blob: 91cf8e81619942f5c3c99e55e76685be79b20c71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Check we do the correct privacy checks when we import a name and there is an
// item with that name in both the value and type namespaces.
// public type, private value
pub mod foo1 {
pub trait Bar {
pub struct Baz;
fn Bar() { }
fn test_glob1() {
use foo1::*;
Bar(); //~ ERROR expected function, found trait `Bar`
// private type, public value
pub mod foo2 {
trait Bar {
pub struct Baz;
pub fn Bar() { }
fn test_glob2() {
use foo2::*;
let _x: Box<Bar>; //~ ERROR expected type, found function `Bar`
// neither public
pub mod foo3 {
trait Bar {
pub struct Baz;
fn Bar() { }
fn test_glob3() {
use foo3::*;
Bar(); //~ ERROR cannot find function `Bar` in this scope
let _x: Box<Bar>; //~ ERROR cannot find type `Bar` in this scope
fn main() {