*v) } else { None }
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx> {
/// This place...
// This can be `None` if it referred to a non-captured place in a closure.
// Invariant: place.is_none() => test_case is Irrefutable
// In other words this must be `Some(_)` after simplification.
place: Option<Place<'tcx>>,
/// ... must pass this test...
// Invariant: after creation and simplification in `Candidate::new()`, this must not be
// `Irrefutable`.
test_case: TestCase<'pat, 'tcx>,
/// ... and these subpairs must match.
subpairs: Vec<Self>,
/// The pattern this was created from.
pattern: &'pat Pat<'tcx>,
/// See [`Test`] for more.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum TestKind<'tcx> {
/// Test what enum variant a value is.
Switch {
/// The enum type being tested.
adt_def: ty::AdtDef<'tcx>,
/// Test what value an integer or `char` has.
/// Test what value a `bool` has.
/// Test for equality with value, possibly after an unsizing coercion to
/// `ty`,
Eq {
value: Const<'tcx>,
// Integer types are handled by `SwitchInt`, and constants with ADT
// types are converted back into patterns, so this can only be `&str`,
// `&[T]`, `f32` or `f64`.
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
/// Test whether the value falls within an inclusive or exclusive range.
/// Test that the length of the slice is equal to `len`.
Len { len: u64, op: BinOp },
/// Call `Deref::deref[_mut]` on the value.
Deref {
/// Temporary to store the result of `deref()`/`deref_mut()`.
temp: Place<'tcx>,
mutability: Mutability,
/// A test to perform to determine which [`Candidate`] matches a value.
/// [`Test`] is just the test to perform; it does not include the value
/// to be tested.
pub(crate) struct Test<'tcx> {
span: Span,
kind: TestKind<'tcx>,
/// The branch to be taken after a test.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum TestBranch<'tcx> {
/// Success branch, used for tests with two possible outcomes.
/// Branch corresponding to this constant.
Constant(Const<'tcx>, u128),
/// Branch corresponding to this variant.
/// Failure branch for tests with two possible outcomes, and "otherwise" branch for other tests.
impl<'tcx> TestBranch<'tcx> {
fn as_constant(&self) -> Option<&Const<'tcx>> {
if let Self::Constant(v, _) = self { Some(v) } else { None }
/// `ArmHasGuard` is a wrapper around a boolean flag. It indicates whether
/// a match arm has a guard expression attached to it.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct ArmHasGuard(pub(crate) bool);
// Main matching algorithm
impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
/// The main match algorithm. It begins with a set of candidates
/// `candidates` and has the job of generating code to determine
/// which of these candidates, if any, is the correct one. The
/// candidates are sorted such that the first item in the list
/// has the highest priority. When a candidate is found to match
/// the value, we will set and generate a branch to the appropriate
/// pre-binding block.
/// If we find that *NONE* of the candidates apply, we branch to `otherwise_block`.
/// It might be surprising that the input can be non-exhaustive.
/// Indeed, initially, it is not, because all matches are
/// exhaustive in Rust. But during processing we sometimes divide
/// up the list of candidates and recurse with a non-exhaustive
/// list. This is how our lowering approach (called "backtracking
/// automaton" in the literature) works.
/// See [`Builder::test_candidates`] for more details.
/// If `fake_borrows` is `Some`, then places which need fake borrows
/// will be added to it.
/// For an example of how we use `otherwise_block`, consider:
/// ```
/// # fn foo((x, y): (bool, bool)) -> u32 {
/// match (x, y) {
/// (true, true) => 1,
/// (_, false) => 2,
/// (false, true) => 3,
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// For this match, we generate something like:
/// ```
/// # fn foo((x, y): (bool, bool)) -> u32 {
/// if x {
/// if y {
/// return 1
/// } else {
/// // continue
/// }
/// } else {
/// // continue
/// }
/// if y {
/// if x {
/// // This is actually unreachable because the `(true, true)` case was handled above.
/// // continue
/// } else {
/// return 3
/// }
/// } else {
/// return 2
/// }
/// // this is the final `otherwise_block`, which is unreachable because the match was exhaustive.
/// unreachable!()
/// # }
/// ```
/// Every `continue` is an instance of branching to some `otherwise_block` somewhere deep within
/// the algorithm. For more details on why we lower like this, see [`Builder::test_candidates`].
/// Note how we test `x` twice. This is the tradeoff of backtracking automata: we prefer smaller
/// code size at the expense of non-optimal code paths.
#[instrument(skip(self), level = "debug")]
fn match_candidates<'pat>(
&mut self,
span: Span,
scrutinee_span: Span,
start_block: BasicBlock,
otherwise_block: BasicBlock,
candidates: &mut [&mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>],
) {
let mut split_or_candidate = false;
for candidate in &mut *candidates {
if let [MatchPair { test_case: TestCase::Or { .. }, .. }] = &*candidate.match_pairs {
// Split a candidate in which the only match-pair is an or-pattern into multiple
// candidates. This is so that
// match x {
// 0 | 1 => { ... },
// 2 | 3 => { ... },
// }
// only generates a single switch.
let match_pair = candidate.match_pairs.pop().unwrap();
self.create_or_subcandidates(candidate, match_pair);
split_or_candidate = true;
ensure_sufficient_stack(|| {
if split_or_candidate {
// At least one of the candidates has been split into subcandidates.
