blob: 1e011ea9cba5e4f316b4730cf1b18f7c0f50a765 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::consts::{constant_simple, Constant};
use crate::utils::span_lint_and_help;
use if_chain::if_chain;
use rustc_hir::{BinOpKind, Expr, ExprKind};
use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass};
use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint};
declare_clippy_lint! {
/// **What it does:** Checks for `0.0 / 0.0`.
/// **Why is this bad?** It's less readable than `f32::NAN` or `f64::NAN`.
/// **Known problems:** None.
/// **Example:**
/// ```rust
/// // Bad
/// let nan = 0.0f32 / 0.0;
/// // Good
/// let nan = f32::NAN;
/// ```
"usage of `0.0 / 0.0` to obtain NaN instead of `f32::NAN` or `f64::NAN`"
declare_lint_pass!(ZeroDiv => [ZERO_DIVIDED_BY_ZERO]);
impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for ZeroDiv {
fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
// check for instances of 0.0/0.0
if_chain! {
if let ExprKind::Binary(ref op, ref left, ref right) = expr.kind;
if let BinOpKind::Div = op.node;
// TODO - constant_simple does not fold many operations involving floats.
// That's probably fine for this lint - it's pretty unlikely that someone would
// do something like 0.0/(2.0 - 2.0), but it would be nice to warn on that case too.
if let Some(lhs_value) = constant_simple(cx, cx.tables(), left);
if let Some(rhs_value) = constant_simple(cx, cx.tables(), right);
if Constant::F32(0.0) == lhs_value || Constant::F64(0.0) == lhs_value;
if Constant::F32(0.0) == rhs_value || Constant::F64(0.0) == rhs_value;
then {
// since we're about to suggest a use of f32::NAN or f64::NAN,
// match the precision of the literals that are given.
let float_type = match (lhs_value, rhs_value) {
(Constant::F64(_), _)
| (_, Constant::F64(_)) => "f64",
_ => "f32"
"constant division of `0.0` with `0.0` will always result in NaN",
"Consider using `{}::NAN` if you would like a constant representing NaN",