blob: 850d81940791fd168afbe9224765cf642bbaaf61 [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0759]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime
--> $DIR/
LL | fn i<'a, T, U>(v: Box<dyn A<U>+'a>) -> Box<dyn X + 'static> {
| ---------------- this data with lifetime `'a`...
LL | box B(&*v) as Box<dyn X>
| ^^^ captured here, requiring it to live as long as `'static`
help: consider changing the trait object's explicit `'static` bound to the lifetime of argument `v`
LL | fn i<'a, T, U>(v: Box<dyn A<U>+'a>) -> Box<dyn X + 'a> {
| ^^
help: alternatively, add an explicit `'static` bound to this reference
LL | fn i<'a, T, U>(v: std::boxed::Box<(dyn A<U> + 'static)>) -> Box<dyn X + 'static> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0759`.