// We need to change the candidate list to include those.
let mut new_candidates = Vec::new();
for candidate in candidates.iter_mut() {
candidate.visit_leaves(|leaf_candidate| new_candidates.push(leaf_candidate));
&mut *new_candidates,
for candidate in candidates {
} else {
fn match_simplified_candidates(
&mut self,
span: Span,
scrutinee_span: Span,
mut start_block: BasicBlock,
otherwise_block: BasicBlock,
candidates: &mut [&mut Candidate<'_, 'tcx>],
) {
if let [first, ..] = candidates {
if first.false_edge_start_block.is_none() {
first.false_edge_start_block = Some(start_block);
match candidates {
[] => {
// If there are no candidates that still need testing, we're done. Since all matches are
// exhaustive, execution should never reach this point.
let source_info = self.source_info(span);
self.cfg.goto(start_block, source_info, otherwise_block);
[first, remaining @ ..] if first.match_pairs.is_empty() => {
// The first candidate has satisfied all its match pairs; we link it up and continue
// with the remaining candidates.
start_block = self.select_matched_candidate(first, start_block);
candidates => {
// The first candidate has some unsatisfied match pairs; we proceed to do more tests.
/// Link up matched candidates.
/// For example, if we have something like this:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// ...
/// Some(x) if cond1 => ...
/// Some(x) => ...
/// Some(x) if cond2 => ...
/// ...
/// ```
/// We generate real edges from:
/// * `start_block` to the [pre-binding block] of the first pattern,
/// * the [otherwise block] of the first pattern to the second pattern,
/// * the [otherwise block] of the third pattern to a block with an
/// [`Unreachable` terminator](TerminatorKind::Unreachable).
/// In addition, we later add fake edges from the otherwise blocks to the
/// pre-binding block of the next candidate in the original set of
/// candidates.
/// [pre-binding block]: Candidate::pre_binding_block
/// [otherwise block]: Candidate::otherwise_block
fn select_matched_candidate(
&mut self,
candidate: &mut Candidate<'_, 'tcx>,
start_block: BasicBlock,
) -> BasicBlock {
candidate.pre_binding_block = Some(start_block);
let otherwise_block = self.cfg.start_new_block();
if candidate.has_guard {
// Create the otherwise block for this candidate, which is the
// pre-binding block for the next candidate.
candidate.otherwise_block = Some(otherwise_block);
/// Tests a candidate where there are only or-patterns left to test, or
/// forwards to [Builder::test_candidates].
/// Given a pattern `(P | Q, R | S)` we (in principle) generate a CFG like
/// so:
/// ```text
/// [ start ]
/// |
/// [ match P, Q ]
/// |
/// +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------+
/// | | |
/// V V V
/// [ P matches ] [ Q matches ] [ otherwise ]
/// | | |
/// V V |
/// [ match R, S ] [ match R, S ] |
/// | | |
/// +--------------+------------+ +--------------+------------+ |
/// | | | | | | |
/// V V V V V V |
/// [ R matches ] [ S matches ] [otherwise ] [ R matches ] [ S matches ] [otherwise ] |
/// | | | | | | |
/// +--------------+------------|------------+--------------+ | |
/// | | | |
/// | +----------------------------------------+--------+
/// | |
/// V V
/// [ Success ] [ Failure ]
/// ```
/// In practice there are some complications:
/// * If there's a guard, then the otherwise branch of the first match on
/// `R | S` goes to a test for whether `Q` matches, and the control flow
/// doesn't merge into a single success block until after the guard is
/// tested.
/// * If neither `P` or `Q` has any bindings or type ascriptions and there
/// isn't a match guard, then we create a smaller CFG like:
/// ```text
/// ...
/// +---------------+------------+
/// | | |
/// [ P matches ] [ Q matches ] [ otherwise ]
/// | | |
/// +---------------+ |
/// | ...
/// [ match R, S ]
/// |
/// ...
/// ```
fn test_candidates_with_or(
&mut self,
span: Span,
scrutinee_span: Span,
candidates: &mut [&mut Candidate<'_, 'tcx>],
start_block: BasicBlock,
otherwise_block: BasicBlock,
) {
let (first_candidate, remaining_candidates) = candidates.split_first_mut().unwrap();
if !matches!(first_candidate.match_pairs[0].test_case, TestCase::Or { .. }) {
self.test_candidates(span, scrutinee_span, candidates, start_block, otherwise_block);
let first_match_pair = first_candidate.match_pairs.remove(0);
let remaining_match_pairs = mem::take(&mut first_candidate.match_pairs);
let remainder_start = self.cfg.start_new_block();
// Test the alternatives of this or-pattern.
self.test_or_pattern(first_candidate, start_block, remainder_start, first_match_pair);
if !remaining_match_pairs.is_empty() {
// If more match pairs remain, test them after each subcandidate.
