blob: 8794d42f4113fca855b702f012989f47383e09a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test for RFC 1268: we allow overlapping impls of marker traits,
// that is, traits with #[marker]. In this case, a type `T` is
// `MyMarker` if it is either `Debug` or `Display`. This test just
// checks that we don't consider **all** types to be `MyMarker`.
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
#[marker] trait Marker {}
impl<T: Debug> Marker for T {}
impl<T: Display> Marker for T {}
fn is_marker<T: Marker>() { }
struct NotDebugOrDisplay;
fn main() {
// Debug && Display:
// Debug && !Display:
// !Debug && !Display
is_marker::<NotDebugOrDisplay>(); //~ ERROR