blob: 0a144a6bac2f18ae0124aee27d10cf0dcd3dfac0 [file] [log] [blame]
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| overflowing in-bounds pointer arithmetic
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `BEFORE_START` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const BEFORE_START: *const u8 = unsafe { (&0u8 as *const u8).offset(-1) };
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
= note: `#[deny(const_err)]` on by default
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| inbounds test failed: pointer must be in-bounds at offset 2, but is outside bounds of allocN which has size 1
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `AFTER_END` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const AFTER_END: *const u8 = unsafe { (&0u8 as *const u8).offset(2) };
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| inbounds test failed: pointer must be in-bounds at offset 101, but is outside bounds of allocN which has size 100
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `AFTER_ARRAY` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const AFTER_ARRAY: *const u8 = unsafe { [0u8; 100].as_ptr().offset(101) };
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| overflowing in-bounds pointer arithmetic
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u16>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `OVERFLOW` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const OVERFLOW: *const u16 = unsafe { [0u16; 1].as_ptr().offset(isize::MAX) };
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| overflowing in-bounds pointer arithmetic
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u16>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `UNDERFLOW` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const UNDERFLOW: *const u16 = unsafe { [0u16; 1].as_ptr().offset(isize::MIN) };
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| overflowing in-bounds pointer arithmetic
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const OVERFLOW_ADDRESS_SPACE: *const u8 = unsafe { (usize::MAX as *const u8).offset(2) };
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| overflowing in-bounds pointer arithmetic
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const UNDERFLOW_ADDRESS_SPACE: *const u8 = unsafe { (1 as *const u8).offset(-2) };
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| inbounds test failed: pointer must be in-bounds at offset 1, but is outside bounds of allocN which has size 0
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `ZERO_SIZED_ALLOC` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const ZERO_SIZED_ALLOC: *const u8 = unsafe { [0u8; 0].as_ptr().offset(1) };
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) as *mut T }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| unable to turn bytes into a pointer
| inside `std::ptr::mut_ptr::<impl *mut u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `DANGLING` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const DANGLING: *const u8 = unsafe { ptr::NonNull::<u8>::dangling().as_ptr().offset(4) };
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| inbounds test failed: 0x0 is not a valid pointer
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `NULL_OFFSET_ZERO` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const NULL_OFFSET_ZERO: *const u8 = unsafe { ptr::null::<u8>().offset(0) };
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: any use of this value will cause an error
--> $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
LL | unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| unable to turn bytes into a pointer
| inside `std::ptr::const_ptr::<impl *const u8>::offset` at $SRC_DIR/libcore/ptr/
| inside `UNDERFLOW_ABS` at $DIR/
::: $DIR/
LL | pub const UNDERFLOW_ABS: *const u8 = unsafe { (usize::MAX as *const u8).offset(isize::MIN) };
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error: aborting due to 11 previous errors