// We could add them to the or-candidates before the call to `test_or_pattern` but this
// would make it impossible to detect simplifiable or-patterns. That would guarantee
// exponentially large CFGs for cases like `(1 | 2, 3 | 4, ...)`.
first_candidate.visit_leaves(|leaf_candidate| {
let or_start = leaf_candidate.pre_binding_block.unwrap();
// In a case like `(a | b, c | d)`, if `a` succeeds and `c | d` fails, we know `(b,
// c | d)` will fail too. If there is no guard, we skip testing of `b` by branching
// directly to `remainder_start`. If there is a guard, we have to try `(b, c | d)`.
let or_otherwise = leaf_candidate.otherwise_block.unwrap_or(remainder_start);
&mut [leaf_candidate],
// Test the remaining candidates.
#[instrument(skip(self, start_block, otherwise_block, candidate, match_pair), level = "debug")]
fn test_or_pattern<'pat>(
&mut self,
candidate: &mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>,
start_block: BasicBlock,
otherwise_block: BasicBlock,
match_pair: MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx>,
) {
let or_span = match_pair.pattern.span;
self.create_or_subcandidates(candidate, match_pair);
let mut or_candidate_refs: Vec<_> = candidate.subcandidates.iter_mut().collect();
&mut or_candidate_refs,
/// Given a match-pair that corresponds to an or-pattern, expand each subpattern into a new
/// subcandidate. Any candidate that has been expanded that way should be passed to
/// `merge_trivial_subcandidates` after its subcandidates have been processed.
fn create_or_subcandidates<'pat>(
&mut self,
candidate: &mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>,
match_pair: MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx>,
) {
let TestCase::Or { pats } = match_pair.test_case else { bug!() };
debug!("expanding or-pattern: candidate={:#?}\npats={:#?}", candidate, pats);
candidate.or_span = Some(match_pair.pattern.span);
candidate.subcandidates = pats
.map(|flat_pat| Candidate::from_flat_pat(flat_pat, candidate.has_guard))
candidate.subcandidates[0].false_edge_start_block = candidate.false_edge_start_block;
/// Try to merge all of the subcandidates of the given candidate into one. This avoids
/// exponentially large CFGs in cases like `(1 | 2, 3 | 4, ...)`. The or-pattern should have
/// been expanded with `create_or_subcandidates`.
fn merge_trivial_subcandidates(&mut self, candidate: &mut Candidate<'_, 'tcx>) {
if candidate.subcandidates.is_empty() || candidate.has_guard {
// FIXME(or_patterns; matthewjasper) Don't give up if we have a guard.
// FIXME(or_patterns; matthewjasper) Try to be more aggressive here.
let can_merge = candidate.subcandidates.iter().all(|subcandidate| {
subcandidate.subcandidates.is_empty() && subcandidate.extra_data.is_empty()
if can_merge {
let any_matches = self.cfg.start_new_block();
let or_span = candidate.or_span.take().unwrap();
let source_info = self.source_info(or_span);
if candidate.false_edge_start_block.is_none() {
candidate.false_edge_start_block =
for subcandidate in mem::take(&mut candidate.subcandidates) {
let or_block = subcandidate.pre_binding_block.unwrap();
self.cfg.goto(or_block, source_info, any_matches);
candidate.pre_binding_block = Some(any_matches);
/// Pick a test to run. Which test doesn't matter as long as it is guaranteed to fully match at
/// least one match pair. We currently simply pick the test corresponding to the first match
/// pair of the first candidate in the list.
/// *Note:* taking the first match pair is somewhat arbitrary, and we might do better here by
/// choosing more carefully what to test.
/// For example, consider the following possible match-pairs:
/// 1. `x @ Some(P)` -- we will do a [`Switch`] to decide what variant `x` has
/// 2. `x @ 22` -- we will do a [`SwitchInt`] to decide what value `x` has
/// 3. `x @ 3..5` -- we will do a [`Range`] test to decide what range `x` falls in
/// 4. etc.
/// [`Switch`]: TestKind::Switch
/// [`SwitchInt`]: TestKind::SwitchInt
/// [`Range`]: TestKind::Range
fn pick_test(&mut self, candidates: &[&mut Candidate<'_, 'tcx>]) -> (Place<'tcx>, Test<'tcx>) {
// Extract the match-pair from the highest priority candidate
let match_pair = &candidates.first().unwrap().match_pairs[0];
let test = self.test(match_pair);
// Unwrap is ok after simplification.
let match_place =;
debug!(?test, ?match_pair);
(match_place, test)
/// Given a test, we sort the input candidates into several buckets. If a candidate only matches
/// in one of the branches of `test`, we move it there. If it could match in more than one of
/// the branches of `test`, we stop sorting candidates.
/// This returns a pair of
/// - the candidates that weren't sorted;
/// - for each possible outcome of the test, the candidates that match in that outcome.
