blob: aa9b3144f401befa15cd15fb4b7e4d274087385d [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -Zunleash-the-miri-inside-of-you
// only-x86_64
fn main() {}
// Make sure we catch executing inline assembly.
static TEST_BAD1: () = {
unsafe { llvm_asm!("xor %eax, %eax" ::: "eax"); }
//~^ ERROR could not evaluate static initializer
//~| NOTE inline assembly is not supported
//~| NOTE in this expansion of llvm_asm!
//~| NOTE in this expansion of llvm_asm!
// Make sure we catch executing inline assembly.
static TEST_BAD2: () = {
unsafe { asm!("nop"); }
//~^ ERROR could not evaluate static initializer
//~| NOTE inline assembly is not supported