/// Moreover, we transform the branched candidates to reflect the fact that we know which
/// outcome of `test` occurred.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// # let (x, y, z) = (true, true, true);
/// match (x, y, z) {
/// (true , _ , true ) => true, // (0)
/// (false, false, _ ) => false, // (1)
/// (_ , true , _ ) => true, // (2)
/// (true , _ , false) => false, // (3)
/// }
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Assume we are testing on `x`. There are 2 overlapping candidate sets:
/// - If the outcome is that `x` is true, candidates 0, 2, and 3
/// - If the outcome is that `x` is false, candidates 1 and 2
/// Following our algorithm, candidate 0 is sorted into outcome `x == true`, candidate 1 goes
/// into outcome `x == false`, and candidate 2 and 3 remain unsorted.
/// The sorted candidates are transformed:
/// - candidate 0 becomes `[z @ true]` since we know that `x` was `true`;
/// - candidate 1 becomes `[y @ false]` since we know that `x` was `false`.
fn sort_candidates<'b, 'c, 'pat>(
&mut self,
match_place: Place<'tcx>,
test: &Test<'tcx>,
mut candidates: &'b mut [&'c mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>],
) -> (
&'b mut [&'c mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>],
FxIndexMap<TestBranch<'tcx>, Vec<&'b mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>>>,
) {
// For each of the possible outcomes, collect vector of candidates that apply if the test
// has that particular outcome.
let mut target_candidates: FxIndexMap<_, Vec<&mut Candidate<'_, '_>>> = Default::default();
let total_candidate_count = candidates.len();
// Sort the candidates into the appropriate vector in `target_candidates`. Note that at some
// point we may encounter a candidate where the test is not relevant; at that point, we stop
// sorting.
while let Some(candidate) = candidates.first_mut() {
let Some(branch) =
self.sort_candidate(match_place, test, candidate, &target_candidates)
else {
let (candidate, rest) = candidates.split_first_mut().unwrap();
candidates = rest;
// At least the first candidate ought to be tested
total_candidate_count > candidates.len(),
"{total_candidate_count}, {candidates:#?}"
debug!("tested_candidates: {}", total_candidate_count - candidates.len());
debug!("untested_candidates: {}", candidates.len());
(candidates, target_candidates)
/// This is the most subtle part of the match lowering algorithm. At this point, the input
/// candidates have been fully simplified, so all remaining match-pairs require some sort of
/// test.
/// Once we pick what sort of test we are going to perform, this test will help us winnow down
/// our candidates. So we walk over the candidates (from high to low priority) and check. We
/// compute, for each outcome of the test, a transformed list of candidates. If a candidate
/// matches in a single branch of our test, we add it to the corresponding outcome. We also
/// transform it to record the fact that we know which outcome occurred.
/// For example, if we are testing `x.0`'s variant, and we have a candidate `(x.0 @ Some(v), x.1
/// @ 22)`, then we would have a resulting candidate of `((x.0 as Some).0 @ v, x.1 @ 22)` in the
/// branch corresponding to `Some`. To ensure we make progress, we always pick a test that
/// results in simplifying the first candidate.
/// But there may also be candidates that the test doesn't
/// apply to. The classical example is wildcards:
/// ```
/// # let (x, y, z) = (true, true, true);
/// match (x, y, z) {
/// (true , _ , true ) => true, // (0)
/// (false, false, _ ) => false, // (1)
/// (_ , true , _ ) => true, // (2)
/// (true , _ , false) => false, // (3)
/// }
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Here, the traditional "decision tree" method would generate 2 separate code-paths for the 2
/// possible values of `x`. This would however duplicate some candidates, which would need to be
/// lowered several times.
/// In some cases, this duplication can create an exponential amount of
/// code. This is most easily seen by noticing that this method terminates
/// with precisely the reachable arms being reachable - but that problem
/// is trivially NP-complete:
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// match (var0, var1, var2, var3, ...) {
/// (true , _ , _ , false, true, ...) => false,
/// (_ , true, true , false, _ , ...) => false,
/// (false, _ , false, false, _ , ...) => false,
/// ...
/// _ => true
/// }
/// ```
/// Here the last arm is reachable only if there is an assignment to
/// the variables that does not match any of the literals. Therefore,
/// compilation would take an exponential amount of time in some cases.
/// In rustc, we opt instead for the "backtracking automaton" approach. This guarantees we never
/// duplicate a candidate (except in the presence of or-patterns). In fact this guarantee is
/// ensured by the fact that we carry around `&mut Candidate`s which can't be duplicated.
/// To make this work, whenever we decide to perform a test, if we encounter a candidate that
/// could match in more than one branch of the test, we stop. We generate code for the test and
/// for the candidates in its branches; the remaining candidates will be tested if the
/// candidates in the branches fail to match.
/// For example, if we test on `x` in the following:
/// ```
/// # fn foo((x, y, z): (bool, bool, bool)) -> u32 {
/// match (x, y, z) {
/// (true , _ , true ) => 0,
/// (false, false, _ ) => 1,
/// (_ , true , _ ) => 2,
/// (true , _ , false) => 3,
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// this function generates code that looks more of less like:
/// ```
/// # fn foo((x, y, z): (bool, bool, bool)) -> u32 {
/// if x {
/// match (y, z) {
/// (_, true) => return 0,
/// _ => {} // continue matching
/// }
/// } else {
/// match (y, z) {
/// (false, _) => return 1,
/// _ => {} // continue matching
/// }
/// }
/// // the block here is `remainder_start`
/// match (x, y, z) {
/// (_ , true , _ ) => 2,
/// (true , _ , false) => 3,
/// _ => unreachable!(),
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
fn test_candidates<'pat, 'b, 'c>(
&mut self,
span: Span,
scrutinee_span: Span,
candidates: &'b mut [&'c mut Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>],
start_block: BasicBlock,
otherwise_block: BasicBlock,
) {
// Extract the match-pair from the highest priority candidate and build a test from it.
let (match_place, test) = self.pick_test(candidates);
// For each of the N possible test outcomes, build the vector of candidates that applies if
// the test has that particular outcome.
let (remaining_candidates, target_candidates) =
self.sort_candidates(match_place, &test, candidates);
// The block that we should branch to if none of the
// `target_candidates` match.
let remainder_start = if !remaining_candidates.is_empty() {
let remainder_start = self.cfg.start_new_block();
} else {
// For each outcome of test, process the candidates that still apply.
let target_blocks: FxIndexMap<_, _> = target_candidates
.map(|(branch, mut candidates)| {
let candidate_start = self.cfg.start_new_block();
&mut *candidates,
(branch, candidate_start)
// Perform the test, branching to one of N blocks.
/// Determine the fake borrows that are needed from a set of places that
/// have to be stable across match guards.
/// Returns a list of places that need a fake borrow and the temporary
/// that's used to store the fake borrow.
/// Match exhaustiveness checking is not able to handle the case where the
/// place being matched on is mutated in the guards. We add "fake borrows"
/// to the guards that prevent any mutation of the place being matched.
/// There are a some subtleties:
/// 1. Borrowing `*x` doesn't prevent assigning to `x`. If `x` is a shared
/// reference, the borrow isn't even tracked. As such we have to add fake
/// borrows of any prefixes of a place
/// 2. We don't want `match x { _ => (), }` to conflict with mutable
/// borrows of `x`, so we only add fake borrows for places which are
/// bound or tested by the match.
/// 3. We don't want the fake borrows to conflict with `ref mut` bindings,
/// so we use a special BorrowKind for them.
/// 4. The fake borrows may be of places in inactive variants, so it would
/// be UB to generate code for them. They therefore have to be removed
/// by a MIR pass run after borrow checking.
fn calculate_fake_borrows<'b>(
&mut self,
fake_borrows: &'b FxIndexSet<Place<'tcx>>,
scrutinee_base: PlaceBase,
temp_span: Span,
) -> Vec<(Place<'tcx>, Local)> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
debug!("add_fake_borrows fake_borrows = {:?}", fake_borrows);
let mut all_fake_borrows = Vec::with_capacity(fake_borrows.len());
// Insert a Shallow borrow of the prefixes of any fake borrows.
for place in fake_borrows {
if let PlaceBase::Local(l) = scrutinee_base
&& l != place.local
// The base of this place is a temporary created for deref patterns. We don't emit
// fake borrows for these as they are not initialized in all branches.
// FIXME(deref_patterns): is this sound?
let mut cursor = place.projection.as_ref();
while let [proj_base @ .., elem] = cursor {
cursor = proj_base;
if let ProjectionElem::Deref = elem {
// Insert a shallow borrow after a deref. For other
// projections the borrow of prefix_cursor will
// conflict with any mutation of base.
all_fake_borrows.push(PlaceRef { local: place.local, projection: proj_base });
// Deduplicate
let mut dedup = FxHashSet::default();
all_fake_borrows.retain(|b| dedup.insert(*b));
debug!("add_fake_borrows all_fake_borrows = {:?}", all_fake_borrows);
.map(|matched_place_ref| {
let matched_place = Place {
local: matched_place_ref.local,
projection: tcx.mk_place_elems(matched_place_ref.projection),
let fake_borrow_deref_ty = matched_place.ty(&self.local_decls, tcx).ty;
let fake_borrow_ty =
Ty::new_imm_ref(tcx, tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, fake_borrow_deref_ty);
let mut fake_borrow_temp = LocalDecl::new(fake_borrow_ty, temp_span);
fake_borrow_temp.local_info = ClearCrossCrate::Set(Box::new(LocalInfo::FakeBorrow));
let fake_borrow_temp = self.local_decls.push(fake_borrow_temp);
(matched_place, fake_borrow_temp)
// Pat binding - used for `let` and function parameters as well.
impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
/// If the bindings have already been declared, set `declare_bindings` to
/// `false` to avoid duplicated bindings declaration. Used for if-let guards.
pub(crate) fn lower_let_expr(
&mut self,
mut block: BasicBlock,
expr_id: ExprId,
pat: &Pat<'tcx>,
source_scope: Option<SourceScope>,
span: Span,
declare_bindings: bool,
) -> BlockAnd<()> {
let expr_span = self.thir[expr_id].span;
let expr_place_builder = unpack!(block = self.lower_scrutinee(block, expr_id, expr_span));
let wildcard = Pat::wildcard_from_ty(pat.ty);
let mut guard_candidate = Candidate::new(expr_place_builder.clone(), pat, false, self);
let mut otherwise_candidate =
Candidate::new(expr_place_builder.clone(), &wildcard, false, self);
let fake_borrow_temps = self.lower_match_tree(
&mut [&mut guard_candidate, &mut otherwise_candidate],
let expr_place = expr_place_builder.try_to_place(self);
let opt_expr_place = expr_place.as_ref().map(|place| (Some(place), expr_span));
let otherwise_post_guard_block = otherwise_candidate.pre_binding_block.unwrap();
self.break_for_else(otherwise_post_guard_block, self.source_info(expr_span));
if declare_bindings {
self.declare_bindings(source_scope,, pat, None, opt_expr_place);
let post_guard_block = self.bind_pattern(
/// Initializes each of the bindings from the candidate by
/// moving/copying/ref'ing the source as appropriate. Tests the guard, if
/// any, and then branches to the arm. Returns the block for the case where
/// the guard succeeds.
/// Note: we do not check earlier that if there is a guard,
/// there cannot be move bindings. We avoid a use-after-move by only
/// moving the binding once the guard has evaluated to true (see below).
fn bind_and_guard_matched_candidate<'pat>(
&mut self,
candidate: Candidate<'pat, 'tcx>,
parent_data: &[PatternExtraData<'tcx>],
fake_borrows: &[(Place<'tcx>, Local)],
scrutinee_span: Span,
arm_match_scope: Option<(&Arm<'tcx>, region::Scope)>,
schedule_drops: bool,
storages_alive: bool,
) -> BasicBlock {
debug!("bind_and_guard_matched_candidate(candidate={:?})", candidate);
let candidate_source_info = self.source_info(candidate.extra_data.span);
let mut block = candidate.pre_binding_block.unwrap();
if candidate.next_candidate_start_block.is_some() {
let fresh_block = self.cfg.start_new_block();
block = fresh_block;
.flat_map(|d| &d.ascriptions)
// rust-lang/rust#27282: The `autoref` business deserves some
// explanation here.
// The intent of the `autoref` flag is that when it is true,
// then any pattern bindings of type T will map to a `&T`
// within the context of the guard expression, but will
// continue to map to a `T` in the context of the arm body. To
// avoid surfacing this distinction in the user source code
// (which would be a severe change to the language and require
// far more revision to the compiler), when `autoref` is true,
// then any occurrence of the identifier in the guard
// expression will automatically get a deref op applied to it.
// So an input like:
// ```
// let place = Foo::new();
// match place { foo if inspect(foo)
// => feed(foo), ... }
// ```
// will be treated as if it were really something like:
// ```
// let place = Foo::new();
// match place { Foo { .. } if { let tmp1 = &place; inspect(*tmp1) }
// => { let tmp2 = place; feed(tmp2) }, ... }
// ```
// And an input like:
// ```
// let place = Foo::new();
// match place { ref mut foo if inspect(foo)
// => feed(foo), ... }
// ```
// will be treated as if it were really something like:
// ```
// let place = Foo::new();
// match place { Foo { .. } if { let tmp1 = & &mut place; inspect(*tmp1) }
// => { let tmp2 = &mut place; feed(tmp2) }, ... }
// ```
// In short, any pattern binding will always look like *some*
// kind of `&T` within the guard at least in terms of how the
// MIR-borrowck views it, and this will ensure that guard
// expressions cannot mutate their the match inputs via such
// bindings. (It also ensures that guard expressions can at
// most *copy* values from such bindings; non-Copy things
// cannot be moved via pattern bindings in guard expressions.)
// ----
// Implementation notes (under assumption `autoref` is true).
// To encode the distinction above, we must inject the
// temporaries `tmp1` and `tmp2`.
// There are two cases of interest: binding by-value, and binding by-ref.
// 1. Binding by-value: Things are simple.
// * Establishing `tmp1` creates a reference into the
// matched place. This code is emitted by
// bind_matched_candidate_for_guard.
// * `tmp2` is only initialized "lazily", after we have
// checked the guard. Thus, the code that can trigger
// moves out of the candidate can only fire after the
// guard evaluated to true. This initialization code is
// emitted by bind_matched_candidate_for_arm.
// 2. Binding by-reference: Things are tricky.
// * Here, the guard expression wants a `&&` or `&&mut`
// into the original input. This means we need to borrow
// the reference that we create for the arm.
// * So we eagerly create the reference for the arm and then take a
// reference to that.
if let Some((arm, match_scope)) = arm_match_scope
&& let Some(guard) = arm.guard
let tcx = self.tcx;
let bindings =
parent_data.iter().flat_map(|d| &d.bindings).chain(&candidate.extra_data.bindings);
self.bind_matched_candidate_for_guard(block, schedule_drops, bindings.clone());
let guard_frame =
GuardFrame { locals:|b| GuardFrameLocal::new(b.var_id)).collect() };
debug!("entering guard building context: {:?}", guard_frame);
let re_erased = tcx.lifetimes.re_erased;
let scrutinee_source_info = self.source_info(scrutinee_span);
for &(place, temp) in fake_borrows {
let borrow = Rvalue::Ref(re_erased, BorrowKind::Fake, place);
self.cfg.push_assign(block, scrutinee_source_info, Place::from(temp), borrow);
let mut guard_span = rustc_span::DUMMY_SP;
let (post_guard_block, otherwise_post_guard_block) =
self.in_if_then_scope(match_scope, guard_span, |this| {
guard_span = this.thir[guard].span;
None, // Use `self.local_scope()` as the temp scope
false, // For guards, `let` bindings are declared separately
let source_info = self.source_info(guard_span);
let guard_end = self.source_info(tcx.sess.source_map().end_point(guard_span));
let guard_frame = self.guard_context.pop().unwrap();
debug!("Exiting guard building context with locals: {:?}", guard_frame);
for &(_, temp) in fake_borrows {
let cause = FakeReadCause::ForMatchGuard;
self.cfg.push_fake_read(post_guard_block, guard_end, cause, Place::from(temp));
let otherwise_block = candidate.otherwise_block.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let unreachable = self.cfg.start_new_block();
self.cfg.terminate(unreachable, source_info, TerminatorKind::Unreachable);
// We want to ensure that the matched candidates are bound
// after we have confirmed this candidate *and* any
// associated guard; Binding them on `block` is too soon,
// because that would be before we've checked the result
// from the guard.
// But binding them on the arm is *too late*, because
// then all of the candidates for a single arm would be
// bound in the same place, that would cause a case like:
// ```rust
// match (30, 2) {
// (mut x, 1) | (2, mut x) if { true } => { ... }
// ... // ^^^^^^^ (this is `arm_block`)
// }
// ```
// would yield an `arm_block` something like:
// ```
// StorageLive(_4); // _4 is `x`
// _4 = &mut (_1.0: i32); // this is handling `(mut x, 1)` case
// _4 = &mut (_1.1: i32); // this is handling `(2, mut x)` case
// ```
// and that is clearly not correct.
let by_value_bindings = parent_data
.flat_map(|d| &d.bindings)
.filter(|binding| matches!(binding.binding_mode.0, ByRef::No));
// Read all of the by reference bindings to ensure that the
// place they refer to can't be modified by the guard.
for binding in by_value_bindings.clone() {
let local_id = self.var_local_id(binding.var_id, RefWithinGuard);
let cause = FakeReadCause::ForGuardBinding;
self.cfg.push_fake_read(post_guard_block, guard_end, cause, Place::from(local_id));
assert!(schedule_drops, "patterns with guards must schedule drops");
} else {
// (Here, it is not too early to bind the matched
// candidate on `block`, because there is no guard result
// that we have to inspect before we bind them.)
parent_data.iter().flat_map(|d| &d.bindings).chain(&candidate.extra_data.bindings),
/// Append `AscribeUserType` statements onto the end of `block`
/// for each ascription
fn ascribe_types(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
ascriptions: impl IntoIterator<Item = Ascription<'tcx>>,
) {
for ascription in ascriptions {
let source_info = self.source_info(ascription.annotation.span);
let base = self.canonical_user_type_annotations.push(ascription.annotation);
Statement {
kind: StatementKind::AscribeUserType(
UserTypeProjection { base, projs: Vec::new() },
fn bind_matched_candidate_for_guard<'b>(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
schedule_drops: bool,
bindings: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'b Binding<'tcx>>,
) where
'tcx: 'b,
debug!("bind_matched_candidate_for_guard(block={:?})", block);
// Assign each of the bindings. Since we are binding for a
// guard expression, this will never trigger moves out of the
// candidate.
let re_erased = self.tcx.lifetimes.re_erased;
for binding in bindings {
debug!("bind_matched_candidate_for_guard(binding={:?})", binding);
let source_info = self.source_info(binding.span);
// For each pattern ident P of type T, `ref_for_guard` is
// a reference R: &T pointing to the location matched by
// the pattern, and every occurrence of P within a guard
// denotes *R.
let ref_for_guard = self.storage_live_binding(
match binding.binding_mode.0 {
ByRef::No => {
let rvalue = Rvalue::Ref(re_erased, BorrowKind::Shared, binding.source);
self.cfg.push_assign(block, source_info, ref_for_guard, rvalue);
ByRef::Yes(mutbl) => {
let value_for_arm = self.storage_live_binding(
let rvalue =
Rvalue::Ref(re_erased, util::ref_pat_borrow_kind(mutbl), binding.source);
self.cfg.push_assign(block, source_info, value_for_arm, rvalue);
let rvalue = Rvalue::Ref(re_erased, BorrowKind::Shared, value_for_arm);
self.cfg.push_assign(block, source_info, ref_for_guard, rvalue);
fn bind_matched_candidate_for_arm_body<'b>(
&mut self,
block: BasicBlock,
schedule_drops: bool,
bindings: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'b Binding<'tcx>>,
storages_alive: bool,
) where
'tcx: 'b,
debug!("bind_matched_candidate_for_arm_body(block={:?})", block);
let re_erased = self.tcx.lifetimes.re_erased;
// Assign each of the bindings. This may trigger moves out of the candidate.
for binding in bindings {
let source_info = self.source_info(binding.span);
let local = if storages_alive {
// Here storages are already alive, probably because this is a binding
// from let-else.
// We just need to schedule drop for the value.
self.var_local_id(binding.var_id, OutsideGuard).into()
} else {
if schedule_drops {
self.schedule_drop_for_binding(binding.var_id, binding.span, OutsideGuard);
let rvalue = match binding.binding_mode.0 {
ByRef::No => Rvalue::Use(self.consume_by_copy_or_move(binding.source)),
ByRef::Yes(mutbl) => {
Rvalue::Ref(re_erased, util::ref_pat_borrow_kind(mutbl), binding.source)
self.cfg.push_assign(block, source_info, local, rvalue);
/// Each binding (`ref mut var`/`ref var`/`mut var`/`var`, where the bound
/// `var` has type `T` in the arm body) in a pattern maps to 2 locals. The
/// first local is a binding for occurrences of `var` in the guard, which
/// will have type `&T`. The second local is a binding for occurrences of
/// `var` in the arm body, which will have type `T`.
#[instrument(skip(self), level = "debug")]
fn declare_binding(
&mut self,
source_info: SourceInfo,
visibility_scope: SourceScope,
name: Symbol,
mode: BindingMode,
var_id: LocalVarId,
var_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
user_ty: UserTypeProjections,
has_guard: ArmHasGuard,
opt_match_place: Option<(Option<Place<'tcx>>, Span)>,
pat_span: Span,
) {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let debug_source_info = SourceInfo { span: source_info.span, scope: visibility_scope };
let local = LocalDecl {
mutability: mode.1,
ty: var_ty,
user_ty: if user_ty.is_empty() { None } else { Some(Box::new(user_ty)) },
local_info: ClearCrossCrate::Set(Box::new(LocalInfo::User(BindingForm::Var(
VarBindingForm {
binding_mode: mode,
// hypothetically, `visit_primary_bindings` could try to unzip
// an outermost hir::Ty as we descend, matching up
// idents in pat; but complex w/ unclear UI payoff.
// Instead, just abandon providing diagnostic info.
opt_ty_info: None,
let for_arm_body = self.local_decls.push(local);
self.var_debug_info.push(VarDebugInfo {
source_info: debug_source_info,
value: VarDebugInfoContents::Place(for_arm_body.into()),
composite: None,
argument_index: None,
let locals = if has_guard.0 {
let ref_for_guard = self.local_decls.push(LocalDecl::<'tcx> {
// This variable isn't mutated but has a name, so has to be
// immutable to avoid the unused mut lint.
mutability: Mutability::Not,
ty: Ty::new_imm_ref(tcx, tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, var_ty),
user_ty: None,
local_info: ClearCrossCrate::Set(Box::new(LocalInfo::User(
self.var_debug_info.push(VarDebugInfo {
source_info: debug_source_info,
value: VarDebugInfoContents::Place(ref_for_guard.into()),
composite: None,
argument_index: None,
LocalsForNode::ForGuard { ref_for_guard, for_arm_body }
} else {
self.var_indices.insert(var_id, locals);
pub(crate) fn ast_let_else(
&mut self,
mut block: BasicBlock,
init_id: ExprId,
initializer_span: Span,
else_block: BlockId,
let_else_scope: &region::Scope,
pattern: &Pat<'tcx>,
) -> BlockAnd<BasicBlock> {
let else_block_span = self.thir[else_block].span;
let (matching, failure) = self.in_if_then_scope(*let_else_scope, else_block_span, |this| {
let scrutinee = unpack!(block = this.lower_scrutinee(block, init_id, initializer_span));
let pat = Pat { ty: pattern.ty, span: else_block_span, kind: PatKind::Wild };
let mut wildcard = Candidate::new(scrutinee.clone(), &pat, false, this);
let mut candidate = Candidate::new(scrutinee.clone(), pattern, false, this);
let fake_borrow_temps = this.lower_match_tree(
&mut [&mut candidate, &mut wildcard],
// This block is for the matching case
let matching = this.bind_pattern(
// This block is for the failure case
let failure = this.bind_pattern(
this.break_for_else(failure, this.source_info(initializer_span));